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448692 No.448692 [Reply] [Original]

So I just installed F/SN on my computer and played through most of fate and this is the first time I've ever played a visual novel, But let me ask you guys is this just porn with a plot?

I'm seriously considering using F/SN for my school book report/readinglog since they don't check the book anyway, lulz possibly would ensue.

>> No.448698

Considering the porn scenes, I'd say it's more like a story with added porn than porn with a plot

But don't do a report about a visual novel. Seriously.

>> No.448700

Considering the porn scenes, I'd say it's more like a story with added porn than porn with a plot

But don't do a report on a visual novel. Seriously.

>> No.448701

Let me point some things out about your post:

>just porn with a plot

Plot with porn actually.

>'m seriously considering using F/SN for my school book report/readinglog since they don't check the book anyway

Don't ridicule yourself.

>lulz possibly would ensue

Only for you I bet.

>> No.448728

Don't people read actual books anymore?
...In Amerikka!

>> No.448733

oh fuck no

>> No.448756

>>448692 I'm seriously considering using F/SN for my school book report/readinglog since they don't check the book anyway
See you in fall semester, Mike

>> No.448773

Do a serious philosophy paper about the true meaning of Unlimited Blade Works.

>> No.448779

I am the bone of my essay, etc.

>> No.448784
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>> No.448785
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How appropriate, I was just playing this an hour ago.

>> No.448792

Don't you mean 'bane'?

>> No.448810

>my school book report/readinglog

underage b&, gtfo

>> No.449142



Seriously, if someone recognised it you would be a joke for the rest of your school life.

>> No.449168

rin is so beautiful.....

>> No.449180

Hey OP, you should totally do a feminist critique of the sex scenes.

>> No.449186

>Seriously, if someone recognised it you would be a joke for the rest of your school life.
The only people who would regognize that are weeaboos themselves. I don't think they'd tell anyone.

>> No.449192

Yeh, I can say as a weeaboo that I wouldn't tell anyone, I'd probably wink at you during a lecture or something though.

>> No.449196

I hope you die.

>> No.449203

I was just playing this a little while ago. I'm almost to UBW, is that better than the Fate route?

>> No.449204

There's a guy in one of my classes who has a gurren lagann sticker on his laptop.

I have the urge to just stand up and scream "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE" to him, but I don't want to look like a lunatic.

>> No.449248

There are a LOT of secret weeaboos in my school. In the cool crowd and all, if I did a speech like that on an anime plot, I wouldn't be suprised if someone in the class knew it despite me having no idea they're into that stuff.

>> No.449251


You seem to forget a good deal of said weeaboos are autistic faggots who WOULD do exactly that not realising what they're doing.

>> No.449252

Why are you people having a discussion with a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT?

>> No.449261


Because most here on /jp/ have never gone beyond the mental age of a high school student. Living with your parents, collecting toys etc.

>> No.449269

>Living with your parents
Living with your parents isn't a sign that you have the mentality of a high school student. In several cultures it is acceptable for someone to live with their parents until they get married and start a family of their own.

>> No.449270

didn't realize it.

explains the fail.

>> No.449272

I'm fine as long as they don't act like the typical underage narutards or wannabe wapanese.

>> No.449273

not in America though.

>> No.449277

Wow, Anime is really looked down upon in America, huh?

Honestly, in Britannia, nobody cares if you watch it, or do a piece of work about it. In most cases, people are more curious about "those crazy Jap cartoons" than filled with pure hatred.

>> No.449280

Sucks to be American then.

>> No.449284

I loved Rin until I played through UBW. Every time you think the H-Scene is coming up, she throws a long-winded WALL OF TEXT at you about the intricacies of mana storage. Boring.

>> No.449472


They were actually the only H-scenes I found arousing in the entire game.

>> No.449485


Britfag here, not really true.
You won't get outright hated for it, but people will generally go place in you the "Antisocial nerd" group in their head when you mention you like that stuff.
I guess though, as long as you surpress your power level and don't make it seem like ANIME IS MY LIFE to everyone then you're accepted fine.

>> No.449489

Oh, and any country that doesn't like anime probably isn't going to like you staying at your parents. Just a thought.

>> No.449493

Remember mana is the equivalent of sex to a magus, when Shirou is linked to her, he's getting constant mana orgasms.
also, I'd buy a paper on the philosophical meaning of UBW.

