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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.49 MB, 3840x2160, 30204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
45072549 No.45072549 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>45045939

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.45072570

White eyelashes make me ENORMOUSLY hard.

>> No.45072580

Any nopan heroines like Emoshichi or Sumi?

>> No.45072590

Tell me about Sennagi. Is it a new Relord?

>> No.45072604

if only this girl wasn't voiced by amekawa shino

>> No.45072619
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>> No.45072661

there's that circus game that features whale in the title I'm not sure what it's about

>> No.45072721

Anyone got a link for Extravaganza? Only the fan disc/sequel is on nyaa

>> No.45072839

Check Anime Sharing next time as well. The Katfile links here still work: https://www.anime-sharing.com/threads/060411-black-cyc-extravaganza-%EF%BD%9E%E8%9F%B2%E6%84%9B%E3%81%A7%E3%82%8B%E5%B0%91%E5%A5%B3%EF%BD%9E.918319/

>> No.45072840

I just deleted all from the save folder hope there wasn't anything important

>> No.45072884

Since we're asking about dls, anyone know where I can get this vn https://vndb.org/v2488 or the Popotan Fan Disc?
No links working on animesharing

>> No.45072939



>> No.45072960

Damn thanks anon, did you just have these on hand?

>> No.45072975

They were on ab

>> No.45072994
File: 127 KB, 346x346, fLfahWFmZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what that is

>> No.45073021
File: 923 KB, 1280x720, 戦巫〈センナギ〉―穢れた契りと神ころも―_2023-10-28_05-04-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.45073026

Your soul is still pure, keep it that way

>> No.45073028
File: 722 KB, 1280x720, 戦巫〈センナギ〉―穢れた契りと神ころも―_2023-10-28_05-04-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit lmao

>> No.45073053

The whole state of jap zoomers

>> No.45073064

what the fuck

>> No.45073107

Is this chuunige?

>> No.45073129

Chuunige for people who can't read cool Japanese.

>> No.45073135

based MTLchad

>> No.45073165

I used an OCR program to read this lol. JOPfags get the rope

>> No.45073172


>> No.45073180

Slow down anon, don't suck my dick so hard

>> No.45073189

He's just like you!

>> No.45073193

Thanks anon
>The power of the king will make you lonely indeed
Damn, synchronicity hitting hard, I just referenced this quote from Grisaia a few days ago in /vn/

>> No.45073201

>from Grisaia

>> No.45073208

It was the first place I saw it so if it came from elsewhere I don't know nor care.

>> No.45073217

bro, your Geas reps?

>> No.45073230
File: 399 KB, 910x676, 1673630272293300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate zoomers so much is unreal

>> No.45073252


>> No.45073256
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x720, 1618371136178143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don't call country bumpkins "zoomers."

>> No.45073362
File: 81 KB, 1024x768, e13_a0_l0_h0_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kids and their phones, back in my day...

>> No.45073539

Respond "kudasai" if you're read far enough.

>> No.45073642
File: 2.75 MB, 2560x1440, GINKA_28-10-2023 01-16-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.45073657

I don't know I can't review for shit

>> No.45073660
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a nice game.

>> No.45073803

can you fuck her

>> No.45073819


>> No.45073859

Japan has big whaling industry. Well, big relative to the rest of the world. Any VNs about whaling? What's the Moby Dick of VNs?

>> No.45073862

Fate/grand order

>> No.45073911

Are there any games where you are the bodyguard of a rich bitch other than akagoei?

>> No.45073931


>> No.45073975


>> No.45073988
File: 141 KB, 800x600, 12245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking about it, has anyone here played Para-sol? The mc looks like a typical otome protag

>> No.45074000

I was meant to say main ikemen not protag but you got me

>> No.45074014

I need more ikemen mcs in my eroges

>> No.45074019

Miwo installed in my phone in case I get Isekai'd to feudal Japan.

>> No.45074118

Getting sent to a fishing ship as a worker, or as a whore where the heroine is gettin' dick'd by the mob, are endings that I've read in more than one eroge.

>> No.45074243

How would i self insert if that's the case?

>> No.45074396
File: 388 KB, 800x600, 9e2ebd0d90cdd146d4ec88f70697931ae56a6715f96694a531ca7043df2c9981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even live if you don't look at least like this?

>> No.45074438
File: 430 KB, 562x621, 1622559430863803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's literally me.

>> No.45074600 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, cartagra_xPEAvzkZnH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Crazy Woman

>> No.45074605


>> No.45074673

well, shuugo does have a monster dong so I can sort of understand the comparison.

>> No.45074755
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It's dead, isn't it?

>> No.45074760

Damn. I haven't been downloading a ton of eroge this year. Have the people uploading the torrents gotten slower lately, or is this just a this month thing? I remember waking up Friday mornings and most of what I wanted was already uploaded.

>> No.45074843

I completely forgot it was a thing

>> No.45074884

it's in stagnant state

>> No.45074961


>> No.45075139

Does anyone have Gakuen Handsome? Or could point me in the right direction to DL it? (Don't have any private trackers).
Also not gay.

>> No.45075188

>doesn't know about Wi-fi
That's not zoomer. That's complete luddite.

