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4477975 No.4477975 [Reply] [Original]

Ever played Cave Story, /jp/?

>> No.4477999


A boss shaped as toaster? Yes

>> No.4477994


A couple of years ago

>> No.4478000

Yes. Why do you ask?

>> No.4478015

Who the fuck haven't?

>> No.4478024


A toaster shapped boss, you mean.


And yes, I have.

>> No.4478070

Curly Brace is my waifu.

>> No.4478083
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>> No.4478084

Yes. I didn't save Curly.

>> No.4478088
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I was more fond of Misery, personally.

>> No.4478091
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You are a horrible creature.

>> No.4478098


It was my first, and only, playthrough.

I regret nothing, though.

>> No.4478106

Misery was moe. Infinite witch moe.

She was freed, so it's okay. Curly Brace needed to be saved, though.

>> No.4478117
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>> No.4478137

best game in the universe

>> No.4478142

It's one of (if not) the best doujin game of the last decade.

>and only, playthrough.
This implies you haven't replayed the game a million times. This disturbs me.

>> No.4478149

I didn't know you COULD save her my first playthrough. It was sad.

>> No.4478156

Never finished Hell.

>> No.4478160

Which Touhou is that?

>> No.4478163

I was going to agree and post some Misery fanart from gelbooru, but this was the first one that came up:


So yeah.

>> No.4478164

I got the "lol you go to live with the professor" end in my first playthrough

>> No.4478166

Is there anyone that likes these kind of games that hasn't played it?

>> No.4478169

If you've played Cave Story but haven't beaten the true final level, you need to go read a FAQ and get that done or else that will be an incomplete chapter in your life forever.

>> No.4478173

Yes, gotten all endings, even played a few mods.

>> No.4478170

I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.4478179
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I have nothing nice to say about this.

>> No.4478188
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The other pictures sure are interesting, though.

>> No.4478210
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>> No.4478229

My waifu, wearing the panties I found for her.

Feels good, man.

>> No.4478232

Does anyone know where I can find the character portraits for this? Or at least a way to extract them from the game?

>> No.4478243

Haven't played myself. Is it that good?

>> No.4478254

This game is so overrated, I don't see how you dudes could like it and bother to get more than one ending.

>> No.4478260

Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.4478262
File: 1 KB, 120x160, 030925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys saw these cat sprites made by the same maker of Cave Story? Dont remenber where I got them, but they come in a hundred image pack.

>> No.4478273

Man, I say that and I have a shortcut to it on my desktop.

>> No.4478282



>> No.4478291


>>It-It's not like I have a shortcut for the game be-because I love it or anything!

>> No.4478292

Has Pixel done anything else since? I played an unfinished game with fish or something and it wasn't very good but I beat it anyway.

>> No.4478303

He made a short shmup whose name I can't remember.

>> No.4478320


Where did you get this image pack?

>> No.4478327



He did these as well.

>> No.4478333

The game is enjoyable, but it is not the best game ever. Definitely worth a play or two or ten. Also the end when you get to run away and live a peaceful life with the professor is the best homolust end that I've ever read.

>> No.4478353

Best game of the last decade:
1. Cave Story
2. Deus Ex

>> No.4478354
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>> No.4478366
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Best one out of all neko100.

>> No.4478380

It may not be the "best game ever" but it certainly is a contender for best doujin game. Cavestory in my opinion is much better than the first Sonic the Hedgehog game despite the fact that Sonic had a much bigger budget/team.

>> No.4478383

Fucking /a/ kids.

>> No.4478388

Don't be ridiculous.

>> No.4478392

Not hard to be better than Sonic.

>> No.4478399


http://www.miraigamer.net/cavestory/othergames_9.php = Image page Neko100

Also, Shine Shine Galaxy by Pixel is also fun. He has great short games.

>> No.4478465

There's that asphyxia/torn swimsuit fetish awesome game as well, I forgot the name, but it was really fun.

