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File: 61 KB, 522x672, 0e729a1b33bd9396490fed493447ee73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4484945 No.4484945 [Reply] [Original]

So how can a moe VN with lots of loli-like heroines and even a fairy be one if not the the most poignant, realistic and brick shitting VN I ever read?

Symphonic Rain was an awesome experience, just awesome.

>> No.4484954

but you see it was not 18+

>> No.4484970

I still need to download it. I'm only finding dead torrents or broken shit. With everyday praising it so much It's really a pain in the ass trying to play it.

>> No.4484980



>> No.4484983

want some megaupload links?

>> No.4484996

Yes, that would be awesome.

>> No.4485022


6 links for a compressed ISO, about 2 gigs compressed
Before installing (if you're using Vista and 7):
-Make sure you set the compatibility to windows 95
-Run as an administrator
-Make sure you install it in the nomal program files folder (avoid the x86 or similar one because it can't use the font otherwise )

>> No.4485031

Thank you, kind sir. I feel so pathetic being unable to find it on my own.

>> No.4485043

don't worry, I get most my VNs from mcanime
it may be a stupid community, but they always have up-to-day VN links

>> No.4485064

is this translated? very interested

>> No.4485066

I saw the leash and collar and thought her sideburns were dog ears.
I was disappoint.

>> No.4485074



Usually has everything I need.

>> No.4485095

thanks, I may use it

now to finish Line's route (which makes both Torta and Fal look just TOO suspicious)

>> No.4486491

In the raaaaaaaaain

>> No.4486704

Never have I been so confused in a VN on what to do if I was the protagonist.

>> No.4486726
File: 49 KB, 433x663, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too loved it. Phorni is just unbelievably awesome character.
Get it off VDZ's ftp.

>> No.4486794

I didn't get it, was Lise's dad really just an ass? At the end of her route he was just a complete asshole, and was confused as hell since his actions didn't make any sense. But during Al Fine Cordell mentions that Chris's best tones were from his sadness. Did Lise's dad just try and push Chris to play better? Or was he just a complete heartless dick?

>> No.4486844

Wait, which is considered the true end? I thought Phorni's end was but after looking at the wikipedia page it said Tortinita's route was.

>> No.4487269

Could any of you kind anons give me the walkthrough for this game?

>> No.4487286

There's a walkthrough over at Kureha, but you have to register to see it.

>> No.4487296



But honestly, its pretty easy without one

>> No.4487319

Sure is nice seeing /jp/ being this kind, Phorni would be proud, guys.

I still can't get over Lise's route, couldn' touch fal's route and slept all day. Then I just listened to her theme and broke down in tears.

Damn! ;_;

>> No.4488128

You and me both ;;
Lise trying so hard got me close to baww

After Lise.. I find it hard for me to want to do Fal route

>> No.4488384
File: 149 KB, 641x710, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geez guys, Lise's route wasn't so bad. You really should continue and see the last two routes how awesome they are.

>> No.4488391

The fact that I can't make tender love with the loli is disappointing.

>> No.4488401

You should really do Fal first, but meh.

>> No.4488540

I've been out of the loop, did they finally get a hacker to finish?

>> No.4488564

Someone said yesterday that Al Fine was true end.

>> No.4488573

I am Phorni for Phorni.

>> No.4488575
File: 45 KB, 946x710, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately no, no. However the translator manually worked around most of the issues now by trimming the gametext with manual spacing, manual linebreaks etc.
It is perfectly playable now. The only issue I've had was that the text sometimes disappear after like 5 hours or so, whereas I've had to save blindly, restart the game and load the save I just made (it takes less than a minute).

>> No.4488581


>> No.4488583

Well thanks, I guess I'll finally get around to reading this then.

>> No.4488588

I wish Japanese Spaghetti Bird anon would post the walkthrough on his website. I miss him.

