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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 577 KB, 667x1000, 1256420243461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4475135 No.4475135 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4475139

me on the left

>> No.4475141

I'm going to kill you OP.

>> No.4475153
File: 42 KB, 800x600, 1a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475154

I'd rape her to death;

>> No.4475158

is there any moar of this delicious trap 3D suwako?

>> No.4475165
File: 32 KB, 598x398, suwako_aya_gaming_touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right.

>> No.4475167

only if I get to stab you with a knife, over and over again.

>> No.4475168
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>> No.4475192

slut <3

>> No.4475202
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>> No.4475216
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>> No.4475221


>> No.4475222
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>> No.4475223

She's a cutie.

>> No.4475224

Faggot hands.

>> No.4475246

There were a ton of fucking crossplayers at Fuyucomi last year.
Fuck man, the changing room was pig disgusting.

>> No.4475283

Not quite.
It was fucking freezing at MCM last october, and the Touhou guys spent most of their time outdoors. When your hands get really cold, they look like that.
Also, I almost groped her. It's a girl.
I groped the Kaguya cosplayer too, who was indeed male. Very male.

>> No.4475300

>Also, I almost groped her. It's a girl.
Tell me more.

>> No.4475306

I was there, I should of killed you <3

>> No.4475309

What the fuck is your problem?
Also, >should of

>> No.4475314


damn you, you had the opportunity to grope that suwako and you didn't?!?! I am dissapoint.

Are there at least more pics of her?

>> No.4475316
File: 206 KB, 510x379, 1265038871959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of things, problem?

>> No.4475323

The Hen Da Ne guy's place was crowded enough for me to get a good look without either of them noticing, but Suwako was the opposite side of EX-Kaguya.

I'll let you next time if you ask nicely.

>> No.4475324

Fuckloads. Ask /cgl/.

>> No.4475331

Nice reply, I like that <3

>> No.4475339

What's her name?

>> No.4475340

Her name is not for you to know.

>> No.4475362


someone started a thread on /cgl/ but I'm getting the idea that not much will be forthcoming

>> No.4475365

Judging by last year's Touhou thread on the MCM site, she's the sister of either a Kanako cosplayer named Hannah, or an Aya cosplayer named "Vulpix".

>> No.4475371

hahahahahahahhaha, No.

>> No.4475375


I wonder how they feel about various anons fapping to their delicious imouto

>> No.4475382
File: 164 KB, 500x375, 4040612096_b91baebd36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Target spotted.

>> No.4475387

Post more images of her. She's moe.

>> No.4475389
File: 642 KB, 667x1000, 1258370606042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized I have one more of her, but that's the only one I have in addition to the OP pic.

>> No.4475402

So basically a hot suwako is around a fat male kaguya all the time.

>> No.4475411


>> No.4475412
File: 59 KB, 240x208, suiseiseki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube search "mcm suwako"



>> No.4475414

This is the worst thing ever.

>> No.4475420

I wonder what their relationship is.

>> No.4475426

lol hidden

>> No.4475427

It would appear as though they're completely unrelated and are hanging out as part of a Touhou group.
So yeah he can legally fuck her.

>> No.4475434

What are you waiting for /jp/! track her down and rape her!

>> No.4475451

2 things in that video:
That girl in the background doing the dance Alone ;__;

And that random guy joining in on the dance, promptly leaving afterward so ronrey ;__;

>> No.4475459

Wait what?
So one of the cosplayers is you?
...so she's...
Your sister?

>> No.4475464


So, what is it?

>> No.4475469

Aya what the hell are you implying

>> No.4475474
File: 38 KB, 318x324, 1260065354891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli confirmed for aya's sister.

srsly she looks way older in the OP pic, in the >>4475412 video she looks like she's barely even a teenager.

>> No.4475478

It's obviously Aya's imouto.

>> No.4475484

In during rape

>> No.4475494

So aya is the fat one.

>> No.4475496


so if that's the case let's have some fun with him.

Raise your hand if you've masturbated to pictures of suwako imouto.

