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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 630 KB, 1414x2122, 1698842263047587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45182144 No.45182144 [Reply] [Original]

Anon's Doll Edition VIII

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>>>45060117
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10710712
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Snacktime
Previous Photo Challenge: Bundled Up

If your doll is for sex, go to /ona/:
(Dollhos have been discontinued for years. Try the 60cm Six House Dolls instead.)

>> No.45182180

which one of you

>> No.45182225

excellent choice of OP pic

gonna blame >>45180347

>> No.45182342

i am that post that's why i'm defending my newfound love, my heartstrings are being pulled...

>> No.45182444
File: 2.33 MB, 4096x3072, 20231105_171745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45183442

I like dolls but I do not think dolls will like me.

>> No.45184241
File: 2.16 MB, 3765x4950, Ce n'est pas un mamelon. full censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redid this in slightly higher (full) resolution and added some conveniently-placed stains on the photo
since I have a feeling someone will ask for it https://files.catbox.moe/ot75yq.jpg
if anyone wants to know the process let me know and I'll figure out a way to post it

>> No.45184330
File: 2.16 MB, 3765x4950, Ce n'est pas un mamelon. full censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to hide a layer ffffff

>> No.45184378
File: 349 KB, 2122x1414, 20231107052423_IMG_3598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Akihabara yesterday. Bought so much doll stuff. Also took a couple photos at the Volks store.

>> No.45184417
File: 316 KB, 2122x1414, 20231107053242_IMG_3602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's free to use their scenes, and they have a couple to choose from (you pick one at the start), but you only get 30 minutes total, including preparation and cleanup, but I think you could go again if you want. It was close to closing time so I only had time for one 30 minute session. One of the scenes was perfect for Alice so I want to try to go back in a couple days (currently on a bus to Kawaguchiko near Mt. Fuji).

>> No.45184446
File: 558 KB, 1597x2122, PXL_20231107_025608910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Anya doll was on display as well.

>> No.45184457
File: 611 KB, 2122x1597, PXL_20231107_025619512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were two actually.

>> No.45184466

>you only get 30 minutes total
how on earth did you manage
it takes me at least an hour to do even a tiny shoot

>> No.45184486
File: 612 KB, 2122x1597, PXL_20231107_082840334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also went to a small meido cafe and had a picture of my waifu drawn on the omurice.
I agree, it felt so short.

>> No.45185126

That's some clever censoring. I'm a bit curious about how you did the front damage thingy, did you created it from scratch?
The reference is clear and I shouldn't be picky about this but if you want to stick to the original title, it's "Ceci" instead of "Ce"

This looks so comfy...
I'd be scared to bring them this close to the ketchup.
Thanks for sharing!

>> No.45185443

Doesn't the stain defeat the quite literal point?

>> No.45186059

Has anyone shoved regular DD thighs into the DDdy body? I want the tits and ass but don't want to deal the frame coming loose all the time on the F3. Was hoping that using the regular thighs would fix the issue.

>> No.45186368

quite literally stole a texture, here's links for attrib since probably no one actually cares enough to report:
also gendered language that I haven't touched since middle school, seeing some hints that ceci might also work but I let google-san do the lifting

yes, I was going to point that out but forgot
it was originally for /p/ that apparently tolerates the occasional artistic mamelon, but thread hit image limit

>> No.45187016

what did you buy anon? I ended up buying tons of wigs from various shops around Akiba.

>> No.45188221

I can't even imagine how it must be to walk into a place that caters exclusively to dolls like that. I'm sincerely so happy for you anon!

What is the reference, if you don't mind my asking? I am uncultured swine.

>> No.45188255

It's inherent with DDf3 bodies unfortunately, get an older one and free yourself from the agony of that stupid-ass hip joint. No matter how many times I think I've finally got the thing, it eventually works loose again- usually when I'm in public doing a photoshoot, no less. People say there's a "click" when you finally get it, but I've never managed to achieve that.

>> No.45188584

I thought there would be some old photo textures specifically for this kind of effect but you've shown quite some creativity finding and reusing those pics. The editing must have been pretty long, that's why you were complaining about it... Props to you.

The reference is Magritte's painting with a pipe and the text "Ceci n'est pas une pipe" / "This is not a pipe" insisting this is merely its depiction.

>> No.45191093
File: 1.41 MB, 2129x3200, IMGP2525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The editing must have been pretty long
eh, basically slapped the stain on with a hard light mix, plus some manual opacity masking so it didn't completely wipe out the background
it took longer to figure out how to place it in just the right position

>> No.45192295

The click is a big fucking lie

>> No.45193132

I've had nothing but DDSF3s and I've never had a problem with the hips, three of them are assembled out of option parts too. I wonder if it has to do more with the torso hip socket being too open on the bigger girls.

>> No.45194690
File: 163 KB, 960x1280, photo_2022-12-14_10-02-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45195308
File: 36 KB, 508x382, tough place.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no tinyfox on the aliexpress 11.11 sale

>> No.45195323

i hate her

>> No.45195484

Is going for a clothing design degree for making doll clothes for a living as mentally ill as it sounds. I can't come up with better ideas for my future

Designing and selling doll props/accessories would be nice as well but I don't know what to study for that

>> No.45196004

same, it's what keeps me from buying a BJD
they're too pure for me to drag them in my life

>> No.45196016

>making doll clothes for a living as mentally ill as it sounds
doesn't seem to be so crazy a prospect since there's a lot of market
better than going into some fashionable industry that's oversaturated

>> No.45196326

I should learn the basic blend modes and their use cases. I thought you had to remove everything except the stain using color similarity selections.

>> No.45197189

shes a girl, of course she smokes menthols

>> No.45197194

Did you give her eyebags or does this face come with them? Which head is this?

>> No.45197842


these are so beautiful, i m not interested in doll, but these are really really cute!

thanks for all the pic anon!
really like this one >>45125563

>> No.45198257
File: 782 KB, 950x650, Hill-Giant-5e-Guide-950x650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thunder stomps and lightening hits!
I'll smash your dolls unless I see tits!

>> No.45198674
File: 256 KB, 1200x787, a pair of great tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, anon

>> No.45198921
File: 881 KB, 4096x3072, 1688066598247185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45199144

Is this safe? Will their hair and skin be okay?

