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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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45164388 No.45164388 [Reply] [Original]


Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/learn/guide.html

Read More!

>> No.45164401
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Is pic rel good?

>> No.45164417

just use tae kim, dont fuck w/ textbooks

>> No.45164432

the best

>> No.45164451



>> No.45164521

yes i am sure now leave the thread and proceed to read your book cover to cover

>> No.45164617
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>> No.45164618
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Guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/visualnovels/wiki/gambsguide/

>> No.45164640

matto's right on this one

>> No.45164927

is te form just dictionary form but te

>> No.45164943

i thought i knew te form

>> No.45164967


>> No.45164976


>> No.45165025


>> No.45165081


>> No.45165115

Current thread: #3682

Previous threads:
>>45150842 #3681
>>45136353 #3680

>> No.45165200






>> No.45165220

What’s you guys top 5 favorite kanji?

>> No.45165294



>> No.45165307

I think A can be in a disguise but still telling the truth

>> No.45165316


>> No.45165365

I feel as if I'm hitting a physical limit on how much vocab I can retain. I used to plow through vocab so easily and quickly and retain it, but now I'm finding it harder to add even a couple of new words. For reference, I'd say I'm at the late N4, early N3 stage of total vocab.
Any tips on removing this vocab brainfog?

>> No.45165414

High volume + low coherence in = high volume out
Try spending more than 3 seconds per card

>> No.45165433

me when im slurping that kani

>> No.45165440

Thanks this is my first time learning a new language and I genuinely thought I was just retarded (well, I guess I am for not thinking of that, but still).

>> No.45165592


>> No.45165657

i will not wake up tomorrow in the same bed and i will not go to work
i will wake up in anime land and enjoy my anime school life

>> No.45165739


>> No.45165753

You could just keep killing yourself until you respawn as a Japanese girl. I call it the リセマラ method.

>> No.45165809


how does moru make sense here when moru usually means to stack something and not to enlarge something

>> No.45165814

110 moment

>> No.45165824

When I read the archives at warosu, I realize that DJT used to be a sane, levelheaded place. People actually replied to each other, and wanted to learn Japanese.

>> No.45165829

wtf is jamal doing in japan


>> No.45165830

sane ppl dont spend their time reading the archives lil bubba

>> No.45165831

it was all over the moment jamal left and left all these zoomer tryhards in his wake

>> No.45165843

sane people read only the archives

>> No.45165844

crazy how most of the n6 flashtard noobs also left with him

>> No.45165848

Sumimasen, Eigo ga Wakarimas ka?

>> No.45165854

english de hanasu nda

>> No.45165858

its cause jachump was a noob magnet just look at his ass lickers left behind in the thread lmao

>> No.45165866

Which book should I use for N2? Have no idea because there are a lot of books for N2.

>> No.45165869

Do Genki 4

>> No.45165870

>jamal left
what?, no... he anoyoniitaed

>> No.45165913

yeah team quizmaster was always cooler

>> No.45165921
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>> No.45166044
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>> No.45166185


>> No.45166266

im in osaka
hope i meet matt

>> No.45166273

what u doing there bro

>> No.45166293


>> No.45166368
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>> No.45166639

It also means to heap on or fill something up, hence enlargement.

>> No.45166654

anti-anki anon still seething to this day

>> No.45166664

uuuuuuuh, how do we respond bros?

>> No.45166686

girl at work keeps calling me 力持ち

>> No.45166691
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>> No.45166722

sumimasen wakarimasen

>> No.45166790

i only consume rezu stuff so i don't feel this post

>> No.45166799
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>> No.45166811

i'll just say

>> No.45166821

love when obasans rub their 母性 on my face

>> No.45166956

i havent bought physical manga in a long while but i did recently because i couldnt find raws elsewhere
why did japs start putting dust jackets on them

>> No.45167004

never bought a manga never will

>> No.45167205

bought many manga and will continue to

>> No.45167229
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They arr look the same. How do you learn hiragana and katakana?

>> No.45167277

turned to depraved shit because i was running out of things that made me hard
but it looks like ive run out of that too

>> No.45167280


>> No.45167401


>> No.45167591

that is the most broken sentence i've ever read

>> No.45167650
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i don't think mr kobayashi liked my reply

>> No.45167664

atui hon?

>> No.45167674


>> No.45167679

god i miss bullying meisou and og

>> No.45167695

i miss sucking your dad's cock all night tell him i said hi

>> No.45167704


>> No.45167795

ハイクラス求人 taking on a different meaning

>> No.45167836

meiso was boring as fuck and i would never remember her if someone didn't remind me

>> No.45167850

Learning Japanese
>You exercise your brain

>You will still never be Japanese
>Could have used that time to learn an actual useful skill/trade
>You will still be treated like a kid in the country

>> No.45167854

i see no cons

>> No.45167860

>You will still never be Japanese
Why in the world would I ever want this?
>Could have used that time to learn an actual useful skill/trade
There are no useful skills.
>You will still be treated like a kid in the country
Why would I want to go to that country?

>> No.45167863


>> No.45167883

that's one business trip for me

>> No.45167885

1k cards matured. Receding hairline and hair thinning is now clearly visible to the naked eye.

>> No.45167889

dame thats sad

>> No.45167901

yeah japanese wages are low as fuck
mr kobayashi was probably going to offer me like 250万

>> No.45167905
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>> No.45167920 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45167947


>> No.45168084

playing pikmin 1 on wii in japanese

>> No.45168206

nice bro

>> No.45168242

Anon I just want to be able to read novels and manga before they are translated. And maybe one day write one.

>> No.45168261


>> No.45168270


>> No.45168278

>And maybe one day write one.
why are they all like this?

>> No.45168283

autism and bad genetics

>> No.45168287


>> No.45168301

just let chat gpt write it for you bro

>> No.45168314


>> No.45168350
File: 310 KB, 768x1024, Fq0Gf5hXsAAPAz1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats everyone reading today?

>> No.45168355


>> No.45168368

this is 100% some fujo who bought these cause of bungo gay dogs

>> No.45168375


>> No.45168408

bunghole gay cocks

>> No.45168422

>physical books
do women really?

>> No.45168446


>> No.45168449

>owning things
do goys really?

>> No.45168482

i buy things from bookwalker

>> No.45168490

consoomer is a woman?

>> No.45168503

big L

>> No.45168515

don't sign your posts

>> No.45168583
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>> No.45168588

>人間失格: Anime

>> No.45168610

more of an 芥川龍之介 fan my self

>> No.45168711

Are you talking about the character from Bungo?

>> No.45168826

come on djt don't die on me
there's still so much japanese to discuss

>> No.45168878

feel like i just ran half a marathon after finishing my first page of raw mango
when does it get better

>> No.45168884

another day another big poo

>> No.45168894

no lol

>> No.45168895

first page? bro...

>> No.45168916

like 50 hours

>> No.45169016

It never gets any better. You'll feel the same way on your 500th page, but it's fun.

>> No.45169025

if you streamed it would also be fun for me

>> No.45169031

need to watch more eng subbed anime

>> No.45169037

i just read eng subbed manga for massive and easy gainz

>> No.45169051

Are you trying to imply that I'd be like gambs and not know how to read the thing I'm streaming?

>> No.45169059

we almost went 2 days without anyone mentioning g***s

>> No.45169066

where can i watch japanese TV live online for free?