>> No.45075235

pixeldrain com/u/58u4irW1

>> No.45075249


>> No.45075675

How is the new Azarashi soft imoutoge, in terms of how much priority I should give it on my backlog?

>> No.45075695

Guys, there’s this famous CG of a pink haired girl standing in a purple flower field at night with a lonely/sad expression
And I am looking for the game name

>> No.45075703


>> No.45075721
File: 2.68 MB, 1605x905, 幕末尽忠報国烈士伝 MIBUROMIBURO (70).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been too long since I've read BnK, was Hanjirou actually in the Chusingura play scene and I just forgot? Or is this not meant to be a reference because Chusingura plays were pretty common in the era.

>> No.45075803

Unfortunately no, it had a fantasy fairytale like setting

>> No.45075852

do you remember at least if it is 16:9 or 4:3?

>> No.45075933
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I thought about this one but it's not at night.

>> No.45075983
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It shouldn't be this one, but your description kinda reminds me of pic related.

>> No.45076051
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I'm not sure about priority in your backlog but I find it quite enjoyable. It has even managed to make me cry a little already.

>> No.45076278

Lord, thanks for warning me.

>> No.45076285

man ever since i got a job ive been finding it harder to read shit
how do you non-neets manage?

>> No.45076292
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x900, コイバナ恋愛_Ver1.00コイバナ恋愛 (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple - moege is the only thing that makes my pathetic wagie life bearable and without moege to make the pain go away I would kill myself. So I make time.

>> No.45076318

It's very rare that I get home tired enough to just want to sleep, so I dedicate at least 3 hours a day to reading something. At this point in my life it's already a habit and it helps me tremendously to disconnect from the world. Another thing I discovered recently is learning to enjoy ASMRs. There are some really good on dlsite

>> No.45076511

I literally live to read moege.

>> No.45076527

Mermaid doko

>> No.45076550

If you live alone you are pretty much fucked since most of the time will be wasted doing chores, still, at that point reading 2 hours a day would be enough as long as you dont drift towards other shit like youtube or 4chan in your free time

>> No.45076557

I read instead of doing other stuff.

>> No.45076907

What's wrong with her, bitchboi?

>> No.45077044

Thank you for the VN recommendation

>> No.45077065

Do Americans really not get holidays off work?

>> No.45077160

Carnelian is a fujoshi so no surprise. All the eroge protagonists she designed look like they walked out of a shoujo manga.

>> No.45077178

Can someone upload 接触? Is it uploaded anywhere, I cannot find it in usual places?

>> No.45077201

Apparently no one gives a shit about Maruo anymore

>> No.45077226

The ChronoBox nigga? What happened to him?

>> No.45077324

>caring about troonge

>> No.45077482

Does anyone have the new Steam version of WA1 in Japanese? Could only find it in English, and changing the language settings in the ini file doesn't seem to work.

>> No.45077521

Is Steam the only Windows version?

>> No.45077534

There's an older version, but I heard it's a shoddy port prone to random crashes etc., and I assume the Steam version runs better,

>> No.45077549
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>> No.45077673

I love the charadesign. Is it good ?

>> No.45077684

Don't have that message on my Steam client. I live in SEA.

>> No.45077744
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Best I can do you.

>> No.45077789

My condolences

>> No.45077850

Don't need the pity. I'm a Singapoor.

>> No.45077851
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FD for Yuno.

>> No.45077886
File: 422 KB, 2560x1440, GINKA_28-10-2023 13-32-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow the story was so damn dogshit, it was physically painful to read the 2nd half
This writing was on the level of ln for 12yos, what the heck happened to Konno Asta? I really loved his Hinazakura route in Himanatsu but this felt way too swallow even compared to Atri
Sol parts were pretty much the only good parts in the game, so much of a wasted potential for so damn good main heroine
Fuck i'm going to waste forever now looking for more girls like ginka

>> No.45077894

What is writing meant for adults anyways?

>> No.45077903

>what the heck happened to Konno Asta
moege writing brain rot

>> No.45077905


>> No.45077911


>> No.45077957

Too bad the art looks like it's for 12 year olds.

>> No.45078130

Expected, but not a fan of Yuno so I will pass on that one.
Guess we won't see a new Marmalade before 2025 at best

>> No.45078157

No scaji involved despite being market as "from the creators of atri" should have been your first clue

>> No.45078667

Unfortunate to hear. I hate it when good heroines are stuck in bad plots. Might still try it since it's a short game but I'll keep my expectations low.

>> No.45078696

>If you live alone you are pretty much fucked since most of the time will be wasted doing chores
what are you talking about. I live alone and spend like 90+% of my waking time behind a computer screen. I figure only literal hikkimori neets can top my level of no-lifeness

>> No.45078729

I made like 200 screenshots with ginka and saved a few really good bgms so it was still worth it for me but be ready to read the same thing rephrased 10 times again and again and again about that stupid [spolier]hiruko legend[/spoiler] and to break your brain while trying to connect the dots together

>> No.45078735
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>> No.45078768

Your place must smell disgusting.

>> No.45078809

Try not making messes like a 5 year old child? If you live alone, there's no reason to clean everyday or something. Just once in a while and mostly just kitchen + bathroom.

