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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4500764 No.4500764 [Reply] [Original]

I'm kind of new here and I was wondering, where else do /jp/ers go besides /jp/? Any IRC channels where you guys hang out? Or maybe some other imageboards?

>> No.4500774
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>I'm kind of new here

>> No.4500780


>> No.4500783


>> No.4500784

No. Only /jp/.

>> No.4500791


I might be new here, but I've been here long enough to know that /jp/ hates bunbunmaru and would never go there...

>> No.4500800

Light whispers of Airhead-tan detected.

>> No.4500802

Bunbunmaru was CREATED on /jp/, idiot. No one actually hates it.

>> No.4500805

That's not really true, its just one guy who got banned from bunbunmaru who complains about it all the time.

>> No.4500812

Don't get your hopes up.
Is she even still here, anyway?

>> No.4500816

Get out bun devs

>> No.4500832

She has no trip so it's impossible to tell.

>> No.4500839

I hate #bunbunmaru, but I do like /bun/ (the imageboard)

I don't even think #bunbunmaru users go to /bun/ because they spend all of their time circlejerking.

>> No.4500844

Only /jp/. Fuck off to /g/, /v/, or /a/ with your IRC shit.

>> No.4500846
File: 402 KB, 704x396, zun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out /bun/ devs

>> No.4500857


>> No.4500876

Get out, Daisuke devs.

This is pretty much true, I know I sure don't go to /bun/

>> No.4500878
File: 44 KB, 589x482, just yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes airhead tan does Airhead !BdQpNqoN8U

>> No.4500927

This, this is something I don't understand. If you don't go to /bun/ then why do you go to its IRC channel? Go discuss your normalfag topics somewhere else.

>> No.4500961
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>> No.4500973

I go to GameFAQs.

>> No.4500990
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>> No.4501011
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that was an awsome thread

>> No.4501016

Buttmad spy-san is buttmad?

>> No.4501028

I go to /tg/.

It is vastly superior to /jp/.

I mostly come here for the rance threads.

>> No.4501040

Well, I'm sorry, I just don't understand the point in calling it #bunbunmaru if it's not about bunbunmaru.

Do you avoid the actual bunbunmaru imageboard too, Jones?

>> No.4501051

No, I'm one of the few people who posts there.

>> No.4501040,1 [INTERNAL] 

You do realize that there's 24 hours in a day, right? Unless you browse the internet on an iPad which I doubt you do, it shouldn't be hard to do more than one thing at a time.

>> No.4501073

It's a place for IRC friends who happen to have some stuff in common to talk among themselves. Creepy spies like you wouldn't understand.

And by "talk among themselves," I mean "make derisive racist, xenophobic, homophobic and other insulting remarks 24/7."

>> No.4501081
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Sure was.

>> No.4501101

So all you want on an IRC channel is constant meta discussion? For a board with traffic as low as Bunbunmaru's I don't think that is possible.

>> No.4501102
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>> No.4501136

The whole pinoy thing was a joke, you know.

>> No.4501160

I'm a regular /bun/ poster, but because I don't have an identity on #bun that makes me a creepy spy? Wow.

I would be happier if you all just stopped wasting your time on #bun and brought some life and activity to /bun/ instead.

>> No.4501181

I don't know, Radical is pretty racist.

>> No.4501199

I post all the time actually, but feel free to be dead set in your ideas.

>> No.4501200

#bunbunmaru people tend to bully me and call me a retard

>> No.4501201
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>> No.4501204

Poor Suigin.

>> No.4501211

I am?

>> No.4501233

Come to #/prog/

>> No.4501234
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>> No.4501243

You're a fucking idiot who doesn't get the point of IRC channels.

IRC channels aren't forums/BBSes. You don't join various channels in order to discuss specific content in each of them. You just join a few, get to know people and then you proceed to TALK NORMALLY. Like you'd do in real life with hypothetical friends, you know?

Sure, if you happen to have a common background (like being all VN/anime fans), you'll end up talking about VNs/anime a lot, but that's because conversation ends up going that way.

There's no concept of meta or offtopic in IRC because when people talk, the topic shifts a lot, by definition. This is unlike Internet forums, where topics are specific and specialized.

You must be some kind of hardcore hikikomori to not get the concept of a human conversation. Even for /jp/ standards, that's really sad.

>> No.4501247

Why is Radical copypasting random /jp/ threads? Does he always do that?

>> No.4501251

Forgot your trip, Suigin.

>> No.4501257

u mad?

>> No.4501264

Somehow I don't see that being much better than /prog/ itself.

>> No.4501277

>defending IRC


>> No.4501282


>> No.4501295

That's what I was implying. I apologize if I was being vague.

>> No.4501297

This thread switched topics to #bun pretty quickly, I was going to comment on that but forgot because I'm a normalfriend and was too busy watching the game.

But to answer your question yes, I do it all the time.

>> No.4501323
File: 247 KB, 515x900, night14901282753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I mean "make derisive racist, xenophobic, homophobic and other insulting remarks 24/7."

/bun/ is the liquid poop violenty expelled from the giant ass of /jp/; all Bunbun users are fat, racist internet bullies.

Why would anyone be mean to you, Suigon?!

>> No.4501324

I replied to the wrong person, sorry. I wanted to reply to the person you replying to.

>> No.4501349

I wonder how long it will take for the spy to post the stuff people just said about ZUN

>> No.4501352

But I'm a /bun/ user and I like you ZUN!bar.

>> No.4501362

they think they are too smart or something i dont really get it

>> No.4501371

Sometimes, there is only tsun.

>> No.4501396

Get out you creepy spy.

>> No.4501428

What's the deal with Eksopl and Jones? Do they hate each other?

