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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44759919 No.44759919 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/


Previous thread: >>44737865

>> No.44759959

Well It's been a few years and as what usually happens I have an itch to learn Japanese. Does this feeling ever go away? Why does it keep happening? ヾ(^▽^*)))

>> No.44759970

because you have to do it. Sometimes you just have to do something, and even if its a failure overall it will somehow lead to what you *then* must do.

>> No.44759993

i must cum

>> No.44760001
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>> No.44760037

Having hobbies really stops me from just endlessly doing that. Which also makes more time in the day for me to do important things. Honestly I think I could have benefited greatly from a religious upbringing. The ability to practice self-discipline is my greatest improvement.

>> No.44760167

what's stopping you from finding God right now?

>> No.44760170

it's because you love japanese stuff. you want to close the barrier between yourself and what you love

>> No.44760173

gods dead bro

>> No.44760192
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>> No.44760200

the unholy trinity of ugly ass colors

>> No.44760202

I gave it a go. I never felt God so I couldn't speak truthfully and say the same things they would. I found daily prayer to be a path that lead me to daily self-reflection and self-improvement.

>> No.44760204 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.44760234

>I never felt God
that's sad hellbound bro but you shouldve known god never liked fags

>> No.44760239

religion was made up to keep slaves in check, free your mind

>> No.44760250

anon cant free his dick from porn but dreams of freeing his mind lol

>> No.44760272
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>> No.44760303

sad there are no 140s in the chat to get my triple entendres

>> No.44760313

I made an honest effort multiple times. I had missionaries tell me that they felt I was wasting their time.

There were a lot of things taught. Mainly discipline and routine that I was able to incorporate into my life. Another example would be to use Sunday as a day of reflection and planning out the week.

>> No.44760333

usually you go to missionaries for gay conversion therapy not the other way round

>> No.44760400
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>> No.44760526

stop giving up/taking breaks or you will never learn

>> No.44760689

Wait what the fuck, 出来る is just the potential form of する???

>> No.44760746

yes. why are you acting so surprised?

>> No.44760793
File: 158 KB, 1148x554, verb conjugations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because ゲーム言語 pointed out that it was taught as a completely separate verb to する which is like, soooo true.

Also I made this helpful verb conjugation guide by cropping the video description box text!

>> No.44760824

Why are you typing like a valley girl

>> No.44760827

straight to the gomibako

>> No.44760835

europoor moment

>> No.44760838

Because faggot questions deserve faggot answers.

>> No.44760859

Are there anki decks with definitions in japanese instead of english? Or at least a deck that doesnt have definitions so bad that it makes me miss words that i use on a daily basis

>> No.44760918

Can't you just have a 日本語辞書 open in another window? Reflexive alt tabbing is one of the most underappreciated abilities in computer usage.

>> No.44760929
File: 968 KB, 1100x1310, Molossan (Morochin-san)] Master, Pakohame Shiyo (Hacka Doll) [Digital].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I do jp reps, also can anyone in djt recommend some trap doujins with a slightly more dominant shota who will take a big cock and shove it up their ass?

>> No.44760934

readers be like

>> No.44760942


>> No.44760947

big ben

>> No.44760953


>> No.44760954

redpill me on game gengo, are his videos any good (maybe just for casual watching)

>> No.44760960
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>> No.44760964

it was good before jontron left

>> No.44760968

hes soooo cool

>> No.44760970


This video is essential watching for beginning Japanese. Simple, to the point, and uses examples.

>> No.44761027

so brehs basically te kureru te ageru is basically just saying "for me" "for you" and has to agree with those things grammatically.

>> No.44761051

why was it taught as a completely separate verb but it's the same verb in your chart?

>> No.44761065


>> No.44761082
File: 192 KB, 468x227, gozen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

introductions to a lot of concepts in a short amount of time so you can get your foot in the door of knowing certain concepts "are a thing at all", uses audio from shit you probably recognize and will therefore actually remember. if you care about jlpt, he has stuff going into N3 already, unlike a lot of channels where theyre in the first thirty videos still trying to explain "what's a kanji anyway???" or "how to use the past dictionary tense"

also easy to listen to if you have a time to kill doing some 0 IQ wageslaving that requires a sliver too much attention to just immerse during instead like i do that

if you know how to read kana and are starting from square 1, i think doing a once over binge of his stuff is useful, then loop if you need to

>> No.44761131

any particularly good vids of his?

>> No.44761204

>Are there anki decks with definitions in japanese instead of english?
anki isn't for drilling exact definitions. an english keyword or two is enough, maybe with some examples
>Or at least a deck that doesnt have definitions so bad that it makes me miss words that i use on a daily basis
what? if you're failing cards when you don't perfectly hit the english keyword, then just stop failing them like that. and if the keyword is very off, then just change it

>> No.44761213

just emmersse bruv

>> No.44761239

Thought this was cool.

>> No.44761254


>> No.44761261
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note: i don't watch his "learn vocab with this game!" videos because most of the stuff in those i already know and they're a lot less dense with information compared to his grammar overviews. i also don't watch his "is X a good game to learn japanese with??" because whatever

N5 Grammar

N4 Grammar

N3 Grammar playlist, although he's covered i think only something over half of what's considered to be required for that level

also, even though i said "short amount of time" these are all pretty lengthy so pace yourself and don't feel too bad if you can't internalize all of it at once

(he also has videos that align with genki textbook stuff, i haven't looked at those beyond one or two because i know everything in those already so idk what those are like)

>> No.44761270

yeah, do you have problem with emmerssioning?

>> No.44761279

How in the fuck should I know? Are you trying to imply that this is some mistake of mine?

>> No.44761280

>conjugation guide
uh... what? it's just
>godan (separated in う・つ・る, く・ぐ, ぬ・ぶ・む, す・ず)
for forms I take as reference
>未然形 (e.g. [読ま]ない)
>連用形 (e.g. [読み]ます)
>基本形 (e.g. [読む])
>命令形 (e.g. [読め])
>意志形 (e.g. [読も]う)
The rest is just learning the endings (shit like causative, passive, hypothetical, etc.).
And then you can start suffering when you get into older stuff like realis, attributive, and terminal forms.

>> No.44761288

you dont need to know that shit just feel it out

>> No.44761297

annoying voice

>> No.44761307

*pinches nose* i wahna mehn

>> No.44761333

Never learn anything that a native nip wouldn't know.