>> No.45169068

gambs the lamb to the dekinai altar

>> No.45169074

Gambs was mentioned 12 hours ago >>45163486

>> No.45169083


>> No.45169086

hope tkyosam finds g***s and eats him

>> No.45169087
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helloooooo ladies

>> No.45169095

wasnt jewchin guy gonna btfo the fake otakus with an upload its been over 2 weeks >>45023925

>> No.45169100

what's jewchin

>> No.45169105

who the fuck cares about any of these people?
get a life
all you retards do is gossip about lolcows and it's fucking pathetic after this long

>> No.45169111

bro set a reminder for 2 weeks lmfaooo

>> No.45169115

2 more weeks brehs

>> No.45169117

i didnt though

>> No.45169118

just read sodatu as hagukutu

>> No.45169120

many such cases

>> No.45169169

What's the point of this kind of post? The I just read X as Y post. Yes, you read it wrong. Yes, Japanese readings are not uniform. We get it.

>> No.45169171

gambs moment

>> No.45169176



tsugi... ide?

>> No.45169200

u sound mad bro

>> No.45169214

djt is like an english pub where the regulars all gather around to talk shit. i wasn't born in england so it's good to get that experience

>> No.45169267

going to the pub is more fun with friends and noone on djt is the sort of person u want as a friend

>> No.45169271

self own

>> No.45169281

luckily im not autistic and have the ability to wear multiple kamens depending on the situation which is not something the average djter posesses

>> No.45169285

lil bros mentally ill but thinks "lucky me" lol

>> No.45169291

what went wrong in anon's life?

>> No.45169302

im a cool and fun to be around irl guy tho

>> No.45169311

dno about djters but the ladies love me

>> No.45169321

i don't want any friends and try to keep my distance from people who try to be my friend

>> No.45169328

ooOo edgy

>> No.45169335

tomodati nante...*sniffles* iranai!! lmao

>> No.45169340


>> No.45169344

I'm just saying, anon. How many times...

>> No.45169350

its gonna be ok lil puppy bubba you gonna make it one day

>> No.45169361
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i expected this to be reddit tier garbage. but it actually gets to the point and lays out a good method.

>> No.45169366

I will make it, but you however are stuck telling me each and every word you happened to misread.

>> No.45169372

>i expected this to be reddit tier garbage
same and i was correct

>> No.45169382

because its written by someone who actually knows japanese unlike most of the other guides

>> No.45169385

i just prefer to do my own thing. im very friendly to people who talk to me but i have to avoid them if they try to invite me to stuff

>> No.45169393

but he doesn't even know what 務める means

>> No.45169396

i've been stuck on step 2 for 3 years because i haven't been able to grasp the te form

>> No.45169397

but he doesn't even know what かかり means

>> No.45169402

but he doesn't even know what 今日日 means

>> No.45169407

gambs hates this

>> No.45169419

but he doesn't even know what 次いで means

>> No.45169440
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>i don't want any friends and try to keep my distance from people who try to be my friend. i just prefer to do my own thing

>> No.45169447


>> No.45169466

it's the exact same as all the other failearner failson guides though

>> No.45169470

there are a lot of things i do like that's why id rather do them than take part in social activities

>> No.45169479
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>> No.45169483

but you are socializing on the djt? curious

>> No.45169486


>> No.45169488

this kinda goes hard tho

>> No.45169489

because there's no social obligation for me to spend anymore time here than i feel like
nobody from here is gonna ask me to do anything with them that takes up my time

>> No.45169497

new basedjak just dropped

>> No.45169498

unlike this dick right here that only goes soft

>> No.45169502


>> No.45169504


>> No.45169559

are there any vinnies that don't take 20 hours to become interesting

>> No.45169567

just pick one that starts with a rape scene

>> No.45169569


>> No.45169587

i meant plot interesting

>> No.45169592

that's what manga is for

>> No.45169596

what manga should i read them

>> No.45169599

fate prisma illya

>> No.45169603

parallel paradise

>> No.45169607


>> No.45169608

i cant believe this shit is like 16 years old lol and gets 1 volume per year

>> No.45169625

its optimal chugging material

>> No.45169632

how do you say to do bumps in japanese?

>> No.45169633

already read that unfortunately but thank you for your reply.

>> No.45169638

if only lil bro had friends who could recommend him vinnies....

>> No.45169647

that's what the internet is for

>> No.45169655


>> No.45169656


>> No.45169663

if you liked that one and haven't read them yet, 鬼哭街 and 沙耶の唄

>> No.45169669

bro thats capeshit tier

>> No.45169679
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as for me, im more of a ブロン guy

>> No.45169681

gambs bros...

>> No.45169715

shit bangs

>> No.45169733

fr fr

>> No.45169734

mid ahh show

>> No.45169758

the main character is hot

>> No.45169766

yeah id wife her

>> No.45169777

bruh she's a child

>> No.45169779
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>> No.45169783

majiri? majiri?

>> No.45169785

she's a mature young lady

>> No.45169790


>> No.45169794

that's a man.

>> No.45169801

raging loop

>> No.45169802


>> No.45169803
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maybe, but who cares

more immersion

>> No.45169804

i dont get it

>> No.45169809


>> No.45169812

is matt's height a persistent puzzle?

>> No.45169820

ciaran do you have a card for kasiri

>> No.45169821

the fucking based ost plays in my dreams

>> No.45169825


>> No.45169837

true true

>> No.45169860

i bet queef wouldnt have been able to read it

>> No.45169862

thought it was confirmed 5'5

>> No.45169868

lil matt weighs 120

>> No.45169874
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fact-checked by snopes

>> No.45169875

120 lbs 30% bodyfat

>> No.45169878

most manlets lie about their height

>> No.45169880

>flawless Japanese
eeeehh?? sugggoi!!!!

>> No.45169883

tall people lie about their height too to give themselves an even greater advantage

>> No.45169885

165 lmao
feels good to be in the 190 club

>> No.45169891

are we just gonna forget about mattos fake paid actor girlfriend arc

>> No.45169892

6'2 here, I tell people I'm 5'11.

>> No.45169893

same same

>> No.45169905

*towers over matto* yea i'm 5'8

>> No.45169908

bro, it's crazy. they forgot to assign kanji to some words. just left them behind. that's rough.

>> No.45169916

its crazy i forgot to assign my foot to your ass
gonna fix that

>> No.45169917

don't you think every verb has the right to its own kanji?

>> No.45169922


>> No.45169931


>> No.45169938

still cant believe they went with a skrillex op for kh3

>> No.45169940

crazy how the kingdom hearts girl became a fag

>> No.45169946
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>Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/learn/guide.html

STOP SPAMMING YOUR GUIDE HERE https://streamable.com/6nlhff

the real itazura back-up site is

>> No.45169947

ancient skrillex banger

>> No.45169954
File: 9 KB, 796x59, kashiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy who said ofc wasnt me but he was right nonetheless

>> No.45169958

dame mickey mouses a badass

>> No.45169960

if they're good journalists they probably just measured him themselves

>> No.45169961


>> No.45169974

its crazy the weak crybaby homo men fad STILL hasnt ended

>> No.45169999

dno bros 3d cant compete

>> No.45170001

not true

>> No.45170002
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>> No.45170008

this isn't cute

>> No.45170023

true, its cute and funny

>> No.45170024

nobody actually looks like this irl
its crazy how fake and gay pictures are

>> No.45170026

she's like 35 needs to grow tf up

>> No.45170029

dont understand how ppl like purikura

>> No.45170033

this is her last chance to attract a mate

>> No.45170045

not according to bunko

>> No.45170049

according to the biological clock

>> No.45170052

i dont understand how ppl know what purikura is

>> No.45170054

mating with crazy isnt a good idea

>> No.45170061

did the ex queefstress turn out to be crazy?