>> No.45199661

Yes. Especially if you use something like a mild shampoo.

>> No.45199745
File: 328 KB, 1000x818, Hill-Giant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me running off with your doll

>> No.45199949

>I showed him the tits
>he doesn't keep the end of his bargain
>he doesn't turn to stone

>> No.45200017

I dont speak japanese but this gy is live and doing stuff with his doll

>> No.45200033
File: 1.68 MB, 1276x920, Hill-Giant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats trolls, not giants you biggot

>> No.45200361

so what do giants turn into when they don't keep their end of the bargain?

>> No.45200446
File: 272 KB, 891x913, yuijpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why waste endless money on dolls and clothes and backdrops when you can spend $999 once on a VR kit and BE any kind of doll you want any time you want for the rest of your life

>> No.45200497

I don't want to be a doll.

>> No.45200515

only troons become the girlfriend
An industrious incel MAKES the girlfriend
t. an /ona/ regular

>> No.45200551
File: 1.77 MB, 1515x1922, IMGP9028 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take my vr kit outside for photoshoots.

>> No.45200627

why do you reply to obvious bait

>> No.45200727

What would be the reaction if this were to take place in err...The United States of America?

>> No.45200737

It's just a normal makeup

>> No.45200766

nearby jogger steals doll and/or camera equipment

>> No.45200773
File: 481 KB, 1446x1600, IMGP0725e 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say, definitively, that no one really gives a shit.

>> No.45200789

mothman and the goth girls, very very good

>> No.45200831

you mean real makeup or a normal faceup? I thought that you couldn't use real makeup on dolls

>> No.45200848

I think they mean that it's just a painted doll, anon. You can't use human makeup, you have to use non-oil based paints, pencils, and pastels on dolls. To answer your first question that doll looks like a DDH-01 dollfie dream heah with the mouth sanded flat, with a hand-painted face - it's one of a kind but I imagine you could do/get an artist to do something similar

>> No.45200887

I meant normal faceup, I mean, you can make a lot of creative faceups. Look at @miho34dolls for example.
I mean it's just that or the owner decided to grab a marker and paint her some eyebags, kinda like the creepy miku owner with her mouth and whatever.
Point being that it's just a thing you can do as well

>> No.45200894

oh I wasn't the guy who asked that question, I just thought you could actually use whatever on the dolls

>> No.45202034

honestly I never remember them by name, I just click through until I find what I want
really would just prefer software with programmable blend modes, much more used to that (3D graphics)

already posted >>45184330

>> No.45203033

magic doll bump

>> No.45204153

I do both anon, its like saying bjd is the same as kigu.

>> No.45204912 [SPOILER] 
File: 794 KB, 1365x2048, 413b791b57da208c1f121ef961110446-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45205335
File: 829 KB, 2730x4096, FjlS5weagAAGXG-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how large is the market anyways?
the problem with college is that it's so expensive, it basically only makes sense to get a degree you can immediately apply to its fullest in the workforce to offset the financial burden
you'd need a good chunk of time after getting the degree establish a product line, reputation, and customer base (which may never really be big because BJD)
as long as you plan for what you're going to do during that time, then I'd say go ahead

>> No.45205382

I dunno how large exactly but there's surely a market. The problem if anything is being on a good level enough when you start that it's worth it to buy from you. If you deliver shitty products you have no chance. The competition isn't about numbers but quality (well numbers too since I imagine that there's a lot of mass-made Chinese stuff).

>> No.45205480

i think it'd be silly to get a degree for that. if it's really what you want i personally believe you'd be much better off self studying. find patterns and learn your way around the tools required. you don't have to pioneer new fashion trends to start, you just have to fill an empty hole in the market where there is demand. you can do this by bringing existing fashion for humans and bringing it to dolls. then from there you can possibly start pushing trends with the skills you have built up. you have to remember that running a business is much more than having a product though. namely, don't underestimate quality control and customer service. which even if you tell yourself you won't, if you find yourself to have an influx of orders those two things will quickly fall to the wayside without you realizing it.

>> No.45205541

Do you own / know how to use a sewing machine?
This anon is right. The most sensible thing you can do is to actually study something that will give you some chances as a fallback plan.
Learning to sew takes years and years, it's not something you pick up overnight.

>> No.45205843

Anon with a Fine Arts degree here; you don't need the degree. A teacher can be great help, but you don't necessarily need to join a degree program for that. Some colleges offer their classes for non-degree seeking students at reduced prices, and you get the benefit of ONLY taking the classes relevant to what you're doing, rather than the chaff included in a degree program.Or you could check out local sewing courses, or just do as >>45205480 says. At the end of the day, fore creatives, the degree is WAY less important than the results.

>> No.45205996

>Do you own / know how to use a sewing machine?

>> No.45206887

I would say carve yourself a niche. Say if I were in your spot, with your skills, I'd focus on something there's little of. Like dark fantasy armor and tools. Think Dark Souls. Apparently, it's relatively hard to find that kind of stuff. But you'd surely have loyal customers if you did something like that, people that *ahem* might be lurking in these very threads

>> No.45207140

>you can do this by bringing existing fashion for humans
I'm the og poster and yeah I thought about this. There's a lot of simple clothes and designs that may be missing for dolls. I don't know how to sew and honestly I wasn't really thinking about sewing it myself (I can learn but it's prob going to be terrible) but more like designing/picking materials and have other people make the product. I'm gonna think about it, I was never super into fashion stuff though so it's just a wild thought cause I like dolls and lolita/Victorian dresses and that kind of stuff

>> No.45209846

why is this so hot what the fuck

>> No.45210265

>I don't know how to sew and honestly I wasn't really thinking about sewing it myself
How do you even hope to make it if you can't make clothes and you're not interested in making clothes? The whole fashion design aspect is directly tied to sewing patterns and knowing how clothes function

>> No.45210692

well the degree I was looking at teaches you how to sew and things related to types of clothes/fabric and clothing in history and cultures, stuff like that, it's not high fashion but mostly cloth design from normal to sportswear. I don't know how these are called in America.
I wasn't planning to sew the products myself though, that would be a mess.
I was just rambling it's not like I'm going to do it... for now...