*raises hand*

>> No.4475499

Ahaha I groped that Suwako cosplayer's ass during the con.
She didn't see me, I think.

Feels good man.

>> No.4475529

What did it feel like?

Look at those thin legs. I would totally eat her.

>> No.4475530

Aya and imouto

>> No.4475533
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>> No.4475540
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excellent work anon, you've admitted to molesting the ass of an underage girl, who is possibly related to a tripfag.

If you are truthful in this matter, you are an awful person- but I would buy you a pint nonetheless.

>> No.4475550

I bet that fat guy secretly jerked off into her face while she was sleeping.

>> No.4475559
File: 1.11 MB, 2592x1936, 1258377185975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting frustrated. Hey Aya tripfriend, what's your connection to this Suwako? Also, how many people in this thread saw her at the con?

You really let a girl as cute as that get away? Pathetic. I might not have any game myself but I know when it's time to step up my game.

>> No.4475572

>who is possibly related to a tripfag.
I go away for one moment and you think I'm related to her!

>> No.4475574

Her face looks disgusting...

>> No.4475581

I did what I had to do.

Also: that fat Kaguya was in the way ALL THE FUCKING TIME when I tried to approach her.

>> No.4475583

Aya is the fat one hitting on the suwako loli

>> No.4475584
File: 51 KB, 542x480, 1255370525902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old?

>> No.4475591

Old enough amirite?

You should have danmaku'd him.

>> No.4475594
File: 149 KB, 470x467, 1256262361103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not old enough.

>> No.4475604

The fat kaguya dude is another tripfag here (also on pooshlmer, i think).

>> No.4475605

>>4475594 not old enough.
Syntax error.

>> No.4475607

>Also: that fat Kaguya was in the way ALL THE FUCKING TIME when I tried to approach her.
What the fuck is is wrong with him? Being that fat and always being around that little girl, it's just way too obvious. Fucking fat rapist.

>> No.4475614

She doesn't look good in that video but judging from her photos she's clearly an above average girl. It's rare to find a cosplayer as good looking as her.

>that fat Kaguya was in the way ALL THE FUCKING TIME when I tried to approach her.
Rookie. You could have used him to get closer to the target. When is the next con? Was the place small enough for you to be able to spot her if she came to the next one? Seriously, if you guys get another chance you better not fail this time.

>> No.4475622
File: 8 KB, 251x148, 1266724468422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May have been her brother or family friend or whatever.
Don't care.
At least I got to tap dat ass once.

>> No.4475628
File: 2.97 MB, 1970x1660, Suwako-Sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is is wrong with him? Being that fat
>Being that fat
I don't know why but I chuckled.

>> No.4475629

Hey stop posting pictures of me!!

>> No.4475632

No, I meant that he would always spot me when going near her, thus making it impossible to grope.

>> No.4475633

Godspeed, Anonymous. You're a hero to us all.

>> No.4475640

>Seriously, if you guys get another chance you better not fail this time.
She's like, what, 12 years old? I saw her but getting close was impossible. It'd be impossible for anyone here.

>> No.4475641

And yes, I think I might be able to recognize her if she goes to another con.

>> No.4475648

Is it just me or would we all be content if at least one of us managed to get into her panties. I don't even care if it's a tripfriend.

I want to believe.

>> No.4475653
File: 426 KB, 783x777, 1487239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Otaku Rape Plans

>> No.4475654

Not really. I dont think it'd be that weird to go and talk to her about her cosplay or even touhou in general..Or going and asking if you can take a picture, then asking something about her cosplay,

>> No.4475657
File: 35 KB, 300x216, 1265496152474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk to yourself.
I did it by waiting for them to move to another location, then coming up from behind her while in a small group of random shits.

>> No.4475662

You forgot the part when you raped her and posted pics here.

>> No.4475664
File: 18 KB, 379x214, imokwiththis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4475671

>She's like, what, 12 years old
Well that changes things. What's the age of consent in the UK? This is why you have to befriend (our pal) Mr lardass. He probably has access to her house/email/blog/etc...

>> No.4475676

Well, it's a Muslim country now, so probably nine.

