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4495203 No.4495203 [Reply] [Original]

Since many of you discuss being shut-ins and even more of you discuss your hatred for socialization, I was wondering how you support yourselves.

Where do you guys work and how is your job when it comes to the amount of people you interact with daily?

Do any of you actually make money from home over the internet, or work from home some other way? If so, how?

All my jobs have been retail/tech support, so everything I have done has been pretty interaction-heavy except for one job where I drove around measuring cellphone signals. I lived out of hotels for that so I guess that was kind of NEET-like even though I got paid to do it. The only people I ever talked to was my boss over the phone and the check-in people at the hotel.

>> No.4495205

They leech off their parents.


>> No.4495207

>acceptable employment for NEET


>> No.4495210

I think you mean Hikki, not NEET.

>> No.4495216

I am currently a NEET, but I used to work as tech support.

>> No.4495217


Sounds like someone I know who calls himself a NEET but he goes to a good University AND works a part time job. What the fuck.

>> No.4495225

I'm a very busy full-time student but that's never worked a day in his life.I live pretty much off of loans, grants, social security. I have plans to do study abroad and stay inside studying and posting all day, but in a foreign country.

>> No.4495235

>employment for a NEET

>NEET = Not in Employment, Education, or Training
sounds like you're a dumb fuck, OP.

>> No.4495238


>I'm a very busy full-time student

Writing page-long essays about Touhou physics isn't -studying-, dude. Who're you trying to fool?

>> No.4495273

Hard to believe but true, most of my activities consists of doing library research, math, the occasional one-off troll in /jp/ or something, jerking off to stuff from pixiv, abusing caffeine.

>> No.4495326

I live off scholarships.

That's exactly what I do. And I'll be done in a year and have no fucking clue what to do after that.

>> No.4495360

Student loans, I'm doing online classes. So, I am only NET, not NEET.

>> No.4495362

join military
get paid, free housing, free food
save monies for thee years

if you save 80% of the money you make in those three years you will walk away with $48k in your bank.

buy cheap land and trailer and hook yourself up. you now have about 35k to buy food and internet
$300month food
$75 internet

you now have almost 8 years of living as a hikki saved up, and can worry about setting up an internet business in that time

>> No.4495368




>> No.4495377

hahha dumbass what about electricity and heating! hahaha

>> No.4495379

>join military
oh u

>> No.4495380

are u poor if u are not GTFO

>> No.4495382

I want to work, but shitty economy makes it hard to do so. Me being a shut in is really due to geographic circumstances rather than social issues, I can socialize with people decently enough.

I am a NET though, Not Employed or in training, Still in college though. I will become a NEET after I graduate though unless the economy bounces back and I can work.

>> No.4495389

>>4495382 hope u fail and be a neet

>> No.4495420

I want a job but have no job experience. Even fucking McDonald's wouldn't hire me.
I'll be stuck with this shitty computer forever ;_;

>> No.4495425

I'm working three minimum wage jobs. That WOULD be getting me nowhere if it weren't for the fact I'm leeching off my dad. I was ashamed of the idea and tried to live independently for years, but I've finally given up and now I can get ahead far enough to go back to college and do something with my life.

>> No.4495434

I'm currently a NEET.
Sadly, I can't get an decent job because I don't have any previous experience since, well, I'm a NEET.
Even if I want to work, I can't. Fuck this shit.

>> No.4495438

Donate Plasma. It's not much, but it'll pay for food for the week.

>> No.4495442
File: 250 KB, 1600x1200, fbfd6c308af898c245a46bdf9f7ccdd53fe3a7f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys who have never had a job tried working at shitty restaurants like McDonalds or Dominos?

Fill out the application, SUBMIT A RESUME WITH IT, and if they don't call you back within a week YOU CALL THEM.

I've never gotten a job without having to call back and check up on my application. It's how they separate the people who really want the job from those who don't.

Wash dishes at a restaurant or make pizzas or something. No job is below you. Even try Walmart. Their pay isn't really that bad (at least it's usually more than minimum).

