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4525578 No.4525578 [Reply] [Original]

Chase the Enigma of the Superdreadnought Guignol netplay thread.

>> No.4525598
File: 185 KB, 600x420, 9080956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QUEEN OF IDOLS is better

>> No.4525819

Someone host!

>> No.4525840

Why don't you do it?

>> No.4525849

Hey, it's me, remember? I've been looking for Desunonymous, I wanna play

>> No.4525881

No one can host: The game

>> No.4525906
File: 148 KB, 640x480, 1266113161959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4525906 EC
How do I block? tier.

>> No.4526179

Anyways, GG's miko t'was fun.

>> No.4526188

Sorry about that, my internet went out. Good games though!

>> No.4526199

Very funny weeaboo, please use Unthinkable Natural Law next time you scrub.

>> No.4526211 [DELETED]


>> No.4526216 [DELETED]


>> No.4526230


Is it really that hard to make a Hisouten netplay thread by the norms? I'm a retard for playing along with this shit.

>> No.4526244

CtEotSDG is the official name.

>> No.4526347

Alright, fuck this. Another day, /jp/; not today. Host down >>4526230

>> No.4526399

Well its suppose to be a Hisoutensoku thread, not CtEotSDG or UNL

>> No.4526419


-> your head <-

>it flew

>> No.4526574

GGs miko

>> No.4526592

Good games! I didn't know half the characters I was using, haha.

>> No.4526759
File: 808 KB, 1310x1309, e49f21df314b0f48ac931401273ef55f2e75228c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only for a little while I guess.

>> No.4526821

Sorry about the lag. I knew we were going to have a bit, but you are the only people I can play against ;_;

>> No.4526843
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 124089f1c035d7bf2ac4660aecb229cd010724cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't had a game that laggy in a while. Still doesn't explain how you lost that first round though...

Rehosting I guess.

>> No.4526875

Since Resident is busy, guess I'll throw my hat in the ring, too.

US Central
Knivin' tier

>> No.4526894

...and then we wait...

>> No.4527006

GGs Resident.
Sorry, even for me just sucking at this game, I'm doing exceptionally horrible today for some reason.

>> No.4527011
File: 132 KB, 398x528, 0b82c9fe0d847af2b5d2018f5a81eba7311bdfd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs again man. I hate how the random selection button likes to dump me on Reimu all the time. I never played as her until I fought you.

Rehosting one last time.

>> No.4527040
File: 660 KB, 600x1139, 76e6dfdddf02a7dd9f72881ce3eb49e7b41cd6b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just described pretty much half of my days playing netplay recently lol. Half the days I seem to be at least decent, the other half, I am just making terrible mistakes. I try to learn from those days but... Usually doesn't happen. Because if I did, I wouldn't suck so bad at this game as I already do ;_;

>> No.4527178
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>> No.4527213

Too laggy. Well, let's try some other day.

>> No.4527246
File: 22 KB, 800x540, 01252093720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remilia Scarlet!NOU

>> No.4527296

It was a little laggy. I don't know where you are but I did forget to put EC in my post.

>> No.4527328

Uhh... Wait. Is this a UNL thread? ^_^

>> No.4527354


>> No.4527528
US Midwest.

>> No.4527561

One of you guys host/rehost when you're finished, please.

>> No.4527695


>> No.4528158

GGs Duck

I was suppose to quit 25 minutes ago, but that was too fun. It was fun fighting you again, even if you random deck'd the entire time. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.4528162

Sorry, wasn't sure if it was desync and I sniped it away from E-MAN. Are you hosting?

>> No.4528164 US west

>> No.4528178

Nah, I was done! Have at you, son!

>> No.4528187

Good games E-Man. It's been ages since the last time we played. I hope you didn't mind the random decks too much. I thought I'd try to keep things interesting by switching up my decks but random kept giving me the same ones.

>> No.4528205

Not so much the randoming, but that I was winning with my normal deck against your system/alt decks. But you still gave me a good, non-cookie cutter thrashing and that's all that really matters.

