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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4496567 No.4496567 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4496577

Just wait until they make them fuckable.

>> No.4496609

The "Women" column can be replaced with "Mac" for the most part.

>> No.4496619

but with an X for "brag to your friends"

>> No.4496639

I have never seen anyone selling a mac.

>> No.4496645

You forgot the part where computers wont ditch you for someone else

>> No.4496646

I protest to women not being upgradeable

Haven't you ever heard of breast reduction surgery?

>> No.4496656

Yes, I agree with this Anon, women are certainly upgradable, but they'll never reach 2D level of perfection.

>> No.4496725
File: 29 KB, 309x309, kehtahnah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not overpriced

>> No.4496733

Not all of us buy Macintoshes, you hipster faggot

>> No.4496761


For the kind of stuff related to /jp/, there is no need to spend more than 300-500 USD on a computer.

>> No.4496766

I don't know, Illusion's stuff are unoptimized pieces of shit.

>> No.4496776

>implying illusion/teatime shit will be playable even with the most overpriced computer

>> No.4496786

>Implying anything except maybe Real Kanojo isn't playable on a P4 with 512MB RAM and a GeForce FX5700

>> No.4496799

*cough*Cross Days*cough*

>> No.4496823


Fine, maybe 600 USD, tops.

>> No.4496837
File: 48 KB, 420x600, 9r1sif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno about others but this thing is a monster to run on PC (it's half-visual novel).

>> No.4496844

>implying my quad core processor, 4gb ram and 5870 can get more than 20fps in love death 4

>> No.4496860

But computers do degrade over time.

>> No.4496867

Botnet. But that's only if you're an idiot, much like with a woman ditching you.

>> No.4496877

Why would anybody even want to play Illusion games? Do people seriously play that shit? They're so awful as to be laughable.

>> No.4496885

>Implying you don't have Norton and other various types of AIDS eating your resources.

>> No.4496907

>implying I am not using common sense 2010 deluxe premium for workstation plus avira

>> No.4496911

I think I found your problem

>> No.4496915

>implying school mate and @home mate arent kawaii

>> No.4496920

>implying those games use GPU power at all

>> No.4496921
File: 165 KB, 845x718, 1265522763936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, indeed.

>> No.4496930

>implying i didn't try using my old 8600gt and getting the same fps

>> No.4496949

Bring this fight to /g/ please, though /g/urus are tired of this already.