>> No.4475680

A grown man approaching a 12 year old borderline loli cosplaying as a loli about weeaboo shit. Nothing creepy about that? I think you've been living in this side of the world too long.

>> No.4475684

Oh, and asking to take her pictures.

>> No.4475688

Not weird? A 20 year old man trying to start a conversation with a 12 year old girl? I don't know.
Ah, no. I actually meant talking to her and do shit together.

>> No.4475689

Well, it IS a con.

>> No.4475690


This. As long as you don't act like a total fucking creeper you could probably even get a picture of you with her doing some sort of hilarious anime pose.

Acting like you're trying to get into her pants or fondle her flat chest and you'll aggro the fat man, as well as security.

>> No.4475691


lets keep the 'special' people talk on /b/ and /new/

this board is retarded enough as is without mentioning lolatics and immigration

>> No.4475692

ITT Cool stories & bros.

>> No.4475694

..Isnt it perfectly normal in anime conventions?

>> No.4475696
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>> No.4475697

It'd have been great if one of us could have gotten her panties.

>> No.4475700

Not only the fat guy I can guarantee you that...

>> No.4475701

>aggro the fat man as well as security

I approve of this use of the terminology.

>> No.4475705


Get flandre to kill them all

>> No.4475706 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 300x300, 1266166764393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475710
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Sometimes I'm fucking glad I dont live in a Croatia, we have cons here but I never go there, in America i'd be tempted when I see this.

I'm also scared about you guys being together in one place with girls.

>> No.4475711


We just want them to know the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.4475715

Don't worry, all we can do is talk. As if someone here had the balls to actually hit on her. Shit, I'd love to do her.

>> No.4475716

When's the next con? I'm just going to put this out there: if one of you manage to get a photo with her you'll become a hero to us all. Fatso doesn't count because he's fat.

To the fat Anons of /jp/, I apologize for all of my fat jokes. Its been a while since I heard fat jokes so they're really making me laugh. Please don't take them personally. That is all.

>> No.4475717

The pleasure of having your panties stolen and e-bayed

>> No.4475720

In May I believe.

>> No.4475721


Id hit on her knowing she is loli

>> No.4475722
File: 24 KB, 169x211, 1265498866411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groper here:
Don't worry about it.
I'm usually a nice guy (I think).
There are some temptations I can't resist though.

>> No.4475728

There's no way they'll let any stranger near her at a con after this thread

>> No.4475730

You're awesome, that is all.

I wonder what her voice sounded like. Did she have a cute British accent?

>> No.4475732

Yeah, sell them on ebay along with a picture of her. That shit would sell for like $1000.

>> No.4475734


quit trying to play it off, we all know your the fat faggot.

>> No.4475735
File: 110 KB, 424x600, 5736469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I love /jp/

>> No.4475736

>implying anyone here knows her

>> No.4475737

age of consent in uk is 16... this event wa sin uk?

>> No.4475741


oh this is in Europe :(

>> No.4475742

Isn't this a London con?

>> No.4475743

She didn't "yell" anything when I did it ;__;

Her voice was cute though.

>> No.4475745

This thread is exactly why moot hates /jp/. This thread is sick.

>> No.4475746

The age of consent in my pants is however old she is.

>> No.4475748

the age of consent here is like 21 or something... I forget.

>> No.4475756
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>> No.4475757

>implying we care

>> No.4475758
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>> No.4475760

>and yet moot loves /b/ the headquarters of pedos

>> No.4475761
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Good god you guys are creepy. What happened to 2D > 3D?

Damn good Suwako cosplay though. Still, if anyone knows her tell her to stay the fuck away from conventions unless she brings security with her.

>> No.4475762
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>> No.4475764

Haha, you wish!

>> No.4475765

fuck you dude loli is heaven.grown men under the age of 40 should be able to hit on 12 year olds

>> No.4475768

Oh boy...
Moralfag is out!

>> No.4475769

Oh boy here we go.

>> No.4475772
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>> No.4475777

>Implying that people not from /b/, /brk9/ /bv/ or /ba/ care about moot

>> No.4475779
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>> No.4475784
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>> No.4475786

Hey man, she's dressed up as a loli fertility goddess at an event populated by pedophiles. What can you expect?