>> No.45078845

Anon, you're used to it by now butyour piss bottles reek.

>> No.45079132

>don't consume literal trash like fast food and soda
>exercise regularly
>don't use social media and faggotware like discord, 4chan is OK for noncommittal socialization and discussions
>have a decent job close to your place
>read several hours during downtime
>read more after work
Just don't be a loser. It's pretty easy.

>> No.45079166

>be neet
>live with parents
>parents do all chores and food
>you read eroge 24/7
has worked for me so far

>> No.45079262

Release date + OP reveal for sprite's yurige november 17

>> No.45079295

>check vndb
>ps4 and switch
Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.45079330
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I haven't gotten to that part yet but when I do I'll let you know.

>> No.45079380

You're asking for way too much. The average person who reads eroge is too depressed and self-hating to do all that shit (except me).

>> No.45079419

I love her

>> No.45079443

Jdownloader is such a piece of shit, It keeps resetting my downloads when they're barely halfway done.

>> No.45079542

girlcelly sourced uploads from a freenet dude who's been MIA for the past year

>> No.45079565
File: 809 KB, 1200x900, clep_28-10-2023 19-03-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>launch the game
>all the hoverings over menu buttons are being voiced by Kristoff
>restart the game
>now they are all voiced by Rusalka
Why did it make me laugh so hard

>> No.45079586

And now after restarting it 3rd time the voice changed to Midorikawa made it fucking perfect

>> No.45079659

Do you work from home? I guess if you are someone that works on internet, like scamming people through patreon working 4 hours a day would be enough and then rest can be spend reading eroge, otherwise people who are wagies are different.
I only use it to download shit from google drive and works for me so far, for mega shit juts use the mega downloader from their official page, one drive allows to download everything as a zip so chrome or firefox is enough. You are fucked for katfile and all other weird russian hosts AS use though.

>> No.45079750

It's been like that for some time, less uploaders, so even for big release, sometimes you have to wait a few days for it to be uploaded, and some minor one's get ignored altogether

>> No.45079760

All I have access to are barely alive katfiles for obscure titles.

>> No.45079769

That's why you should have AB for backup.

>> No.45079773

Please be my friend and invite me.

>> No.45079917

AB is shit for new releases, only gets stuff after sukebei

>> No.45079926

One day they stop being new and gradually become harder and harder to find until eventually you have no other option besides >>45079760

>> No.45079948


>> No.45079981

There is also Mikocon FTP as an option.

>> No.45079992

MTL... my guiding light... you have failed me....

>> No.45080020

brilliant way to filter mtlscum, i kneel

>> No.45080028

I have the VN downloaded, If I was truly desperate I could load it up and MTL the hell out of it, checking every single sentence and fixing the mistake results. But I am a MTL chad, my laziness knows no bounds.

>> No.45080035

Anyone who knows Japanese can tell, so please do it so we can laugh at you

>> No.45080041
File: 3.16 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_28-10-2023 20-12-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otome are scary..

>> No.45080049

>Anyone who knows Japanese can tell
Oh yeah? Prove it by translating from 2:30 to 4:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30OmIONo8lk&list=PLQh3FABh7hTkD97DjcAx7hnIJ1FFvtPgD&index=12 and post it in the thread for me.

>> No.45080065

Eh??? I already have an account??

>> No.45080074


>> No.45080079

I have been curious for some time about whether it will be possible to blogpost untranslated otomes here

>> No.45080095

Isn't there blog general already?

>> No.45080108

>all ages
They should've stayed dead if this is what they were going to make

>> No.45080121

Why have these threads been so gay lately? There's already another thread for that.

>> No.45080123

But I don't know how many people know jp there and it would be interesting to discover new shit

>> No.45080127

Someone just posted a shorts url, so blame zoomers.

>> No.45080131

Blog fap on otome ikemens while we fap on hot otome protagonists
We are not the same

>> No.45080138

Keep the homosexual shit out of this thread please,is bad enough with mtlers and anime watchers, the guy that wanted to blogpost the last ensemble work got gunned down on sight.

>> No.45080143

Male homosexual anime untranslated eroge sound good.

>> No.45080155

>can only see men on screen for 99% of the playtime
>bro I totally fap to the girl

>> No.45080162

Do you fap on literally every sprite of the girl?

>> No.45080163

This is why the protags body shouldnt appear in h-scene

>> No.45080168

this girl looks hot at least

>> No.45080170
File: 917 KB, 630x701, 1636580708701286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I've read some eroge where I wank to the 立ち絵

>> No.45080175

Any good ntr otomege?

>> No.45080180

>ugly black man shouting
Zoom zoom.

>> No.45080184

Oh well, guess I'll have to go to sis refuge to discover hidden kamiges

>> No.45080189

you know what, I think I'm going to start playing and posting about otome if it makes people seethe so much

>> No.45080202

I was just asking out of curiosity to see the reception, no need to be an asshole

>> No.45080205

One day i'm going to blogpost slow damage, wonder how many people will fall into the abyss with me

>> No.45080220

sorry, I admit that post was uncalled for

>> No.45080235

/blog/ has a pretty high concentration of jops for a thread that isn't exclusively meant for them. There was very little otome getting translated until a few years ago, and it was all console only (back then mostly vita which didn't even have an emulator), learning Japanese was the only option.