>> No.45210722
File: 739 KB, 1080x2022, 1673889398737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ummm this is a bit too much

>> No.45212991
File: 693 KB, 2048x1536, EMX8q0BUUAEtl8S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45213077

Or not enough

>> No.45215677
File: 202 KB, 1000x1498, 20231110_123233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just hoping that he sends the elevator up.

>> No.45216092

sorry I was >>45205335
my point was don't bother with the degree unless you really think you'll gain something from it you won't from being self-taught, and you can afford it

>> No.45216517

i know right?
just use a green cutting mat like everyone else, they're available in more sizes too

>> No.45217078

but...it's pink...

>> No.45219608

Hey bros, anyone else got issues getting to dolldreaming? I haven’t been able to load it all day and I’m worried.

>> No.45219617

isup.me says it's down. Things happen, I'd give it a day before getting worried.

>> No.45219728

To the owners of Ringdoll's Alice (any version), are you male or female? I need to know for science reasons.

>> No.45219887
File: 433 KB, 667x1000, IMG_5027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you want to include me; my Suigintou has the same head as Alice, but a different body. I'm a dude.

>> No.45219992

Ah gotcha, thank you. Didn’t know where to check. Fingers crossed it’s temporary.

>> No.45220902

Is that forum actually good. I remember making an account but not actually using it much

>> No.45220987
File: 601 KB, 1200x800, 1673334298038389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as an outsider it seems fine but suffers from classic forum-itis so I do not engage

>> No.45220998

You mean drama? I guess it would be super common in such small forum and niche hobby.
For my day to day dolling I just use Insta/Twitter

>> No.45221074

more the quaint rules and persistent identity factors
I've been on 4chan too long, I don't think I've been active on a "real" forum since like 2006

>> No.45221205
File: 704 KB, 1920x1440, 20230916_055016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teaching her how to use her ak

>> No.45221252

I really like this image.

>> No.45221266
File: 714 KB, 1440x1920, 20231112_002634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arm the dolls

>> No.45225313

beautiful, i need to get one again

>> No.45225588

my ak got stolen 2 months ago don't make me sad like this

>> No.45226276
File: 295 KB, 1063x1600, _IGP6741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should buy a few more Goat Guns, just got a bit scared off them when I found the SVD was way off-scale
I mostly have human-sized ones that are hard to take pics of with dolls

>> No.45226705

I really don't get guns.

>> No.45227160

that is fine, you don't have to get everything in life. i'm sure there are plenty of people who don't get dolls but here we are. we all have our own unique interests and motivations

>> No.45227392

Their AR, SIG, M1 and AK variants are pretty close on scale, the problem is all the models are close to the same length so the SVD .50cal and MRAD are all undersized for 1/3. Like, the M1 Garand and the .50cal are the same length, it's weird, but I'm sure it's some kind of die mold length limitation

>> No.45227798

I get them as a practical tool, because I live in an area where wildlife can pose a threat, but I don't care about them much beyond that. However, my father and a friend of mine are very environmentally enriched by their guns, and I recognize their passion. Even if it isn't something I personally resonate with, I can support the appreciation others have for them as long as they're responsible.

>> No.45228675

Shit, what happens is the thief murders someone with it? Not your problem as long as you declare it's been stolen?

>> No.45228714

denofangels just mailed me that they closed my account with some weird excuse that application has "not been able to complete".
I never used it because every single feature of the site was blocked to new accounts.

>> No.45228837

Lets make our own doll forum. With blackjack and hookers!

>> No.45228925

it depends on where you live but the majority of places don't hold you accountable

>> No.45229054

DoA is a clusterfuck, they're a complete shitshow for accessing and they have all these antiquated rules "just because". The staff arbitrarily decides what is and isnt a bjd too, it's like all of the worst parts of namefag forums in one condensed package.

>> No.45229566

>I'm sure it's some kind of die mold length limitation
yeah, shame though

yeah see this is the shit I hate, even more tame versions turn me off

>> No.45229712

Are goat guns well sized for 1/3 dolls? I saw on their website that they're 1/3 scaled, but I don't know for sure if they'll fit.

>> No.45229753

I have the AR15 for my MDD, it's a little big for her but it works, I think it would work well with a 1/3 scale doll.

>> No.45229791

see >>45227392
thought I had a ref pic of my SVD but can't find it now

>> No.45229912

You are definitely included in Alice owners. What made you choose her for Suigintou?

>> No.45229949

so wait, do you also have an Alice or did you convert her into Suigintou?
or am I misremembering you having an Alice as well
if you did convert, did you do the faceup yourself?

>> No.45229998
File: 301 KB, 431x1000, IMG_49432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What made you choose her for Suigintou?
The face.
>so wait, do you also have an Alice or did you convert her into Suigintou?
I bought the same model head as a blank, with a different blank body.
>or am I misremembering you having an Alice as well
I do not have an Alice.
>did you do the faceup yourself?
I did.

>> No.45230030

Please don't tell me you spray aerosols indoors. Which body did you choose for her?

There's at least 3 Alice owners that have popped into these threads. She's oddly popular here which is why I'm curious.

>> No.45230180

>Please don't tell me you spray aerosols indoors.
I did, but I wore a respirator. I didn't really have a lot of options, living in an apartment complex. I also had a fan venting air out of the room as well.
>Which body did you choose for her?
It was RTG60-4. Alice 03 uses RTG60-1, which is slimmer overall but with a larger chest.

>> No.45231787
File: 370 KB, 2302x4096, FcdmXxKWYAAbgAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I do not have an Alice.
sorry, anonymous image board and all that

>> No.45232021

Any dolls with cool swords?

>> No.45232109


>> No.45232372
File: 926 KB, 1440x2558, 20230521_215715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45232809

the moe guide link stopped working, dunno why because it's active (paid) and it was working normally. I've tried setting it up again and it doesn't redirect to anything. I submitted a ticket to see what's up

>> No.45232829

Your "ak got stolen" wtf you live in Syria?