>> No.4495451


Shut up, old hag.

>> No.4495469

Yes they would.

>> No.4495475
File: 44 KB, 450x557, rei_smile_fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game programmer, here.

(Who dreams of the day he can go NEET)

>> No.4495479

$48k isn't a whole lot. You would be better off mooching off your parents for a few years while you work full time at a real job.

>> No.4495497 [DELETED] 


>> No.4495505



smoke weed errday

>> No.4495520

I need some software idea that will make me earn many dollars. Can you guys suggest me a good idea?

>> No.4495523

I'm a cart pusher at Wal-Mart

best job for me because i don't have to interact with anyone, and its almost impossible to get fired from it.

>> No.4495525

Do you sing moe anime music, by any chance?

>> No.4495530
File: 346 KB, 797x900, 7781956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The library. It's perfect. I never have to interact with anyone.

>> No.4495532

I'm in Uni studying medicine, and currently work at the local Woolworths (Safeway) by stocking shelves.
Why the hell am I on /jp/ again?

Oh yeah, right, the whole social retardation thing.

>> No.4495540


1) Join the Coast Guard (lol)
2) Join the Army as an accountant

Never get deployed to Iraq/Afghanistan unless you want to

>> No.4495576


Oh god oh god oh god you're that guy at my walmart who wears a Cirno shirt and listens to IOSYS on his iPod while pushing empty carts


>> No.4495589

Don't lie Arc. There is no such character at your WalMart.

>> No.4495595

I don't think you can really get rich writing software... it's too easy to reproduce for free over the internets. Should just get a job with a big company who already has a goal and get a salary.

It's like how people can't really make a lot of money at music or movies these days either. You have to totally sell out and appeal to the lowest common denominator like Ke$ha or Twilight. Anybody with an iota of intelligence is getting your shit for free. I guess you could program Xbox or PS3 games.

I'm a NEET. I have experience working fast food. I'm hoping to go back to college this summer or fall with financial aide. I think I want to be an electronics engineer... or maybe natural resource scientist. not sure. I'd like another job in the meantime... I'm volunteering at the local library in hopes that when it comes time to hire they'll be lookin at me.

>> No.4495613

its only $48k if you spend money. Its a grand total of $60209 if you save every penny, but being taht you will have income I KNOW you will be buying at least a few thousand dollars worth of computer shit and anything else that catches your fancy.

>> No.4495666
File: 123 KB, 1092x728, IMG_8868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nothing against the concept of socialization, I'm just fairly confident that assimilating in THIS horrible society is bad.
See pic

>> No.4495677

Conspicuous consumption and this culture's standards of beauty, definitions of success are horribly broken. Our gender roles are horribly counterproductive. Everything is all wrong and I don't want any part of it.

>> No.4495682

I am desperately looking for work.

>> No.4495685

I tried, they didn't.


>> No.4495691

Broken and wrong are relative terms, don't forget that. Not to say I'm defending modern society..

>> No.4495699


I will take pictorial evidence

>> No.4495702

McDonald's hires people without experience all the time. The tech support place near where I live hires people with no experience and pays $11 an hour. If McDonald's didn't hire you, I doubt it's only because you had no experience.

>> No.4495713


Still has that felony from raping his little sister.

>> No.4495730

Maybe I failed the test...shouldn't have been too honest about myself, I guess.

maybe that too

>> No.4495767
File: 50 KB, 760x502, Hfq9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy, a stupid scrawny ass born-into-wealth talentless hack white bottle blonde dime-a-dozen actress/entertainer bitch, let me post about my whipped out dick that im vigorously jerking off, guys I'm like so heterosexual and thoroughly acclimated to popular north american culture and standards of beauty, have i fit into my gender role as a heterosexual male yet? brb, i'm going to drink beer while watching football

>> No.4495796

i worked at a video site for 2 years. Everyone talked through skype so I didn't have to do much social interaction. Now I just contract from home doing php/html/js/css work.

