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45019490 No.45019490 [Reply] [Original]

Next week we're gonna see yet another ZUN's humiliation fetish of Marisa

>> No.45019525

>Next week
I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.45019611

Nah this is marisa’s epic comeback, it must be

>> No.45019641

I want Mizuchi to use Satori 3rd eye cords as rope in bondage. Just imagine it squeezing Marisas tiny tits and digging deep into her pussy.

>> No.45019659

Reminds me of that doujin where Marisa gets raped by tentacles.

>> No.45019666

I wish he could do it to Reimu more. I want to see her get humiliated and beaten.

>> No.45019964 [DELETED] 

>Marisa-! Behind you-!
ZUN missed his true calling: Being a writer of a middling popular shounen jump title.

>> No.45020019 [DELETED] 

>>45019490 (OP)
>Marisa-! Behind you-!
ZUN missed his true calling: Being a writer of a not very popular shounen jump title

>> No.45020043

>Marisa-! Behind you-!
ZUN missed his true calling: Being a writer of a not very popular shounen jump title

>> No.45020069
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sage in all fields

>> No.45020082

Sorry, I tend to get pretty autistic about this.

>> No.45020453



>> No.45020521


>> No.45020522

marisa kirisame

>> No.45020526

This manga is directionless.
ZUN should just stick to SoL stuff, because tiny, self contained stories with some 2hu cameos isn't that hard to write.

>> No.45020623

Can anyone give me a summary of this manga? I forgot most of it and even when I still remembered it I didn't understand much, my doubts are mainly who and what order Mizuchi possessed

>> No.45020682
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>> No.45020705


He should double down and just write a Touhou shonen manga.

>> No.45023176

Gensokyo's jobbing extravaganza

>> No.45030168


>> No.45030534

Mizuchi broke out of confinement in Former Hell and Satori feels responsible so she searches for her. Mizuchi has beef with Reimu (I thought the manga said it was because a former Hakurei shrine maiden was the one who sealed her in Former Hell but the wiki says it's still unknown) so she has been possessing people relevant to the incidents in the order that they happened. The manga starts with her fucking with the SDM crew, then Hakugyokurou, then Eientei, Youkai Mountain, and then she skips going back to Former Hell to fuck with Myouren.
The general cycle is that Reimu and co get a lead on what Mizuchi is going to do next, come up with a plan to stop her, and then job. Not that it matters much because all Mizuchi seems to do is drain people of their energy and then leave them bedridden for a few days when she stops possessing them.

>> No.45030595

bwuh, me!

>> No.45030783
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This is the manga where Marisa gets corrected over and over again. I bet at the end, even Alice is gonna bully Marisa, even after Marisa's taken care of her.

>> No.45030818

Hank Hill

>> No.45031135

Flandre flexing: the manga. Everyone else is a jobber.

>> No.45031570
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Makes me wish he would let loose and have the girls do insane shit. Just blowing up objects or people,kicking and punching the shit out of each other etc. They fight outside Gensokyo so no need for spell card rules or the usual holding back. Instead we get whatever the hell this is.

>> No.45031811

He needs to let out his inner Jojo-fanboy a bit more. We know Youkai can take a hit, have them snap some necks or punch a few holes into them.

>> No.45031976
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what a garbage excuse for a manga
even the Hakurei Shrine Experience is better written

>> No.45032003
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it's depressing too since he did show that youkai can take a hit once
and then he never did it again and it was never really acknowledged after that
even zounose has remi's limbs get burnt to ash as comic gags from time to time

>> No.45032046

Yeah. They can also do a LOT more than what you said, given their powers. How is it that a jojofag who also likes dragon ball doesn't ever do anything cool at all with regards to fights? It's almost like he never read jojo in his life.

>> No.45032066

I think we could answer a LOT of questions about ZUN's approaches if we knew how much guidance he gave the manga artists
like, I can't imagine the first CDS artist doing anything like Marisa vs Flan in current CDS, so either ZUN didn't initially plan for it, or the manga artist was given free reign for that part
it'd answer a lot of stuff about why characters do or don't do certain things

>> No.45032347
File: 781 KB, 1200x1740, Touhou Chireikiden ~ Hansoku Tantei Satori - Vol.2 Ch.7 - Ghostly Friend’s Dream Divination High in Spirits (Pt. III) - 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alice, please
you are already dead

>> No.45032965

This, but flandre

>> No.45032980

sometimes i say bwuh

>> No.45033036

I'm gonna be very disappointed if the next chapter has flan just win over the reimu/shou/byak team up even though it makes no fucking sense
I know that what's probably going to happen is yukari or someone interrupts them before they can even fight properly, but flan wank will really be going too far if flan wins against all three of them

>> No.45033084

I would wank flan

>> No.45033207

>inb4 Koishi comes in and saves everything
All this manga needs is a 2hu doing the thumb pose

>> No.45033390

This manga sucks the chrome off a bumper then sucks the bumper itself. Utter fucking POOP.

>> No.45033614

where's the image from?

>> No.45033619
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Would she be a good wife?

>> No.45033736
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I kinda doubt she be a good wife due to being a vengeful spirit.

>> No.45033749

Terrible, but thats not really the problem with sticking it in a vengeful spirit is it?

>> No.45033754

Miko's wife was a vengeful spirit, but she better.