I would own one f self defense part but don't get the obsession over it but i don't care anyway

>> No.45234565
File: 784 KB, 2508x1440, 20230506_100414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just fun, have a lot of history and mechanically neat

>> No.45234629
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>> No.45234676
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>> No.45234688
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>> No.45234703
File: 983 KB, 4096x3072, Fc3jw_RaUAEOPJv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45236558

Where can one find armor like this? Or at the least, files to 3d print it?

>> No.45237874
File: 235 KB, 1365x2048, FK51ubRacAQ1Mse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from previous thread: >>45098142

>> No.45238133
File: 400 KB, 1028x1870, DSC_0273 shop edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This month's theme?
Sure is fall....

>> No.45238138
File: 605 KB, 1134x1427, DSC_0268 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I'm feeling a little uninspired for November this year.

>> No.45239214
File: 297 KB, 1054x1591, DSC_0279 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus pic

>> No.45239454

lovel the leaves too

>> No.45240638
File: 299 KB, 1152x2048, 20231113_011830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy's raw natural doll pics where I can even see the skin suit. They have some weird vibe that I love.

>> No.45240648
File: 441 KB, 1152x2048, 20231113_011837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45240677
File: 482 KB, 1152x2048, 20231114_000718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45241731

Are these dolls fuckable?

>> No.45241856

only a very few uncommon models are
the common scales really aren't right, people typically like these dolls for their aesthetic qualities

>> No.45243129

see >>45220753 for those products.

>> No.45243359

I wonder who's the doll in the frame behind her.

Well, you did two themes last month, both with all your dolls, so that's comprehensible.
Their clothes look quite warm this time, the second one's dress must be soft to the touch. You sure always manage to find interesting outfits!

>> No.45245119

the one on the chair is its not a doll, its a figure, but I don't remember the character. The figure general on /a/ will know for sure.
The one in the cage directly behind the doll is a Chitocerium XCII-urania.

>> No.45246291

Thank you both.
The sweater dress is extremely soft to the touch, it's quite lovely and surprisingly inexpensive (as far as doll clothes go)
But yeah, November always feels like a slump month to me, it's the low between the highs of Halloween and Christmas. It also marks four years I've been taking these monthly pictures too, so I still wanted to do something.

>> No.45247554
File: 1017 KB, 2739x3840, 20231109_183903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45248412

My wording wasn't clear, I meant who's the white-haired doll with purple eyes holding some books in the picture behind the knives.
Huh, your maid is actually a character, I didn't expect that.

Oh my, it was available in 1/4. Here's hoping I can reproduce the mature style you give to your dolls... though I suspect the size and face-up play a big role too. Thanks!

>> No.45248684
File: 1.91 MB, 2252x4000, 20221001_064459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the random picture of a doll was a photo that came with the face I bought (stupidly I didnt realize I was only buying a face at the time) It's this girls face.
the figure in the chair is Sora from yosuga no sora

>> No.45250335
File: 795 KB, 2639x2639, 20221114_205304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can style MDDs to be mature-looking, see >>45231787 and picrel

>> No.45250590
File: 266 KB, 893x1818, 20231115_070553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twitter is finally starting to show me more and more resin dolls

>> No.45252231

This is why dolls need guns & swords

>> No.45252448
File: 1.02 MB, 2731x4096, 20231113_191626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beach bum, call me ocean drive slim
drop the top, look up and make the sky grin

>> No.45253606

Lurking this thread for 8 years. Still undecided on which doll to be my first.

>> No.45253723
File: 626 KB, 1536x2048, 20231114_203951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45254093

Awesome, I'm sure it'll look great! Make sure to share pics with us!

>> No.45254934

Is it unwise to buy a large, expensive BJD directly as your first, even if you're thoroughly convinced it's something you want?
The only thing that would convince me is clothing that costs less and has a broader selection.
I don't know anything but I love this Suigintou so much. I had no idea until a few threads ago that it was actually yours and a custom to boot.

>> No.45254942

*convince me to buy a smaller one

>> No.45255035

I know it's off-topic but since you're the only one I've seen here who has her, how's Urania? Was she difficult to build? I have my own kit on the way, should get her by the end of the month.

>> No.45255341

I've said this before, and I'll say it every time this comes up. If you're looking for variety of clothes, a DDS is one of the best choices. If it fits a Smart Doll, SDgr, SD13, DD, "1/3 BJD" or "Slim 1/3 BJD" it'll fit a DDS. The only two things you'll have a problem with are pantyhose and stockings as their legs are a little bit shorter, and some things will be a little loose around the waist, but you can easily pin them back to look fitted for photos. All four of my girls are DDS, and I've never had a problem finding clothes for a style, scene, holiday, etc.

>> No.45255462

Yeah but if I have to buy a doll that's gonna cost me like $600+ I have other options already.
I was talking about smaller dolls that are relatively inexpensive say $200.

>> No.45255591

>even if you're thoroughly convinced it's something you want
Always buy what you really feel that you want, otherwise you will eventually feel like you wasted money because you settled for less and are still unhappy. This applies to everything in life from dolls to cars and whatever.
(I mean realistic things not like getting a ferrari u know)

>> No.45255595

It was a pretty simple build, probably on par with a frame arm girl or megami device. The lantern she comes with burns through the battery fast if you leave it on however.

>> No.45257381
File: 918 KB, 1597x2122, PXL_20231116_012241991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my last day in Japan (flight back home this evening). I took Alice back to the Akihabara Volks store and Alice on Wednesday for some photos, but noticed later that one of her eyes wasn't right, so I'm going back to redo the photos today.

>> No.45257582

I'm so glad you got to experience so many amazing things, anon. Safe travels on your return flight!

>> No.45258314
File: 435 KB, 1000x667, IMG_5028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know anything but I love this Suigintou so much.
Thanks man. I want to take some more photos of her, but I'm in a small place as an inbetween and most of my shit is in storage right now. Maybe next year.
>Is it unwise to buy a large, expensive BJD directly as your first, even if you're thoroughly convinced it's something you want?
60cm is quite large, but not so much that it's hard to find space for. Now, if we're talking 105cm, 120cm, ect...then maybe. But as long as you have space, it should be fine. My dolls chill on the top of my dresser right now, they take up maybe 1/3 of the space there.