>> No.4528387
US west
irc tier

GGs esoterica, our connection was kinda funky. I had to quit to get a deck going... too much default stuff in that one

>> No.4528396
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>> No.4528543

Haha, Good games Duckator! Thanks for hosting, we havn't had the chance to play in a long time. I could tell you taking it easy in the last two matches so I supose it's a good time to call it a day. Those were some of the funnest Sakuya/Youmu matches I've had, and I'm glad I could showcase various tricks I've picked up. Those timestops were quite terrifying.

>> No.4528557

Good games Rabbit. Whenever I hear that charge sound I can't help but hold down-back even if I know you're going to hit high. I guess it's just a bad habit I need to get rid of.

>> No.4528629

o holy crap I just connected to someone for the first time.

You guys look too good for me. =|

>> No.4528742

Beats is IRC tier. You should look for other beginners to play with.

>> No.4528809

and where do I find those?

>> No.4528866
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>> No.4528883

needs more hosts

>> No.4528902

If you can host, just describe your room as such. Hosts and players come in spurts so you'll have to time it properly. Or you can go to IRC and get your face raped, but you won't be beginner very long.

>> No.4528932
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa&#44; remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US East
Hosting both until one connects.

>> No.4528952

Where do I pick up this masterful piece of art?

>> No.4528956

Uhh.... Internet?

>> No.4528996

Search up SWR and Hisoutensoku in google for it. It's also in /rs/.

>> No.4529028

Yeah, my connection is still pretty terrible to the West Coast, and I totally stole the first game. Good games regardless.


>> No.4529030

Urgh, sorry. Connection is really too jumpy and laggy for me to tell what I'm doing, let alone play anywhere near acceptable. My internet has been crashing all day anyway, not sure what gave me the idea it'd be a good idea to play soku right now.

>> No.4529035

Oh, maybe it's not on my side then. Whatever, I was playing really bad anyway. ggs a.a.

>> No.4529048

No problem. I have to say, your Sanae is pretty impressive now. I was pretty scared of approaching her head-on, plus those j.2A traps. Mine has probably been left in the dust, but I just don't feel like playing Hisoutensoku much lately.

>> No.4529076

The way I was playing wasn't anywhere near impressive, really. But she's much better than before at least.

>> No.4529215 West coast

Connection may or may not be incredibly bad.

>> No.4529261

Chase the what?

I have no idea what you just said.

>> No.4529288

Whoa E-MAN. That ending was.... bullet time. Good games as always! I think it's time to retire my headstomp Aya.

>> No.4529289

GGs a.a.

[insert lag complaints and the various reasons why I lost Tree-graph here]. Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4529348

Hosting still

>> No.4529485
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>> No.4529624 Australia

>> No.4529906

Thanks for the games, friend. Sorry for the lag.

>> No.4529927

I liked how you could just stand there and fire your water gun over and over when I stood up and both block and dash didn't register.

>> No.4531081
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>> No.4532224


>> No.4532255

bumping a bump thread moments after it was bumped

>> No.4532301

sage for no hosts and no fun

>> No.4532311

lowish tier us west canhoster here, if i get any interest i'll host up '-'

>> No.4532456
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>> No.4533224


>> No.4533411

srsly, we need moar asians in here man.

>> No.4533450

i'll play you meltyblood.

>> No.4533594

no we dont

>> No.4533669

We need more hosts.

>> No.4533721

no one ever hosts on this shit game

>> No.4533930

You are wrong.

>> No.4534277
File: 404 KB, 800x1137, 1263015405455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up?
Rusty tier

>> No.4534512

Guess not.

>> No.4534553

I'm here, in my european house...

>> No.4535572
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>> No.4535583

sage for no hosts: the game

just use hamachi already

>> No.4535615

why do people play this shit? play some fucking pofv.

>> No.4535630

buri hamachi goes in >>>/v/

>> No.4535691 : 10800

>> No.4537127

Already patched? Tasofro sure is fast.

>> No.4538071


>> No.4538085

You mean the aya game?
Where first player chooses aya, and second aya chooses aya and they aya their ayas throught aya's ayaing aya?
I'll pass.

>> No.4538750

bumping a thread for a dead game

>> No.4538781

this game never has hosts, sage

>> No.4538900 Australia

>> No.4539571


High-level matches.

>> No.4539584

bump for hosts

>> No.4539638



Best match ever

>> No.4539656 Australia Awesome tier

>> No.4539959

These are really nice.