>> No.449503


Unlimited=Limitless number
Blade=Of swords
Works=That were created

I should so totally go into this scholar thing.

>> No.449508

You'd be rich.

>> No.449523

>I'd buy a paper on the philosophical meaning of UBW.

Is that a request for some scholarly evaluation about the concept of self-fulfillment of an empty self through altruism directed towards individuals which one can see the direct benefit provided while existing as nothing more than a tool for the betterment of others that eventually betray you because of their inability to accept an existence that would help them without requirement leading to eventual slavery caused by one's own ideal overtaking one's own life culminating in self-hatred and eventual redemption of that life that one chose to lead regardless of the amount of sacrifices one would have to make along the way?

And you don't get to have sex before you turn into mana dust.

>> No.450176
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>> No.450184

Yes it is, now write it.

>> No.451911
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Close friendships, Gandhi says, are dangerous, because "friends react on one another" and through loyalty to a friend one can be led into wrong-doing. This is unquestionably true. Moreover, if one is to love God, or to love humanity as a whole, one cannot give one's preference to any individual person. This again is true, and it marks the point at which the humanistic and the religious attitude cease to be reconcilable. To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others.

If you are not prepared to take life, you must often be prepared for lives to be lost in some other way. When, in 1942, he urged non-violent resistance against a Japanese invasion, he was ready to admit that it might cost several million deaths.

>> No.451929
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Close friendships, Gandhi says, are dangerous, because "friends react on one another" and through loyalty to a friend one can be led into wrong-doing. This is unquestionably true. Moreover, if one is to love God, or to love humanity as a whole, one cannot give one's preference to any individual person. This again is true, and it marks the point at which the humanistic and the religious attitude cease to be reconcilable. To an ordinary human being, love means nothing if it does not mean loving some people more than others.

In relation to the late war, one question that every pacifist had a clear obligation to answer was: "What about the Jews? Are you prepared to see them exterminated? If not, how do you propose to save them without resorting to war?" I must say that I have never heard, from any Western pacifist, an honest answer to this question, though I have heard plenty of evasions, usually of the "you're another" type. But it so happens that Gandhi was asked a somewhat similar question in 1938 and that his answer is on record in Mr. Louis Fischer's Gandhi and Stalin. According to Mr. Fischer, Gandhi's view was that the German Jews ought to commit collective suicide, which "would have aroused the world and the people of Germany to Hitler's violence." After the war he justified himself: the Jews had been killed anyway, and might as well have died significantly. One has the impression that this attitude staggered even so warm an admirer as Mr. Fischer, but Gandhi was merely being honest. If you are not prepared to take life, you must often be prepared for lives to be lost in some other way. When, in 1942, he urged non-violent resistance against a Japanese invasion, he was ready to admit that it might cost several million deaths.

>> No.451936
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Gandhi sounded like a real fag

>> No.451941
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Because it sucks to be Archer.

You sell your soul after death to save a hundred people with the hopes of saving more people post-humorously. Along the way you lose your lover (this is rather vague, you don't know if she died, they broke up, he left her or HE died) and one of the people you saved betrays your ass. You're executed, but you're like, cool, I can still save people after death.

Nope, the World just FUCKS you over and makes you kill over and over while witnessing humanity's worse traits. So you start to loathe the people you once wanted to save so badly. So, you get an idea to go back in time to kill your past self.

Which also means you get to see your lover when she was a teenage girl again while watching your younger self get close to her while you're still fucked.

Isn't it sad, Archchan?

>> No.451943
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Gandhi sounded like a fag.

>> No.451982
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UBW should have been in Archer's POV and he should have ended up with Rin. Natch.

>> No.452020

Blame Nasu.

>> No.452062

Was it ever mentioned who was Archer's lover?

>> No.452137
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Not outright, but there were hints that it was Rin, not Ilya like most of the fandom thought. (In fact, Archer never even speaks with Ilya in any of the routes.)

>> No.452147

Yeah, he does. In Fate, he has an afterword for Ilya.

>> No.452156

>Isn't it sad, Archchan?


>> No.452158

Wasn't that only in the anime adaptation?

>> No.452173

Didn't he mention losing his arm when he projected once? He doesn't seem to give a shit about rin or saber, either. I think it mostly fits that he was in love with Sakura.

>> No.452175

>Not outright, but there were hints that it was Rin

Wasn't it said that he lost Saber, defeated Rin (and maybe even killed Sakura).

