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45303055 No.45303055 [Reply] [Original]

Hey everyone, lw just released a new character but I think Marisa's sniper rifle is illogical, right? the viewfinder is both above and below

>> No.45303073

>sniper rifle
What? Don't even get me started with milkers and bikini

>> No.45303088

The hot sauce makes this picture hilarious.

>> No.45303098

It's a size comparison for marisa's height.
Also that rifle looks hideous.

>> No.45303132

youre expecting too much from gachashit
i bet this was AI generated and cleaned by some korean gook

>> No.45303138

Yeah she's more of an assault rifle girl. Lots more firepower at close range.

>> No.45303244

I think it's a water gun

>> No.45303253

Someone give me the explanation about the hot sauce and its correlation with Marisa in a bikini carrying a sniper rifle.
This is getting ridiculous.

>> No.45303801
File: 1.41 MB, 2300x1900, __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_bb_baalbuddy__fd3b6999a7d96c91c94a927727eda34b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess she's Texan now.

>> No.45303985

First time I saw this, I found this Yuugi weird because hornless, then Flandre? Took 3rd time to realise Marisa

>> No.45304006

You guys blind? That's Junko

>> No.45304076

>that cloak

>> No.45308036

>we want the NIKKE audience

HWTA THE FUCK, THAT DOESN'T EVEN RESEMBLES MARISA ANYMORE??? Fuck you ZUN, you fucking sellout. What a shame, my childhood hero turned out to be a no integrity hack that approves of the character assassination of his own characters in the altar of gacha profits.

>> No.45308095

That's clearly either an air rifle or maybe a paintball gun.
Notice the air canister at the back where the stock should be. And the fact that no sane person would ever offset their optic like that unless it was absolutely neccessary.
I don't think it'd be a water gun though, there's no reason to make the barrel that long if all it is is a glorified garden hose.

Sexy Marisa though.

>> No.45308101

ZUN isn't checking and approving every gacha design, anon
he still doesn't actually like gacha so he just lets them do whatever and doesn't pay attention to it

>> No.45308169

These gachas are no common fan game made by a lone passionate fan that values these characters, these are made by serious multi-billion dollar companies, it's naive to think they don't ask for his approval and cut him a huge check of the profits in exchange of allowing this betrayal JUDAS WAS PAID!!!!

>> No.45308250
File: 851 KB, 1169x705, beach marisas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45308291
File: 227 KB, 750x750, 200201_Marisa_Kirisame_WoSD_FX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea but the original version of this Marisa is a pretty neat idea. She gave away her true name in a fairy's (not the 2hu kind, the trickster kind) deal for power due to her inabilities to keep up with that worlds Reimu, and said power literally turned her into an endlessly burning and uncontrollable imploding star that almost instantly wiped an alternative Gensokyo to nothingness, with just the SDM remaining because they're the only people that could create a pseudo black-hole for time dilation purposes. Because again: imploding star.

Problem is that it's the only good chapter in the story, at least that I played outta curiosity, and even then it's stretching the definition since SDM bias always makes my eyes roll even if it's the one time I get it. Shame they shit on that by turning her into coomerbait.

>> No.45308386

She also just kinda sucks as a unit compared to others in her tier, so it's a huge discrepancy between her lore and the actual unit.

>> No.45311048

sounds like what a 13 year old would write for his sonic fanfic
and g*chatards call this "good story"?

>> No.45311213

ZUN only gave permission to use his IP and get checks for it, but he doesn't literally check every single character that get made, nor GS company need to ask permission for all of them. That doesn't actually make much sense.
You're overestimate ZUN's involvement here.

>> No.45312398

pink gold peach tier shit
Lost Word is the worst thing to ever happen to Touhou

>> No.45313088
File: 238 KB, 500x500, marisa eosd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Pink Gold Peach still resembles Peach, if it wasn't for the text no one would guess that's supposed to be this.

>> No.45321869

Another year stealing the poll?

>> No.45322162

I think lost word is great because it draws the attention of all the retarded secondaries away from the actually good touhou content

>> No.45322217

this will be touhou in 2023

>> No.45322310

I know that gacha has to crank out material, since that is the only way the beast can consume money. But I think they might have taken it too far.
It's not like lewd and sexy outfits are uncommon in LW, but this is really pushing it.

>> No.45322327

My problem is not with the lewdness, my problem is that the reason behind these new designs is so lazy and they don't even resemble the original characters anymore. That's not fucking Marisa, that's just a blonde ripoff of Yoko Ritona.

>> No.45322339

Who cares though? The gacha has no ZUN involvement aside from his approval, it's basically a fan project that he probably get a cut from.

>> No.45322372

But who cares how little ZUN is involved in it. lost word has some truly odd choices in it's character roster that I dislike, just because Zun isn't involved doesn't mean my dislike of the game is invalidated.

>> No.45322377

>actually good touhou content
like what?

>> No.45322399

>it's basically a fan project
"Fan projects" don't get official merchandise, multi-million dollar budgets, a worldwide server infrastructure, big real life promotions and explicit licencing from ZUN. This is like saying that "hurr Mario Kart Tour is just a fan project!" because it's developed by Namco and has no involvement from Miyamoto.

>> No.45322416

ZUN is getting old, he needs his retirement money from somewhere

>> No.45322459

I'm not going to spoonfeed you if that's what you're expecting

>> No.45322467

guess I'll just keep consuming bad content then, since you're unwilling to say anything you consider good

>> No.45322487


>> No.45322533

It's not canon so I can ignore it while laughing at how retarded it is, good for ZUN that he secured the bag.

>> No.45331946

>>alt of an alt