>> No.4540479
File: 174 KB, 700x990, f3f20e221588cb6e2f2b2c0ee1e43614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4540632

Bump fro players.

>> No.4540995

I'm not going to fucking beg for a match, if that's what you sickos are hoping for.

>> No.4541063

sorry but even if you do beg, no one wants to host

>> No.4541074

Late morning / midday weekday. People are in school, have class, or work. Euro hour is pretty much over now, too. This coupled with midterm week = dead thread.

>> No.4541078

More like bitches don't know about portforward.com

>> No.4541163

I'm hosting, silly>>4540479

Euro hour is party hard hour. Allow me to decrease my life's worth by heading over to #hisouten.

>> No.4541274

get out abba devs

Also, bump.

>> No.4541611

any EC up? I am suck at this game. Not being humble either.

>> No.4541874


>> No.4541901


>> No.4541947
File: 68 KB, 263x386, CHARI-SMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
EU, Remi only, casual.

>> No.4542010

Not getting through.

>> No.4542031

Huh, weird.

>> No.4542462

Yup yup.

>> No.4542567

I've just ordered an arcade stick. Shit will be cash.

>> No.4542603

lol you can win easy with a keyboard in this game

>> No.4542860

And even easier with an arcade stick.


>> No.4542968


>> No.4542998

On second thought, nevermind. I'll practice Sanae instead.

>> No.4543063 :10800

>> No.4543187

Can someone host?

>> No.4543324

Hosting again >>4540479

>> No.4543326
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Eternally low tier.

>> No.4543474


Selfish of you. At least let me get used to the lag.


>> No.4543482
File: 187 KB, 500x503, c1e1a18aeb3e04fd206188d16d008cff6eca265c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Nipah, the lag is killing me. GGs regardless.


>> No.4543724

Good games, Su! Losing against Suwako made me cry.

>> No.4543728

Looks like a DQ. No matter, let's say that's a final, miko. Thanks for the games. Hurr, throwing cat fishes, ice traps and ghosts is pretty fun.

>> No.4543745

She is my best character, though, so there's nothing to be ashamed of!

>> No.4543749

You rehosting, or are you done for the day?

>> No.4543776

Sure thing. Rehosting >>4540479

>> No.4543779

Good games R51. I'd like to keep playing but I've got something else to do.

>> No.4543785 West coast

>> No.4543787
File: 295 KB, 800x699, 5e16212481dfde65fa0b5dec0ac6cadf4c03cb4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Duckator. Somehow I managed to put up more of a fight this time than last. But as you can see, I still am not much compared to more veteran players.

Rehosting one last time. My fingers hurt a little, so you can only damage my pride now. ;_;

>> No.4543810

GGs Kev_Ab. I'd like to play a bit longer, but it's a bit late here and I have a couple of albums I'd like to encode before going to bed.

>> No.4543813

you're good. My ass hurts a lot

>> No.4543887

sorry for sucking so bad, RE51

>> No.4543900
File: 198 KB, 644x567, 63ef01ef8109040991e51045e71c722dcf8506bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Novice_. Sorry if I was a bit rough on ya.

>> No.4543929 West Coast

>> No.4544060

GGs, E-MAN. It's been a while. Too bad there were some latency issues. Other than that I had a blast.

>> No.4544079

GGs Su

The 1-sec delay was kicking my ASS, but still a playable enough to lose with dignity. Did you give up your Patchi, or was this a Meiling training only? Sorry I didn't stick around for you to run your Suwako, but I need to eat. Thanks for the matches!

>> No.4544110

Testing if I can host:
In the event that I can, expect shit tier.

>> No.4544127

You could say I'm still practicing with Meiling, but I have indeed been playing less and less Patche lately. She's just not as much fun playing as Suwako and Meiling.

>> No.4544274

Bump for EU hosts.

>> No.4544276

GG's testo, It was a wee bit laggy but it was fun.

>> No.4544277

Thanks for helping me test.

>> No.4544320
File: 86 KB, 700x525, 200892613300468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pad or bestest pad?

>> No.4544325

Don't know, but I'll definitely buy it and replace my shitty one with it anyday!

>> No.4545693


>> No.4545723
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xbox360 controller is the best pad

>> No.4545787

man, this game..
Can you block low for jump-ins in IaMP? Does IaMP have throws? Because seriously, this game..