>> No.4475788

I cant speak for the other Anons in this thread but I'd be perfectly fine with her if I knew she was 14 or 15 years old. She doesn't have to be 12 for me to want to stalk her. Wait, that didn't come out right. I meant I wouldn't mind if she was 16 or 17. See, I'm not some pedo that only cares about innocents. But I draw the line at a broken hymen.

>> No.4475789
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>> No.4475791

I love how OP posted a random pic and it exploded into a trollfest..

>> No.4475794

As a 51 year old pedophile, I strongly disagree with the finer points of your statement.

>> No.4475796
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>> No.4475799
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>> No.4475801

I really appreciate how it slowly changes hue.

>> No.4475803
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>> No.4475809
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>> No.4475810

someone please take a katana and disembowel the fat fucking bastard

>> No.4475812

Trippin balls.

>> No.4475814
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>> No.4475817
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>> No.4475818
File: 39 KB, 400x414, 1237028600170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's track down her email address. That will be your mission at the next con.

>> No.4475819
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>> No.4475822

Nice colors, Jones.

>> No.4475823

someone save these pics before the bot faggot outs the thread on auto sage

>> No.4475824
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>> No.4475826

I'm glad that the FatMan is there with her, kinda like a bodyguard. It makes me feel... relieved.

>> No.4475827

how does flatchest learn about touhou? is the manbeast somehow involved? And get out of here moralfag everyone knows weeaboo = pedo.

>> No.4475829


Because of faggots like you shitloads of cute girls will most likely never cosplay again in their life. Congratulations. Carry on. Soon only fat, retarded yaoi fangirls will cosplay on cons.

>> No.4475830
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>> No.4475835
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>> No.4475837

>implying girls don't cosplay specifically to get that kind of attention.

>> No.4475838
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>> No.4475839

Imagine the things he does to her when they're alone.

>> No.4475842
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>> No.4475843 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1213x910, 1266958381725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4475846


>> No.4475847

Bitches and whores.

>> No.4475849
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>> No.4475854
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>> No.4475855

Is Aya the fat fuck or not?

>> No.4475859

>man hands
>hairy legs

>> No.4475861
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>> No.4475862

Aya is the fat one, yes.

>> No.4475863

God you guys are all like "omg a gurrrl in cosplay'

>> No.4475864

>Implying you haven't already saved them.
You should get on that.

>> No.4475870
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>> No.4475875

This would only make /jp/ try twice as hard to molest them.

>> No.4475876
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>> No.4475880
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>> No.4475887


that rule does not count for loli :3

>> No.4475890
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>> No.4475894

Nope, sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.4475896
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>> No.4475897
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>> No.4475899

I agree to an extent.
Stop that.

>> No.4475905
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>> No.4475910
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>> No.4475911

> >:3
angry lion.txt

>> No.4475916


how come her friend gets no attention? she looks around 14

>> No.4475937

She's a slut. Just look at her, her face, the way she moves, her smile, it all screams IMMASLUTTHATLOVESYAOI.

Suwako, on the other hand, looks shy, naive, and pure. The way a loli frog goddess should be.

Though, I must admit, I'm still confused as to her gender... I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually a boy crossdressing. Of course, a crossdressing shota frog goddess would be just as good as a loli.

>> No.4475945

Wow, I'm an idiot. I just realized that hiding these images manually is actually pretty easy. And here I was about to create a filter for it.

>> No.4475958
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>> No.4475960

Is it legal to auction panties that are said to have been worn by underage girls?

>> No.4475966
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>> No.4475973
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>> No.4475979
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>> No.4475986
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>> No.4475992
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>> No.4475994

Contributing to the bump limit.

>> No.4475995

I don't know guys... I'll stick to 2D Suwako. I wouldn't want to be in your place if (s)he turns out to be an incredibly awful person.

>> No.4475996
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>> No.4476003
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>> No.4476007

Legal or not they'll take down an auction like that. That's why you auction like a cheap clock radio that absolutely positively does not come with a little girl's used panties.