The only important person I've read he had was Ilya (but that was a relationship as siblings).

>> No.452183

I think it's safe to say we have no fucking idea.

>> No.452199

The blacksmith.

>> No.452209
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I broke your arm. oops haha

>> No.452216

Archer's final words to Shirou in HF are "take care of Ilya." Which is odd, because IT'S TOO BAD SHE WON'T LIVE, BUT THEN AGAIN WHO DOES?

>> No.452224


>> No.452241
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No he doesn't. Not at all. His death is off screen in the Fate route. There's an interlude with Berserker and Ilya and Ilya being PISSED that some no named Servant managed to kill Berserker six times, but that's it. And when he stays behind, him and Rin have a leery-regretful moment that he ends up glossing away to put Rin back in Tsun-Tsun mode.

In UBW, in where Rin's asking Archer to say, he thinks something along the lines that her obstanious personality is one of his fondest memories.

Also, in the prologue, that pendent that Archer gave Rin was the one from HIS time line. Which meant he kept it eleven years after she saved him and only Gaia knows how long after his death. Plus he risked his identity to give her back her pendent.

And he put his cloak around her when she fell asleep on her feet.

Also, RIN is the only person Archer gets along with in at least Fate and UBW. (Haven't played HF yet.) He even pisses off Saber in Fate. He's almost flirtatious when it comes to Rin, and at times he is. Plus, he knows exactly how to push her buttons.

>> No.452246

Remember Shirou and Archer are different people, kids.

Archer is almost Fate-rate Shirou, but he didn't care for Saber like Shirou did.

UBW Shirou is wholly different. Shirou is better by the time he's 18 than Archer was at the height of his life.

>> No.452245
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>> No.452265

>Shirou is better by the time he's 18 than Archer was at the height of his life.
You lost me.

>> No.452268

>Shirou is better by the time he's 18 than Archer was at the height of his life.


>> No.452273
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Thank you.

Archer and Shirou are two different people who had the same beginning. Archer went one way and Shirou went three different ways depending on which storyline you're reading.

And, in HF, he takes the hit meant for Rin.

>> No.452281

Archer is UBW Shirou at the end of his journey. UBW Shirou knows that he's going to get screwed over in the same way, though, since he can see his future.

>> No.452282

Indeed, he loved her so much he didn't give a fuck if Shinji raped her.

Anyway, Rin, who was watching the dream said he had a lover (she never mentioned anything about the lover being herself). So, I think it is fair to assume his lover was none of the F/sn girls.

>> No.452289

>Archer is UBW Shirou at the end of his journey.

Archer is a different Shirou. None of the different outcomes for Shirou will end up becoming like Archer. Fate Shirou, who has the highest chances of ending up like that, only has a 10% chances of becoming like Archer (and Last Episode pretty much shows he didn't).

>> No.452290

I was under the impression it was Sakura.

>> No.452293

This isn't Terminator.

>> No.452294

By a time paradox, that is impossible by its own definition. Archer didn't fight Archer when he fought the Grail War.

They're totally fucking different people.

>> No.452310

Not time paradox because the whole hero thing removes you from time.

>> No.452318

I wouldn't know, maybe she was. But, I'm quite sure Rin is able to recognise her sister.

Rin simply said he had a lover; she never specified whom. I take that to mean she didn't know who that person was; I may be wrong, though.

>> No.452327

Stop thinking linearly, you morans. I meant that he can see his future in the way that if he fights for how he says at the end of UBW, for the purity of what he felt that day, then he'll eventually still end up being betrayed like Archer was. Not because there's anything wrong with the beauty of his ideal, but because it's the same path: the way of becoming a sword for others.

Archer didn't fight like Fate Shirou. Archer made sacrifices, saved only those he could, and didn't believe everyone could be saved. But he, like UBW Shirou, wanted to try to save everyone that was in front of him, everyone he could reach. His methods weren't pure, but his intentions were.

UBW Shirou is walking the same general path.

>> No.452347

"Shirou == Archer"
Archer> Uh... I never fought 'Archer' The Archer with True Name 'Emiya Shirou' wasn't in my grail war.
Shirou> I fucking hated that Archer guy.

The Shirou we play can NOT grow into Archer for several parts of the timeline that are obviously different.

ARCHER is removed from time. Shirou can't grow into him because nothing has happened in his life like is needed for him to turn into that.

