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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 496x276, touhou-motion-picture-studio-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4508041 No.4508041 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4508054

There is no Touhou anime.

>> No.4508063
File: 75 KB, 173x246, why_is_that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


waiting on rock version

>> No.4508072

go back to gaia

>> No.4508084

巨乳feel my heart

>> No.4508087

1) We know
2) It's been discussed extensively, check the archive
3) Many people look forward to it like you do, but don't feel it's a reason to write stupid memes in all caps. Follow their example.

>> No.4508127

not OP

weird, i'm on /jp/ a lot and this is the first i've seen it

looks awesome but didn't ZUN rage when the first one was made?

>> No.4508150

Looks like shit. hurr Chen is a 5 year old who wets the bed and Alice is a lesbian who plays with dolls

Why can't they just makes something based on ZUN's games instead of shitty doujins?

>> No.4508157
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pic somehow releted.

>> No.4508159

dat Mary

>> No.4508164


where can I get that song, I love it :3

>> No.4508170

Seconding this

>> No.4508173


>> No.4508189

Fuck off.

>> No.4508197

Give me Touhou 13, not this shit.

>> No.4508204

someone yelling CAA YEUU FWEEEE MA HAAAAAT out of key, yeah this is awesome

>> No.4508209

Don't worry, ZUN should be announcing stuff about TH13 around the same time.

>> No.4508211
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Here you go

>> No.4508219

Here's the plot, confirmed.

Reimu gets into the train and goes to visit her family in Los Angeles. While being there, she meets her old friend Marisa. Both girls can't stand their separation from each other and decide to move away from LA. Their next stop is in New York. Both girls meet there a beautiful nun named Sanae. She helps them in their new life in NY and takes them under her roof. Over time, Marisa begins to have suicidal thoughts. Reimu is helpless, she feels bad that she can't help her best friend and decides to get ahead of Marisa and commit suicide first by jumping from church's roof. After that incident, Sanae tries to help Marisa out. They become best friends. But then something bad happens.

ZUN approved.

>> No.4508221
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>Alice is a lesbian who plays with dolls
Just the way I like her. Good work Japan.

>> No.4508226




first one is can you feel my heart

>> No.4508230

Wait, I was under the impression this would be a music video at most, where the fuck does the "anime" bit fit in all of the sudden?

>> No.4508235

"Riveting." - The New York Times

>> No.4508237

You're thinking of the Maikaze one (the one with actual plot and professional seiyuu), this is something else entirely.

We'll probably wait for Maikaze to release something for quite a while, unfortunately.

>> No.4508247

It's an animated music video. Hence anime. Duh.

>> No.4508251

"anime" just means that it's something animated. Also, it's not just a music video; it'll have an OP and ED as well. The SD bits you saw later into the PV will likely be the bulk of it, though, as they were in the first ToHo Kinema Kan.

>> No.4508268


>> No.4508269

I can live with that. These guys are fucking pro.

>> No.4508418

Trigun reference @ 1:25

also, music is awesome.

>> No.4508471

I really hate this one.

>> No.4508479

In practice, media theory does not work this way. People are stupid enough to be able to accept things only one way.

>> No.4508497


Gensokyo isn't real so yeah.

>> No.4508508

What? It already does work that way.

>> No.4508509

the film would only be typical herp am i kawaai pedo bait

>> No.4508516

You haven't talked with normal people then.

>> No.4508520

>>"Bacchus, the god of like, uh, partyin' "

>> No.4508524
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/r/ nicovideo link

>> No.4508529

Why would anyone want to talk with normal people?

>> No.4508552

In pretty much anything fictional, people decide their own conception of it and decide what they want to be true and not be true. This is why there are always intense discussions about what is canon / not canon, and why people are always looking for holes in the canon to insert their own wannabe-truths into the universe. People do this with Touhou or comics or anime or even Harry Potter and Twilight and mainstream "normalfag" movies. That's why fandom even exists, if we all believed and accepted only one thing then no fandom for anything would exist.
I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to say? What do you mean by normal people?

>> No.4508579

You should see how normal people are easily confused with the concepts of "canon", "continuity" and "alternate universe/interpretation" .

>> No.4508603

Most "normal" people aren't too smart, then, if they can't even understand the concept of narrative continuity.

>> No.4508621

Or of AUs/alternate continuities.

"Huh? That show takes place in a different setting, but with the same characters as this other show? I don't understand!"

>> No.4508625

I don't know, I took a class on Greek/Roman mythology (had to fill "humanities" requirements, I didn't major in that stupid shit or anything) and even the normal college-aged girls in that class seemed to grasp those concepts pretty well. Of course they would be confused by all the intense AU and retconning that goes on in Marvel comics and shit, but that's another story.

>> No.4508630

> Of course they would be confused by all the intense AU and retconning that goes on in Marvel comics and shit, but that's another story.
I don't think there's anyone who wouldn't get at least slightly confused by that stuff.