>> No.45033769
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>> No.45033772 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.45033792

"Though their names are similar they are different people" - ZUN

>> No.45034149
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With all this in mind how strong is this chicken? Does it mean that Kutaka is even stronger than we thought since shes the god of chickens.

>> No.45034227

>aah, that was a good fight
shit meme

>> No.45034281

aah, that was a shit post (of yours)

>> No.45035476

I am as boneless as ebisu.
it is over, fellow mima connouiseurs...

>> No.45037539

zounose should never be referred in regards to canon material in any context ever

>> No.45037822

That's the point we're at. Comparing CDS to Zounose.

>> No.45038250

as much as i dislike reading his schlock, CDS somehow has even less substance
the image 45032003 posted was from SSiB, however

>> No.45038411

>the image 45032003 posted was from SSiB, however

>> No.45038450
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yeah but I mean that ZUN doesn't even use it for cheap gags when he really should
I'm not really comparing CDS to zounose, I'm just saying that he could really do with letting characters get hurt considering they're youkai and can regenerate
we even get this at the end of WaHH where reimu defeats oni kasen and says that everything but the arm disappeared so she assumed that kasen died, only for kasen to show up with one arm and ask what sort of oni would die from having their arm chopped off

>> No.45039319

yew got a problem, anonymous number fordyfiveothirdeeitfooeleven?

>> No.45041717

What are we gonna do if ZUN take the cheap way out and never elaborate on Mizuchi's backstory and motivation

>> No.45041774

ZUN is crazy but not that crazy

>> No.45041792
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I would not be surprise if all we get is more vague story that never get solve, ZUN never like going into details.

>> No.45044753

>that doujin
That's like 30 of them...

>> No.45048669

This is the guy that probably loves mystery novel so much more than those anime and yet can't write one to save his life

>> No.45050921
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He must be so proud of himself. Just looking at the shit he spewed out and thinking that his readers are on the edge of their seats, positively clueless to what he has in store for them. Meanwhile they're dunking on the story or outright ignoring it.

>> No.45056427
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We'll definitely get one anon

>> No.45057390

ZUN not giving a fuck about fans' opinions has been a blessing and a curse. Knowing his ignorance, he'll probably die seeng himself the next Conan Doyle.

>> No.45057548

Ignore the replies, nobody says that.

>> No.45057699

Somebody convince him fairies are actually real.

>> No.45058574

''Yes yes. I write rike Conon Doyru. He is my uhh favourite writer and i take a lot after him!!''

>> No.45061047


>> No.45061095

That's more of a "bwah!".

>> No.45061186

Will be released in the day 30?

>> No.45061215

Unless it's a placeholder

>> No.45061302

I know he borrowed heavily from Christie's novel, but how do you go from DiPP to CDS? Considering how darker Touhou canon has gotten over the years, the tone of DiPP wouldn't be all that hard to fit in.

>> No.45061341

It's kind of weird lore wise, an empty SDM, a blonde shrine maiden, Kaguya is either gone or had a part in the doll due to it having her Hourai branch. It either implies an apocalyptic future Gensokyo, or it takes place in the past, but that also doesn't fit due to the SDM not being around, and Kaguya still hiding.
And I think Zun wants to leave the future of Gensokyo vague for now.

>> No.45061382

I was mostly talking about something in the style closer to DiPP, not DiPP itself.
Maybe ZUN drifted away from Agatha's writings since EoSD.

>> No.45061477

Probably just Zun's preference, Gensokyo is basically a personal art project to him so if he doesn't find something interesting he doesn't write it. I think he also wants to leave room for fan interpretations of his setting where possible which is why we almost always have biased sources that can be dismissed or added into fanworks as pleased.

>> No.45062515

>How is it that a jojofag who also likes dragon ball doesn't ever do anything cool at all with regards to fights?
I think he's wants Touhou to be too subversive in nature to give fans a straight up superpowered brawl. That and I think a lot of the artists that work on his stuff aren't really the type to be that great at drawing action.

I mean, I think there is some understandable reluctance in showing Touhou characters getting really fucked up. But it doesn't have to be an literal bloodbath. Reimu split Fortune Teller in two and yet there was less blood than the Bar scene in a New Hope.

Marisa seems like she would 100% do the thumb pose before she gets her ass kicked.

>> No.45071847
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>That and I think a lot of the artists that work on his stuff aren't really the type to be that great at drawing action.
Only thing they have going for them is drawing cute girls with no tits or ass. I wish ZUN would just ditch them completely. Fuck this story is so shit. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

>> No.45072250

DiPP had the advantage of being a self-contained work with expendable one-shot characters and not set in current day Gensokyo, so ZUN was pretty much free to do whatever he wanted, especially since he was experimenting after the end of the PC-98 era.
Meanwhile CDS is fully rooted in the Windows continuity, so it comes with the Touhou storytelling we've been accustomed to for the last 20 years.

>> No.45075552
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Mima will return to protect her tutelage and kick some ethereal butt while doing it

>> No.45081222

My bones can't take it.

Also is it going to be last chapter? It can't end like this can it?

>> No.45081234

I'm assuming it's to make up for not having a chapter in august when the volume came out
and ZUN's probably as sick of still being in the myouren arc as we are
and shinki will return since half of UFO was about makai

>> No.45081239

Please yes
Marisa bullying is the hottest shit