>> No.44761339

>just feel it out
retarded answer. quick rules of thumb increase your gains.
for example, any person who's studied romance languages learns 2 or 3 stems for irregular verbs and deduces the rest of the table on the spot.

>> No.44761351

nips do know all those terms. nice self-own

>> No.44761359

no, it never goes away, which is why you should never give up. the feeling just comes back every time and you realize if you didn't give up last time you'd already be pretty decent at japanese.

>> No.44761368

shut the fuck up samefagging retard

>> No.44761394

You'd be surprised, anon...

>> No.44761423

not him but how tf would you know the word is off and how do you know what to change it to when you don't know the word

>> No.44761433

>tte hanashi
>you know
it's shit

>> No.44761513

Can anyone recommend a Japanese novel for an internet-addled ADHD retard like myself? I can handle fancy prose but not something that prattles on about scenery for ten pages with no development.

>> No.44761595

Consider how many native English users don't know the difference between to/too, or there/they're/their. Most can't even use an apostrophe correctly. You think nips are magically different?

>> No.44761619

>I said you're wrong
>Therefore you're wrong
>Nice self-own

Fucking hell lmao if people this mentally damaged can learn Japanese I'll be fine.

>> No.44761653

Unfinished business. This time minimize your workload so you don't give up again.

>> No.44761736


>> No.44761740

lil too based bro

>> No.44761751

I mean literally anyone who is educated knows the differences and nips literally have to intimately know each kanji which goes beyond just some common phrases that are homophones.

>> No.44761765

if you're going to be reading jap, read jap don't read translations this is like that retard analcream watching english movies dubbed in japanese like nigga you're doing the thing that you disliked enough to make you wanna start learning japanese are you this retarded lmfao

>> No.44761791

its serious media doe

>> No.44761811

its like death note

>> No.44761826


>> No.44761840

the country that spends 100x as many hours studying their own language might be different yeah its definitely a possibility

>> No.44761914

naruhodo does litterly mean to understand

>> No.44761943

become hodo?

>> No.44761973

thats hodonaru

>> No.44761976
File: 8 KB, 412x282, 1694701240006714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow huge mal update

>> No.44761982

genuinely surprised the average is 6 and not 7

>> No.44761985


>> No.44761992

game changer

>> No.44761998

because mal ratings are so inflated

>> No.44762006

it's just my ratings

>> No.44762014


>> No.44762034

i only watch mal 8.5+

>> No.44762048

i watch the works of the industry's greatest minds

>> No.44762078

mal 8.5+ is "above average" so thats a good bar

>> No.44762085

am is that you

>> No.44762088


>> No.44762101

this is only true of nu anime which are all terrible

>> No.44762104

if i even thought i recognized someone here thats end of the line we cant be friends anymore

>> No.44762106


>> No.44762109

i wish i had a djt friend...

>> No.44762200

he said he "misses the words he uses on a daily basis". what does that mean if not that he already knows them to an extent?
otherwise the answer is: make sure you grasp the concept accurately enough when you mine the word. if you can't be reasonably sure without digging through example sentences then just don't mine it. and if it's a premade deck, then the only thing you can do is read more. that way you'll notice if a word is used in a way that significantly differs from what you inferred from the back of your card.

>> No.44762217

ill be your friend but you have to have a backward digit span of at least 15

>> No.44762222

Witch hat atelier is pretty cute and easy to read, recommend it to you fellow <1000 words frens.


potato quality here on this site

>> No.44762232

i'll be your forever friend :^)

>> No.44762252

i wish i had a djt girlfriend...

>> No.44762267

never tested my backward digit span in my life and never will

>> No.44762277

>Page Not Found
>The requested web page was not found on this site.

>> No.44762318

which one of you did it

>> No.44762385

on your first date tell her you are going to play a game with her where you will verbally ask some questions and want her to remember the last word in each question in order and that she isn't allowed to write things down
give questions that require inverting a relation between two or three objects like "if i did your mom after i owned you, what did i do first?" or "if boku no hero academia is longer kimetu no yaiba but shorter than one piece, which anime is the shortest?"
give her three sets of six questions each and grade each set as 0 if perfect -1 if one word is wrong or the order is wrong but the words are all correct and -2 points if there are two or more mistakes
if she cumulatively loses 2 or more points across the three sets she is <140 iq

>> No.44762408

dno for a first date id just ask how often she masturbates and what fetishes she has

>> No.44762426

>if she cumulatively loses 2 or more points across the three sets she is <140 iq
and thats when i make my move? dumb girls are cute

>> No.44762427

casually play the game at the end of the date if you like her personality and want to check her iq

>> No.44762515

how do you casually do a 3 set 6 question memory game

>> No.44762563

by not being autistic. create your questions once for all dates and then memorize them with the answers, play the sets in turns with her and let her ask whatever she feels like so it seems like an innocent game, don't act funny when you're mentally grading her

>> No.44762571

>by not being autistic. create your questions once for all dates

>> No.44762592

all first dates with women. it's less work for you and it keeps the assessment fair. also you don't want to go "uhhh let me think of the next question" when you only have a total of maybe 2-3 minutes of her attention before she gets bored and you start to look weird

>> No.44762659

when i enter the wife seeking phase i will just str8 up be like i want 5 kids

>> No.44762673

very concerning thing to say

>> No.44762719

gentlemen i just had my first dream where i spoke some japanese. it was your typical art lesson and everyone was asked to draw something on a huge canvas. i was gonna draw something very generic but suddenly this all turned into a group project and we had to build a full house. at the end the japanese kid in my group got a video call from an japanese architect and he was going through every little detail we manage to build (we actually did build a full house) while talking to him on the phone. when we finally got around to the missing wall the japanese kid couldn't explain what happened so i took the phone and i said 自然を楽しめるためにここをおいてました. Apparently we got an A+ for it.