>> No.4488618
File: 57 KB, 401x700, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this. It's much more detailed than that other one.
But really it isn't that hard. The only tricky one is getting on the last route, but if you try focusing on composing and going home, it shouldn't pose too much of a challenge.

>> No.4488637


The art in this game is just too much for my nutbladder. Why can't we have more games like this?

>> No.4488708
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The artist actually did an erogame using the very same 'style', however I personally feel kinda bad looking at those erocgs. It's just, I reckon it doesn't really suit him/her.

>> No.4488757


But the real question is... Is it translated?

>> No.4488781


Getting Chris (and herself) depressed was actually Fal's true motive. Grave just hated Lise because she refused to play Fortell to uphold his name, and because he has a deep hatred for singers since his wife left him for one. And he wanted to get back at Chris for stealing Lise away from him.

>> No.4488791
File: 412 KB, 1024x718, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not, probably never will be since it supposed to be isn't as good.

>> No.4488794 [DELETED] 


Why the fuck being it up?

>> No.4488811

Cause one can see why I think ero would have made this game worse.

>> No.4488972

I don't know man, not even Clannad got me this bad, I feel truly depressed. That last scene after the credits... Her voice when singing, shattered what little composure I had left.

Nontheless, I'll do fal's route eventually. I have no interest in her but I want to unlock Phorni's.

>> No.4489179


I know I should have done Fal first, but I was too attracted to Lise to not choose her.
I love the game and art, so ill end up doing them all regardless.
I came across the file of her struggling when I changed the bgm files from the game.. ; ; it still hurts days after

>> No.4489204

What was it? Track 25.bgm? It's truly heart shattering.

I'm trying to cheer up listening to Phorni's theme, such a warm song. You should get the vocal album if you haven't already.

Nice to meet you anon, feels nice knowing someone who shares my feelings for lise and her story. I'd give you a handshake and a hug if i could, I sure need one right now ;_;

>> No.4489230

does playing the songs bad or good have any effect on the storyline?

>> No.4489238

Phorni's song, Fey is the most tear inducing in my opinion. Of course one should read the last route to understand what I mean.

>> No.4489254

Yeah depending on how you performed you get the reaction from whoever listened, and at places you have to perform well in order to advance (like the graduation ceremony).
Thankfully you can turn on autoplay if you have 0 talent in this like I do, so the whole music play thing is kinda optional.

>> No.4489261


i see

some of the songs are ridiculously hard to play unless you practise them for a long long time

>> No.4489275


Yeah 25. Drop a hug at clss700★hotmail if you want!
Just finished Lise route two days ago, and had to get the vocal/bgm. Happened a number of times where i'd just stop playing to do other things, but left the music/rain playing in the back. Even the title screen is gdlk. Still cant beat Lise theme/singing though.

>> No.4489279

If you change the difficulty to easy its well...pretty easy.
Its only the d f j k keys instead of everything else.

Its not autoplay, but you can do that if you want to feel like doing something.

>> No.4489310

I'll be sure to do so as soon as i get home!
Oh shut it! ;_;
Reading the lyrics for both of her themes and the little foreshadowing i got from Lise's route I already know I'm in for something heartbreaking.

>> No.4489368

imo hit me up so we can baw about the ending
As much as I enjoyed Lise route though, I really hated breaking up with Ari / putting off Tortinita.
Obv I chose wrong for choosing Lise first.

>> No.4489411

it's ok to choose her first

>> No.4489423

Ah, yes. Breaking up with Ari made me feel guilty for a bit, then again, I barely know her character. Tortinita on the other hand... Had piqued my interest, so being a bit of an ass to her was sad. Oh, and guess how i felt after talking to phorni when Lise prolongued her stay.
Falsita is the only girl in game I don't really like. Can't figure out why, I just feel a natural aversion to her character.

>> No.4489467

Ok, so I played through Fal's route, and thought she was pretty cute and all (her one sultry expression can fry a man's loins), but I now I've started to play Lise's.

Less than an hour in, I've fallen in love. Bracing for whatever storm of tears is going to be at the end of her route.