>> No.45258364

do not settle

>> No.45259309

>Always buy what you really feel that you want
>do not settle
Hmmm... yeah I had the same feeling
Thanks. I'm not that experienced with model kits but I loved her so much. I'll probably end up getting the rest of Chitocerium as well.

>> No.45259340

I live in a relatively cramped space too. Just get a sheet of cloth and hang it as a backdrop for photoshoots.
Now with 6 inch stuff it's a bit more practical lol I'm just thinking that I'll need a new light setup for doll photos

>> No.45259369

Also WTF these vinyl dolls are soft?! I have seen a video and the dude just squeezes the arm to pull out the wrist peg. What the hell so this is all like soft PVC. I thought it was still relatively hard plastic.

>> No.45259436
File: 160 KB, 736x1043, 4f0e424dc59bfa780dddbff532cd0815--japanese-artwork-japanese-painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any doll heads that have Yoshitaka Amano proportions?

>> No.45260149

What BJD bodies have the best articulation? Sorry for all the questions

>> No.45260350

look into heirophantmori's sculpts

>> No.45260417

some are soft yeah, but not all
Dollfie variants (DD, MDD, DDs, etc.) are softer than ABS but harder than most silicone mixes, it takes some pressure to deform the outer parts with your fingers
Angel Philia dolls are generally the softest, at least the things and upper & lower torsos (rest of the outer parts are harder than Dollfie parts)
AP things offer next to no deformation resistance so it's common for owners to stuff them with padding to the desired firmness
depends on the articulation you want
over all, I'd say Obitsu bodies are the best (several brands use them, including AP and 1/3 & 1/4 Azone)
however Obitsu bodies have very poor wrist articulation compared to basically every other 1/3-1/4 vinyl doll brand (can be modded if you're… handy)
Dollfie variants' joins don't have much range (especially hips) so it's relatively common (in Japan) to replace some or all the internal skeleton with something that allows more range
Volks is also releasing a new MDD body that's supposed to have better range but that's still TBD

>> No.45260433
File: 65 KB, 736x919, c9eea129edd5d2528b21ce959820f83a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like this person nuked everything
I can only find pictures of dudes and although I wouldn't buy a dude they all look super cool

>> No.45260452

My issue is that I really have no idea what kind of articulation I should expect on BJD bodies. An example is, can you actually swivel the thigh, so you can do a sitting pose with the legs on one side? This is impossible for all but the better articulated action figures.

>> No.45260457

The new MDD body is already out though?

>> No.45260469

Anon just browse MDD pics and you will get an idea of what you can do with the dolls

>> No.45260525
File: 1.76 MB, 1806x2518, IMGP1047.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes "is releasing"

stock MDDs can just about sit down legs facing forwards
they can spread legs some but not really cross them
torso joint is basically useless unless you pull the two sections apart 0.5-1 cm, but even then good chance the clothes won't let them bend there
shoulders are typical for BJD: raising arms above shoulder height looks awkward but otherwise is alright
elbows & wrists have excellent articulation
knees can bend 90° seamlessly, past that a bit exposing the inside, but they can't kneel
ankles and neck are meh
just as long as they're aware you can't achieve a lot of those poses without customization or camera tricks

>> No.45260568
File: 88 KB, 667x1000, 4934054043972_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's... really bad. Basically 90s toy tier articulation. Is this true for most BJDs?
I really care a lot for articulation that matches the human body which is why I buy things like pic rel.
I assumed that being larger they had a really wide range of motion

>> No.45260610

APs have a lot more flexibility, and you can buy (OEM) alternate lower torsos to let them pose like this >>45184330
leg crossing still isn't amazing but can be done
they can also do splits

>> No.45260643

Ehhh that sounds like a lot of work to match skin color etc.
I'm gonna try finding more info about the doll I want to buy (not into DDs' style at all) but this is kind of a deal breaker to me now that I think about it.
I'm starting to resign that I'll never find the combo of durability + customization + posability I want no matter where I look

>> No.45260739

>Ehhh that sounds like a lot of work to match skin color etc.
there's three AP skin tones, and the option parts are OEM so they match

>> No.45260861

Hmmm... Seems like the brand I want has better articulation (e.g. can cross legs), but there's so little material outside of the stock photos it's difficult to tell.
It's not like I want extreme posability but the average sounds just too limited. I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.45261427

this one is kind of close https://www.ringdoll.com/products/ksitigarbha-the-virgo-1165

>> No.45261529

I mean not a man...
Ringdoll is my 2nd choice though. I like Julia dark

>> No.45261557
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1038, [Judgment] Vampire Hunter D - Bloodlust [5CBEB16B].mkv_snapshot_01.19.06_[2021.11.10_22.15.21].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but that looks like it would make a damn fine D.

>> No.45261574
File: 47 KB, 1093x900, 1E4A4234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I have no idea why the standard realistic style for doll is some fetal alcohol syndrome looking stuff like pic rel
Do women think this is an ideal looking face?

>> No.45261593

That one I poster here would make a 10/10 D >>45260433
or any vampire guy t b h

>> No.45262445
File: 157 KB, 1080x1349, bendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resin dolls can be incredibly posable, and depending on the vinyl body posability can be quite good, or quite mid, picrel.

Nah those are Popovy Sisters dolls and they're not... standard so much as a clout item. They have as many fans as they have detractors for their aesthetic choices. I'd say the standard realistic style is probably something like a Minifee based on sales volume.

>> No.45262928

My doll finally came!

Then she got snatched by customs.

>> No.45263080

I love replying to japanese people on twitter with broken japanese or translated quality japanese. I'm sure one of them is going to block me eventually kek

>> No.45263306
File: 601 KB, 2000x1333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what you have to do.

>> No.45263370

Shoot myself!

>> No.45264087

I want a doll large enough I can sit on my lap and casually brush her hair during the day.

>> No.45264156

You want a daughter

>> No.45264184

in a doll shape

>> No.45264601

yeah but those piss and shit and beg for the iphone 27 pro max

>> No.45264714
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>> No.45264728

that's one of those angelphilia dolls is it?
this but also sexy

>> No.45264733
File: 377 KB, 2122x1414, 20231115230140_IMG_3909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool it worked. I'm on atlanta airport wifi, so i thought it might not work. I get a connection error when i try to update the thread.