>> No.4495812

If you live in America and are under 25 years old:


Think of the military, except that you aren't shot at, raped, or forced to go through boot camp. You're given housing, food, and a stipend, all while being educated in some shitty tech program. They test you to see what types of jobs you're smart enough to do, but if you can turn on a computer you're probably already in the 90th percentile. The down (up?) side is that you'll probably have to be shipped off to another location in America, and the housing conditions are comparable to a hospice. Give them a ring and see if it's what you want to do.

>> No.4495827

What about electricity and running water

Also, 48k for 3 years is shit. What kind of military are you joining thats three years

>> No.4495840


>> No.4495892


>implying we ever had a job

>> No.4495902

> Do any of you actually make money from home over the internet, or work from home some other way? If so, how?

Programmer, work from home. Started as part-time contract work, then became full-time. I've only been to the office twice in 6 years.

Perfect job for a shut-in, but it hasn't exactly helped improve my social skills either.

>> No.4495911

I'd consider joining the military because they pay me to learn how to fly planes. Becoming a pilot is one of my silly dreams~

>> No.4495917

Personally I'm waiting for the broken economy to be done away with and money to be eliminated before I try to assimilate into society.

Of course I'll probably be put into a concentration camp and systematically wiped out with the rest of the bottom 93% of the world population before that happens.

>> No.4495953

Assistant Manager at a service station. I quit though, and in a few weeks I'll finally get a chance to try out this whole NEET thing for myself. I'll have to find a new job eventually, unfortunately, I was thinking about applying for an air traffic controller traineeship. Just think, if you ever fly here your life could be in my hands!

>> No.4496011

I've never worked a day in my life, I quit school in Kindergarten, and I have no note-worthy skills save for a rudimentary understanding of Japanese.

I can't decide whether it feels good or bad, man.

>> No.4496025

Well, I spent most of my life in school and I still can't get a job.
I must have missed something.

>> No.4496030
File: 32 KB, 320x400, High, high freeway clearance sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a tripfag studying civil engineering. I got a D in Trigonometry, the one math class we use on an almost daily basis.

Some of the things I'll be designing honestly scares me. Pic related.

>> No.4496041

My Japanese is decent, but I feel like it works against me because I'm not asian.

>> No.4496078

Hopefully sell people shares in other people's insurance policies. It's one of the few investments where you're practically guaranteed a positive net return.

>> No.4496091

Med student here. I plan to move to America after graduating. Watch yo' back, /jp/.

>> No.4496105

Where are you migrating from?

>> No.4496140

No shut-in here, merely NO JOB.

So good luck, dipshits.

Oh and don't let the OP or anybody else sell you on some get-rich-quick gamble/scam, and that includes all varieties of day-trading bull unless you're already rich and damn sure you're a genius (you aren't.) Realistically it's either work, mooch off your family until the "blood-well" goes dry or go on some kind of welfare/disability.

>> No.4496145


I think he's factoring in expenses for those three years, though even 48k left over is pretty generous unless your work requires secret/top secret clearances.

>> No.4496178

Suck off my parents trust fund they set up for all their kids for about 2 years until they threaten to remove me from it ... not because I do nothing but because I'm not married.

That's how I did it.

>> No.4496211

>Suck off my parents

>> No.4496217

So you work? Can't you sustain yourself or something?

>> No.4496242

I'm in school. Graduate in April. After that who knows?

>> No.4496251

English major, right?

Lots of people in useless majors like that.

>> No.4496334

careful management of unemployment benefits is how ive been getting by once that dries up...who knows...

>> No.4496345

I keep seeing this kind of despair filled posts about you NEETs. I really have to wonder how you manage to cope or ignore that looming doom coming towards you.

>> No.4496358
File: 70 KB, 360x200, Yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much don't worry about it so much
pic related

>> No.4496364

Yeah but it lets me do what I want in life. Doing what you want is a bit more important than doing what you dislike just for money. Primarily I can use it to teach English in Japan, learn Japanese so I can translate games and manga and shit, which is enjoyable. After that I could go back to school for more education, like law school, or get my teaching certificate and teach highschool, or go back for a science degree and become a technical writer, or move on to other humanities with a master's degree. An English degree shouldn't be considered useless.