>> No.4501430

I go to translation project forums and IRCs (people are much more open there about various progress and projects in general), encubed and /jp/.

>> No.4501433


>> No.4501439

Eksopl is a cool dude but that Jones kike is a faggot!

>> No.4501446

They love each other, you should see them in #secret_mod_channel

>> No.4501449

I played it like a week after it was out and you have to admit the difficulty level is set to "child"

>> No.4501458

But who was spy?

>> No.4501459

Didn't you get stuck for a while, I seem to remember?

>> No.4501465

Also, regular on vndb (forums +irc).

>> No.4501486
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Because it was looking for the little detail instead of the big picture.


>> No.4501495

Yeah, but happily the point of AA games isnt in difficulty anyway. They're all about the plot.
I wouldnt mind it if they were like Umineko (= no choices/gameplay at all, just reading)

>> No.4501509

I think having a chance to lose adds a bit of tension. If you do lose though, the lack of a skip really kills the mood.

>> No.4501510

Perfect Prosecutor's story was shit.

>> No.4501532

Yet it was still very enjoyable, and that definitely wasnt because of the ''gameplay''

>> No.4501536

more liek disgusting tripfagan attention whores that don't get enough of it any longer on 4chan.
Good to know that even lesser human beings exist than on 4chan itself

>> No.4501548

Keep that TRUE NEET lifestyle alive, bro.

>> No.4501561

back to /v/ please.

>> No.4501575
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>> No.4501584
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>> No.4501586

Not going to work anymore.


>> No.4501601

The great thing about talking on #bunbunmaru isn't having the conversations, it's showing everyone online that I did.

>> No.4501612

The great thing about talking on #bunbunmaru isn't having the conversations, it's showing everyone online that I did.

>> No.4501618


>> No.4501651

Let's talk about this some more.

>> No.4501727 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 640x368, [pem]_Bakemonogatari_14_[7ebd3158].mkv_snapshot_04.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this disgusting 3D doing in my Bakemonogatari?

>> No.4501740

What is there to be talked about? Attention whores cuz ronery in reallife with a too big of an ego playing either faggots opinion nazi on the internet or say hello to this is what a tripfag is about

>> No.4501749

/bun/, MotK, Poosh, a Tales forum, various IRC channels.

>> No.4501764



>> No.4503444 [DELETED] 


>> No.4503465

I don't go to any /jp/ related boards or chats.

>> No.4503516

I lurk a bunch of forums and hang out on IRC

>> No.4503528

I wish I could talk to /jp/ tripfags on like MSN or something, but I am too shy and they wouldn't want to talk to me anyway.

>> No.4503545

It's okay, _real_ /jp/ tripfags don't use MSN.

>> No.4503557

I spend most of my time on another image board but rather not make a habit of posting the link.

>> No.4503558

Same here, anon, same here. I am so scared of online chatting, but I really wish I could talk to some tripfags.

>> No.4503566

You just did, dickwart.

>> No.4503568

Same here too. ;_;

>> No.4503579

I do not believe most people check what is in my email field, or care for that matter.

>> No.4503581

Maybe you guys should try chatting with each other first, and once you get comfortable try talking to tripfags

>> No.4503586

You just pointed it out though!

>> No.4503590

That's because you're dumb, sir.

>> No.4503613

I did not post it in the comment area nor it would not have received any attention at all if not for having been pointing it out first by the anon whom I was replying to.

>> No.4503614
File: 548 KB, 578x1000, 4947d9476b7d5307ded0c7a9ffaea5a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I lurk, I probably should spend more time on IRC. Maybe it would be more productive.


Also, I don't like going to a room where everyone there is a regular and if a new user tries to say anything they are either ignored or flamed away.

>> No.4503627

Not to argue with your statement as it is certainly true, but I fail to see how it holds any sort of relevance to whether or not people usually check what is in an individual's email field.

>> No.4503636

#bun doesn't ignore new users, so you're free to come and waste time with us.
Being accused of being a spy is par for the course here though, since we do have spy-sans.

>> No.4503643
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Well, if said shy people here want to talk to each other without worrying about IRC bullshit, go create a channel or something and post it here. I might join.

>> No.4503661

I think the only time that I've ever talked to any of you was when that kind anon was streaming an ATLAS translation of Umineko 6. Fun times.

>> No.4503662

I'm not sure how hot the #/jp/ irc is, from what I've seen its pretty inactive. Not that anyone would ever want to go there.

>> No.4503675

I finally bit the bullet and decided to lurk /bun/ yesterday. Like just about everyone says, it's too slow to be a replacement for /jp/, but it's a nice diversion when I get tired of the constant "trolling", daily spam, pointless imagedumps, and generally retarded (whether intentional or not) posts that permeate /jp/.

Beyond that, I don't hang out anywhere else but here and the ghost board.

>> No.4503727
File: 114 KB, 550x490, 1266951732086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most 4chan related IRC channels are not like that unless you're acting out.

>> No.4503733

Or unless you wet the bed.

>> No.4503736

Yesterday was really slow, not sure why. Though I post more than anyone else in that channel and wasn't around, so yeah.

>> No.4503744
File: 18 KB, 265x265, marisa_ordinary_witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fetish for being called out on my shameful secrets.
Thanks for fueling it.

>> No.4503746

#/jp/ really is pretty bad.

>> No.4503750

What the fuck is spy-san? A lurker?

>> No.4503766

The guy who posts logs of the channel for epik lulz or whatever, usually in the /jp/ threads we're discussing.

>> No.4503769

General term for whoever posts #/bun/ logs here.

>> No.4503777

Well, maybe you should stop talking about people behind their backs then.

>> No.4503800

Reported for faggotry.