Wish me luck, gentlemen.

>> No.4489468

I agree with you on that too, don't know what it is. Not really a reason to feel that way about her, but its just there. Must be fake.

>> No.4489472

I'm now playing her theme again.

and that sobbing sound you hear is just the rain...

>> No.4489474

Falsita gives me the bully vibes
and i think it's strange Torta knows Lise's full name withou her saying so

>> No.4489494


>> No.4489496

Best of lucks anon! Have a box of tissues just in case, and keep fragile objects out of reach.

>> No.4489520

That right there is the sound of heartbreak

Fight on, brother

>> No.4489526

Game is even sadder when you realize that it's Ritsuko Okazaki's last work.
She pretty much designed the entire concept of the game.
And she worked on it while suffering from cancer.

>> No.4489543

I'm already pretty down, anon. Please don't make me feel worse ;_;

>> No.4489544

Personally I like Track21/31 better. But they're all nice ;;

>> No.4489572

She sure left behind something amazing.
Learning about it after Lise route doesn't help.
the tears be flowing

>> No.4489611

Music too good, putting me to sleep.

@ >>4489204
Drop me a message >>4489275 if the thread should die while im out, or if you just feel like it!

>> No.4489737

This game reinforced my love for Nakahara Mai.

>> No.4489904
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 36-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet dreams anon.
I'm finally at home, I'll make sure to send you a message soon.

>> No.4490184 [DELETED] 

I just finished Lise's route.

I expected it to end somehow like it did, and thought I was handling it well, but...

[spoilers] When she started to hoarsely sing those first few notes at the end, I burst into tears [/spoilers]

This game should be required /jp/ reading.

>> No.4490194

This game should be required /jp/ reading.

It's too good to pass on

>> No.4490413

then someone should add it to the
before asking for a recommendation, read this

>> No.4490423

Lise's epilogue is sop sweeeeeeeet
I almost cried when she started to try to sing along, that was overkill

>> No.4490430
File: 2.92 MB, 1591x3133, jprecommendations_revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I add it to my chart then?

>> No.4490431

/jp/ hates recommendation chars. Learn that.

We can gladly recommend SR when someone asks for a certain VN genre AFTER searching for one on their own.

>> No.4490444


I had silent tears running down my face.

>> No.4490447

yeah, but it's the easiest way to end with a stupid recommendation thread
just post the chart and end it, instead of wasting time into
what do you like or some shit

>> No.4490455

And so, once more, I sing to my self
In the raaaaaaaaaaaaain ;____;

>> No.4490471

Please elaborate, anon.
Even though I'm literally raaaaaining tears.

>> No.4490474

It could be just me, but I thought Fal's ending was bullshit.

She admits that the girl Chris fell in love with was just a mask she used to manipulate people and to cover for her real sociopathic personality, but nothing is resolved.

Her good end is just "lol, I love you anyway". It seems to me that Chris and Asina bro-fully drowning their sorrows together at a tavern would be a real good end to her route.

>> No.4490491

We need to teach people how to behave here. Not just give them what they want, and I understand your point but the thread would still be bumped with irrelevant comments even after the chart was posted.

>> No.4490498

Ritsuko Okazaki, who was a well known singer and music producer, did all the music for Symphonic Rain.

She had stomach cancer while she was working on the game, but hid it from the public, and she died shortly after it was released.

>> No.4490500

Fal's route is the least enjoyable in my opinion (apart of the trolling ).
It provides you with a few interesting scenes which going to be revisited later on, but yeah her route itself isn't that great.

>> No.4490511


>> No.4490512
File: 76 KB, 646x508, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I loved Fal's route and shat bricks during this scene.
The voice acting during that line was fantastic.

>> No.4490525
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Bro end is superior to exploitive bitch end

Not saying the scene wasn't great, but it didn't go anywhere.

>> No.4490539
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>> No.4490541
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys. Let's keep it civil shall we? This has been the kindest thread I've seen on /jp/, let's keept it that way.