>> No.45170068

what do u mean?

>> No.45170070


dame and here i thought i would supercharge my brain with japanese

>> No.45170073

it's an unavoidable part of normie japanese culture

>> No.45170074

i don't

>> No.45170075

finna queef rn

>> No.45170078

oh those things. had to look it up. gay


>> No.45170081

have u never talked to a japanese woman in ur life lol?

>> No.45170085


>> No.45170090


>> No.45170096


>> No.45170098

i only talk to japanese women who hate normie shit like me

>> No.45170112
File: 1.26 MB, 4032x1816, F-POi85aMAAcOsJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same same

>> No.45170119

i hate these bitches

>> No.45170120


>> No.45170124

that's why i like protocol 90 cuz it's to. the. point.

>> No.45170137
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>> No.45170161

by god i want to do unspeakable things to the girl in the middle

>> No.45170166

did she just stroke her manko?

>> No.45170177
File: 1.86 MB, 1594x756, 1671058466794015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot about this chick

>> No.45170183

yeah, she's german. i don't find her that attractive.

>> No.45170188

good for you bro asians last long

>> No.45170198

everyone in this video is annoying

>> No.45170209
File: 59 KB, 590x902, F-QeMhQa8AAftWn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch frieren

>> No.45170212

i mean she's not ugly or anything and i saw she's got a nice enough body. it's just that the stuff she wears is completely ridiculous most of the time.

i don't want to sit down with her to chat and have some tea, anon.

>> No.45170232

yeah its just i remembered seeing her videos a long ass time ago
shes aged well

>> No.45170246

wow shes native level in german english AND japanese? katite guy mogged

>> No.45170271

the fuck are those creatures at 0:32

>> No.45170280

your family lol

>> No.45170286
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>> No.45170289

I don't understand what djtguide has to do with tatsumoto

>> No.45170310

i don't understand what djt has to do with japanese

>> No.45170311

yeah that was pretty autistic of her

>> No.45170312


>> No.45170319

my cousin sisters are hot as fuck

>> No.45170321

they made a couple of videos out of that interview. she might have been drunk. at one point she straight up goes "i like big dicks".

>> No.45170374

oh yeah, she also claims she just got banged in the men's shower

>> No.45170390

yeah that was me

>> No.45170399

how many were in the line

>> No.45170462
File: 18 KB, 163x520, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was blown away cest magnifique

>> No.45170471

My English name is Chad Power. My Japanese name is Tenka Muteki.

>> No.45170482


>> No.45170494

tatsumoto runs it and modifies it whenever he wants

just look at his spam advertisement

>> No.45170500


>> No.45170507
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>> No.45170510

holy freakin soul

>> No.45170511

if you focus on japanese you cant learn it so you could say everything here has to do with japanese

>> No.45170524

gayest shit in history is when the bad guy of the week tells you what percentage of power hes going to use to fight you

>> No.45170526

watch your mouth you're talking about the greatest syonen of all time

>> No.45170536

and im only using 10% of my iq

>> No.45170542

its mid bruh

>> No.45170545
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>> No.45170551

true true

>> No.45170554

feelets cant appreciate atmosphere

>> No.45170558

pretty sure hxh is groomer trash
you cant defend hisoka
go ahead and try

>> No.45170563

he can defend himself

>> No.45170567
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170571

hes a cartoon character, i can crumple him up and throw him in the trash and he cant do anything about it

>> No.45170578
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>> No.45170580

hes immortal cause someone can draw him again

>> No.45170583
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>> No.45170585

>A single mention in the alt guide section
His autism would never allow this

>> No.45170591
File: 104 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170594

tired of blacks

>> No.45170595

he also added his links to the top of the subtitle page


i'm guessing he is trying to be stealthy about it so people use it more unaware, then once it is posted in enough places he just hi-jacks the main guide

>> No.45170599

nobody uses the guide lil bro

>> No.45170601

on jah

>> No.45170605

thats the tiniest chainsaw i ever saw lmao
its comical
i hope that show isnt trying to be serious

>> No.45170606

i guess miniyoga won cuz i don't see analgayon anymore

>> No.45170608
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>> No.45170613

he never recovered from isu

>> No.45170615

even if i don't use the guide i agree on principle

>> No.45170616
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't underestimate the Jason

>> No.45170617

dont care who won just glad those two arent shitting all over the thread with their autism battle anymore

>> No.45170622

djt is a dumping ground for gay ass lil bros to dump their patreons and websites

>> No.45170625

nah it's just one guy posting his patreon (tatsumoto)

and flooding the thread saying that everyone does it and there's some "war" going on

>> No.45170628


>> No.45170630
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are japs allowed to smoke anywhere? or is this just a tv thing

>> No.45170632

There's literally nothing wrong with tatsuchad's gnu/guide

>> No.45170633

i hate smokers

>> No.45170638
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170640

>Twice right at the top
You might be onto something here anon

>> No.45170649

i've been posting about this for weeks >>45169946

he will always put his guide in the op if someone else doesnt make the thread

>> No.45170658

turns out noone cares

>> No.45170663

i care in principle but i won't do anything about it

>> No.45170665

you will never be accepted here, give up

>> No.45170670

dont you me again low iq bug

>> No.45170671

why does it affect you

>> No.45170675

give up, you cant win

>> No.45170678

im not trying to win but in my view your posts are more annoying than him putting shit in a site nobody cares about

>> No.45170681


>> No.45170682
File: 206 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170683

ofc you have that view, you're him

>> No.45170688
File: 133 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170690

you're genuinely insane if you think that

>> No.45170692

at the job site

>> No.45170695

Your complaint is often the only tatsu mention though

>> No.45170699
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170700

Will I ever make it if I can't type the captcha correctly half the time

>> No.45170704

you mean besides the one that gets spammed into the op?

sure man, obviously newbie beginners aren't going to see it and come into the thread and complain,
they have no fucking idea what is going on and think the op was made in good faith

>> No.45170707
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170708

youre supposed to memorize it in one glance then look down on your keyboard and type it out

>> No.45170711 [DELETED] 


>> No.45170713

who cares

>> No.45170719
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170724

just read 勝手 as しょうしゅ

>> No.45170728

minilosers samefagging as a deranged hater

>> No.45170736

yeah its pretty sad that he's still here trying to shill, any decent programmer would be making 300k per year by now

>> No.45170741
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170742

true true

>> No.45170748
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170749

someone hit me with the lore on the guy who posts a screenshot of every frame of whatever he's watching that nobody clicks on

>> No.45170752

speak for yourself i am clicking all of them

>> No.45170756

same same

>> No.45170761
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>> No.45170766
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>> No.45170772
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he said the line, 終わりだ

>> No.45170784
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170790

ok this is gtting out of hand

>> No.45170800
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, stfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170803

very limp wristed punch

>> No.45170806

don't install the captcha script it includes an anki miner

>> No.45170807

austrian sis

>> No.45170809
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45170817


>> No.45170819

the faggot virus in his raw meat got to his brain

>> No.45170827

Captcha script looks fine to me, I just can't figure out how to install it without freezing my whole browser

>> No.45170840

got four job interviews with japs lined up this week good thing my current job is remote lol

>> No.45170842

if a 2mb file freezes your computer up you might wanna upgrade from your pc-98

>> No.45170851

got five interviews lined up

>> No.45170852

they are never gonna pay you good for remote work

>> No.45170860

i'm not applying for remote jobs what's the point if i can't move to japan and mate with cute girls

>> No.45170864
File: 36 KB, 415x434, 1698845157916628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45170865

how much reading/listening/etc did it take to get to that point?