>> No.45264752
File: 320 KB, 1414x2122, 20231115230420_IMG_3918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried posting from the plane's wifi but it was banned. I was able to file for an appeal, but it was denied even though the ban was just a few hours from expiring anyway.

>> No.45264760

>using the site of the hacker known as 4chan in an airport
anon you're gonna get arrested and your doll will get arrested too. They have tiny handcuffs specifically for that
>Resin dolls can be incredibly posable, and depending on the vinyl body posability can be quite good
Wait a sec... Aren't resin dolls hard, while vinyl dolls are soft? I assumed that vinyl was if anything more posable than resin, as long as the internal skeleton allowed for it.
I think I've understood nothing about dolls. All the ones I want are resin I think

>> No.45264787
File: 89 KB, 680x680, 1619757032694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You want a daughter

>> No.45264788
File: 378 KB, 1414x2122, 20231115231236_IMG_3933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I did this photo shoot, i was given 40 minutes, which i felt was more reasonable. I don't know if it was an error or if the staff just decided to be generous. This time I only had 30 minutes and felt it wasn't long enough. Was still fun though.

>> No.45265029

Unironically this
I want a daughter so bad
Take her for grocery shopping and cookies>>45264156

>> No.45265103

So vinyl dolls have a soft external shell, and a hard internal frame which allows them to move. In some ways, they can be more posable than resin, and in other ways, they might not be -- it really depends on the engineering of the doll and the one it's being compared to. Some resin dolls don't pose very well at all, and older vinyl dolls have less range of motion than newer ones due to improvements made over time. The very best resin posers will probably outcompete any stock vinyl doll for posing, but the average vinyl doll is probably equal to or better at some poses than a large number of resin dolls -- especially older ones.

For vinyl, a common issue is that getting them to sit seiza is frequently impossible. For resin, back in the day, many dolls were unable to touch their own face due to posing limitations. Some of the best posing dolls may not have the aesthetics you want, as joints can be exaggerated in design to better their posability. In all cases, a little DIY modding can help remedy whatever issue your doll has. Maybe the string holding together your resin is too tight or too lose. Maybe the frame on a floppy vinyl doll has cracked over the years. Maybe the resin is too smooth for the joints to hold in place, or, perhaps the vinyl is too soft to look right in the pose you want (Angel Philia frequently have this experience.)

It's up to the individual how much posing they want vs how they want the aesthetics to look. What dolls are you interested in, anon?

>> No.45265155
File: 2.46 MB, 2048x2560, GenpicDior-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a silkhound or two and a small herd of goats. I cannot express how tranquil my spirit has become because of this.

>> No.45265162

But can you put it in a frilly dress

>> No.45265180

Not that anon but I can say confidently that sighthounds tend to be highly energetic, motivated hunters with simply incredible working drive -- but when they're off the clock they are some of the most delicate, sensitive, couch potato crybabies I have ever worked with. You could absolutely put one in a dress. (Each dog is individual, of course, but sighthounds are very fun snugglebugs.)

>> No.45265199

>What dolls are you interested in, anon?
I'm undecided between Maskcat and one of the teen/adult Ringdolls
Maskcat score almost perfectly for me if only they didn't look a bit too childish. They're beautiful though.

>> No.45265215

Is this the male equivalent of old woman w cats

>> No.45265227

nah that's the dude who hits the pub early in the morning

>> No.45265453

I have never considered it.
I don't think so. I enjoy taking my goats and hounds on treks.
I drink throughout the day but I prefer to drink alone so I don't need to go to a pub.

>> No.45265503

I would like to have a cow

>> No.45265512

I miss drinking gins and tonics but it's either that or dolls. Both habits are untenable.

>> No.45265876

I'm quitting cigarettes for resin and I don't really know if my health will be better

>> No.45266262

I don't have any dolls. I think they're very pleasant and endearing but I don't think I'd be able to care for them well. I just come here to save images. I'm content to stick with my drinks.

>> No.45266431


Apparently a lot of jp doll accounts are being banned on Twitter? They're making a fuss over it

>> No.45266740

Film photo anon please post more wistful dreamy photos.

>> No.45266979

Who got banned?

>> No.45267180

>get interested in hobby
>hobby literally dies overnight
Great, with my luck now ball-jointed dolls will become illegal before I can get one

>> No.45267966

I love these types of heads, I like the two tones they use. Not sure how this person achieved the eye outside the head thoufh

>> No.45269593

Where’s you find this photo? Didn’t know this was possible with BJD’s

>> No.45269613


>> No.45269984

Nah, it just needs to find a new main home since twitter is shitting the bed. I've been in this hobby for 5 years without a twitter account. Instagram is going but it's unwieldy to find content, some are pushing to start Tumblr again, but I don't see that happening, and if it does it'll just be the queer space hobbyists. Something will crop up, until then, 4chan, Instagram and one of the forums will suffice. (Just stay away from DoA, those wanna be elitists aren't worth your time.)

>> No.45270578

I still rec Twitter and Instagram over anything else though (wtf tumblr still alive?). Specially Twitter, but yeah it's shitting the bed lately.

>> No.45270954
File: 316 KB, 1366x2048, 36456689944_75f75682cf_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Romina, an Angel Philia owned by Charlotte-papa on Flickr who does risque photoshoots of his collection of dolls. Many are Angel Philia, which are on modified Angel Philia frames and have extremely soft, thin vinyl which allows them to do things like this. Others are on silicone bodies, which are more posable at the expense of being delicate, needing lots of maintenance, expensive, and looking wonky if you don't pose them just-so. And some are still using either stock or modded DD bodies, which have a fair range of posability but not so much as AP. Warning if you open his account, it's decidedly NSFW!

>> No.45271110

>Warning if you open his account, it's decidedly NSFW!
I think the first pic made it clear enough

>> No.45271217

Hehe, thanks! It’s weird, because I find BJD’s better for posing than regular dolls and the Figma reference Chan and San.

Also, on the topic of Angel Philla dolls, do they ship to the US or do you have to get them through a US reseller?

>> No.45271505
File: 237 KB, 819x1024, ddMikunt_mainImg03_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Miku's up for pre-order for Volks USA.

Most people get them through Faithz, I believe.

