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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4492876 No.4492876 [Reply] [Original]

that mask is fucking HOT.

>> No.4492881


>> No.4492880



>> No.4492885

get the fuck out

>> No.4492884

Is this some kind of new censoring?

>> No.4492890

Look at those AKGs. I bet he bought them after watching K-ON.

>> No.4492892

Japanese traps seem to wear medical masks fairly often in their camwhoring, so as to hide their identities.

OP is Taiwanese, though.

>> No.4492893

You can buy them for cheap you know, nothing special.

>> No.4492898

Nobody wears medical masks in America outside of the operating room; what is wrong with you Asians.

>> No.4492900

And I bet he doesnt use a proper amp to drive them.

>> No.4492907

..I doubt you'd have any problems getting one for cheap in America either tho

>> No.4492912

Oh, I've seen those headphones before somewhere, they're pretty nice ones iirc.

>> No.4492930

I bet it's driven by an iPod loaded with IOSYS.

>> No.4492936


>> No.4492952

Oh now I have a brand name, sugoi, thank you so much kind person who is kind.

>> No.4492953
File: 1.45 MB, 1000x1414, 1266932555368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must sound good because Mio-chan does so too
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )

>> No.4492967

AKG K701. It's pretty shitty if you only listen to /jp/ related music.

>> No.4492989

They're supposed to be very good for (j)pop though.
But you must buy an amp if you want to make them a worthwhile purchase -> 2x the cost ;_;

>> No.4492999


>> No.4493003

I am friends with at least one professional musician who bought a Les Paul guitar after watching K-ON.

>> No.4493008

oh right. I was only thinking about untz untz.
I'd rather get AT AD700 for jpop.

ITT: headphones?

>> No.4493009

From what I hear (I've not auditioned them personally) the 701s are characterized by a "crisp and airy" sound which is only really suited to classical music. As 4492989 mentions you'll need to amplify them to get the best out of them.

>> No.4493037

Yeah, I just looked at the specs, they've got a pretty nice hertz range, and ok sensitivity, impedence is higher than I'd like it to be though.

What's the driver diameter and approx how much do they cost?

>> No.4493045

Dont even think about the K701 if you 1) dont already own an expensive and good amp 2) are not willing to spend at least the price of the K701:s in one.

>> No.4493055

>driver size

You are doing it wrong; headphones with very similar/ identical specs will sound dramatically different.
It costs about $220 USD used.

>> No.4493062

Then enlighten me, what kind of things determine what they sound like?

>> No.4493076

the secret: there is no general rule.
If you want to know what how the headphones sound, just listen to them at your local store, or read others' impression of the sound signature on the internet.
The best place to start is head-fi.org

>> No.4493082

but be warned, there are loads of placebo-loving idiots there.

>> No.4493086

Actually i have the zero tianyun DAC/Pre-amp. they're not really enough to power these headphones, but i m not ready to invest in another amp yet. These were used on Sony MDR-V6s (yes they don't need amping technically, but they perform better with it)

>> No.4493096

Suddenly, I learned something on /jp/

So is there any point to looking at the specs?

>> No.4493113

Not really. Maybe the impedance/sensitivity to see if they're hard to drive, but you better check even that from some site.

>> No.4493127


what about using a stereo amplifier like a NAD 320 or Rotel RA 840?

>> No.4493135

You'd think the range contributes to the bass though, and wouldn't the driver diameter contribute to the decibels?

>> No.4493170

The range is really theoretical and says nothing about the actual frequency response curve. The volume is really irrelevant - you could probably deafen yourself with whatever you're listening to at the moment.

>> No.4493194

Eh, not really, they leak sound, I'd have to turn the player volume and the system volume all the way up.

This is why I'm searching for some new headphones.

>> No.4493232

Well, imho, about the only useful thing that you can learn from looking at the specs is whether the headphones are open or closed.

Also reading specs won't tell you how well the headphones will fit your head, which is very important as well.

rated range doesn't really show how deep the actual bass extension is, nor the quality of the bass, nor the quantity of bass.
Take Skullcandy G.I. for example. Its rated range is from 18HZ to 20KHz. I've personally listened to the headphones as my friend's sister owns those, and wow do the bass sound bad: the extension was shallow, there was too much mid-bass, and the bass was muddy. Now, that's an extreme example as SC headphones are jokes, but here's another example. The K701, 10Hz to 39.8KHz according to the AKG website. I've not had the luxury of personally listening to them, but according to the audiophiles, the bass extension is deep, and the bass is tight when properly amped. However, the K701 are not known for the quantity of bass.

It seems there are some anons who know their share about headphones in this thread, which headphones do you own?

>> No.4493244

if you want headphones that don't leak sound, you need to go for closed headphones rather than open ones like the K701.
A suggestion which seems to please most people is the JVC HA-RX700. (these headphone companies sure like their 7 series)
I own them and they are great for their price ($30~50)

>> No.4493266

I bought some ATH-EM7 GMs about a year and a half ago while I was fanboying over P3, so I wasn't really concerned about audio quality when I bought them, but they were my first >$20 headphones and suddenly, I heard things in songs I didn't notice before and I liked it.

>> No.4493278

i really like the MDR-V6s or even the MDR7506s for closed but i'll admit depending on the shape of your ears, using them over 2 hours might feel weird

>> No.4493281
File: 164 KB, 405x289, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every earphone/headphone thread i see in /g/ or /mu/ degenerates into :



"Guys my 15 dollar earphone from creative/sony/panasonic sounds awesome! Stop wasting your money on $100+ earphones!!!"

>> No.4493334

Before I forget, any good sites for reading reviews of headphones?

>> No.4493352


GL on your headphones-hunt, imo, it's a good way to spend time and really rewarding once you make the purchase and listen to your favourite tracks on them.

>> No.4493366

Oh, I missed that, thanks for you help.

never thought I'd say that anywhere on 4chan

>> No.4493372

Facepalm macro on /jp/? Since when?

>> No.4493494

No problem.

What kind of music would you recommend those for?

I asked which headphones the anons own, but forgot to say mine. Shure SRH-840. I haven't had them for very long, but so far, I'm enjoying these for all the C77 releases. /jp/ unrelated rock songs sound good too. I've also been using them for mixing and the neutral frequency-response is great for that as well.

>> No.4493552

grado sr-80 with an old sony amp
shits are decent for the $100 i spent. bass is the only thing i think is lacking, but then again i am used to a sound system with a 10" sub next to my feet.

>> No.4493588
File: 8 KB, 409x258, rageface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch doesn't know how to auto-focus..
makes me rage

>> No.4493625

the sonys have nice balance, the bass can be strong for some people's taste though. I guess mainly more upbeat/rock songs, but i would say they're a nice pair to start with for someone who is buying their first pair of $40+ headphones since they can do most genres pretty well. They're at a nice price point of $70.

>> No.4493712

HD650. Sounds good man.