>> No.45170869

good thing i'm self employed

>> No.45170870

commuting is ass and japs will make you work longer if you are physically in the office

>> No.45170874

I just can't paste it in my browser because of those fucking weights

>> No.45170878

you dont need to paste anything, just install violentmonkey and view the raw file on github

>> No.45170885

Got it working by importing from file in tampermonkey settings, should I use violentmonkey instead?

>> No.45170886

6 years
8000 eps of anime
2000 hours of audiobooks
300 manga volumes
150 linnies
50 vinnies
and three weeks in japan to actually get good at speaking because i had never done it before

i know i know i'm paying attention to this
but even if the first gig i get is ass as long as a i have the jap work visa i can just go somewhere else, the hardest part is getting the initial visa because no company wants to bother with the sponsorship garbage

>> No.45170891

TamperMonkey is closed source source and apparently embeds Google Analytics.

>> No.45170895

>but even if the first gig i get is ass as long as a i have the jap work visa i can just go somewhere else
does it work like that? sounds like youre just in cope denial and signing up for slavery

>> No.45170901

bro you have a gaijin card, fucking use it

>> No.45170902

not まさて ngmi

>> No.45170904

>does it work like that?
yes, if you don't do a completely different job

>> No.45170908

>6 years
>8000 eps of anime
>2000 hours of audiobooks
>300 manga volumes
>150 linnies
>50 vinnies

jesus christ you're a fucking machine, you kept track of it all too? who are you?

>> No.45170912

that framing is so amateurish

>> No.45170917

how would you frame it?

>> No.45170923

i just kept track on mal, bookmeter and vndb i don't have an autistic spreadsheet or something

>> No.45170925

i like wfh and money

>> No.45170926

Well I'm convinced, thanks again

>> No.45170927

dramas look like shit on purpose you just don't get it cuz you don't know japanese

>> No.45170931
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's japanese tv after all

>> No.45170933

never keep track of emersion, seems like useless autism to me

>> No.45170937
File: 214 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-00:02:42.537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch movies instead

>> No.45170941

would you mind sharing links to those? i'm curious about success stories because i want to emulate them

>> No.45170944


>> No.45170945

there's no point to it besides autism and weird bragging rights.

>> No.45170946

where do i get this movie, the nyaa torrents are dead

>> No.45170947

really hope the guys isnt samefagging like a fucking loser

>> No.45170948

don't want to become the next gambs sorry

>> No.45170951

if you can read 次いで you're golden

>> No.45170952

id invite you but remember the ciaran fiasco

>> No.45170953

starting to think the ab guy was right about ciaran

>> No.45170955

uhh i'm not asking you to do a live reading stream i just wanna see which vinnies and anime you watched

>> No.45170957

you don't need his lists to emulate it
just read and watch stuff you like while looking up stuff you don't know
do that a lot until you're good

>> No.45170959

I got it from avistaz

>> No.45170966

you give them a finger and they'll take the whole hand

>> No.45170968

i still get mad when some reddit fag talks about djt and he's actually talking about qms grooming pisscord server

>> No.45170972

Why do guidefags do this? Tatsumoto does this too

>> No.45170974


>> No.45170976

middle guy looks like gigguk's brother

>> No.45170981

it's helpful for newbs to get the idea of what they're getting into

>> No.45170983

what website did you use for finding shit to apply to?

>> No.45170984

i like reading anki cards

>> No.45170994

tokyodev, tokyojapan (not a codemonkey but there's IT adjacent jobs there as well)
google'd 外資系企業 and visited their job portals directly

>> No.45170999

i meant japandev

>> No.45171000

brainless consuming is ok if you only care about entertainment but it makes me sick when people act as if its a japanese learning rite of passage

>> No.45171002

where can i apply for an AD job

>> No.45171007

we get it you never learned jp so you've dedicated your life to seething here

>> No.45171013

i'm 100% focused whenever there's breasts on screen

>> No.45171014

so what kinda interviews do you have lined up? mainly IT jobs?

>> No.45171023
File: 850 KB, 1834x4604, 1695937748486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171024

i never tried but cool failson projection about that and the seething

>> No.45171033

that's a dictionary

>> No.45171035


>> No.45171036
File: 143 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-00:15:37.854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171043

makes them out ebaums world and keeps the shitters out
honestly works out in our favor

>> No.45171048

>keeps the shitters out
dno you're here

>> No.45171054

it's mostly IT project management and analyst jobs

>> No.45171056

turn on your monitor

>> No.45171059

that's just a full episode kek

>> No.45171065

still can't find this movie

>> No.45171066

its on and i see you're here

>> No.45171070

she said the thing

>> No.45171075


>> No.45171081

sensei toilet lol

>> No.45171082

sure im a shitter
just shat you out a bit ago

>> No.45171086

esl moment

>> No.45171095

uhh... what? they didn't say anything special

why are people so upset about snk?

>> No.45171099

This almost feels like something real

>> No.45171103

>two quotes
no wonder

>> No.45171117

>why are people so upset about snk?
they are too low iq to get the ending

>> No.45171139

dropped and very early on, didnt take long for me to realize the whole thing was garbage

>> No.45171149

calm down bro i know its cool to hate on popular things i don't like the fanbase either

>> No.45171150

you don't have to state the obvious

>> No.45171154

redditgeki no crinjin

>> No.45171155

what was the ending? i didnt watch beyond the first season

>> No.45171165
File: 157 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-00:25:41.498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is framing

>> No.45171180
File: 205 KB, 949x263, jp women love anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like they were made for me, bros

>> No.45171187

read it up on a wiki

>> No.45171191

This was given to me as an example sentence.

>> No.45171192

not your bro

>> No.45171193

can't imagine anything worse than a woman who wants to talk about diarrhea chugging all the time

>> No.45171195
File: 225 KB, 949x1188, F-GNNQXboAAc0Zn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171210

better than chugging a women's diarrhea all the time

>> No.45171215


>> No.45171217

ew nasty gays

>> No.45171233

everything is better than being an unko

>> No.45171236
File: 890 KB, 1920x1080, Pluto.S01E05.1080p.WEB.h264-QUiNTESSENCE-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45171239

oh you're a manga otaku? name 10 manga

>> No.45171244


>> No.45171247

input doesn't work after a certain point

>> No.45171254

テルマエ・ロマエ (2008-2013)
青い炎 (2000-2008)
遥かな街へ (2006-2014)
サターンマンションズ (2007-2010)
テルマエ・ロマエ ノウァエ (2020-2021)
釣りバカ日誌 (1979–2009)
ホテル (1970s)
火の鳥 (1967–1988)
ヤジキタ学園道中記 (2004–2009)
ムダずもなき改革 (1990-1999)

>> No.45171256

when youre fluent?

>> No.45171257

your input needs to become throughput

>> No.45171263

if matto's verbal iq is so high then why did he autistically walk up to random japanese ppl and say ichyban suyoi guyjean ni narrytai

>> No.45171267

As an example for what? 幸いに?

