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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4479040 No.4479040 [Reply] [Original]

What did you accomplish today /jp/? Did you do anything worthwhile with your life or are you just living day in day out?

>> No.4479053

define worthwhile please.

>> No.4479063

I defeated a friend of mine in a fighting game with his own main
he was pissed

>> No.4479067

Something that makes you proud of yourself, that shows that you did something productive for you or someone else. Someone that establishes proof that you were here.

>> No.4479075

I managed to buy a limited edition figma

>> No.4479091

Went to classes.

But no, I haven't been productive today. I would be more motivated to draw if there was an active drawthread on /jp/.

>> No.4479123

I fapped until my dick fell off.

>> No.4479138

While still technically "today", my friend took me out to see a midnight showing of Avatar in 3D. $16 per fucking ticket, god damn. I'm so happy he paid, that rich son of a bitch. I actually thought of /jp/ when I saw this middle-aged Mexican guy just chillin' by himself in the row behind us. I really had to get up early for work, but staying out late with friends builds character. I was a grumpy little piece of shit all day because of the lack of sleep, but I found out today that I did better on my midterm, and work wasn't so bad. I took off an hour early anyway. It felt good to help out this old lady at my work who didn't have time to file her bullshit. She had some weird Christian radio program playing in the background. "Christianity is under vicious attacks these days..." and all that. My rage didn't come back to me until I had to drive back home. It was still kind of a blur.

I know this isn't LiveJournal but the maido is gonna delete this thread before anyone reads it anyway.

>> No.4479139


>> No.4479142

I took a nap and pretended to read my psych textbook ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>> No.4479153

- Earned a paycheck
- Got my mother's brakes fixed on her car
- Washed my car
- Ordered a pizza (Pizza is ALWAYS an accomplishment!)

>> No.4479175

Reported this metathread.

>> No.4479186



>> No.4479193

Went to sleep at three, woke up at half past six, and managed to make it through the day's classes without so much as a nap.
No caffeine used either.

Sometimes I impress myself.

...no, I didn't do anything worthwhile.

>> No.4479211

i hate ordering pizza, telephones terrify me

>> No.4479218

That's why you do it online.

>> No.4479235

same here.

>> No.4479244

Classes, attended some peoples' presentation of their exhibit of acropolis photos, read a little, walked through a forest, masturbated.
Pretty okay!

>> No.4479260

Went to class, found out I have an exam tomorrow, and, instead of studying, am browsing 4chan, despite wanting to study.

I will fail. Why the hell does a pharmacy major need to know about Pre-Civil War American History, anyway?

Dammit, if it weren't for my waifu, I'd go back to being a NEET.

>> No.4479257

Found a working link for an 808 State album. Fuck yeah.

>> No.4479255

Wasted money on things, just went to some ikebana exhibit at a museum.

>> No.4479266

this is /jp/ not /manchester/

>> No.4479277
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Made some progress on mental and spiritual enlightenment. Currently fending off urge to adore guro. Is quite difficult.

>> No.4479278

Skipped all of my classes. Mostly because I had a shitload of work to do but I also spent some of that time on /jp/ and eroge.

>> No.4479296

Took a math test, went to class. Got back. Feeling dead. Pulled all nighter to study but still failed test. Feels bad man.

>> No.4479303

Recovered from drinking last night

Went to my one hour of classes, management statistics. Died inside because lol stats.

Came home, played Age of mythology with flatmate.

Playing Texas Holdem at a friends tonight. Pretty ok day.

>> No.4479309


+ finish Heaven's feel route tonight finally.

>> No.4479315

applied for passport and drivers license, fixed my resume, and will buy a formal clothing soon. just trying to get things real.

>> No.4479325

Took 2 exams, fapped, finished background to stage 4A.

>> No.4479340


Aw damn, I did the same thing last year, though it was about a week of cramming 8 hours Japanese a day, and still managed to fail as my grammar sucks.

But it just means the repeat this year is all about me learning the grammar and not the terms/kanji

>> No.4479413

Dragged myself into the office in spite of my cold. By the time I made it to the server room, forgot all about the sick, spending the day blissfully submerged in server innards. Figured out a bit more about how our testing scripts work, or fail to work, as the case may be. Memorized a few more names of my new coworkers.