>> No.44762727

don't understand the point of school grades these days if everyone is "supposed" to get an A

>> No.44762732

the school system is designed so unqualified browns are able to make it to the top

>> No.44762736

>using keigo in your dreams

>> No.44762764

they're phasing out the SAT now because standardized testing bad lol

>> No.44762776

if more than 20% of the class gets an A then A doesn't mean anything

>> No.44762783

dno i still cant get over the fact that less than 20% of the class can keep up humanity is doomed

>> No.44762796

can't get over the fact that less than 1% get a perfect sat score

>> No.44762811

i mean i aint buyin an sat prep book

>> No.44762814

crazy that there are people who get less than 170 on the n1

>> No.44762828

i couldnt show my face around here if i got a sub 170

>> No.44762836

studying can only typically raise the score by 100-200 points. the first attempt on the sat without studying still correlates well with iq

>> No.44762842

didn't qm got 100% on the n1?

>> No.44762844

yeah and then he woke up

>> No.44762858

mastered every quiz except the most important one

>> No.44762869

hung out with a japanese guy that is visiting my city. my spoken japanese is getting pretty good bros

>> No.44762887

imagine speaking before learning how to write all the hanzi first

>> No.44762907
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Day 128: Was able to complete this session early today.

>> No.44762908

i wonder if anons can get a perfect score if they take it blind and timed. with no practice it's basically an iq test

>> No.44762924

i already took it irl without studying

>> No.44762939

all the hanzi in history?

>> No.44762959

Wow so they now do the thing animenewsnetwork and IMDB and 150 other sites have done for the past 15 years.

What would be amazing is if MAL users stopped over-rating atrocious seasonal shounen anime.

>> No.44762964

only thing i remember about the sat is finishing over an hour early and trying to fall asleep until i was allowed to leave

>> No.44762969

There is a truckload of really good stuff in the 6.x range.
Why would you limit yourself like that.

>> No.44762971

name 5

>> No.44762977

what did you get? perfect score with no studying is 150 iq

>> No.44762982

fuck if i remember

>> No.44762988

my score was pretty easy to remember

>> No.44763016

mal scores > sat scores

>> No.44763022


>> No.44763055

Tags: 青年 ラブコメ 陰キャ男 陽きゃヘロイン

うん。it's good reading time

>> No.44763070


>> No.44763081

god i want an 陰キャ gf

>> No.44763087

for me it's the シリアス tag
improves story quality by 100%

>> No.44763092

this you bro >>44686869

>> No.44763174

imagine speaking

>> No.44763265

there can only be 1 nihongod

>> No.44763281

公務執行妨害 acquired

>> No.44763459
File: 36 KB, 377x448, seperate entries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i stop yomichan from doing this shit?

>> No.44763460

god I want a まんこ持ち gf

>> No.44763468


>> No.44763505

mint update broke lutris sigh

>> No.44763511

unko was that your thread i just saw on /v/

>> No.44763562

>learning japanese
>linux gaming

>> No.44763567

yeah howd you know

>> No.44763578

felt it out

>> No.44763586

>he browses v

>> No.44763591

/v/ is a great board

>> No.44763595

i dont browse 4chan besides djt

>> No.44763650

sometimes i go back to /a/ when im enjoying a series and then i remember that its just reddit and leave

>> No.44763655

this but every website

>> No.44763744

i will never learn this god forsaken language

>> No.44763764

it gets the hardest when it becomes easy

>> No.44763767

appreciate mangakas who can put out a lot of volumes and finish their series in less than 10 years

>> No.44763793
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>> No.44763874

i dont want a lot of volumes i want a properly planned story that ends when it should

>> No.44763904

wtf i missed a bunko v thread

>> No.44763936

my unhealthy lifestyle is taking its toll

>> No.44764020

how is it unhealthy

>> No.44764030

lack of exercise and due to work i spent a year eating 1 meal or less a day so now i have no appetite and anxiety and nausea and shit

>> No.44764065

>due to work

>> No.44764073

well i would get up and get busy right away and then eat something after and go to sleep

>> No.44764091

breakfast skipping is a sleep scheduling issue. how did your job stop you from having two meals?

>> No.44764103

it didnt i just never feel like eating in the morning

>> No.44764113

by two meals i mean lunch and dinner

>> No.44764125

because the whole time i would be busy doing shit and driving around and i didn't want to buy some fast food or something so i would just wait the whole day to eat

>> No.44764173

you can preorder ok meals from places close to where you expect to be during lunch break

>> No.44764185

theres a whole trend of japanese self help books centered around eating only one meal a day

>> No.44764190

self destruction books

>> No.44764191

they probably look like vegans

>> No.44764262

japanese self help books weren't written for 190 cm 80 kg northern europeans

>> No.44764306

I feel as if what's holding me back on comprehending is just my low vocabulary. It's so hard to immerse otherwise. If I didn't need to look up so many different words, I could probably figure out how they all relate to eachother on my own (through context and common sense). Should I just grind thousands of words? I already know 1k of them, but this just isn't even close to enough.

>> No.44764329

judging by your sentence length your problem is something else

>> No.44764350

Which sentence? If I did something incorrect just stop playing coy and say it outright.

>> No.44764419
File: 60 KB, 1024x559, 1-valley-of-disappointment-1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you guys out of the valley of disappointment yet

>> No.44764421

its still painfully obvious that i dont know japanese with a passive vocab of like 10k thats just what it is to be a jsl

>> No.44764428

youd have to be stupid enough to believe in the singularity to draw this

>> No.44764429

first part of the mount stupid graph

>> No.44764457
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>> No.44764461


>> No.44764466
File: 2.87 MB, 4080x3060, 20230926_221650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help what the fuck is this

>> No.44764468


>> No.44764469


>> No.44764472

God fucking bless you

>> No.44764499

im going to kill myself

>> No.44764503
File: 22 KB, 404x404, 1680570679019053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44764508

classic djt reaction image

>> No.44764511

reincarnation isnt real

>> No.44764516

doing what? the order? you can change the priority

>> No.44764529

is it just me or is it incredibly jarring when someone uses a longer randomized filename

>> No.44764532

dno theres probably something different with the j-j dictionary conversions that trips up bad code in yomichan which makes it split the results
you can see its only showing conjugation bullshit for the top one and not the bottom
i never cared enough to figure out whats really going on theres a bunch of weird shit that yomichan does

>> No.44764541

4channel uses microsecond timestamps now

>> No.44764544

impressive. very nice.

>> No.44764550

patorikku beitoman

>> No.44764554
File: 13 KB, 566x244, 2023-09-26 22_37_33-List of One Week Friends episodes - Wikipedia — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44764565


>> No.44764588

become limit?