>> No.45171276

What’s ab?

>> No.45171278


>> No.45171281

bro its been like 10 years
its time to move on

>> No.45171283

iq guy hasn't posted in days. worried about lil bro

>> No.45171285

*rolls up shirt*

>> No.45171287

i do what i want

>> No.45171288

Absolute Beginner

>> No.45171291


>> No.45171293

thats even worse. you choose that

>> No.45171299

don't see your point

>> No.45171303




>> No.45171304

djt's poppin these days tho

>> No.45171308

thanks to me

>> No.45171310

thank you lil timmy

>> No.45171312

you choose to think about what some balding manlet said like 40 years ago. its just a shame. you could do so much more with yourself and thats what you choose

>> No.45171315

if you call this poppin you're a newfag simple as

>> No.45171317

i just shitpost for entertainment on my business trips

>> No.45171321

英語の翻訳は「Fortunately, they escaped the danger.」と言った。それはちょっと...

>> No.45171323

Tell me the real acronym meaning, please.

>> No.45171328

right but theres only so much time in your entire life you can spend on thinking about things

>> No.45171329

mary hasn't posted in months. worried how he's holding up after the divorce plus n1 trauma

>> No.45171332

i can only be productive for a max 6 hours a day the rest i need to jerk my cock and shitpst and numb my mind

>> No.45171336

what happened with the n1 did he get like 95%

>> No.45171337


>> No.45171338

did he fail n1 or something

>> No.45171347

Mary’s a woman’s name

>> No.45171350
File: 153 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-00:42:12.905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that were me

>> No.45171353


>> No.45171355

bros care about his n1 more than his wife. uncaring friends

>> No.45171357


>> No.45171367
File: 2.61 MB, 1580x2238, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171368

sry i already knew about his wife so this is new to me

>> No.45171370

Well, they escaped danger because they sensed it or foresaw the risk and then avoided it. Luckily, they didn't do anything rash or stupid. That is the nuance I would say. 危険を逃れる might be closer to the English sentence. 危険を避ける could be another option.

>> No.45171373


>> No.45171380


>> No.45171384

barely makes any sense

>> No.45171388

this whole iceburge belongs in jail

>> No.45171389


>> No.45171394

Ohhhhh, you means AnimeBytes. Thanks.

>> No.45171397


>> No.45171401

heavy case of uppercasing

>> No.45171402

he didn't get a perfect score while several /djt/ers did

>> No.45171405

no one from this thread got a perfect score

>> No.45171409

how come /djt/ is so much better at japanese than anyone else on the internet?

>> No.45171413

ciaran and consoomer did

>> No.45171415

remember that one time queef begged for patreon donations saying he doesnt have enough for the month but it turned out he just wanted to buy a new onahole?

>> No.45171420

dunno don't use the internet outside djt

>> No.45171423

>on the internet
because you're only looking at the english-speaking internet

>> No.45171424

lowkey kinda finna alpha and based tho str8 up

>> No.45171425

No, I meant how don't you understand it? The translation is straightforward, if not a little loose.

>> No.45171426

>remember when queef was a worthless shit
uh i dont remember anything else about him

>> No.45171429

it makes perfect sense, even the bhd meme one makes sense now that it hit user cap kek

>> No.45171430


>> No.45171431
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, Pluto.S01E05.1080p.WEB.h264-QUiNTESSENCE-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45171432

What's wrong with uppercasing, ESL-kun?

>> No.45171434

because you dont know japanese

>> No.45171436


>> No.45171442

quizler literally scammed people and never delivered any of the shit he promised on his patreon

>> No.45171443


>> No.45171448

tearing down my quizler posters

>> No.45171450

but you dont either so how do u know?

>> No.45171461

based ancient streamable

>> No.45171465

dame lil bro he just said you don't know japanese bro. you gonna let him do you like that?

>> No.45171468

kek i had the same model once, it's truly dekiru

>> No.45171473

you gonna get a life or nah ?

>> No.45171474


>> No.45171482


>> No.45171487

do i smell pussy

>> No.45171490

no thats your upper lip

>> No.45171492

could be a twink

>> No.45171493

He said 変態たち

>> No.45171497

i dunno what pussies smell like

>> No.45171499
File: 935 KB, 1920x1080, Pluto.S01E05.1080p.WEB.h264-QUiNTESSENCE-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171503

piss and ass

>> No.45171510
File: 172 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-00:59:29.399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck women (verification not required)

>> No.45171518

never trust sl*vs they will even sell their souls if they can make a buck from it

>> No.45171520

japan made me a pervert. can't help it

>> No.45171521

why are u guys like this

>> No.45171523


>> No.45171526

cuz u touch urself at night

>> No.45171529


>> No.45171530

like what

>> No.45171532
File: 505 KB, 577x607, 1686730997501844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45171538

*turns 360 and walks out of the thread*

>> No.45171541

lil bro... you're retarded

>> No.45171542


>> No.45171544

look around u

>> No.45171547
File: 25 KB, 720x619, noot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me anime with good visuals for learning, onegaimasu

>> No.45171548
File: 548 KB, 498x331, michael-jackson-xbox360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171551

This tweet is the only reason you should ever cling to when you are learning Japanese.
It is a very very beautiful language and the video proves it with resounding success.

>> No.45171553


>> No.45171555


>> No.45171558


>> No.45171559


>> No.45171560
File: 483 KB, 1444x2048, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good visuals for learning

>> No.45171564

why japan...

>> No.45171565

japanese is a beautiful lang---ACK!!

>> No.45171570


>> No.45171573

Does the difference between へ あんづ へ ever matter?
Is it even a different character?

>> No.45171576


>> No.45171577
File: 9 KB, 230x283, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171578

different character but it doesnt matter

>> No.45171581

oh my

>> No.45171590

both are u3078

>> No.45171594


>> No.45171597

damn kobayasi san was recruiting for a maid

>> No.45171603

what's the meido salary

>> No.45171607

what's a good ebook reader for jap these days?

>> No.45171610

2023 is almost over what you have you achieved this year /djt/?

>> No.45171613

an android phone/tablet + jidoujisho

>> No.45171615

what's that?

>> No.45171616

and in the e-ink realm?

>> No.45171622

lol the year flew by so fast im going to be dead before i know it

>> No.45171627

get something small and backlit which u can sideload epubs onto apart from that doesnt matter are all the same

>> No.45171631

paid for sex

>> No.45171632

anything you can run koreader on

>> No.45171635

can't say but let's just say it's been good

>> No.45171640

what's so good about it in terms of japanese?

>> No.45171641

was it a letdown?

>> No.45171645

It can do jp verb conjugations out of the box, yomichan style. It's easily extensible with user plugins, it's comfy

>> No.45171647

it was okay i'm glad i did it

>> No.45171652 [DELETED] 

this will continue to happen. think of it. each additional year will represent and incrementally smaller percentage of your lifetime up to that point. this is the reason why time when you're a kid summer holiday seemed endless. because it was a relatively speaking it was large percentage of you life back then. each year will go by quicker than the last.

>> No.45171655

what dictionary format does it support?