>> No.45080245

Are there even any actual women sitting there or trannyes only?

>> No.45080260

Dont forget for the smut ones they actually draw the man's face during H scenes and that's a nono to modern otaku

>> No.45080274

trannies play cartelge, not otome

>> No.45080287

stop making me curious about otome H scenes

>> No.45080320

>mans face is bad
>mans entire body on the screen is good

>> No.45080436

otome: when the H scene starts and the femc has a manlier face/body than the guy she's fucking

>> No.45080551


>> No.45080559

Do it. More eroge bros should try out otome.

>> No.45080571


>> No.45080575 [SPOILER] 
File: 490 KB, 642x526, mayonaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was strange playing a nukige from the early 00s and seeing both characters in frame.
Otome tends to not have them for the most part. They don't really make R18 otome any more, even most of the doujin producers seem to have quit at this point. For whatever reason it was never popular.
For the ones that do exist they almost always show the girl and she's often voice acted so I guess if you fell in love with first sight with a particular MC you might possibly get something out of her H scenes. Though still, I wouldn't recommend ever actually doing this.

>> No.45080585

>Otome tends to not have them for the most part
women don't shlick to the usual fujo VAs doing grunts? Man, I don't understand women.

>> No.45080597

All ages otome seem pretty hormy though with how much I've heard people talk about the VAs moaning.

>> No.45080615

It's simpler, japanese women are just unable to learn how to use pc, and this is why the majority of them are on the switch these days

>> No.45080624

kek actually this makes sense

>> No.45080629

Japanese women actually have jobs. Switch is convenient because it's portable and can be played on the train commute.

>> No.45080639

The growing trend in general is that the younger generation doesn't have a computer nor knows how to use one. Zoomers and gen alphas are computer illiterate but they all have phones. That's why mobage dominates the market now.

>> No.45080665

But that was literally the same for the millennials in japan
Everyone was playing the games almost exclusively on the consoles and pc was considered as something where you could only work or play adult games
This is also one of the reason why their soft still sucks so much

>> No.45080686

Every generation is majorly computer illiterate, unless you're implying Millenials are to which I give a big fat LMAO.

>> No.45080693

I guess I don't know what the stats are but I would imagine usual trend of generation X and millennials being the most computer literate overall with subsequent generations declining holds true in Japan too despite that number probably being lower than other developed countries.

>> No.45080725

It depends on the country, in my 3rd world shithole consoles were considered as a luxury so almost everyone was playing exclusively on pc, and since no one could afford to buy games either people were learning how to pirate and crack the games from a very early age and it still continues to this day
Only 2010+ zoomers who grew up completely on phones are mostly illiterate

>> No.45080731

That's not entirely it. BL games are almost always on PC and have H scenes.
But the otome industry got big during the PSP era so I guess the audience expects the games to be on portable consoles.
There's overlap between the audiences but they're different, there's a kind of BL apartheid that doesn't really exist in standard eroge, which will sometimes throw traps or yuri at you without warning. A portion of otome fans will throw an absolute shitfit at even the implication of BL polluting their otome so they're kept very seperate.

>> No.45080750

Right there, it's definitely different in the third world. But Japan should be in the category of countries like the US, western Europe, etc. that got early access to tech right when it was its infancy so the same generations should have been exposed to it like in the west.

>> No.45080782

Yeah, jp devs suck really bad, but let's not forget how mind blowing pokemon silver/gold was

>> No.45080850

>This is also one of the reason why their soft still sucks so much
So which eroge is coded the best then?

>> No.45080853 [DELETED] 

Might have something to do with the fact that the Japanese computer market was very different from the rest of the world until the 00s. There's a pretty good documentation on YT if you're interested. https://youtu.be/CEtgzO-Im8w

>> No.45080862

>It's the Japs can't do anything right hour.
And I thought we were supposed to keep /a/ out of here.

>> No.45080865

Might have something to do with the fact that the Japanese computer market was very different from the rest of the world until the 00s. There's a pretty good documentary on YT if you're interested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEtgzO-Im8w

>> No.45080894

Nothing /a/ about it, if you play eroge regularly you should know better than anyone that japs can't into computers.

>> No.45080903

If they autistically followed /g/erm theory, then you wouldn't be playing their games for free.

>> No.45080904

>This is also one of the reason why their soft still sucks so much
Old meme, japanese games have been better the last 10 years than their western counterparts, specially nowadays.

>> No.45080923

>This is also one of the reason why their soft still sucks so much
Westoids can't stop fucking up their "superior" games with bugs after bugs and forgoing QA.

>> No.45080929

only the fucking japanese can come up with shit like thinking everyone uses a 60hz monitor so they half your refresh rate to achieve a 30fps cap

>> No.45080945

This was broken in some resolutions https://store.steampowered.com/app/2097740/AKAIITO_HD_REMASTER/ at this point I think the meme will never die

>> No.45080959

it just works

>> No.45080962

How do I lean japanese, guys?