>> No.44764604


>> No.44764627

find a way ここから
found out 見つける

>> No.44764731
File: 192 KB, 1254x2048, 1695746122023767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have trouble reading games (or whatever really) that use only kana?

>> No.44764755

>Title 妹のおかげでモテすぎてヤバい。
>Aliases Hard to be loved too thanks to my little sister

>> No.44764784

if there's no spaces, yes

>> No.44764795

bout to be starting my 5th year
still cant output

>> No.44764812

why do people rely on furigana so much? you're not gonna know what the word is anyway. furigana always seemed like something entirely for native speakers

>> No.44764845

鳥s of the day: こうのとり & さぎ

>> No.44764848


>> No.44764849

love a nice furigana manga

>> No.44764851

i still don't get what furu means in words like furigana
it will only ever mean "to swing something" in my head

>> No.44764868

sprinkling kana (on top of kanji)

>> No.44764898

thats kakegana

>> No.44764912

in shonen manga its more like bukkakegana

>> No.44764921


>> No.44765029
File: 157 KB, 1079x738, Screenshot_20230927_003427_Yomiwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo fuck this language

>> No.44765047
File: 324 KB, 832x505, RDT_20230927_0038325122464551521234277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's unironically over

>> No.44765052

what a bunch of bs lol

>> No.44765070

the cool thing you can build new connections
drugs can help out with this

>> No.44765079

we don't do drugs on the deejaytea

>> No.44765080

*sips beer*

>> No.44765087

vinnies are like crack cocaine

>> No.44765089


>> No.44765132

if its not itoshii it has fuligana

>> No.44765184

I'll assume that, thanks anon

>> No.44765188

reminds me of this easy idiom that i got the first time i saw it: 花も恥らう

>> No.44765196

No, I wouldn't. Globalism and its consequences have been a disaster for nippon.
>Consider how many native English users don't know the difference between to/too, or there/they're/their
I wouldn't celebrate ignorance if I were you.
It's ok, continue using your shitty English terms and "feeling stuff out" to learn Japanese. I'm sure you must think that shit like 「1000円からお預かりいたします」 is ok because natives say it.

>> No.44765307

Even games I know incredibly well

>> No.44765339

In the title of the manga 君に届け, what form of 届く is 届け supposed to be? It's not the imperative, and it seems to have the meaning of the continuative, but that would be 届き.

>> No.44765387

届け can also be a noun.

>> No.44765399


>> No.44765420

i dont watch anime anymore most of the new stuff is garbage

>> No.44765434

Yes and no. They usually use spaces after particles, so that helps. My autism won't let me play through kana soup without tracing the moonrunes with my finger though.

>> No.44765436

it is the imperative

>> No.44765466

When reading jp when am I supposed to pause i feel retarded

>> No.44765476

intermediate thread

>> No.44765481


届け! このキモチ君に


アプリシエーションの気持ちよ 届け

>> No.44765503


holy based twinks

>> No.44765507

yep godan verbs are my enemy
and this guy is immersed as fuck

>> No.44765508

it's from 届ける

>> No.44765524

Any decent long running family based drama like atashinchi?

>> No.44765534

sorry for the rude intrusion, but I thought this was the basic thread?

>> No.44765545

n2.35 and under thread

>> No.44765560


>> No.44765564


>> No.44765565

What's the difference between that and 思い

>> No.44765567

the top is different

>> No.44765619

But as a noun, it means "report", nothing to do with reaching, right?
It is? I thought it wasn't here?
Doesn't 届ける not make sense here? Or am I supposed to instead view the title as the speaker delivering something to "you"? I thought "reaching" was the meaning intended here.

>> No.44765632



>> No.44765635
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>> No.44765641

more chuuni

>> No.44765645
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>> No.44765647

I went to /v/ once, never going back there again, it's just fucking /pol/ lite.

>updating linux
Did you actually fall for the update meme? LMAO! (I fell for it too...)

Here's how you actually update Linux:
1. Backup everything.
2. Get the latest .iso for your distribution.
3. Reinstall completely.

Anyway, you're on Mint which has Timeshift installed by default, so just use that to rollback to before the update to fix your Lutris install. (Don't worry, this doesn't effect user files, only system files, so you precious data is safe. Also if you don't have a snapshot to rollback to I'm so sorry anon.)

Almost nothing with a rating that high is worth watching.
Ignore ratings altogether and just judge by the cover like a normal person, heck, even choosing anime to watch via random number generator will give you better results than fucking ratings.

>> No.44765653


>> No.44765660

imagine reinstalling ever lmfao

>> No.44765674

Why does jisho give me nothing for 多種族

>> No.44765681
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uh bros...?

>> No.44765694

sorry that was me

>> No.44765703

it's imperative. have you never watched an anime and they were like "お願い!届け!". it's not ordering anyone but more like expressing hope.

>> No.44765723

But "Reach (out to) you!" sounds like a really weird thing to order. Like, it it was 私に届け or something, I could see it, but 君 makes me doubt it is a command.

>> No.44765755

I already said it's not a command. The meaning of 届け has changed over time.

>> No.44765767

and accurate translation of 君に届け would be "I hope these feelings reach you"

>> No.44765787

I am pretty sure it is a command where the speaker is commanding his feelings to reach .

>> No.44765789 [DELETED] 
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Why are you learning japanese?

>> No.44765792

it's definitely imperative. why wouldn't it be lmao.

>> No.44765795

in japanese you can command abstract things and inanimate objects and it's ok

>> No.44765803

she got that randomnized character stats body type

>> No.44765813

every single time unko posts something gross i'm caught off guard by it

>> No.44765819

thats not bunko

>> No.44765841

2 clues are better than 1

>> No.44765879

there are like a hundred n5 beginner traps with two readings that you have to read a jp-jp dictionary to figure out if you dont have furigana

>> No.44765988


>> No.44766009


>> No.44766013


>> No.44766028
File: 264 KB, 1907x1125, IMG_0990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont get it bros how is tan robin so sexy

>> No.44766031


>> No.44766061

i spend more time researching and talking about learning than language, than actually learning the language

>> No.44766082
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>> No.44766100

naka igai ni ha dasanai syugi

>> No.44766120
File: 587 KB, 500x439, 0840c9568ee462f77be3f79a4c019fe8cf3bf084_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 21 of doing 17 cards a day.