>> No.4545824

Did you come here just to whine?

>> No.4545826

SWR sucks as a fighter. Even Smash Bros had throws

>> No.4545838
File: 395 KB, 1000x1000, smirkingelfwoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4545843

>Can you block low for jump-ins in IaMP?
I'm not sure what you mean.

>Does IaMP have throws?
Only Youmu has a throw, which has to be performed from almost point-blank range. It has high proration as well so it's hard to combo more than 1.5k damage off of it.

You're supposed to work on high/low mixup, 22 guardcrushes, and projectile spirit drain for the meat of your damage in IaMP anyway. It does make games last a lot longer, but I like how there's little guesswork involved in defense as long as your reactions are good.

>> No.4545846


Stop posting this.

>> No.4545893

>iamp youmu throw

>> No.4545899

>22 guardcrushes
>little guesswork

>> No.4545901 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1250x1425, Utsuhosmirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only Youmu has a throw

>> No.4545911

Okuu has a throw in SWR

>> No.4545936

Youmu, Okuu, Iku, Suika, Yuyuko, and to a certain extent Alice all have GRABS! Youmu's the only one who can combo from hers, though.

>> No.4545974

You forgot Remi and Cirno.

>> No.4545986

Forgot Remi, and wish I could forget Cirnos.

>> No.4546028

Problem? The fastest 22s in the game have 20 frame startup. That's theoretically well within human reaction time.

Well excuse me for absolutely sucking at landing 66A after a throw, which forces me to stick to easier throw combos that don't deal so much damage.

>> No.4547077


>> No.4547544


With the new caster program and rollbacks, it's as good as netplay is ever going to get and guard crushes are completely reactable now. Now it's just you blocking them wrong.

>> No.4548021


What? What move are you referring to? There is no move she has that I am aware of that circumvents blocking in order to do damage.. unless you count smashing right through that little bitch shield with a fully charged SP Doll blast, complete with properly aimed C dolls. Goddamn, I love SP Dolls

But yeah, I really, *really* wish 12.3 rewarded offensive play more than it does right now. If someone holds 4 while they're in a corner, and your character doesn't have a frame-tight way of guard crushing, you're kind of fucked. All you can do is apply pressure until your opponent fucks up. It just makes matches drag on way longer than they should

>> No.4548515

If _my_ opponent holds 4 while in the corner, I'm happy as ever. See, it's not a good thing to be stuck in the corner. If you know how to mix up your preassure well, it takes a mind reader to perfectly block all lows and highs. That applies for the melee based characters; most of the bullet based characters have a string or two that can eat up to 4-5 orbs.

>> No.4548574
I want to try my connection.

>> No.4548652

Not getting through.

Allow me to show you how it's done:

>> No.4548787

Oh well, my connection is shit as always. Good game anyway.

>> No.4548798 [DELETED] 

Lag game is no-no. I thought I'd saftely avoid anyone not from EU at this hour.

>> No.4548804

If you're from EU, and still lag this much, you seriously can't netplay.

>> No.4548836

Pretty bad connection. Good thing we didn't go for it.

>> No.4548837

No one on /jp/ can afford a decent ISP service, it seems.

>> No.4548841

Nobody plays Meltan anymore.

Where do I download this shitty game?

>> No.4548861

I'd help you out, but you're not giving me the impression that I'd be bringing in a valuable supplement to the community.

>> No.4548871

Are you trying to imply that the Touhou community could possibly get any worse?

>> No.4548895
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>> No.4548935


>> No.4548940

Because they're all on Actress Again, bro.

>> No.4549000

Someone play!

>> No.4549072

You seem to be under the impression that sage affects a thread negatively. This is untrue.

The value of a non-stickied thread is 0. For all intents and purposes, the thread is in equilibrium.

A normal post has a value of +1. At the instant a normal post is submitted, the value of the thread becomes 0+1, and the thread is bumped, breaking equilibrium. However, the thread immediately returns to its previous state of equilibrium, 0.

A sage post has a value of 0. When a sage post is submitted, the value of the thread becomes 0+0, and the thread is not bumped, but remains in equilibrium.