>> No.45080964

Yeah well I haven't encountered a VN that required a 100GB patch to be playable.

>> No.45080970

Black Sheep Town had me craving for more mafia eroge

>> No.45080972

>can't write
>can't code
>can't draw
Damn, what are they good for then?

>> No.45080973

you don't
we all use MTL here

>> No.45080980


>> No.45080981

just feel it around, bro

>> No.45080984

Making seaniggers and koreans seethe it seems

>> No.45080986

Their coding ability is worse than westoids still, but everything else is terrible about modern western games so it doesn't really matter and Japanese games obviously win.

>> No.45080987

??? I am literally talking about vns here
even cartagra remake had problems on some frequencies

>> No.45081017

>2010+ zoomers are mostly illiterate
They are also like 10

>> No.45081019

Maybe just maybe with how open platform the PC is QA'ing for every single config is damn near impossible.

>> No.45081029

I can't wait https://hirahirahihiru.com/

>> No.45081037

So what I'm getting out of this is the only ones who can make good games are Africans and Indians.

>> No.45081039

I'm running JP W11 and. I was only able to play Cartagra because of this post >>44887100

>> No.45081045

At 12 i was already modding gta sa with new cars and selling it to stupid classmates

>> No.45081065

At 12 I didn't realise mods were a thing and thought they were all some special cheat codes.

>> No.45081069
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There also crash when I save at touji choice h scene.

>> No.45081086


>> No.45081128
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>> No.45081142


>> No.45081156

Doesn't matter, I like girls that have some meat on their bones.

>> No.45081178

Will reading extravaganza cure my entomophobia?

>> No.45081213
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1440, AikotobaSSS_2023-10-28_15-06-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every other fucking sentences they need to bring it up.

>> No.45081226

What the actual fuck is going on with those feet?

>> No.45081229


>> No.45081240

After finishing it the incests will suddenly start looking cute to you...
Seriously though i also hate bugs but i didn't feel anything at all towards the art in extravaganza
The way that the artist is doing shadowing feels kinda soft and the details that make bugs so disgusting are mostly omitted

>> No.45081242

You mean your heels don't jut out 10 cm behind your ankles?

>> No.45081270

>the incests will suddenly start looking cute to you...
is that a typo or is this a different kinda game

>> No.45081278

incest with insects probably

>> No.45081281

Well technically.. sleeping with the bug that you gave birth to can be considered as momcest right?

>> No.45081290

wtf why am I not reading that shit?

>> No.45081299

Im glad im not into feets

>> No.45081320

You only have yourself to blame.

>> No.45081333 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1679x1259, 05-09-2023 11-19-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes really deep into it

>> No.45081353

I'd like to see her try to deadlift with those things

>> No.45081367

Instead of otomege, let's talk about Korean VN's.

>> No.45081372

kill yourself

>> No.45081376

It happens in a lot of artist CGs with that kind of plot anyways

>> No.45081384

Yeah, I know, the computer came with it installed and I couldn't be bothered to change it. But still - if the game has issues on the latest version of JP Windows, it's fair to say they didn't do a very good job at QA.

>> No.45081443
File: 3.57 MB, 1918x1439, Magpie_28-10-2023 20-31-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the aesthetics looks so damn good, the rare game with low poly 3d renders
The way it is being presented reminds me of django a lot

>> No.45081447

Ok, I'm sold. I'm going to read extravaganza, wish me luck

>> No.45081449

>if the game has issues on the latest version of JP Windows, it's fair to say they didn't do a very good job at QA.

>> No.45081478

The first chapter is going to be *very* rough from start to finish but starting from 2 it's going to be mostly chill so long you think ahead and avoid bad ends

>> No.45081560

which is your favourite?

>> No.45081592


>> No.45081723

Weird how the JOP version comes out before Korean.

>> No.45082185

Why do all otome protags have big tits? How do Jap women self-insert?

>> No.45082242

How do you self-insert into protags with big dicks?
It's the same for girls.

>> No.45082259

I feel BTFO and I'm not even the original poster

>> No.45082265

Dicks are censored so it's hard to tell but the recent otakus definitely won't be happy seeing the protagonist having abs

>> No.45082346

I wonder if that anon has already bought a rope

>> No.45082380

Abs are different because unlike natural dick or breast size it's not an inherent physiological characteristic but a telltale sign of certain lifestyle. That lifestyle is very different from regular otaku and people of that lifestyle are often enough very hostile towards otaku. That's the reason why abs might often generate negative reaction.

>> No.45082417

half of fucking moege protags do sports

>> No.45082429

>not being a /fit/ otaku neet

>> No.45082431

But not to a point of having macho abs.

>> No.45082452
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>> No.45082460

>people of that lifestyle are often enough very hostile towards otaku
No they aren't. More like it's the other way around

>> No.45082462
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, tsushinbo_xE6ULZg3L4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Nonoka's route in Tsuushinbo. Feel like her VA was top notch at delivering an easy-going loli voice in normal situations but kinda sucked at moaning. Still, the H was generally really effective with its feeling of 背徳感, especially considering how many close calls the MC and Nonoka had with people almost finding out they're boning. The last scene especially with the other teacher walking in the teachers' staff room right after the MC creampied his own student on his own desk, and Nonoka hiding under his desk and sucking him off while the other teacher was casually talking to him was insanely hot.