>> No.452423

>Stop thinking linearly, you morans.

Oh lawd... the irony.

>Archer didn't fight like Fate Shirou. Archer made sacrifices, saved only those he could, and didn't believe everyone could be saved. But he, like UBW Shirou, wanted to try to save everyone that was in front of him, everyone he could reach. His methods weren't pure, but his intentions were.

Archer, just like Shirou at the beginning of the game, wanted to save every single person he could. The thing is, after experiencing what life really was like (this is, after his Grail War ended), he realised he couldn't save everyone as he wanted. Eventually, he found himself killing more and more people, hoping that one day he wouldn't have to kill again.

UBW Shirou accepted he would have to make sacrifices but, he'd have no regrets (hence the "I have no regrets, this is the only path"), whereas Archer, whilst he accepted he would have to kill people, he was full of regrets.

>> No.452445

The problem is that everyone is basing their arguments on assumptions and what little information that Nasu has given out which most of the time is pretty meaningless. He's said that Shirou does have a chance to become like Archer after Fate and UBW routes, but he expresses this with percentages in the single digits.

>> No.452472

There's a big difference between ending up like Archer, and living exactly the same life Archer lead.

>> No.452481
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Yeah, what the hell could have done though? Shinji had fucking GILGAMESH at full power there while he was struggling to remain existing due to mana drain. Yeah, he was going to get himself killed before he finished his objective and he told Shinji not to do anything until after dawn, when Shirou and Friends would have arrived.

Which meant Lancer and Saber.

He probably knew help was coming for Rin, especially how taken Lancer was with her at that point.

Plus, Archer was quite batshit insane at this point too.

And we don't know the lover was. Which meant Rin didn't know either. It was probably hidden from her in the dream due to the paradoxical reasons.

And at that point, Archer was pretty much batfuck insane and out of mana.

>> No.452492

That's what Nasu said moran. Become a counter guardian that regrets his life.

>> No.452514

>And we don't know the lover was. Which meant Rin didn't know either.

Unlike ourselves, Rin wasn't reading a story, she was watching it. She saw a woman, and said she was Archer's lover. She never said anything about the image of the woman being blurred or anything; she simply referred to her as Archer's lover. Since she didn't give any names, then it'd be fair to assume she didn't recognise that woman because she didn't know who she was.

>> No.452523

Archer regretted his life because he didn't know what being a Counter Guardian was like. Shirou, by the end of UBW, does know what it means to become one.

>> No.452529

Nasu still said he could end up lie him, though he says it in a way where you have to read between the lines, it's basically pointless in even mentioning the possibility. Many arguments surrounding type-moons work suffer from this because Nasu doesn't give clear answers. For instance, powerlevel discussions.

>> No.452545

I doubt UBW shirou could end up as archer, for the sole fact he knows what Archer became. Unless Shirou is a total dumbass (though I wouldn't put it passed him), he would not sell his sole to the Grail. Along with that he probably wouldn't become a hero if he's just living his days out with Rin.

Isn't that what archer wanted Rin to do anyways? Make sure Shirou didn't walk the same path he did?

>> No.452550
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Would it be safe to assume that because Archer created Kaladbolg he could theoretically beat Lancer at any time?

So that first battle really wasn't all that dangerous to him?

>> No.452555

nasu doesn't like giving pure answers because that takes half the fan's fun out of his work

>> No.452563

i think it's safe to assume he was playing around with lancer at that point, hell the only points you could really count archer as being serious is when he uses UBW

>> No.452580

I also think it's good he does it that way, but it does create problems with people backing their arguments with pure bullshit. People saying that their right and everyone else is wrong because of some assumption on their part is really annoying.

>> No.452591

No, because Shirou is not from Ulster.

Only the sword in the hands of a descendant of Ulster activates Lancer's geass.

>> No.452593

>Nasu still said he could end up lie him

Nasu's answer was more long the lines of "(F/sn's) Shirou's chances to end up as Archer are really low."

The reason why he didn't give a definitely yes or no, was so that fans would be able to come up with their own interpretations.

>> No.452604

Yes and i agree with that, it's when people say it has to be one way and any other way is wrong that it becomes frustrating.

>> No.452609


It's still said to be the bane of Cu Chulainn. Sure he won't HAVE to die because of his geas but it'd probably be the bane of his lance.

