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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4503236 No.4503236 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you stop wasting time on /jp/ and actually get something done today?

You could've acquired 5 different bachelor degrees with all the time you spent fapping to troll posts on this shitty site. Instead, you generate ad revenues for moot while he laughs his off at you and pretends that he's poor.

>> No.4503252

Because I value dicking around a lot more than I enjoy whatever shitty, worthless bachelors in Business or whatever you have.

>> No.4503254

Why should I take advice about how I lead my life from you?

Reported, back to /b/, /adv/ or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.4503251

all over the floor

>> No.4503271

Her eyes are way too close to that screen.

>> No.4503279

>while he laughs his off at you


>> No.4503307

I don't think anyone here clicks on ads, and spending time on 4chan is a symptom of the problem that prevented us from getting 5 different undergrad degrees, not the cause.
If not for 4chan you'd be spending your time at some other online timesink.

>> No.4503316

He did that to avoid to censoring system.


>> No.4503330

You don't actually have to click on the ads for moot to make money off of them, you know.

>> No.4503334


sh*t th* f*ck *p anonymous

>> No.4503337

I've bought shit from Jlist before.

>> No.4503348

If you haven't bought an oppai ball from j-list you don't belong on /jp/.

life-like texture ;_;

>> No.4503359

Oh wow, this is the only thread on the front page that isn't Touhou or Higurashi?

So shitty.

>> No.4503365

You missed the two shitty Ciel threads.

>> No.4503383

and many others.

>> No.4503387

I've been playing Starcraft 2 all day!

>> No.4503399

You got in the beta?
How is it?

>> No.4503620


>> No.4503623

But I already have 5 bachelor's degrees.

>> No.4503630

Because I enjoy working my dead end job for $7.25 an hour, 4-6 hours a day, 3 days a week.

>> No.4503639

But I already have a Bachelor's degree!
Working on a Master's now.

Stop ruining my hopes, dammit.

>> No.4503648

You also enjoy wetting the bed. It's the little things that count.

>> No.4503649

Like Stacraft, but with decent graphics.

>> No.4503656

> Moot actually making money off 4chan

I laughed quite heartily.

>> No.4503658

Someone make me a filter that blocks trips as well as everyone who replies to said tripfag.

>> No.4503674

fuck balls shit

>> No.4503697

I spent all day building and painting models!

>> No.4503700

does moot really makes money off 4chan?besides jlist i don't see any other ads

>> No.4503702

What would you do if you met moot irl? Like you were out shopping and you saw him buying a plus-sized dildo or something?

>> No.4503837

You're an idiot if you think he doesn't.

moot lies, this site is worth 1.7 million.

>> No.4503846

>out shopping
Oh you.