Still can't get on board with how hard the game tries to push its characters as being in love for real when it's an inherently imbalanced relationship. I'd rather the MC own up to how he's being a sick predator taking advantage of young girls and just keep doing it out of a guilty habit but it's not really bad enough to ruin the H for me. I should probably check out Shoujo Ramune some day because I heard it leans into the exploitative/manipulative aspect instead of trying to sugarcoat it.

>> No.45082477

>normal situations but kinda sucked at moaning
Just turn off the background H and then it's perfect.
>Still can't get on board with how hard the game tries to push its characters as being in love for real when it's an inherently imbalanced relationship.
Are you trying to imply there's something wrong with fucking the daughter of the man's house you're staying at free of charge?

>> No.45082480
File: 87 KB, 323x149, ai4lfubr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Rance sama is a fucking bull with massive hyper weapon and is literally everyone's favorite eroge protagonist

>> No.45082496

Someone post the pic from tenshi souzou where the MC tells the loli that's an average size for japanese.

>> No.45082512

Shoujo Ramune sometimes leans into that aspect way too heavily to be honest. It's almost rapey in its execution. I even had to put it on-hold because of it.

>> No.45082546

All their games like to push that kind of narrative
I fucking hated how Amaenbo kept pushing the bullshit that everyone should work and that being a shakaijin is the happiest thing in the world down your throat all the time

>> No.45082548
File: 936 KB, 1282x752, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have this?

>> No.45082664

Do you read more than one vn at once or do you only start a new one after you finish the current one?

>> No.45082683

Always read multiple ones depending on mood and always take a break between routes to keep things fresh and not repetitive

>> No.45082731

One at a time

>> No.45082759

Depending on the type of story i read one route and then start another, read one route of the new one and then come back the read another route of the first one, and repeat.

>> No.45082763

One at a time not counting nukige

>> No.45082770

Generally one serious VN, one moege, and one nukige so I can match whatever I'm in the mood for. Sometimes I take a break and alternate with something else in the same category though.

>> No.45082773

Around 5 at a time, spending ~1 hour on each every day.

>> No.45082775

Usually 2 or 3 in different genres.

>> No.45082810

Don't you ever want to keep reading one longer than that? I thought of doing the same thinking it might help with developing a stronger connection to each VN by spreading them out instead of finishing each within a few days.

>> No.45082829
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, Q764645352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple ones, go from 2 up to 7-8 at once depending on mood, money and work

>> No.45082836

This. A lot of the hate is self-inflicted, but you wouldn't hear that much in dens of woes like this site.

>> No.45082860

Nta but that really depends on what you read
If you are stuck on the boring common route it's physically impossible to force myself to read it longer than 1 hour
If the best route kicks in i'm sure as hell i won't be able to take a break before i finish it

>> No.45082866

>I fucking hated how Amaenbo kept pushing the bullshit that everyone should work and that being a shakaijin is the happiest thing in the world down your throat all the time
You wouldn't want kids to hook up with a bum would you?

>> No.45082880

Don't you want eroge to feel less Japanese and more like Western shitposter in sensibilities?

>> No.45082886

There's a middle ground between being a mindless drone and a bum on welfare

>> No.45082912

We deal in extremes when it comes to eroge. None of that fence sitter shit.

>> No.45082921

I do want them to hook up with me though.

>> No.45082929
File: 279 KB, 1536x864, difference_se_W3dg7O99DR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still can't get on board with how hard the game tries to push its characters as being in love for real when it's an inherently imbalanced relationship
Removed this from my backlog because I don't like this either. It's funny in Lolicon Yamemashita because of how ridiculous it is and the insane mom thing. The best one I've read so far with the MC owning up to it is Futawamari, but even then in the end they use the MC's trauma to justify it as real love

>> No.45082935

That is real love though.

>> No.45082968

Try Musumaker if you want the real shit

>> No.45082986

You're already dealing with a taboo relationship in an indealized medium. You don't want it to feel too real. That would just make you feel like scum.

>> No.45083006
File: 45 KB, 256x362, 69174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no issues with that and hope this momge drops soon.

>> No.45083023

hope new atelier bare & bunny vn is momge too, they should be announcing it soon

>> No.45083025

Isn't that the whole point of reading about taboo relationships?
If you remove the taboo then it becomes literally no different from any other moege

>> No.45083034

Eroge is for those who want their cake and eat it too. No compromises.

>> No.45083046

Manipulating lolis is hot but the MC has to be self aware. Treating it like true love without any feelings of guilt is just weird unless it's fully committed to being an unrealistic fantasy.
But I want to feel like scum.

>> No.45083047

I like to fap to bestiality, but no way am I going on a full thought exercise on the negative implications of my fetish.

>> No.45083059

>But I want to feel like scum.
That's one of the true essences of eroge actually.

>> No.45083090

manipulating is true love

>> No.45083113

The whole discussion is based on the wrong assumption that love is always a clean and positive thing.

>> No.45083132

Love is just a short-term chemical reaction that only leads to dependence.