Tl;dr SAGE DOES NOTHING (and you are most likely an idiot)

>> No.4549177

You should pick your targets more carefully, troll. I love netplay threads, and my reason for saging is quite simple: I wasn't contributing to the thread's purpose whatsoever in that post, so I had no reason to bump it up. The same applies to this post.

Now get out.

>> No.4549183

Rehosting >>4540479

>> No.4549277

EU, Remi only, casual.

>> No.4549501

Is there a nude patch for this? I can't seem to enjoy this game compared to other fighters

>> No.4549628


>> No.4549653

You'd choose nude over frilly dresses? Get out, you don't belong here.

>> No.4549714

Dem loading times. I'll keep on waitin'.

>> No.4549745


Oh god, I put some trousers, and you stop hosting in the meantime? Well, ggs as usual, nothing much to say!

>> No.4549761

In Gensokyo, we play with bloomers... or without. GGs.

>> No.4549798 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I'm reading the inside of a booklet while it loads. Maybe we should settle on one stage so the loading times won't be this long.

>> No.4549850

Yeah, I'm reading the inside of a booklet while it loads. Maybe we should settle for one particular stage so the loading times won't be this long.

>> No.4550042

Good games. I love Patchus new 236 alt.

>> No.4550046

GGs Thrillho.

>> No.4550554

Bump for EU hosts.

>> No.4550579


>> No.4550639

Rehosting >>4540479

>> No.4551144
File: 558 KB, 800x800, 05a5fa09873dd2d27df52c83709192c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games, I have to eat dinner now, though. Losing to Remi always makes me cry like the little girl, I can never beat her. ;_;

>> No.4551155

why are there so many teenage girls playing this game?

>> No.4551157

GGs miko, it's always a guessing game for me when I go against Alice.

>> No.4551182

Why does Gensokyo consist only of teenage girls and old hags going through midlife crisis?

>> No.4551405

Good games, Idler; I mean it. T'was fun, but dem eyes are getting sore.

>> No.4551413

Welcome to /jp/, everyone here wishes to be the little girl.

>> No.4551430

Good games, Su.
I really wish I knew what to do against Meiling's 2A:s...

>> No.4551435

>Welcome to /jp/, everyone here wishes to be the little girl who gets raped by many facless men.

>> No.4551565

That's her only preassure I can feel clever about...

>> No.4551669

Any host?

>> No.4551701

Just block low and wait until he can't do it anymore and jump.

>> No.4551715

It's pretty late, but a few matches would be OK.

>> No.4551745

Fuck you for taking my place, LittleGirl.

>> No.4551766
File: 532 KB, 1248x1276, 1cd760950245fbbfd9dad224b2294fdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Please rape my face tier.

>> No.4551904

Good games miko, even if it was short!

>> No.4551938
File: 654 KB, 1280x1024, e4b5770ab9d50ee1af409f103c4f18f3731ec47e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am out of witty "I am not good" comments tier.

>> No.4551942

Yup, good games! Sorry for leaving unexpectedly, but I had to do something real quick. Took longer than I expected.


>> No.4552004

See, that's what I'd want you to do. In this case I could dash forward and continue dial 2A in periodically intervals, and/or finish off the dial 2A combo with a high attack (6A), and carry on with whatever falls in mind, e.g. 5C, jump (or just stand still) and see if the opponent jumps too, dashes or continues to stand put, and act accordingly. A lot can happen; the one with the quickest reflexes wins.

>> No.4552048
File: 61 KB, 600x621, 1266185429438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting Meiring get close

>> No.4552214


>> No.4552350

I just wanted to play ;_;

Good games, you are pretty good. It seems Youmu is your main, she's mine too.

>> No.4552376

GGs LittleGirl, although the lag was pretty horrible. With better connection I think I'd have learned a thing or two from you, but now I couldn't even do most of my normal stuff. Oh well, you'd beat me anyway, despite the connection.

Yeah, Youmu is my main, although I've picked Meiling as well lately. Both of them are pretty straightforward melee -based characters, so they suit my style pretty well.

By the way, may I ask, where are you located?

>> No.4552428

South America, that's why the lag was high.

>> No.4552444

GGs miko.

>> No.4552453

Figures. I've played an almost lag-free game against US East once, but everyone else outside EU usually lags horribly.

>> No.4552462
File: 50 KB, 168x168, youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not getting close to Meiling when you're playing Youmu.