>> No.45171657

2024 is the year

>> No.45171658

I can mostly read kana

>> No.45171661

true true this time for sure

>> No.45171662


>> No.45171665

i will either have achieved n1 in 2 years or i will kill myself. it depends desu

>> No.45171667
File: 196 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-01:19:50.369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're getting serious

>> No.45171669

i should get amnesia so i can slow down my 時感

>> No.45171671

this will continue to happen. think of it. each additional year will represent an incrementally smaller percentage of the life you led up to that point. this is the reason why time felt slow when you were still a kid and summer holiday seemed endless. because relatively speaking it was still a large percentage of you life back then. each year will go by quicker than the last as you continue to get older.

>> No.45171673

Thanks anon!

>> No.45171674

Good shit

>> No.45171677
File: 3.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1699281566095306.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dayum this show is gay

>> No.45171679


>> No.45171686

that's only if you fall into similar patterns and let it
when you're having new experiences or learning new things then it goes by slower

>> No.45171691
File: 497 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45171695

uu diarrhea iya

>> No.45171697

finna rewatch lucky star

>> No.45171701

ngnl is pure kino also shiro is cute as f uck!

>> No.45171703

you can't fight math

>> No.45171704
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hidden shit

>> No.45171705

i use a standard android tablet.
kiwi browser + ttu reader + yomichan
tachiyomi or mokuro (also using kiwi browser + yomichan)
i like using a non e-ink tablet so i can read manga or lns depending on mood. maybe if u need a super long battery but mine lasts throughout the day easy

>> No.45171710

manga isnt reading so he doesnt need that

>> No.45171716
File: 87 KB, 198x725, 1672792810459302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me Kanji for this? What does it mean?

>> No.45171719

god you're fucking based. it suck you off on the spot.

>> No.45171720


>> No.45171731

day advance moonwalk

>> No.45171733

thanks, i tried kiwi browser on my android tablet in the past but it seemed to drain the battery hard even when i wasn't using it. maybe i could've done something that in the options.

does anyone here locally host their own instance of ttu? i'm too much of a brainlet to do it, it seems. or rather all my shit is too old and i don't feel like upgrading.

>> No.45171737


>> No.45171738

u dont have to, well idk maybe u do. ttu reader at least for me on my 4gb ram tablet seems to never need to actually connect online. even when i open it after not using it for hours while out and opening tons of other apps and then sitting down on the subway with no wifi or data it still loads up, as long as the tab was still open when last used. maybe for easier syncing for ur pc but i prefer reading books and manga on my tablet so i dont use it on pc

>> No.45171746

i just read aozora unko on my phone with the html files if im out and about and read physicals at home

>> No.45171751

ereader chads keep winning

>> No.45171754

>>does anyone here locally host their own instance of ttu?
just use jidoujisho, it has ttu built into it

>> No.45171761

holy shit i cant believe i got it reps are real bros

>> No.45171765

literally n5 kanji

>> No.45171766

as you grow older you recognize more patterns and things feel less new making time go by faster

>> No.45171768
File: 598 KB, 1410x1134, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they hated him for telling the truth

it's bloat, it don't need all that

>> No.45171769

yeah but wtf is the author doing with them?

>> No.45171771


>> No.45171772

wat is he doin with them n5 kanji

>> No.45171777

but i like manga.

>> No.45171778

predictable things don't feel as new

>> No.45171787


>> No.45171791

idk but they were almost unreadable

>> No.45171792

yeh don't care finna read manga

>> No.45171816

show us on the dummy where he touched the n5 kanji. he did what??? put them in THAT order? sick freak!

>> No.45171819
File: 39 KB, 967x655, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45171822

midwit the graph

>> No.45171827
File: 215 KB, 1024x560, Fall.Guy.1982.576p.BDRip.FLAC.x264-KG-01:39:13.781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I liked it, thanks for reading my blog

>> No.45171833

ratio problems?

>> No.45171836

>I think I must be a weirdo but Im currently at 140 new cards a day and it's a lot but not unmanageable? (Japanese vocab). I just kept titrating up my new cards by 10 until I hit a level that felt like I didn't want to be doing any more anki in a single session. My retention/learning rate has definitely gone down compared to lower figures but I think in terms of absolute quantity of learned cards I'm still miles ahead of where I was.
this nigga did 1k cards today

>> No.45171838
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_16_04 ], take=[ 2023-11-06 22.34.16 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chocolate sauce, peach, banana and pineapple juice
Sora has some good tastes

>> No.45171845


>> No.45171849

i cant believe the atrocities they've had on display there

>> No.45171850

kys zoom

>> No.45171851

>>>/vt/ime to go back

>> No.45171856

o...k... ? what's that about?

>> No.45171861

>>/vt/'s that way buddy

>> No.45171862

It's a common resolution for DVD, no idea why they choose to encode a bluray at this res, looks fine though.

I just download whatever has JP subs

>> No.45171865

easy to do for 2 weeks, try 2 years

>> No.45171868

no one likes here likes vtubers sorry

>> No.45171877

>no idea why they choose to encode a bluray at this res
to go easy on people's ratios? hence why i asked. jeez dude relax some

>> No.45171880
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, Pluto.S01E06.1080p.WEB.h264-QUiNTESSENCE-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45171883

Did anyone reschedule their whole mining deck with the new FSRS scheduler?
>tfw 1980 due reviews

>> No.45171885

yes just postpone this shit

>> No.45171889

Sorry, I assumed you meant aspect ratio, I wasn't following

>> No.45171890

bout to reschedule my foot for your ass

>> No.45171902

FSRS isn't proven to work, so no.

>> No.45171903
File: 271 KB, 1080x1689, wx5l0ro0jpyb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45171904


>> No.45171910

Is this show good?

>> No.45171913


>> No.45171914

define "work"

>> No.45171915

>>Could have used that time to learn an actual useful skill/trade
like jacking off and browsing social media? let's not pretend that by not doing X you're suddenly going to become productive in Y when you were always a lazy cunt

>> No.45171922

Reduce time spent by optimizing the frequency in which you review the card based on your memory. You know, what it's promising to do.

>> No.45171923

I remember this thread being very vtuber friendly some time back, has everyone watching them just got too advanced for this thread?

>> No.45171926

he means it hasnt proven itself to not be trash

>> No.45171929

>he did not read the paper

>> No.45171930

yeah its pretty good

>> No.45171931

nobody but you liked vtubers lol

>> No.45171933

dunno when it comes to meaningless shit i trust the redditoids who have been using it for months

>> No.45171935

>You will still be treated like a kid in the country
This is a pro

>> No.45171938

be kind to mlenfreak he's disassociating again

>> No.45171939

>the paper i wrote says i'm right so i'm right :)

>> No.45171942

>i trust the redditoids
you should stay on reddit

>> No.45171944

What are you basing this on? It sounds promising
Thanks, I'll give it a go

>> No.45171946

teach me verbs that have no kanji assigned to them, e.g. ぼやく or ずらす. do it now

>> No.45171947


>> No.45171951

>"muh science muh algorithm muh paper"
>failed calculus 101

>> No.45171952

whatever nerd

>> No.45171957

>asks for definition
>seethes at answer

>> No.45171959

Why are his subs so big?

>> No.45171962

>calls buzzword salad answer

>> No.45171966

reddit guide
>How I used 500 different apps to pass the N5 test in just under 6 months, a thead:

djt guide
>ya i just read loli nukige with physical dictionary lookups. n1? never taken it but id pass

>> No.45171967

optimizing anki has nothing to do with learning japanese

>> No.45171971

noone uses physical dictionaries here apart from me

>> No.45171972

>buzzword salad
low iq detected

>> No.45171973

i asked because i thought you may know something interesting but you responded with some nerd shit nobody cares about

>> No.45171975

at least you're developing self awareness

>> No.45171976

Because he's not watching

>> No.45171982

midwits can't help but reveal themselves

>> No.45171983

Optimizing anki leaves you with more time to learn japanese!