Tried to figure out a more efficient bus route home. Fucked up and took twice as long.

>> No.4479455

and i enjoyed it

>> No.4479539

woke up at 1 pm, picked up a package with a nanael fig, an aldra book and a new mousepad. then fapped. now posting this.

>> No.4479546

oh yeah and finished the edgeworth game.

>> No.4479570

pic of nanael fig?

>> No.4479602

Felt like shit all day due to worthless body's systemic problems, got very little done. I don't know why today was bad, I'll probably be better tomorrow.

>> No.4479643

I started Mana Khemia 2 and played that all day.

>> No.4479655

I learned several japanese words, like 鯛, 蚊, 泣く. I desperately need to increase number of words learned per day to at least 100.

>> No.4479666
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it's more like an action figure than a regular fig, so i guess like those figmas.

i can't afford a big nanael right now.

>> No.4479674

I'm playing Aika.

>> No.4479893

Passed an exam with a good grade, bought a new Hard Drive, looked up on the internet for a good DVD writer to buy and played games on my Wii for the rest of the day.

>> No.4479910

I finally fapped to Touhou Socks Extra.

>> No.4479916

I took my Grandmother to a movie for her birthday.

>> No.4479929


Did she wet the seat?

>> No.4479936

My little sister went to the hospital with 2 severe concussions this morning. I've been worrying about her all day.

>> No.4479937

any Nanael is a good Nanael

>> No.4479943

And you're on 4chan instead of by her side to raise the imouto flag?

Go back to /a/, you scum.

>> No.4479954

Go away.

>> No.4479966

I fapped three times and watched episodes of The Wire

>> No.4479968

I gave a seminar on firm heterogeneity and trade.

>> No.4479978
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>> No.4479988

I'm in California and she's all the way in New York. I called her to see her how she was doing and instead I got my Mother crying about how she got into an accident.

Feels bad man.

>> No.4479995

I HOPE SHE Does well and gets better soon.

>> No.4480005

Learned about some of the Old Masters of painting.

Practiced drawing and spriting.

Completed an oil painting.

>> No.4480012

2? What, did someone drop her after she got the first one?

>> No.4480016

And how much more affection points would you raise with your imouto if she woke up from her coma and saw you sleeping by her bedside with tear stains on your cheek? How much more affection points would you earn with her if the nurse told her that you came all the way from California and refused to leave the bedside until she woke up?


>> No.4480024
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Not enough to cover the flight costs and hotel accommodations.

>> No.4480035

Hotel? He's supposed to be sleeping by her bed, not in a fancy hotel.

>> No.4480042

>implying hospitals in real life let you do that when it's not an extreme medical case where the patient will most likely die.

He'd get sent home once visiting hours were over. Home for him would be across the country.

Stop living in anime, faggot.

>> No.4480045

I took a test and did better than expected

>> No.4480056

But this is /jp/

>> No.4480075

>Stop living in anime, faggot.
Make me, asshole.

>> No.4480088

This. Very much this. ICUs in about any country would deny access to anyone and if they would, only for a hour, to close relatives only. However:

>> No.4480091
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I will if you make me, nigga

>> No.4480100

When my sister was in the hospital the nurses would literally drag you out by your collar if you refused to leave after visiting hours were over.

>> No.4480108

Today, pretty much nothing. Yesterday I was a maid in public though, for a dress-up thing with some friends. And apparently some guy was checking me out until he realised who it was.

>> No.4480197

Tried to get more classes at community college but that shit's impossible, so I'm left with being a part-time student. Getting a job would be the best thing to do but no job experience + lazy + previously NEET makes it kind of hard to do that

After my last class I went to the nearby arcade and promptly got my ass kicked in 3rd Strike. Playing at home alone ;_; is nothing like playing a real person. I'll practice that and other fighting games until I'm at a skill level I'm satisfied with also there are some cute girls there I want to try talking toinb4 3DPG, don't worry I still love them lolis

>> No.4480399

Just finished putting the final touches on a patch for a game I work on.

>> No.4481003

What game would that be, pray tell?