>> No.4552477


>> No.4552698
File: 57 KB, 450x450, 1264469969332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying this again...


>> No.4552721
US Midwest

>> No.4552731

I'd let Meiling get close to me, if you catch my drift!

>> No.4552759

Bump for EU hosts.

>> No.4552794

One last time tonight.

>> No.4552797
File: 177 KB, 700x700, ebe64015f73634147b30fba406d9d8ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4552834

Good games. That lag was getting kind of annoying.


>> No.4552910

The kind of stuff you're getting away with because of the lag is getting annoying, ggs.

>> No.4552928
US west
irc tier

>> No.4552994

Yea its annoying GGs


>> No.4553016
File: 205 KB, 1000x1000, 1266185303915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4553026

Not working

>> No.4553046

Try this one

>> No.4553070

>>4552794 here,
you should think more about what kind of attack to use when. It's pretty easy to graze through most of your defense and land a 2000+ combo. Also, different characters need different styles; you've pretty much lost already if you retreat to the corner with Youmu, since her poor projectiles won't allow you to attack, and your opponent has as much time as they need to plan out their attack.

>> No.4553089


Can central.

>> No.4553283 [DELETED] 

I suck at this game, please give me some advice after we're done playing please. EC

>> No.4553297
File: 131 KB, 436x1142, 1252194565804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4553314

Good games Gen. Please block when I'm standing right next to you after you get up. I feel bad getting all that free damage.

>> No.4553336


>> No.4553351

can't connect

>> No.4553359

GGs Resident, was fun.

>> No.4553362


Try now

>> No.4553378

Seems pretty bad... Must be my connection

>> No.4553380

That's a lot of lag.

>> No.4553383
File: 287 KB, 535x931, 26e001cc2cc8bac287943498daa922634d565e12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, GGs. Totally random matches leads to allot of weird things. Like double KO's. Never saw that one before in this game. But definitely fun times.

>> No.4553385

I suck at this game, please give me some advice after we're done playing please. EC

>> No.4553392

Haha, so that's what was happening? I was all like "what's going on? the games working fine one moment and the next one it goes all crazy" Then when I closed it, Jdownloader was running. hilarity ensued.

>> No.4553451
File: 181 KB, 1044x504, unacceptable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Apple

No, no, no, no, no, no. I was fighting through it, I was tolerating it, I was even having fun, but that last random slowdown right there just fucking did it! I know attempting DPs in lag takes concentration, but now I can't even hyperjump on command!? Are you serious!!??

Hope to play you again, bro. For real it was a fun set against you and I really want to see your Reimu skills, but SALTY LEVELS ARE @ MAXIMUM right now! Thanks for the matches.

>> No.4553484

ggs. Those were some ridiculous matches. I don't know why I couldn't do anything to your Iku with Utsuho... Damn lighting, and it's being all... Fast and junk...

>> No.4553491
File: 240 KB, 1024x768, Iku24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games fox.

>> No.4553495

Oh, and one more thing!


>> No.4553496


GGs E-MAN, take it easy playing with lag is just playing in slow mode, you seem to be rusty or maybe its because this is another laptop that cause that last big spike. btw you have seen my reimu already and all the chars I use, which are all.


>> No.4553663

Sorry, I just can't do anything through this bad connection. 2a me out of everything, random slowdowns, freezes everytime weather changes. I can't even do a dial a.

>> No.4553758

GG's, If you want to go yukari you may want to play a bit more defensively, Using all your orbs in an attack is pretty much asking to get guardcrushed, and if you vary your combos a bit you should do just fine.

>> No.4553957

Sorry I was afk

>> No.4553961 West Coast
Might be laggy, not sure.

>> No.4554633

ggs Apple Juice. Hurr, I was about to quit at the same time. After you switched to Komachi though I got kinda bored and stopped trying until that last match. You seem really familiar too for some reason, I'm not sure if we've played before. Whatever. Your Reimu is pretty fun to play against though.

>> No.4554680

GGs Lurker, yes I think we have played before with my other account, after the third match against Yukari your strategy turn predictable and you became easy to hit and corner~ dont get bored and try harder so it remain funny as the beggining

>> No.4554698

What's your other account?

>> No.4554716