Had an absolutely terrible day.

>> No.44766123


>> No.44766759

I'm having second thoughts about Nippon.

>> No.44766866
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>> No.44766887
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>> No.44766917

based japs are winning the culture war

>> No.44767148

garbage study.
the only thing they I could agree on is the retardedly contrived scenarios which protagonists are put in, and the absolute lack of common sense everyone in the new world shows.

>> No.44767219

ur just mad the japs see you as a noble savage

>> No.44767648

no for hirogana, yes for katakana for some reason
had trouble understanding the future chapter of live a live because machines and computer logs were entirely in kata

>> No.44767961
File: 804 KB, 813x581, dq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowest DQ11 playthrough ever. I'm getting there though. I'm figuring out what things mean through context at least. Kanji helps with that. 引き受けました was sorta obvious. Furigana is the best shit ever. I can't believe the 3DS Pokemon games are either only kanji or only hiragana. Whose stupid idea was that?

>> No.44768043

furgana is a crutch, not a learning tool

>> No.44768064

>Being quickly and easily told a kanji's reading won't help you learn how to read kanji
自殺して, my man.

>> No.44768123


>> No.44768192


>> No.44768234

dq11 was really boring, dropped it
guess im just not japanese enough to have shit taste

>> No.44768436


>> No.44768625

How would ''Took you long enough'' be translated in japanese? ChatGPT gave me やっと来たね but I can't really confirm it. Is it right? By ''took you long enough'' I mean when person is late to do something but actually does it at some point.

>> No.44768658

just tell chatgpt exactly what you told us and see if it corrects itself

>> No.44768694

tfw a million images flash at a million miles an hour when you lie down and close your eyes in bed

>> No.44768812

Implementing ruby text/glosses is a pain in the ass. Moreover, it's entertainment and only foreigners rely on media to learn to read and write.
>furgana is a crutch
>t. doesn't cover the furigana and use it to check afterwards

>> No.44768869

crutches are learning tools
notice something about all those photos?
sounds like you need meditation

>> No.44768909
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Any /emugen/ here?
I've been getting the feel to play old jrpg in japanese, but how hard are they?
giving some can be quite complex, does everything have furigana? Or how else can you check unknown words?

>> No.44768926

draw the kanji into google translate

>> No.44768956

im not anxious or consciously thinking when it happens they literally flash rapidly like snapshots with something in one image triggering the next and this happens for 10 minutes before i fall asleep

>> No.44768959
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>how hard are they?
Hard to explain. Basic gameplay (戦う, 逃げる, 防御, 売る, 買う, etc.) isn't hard, and if you're ok with missing out on some details, it shouldn't be too hard.
I'm talking tidbits like うれしゅうございます (->うれしくです->うれしいです) from DQ1. Or pic related.
>does everything have furigana?
No. Old shit ranges from outright kana soup to a few kanji. Newer games are more likely to feature furigana.
>how else can you check unknown words?
text hookers, OCR, search by radical, handwriting input, typing into the dictionary

>> No.44768968

meant うれしくあります.

>> No.44769100
File: 23 KB, 267x217, 20230927_105026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does なんだけど mean here?

>> No.44769112

read the mind illuminated for answers

>> No.44769219

>text hookers, OCR, search by radical, handwriting input, typing into the dictionary
But how come emulators don't feature those themselves? how do you texthook those?

>Basic gameplay (戦う, 逃げる, 防御, 売る, 買う, etc.) isn't hard, and if you're ok with missing out on some details
I agree, but I'm guessing something like Final Fantasy can some crazy complex mechanics
I was mainly thinking the classic, FF4~7, Chrono Trigger, Dragon quest would be good too

>> No.44769227


>> No.44769261

switch jp ver or emu

>> No.44769311

Does ocr work on a capture card stream. looking shit up on my phone is too slow

>> No.44769327

ur supposed to know them

>> No.44769342

sounds like you need meditation

>> No.44769350


>> No.44769401


>> No.44769440

the first time i tried meditating was when i went to a group session where the instructor told us to close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing and at a point an inch inside our forehead. he said beginners should aim for 10 minutes but i was able to turn off every thought and maintain 100% focus the entire session (1 hour) on my first try. apparently that puts you at a pro meditator level so i never bothered meditating again

>> No.44769627

concentrative meditation is shit, sounds like you need some loch kelly

>> No.44769681

>new thing sucks therefore everything made before it doesn't exist anymore

>> No.44769682

whats the point of meditation when i can already control and channel my focus attention and awareness

>> No.44769693

what if you already watched all the good anime (i have)

>> No.44769700

I highly doubt it

>> No.44769706

then it appears we've reached an impasse

>> No.44769737

achieving awake awareness. and then if you spend enough time in awake awareness, you will make 2d real. we're counting on you anon

>> No.44769814

why does every word or phrase mean atleast 5 different things..

>> No.44769832

japanese words cover a different range of meaning than english words

>> No.44769957

>can read children's books now but still can't understand most of it

Is this normal, how do I fix this

>> No.44769965


>> No.44769966

Typical problem for beginners. Happens in any language. The most frequently used words usually have a gorillion meanings. If you look at more specific words 魅力, you're only gonna find 1 definition.
The other reason you'll find a lot of entires for a word in J-E dictionaries is because 1 word in 1 language may translate into many words in another one (e.g. pass me the salt is 塩を取ってください, not 塩を渡してください).

>> No.44769984

>no problems with reading and writing
>yojijukugo section filters me hard, especially the fill in the blanks one
what do?

>> No.44769991


>> No.44770007

ankidrone moment

>> No.44770036

yeah matt is the same way

>> No.44770038

I read every day though, and I try to minimize time spent in anki. I got it down to like 25-30mins

>> No.44770044

you deserve it

>> No.44770047

>yes just blindly read shit it will eventually teach you to produce stuff
that's not how it works.

>> No.44770054


>> No.44770082

is vinland saga good? searching for a new long running story to read

>> No.44770109

woah that's crazy... berserk finally took it's rightful place

>> No.44770131
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miura died before drawing Morda naked.