>> No.452612

He wasn't playing around. Archer was being cornered, and he knew it. If Rin hadn't asked Lancer not to kill Archer, he'd most likely have done it.

Archer may be able to create many weapons but, he's not that strong. That, and Lancer is seriously underrated. (People do not even take into account he was summoned in a place where he didn't have enough fame, and moreover, his Master was dividing his prana between 2 Servants).

>> No.452618


>> No.452616

would it be safe to say the only shirou who could become LIKE Archer (being summoned as a servant in the Grail war) would be Fate shirou?

>> No.452631
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I'd say so. Shirou had little interaction with Archer during Fate. It's completely possible he could end up hating his own ideal after not being shown the ugly side of it until he became archer.

>> No.452635

I believe that's what has been confirmed.
Though some say there is a chance that UBW Shirou can become Archer, though its less than 1/4th or some obscure number.

I don't think UBW could ever be like Archer though.

>> No.452630


Interestingly enough Shirou's red hair has kinda confused me...

>> No.452641

depends, fate shirou may not ever make a contract with the world. In Realta Nua there is a sort of epilogue for Fate route added. In it Shirou and Saber meet in their own afterlife, i would assume that Shirou didn't contract with the world. He'd be stuck in the seat of heroes(i think thats what its called) if he made a contract.

>> No.452636

depends, fate shirou may not ever make a contract with the world. In Realta Nua there is a sort of epilogue for Fate route added. In it Shirou and Saber meet in their own afterlife, i would assume that Shirou didn't contract with the world. He'd be stuck in the seat of heroes(i think thats what its called).

>> No.452643

Fate Shirou also falls under the "really low chances to end up like Archer". His chances of ending up that way are more than his UBW counterpart; however, 10% is still not a big value.

Also, if we take into account Last Episode, it'd be fair to assume he didn't end up like Archer.

>> No.452658

oh, i thought we were referring to the prologue fight...

never mind then hehe

>> No.452722

Archer's hair turned white because of stress. He got the tan because he burned out his magic circuits, effciantly cooking him from the inside out for that epic tan. His grey eyes were caused by reinforcement applied over and over again.

And he got taller because he had a hell of a growth spurt.

>> No.452826

The fact Rin asked Lancer not to kill Archer didn't seemto have much effect on him, as he stated that he wouldn't go any easier on Archer but would refrain from finishing him off if he beat him without killing him.

Also, what is actually the difference between Guardians and Counter Guardians ?
Is it the fact that Counter Guardians made a contract with tha World while they were alive ?

>> No.452829

shirou didn't recognize archer so it wouldn't be impossible for rin not to have recognized her future self

>> No.452873

It's never mentioned who is lover was, it could be sakura rin ilya or even taiga, an unnamed girl or perhaps issei.

>> No.452882

Issei is the definite right choice for Shirou.
It's Issei that makes Shirou intoa real man.

>> No.452896

Guardians serve Gaia. Counter Guardians serve Alaya, the human subset of Gaia, which is sort of set apart from it, in a way.

Gaia destroys everything which is a threat to the world itself and the preservation of it. Alaya destroys everything that is a threat to the survival of humanity, even if it means killing an entire percentage of humanity itself to solve the problem.

>> No.452899

Archer is not as GAR as Lancer.

>> No.452914

how is it determined whether one becomes a guardian or a counter guardian? Are all heroic spirits only a part of Alaya?

>> No.452919

He's supposed to be tall as hell (around Rider's height if not more) in the conclusion of HF, so we can assume that he does indeed have a monstrous growth spurt.

>> No.452916

So Archer could possibly find himself having to kill an entire country to protect Gaia ?

>> No.452926

Servants are a part of Alaya, since they're the product of the fame and esteem which humanity holds for certain ideas and people which came from itself. Counter Guardians are people who give themselves up to eternity to become the embodiment of humanity's protectors, and they don't need to be famous at all. In effect, they become cleaning men, though, for the atrocities of humanity.

Guardians are like Arcueid and Primate Murder: non-human creatures that are a part of nature, which serve a very distinct purpose for Gaia.

>> No.452927


There are no "Guardians" only Counter Guardians. Both Gaia and Alaya use them.

>> No.452929

Counter Guardians only act for the preservation of mankind. If Gaia threatened mankind completely, Counter Guardians would be acting against Gaia.

>> No.452931

No, there's a distinction.