>> No.4476011
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>> No.4476017
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>> No.4476021
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>> No.4476028
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>> No.4476033
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>> No.4476036
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>> No.4476044
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>> No.4476051
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>> No.4476056
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>> No.4476061
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>> No.4476066


>> No.4476070
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>> No.4476073
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>> No.4476077
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>> No.4476081
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>> No.4476085
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>> No.4476092
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>> No.4476097
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 152892932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4476104
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>> No.4476116

other thread 404'd

>> No.4476121

I like how this survived, yet the other one died.

>> No.4476135

Thank god, that was funny but incredibly creepy.

>> No.4476137
File: 196 KB, 1458x1227, w57kw57kw57l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Aya make her do a silly dance on youtube and she can be the next Beckii Cruel xD

>> No.4476152 [DELETED] 
File: 315 KB, 995x692, 126704366181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is flamoot. it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths

lsd and shrooms etc are as mind opening as the rumours say, but it is a big secret because the government is performing crowd-control on the people who know about them. on the number of psychedelic users in society... they can only handle so many of those kinds of people. but psychedelic users are mostly young and hip and feel things deeply and are thus perfect victims for the very evil.


>> No.4476150

Aya is a big faggot

>> No.4476156


It was the goddamn meido

>> No.4476169

Meido needs a new pair of glasses.

>> No.4476173

I hear they love talking about child molestation on AT, why don't you go there and let /jp/ be about japan?

>> No.4476179

The Aya tripfriend is the Aya in that video. NOT the fat guy.

>> No.4476182

>and let /jp/ be about japan?

>> No.4476187
File: 507 KB, 750x1200, 45784789679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent the pics to Sankaku Complex. I hope she makes the front page!

>> No.4476192

Looks pig disgusting.

>> No.4476194

/jp/ isn't about Japan.

>> No.4476195

>The Aya tripfriend is the Aya in that video.
I didn't even cosplay at this event.

>> No.4476197


>> No.4476202

Then what do you cosplay as?

>> No.4476208

Make a new post about her.

>> No.4476214

I didn't cosplay at all

>> No.4476238


>> No.4476302
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, DSC02307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting close. Give me another 30 minutes and I'll have her info.

>> No.4476322

the fuck with glasses is tripfag aya

>> No.4476323

True story: I once trapped at a con. When I was coming back home late at night I got molested in the bus by some old, fat guy.

Life of a cosplayer isn't easy.

>> No.4476330


>> No.4476336

epick dox OP XDDDDD

>> No.4476342

Oh man, the fat guy is the hottest person in the picture (after Suwaco).

>> No.4476347
File: 800 KB, 907x1143, 1ac3f4f6472b1d199a9dd111f108070028efa194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I get the feeling half the posts in this thread are there just to piss off a tripfag.

>> No.4476358
File: 21 KB, 384x256, 1266860771693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of dressing as a trap.

I'll take that idea back...

>> No.4476359
File: 84 KB, 1024x768, DSC02307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what you're trying to say.
Also, I guess with this she's pretty much confirmed real girl.

>> No.4476360 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1320x862, Konachan.com - 61929 multichromatic shameimaru_aya touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just to piss off a tripfag.
I'm not pissed off, I'm chilled.

>> No.4476368

it was me

>> No.4476370


hes getting defensive the fat fuck must be her brother

>> No.4476375
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, 11211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4476379

Wait, what? why did you let this happen? are you really that weak of a person?

>> No.4476383


>> No.4476389


lookin kinda slutty

>> No.4476394
File: 397 KB, 700x665, 246kj2537k357k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread has hit bump limit, someone go make a new one.

>> No.4476403

I like her lip gloss

>> No.4476404

aya is aya

>> No.4476415


new thread

>> No.4476454


Pretty much. I'm weak and I was always the worst in the class at PE since I look more like a girl that a guy. That's why I'm a good trap.

>> No.4476462

Where did you find those?

Here's another video of her:

>> No.4476908


Those fingers are fucking ghastly.