>> No.44770166

keep analyzing the sentence until it makes sense

>> No.44770178

nothing wrong with 60 minutes of anki per day

>> No.44770188

theres a lot wrong with being a retard

>> No.44770208
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>refuses to elaborate

>> No.44770220

anki haters' only argument is "bet he does anki and nothing else", except most people aren't dumb enough to do just that

>> No.44770224

don't care about anki at all

>> No.44770226

yes. reading. you have to write the readings for characters, and read passages to find the one character that is out of place.
I should have said dictation for the writing part (書き取り).

>> No.44770232

anki tards only survive by strawmanning

>> No.44770238
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>> No.44770244

whats the point of anki when they put furiganas in the mangas

>> No.44770258

do you even know what anki is

>> No.44770262

do you even know japanese lmao

>> No.44770266


>> No.44770280

sounds like you have worse shit taste

>> No.44770287

stop reading baby manga

>> No.44770288

rare pic of the intellectuals of djt hypothesizing about the secrets of the japanese learning universe

>> No.44770293


>> No.44770296

do you even know what irrelevant means

>> No.44770306

yeah it means you *[-]*

>> No.44770310

not getting into dragon quest is the ultimate IQ check. if you think it's "generic" or bad, I feel for you.

>> No.44770348

what does having furigana have to do with remembering words

>> No.44770358
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>nothing wrong with 60 minutes of anki per day

>> No.44770365


>> No.44770366


>> No.44770415

having furigana on a word doesn't help you remember it

>> No.44770429

reading manga helps me remember words and anki doesnt

>> No.44770436

that's why you do 空書

>> No.44770440

anki helped me start reading manga

>> No.44770456

manga helped me start doing anki

>> No.44770460

will the japanese laugh at me if I say I read manga? I don't even like anime but I'm a comic reader since forever

>> No.44770491

remembering the retards *pisses on drone graves*

>> No.44770532

and now its the turn of unmarked grave number 169...

>> No.44770567

will people laugh at a grown man reading comic books? yes

>> No.44770579

they will laugh harder at a man who hasnt grown

>> No.44770620

doesn't have anything to do with furigana

>> No.44770629

don't care

>> No.44770631

your life must be so hard

>> No.44770639

maybe 15 years ago

>> No.44770650

your life must be so hard

>> No.44770657

I'm only 30 though.

>> No.44770660


>> No.44770661

don't care

>> No.44770669

30 = grown man

>> No.44770675

more like over 6 feet

>> No.44770703

30 is the new 15

>> No.44770805

so what's 15 now?

>> No.44770828

the number of dicks your mom can take

>> No.44770835


>> No.44770849

grade 3 reading level apparently

>> No.44770898

Is this some kind of compound idiom? No pillows are involved in the scene.
Can't give context because some faggot didn't like it.

>> No.44771036

new word of the day "玄能"

>> No.44771234

Are all transitive verb forms going to use an e sound and all intransitive forms use the a sound? Am I setting myself up for failure if I use that as a tool to differentiate?

>> No.44771246
File: 32 KB, 639x119, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone tell me what this kanji is supposed to be

>> No.44771253


>> No.44771255


>> No.44771259


>> No.44771267

no they are not all like that

>> No.44771351

Time to do your reps, anon. That is literally elementary school shit.

>> No.44771358

mental illness

>> No.44771363

anki isnt for memorizing words its for memorizing readings

>> No.44771379

anki is for trapping n00bs and boy does it work well

>> No.44771383

some are different and some are exactly the opposite get fucked

>> No.44771385

you should give up anki after 6 months

>> No.44771386


>> No.44771390

this is the least helpful thread on this entire site. I miss /a/'s djt threads.

>> No.44771393

what game is this

>> No.44771400

crazy how no one remembers the big players from old djt. 2019-2021 was the golden age

>> No.44771408

crazy how we get a wave of more n6 beginner assistance than ever and it turns into the least helpful thread
really makes you think that the gatekeepers were right all along

>> No.44771413

if you were really here when djt was on a why do you need help

>> No.44771416


>> No.44771417
File: 109 KB, 1288x996, Screenshot_20230927_180134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go boys

>> No.44771418

because no one can learn japanese

>> No.44771422
File: 285 KB, 1288x996, Screenshot_20230927_180204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cool, but I dunno if I can do it at this level,
what are some easier to get into, hopefully furigana games?

>> No.44771423

only a stream can save djt

>> No.44771426

/a/ created a generation of mini nukes

>> No.44771430

>retro filter
>massive upscaling

>> No.44771431

ni no kino

>> No.44771435

lmfao thats core 2k level

>> No.44771443

also what game is this

>> No.44771449

is 蒸気 in core2k

>> No.44771451

can sub 120s please leave

>> No.44771454

>core 2k level
yes and?
FF6 PS1 version,

>> No.44771456

I'm 700 words in and haven't seen it yet but maybe? Who knows with how many schizo trolling gatekeepers sit here

>> No.44771462

but this is the midwit thread

>> No.44771465

you will never know your father

>> No.44771468

memorizing the readings of words, yes

>> No.44771473

thats why they have furygana

>> No.44771480

final fantasy tactics

>> No.44771481

you and your goddam furrygana!

>> No.44771484

wtf i dont like furrygana anymore

>> No.44771499


>> No.44771500

what ever happened to butterfly affectiopn anon did he make it

>> No.44771520

playing japanese games is fun because now you too can get assfucked by katakana

ローラ turns into "lora" in the english version of gbc dq1 fuck you she is laura i have decided she is laura

>> No.44771527

katakana names are unholy and no one should ever transliterate them so we can avoid the whole discussion

>> No.44771534

i remember the great queeran

>> No.44771541

i made half of the posts in djt in 2019-2021

>> No.44771544

big if true

>> No.44771557

me? i made some classic djt streamables
yeah im kind of a big deal

>> No.44771572


>> No.44771602

stfu retard

>> No.44771605

vshitters really ruined everything

>> No.44771613

can't believe jamal still posts

>> No.44771615

>matt's old video shilling RTK for kanji
>matt's refold shilling video for learning kanji

how do i learn kanji

>> No.44771625

learn 10000 words and then learn to write

>> No.44771640

point out a single post

>> No.44771646


>> No.44771650

speaking of the golden age there were a dozen retards who thought every lowercase post was jamal lol

>> No.44771652

Learn the main radicals and their meanings. Learn the phonetic components. Form mnemonics to tell similar looking kanji apart. All the unique looking kanji are trivial.