>> No.45271571

slight clarification, the way AP does doll releases is that each faceup / skin color combination has a name (Nanase, Alice, Konatsu, etc.)
That specific ahegao faceup with the tan skin is called Romina, and as far as I can tell Charlotte-papa refers to her as that stock name
I don't particularly care for that faceup, the eyebrows make it look kind of dumb
but the way Charlotte-papa styles her with the super low bangs makes it just super cute

Quarantotto (AP company) don't ship outside of Japan from their storefront, and only take cash-on-delivery for payment
You can buy the dolls from Mandarake or FaithZ >>45271505, but not a lot of the clothes or option parts
because those can sell out fast I use a forwarder + nihongo know-how to order direct

>> No.45272998

They posted a video on their instagram! The eye that's popping out is a separate piece attached to a normal eye on the inside with adhesive of some kind, they placed it onto the inner eye from the front

>> No.45273215

What’s their instagram handle? I wanna follow this person!

>> No.45273234


>> No.45273401

Does /bjd/ associate particular fragrances or perfumes with their dolls? Do you have any scents you like to have in your doll room?

>> No.45273474

Thank you!

>> No.45274570

A couple of my doll friends have told me that my dolls smell like my perfume. It's a classic spicy floral from the 90s I never stopped wearing. I have my dolls next to where I spray my perfume, although I didn't realize it actually migrated onto them that hard.

>> No.45274608

my dolls smell like new doll wigs and it is unpleasant

>> No.45274766

I want my dolls to smell like Encre Noire and Serge Lutens fragrances.

>> No.45274786

if you have a fragrance you want your doll to smell of, you can put a drop or two onto a cotton ball and stick it in one of her body cavities (works better on vinyl dolls) alternatively you can just put a little on her clothes

>> No.45274915
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>> No.45274922
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>> No.45274928

damn that's pretty. Clothing is nice

>> No.45274931
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>> No.45274970
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>> No.45274980
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>> No.45274986
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>> No.45275078
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>> No.45275122
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>> No.45275174
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>> No.45275353

for me it's just the vinyl smell, my girls still smell like that since I've only had the oldest for ~2y
I have heard of people putting perfume on cotton swabs in their torsos tho

>Clothing is nice
yes in general it is
but also the tasteful lack of it can be nice as well

as someone who takes too many closeups of doll eyes, I like this
the eyes themselves have a great texture(?) and fit really well

>> No.45277693
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>> No.45277797
File: 300 KB, 1152x2048, 20231118_100958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so cute

>> No.45277907


You don't lust dolls inappropriately on Instagram or Twitter... right?

>> No.45278175

>Japanese person
>Speaking english
Either mentally ill or crawling attention

In all seriousness though I'm now curious, I get some ppl can be pretty nasty w dolls but they often won't come close to your account unless you're posting that kind of stuff aswell

>> No.45278243

>Sex dolls cosplaying touhou
well nevermind

>> No.45278402

>Either mentally ill or crawling attention

>> No.45278504

Pretty sure Aotome makes dolls without the holes.

>> No.45278664


>> No.45278676

I don't know, he said they were sex dolls.
seems like the guy is mostly about touhou not dolls. Touhou fanbase is extremely degenerate, what did he expect

>> No.45278736
File: 115 KB, 960x1280, 1885555444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jpp back then
>I'm going to rape your children in front of you and later force them to have sex with you
jpp now
>please don't sexualize my anime doll or I'll have a mental breakdown

>> No.45279017

they look like literal sex dolls though

>> No.45279120

It would be more confusing if he wasn't speaking english while directly addressing foreigners.
>I get some ppl can be pretty nasty w dolls but they often won't come close to your account unless you're posting that kind of stuff aswell
The people commenting those things on his pictures are touhou secondary teenagers trying to be funny not people actually wanting to fuck them. I find his disdain for them understandable regardless of the sex dolls since they post the same joke on everything and everywhere, including /jp/ with the fumo fucking threads.

>> No.45279247

> would be more confusing if he wasn't speaking english while directly addressing foreigners.
I meant more like half of this guy's content seems to be in english which is already weird. On a side note all the Japanese artists that I've heard complaining about foreigners did so in Japanese but then again I guess their accounts were 99% Japanese.
>The people commenting those things on his pictures are touhou secondary teenagers trying to be funny not people actually wanting to fuck them
I don't know much about that, but this is probably another culture difference where we would just eyeroll and keep scrolling (like that girl itt said she usually does when some anons say they want to fuck them so bad etc) but japs usually need to address that stuff. Idk, to each their own I guess at least he got his feelings out.

>> No.45279338

I a Japanese person is not selling something specifically to foreigners with his account he's 100% not Japanese. It's like claiming you're a woman, you get a ton of free attention. If you say you're Japanese you could post a pic of the shit you just took and weebs would love it automatically 'cause superior nippon race.

>> No.45279355

japanese westaboos are a real thing, just look at someone like camellia

>> No.45279385

they exist but the majority of social media accounts of "japanese" people who speak in English are just LARPers who want to profit from Japanese worship

>> No.45279448

This is true, though I suspect the guy from the dolls is Japanese, mostly for the rant. I could be wrong though but idk I don't care to dig that much.

>> No.45279495
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>> No.45279687
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>> No.45279853

Apparently there's a Dollfie Dream sewing book on Amazon JP? I didn't know about it

>> No.45282086


>> No.45282274
File: 2.49 MB, 720x1280, 1700347430836537.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45282286

this is fucking adorable, holy shit

>> No.45283642
File: 1.01 MB, 2400x3600, 20231117_234552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the seventh day you can lay in the morning sun.

>> No.45283731
File: 180 KB, 1280x1145, IMG_20231119_023316_680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never get over how absolutely gorgeous this doll is. Definitely one of my favourite ones

>> No.45283735
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>> No.45283743

she's very cute...

>> No.45283983

Umm that doesn't sound very honest... May thou have a doll that can rival her beauty?

>> No.45284049

i'm being honest, i love her!
the ellipses are intended to add a sense of warmth, not sarcasm. do not worry

>> No.45287918


>> No.45288247

NTA but I at first glance I thought those red markings were dops of blood and she pushed someone in front of the train or something.

>> No.45288297

That would be unpolite.