>> No.4496366
File: 64 KB, 700x500, 15708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose ignoring it is the best you can do to avoid going insane.

>> No.4496377

What the fuck would you do in our shoes? Kill yourself?

>> No.4496382

also having no real expenses aside from a cellphone bill (why i have a personal phone is beyond me)

>> No.4496403
File: 60 KB, 165x170, 1264235778459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job. No, seriously. Sure, lazing around the house and playing with my hobbies all day is nice, but I already do that on weekends.

>> No.4496410
File: 459 KB, 1200x1800, Matsunaga Ayaka Haruhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just because a person hates banal social activities and prefers the comfort of their otaku sanctum doesn't mean he or she won't work or ever see the light of day. if i did that i wouldn't have money for figures. fuck that shit.

>> No.4496421

>>4496403 Get a job.
Well duh.
That's the point of the entire thread.

>> No.4496431

I took a year off after finishing high school and pretty much just stayed in my room posting here the entire time. Eventually, though, I was presented with the choice of go to school or get a job. I had scholarships available so I went to college and tried to get my life together - stopped coming here. I went part-time for one semester and did okay, but in the second semester the stress of it all was simply weighing on me far too heavily and I had to quit. I'm probably going to start at a small technical college near my house either this summer or fall, studying accounting. I just can't do an actual college. It's fucking awful. I assume I'll eventually need to go back to a real college and get a bachelor's degree, though, unless the economy improves. But I want to put that off as much as possible. I'm terrified of leaving home.

>> No.4496466
File: 12 KB, 249x213, 1266749955907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry a feminist totally-not-moe woman in a less patriarchal society.
Become a househusband.
Realize how they felt for milleniums.

>> No.4496482


Same here.

I'm not sure how I will ever be succesful in my life if I can't deal with social situations...
I won't.

>> No.4496483

I thought I was feminist once. Then when I went to learn more about the subject I had people I had never met before who live an ocean away falsely accusing me of rape.

>> No.4496493

It's noble and all to fight for equality, even though it's undeserved, but feminist theory is just silly.

>> No.4496499

I do go to school, but I don't work at the moment. I almost got a job at the library, but now I'm just looking for something that won't drive me to insanity. I fucking hate retail and business.

I often wonder why I was born a human. I should have been a honey badger or something.

>> No.4496500


>> No.4496513

Why do I get the feeling that most of the people in this thread are just whining collegefags or dissatisfied wage slaves complaining about their situations?

No one in here has any real problems, so the thread ends up being a pseudo-advice/normalfag thread.

>> No.4496515

>This also includes being mindful of your outward actions when women are near, even if you aren't associating with them IE if you're walking behind a woman on the street and you've been behind her for more than two or three blocks, either speed up and overtake her or cross the street, because to her, you are possibly shadowing her and that is threatening.
>Treat women specially
>Women are equal

>> No.4496519

It should be common knowledge that feminists want special treatment in the guise of equality.

>> No.4496525

I know. I just always find it funny when they straight up ask for special treatment. Normally they make some attempt to hide their true intentions.

>> No.4496531


hi brucie

>> No.4496532

I don't think you know what NEET means.

Either way I work at a thrift shop accepting donations, so I have to meet hundreds of new people a week.

>> No.4496535

I'm the busy student who posted >>4495225 and >>4495767

Fuck you. I hate normalfags and their shitty, terrible, cliche, unwelcome advice.

>> No.4496540

I dropped out of high school so I wouldn't have to leave my house, so I'm leeching.

>> No.4496542

Nice try.

>> No.4496562

Do you wear a diaper at work?

>> No.4496568


When our parents die, we're finished.

>> No.4496572

Why would I?

>> No.4496595


Suicide for me.

>> No.4496608


That is the most reasonable choice for us.

>> No.4496681

I have no job, I'm currently taking 1 class at a community college just so my parents see I'm doing something. I want a job but there's nothing here. Feels bad man.