>> No.44771663


>> No.44771665

dont learn a single radical that isnt already in something that youre mixing up
dont learn a single phonetic component its impossible to not acquire that

>> No.44771689

im not a 140er

>> No.44771710

Japan is light years behind on te-ACK

>> No.44771719

please dont ack post in djt

>> No.44771730


>> No.44771745

its lonely at the top of djt

>> No.44771800

Why do people get so defensive when you tell them that they should be studying harder? Don't they understand that it's for their own good?

>> No.44771815


what anime is this?

>> No.44771827


>> No.44771828

wtf is studying lmfao

>> No.44771838

someone please make him stop scraping the nonstick coating with metal

>> No.44771839

I think you can do it. Don’t let the lack of furigana scare you, the sentences in that game are all quite simple and that opening crawl is the hardest it’s going to get exposition-wise. Just take it line by line and look up anything you don’t know.
For example:
And then, (after) 1000 years…
>鉄、火薬、蒸気機関 人々は機械の力を使い、
(With) iron, gunpowder, and steam engines, man used the power of machines and
resurrected the world.

>> No.44771855

damn the 2k comment really got under his skin huh lmao

>> No.44771866

If you read the kind of manga that normal boys read (Slam Dunk, One Piece, Dragonball), nobody cares if you still read it as an adult. It's like Western men watching Indiana Jones, we just think it's neat.

Reading series that are currently super popular (Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man) is also a-okay, plenty of adults read these out of curiosity as they get pushed in the media a lot. Equivalent of watching Marvel movies.

Classic manga from 20+ years ago or obscure art manga will get you a pass, but don't go into detail unless asked. Same with amekomi and BD.

Anything else is weirdo behavior and you should keep it to yourself.

>> No.44771905

JRPGs are text heavy, and specially FF have some complex custom systems to learn, on top of being overall hard game
So I think it might be a bit much for me to bite right now,
I'm currently playing Ocarina of Time on the 3DS as its going great
I think the biggest issue is looking up each kanji you don't know one by one by hand, also the low res doesn't help

>> No.44771935

I have literally never seen anyone who did the 2k make it. It's like starting a marathon but stopping after the first 5 kilometers.

>> No.44771947

>I'm currently playing Ocarina of Time on the 3DS as its going great
Great job choosing a game that barely has any text.

>> No.44771948


>> No.44771974

if i saw an adult reading one piece or dragon ball id chorkle

>> No.44771978

*a man child

>> No.44771983
File: 383 KB, 1152x2048, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you studying Japanese?

>> No.44771998

for me it's 恋愛漫画

>> No.44772001

i dont study i just read or watch anime all day and occasionally daydream about having sex with pic related

>> No.44772039

it just happened to be available, also that's the dilemma of immersion, if you pick something too hard above your level, you're just gonna have a hard time having fun and actually making progress

>> No.44772055

That’s fine, but just know that FF games aren’t particularly hard from a gameplay standpoint. Just attack and heal and you’ll beat most of the encounters. The explanations for the systems themselves are also simple, but it’s fine if you want to work up to them.
Best of luck with your learning, anon.

>> No.44772065
File: 660 KB, 1000x746, tsuinosoraremake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because no one is ever going to translate 終ノ空 remake

>> No.44772082

people who just do anki for 1 year straight without immersing exist.

>> No.44772087

Why tf would you play the remake when the original has way more soul

>> No.44772105

jokes on you im gonna play both

im also gonna watch the hentai ova at some point i heard its dogshit im excited

>> No.44772108

youtube is king

>> No.44772109

>im not allowed to immerse yet, its not optimal
actually knew a guy like that at uni, he was doing rtk and quit after half a year

>> No.44772115

i only immerse like 30 minutes a day... i'm sorry

>> No.44772135

How important is the audio with Anki? I want to listen to music while I learn

>> No.44772139

crazy how immersing is suddenly fun after i stopped watching anime

>> No.44772146

>what are some easier to get into
Lunar and Lunar 2 on the Mega CD.
>PS1 version,
Why would you do that to yourself?

>> No.44772157

i only immerse with and in bbas

>> No.44772161

the estonian guy did it for 2 years.

>> No.44772193

Difficulty depends on the game. Some are easy some are extremely hard.
Almost no older games have furigana.

What you'll struggle with isn't the regular dialogue, it's those parts of the game where an NPC explains how the battle system works, or how the materia/magic system works. That and item/magic descriptions.

Only way to check words is to know the kanji. Or do a radical search. If you're stopping to look up words all the time it's going to be an extremely unenjoyable experience.

>> No.44772203

Still a rubbish game overall. The DQ series has been awful since Level 5 took over (dq8)

>> No.44772208

stfu bitch

>> No.44772242

yall zesta mfs ong

>> No.44772245

What's the difference between 昏い and 暗い?

>> No.44772250
File: 227 KB, 1080x1080, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually im also immersing in pic related recently not just bbas
got it pretty damn cheap

>> No.44772251

fuck me

>> No.44772257

first one is chuni

>> No.44772276

they look a lil different

>> No.44772281

just remembered ciarans oishinbo phase

>> No.44772285
File: 7 KB, 643x43, image (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 129: Late today because got up around like 9 so my schedule just got turn upside-down.

>> No.44772288

i like when nip youtubers put hard subs onto there vids. any specific way to find more of that? all my stuff is gaming related but i think i need more variety

>> No.44772304

universal answer to why did they use this kanji
occasionally theres a difference that is usually small
occasionally they just think theyre being clever like 非道い
but most of the time theyre just autistically screaming i am an author

>> No.44772312


>> No.44772334

its like when someone describes blood as madder even though most of their readers have never seen madder roots before

>> No.44772351

>Why would you do that to yourself?
because the PS version have cool cutscenes and I already played the snes way back then
does that run on mednaffe?

>What you'll struggle with isn't the regular dialogue, it's those parts of the game where an NPC explains how the battle system works, or how the materia/magic system works. That and item/magic descriptions.
This exactly, but also those convoluted story segments
>newer games
that's what I was wondering tho, when did they start making it more shounen friendly?
I already have Gamecube and PS2, tho I have to test other consoles

>> No.44772362

anyone doing mpv with subs on?