>> No.45171985


>> No.45171988

>heh if you're so smart why don't you define "work"
>wtf nooooo that's not what i meant!!!

>> No.45171990

reddit guide:
>How I got 180/180 on N1 in ~8.5 Months!
>Passing JLPT N1 with the power of Nukige: My Study Method and Experience

djt guide:
>jap bitch shitting.webm

>> No.45171991

Why would you waste your time like that

>> No.45171996

when an addon says "2.1.50-2.1.65+" does the + mean that it'll work on the latest version?

>> No.45171997
File: 373 KB, 1600x2048, F-PNmVkbwAA7Wv0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45172003

discord guide:
shill frauds

>> No.45172004

top2 were djt users. bottom 1 was them shitposting

>> No.45172006

i read physical so it doesnt take much longer than digital lookups and i dont need to look up more than like a word every 20 mins unless im reading something rly hard

>> No.45172016

matrix guide:
true dekirus

>> No.45172019

not necessarily

>> No.45172020

how come all anki users are below 130 iq

>> No.45172022

the fuck is FSRS

>> No.45172024

deki(ru/nai) is so out of style it's cringe

>> No.45172028

so reddit was djt after all

>> No.45172031

darn, i want to use the new scheduler by not have all my addons like ankiconnect break

>> No.45172034


>> No.45172036

anki connect still works

>> No.45172039


>> No.45172040

high iqs keep their cards in their brain

>> No.45172041

nice then i'll upgrade

>> No.45172060

Does anyone use Hint Fields on their cards?
i.e. leaving the japanese definition as is and then hiding the english words behind a spoiler border?

>> No.45172072

I do exactly that, jap definition is the primary one, english one is hidden behind a hint as a fallback

>> No.45172073

Same reason there's always that nigger telling you that you just have to speak to learn any language (quickly)

>> No.45172077

imagine crippling urself with english definitions

>> No.45172080

imagine crippling yourself by thinking your jap is good enough to read monolingual definitions but misunderstanding them all

>> No.45172082

imagine caring

>> No.45172085

the moment you're aware of english you're already crippled

>> No.45172088


>> No.45172093

Please use the reply functionality so I know who you're calling a nigger

>> No.45172094


>> No.45172095

English definitions are the fastest way to understand a complex concept and aid in translation

>> No.45172098

english is the fastest way to get aids

>> No.45172099


>> No.45172103

An anki deck that only uses Japanese or pictures and every card only uses Japanese from previous cards.

>> No.45172104


>> No.45172108


>> No.45172117

thx jamal

>> No.45172118

that exists
you don't want to do it though

>> No.45172127

your not my dad ok

>> No.45172142


>> No.45172147


>> No.45172150

Smartest non-replying lowercaser

>> No.45172152

watson should stick to doing songs with other ppl by himself the hakuryoku just isnt there

>> No.45172159

yeah solo watson is not that great

>> No.45172170
File: 675 KB, 1523x2047, yunon_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't started learning japanese, I'd just like to know how long I would have to study in order to understand everything this girl is saying.

>> No.45172175

bout tree fiddy

>> No.45172179

500 hours of peppa pig

>> No.45172183

You wouldn't like her anymore if you'd understand her.
Tread wisely.

>> No.45172192


>> No.45172193

i don't like her already

>> No.45172196
File: 2.86 MB, 1282x1922, out1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45172199

Guys please...use the reply feature...

>> No.45172202


>> No.45172204

who are you talking to?

>> No.45172205

nothing but faggot music posted in this thread
listen to something for adult men you weak fucks

>> No.45172212

more of a drill guy myself

>> No.45172213

this is what acne ridden teens listen to

>> No.45172216

then explain why every single member of that band would kick the shit out of your weak faggot ass

>> No.45172218

This is also gay, didn't listen btw

>> No.45172226

i'm an intellectual

>> No.45172228

music for people who seethe constantly lol

>> No.45172229

your iq goes to zero when your head gets slammed into the concrete by men more fit for survival than you

>> No.45172230

and that is exactly what i base my choice of favorite music on... how hard the band members could kick my ass. god i wish someone would fuck ehm i mean kick my ass

>> No.45172232


>> No.45172234

"my dad would beat up your dad"

>> No.45172236

i would devise an invention and socially engineer my peers to kill them

>> No.45172237

He works out at the library

>> No.45172240

that's where i sleep at night. always careful to not get spotted

>> No.45172246

what does that have to do with acne teens have power fantasys like you? do you often dream about strong men?

>> No.45172256

nta but i do. what does it mean? do you know?

>> No.45172257

isnt that djt

>> No.45172273


>> No.45172286

how to say seethe in jap?

>> No.45172287

Here, some real music for actual men

>> No.45172289

jamal was the tokuchi toua of djt

>> No.45172297


>> No.45172301

what does your girlfriend or wife think of you listening to that?

>> No.45172307

she songs along. big sora fan.

>> No.45172308

would getting a tulpa improve your outputting or would it just cripple yourself?

>> No.45172312

What's his name?

>> No.45172313

Unless you are pro tulpaer you will manage to master Japanese before making one

>> No.45172318

depends on who you model it after
agf or matto

>> No.45172327

theres no way your girlfriend or wife knows japanese.
pick a better lie next time

>> No.45172336

nta but my gf is japanese

>> No.45172346

thats fine as long as youre not that lying incel vtumor faggot lol

>> No.45172378
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, ノーゲーム・ノーライフ S01E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172400
File: 168 KB, 885x1180, Shibuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is JLPT N5 good enough to accomplish this?

>> No.45172407

might try this tulpa thing

>> No.45172408

me on the bottom

>> No.45172419

i dont get this tulpa thing do ppl think coping so hard you start to think someone is real is hard or what

>> No.45172420
File: 129 KB, 338x391, スクリーンショット 2023-11-06 231810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are nearly 2k people watching a homeless man sleep?!?! What the fuck is wrong with this country?

>> No.45172425


>> No.45172431


>> No.45172471


>> No.45172476


>> No.45172480

the fuck is wrong with her

>> No.45172486

She is the Godfather of Chuunibyouism

>> No.45172488
File: 134 KB, 1231x565, matto meeting his idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172490
File: 15 KB, 1120x99, image (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 165: Today session was relatively easy and enjoyable with the cards.

>> No.45172507

is that THE cdawgva????????

>> No.45172511

you post this every day. which deck are you even doing?