>> No.4508641

Didn't Marvel make so many AUs that they actually had to make a big arc just to get rid of most of them? That "Infinite Crisis" arc or whatever it was called?

>> No.4508647

Sometimes I wish Japanese authors would do it more often. But then I think of the hell that Marvel became and I'm not sure if it'd be good or not.
Yes. They did a moderately okay job at it too.

>> No.4508681


The Day the Internet Stopped

>> No.4508691

>Sometimes I wish Japanese authors would do it more often.

I don't follow. Do what?

>> No.4508694

Some university-educated people can get it, but those are usually humanities-type folks.

>> No.4508711

What the hell happened to their noses?

>> No.4508714

Meh, all the AU's didn't bother me. I really liked Exiles, although that was largely for bringing back AoA Blink.

>> No.4508734

who cares about ZUN...
hes a drunk little twat that cant realise the potential of his creations. which is worse than not making anything at all. its the fan artists that made the toohoo universe half decent, with MaiKaze taking the crown here.

>> No.4508762
File: 16 KB, 390x434, yukariflop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Necrofantasia seems to be one of the only songs I like with vocals.

>> No.4508843

He makes the games because he wants to, not because he wants to please other people. He's actually said he wouldn't care if he lost all his fans, as long as he can make the games how he likes. Which I agree with.

>> No.4508989

I don't really need a "universe" surrounding my arcade shooters. I'm perfectly happy with nothing more than the story presented in game. The only benefit of the touhou fandom is the terabytes of music it puts out.

I respect that.

>> No.4508995 [DELETED] 

Remove the illegal clone subdomain and all of its files from your server, moot. Immediately stop spamming and cloning www. åñ0nt@Ik .com.

>> No.4509005

and that is why Touhou is popular. the fans only add to it. but really the fandom stems from the games being what they are. Creation for the sake of creation.

>> No.4509007

MOAR toehoe lesbians

>> No.4509095

Why the hell so many Touhou fans want to turn the whole cast into moeblobs...

>> No.4509151


Because they already are so cute.

That, and it's easier to draw cute girls doing things cutely than all the intense danmaku action that happens in the game, I imagine.

>> No.4509170
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yea really makes me wonder....

>> No.4509180
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>> No.4509193

It's just a phase. The moe bubble (that burst).

I say, we need grimdark Touhou PVs. As in animation. Not the ones they use to push a song/album.

>> No.4509221


...having a Jojo storyline would be pretty fuck awesome.

>> No.4509224

Sorry to burst your bubble, but people will always want to like their characters.

>> No.4509271

>Sorry to burst your bubble, but people will always want to fap to their characters.

>> No.4509312


Sorry to burst your bubble, but almost all Touhous are canon bitches.

>> No.4509333


Sorry to tell you that people want to like and fap to their characters and that almost all Touhous are canon bitches, but I burst your bubble.

>> No.4509349

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that's irrelevant.

>> No.4509734

Bleh to that.

>> No.4509761
File: 10 KB, 300x218, 1267269803070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Go away.

>> No.4509760

Wortortle casts Bubble! It's not very effective...

>> No.4509758 [DELETED] 

Remove the illegal clone subdomain and all of its files from your server, moot. Immediately stop spamming and cloning www. aNõnTalK .com.

>> No.4509773

Looks like every other shitty magical girl animu in existence, goddamnit I hate you faggots.

>> No.4509786


Feel free to leave, then.

>> No.4509806

So are you supposed to be like Jones now?

>> No.4510017

age ftw

>> No.4510971

Fuck of you underaged smelly lesbian.

>> No.4511524

Amused bump

>> No.4511535

yukarin = merryberry confirmed

>> No.4511752

where can I watch the entire first Kinema Kan?

>> No.4511756


>> No.4511760

Why was Sanae a loli?

>> No.4511773


Why not?

>> No.4511779

Oh, I was looking at this
I found the right thing? It's just an 8 minute... thingy?

>> No.4511805

Fuck yeah, Renko and Mary recogni-

>> No.4511823


>> No.4511869

watchan this Maikaze thing cuz of this thread


I have to say the girls faces are butt ugly. It's like ZUN himself drew them.

>> No.4512019

well, that was disappointing. =|

>> No.4512028 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4512062


>> No.4513641 [DELETED] 

What's the second song that's playing at the end? It sounds like Ichigo but I haven't heard it before.

>> No.4513674

What's the song that starts at 2:58. It sounds like Ichigo but I can't place it.
Who I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAfAMLCjwgk

>> No.4513700
File: 194 KB, 1024x838, sm9626959 - 【東方】東方活動写真館 ~第二幕~ プロモーションムービー【PV】.mp4_thumbs_[2010.03.01_16.51.41].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa vs Yuka would be great.