>> No.452933

>Guardians are like Arcueid and Primate Murder: non-human creatures that are a part of nature, which serve a very distinct purpose for Gaia.

You mean Elementals, not guardians.

>> No.452942

Arcueid is a Guardian, though, not an elemental. Arcueid couldn't be an elemental, since she's created from Type-Moon's design, which is not of Earth. Primate Murder is a Guardian, too, if I recall correctly. Its job was to keep humans in check by destroying them.

>> No.452951


Gaia made the True Ancestors based on Crimson Moon. Hence why Arc has the whole Counter Force System with her, she can draw power from the world because she IS an elemental.

Also, taken from Kara no Kyoukai's encylopedia:

抑制力 yokuseiryoku
Counter Force
There are two types of counter force acting in the world. The force that acts for the ultimate will of survival of humans called Alaya, and another that acts for the ultimate will of survival for the world called Gaia. The one explained in Kara no Kyokai is the Alaya force, also known as Alayashiki. All humans are connected in their deeper sub-consciousness and they work against something that may be a threat to their existence. This force prioritize the survival of mankind as a whole and doesn't matter if the individuals are happy or not. For that reason, it's not always a good thing and many mages who tried to challenge the counter force failed miserably. Some of the form it may take are the legendary heroes through out history, natural disasters, while some are small accidents and happenings. Some say this is just an explanation that people came up for unknown accidents that occur because they don't want anything to be unexplainable, but this force surely exists.

>> No.452953

so if gaia was trying to remove humanity from existence and heroic spirits were summoned to defeat gaia and they win, would the earth die and take humanity with it anyways?

>> No.452967
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And there are seven Counter Guardians who guard Primate Murder at all time. (They're not allowed to kill it.)

So, that makes me wonder, has Archer ever guarded Primate Murder?

>> No.452976


No, that was just stated to measure PM's power level and a "what if" scenario.

>> No.452980


Angel Notes.

>> No.452984

Gaia would never try to do that.

Anyway, if for some reason Gaia does that, then humanity is pretty much fucked.

>> No.452993


Gaia already did. See >>452980

>> No.452999

What's the source of your pic?

>> No.453004

Gaia didn't kill humanity. Humanity killed Gaia, and at the same time, they killed themselves. Only the A-Rays, Ether-Liners and the like survived.

>> No.453013

thats what i was asking in a roundabout way, if humanity killed gaia for whatever reason, would humanity die anyways because the earth would be dead?

>> No.453015


Humanity killed Gaia but Gaia called for help, thats why the Types came.

>> No.453016
File: 50 KB, 400x400, 1208230518154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I honestly don't know. I have so many pictures of Archer and Rin it's not funny.

>> No.453024
File: 4 KB, 114x80, 1208230573010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Gaia didn't kill humanity. Humanity killed Gaia, and at the same time, they killed themselves.
You lost me.

>> No.453023


Humanity evolved to something that could adapt and survive the dead world.

>> No.453028

Learn to read and do a light novel then.

>> No.453031


Gaia needs humans and humans need Gaia to survive. They both die when either is killed.

>> No.453043

No, Gaia would survive without humanity pretty well.

>> No.453046

>> No.453075

>first time I've ever played a visual novel
I still remember my first vn or eroge game, it was Three Sister's Story and Nocturnal Illusion.
Too bad the new wave of newfags will never play those classics cause the new shit "ruins" the older stuff. Also, I detect underage B& in OP from his book report shit.

>> No.453079

fate/zero translation where?

>> No.453092


Still being supressed in Kotomine's ass.

>> No.453094


>> No.453097


>> No.453749

You know I don't need to mention "Anime" anywhere, People where trying to hand shit in like the Halo Novels and even shit like Hubbard's battle Field earth.
I've already read a bunch of classic and serious novels so F/SN isn't out of the norm.
If anyone did know what I was talking about then it would set off my Weaboo detector as no-one else would really care.

>> No.453962
File: 89 KB, 804x604, 1208246684689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys had finished UBW and not skipped through the text, you would know that Rin wasn't Archer's lover.

>> No.453968

Rin loev Lancer

>> No.454005


Lancer is a faggot. Im glad he died patheticly.

>> No.454027


0/10, not even trrying

>> No.454028


>> No.454062


Hey, that is almost done. Though last update seemed to be January.

>> No.454067

This is only the first volume.

Out of four.