>> No.44772368

look for 切り抜きs

>> No.44772417

damn she talks a lot and fast, don't think i can keep up yet but still subbed
cool thanks

>> No.44772452

whats wrong with soft subs

>> No.44772470

whats the best way to meet natives to practice talking to?

>> No.44772512

dafaq is this jamal?

>> No.44772521


>> No.44772536


>> No.44772582

dont get my hopes up that jamal is coming home with the milk

>> No.44772612

jamal is here he just pretended to leave and changed his posting style so he doesn't stand out

>> No.44772616
File: 1.87 MB, 640x480, temp-2023-09-27_20.36.43-[00.09.400-00.39.466].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is hype, at least Chrono feels like it has somewhat easier vocab, I feel I could play this without problem relatively soon

>> No.44772635

refuse to believe jamal would do something as cringe as changing his posting style

>> No.44772643

how do i become a djt celeb

>> No.44772683

make a gimmick and post it every day

>> No.44772695

if hes here he better hide if he knows whats good for him *cracks knuckles*

>> No.44772699

sounds like something jamal would say to hide in plain sight

>> No.44772705
File: 307 KB, 1288x996, Screenshot_20230927_212515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit I never knew about this game, looks neat.
Also whats the deal with most games having inverted X/O? I don't remember that

>> No.44772707
File: 1.27 MB, 1194x913, Screenshot_20230928_032845_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the stuff.

>> No.44772711

ive got two hands ill bury you six feet under too if you dont zip it

>> No.44772719

sup jamal have you read or watched a single good thing in the last 3 years

>> No.44772720

you wont do shit pussy ill bust a cap in your ass you dumb ass hood ass raggedy ass bitch you golliwog looking tree swinging nigger

>> No.44772731

thats nothing compared to what ill do to him so sit down little bitch

>> No.44772736

in Japan that's just how Playstation has always been. O is yes X is no.
it only changed about 2 years ago due to Americans taking over. which the nips didn't like and part of the reason why Playstation keeps losing relevance in Japan.
soon a Japanese CEO is taking over but who knows if that'll change anything.

>> No.44772738

japan has always had a different opinion on which button should be accept and which should be cancel
look at a nes or a gameboy
playstation devs just bent the knee by swapping buttons in almost every localization

>> No.44772745

>O is yes X is no
when you put it like this...

>> No.44772753

melancholic feeling when you get caught up on a manga and don't know how many years till it'll finish...

>> No.44772756

go ask him on his pisscord worthless shill

>> No.44772762

djt is the only social media i use so i cant

>> No.44772795

using twitter to keep up with all the black crime happenings

>> No.44772803

very few things more disgusting than being mistaken for jachink by his asslickers

>> No.44772806

morbidly obese guy?

>> No.44772825

dno ive been mistaken for him over a thousand times

>> No.44772829
File: 2.83 MB, 1307x1519, Screenshot_20230928_034551_Xodo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird seeing Japanese comics that are read left to right.

>> No.44772841
File: 255 KB, 1288x996, Screenshot_20230927_214410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it kinda makes sense, not just used to it
also apparently FF4 is completely devoid of kanji

>> No.44772857

i prefer playing the original versions but if you need kanji then the pixel remaster has it

>> No.44772921

like what berserk?

>> No.44772958

reading ongoing series is a mistake

>> No.44772963

hxh guy says the berserk anime is as good as the manga and i think he's right

>> No.44772964
File: 251 KB, 1288x996, Screenshot_20230927_220336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then the pixel remaster has it
which one is that?
>need kanji
not necessarily, just looking to figure how each one is,
interesting to see there's quite a lot of difference in them

>> No.44772975


>> No.44773094
File: 4 KB, 198x124, 1688537647941736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldn't it have been easier to just say pork rib?

>> No.44773417

on the bone meat

>> No.44773591


>> No.44773698

it would have been easier to just say 豚の腹

>> No.44773840


>> No.44773946

bet all you do is sit at a desk and pretend to work most of the day

>> No.44773953

wish i could do that too

>> No.44773971

new thread when

>> No.44773981

when youre dead

>> No.44774013

this is the last one enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.44774018

thats what i told your mom

>> No.44774031

for me its アラ還雌豚婆s

>> No.44774249

back in the day wed have three threads by page 5 with competing ops

>> No.44774257

in the golden era we had a 15-90 minute recess between threads

>> No.44774291

i still have no idea what the fuck さ meansさ

>> No.44774333

it means sa

>> No.44774446

djt ended on a high note

>> No.44774452

oh were we actually ending it here? shit

>> No.44774521

>Japanese knowledge good enough now to read porn
See you later losers, this is where I get off this ride.

>> No.44774526
File: 28 KB, 571x537, images (46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44774601

djt ending is a net positive

>> No.44774643
File: 213 KB, 844x1200, i-090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44774674

i am convinced that the akebi author is not a pedo too obvious
it's the galko chan guys that you have to watch out for

>> No.44774902

>Am I setting myself up for failure
Yes. See 焼く(transitive), 焼ける(intransitive), 開ける(transitive) 開く(intransitive, transitive)

>> No.44774942

i gave up on transitivity i just feel it out

>> No.44774964
File: 189 KB, 960x960, good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gave up on [trans] itivity

>> No.44775058

>I gave up on grammar. I just feel it out.
This is what you’re saying. You are saying that you don’t believe in grammar. This is ridiculous. I hope you cut it out right now and look up the transitivity of each verb before running your mouth.

>> No.44775076

there are too many verbs

>> No.44775107

It’s true, there are.

>> No.44775229

the original video was gone and i panicked for a sec thinking id never hear this again https://youtu.be/hu7VK00OmYI?t=102

>> No.44775442

*clicks source link in description*
*it works*
fuck you mean the original video was gone?
Anyway lovely video thank you for posting it anon!

>> No.44775512

the creator has a youtube account but its gone there

>> No.44775697

I’m glad he removed it, the title’s kind of profane.

>> No.44775741


>> No.44775880




>> No.44775957


>> No.44776072


>> No.44776108


>> No.44776137

i hope imouto can laugh at >>44776072 too

>> No.44776215


>> No.44776339



>> No.44777414

Missed the talk about this, but its good stuff to continue on the next thread
does the chart all irregular verbs?

>> No.44777703

sorry this is the last thread anon

>> No.44777749

so we need to move to >>>/int/djt