>> No.45288448

You can never trust the gremlins with innocent eyes.

>> No.45288551

>I can't fit inside the dolly cuddle drawer
Suffering. This life...the suffering. Intense.

>> No.45289927

Dolls can kill you if you don't buy them enough clothes

Now I want a faceup with blood drops

>> No.45292621
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>> No.45292779

Dolls and flowers are the best combination ever

>> No.45293567
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>> No.45296347
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>> No.45297809
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this doll is a boy?

>> No.45297975

No it's a girl named Joshua afaik, it's a chinese company that picks some weird names (on their girl macoco body)

>> No.45298011

Are MDDs really 1/4th scale / 40cm tall? They look smaller than that in all the pictures.

>> No.45298462

Pictures do not show the actual size of a doll well. The first thought that comes to your mind when you take the doll out of the box: it is much larger than I expected.

>> No.45298514

>husbant... yuu spento all ze money on food... now I am cord... I will hafu to skinno yuu...

>> No.45298574

I am sorry that I don't have a doll but I still visit this thread. It's probably the only comfy general left
The doll I want is in the 60-70cm range and I've tried to guess how big she'll be by putting my ruler upright. It's a bit scary

>> No.45298626

post the doll you want

>> No.45298918
File: 151 KB, 314x659, doll3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Maskcat, but I'm still not sure which between Frances and Lisette. I'm still looking around for other makers but these have such beautiful sculpts and I just keep coming back.

>> No.45298928
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this is the other

>> No.45298938
File: 603 KB, 523x798, doll5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like this Ringdoll

>> No.45299044

You have nothing to apologize for, anon. I think it's nice that people can enjoy dolls from afar while they work on getting their own, if they ever want to. All are welcome here as long as they think dolls are nice.

Between the two, I like this one more. I think her expression will be more versatile. But they are both very beautiful, and I'm sure whichever you get, you will be satisfied. As for Ringdoll, their photography is incredibly tempting, but they've been known to have some significant variance in faceup quality between the photo and the product you receive, so be mindful of that. (Look up owner photos of their Kuroshitsuji Grelle doll vs the product photos, it's pretty stark contrast.)

>> No.45299059
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I don't come to /jp/ often, has the board culture changed much?

>> No.45299097
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>As for Ringdoll, their photography is incredibly tempting, but they've been known to have some significant variance in faceup quality
Oh, good to know. That said I doubt I'd go for the Ringdoll compared to the Maskcat ones.
Looking around, I've seen lots of praise for them, especially the articulation on the bodies and how well they stand up. The company faceups are also just as good as in the pictures. IMO the faces are a tiny bit too childlike, but I think it's also due to how they're presented by the company.
Frances is my favorite too. Lisette has cute vampire fangs and pointy ears but her profile doesn't look as nice.
I mean 4chan(nel) in general. I'm not a /jp/ native, I was directed here from a BJD thread on another board. I was after DollChateau Gladys originally but I didn't know much about dolls at all. Also the company doesn't answer emails.

>> No.45299113
File: 296 KB, 299x610, fl1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's also gorgeous. All the face sculpts are amazing and full of expression, it's hard to choose.

>> No.45299129
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I also try not to post these 'cause I understand this is more about anime-style dolls

>> No.45299167
File: 232 KB, 438x605, doll6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pretty. I'll get her one day.

>> No.45299255

this doll is very elegant, she looks like she deserves a prop piano

>> No.45299269
File: 2.13 MB, 1240x1920, 1693571440662533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tinyfox makes 1/6 dolls, are there any other major doll makers that do that scale?
It seems like a nicer size but it'd be much harder to get clothes.

>> No.45299345

Resin anons are welcome to post here, especially as /toy/'s thread is dead right now.

Obitsu! Also Azone Pure Neemo are 1/6 scale, but they don't have interchangeable eyes/hair. (They are quite cute though!) As for clothing, it can vary -- Azone and Obitsu can usually wear clothes meant for Blythe dolls (headwear notwithstanding for obvious reasons) which are very popular, so finding clothes for them isn't too difficult. Dolls with other measurements can be more tricky, but if a more popular doll has similar measurements you often find clothes for that one instead. If you like something, follow your heart, anon!

>> No.45299346

I'm terrified at the thought of all the money I'll spend on that kind of stuff once I'll get her. But first I'll have to get her clothes, sadly that's not a fullset.

>> No.45299378
File: 207 KB, 1080x1350, 351286414_1400708034118365_5027450193304103966_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random insta photos of her

>> No.45299381
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>> No.45299388
File: 205 KB, 1080x1350, 379929166_1629247574229919_7264593313040252725_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Astrid, another doll
custom stuff from instagram

>> No.45299392
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>> No.45299396
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 356384854_982572272875613_5751747452297466357_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the dresses they make too.
Wish I had the money right now desu
(done with the dump for the time being)

>> No.45299508
File: 267 KB, 1023x1014, 47829516451_eae4d6b6b5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed they are
from the left

>> No.45299510

is that on the right of the figma a Nendoroid? I didn't think they'd be this tiny

>> No.45299548

No, Nendoroids are about 10 cm tall and would be around the waist of a figma which are usally 13-16 cm, depending on character. This isn't my picture, but I think it's a prize figure from what I remember.

>> No.45299579

makes sense
I wonder if there are any pictures of large dolls playing with 1/12 toys

>> No.45300259

Azone fairy are super cute too

>> No.45300453

Ringdolls tend to look much much worse in person. I got one and immediately sold it because I was so disappointed.

>> No.45300731

35mm tall!!!

>> No.45301612

>start planning new doll
>everything is coming together
>all the body parts I need
>find faceup artist and start communicating
>go to order the head
>sold out in the color I need

>> No.45301697

My greatest fear is finally gathering up the money and finding out that the doll is discontinued or the maker went out of business

>> No.45301709

New Thread

It'll restock before you know it anon, hang in there!

The secondhand market can be a goldmine. I've managed to get most dolls I've missed out on. Things find a way to work out.

>> No.45301714

Have a fallback doll, obviously don't tell her, unless it's a boy then remind him regularly, it will add to his tragic aura.

>> No.45302714

I want to fuck a doll anon!!