To stay somewhat on topic, I'm getting this sudden urge of buying the game, I feel this is one of those things you like so much you need to buy them. Sadly, I've never done this for a VN, so any orientation would be apreciated.

I also remember a Phorni figure from an earlier thread, sadly, I don't think that's aviliable anymore, but if anyone has info on that it's welcome.

Have a singing Phorni to calm down anons!

>> No.4490553

We are not fighting here. You are right, this is a pretty good and 'calm' thread.

I also would like info on that fig.

>> No.4490563


There's the thread.

>> No.4490592

Anyone have the "for Ritz" album with the SR songs sung by Ritsuko Okazaki herself?

>> No.4490593

I personally found the Phorni figma on some random blog, via google image-ing the game's japanese title. Sadly I don't think it's available anywhere anymore.

The game itself is pretty cheap on amazon.jp so find a courier service you fancy and order it via amazon.

>> No.4490640

Yeah, it would require literally a miracle to find it now, oh well.

As for the game, as I said, I've never bought visual novels (or anything online, now that i think of it), So I'm pretty lost here. Thanks for letting me know about amazon though, if you have anymore info it'd sure help!

>> No.4490776
File: 234 KB, 479x851, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Tenso.
They are supposed to be working with most of the shops, including amazon. The guide explains detailedly how it works.

>> No.4490867

Full version of lyceene

>> No.4490900
File: 480 KB, 1024x768, 736c428e197a283a9abceeb290f1118e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her voice.

>> No.4490942

Also I really liked the italian names and the roles they reflect.
Falsita's name means fake, falseness, lie., and Asino's name is donkey, ass, dunce.
Is there any italian around to decipher the other characters by any chance?

>> No.4490970

as dumb as it sounds, torta is a kind of tart

>> No.4490986

I should have seen Falsita coming.

>> No.4491125
File: 35 KB, 400x290, prodikeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, with what sort of keyboard does one play Symphonic Rain?

>> No.4491266

This, please.

>> No.4491305

According to the dictionary, Arietta is a diminutive of Aria wich, if memory serves me right, is some sort of song.
That is correct, a Torta is a cake.

Can't find anything for Lise or Phorni.

>> No.4491332


That's the best I could find for now, can't guarantee it has seeds. I'll try checking on a couple of DDL sites I know later (Had a blackout in the middle of Fal's route and my last save was 1 hour ago!), so my only advice would be to look on fanpages for now.

>> No.4491364

isn't liselia relates to the Lycée? the french school

>> No.4491717

I wouldn't know, but since that's french I dont think it'll fit with the Italian theme of the novel.

You brought an interesting point though, lise sounds like Liceo wich would be Lyceum in english. I don't see any relation with Lise's character there, though.

>> No.4491851
File: 173 KB, 640x480, snapE00390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just completed all the endings (;_;), but I'm missing one CG. Help..

>> No.4491882

I've tried it, but no seeds. oh raaaaaain

>> No.4491890


Heh wait, I don't have the one with Phorni and towel, something probably broke

>> No.4491996

Oh my, that's a shame. I did a quick search here and there but couldn't find it either.

As soon as I'm done with Fal's route I'll try searching every site I can think of. Give me a couple of hours anon~

>> No.4492447
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>> No.4492685

Since Fal's route, as expected, hasn't piqued my interest I decided to search around for this album.

Turns out It wasn't as easy to find as I thought, only found some edonkey links, a chinese fan forum wich I'm not sure it has them and this forum with Hebrew/Arab runes (I'm pretty ignorant about both languages, but those are the closest thing i could think of) that supposedly has/had a mediafire link on it.

eD2k links

Chinese fan forum

Hebrew/Arab forum

Sorry I couldn't be of much help anon.

>> No.4493039

How long it is?

>> No.4493044

Anybody has the soundtrack?