It was released around last summer, I think.

>> No.4478497

Would you mind linking?

>> No.4478566
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There is no such thing, obviously. You were trolled.

>> No.4478599
File: 54 KB, 640x480, marie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I found it again for you. It's Holdover.

You can download the game here: http://www.foxeye.squares.net/product/holdover/index.htm

The game is in Japanese or in hilarious Engrish.

>> No.4478610

Wait, I take that "Engrish" back, it looks like the game was proofread since this summer.

>> No.4478624
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I love you. So much.

And I thought you were trolling.

>> No.4478639

Fuck yes Cave Story
Replaying in on PSP.

>> No.4478690
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Started playing it. First spikes showed up. This is game is hard.

Or is it just me that is dying like five times for each jump?

>> No.4478741

I don't remember it really that hard. Maybe it takes a few minutes to get used to Marie's movements. Also, the game isn't long, between 1 and 2 hours, depending on how good you are.

Also, spikes are smalltime, you'll see when you'll have to do some stuff underwater.

>> No.4478766

Yeah, Holdover is awesome, and not just because of the fanservice. I liked the atmosphere, the fact that there aren't any real enemies since it's a facility buried underground, your enemies are just spikes, security systems and water. It took me just about 2 hours to beat the game 100% but it was still fun to play through and I hadn't felt so good after beating a game for a long time.

>> No.4478771

I have never played Cave Story. Might I be directed to a download location or whatnot?

>> No.4478783


Chose your weapon.

>> No.4478784


I don't think you have tried google. You should

>> No.4478794

isn't there some topdown adventure game out there that involves some girl, and she's always finding herself getting raped?

>> No.4478816

You don't belong on this board if you haven't. I'll be replaying the WiiWare version next month, can't wait.

>> No.4478818


Yes. Yes there is.

>> No.4478837
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>> No.4478840


>> No.4478907

It's called Violated Heroine. It's still very WIP. You can find it on Hongfire.

>> No.4478983



>> No.4479014

I've played this game over and over but have NEVER beaten Sacred Grounds. Always die during Mega Press fight.

>> No.4479518


Game just took me ~90 mins to finish, 100% completion (you can unlock some bonus cg). It's not very hard, you can quicksave anytime you want.

>> No.4479537


Marie makes such lewd poses when she dies its almost like I throw her in the spikes to see them.

>> No.4479541

You are a bad person.

>> No.4479603

I might just have a new fetish.

>> No.4479621


Lost naked or swimsuit wearing lonely female robots?

>> No.4479645
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Also, how can I get past this guy? Do I need to disable the security? How do I get through that without drowning?

>> No.4479659

Fuck yeah, welcome to the fold.

>> No.4479672
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Full map of Holdover.

>> No.4479694

Yes, years ago. I don't really remember much about Cave Story though because the level design was a mixed bag and the game itself was way too easy. But I did complete it.

>> No.4479714

>>4479694 the level design was a mixed bag and the game itself was way too easy
What the hell man.

>> No.4479731

It was pretty easy except for the hard mode stuff.

>> No.4479744
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>> No.4479755

Can nobody help? Am I supposed to go through the lower left area that wraps back to the right first?

>> No.4479894

Figured it out...

>> No.4479993
File: 145 KB, 642x484, holdover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuck again. Is there a way to get up from here?

>> No.4480116

You need the thing that lets you jump higher, fag.

>> No.4480195

Walk through the first two pools of water no problom, die after that, suddenly can't get through second pool. What the hell.

>> No.4480234

It's been a while since I played it, but if you're talking about the big underwater maze, then don't try to blitzkrieg it, you'll die everytime. Rather, go get your power-up from the room to the right first, then before you try to descend into the rest of the maze, continue hopping to in shallow pools get your breath back to 70+, then continue. You'll run into a few of these ares before and after you exit the big room, so use them well.

>> No.4480254

By second pool, I mean the second mass of water in the game. I'm still getting instructions.
