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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44785556 No.44785556 [Reply] [Original]

More like /2hu/, amaright?

>> No.44785773

more like /3dpd/

>> No.44785813

no, you're wrong
most posts are vtumors
most active threads besides them are 3dpd generals

>> No.44785860

vtumors are using selenium to manipulate warosu image reposts

>> No.44786299
File: 843 KB, 1383x1729, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's been mentioned, let's take a look at the posts per minute on 4stats:
- 35% is taken up by the huge vtubers thread (2.89 ppm)
- 9% is taken up by the monster girls thread (0.78 ppm)
- 9% is taken up by the 3dpd generals we can see on the pic (0.72 ppm combined)
- 3% is taken up by the daily japanese thread (0.24 ppm)
Any other thread has less than 0.12 posts per minute.
Regarding the 3dpd generals, I can count 8 of them on the catalog. If we choose to be generous and assume an average of 0.08 ppm for each of those, the total for 3dpd is 1.36 ppm, which is 16% of the posts per minute on the board.
The remaining 37% is split between 2hu threads and assorted otaku threads like type-moon, 07th and vocaloid. 2hu threads probably make up around 25% of the board's posts per minute. They do make up like 66% of the board's threads, though, thanks to all of the single-character threads around.

>> No.44786472

Very interesting data, thank you anon. We could assume then that if /jp/ got rid of vtumors and 3dpd the post rate would get cut in half. I am interested too about the new thread rate... If you look at the new threads/hour column it's possible to see that /jp/ has a very low rate compared to boards of similar sizes. In fact /jp/ as a whole is very distinct from other boards, and although they disgust me arguably /vt/ has inherited some of these differences

>> No.44786861

That's a good catch. /vg/ also has a low new threads per hour count, so we can deduce it's a characteristic of boards in which most of the posts per minute are concentrated inside generals, a definition which includes both /vt/ and /jp/.

>> No.44786962

Probably even less in fact, a bunch of threads only get posted in as bumps. Without homospammers pusing six threads a day off it'd be a lot lower since proper /jp/sies don't by and large create new threads if there is an older one to post in, /v/ermin and vtumors notwithstanding.

>> No.44790031

Serious question, why are vtumors allowed to post here when they have their own dedicated board?

>> No.44790040

Because main janny is a vtumor.

>> No.44790091

>/jp/ - Touhou and Idols, and occasionally /r07/ and /tmg/

Can't you fucking read?

>> No.44790146

vtumors have their own board. You don't need to post here.
your posters are all low quality, your general is an irrelevant chatroom with greentexters and soiretards.

>> No.44790736

Because there's no rule forcing people to discuss vtubers on /vt/ (unlike the GR15 for /mlp/), which means the posters who first discussed them on /jp/ before they got extremely popular decided to stay on /jp/, where the quality of discussion is leagues above /vt/'s.
I also would love the posters from the hololive thread to move to /vt/ but there's no convincing them. At least they stay self-contained to a single general and don't infest the other threads.

>> No.44790755
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>At least they stay self-contained to a single general and don't infest the other threads.
Pull the other one anon, holospammers are famous for sperging out when their thread dies or hits postlim.
You'd think it was a raid were it not for the fact it's done every single time.

>> No.44790778

I know that, and that's why I didn't say they don't infest the catalog itself because they do. What I mean is at least you don't ever see them coming into a thread you're posting on and posting vtubers on it.

>> No.44790807

The NSA keeps logs of every internet conversion period. In 15 years when I'm the president of the US I'll retroactively identify, dox, and then force the holoniggers to work in 3rd world asbestos mines for the rest of their (short) lives. They will receive no amnesty.

>> No.44790843

they're not even westerners anon... they're SEAmen and south americans, life has already punished them

>> No.44791077

At this point it might be for the best that Touhou gets it's own board. Shame about the gachi and Japanese bird cooking spaghetti threads though.

>> No.44791102
File: 218 KB, 1200x808, touhou_bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the train thread is the best thread on /jp/

>> No.44791108

I wouldn't mind a /2hu/ board, but would that really change anything? It's not like threads have to bump more than once or twice per day to survive nowadays.

>> No.44791140

>would that really change anything?
Yes, i wouldn't have to share space with holoniggers, idolfaggots, javtards and the like. Unfortunately that still wouldn't solve the cookiefag issue, so they would have to be explicitly b&.

>> No.44791142

Leads me to suspect the primary motivator to keep the thread here despite outpacing everything else is to make the board faster and more attractive to advertisers.
I'm against the idea of a dedicated Touhou board. Remember, Touhou is split among at least three different pieces of the site: /jp/, /vg/, and /v/. There is no guarantee a /2hu/ board would adopt the same style of posting as /jp/.

>> No.44791148

Hm good point, I guess the catalog would look much cleaner at least.

>> No.44791194
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>Touhou is split among at least three different pieces of the site: /jp/, /vg/, and /v/. There is no guarantee a /2hu/ board would adopt the same style of posting as /jp/.
I didn't even consider that. My God, imagine how horrible that could end up being.

>> No.44791240

You forgot /h/

>> No.44791268
File: 917 KB, 1000x1320, TVTD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no guarantee a /2hu/ board would adopt the same style of posting as /jp/.

I'm willing to take that risk. While leaving our ancestral home is heartbreaking, it's current state is so dilapidated that i am i willing to take my chances.

Pull the trigger.

>> No.44791336

I forgot /e/ and /c/ too.
I am not. Imagine the announcement when the new board opens. What kind of poster do you think will become the dominant culture? The /jp/sies who post infrequently and just enough to keep their watched threads alive or the rabid shitposters?
We still have a good thing going despite having to share it with subjects we don't care about. At least those don't need more than a glance to skip over in the catalog.

>> No.44791377

>At least those don't need more than a glance to skip over in the catalog.
Yeah, and people who can't bear the sight of them can just filter their threads since they always use the same words on the subject.

>> No.44791394
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I don't even think about it now
all of the generals are hidden by default and I just run through every now and then and hide all the other threads that aren't touhou
the pepsiman thread can stay though

>> No.44791505

So, out of 150 threads, 59 aren't 2hu related? That means the percentage of 2hu-related threads on the board is 60%, close to what I was expecting.

>> No.44791905

>cookiefag issue
I try not to pay attention to them. Isn't just the occasional rat spam or is there more I'm not seeing?

>> No.44791939

I am not, mainly because of this >>44791194
Just imagine all the /v/ shitposters, the /bant/ shitposters, the horror. If I just wanted to discuss Touhou, I could go to many places in Western internet; but I came back to 4chan just for /jp/. I truly think the culture and the posting here is better than any (active) options, and I would prefer to save /jp/ from vtumors and 3dpd to start a new board where quality wouldn't be guaranteed.