>> No.4493049

When you will fill 2 buckets with your tears you will be in half way to end it

>> No.4493056

Stop being lazy and go to vndb.org

>> No.4493083

It says "Medium (10 - 30 hours)"
Is it more like 10 hours or 30?

>> No.4493121

More like 30, yeah.

>> No.4493123

put it about 20

>> No.4493263

Here's the vocal album anonymous, I hope you enjoy it. There's another album with arrangements for a few songs, I can try to look for it if you'd like.

If you want the background music, you best bet bet would be to make a copy of the BGM folder and rename the files from .bgm to .wav
But, I shed an ocean with Lise's route... and that was just the first one ;_;

>> No.4493268

Idiot me, I forgot to actually put the link, sorry anonymous.

>> No.4493585

I managed to find one with a jsharer link, but it's currently temporarily inaccessible though... will try again later.
Thanks for the help, anon.

>> No.4494017

You're welcome, sorry I couldn't be of more help. Don't forget to share your results when you try again later!

>> No.4494034 [DELETED] 

We are tired of your spam and bullshit at www. änoNTa|k .com. Stop fucking with us. You owe Sysop over $10,000 USD due to your harassments. Pay up by donating.

>> No.4494094

Decided to convert the BGM files to .mp3 if anyone's interested.


It doesn't have the stuff of the vocal album but still.
Track 25... ;-;

>> No.4494208 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 18-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're awake!
I'll download it since I wanted to get the instrumental versions on my cellphone, thanks for making them lighter!

I just finished Fal's route and wow, it sure is a huge contrast after completing Lise's yesterday. Turns out I was right about the "vibe" Falsita gave me and went straight to her bad end. I shrugged off most of the stuff that happened laughing, but when she said a particular line after meeting... "an old face" I was seriously infuriated, I just knew it was her after all!

I'll end it with the best thing this route left me, pic related. Not sure if it's a spoiler, but just in case.

>> No.4494510

Meant to post this earlier, but I got kinda distracted

IVXXX's walkthrough from kureha's forum, credits go to him.

>> No.4494716
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 36-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just before I leave to sleep, here's another treat

That arrangements album I mentioned earlier, finally got to listening to it and it's pretty good, so I though I might just share the link for those interested in SR's music.

Sweet dreams anons, thank you for the lovely thread.

>> No.4495250


>> No.4495401

Wow this thread is still alive? I remember seeing last night. Since I like SR here's a bump.

>> No.4496243

SR: Come for the collared lolis, stay for the heartbreak and bricks

>> No.4496324

anyone have a link to the ftp that pops up on this site alot with all those vn links?

>> No.4496417

Bump for finishing Lise's route.

Only Torta left to go.

>> No.4496430


>> No.4496713

>Only Torta left to go
I think you meant only Torta, al fine and Phorni left to go.

>> No.4496985

Torta complete! (say it like the Terran narrator from Starcraft)

Moving on to Al Fino

>> No.4497317

finish al fino

mind blown

>> No.4497331

one question
isn't there also a da capo route?

>> No.4497352

da capo only refers to the part that isn't al fine. I think in the walkthroughs it's used to refer to Phorni route

>> No.4497362

No, the game is basically consists of two sides: Da Capo, and Al Fine.
Da Capo side is where you control Chris. Al Fine side is unlocked after you've seen the 3 normal routes (Fal, Lise, Torta), and this side is from someone else's point of view with many twists. After you completed it, you have to choose Da Capo side again and go onto Phorni's route.

>> No.4497377

Though, Al Fine only consist of one route though, with no music play, no choices etc.

>> No.4497431

Anyone found For RITZ album yet?

>> No.4497718

Morning SR thread!
Woah, fast reader.

>> No.4497739
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>> No.4498540
File: 83 KB, 864x648, Symphonic_Rain_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4498567


>> No.4498709


I'm downloading it from that edonkey link, 45% as of now, whooping 2 kB/s. When it's done and legit, I'll upload it to megaupload or smth.

>> No.4498756


>> No.4498772
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 16-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great anonymous! I'm glad that worked.