>> No.45083156

but dependence can be nice, with the right person

>> No.45083157

Yeah she sucks, better just stick to being a vtuber now.

>> No.45083254

Let's not be too reductive now.

>> No.45083326

It is for those that have not been blackpilled yet

>> No.45083359

Nah. Blackpilled would be denying the existence of love altogether. Thinking that love as a concept is always a force of good is romanticizing nonsense, which can be refuted by looking at any couple who live in a codependent relationship. Love really does exist, and often enough it's a pretty dark, depressing or downright destructive thing.

>> No.45083384

so basically weeds

>> No.45083413

>He doesn't lift weights while he plays eroge to look good for his waifu
Pathetic. NGMI

>> No.45083431

I usually read about fifteen at once.
By the time I actually finish one I've known the characters for years and it's extremely emotional.

>> No.45083435

I'm sure your waifu wouldn't want you to play eroge though

>> No.45083444

Not him but she shouldn't be your waifu if she doesn't respect your hobbies. Dump her and find a better girl.

>> No.45083453

My waifu has a mild cuckquean fetish.
Shit's so cash.

>> No.45083468

Anyone who doesn't like their partner enjoying eroge deserves to kys unironically

>> No.45083469

She made an eroge with me so yeah she would

>> No.45083486

This reminds me the absolute state of modern relationships where they think their partner watching porn is normal, this cuck generation truly is something else.
Thank god i took the erogepill

>> No.45083529

My waifu is a perfect fit for my abs
They both don't exist

>> No.45083587

Don't be picky, or I won't upload it for you.

>> No.45083617

Eh? I already have the old version.

>> No.45083637

Then stop being picky and play it. Or move here to Japan and get the new one. It's like 2000 yen or so.

I see many of you SEA people around working in cafes, konbinis etc., I'm sure you can come on the SSW slave visa.

>> No.45083647

I'm already here, my guy. I don't want to give money to Shiravune or any other company who publishes translated VNs on Steam, simple as that.

>> No.45083779

What are some of your biggest regrets where you would want to erase your memory and replay it?
Mine would be playing Extravaganza with the guide, not starting with Al route in Demonbane and not starting with Natsumi route in Hello world

>> No.45083788

Getting it from AB right now, the download is slow so give me a few hours. Only doing it for you because the Steam version is 1080p vs 720p on the previous release, and everyone deserves to play on a higher resolution.

>> No.45083802

Playing Sharin no Kuni in English.

>> No.45083810

i got really close to finishing Princess Witches but then my laptop broke and i lost all my shit. i'm too lazy to redownload and ctrl all the way towhere i was especially due to all of the gameplay but i really liked the game.

>> No.45083822

Not using a guide sooner in old games with countless arbitrary choices.

>> No.45083828

Playing cross channel/forest/inganock in English.

>> No.45083831

I wish I had emulated Baldr Force EXE on PS2

>> No.45083835

Watching the anime adaptation of grisaia because now that i know what happens im not reading 100+ hours of something i know the plot and every plottwist of

>> No.45083841
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43cm bust reporting in

>> No.45083863

Why that over the normal PC one? Also the Standard Edition for PC is available too.

>> No.45083871

Better voice cast + the ero is horrible

>> No.45083873

Same but also for fate and rewrite
My only relief is that i was too lazy to watch clannad or lb

>> No.45083876

>changing the language settings in the ini file doesn't seem to work.
The English version is also the TW and JP version, it's not separated into Japanese and non-Japanese versions like Utawarerumono was. You probably need to try harder to find a switch to Japanese.

>> No.45083901

Oh shit, I rechecked and the PC Standard Edition isn't using the PS2 voices. Are they worth it though?

Not true. Clear separate depots. I checked it myself and the easily available scene release doesn't include the Data/Game/JPN folder.

>> No.45083918

The main appeal is the comedy and SoL though. The plot is whatever.

>> No.45083932

Well, I only played PC EXE so I'm judging off the names, not whether they fit the characters, but yeah, probably. Either way I believe it lets you pick between the two voices for each character

>> No.45083945

I just remembered this huge upgrade on ps2 this brings me back...

>> No.45083956

>cross channel
You can only get its real appeal after rereading it anyway, your chances of getting it from the first read are close to nonexistent

>> No.45083982

>Not true. Clear separate depots. I checked it myself and the easily available scene release doesn't include the Data/Game/JPN folder.
That doesn't make sense though. The English Steam page lists Japanese as a text language. If you change the webpage's language to Japanese you'll find reviews in Japanese. So what's going on, did the people who pirated it go out of their way to remove all of the Japanese language files?

>> No.45084002

>The English Steam page lists Japanese
Doesn't matter, doesn't make all languages available in one DL. You'd have to manually set language to Japanese in Steam and update it to get the files sometimes, guess it's that case for the game he's talking about

>> No.45084007

No. You select a language in the Steam's Properties page for the game and it will download that version. By default it's your region, but you can change it. It will also remove the other languages.

So at one time you can only have one language version installed in Steam, but you have access to all of them, if you buy the game. Scene simply didn't bother with any other than English.

Monochrome Mobius works the same.