>> No.45172526

Why would you need to know a language to sing in it

>> No.45172551

i cant do the tulpa thing because i fear that if i did think them into existence i wouldnt ever be able to get rid of them and theyd drive me crazy

>> No.45172568

Brain is hardware
Person is software
Just code another person on yourself lmao

>> No.45172573
File: 17 KB, 427x400, 1692932371276029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45172585

accidentally called my dad lil bro

>> No.45172588
File: 181 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172590

ok that got me

>> No.45172592


>> No.45172616

i doubt you could get that incompatible with a voluntarily shaped portion of your of mind unless you have some serious predisposition for mental illness. if you have history of very persistent and intensive intrusive thoughts, then i could see it happening, but otherwise i don't think your brain is capable of turning against you like that. all the tulpa turned bad stories read like some gay slenderman type shit designed to scare 13 year olds

>> No.45172639

The existence of 300 dialects in Japan makes it impossible to live in the countryside.
The Jiminto goverment should grow some balls and pass legislation forcing everyone and their mothers to use Tokyoben

>> No.45172642

i just fuck fat bbas

>> No.45172650

the un should pass a legislation to euthanize all uppercasers

>> No.45172653

>unless you have some serious predisposition for mental illness
bro tulpas are a mental illness

>> No.45172663

>thoughforms are mental illness

>> No.45172672

just cuz you gave it some made up name doesn't make it ok

>> No.45172677

everything is okay even mental illness

>> No.45172694
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172696

mental illness requires distress and functional impairment. tulpas are generally the opposite because they can help you cope and motivate you. obviously there's also possibility of using them for dysfunctional escapism, but that's also true of shit like learning japanese

>> No.45172699

im the scottie pippen of djt

>> No.45172702

ok boomer

>> No.45172706

What does that mean? You are the most fucked in the head around here?!?! Dont cast me out

>> No.45172707

wish my iq was high enough to make a tulpa but im a measly 125er

>> No.45172713
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172715

moe is mj btw

>> No.45172723

in the sense of being a pedophile

>> No.45172727

evil containment wave???

>> No.45172728
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172731

only jews hate mj

>> No.45172734
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45172736

matt is the bugsy mogues of djt

>> No.45172737

goddammit when do i get to some words in this stupid 2k/6k deck that don't know yet? it's suspend, suspend, suspend and i feel like quitting

>> No.45172738

low iqs are jealous of jews

>> No.45172740


>> No.45172749

Literally me but Tango N4

>> No.45172750
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172756

why would you even start those decks if you were above that word count already

>> No.45172764

dont do the deck if u know da words then

>> No.45172766

I started Tango N4 after Refold 1K and damn the overlaps are a bit too much

>> No.45172768

why does everyone say やっぱり

>> No.45172772

japan is rotting our minds

>> No.45172775
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45172776

>common words overlap
ya dats a shock. u shouldnt do multiple starting decks you should be mining.

>> No.45172778

why is everyone saying 確かに

>> No.45172781

its over

>> No.45172787

we're just getting started

>> No.45172792

Japs are simply more intelligent

>> No.45172794


>> No.45172808


>> No.45172810

The only problem with refold was the word 辛い and you have to guess it as "karai" without any hint because the phrase comes after you flip it.

>> No.45172822


how is my jolapanese!!!?

>> No.45172827

you sound fat and bald but thanks for the laugh

>> No.45172833

made it

>> No.45172834


>> No.45172844


>> No.45172846

My sides are gone holy fuck

>> No.45172856

Ready for the ntr

>> No.45172873


>> No.45172889

after all this time i truly realize how hilarious refold is

>> No.45172894

for me? its uproot

>> No.45172896

im blown away he sounds great

>> No.45172918

How do I make a cool japanese online name

>> No.45172920

I don't care about the incomprehensible countryside people in my country why should I care about them in Japan?

>> No.45172922

man i have at least 5 vocaroos of this guy saved

>> No.45172929

and you will now post them all

>> No.45172987

not funny

>> No.45172995

not funny

>> No.45173012

yeah i can't even tell which ones are him anymore cuz i have autism have the whole collection

>> No.45173017

listening to vocaroos is just so cringey to me

>> No.45173052

off-topic esl question:
i just head someone say "now from the outside the 14x resembles a lot like the s13 oled"
"A resembles a lot like B"? is that correct english? i don't think i've ever heard anyone say that before.

>> No.45173054


>> No.45173066

that's wrong, isn't it? the person is a native speaker from my understanding. i was a little surprised to hear him phrase it like that.

>> No.45173069

yeah it's wrong

>> No.45173077

ok, thx. good to know i've not gone crazy quite yet

>> No.45173090



>> No.45173127

i listened to all of these hoping to find the one where the guy says something like まさにドワーフのような男 and it wasnt in there. disappointing

>> No.45173128

Believably a 69 year old yakuza who is so drunk he can't speak properly

>> No.45173129

higher iq evolved and spread in nature because it conferred a survival advantage. higher iq people lived longer than retards because they knew how to hunt safely and efficiently, plan ahead to save food for winter, read disaster warning signs, etc. they were more fit for survival, and the selection pressure was very intense in some regions.

it is only in the modern era where altruistic high iqs have coddled and uplifted the low iqs to give them a chance at a longer and higher quality life they would otherwise never have had that such fantasies are possible in the first place. most low iqs want to bite the hand that feeds them though

>> No.45173138

nice self own

>> No.45173145

based iq guy telling them like it is

>> No.45173147


>> No.45173160

i think both the high iq weaklings and the big dumb low iq people benefit from the protection of society

>> No.45173193


> New Thread for you anons

>> No.45173208

the protections that were imagined invented and brought into effect by the high iqs for the benefit of all, but mostly for the benefit of the low iqs out of altruism because they were the ones at an evolutionary disadvantage

>> No.45173217
File: 367 KB, 880x495, 1721887714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.45173219

if high iqs are so smart couldn't they see how retarded messing with natural selection is

>> No.45173234

why would it be retarded to take the selection out of nature's hands and bring it into our own

>> No.45173236

counter point: low iq retards who worked manual labor and smoked cigs until they were 80 outlived dainty weak high iq shitters who get colon cancer in their 20s because they sit on their ass all day

>> No.45173245

manual labor decreases your lifespan

>> No.45173253

most unfit anon

>> No.45173254

being arrogant enough to think you could do a better job than forces you don't even understand is indeed retarded

>> No.45173261

as a victim of modernity there's no telling how well any of us would survive in nature

>> No.45173265

there are massive regional differences in iq and they align with every measure of growth and development. low intelligence was always selected against up until very recently

>> No.45173271

those forces are just random and don't have any intention so aren't guaranteed to be beneficial

>> No.45173282

the low iq people of today are descended from the high iq people of 100 years ago

>> No.45173283

the universe is not concerned with what's beneficial for anyone

>> No.45173294

Sounds like they meant to say "looks a lot like" but changed their mind last second to "resembles a lot like" and just bulldozed though like an Indian.

>> No.45173295

exactly that's why humanity should take control and change things for our benefit

>> No.45173315

they aren't. longer iq people outlive lower iqs today and did so in the past as well. the iq distribution is changing because of huge differences in birth rate not life expectancy

>> No.45173325

trying to argue about iq related matters with iq guy is crazy hubris that id never fall victim to

>> No.45173326

well okay then upset the balance and deal with the consequences

>> No.45173339
File: 1.56 MB, 4096x3239, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45173398

doing manual labor at workplace where women are doing other work is the happiest ive ever been

>> No.45173414

nice bro

>> No.45175059


unko shitting up other boards

>> No.45175090

love vtubers thats why im learning nipponese

>> No.45175120

which ones

>> No.45175137

most of the holos (the ones that dont collab with nasty men)
a couple of small jp indies

>> No.45175360


>> No.45175444


>> No.45175512
File: 387 KB, 783x904, げつもく.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what 月木 means here, I can't find anything on yomichan or jisho

>> No.45175534


>> No.45175540


>> No.45175982


>> No.45180222

shits fucking dead in here

>> No.45180330

wrong thread nigga

>> No.45182061

shits still fucking dead in here

>> No.45182222

we're taking a day off today, come back tomorrow