>> No.4498807


Changes every second, hard to predict. If all goes well - around 5-10 hours.

>> No.4498936

I'll try and keep this thread alive till its finished then.

>> No.4498947

Does the playable beta patch translated the entire story?

>> No.4498955

About SR, is it really needed to get the bad ends?

>> No.4498979
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>> No.4499005


>> No.4499020

Yes, it does.
I'm bumping it every hour while I finish reading Tortinita's route.

>> No.4499047

Thanks, will eagerly await patch uploading-anon's word.

>> No.4499058

bumping for an anwser

>> No.4499281

I recommend seeing the normal/neutral bad end.

>> No.4499537

how do you get it?

>> No.4499548

Don't pick any girl to be your partner (you can just practice alone every day and make obviously stupid choices)

>> No.4499551

Basically don't go into any routes and get assigned a partner.

>> No.4499702

Just read the lyrics to Always close to you. Goddamn it.

>> No.4499732

thx, I'm doing so and the partner is just as expected

>> No.4499955

Could anyone help me a bit here? I managed to install the game succesfully and after that I copied the beta patch into the game folder. I read the beta readme and did as it said.

The problem is, I can't see any text when I play the game. In the beginning there's this girl talking but no text shows up.

I suppose the font is causing my problems. When I tried installing it by copying it directly to the Fonts folder I got an error message saying that it's not a valid font file. After that I tried installing it through the Fonts folder with File -> Install new font but that didn't seem to do anything. Then I installed the font using this program called FontFrenzy which said that the font was installed succesfully, but I'm not so sure about that anymore since even after that no text showed up.

Did anyone else have similar problems?

>> No.4499967

You have to add it to your registry. The game path should have came with a .reg file. Just edit it to your current install path and run it.

>> No.4499973

oh wow this thread is still here. Not that I'm complaining about it, anyways.

>> No.4500205

Well, fuck. I just assumed that because I installed the game in the default location I could skip step 2 of the readme entirely (readme said skip step 2b).

Thanks for help.

>> No.4500454

Game complete!
In less time than this thread has been active.

Baws and bricks were had by all.

>> No.4500466

Favorite route?

>> No.4500495 [DELETED] 

Tough call.

The pieces of my shattered heart covered the floor at the end of Lise's route, but I'd have to say that I found Phorni's end the most ultimately satisfying.

>> No.4500507

Tough call.

The pieces of my shattered heart covered the floor at the end of Lise's route, but I'd have to say that I found Phorni's end the most ultimately satisfying.

>> No.4500519

My favorite personally was Al fine.
Loved the change of POV and the twists and story in this route were awesome.

>> No.4500537

I liked the POV change, but one of the big twists was something I had been very suspicious of since early in Torta's route.

In other news, the answer to my (much earlier) question about the rain bar turned out to be more epic than expected. That one DID get me pretty well.

>> No.4500579

I unfortunately did not enjoy Al Fine that much. The plot twist while good, wasn't all that shocking and I was suspecting something was up since I found out there were twins, and the constantly changing letters from Arietta depending on the route.

>> No.4500614

Who is that white haired person on the game icon and during Phorni's Song in the Free play Mode. She looks like Lise/Fal but Why in the world is she in Phorni's song then?

>> No.4500655

The twist about Ari is obvious, there is a reason why it's revealed at the very beginning of Al Fine. But that route is great for really building Torta as a very solid and complex character, her devotion for Chris is amazing and her internal conflict is heartrenching, personally it was my favorite simply because Torta's narration was that touching.

>> No.4500700

I'd say Phorni's route for me. I cried like a little bitch at the end of it. Al Fine was almost as awesome too.

>> No.4500860

can anyone help me no text is showing up i game. i installed the game to program files folder, installed the font, ran the sr.reg and have the language settings set to japanese. yet the text still doesnt show up even if i run it without the english patch.