>> No.45084010

why some games don't include jp text? copyright? it's really annoying. i'm totally ignorant about that

>> No.45084015

They don't want jap players buying games for much cheaper than what they charge on domestic storefronts.

>> No.45084021

Fucking lazy shits only downloading the English text

>> No.45084030

Also, circumventing of Japanese censoring requirements.

>> No.45084037
File: 8 KB, 302x225, 1678950098017622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, the AB version I was downloading doesn't have that folder either. I wasted my time.

>> No.45084046

Yeah, this is the case for The Last of Us Part 1 for example, where you need to buy from Japan to get Japanese voice files. And it will a special Japan-only censored version.

Luckily it can be uncensored with some file swapping.

Lol, okay, wait a day or two and the JP version will magically appear.

>> No.45084047

Yeah, but they do this bullshit with regular games as well, not just eroge. See Kiseki games for example.

>> No.45084070

I have memories of dedicating some sublime rants to bandai namco for that shit with a bunch of games

>> No.45084075

>Lol, okay, wait a day or two and the JP version will magically appear.

>> No.45084480

You guys realize it's against rules to give away invites AB in public, right? Someone might report you, you know.

>> No.45084484

fuck the rules, I'm a rebel

>> No.45084488

This is a very private club, only cool people are allowed to view posts or post here.

>> No.45084502

WA1 up on Rin. All languages.

>> No.45084512


>> No.45084534

Absolute god. Thanks.

>> No.45084537

Is White Album 1 even worth reading?

>> No.45084541

i'm looking forward to this way too hard
brb F5'ing sukebe

>> No.45084542

Sure, why not? Though I'm more interested in going through the 1999 original.

>> No.45084544

I'll hoard it just to be safe.

>> No.45084546

What's rin?

>> No.45084550

Mermaid is finally up.

>> No.45084562

cs . rin . ru / forum

>> No.45084565

Please delete this, I was just about to type a cryptic passive-aggressive reply.

>> No.45084566


>> No.45084571

Me too at first, but ultimately the point is to share.

>> No.45084594

Yeah but I was going to give him a nudge in the right direction while doing that, gotta teach 'em how to fish.

>> No.45084604
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>> No.45084617

This is why you only spoonfeed in the form of a riddle.

>> No.45084635

It's just proof of their cowardice.
How's the game outside of the >nbr issue?
>Do you read more than one vn at once or do you only start a new one after you finish the current one?
I try to only read one VN at a time, but if I'm reading something really fucking long and a short new release comes out I'll drop it to read the new thing then go back.

>> No.45084685

teach a man how to set a fire and he'll be warm for a while
set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life

>> No.45084761

I hope the guy who started Extravaganza keeps us updated.

>> No.45084778

>guys wtf my game is bugged

>> No.45084780
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1667080883834347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these the actual default keyboard controls lmao

>> No.45084789

This is a backported of a console version, right? That's a very clear case "this used to be a console game" controls.

>> No.45084814

change them to vim keybindings

>> No.45084834

wait what? she's a vtuber? That's why you hate her?

>> No.45084836

I like smug Silverio girls

>> No.45084943

I don't know but Mana is peak cute and I want to read her route at least

>> No.45084984

She did a crowdfunding to get a model, I don't hate her, hell with her samey voice for all characters and cutesy act she puts on she's fine as vtuber, same as how Fujisaki Usa is making the switch too, they can do better there.

>> No.45085096

old enough for kisses anon
SR protag is a piece of shit because he blackmails

>> No.45085122

How do you guys know about these info? Their twitter?

>> No.45085126

>do better
They're like 2 digits streamer. That's not good enough.

>> No.45085149

Well yes, it's not like they're getting new personas, they keep using the same eroge alias and accounts but just get a model and start streaming.
Vtubers and eroge seiyuu are pretty similar, hiding behind an alias and most of them never showing their face, the switch is easy.

>> No.45085222

Does anyone have that picture where the mother is watching her son playing eroge

>> No.45085287

Does anyone have the desktop icon for 雫 ~しずく~?

>> No.45085344 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 2.63 MB, 1605x905, 幕末尽忠報国烈士伝 MIBUROMIBURO (76).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the sameface was not only deliberate, but an actual massive plot point
Inre, you're goddamn geniuses.
(Massive Miburo spoilers)

>> No.45085360

You probably should spoiler mark the text and not the image

>> No.45085376

The image is a pretty big spoiler but I guess it wouldn't make much sense without the context.
Fair enough, I'll delete the post.

>> No.45085394

Jesus christ do you even enjoy them that way?

>> No.45085934

Sounds pretty good.

>> No.45086461
File: 39 KB, 225x350, 1590419687714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

contrary to popular opinion, fucking your teenage students is NOT immoral.

>> No.45086478

Are the girls in Tsuushinbo meant to be teenagers?

>> No.45086489

weren't they around 12?

>> No.45086494

So Veagers? Even Enagers would be cool.

>> No.45086684

Yes, I did that for years so I can't see myself doing it another way

>> No.45087320



>> No.45087421

>This reminds me the absolute state of modern relationships where they think their partner watching porn is normal
That's good. Nobody likes a prude.