>> No.4500872


Are you running the right executable (SR_qc.exe)? Did you also follow the steps in the readme?

>> No.4500884

Damn... I feel like an idiot since this problem has been resolved back and forth, yet I hope some kind anon can help me.

Typical problem: No visible text.
What did I do?
- Japanese Language is set
- Game installed in C:\\Program Files
- All patch files overwrote the original ones
- Font Essai installed correctly
- SR.reg fixed with my actual path

Please ;__;

>> No.4500885

is it in the normal program files folder (not the x86 or sth)

>> No.4500899

Parallel Op, I'm running the SR_qc.

>> No.4500900

It's likely not added properly to the registry, and you'll have to do it manually via regedit. Search "regedit" in the archive, I wrote it down about 3 times what to do in this case.

>> No.4500929

running SR_qc.exe worked. Thanks i didn't even see that exe. I feel like a moron now ;_;

>> No.4500962

All of you are disgusting for wasting time with obvious disney shit, and look how ugly the character desgins look, not even Muv-Luv can beat that

>> No.4500979

I didn't really pay attention to Torta until her route ("oh look, it's the childhood friend"), but I admit she surprised me in a good way.

>> No.4500984
File: 743 KB, 806x652, s5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you.

>> No.4500995


Don't even reply, it just encourages them

>> No.4501004 [DELETED] 


>> No.4501032


i had the same problem but then i ran the registry as administrator (vista) and it started working

>> No.4501052

I liked the plot of Al Fine and Fal's route, but I found that ended up not liking the girls. It may be just me, but both girls built their entire life with Chris on lies, and I can't see that as leading to any kind of real relationship or love.

Torta did have genuine internal conflict, but the aforementioned made her devotion and love seem hollow.

>> No.4501063

Really good games like Gore Screaming Show, Little Busters or Air get dumped into the bucket while games that are worse in every aspect like SR and SnI get translated. Something's just plain wrong.

Fucking .D.i.s.n.e.y. shit

>> No.4501103

Well then, we'll just continue enjoying our "disney shit," and you can go make a thread about VNs you like.


P.S. And I want a teacher end, since we already got a Grave end

>> No.4501131
File: 26 KB, 300x309, zzredrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a bad person, and should feel bad

If I hadn't followed that end up with Phorni's, I'd be out with my pitchfork and torch right now

>> No.4501150

not that anyone gives a shit about what you say either way
translators pick the VNs they like, just because they are willing too, complaining does nothing at all
people can just get too spoiled when things aren't what they want them to be

>> No.4501219
File: 11 KB, 462x349, 1244596240645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<<How Lise's route should have ended

That way, my pillow wouldn't be soaked with tears

>> No.4501262

>>I looked up at the sky that was stormy without end. And then, I dropped my Fortell into a puddle.

>>I would not need such a thing, not where I was going.

>>The rain was still falling even now, but Phorni's heart was secure next to mine.

>>I began to walk.

>> No.4501298

Donna kyo dato shi temo atarashi hibiga ru ri kaete yuku soshite ashitawa kibowo

>> No.4501308

Where is that from?

>> No.4501328


>> No.4501350 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 800x600, 1228782148211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edited scene from Planetarian.

I still sniffled a little

>> No.4501965


Ritsuko Okazaki's album For RITZ, contains songs from Symphonic Rain, but sang by her, not the VA's.

>> No.4502044

God Bless you.

>> No.4502192

Bump for People to see.

>> No.4502403

Another bump for the album.

>> No.4502465

Is SR a Hgame or an all age VN?

>> No.4502473

Sex romp.

>> No.4502476


>> No.4502490

All ages.

>> No.4502665

Where is the last song from? I don't recognize it from the VN.

>> No.4502803

Amazing anon!
Darn tsunamis and darn paranoid family, made me evacuate to my grandparent's house making me waste precious reading time.

>> No.4502813

Forgot to answer this one, it's "For fruits basket" from that anime with the same name.

>> No.4502819

Can anyone answer this?
