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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44746664 No.44746664 [Reply] [Original]

Do you daydream often? If so, do you have a world or even a person you enjoy spending time with?

Tell us about it anon.

>> No.44746701

Yes. Mostly when i just wake up, and when trying to sleep.
I normally daydream about the last media, often video games, i consumed.

>> No.44746736

I had sex with my wife and when I woke up it's just a dream.

>> No.44746793
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That's nice. Are there any particular ones you keep coming back to?

Why diminish the experience like that?

>> No.44746920

>That's nice. Are there any particular ones you keep coming back to?
Touhou, since i browse this board a lot and my hdd died so i cant play anything until i buy a new one next month. Also the writefag's stories here really gets the brain going.

>> No.44753033
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I like to escape to Gensokyo, except all the girls bar Marisa have huge tits and start and resolve incidents with paizuri

>> No.44753055

All the time.
I spend more time lost in my imagination than caring about real life stuff.

>> No.44753697
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I tended to have fantasies where I was the master of a mansion and the μ's were my servants. They would their Mogyutto "love" de sekkin chuu maid outfits when doing tasks around the house. When helping me with paperwork, they would however wear these bunny suits, sometimes sitting on my lap while reaching for stationery (this paperwork being anything from accountancy, academic writing, leisure reading and journal-making, or just writing fancy letters). Whatever they wore I would get really touchy with them caressing their thighs as I come across them in the house, and they would feel so embarrassed or flustered. Most of this fantasy was in fact inspired by this picture, especially the reaction they seem to have and the bunnysuits in my imagination being the exact same.
However the weird part of this was that, since I couldn't picture it realistically happening in Japan or my home country, the mansion sits as a sort of feudal castle for a number of small villages. Instead of the military safety of a feudal lord, we provide accountability, deposit agreement and the like for the farmers there. We also manage trade both within the feud and across further villages. Some real pleasure for boring economic stuff thanks to the Foundation and Dune books. The scope of how specialized these small villages are, if they just export materials or have some industry, varies across iterations of the fantasy. At times we are the ones with machinery or industry so we make products ranging from leatherwork, bread, beer, to merely some jam at times; which the muses take care of in their maid outfits. All of this, despite not answering whether we are in Japan or my home, manages to delay the question.

>> No.44753798

Funny thing. I daydream all the time but I have no idea what about. I guess I am just so bad at paying attention that I can't even pay attention to the thoughts I am using to distract myself with.

>> No.44753838
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>> No.44754152
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There was a few years where I just sat in a recliner, flipped a pencil in my hand to keep them busy, and blew hours by lost in my head. Scifi and fantasy was my bread and butter. The little worlds and adventures were always more interesting than whatever was taught in school. RPGs and simulator games were my jam then, still are to a degree. As time went on and I became conscious about loneliness, I became a waifufag. At first it was furfaggotry, then it turned into monstergirls before settling on touhou in the present. I had been aware of touhou for a long time but never payed it much mind until I jumped over to /jp/ from cripplechan's /monster/ when that ship sank. I wish I had earlier because ZUN's music does wonders for sparking the imagination. For now I am a Ranfag and use Gensokyo as my escape. Asian mythologies captivate me more than the European mythos that has been done to death with every Tolkien knock off and derivative. It could just be the novelty still, but it paints Gensokyo as a place shrouded in a fog of mystery which begs you to fall in. I'd be a decent writefag if it wasn't for the fact my descriptions are a bit too purple, and my trite dialogue looks like an example from a wattpad starter pack. Maybe I can try to make the touhou runefactory I've been wishing was a thing: in about 10 years when I have the money and my programming skill moves beyond elementary loops and arrays.

>> No.44755312

I used to live in my own fantasy world like Gensokyo, until a girl from that world became self-aware of being a fantasy, acquired godlike power and tried to kill me. So when I had a mental breakdown in real life, I was fully dragged into the fantasy so she could kill me. But because she said my death would allow her to travel into the real world and destroy it, I obtained the drive to kill her. Deep down, every boy dreams of being a superhero who saves the world. So I killed and killed until nothing remained.
I still daydream about sex with Touhou characters, but it's not the same. I cannot indulge too deep in the fantasy, as I worry she will resurrect and fulfill her promise.

>> No.44755338

not often, but sometimes I think
>what if I was a youkai
not like big and strong either, just a funny creature in gensokyo
would be nice

>> No.44756038
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Absentmindedly thinking about whatever isn't necessarily daydreaming, or at least I wouldn't call it that. When I say daydreaming I'm talking about a conscious effort for the most part.

Great stories everyone!

>I had been aware of touhou for a long time but never payed it much mind
I'm a /jp/ newfag and I was taken aback a bit by how much present touhou has on this board. I also don't really know the first thing about it, but your post made me curious.

Feels like you're missing out over something that doesn't matter. You can always just snap your fingers and make them disappear. Techniques for dealing with OCD should probably help with these things if you have trouble with them.

Unless you're like a full blown schizo I guess.

>> No.44756075
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Where is she.. where is she.. where is she.. where is she.. where is she.. where is she.. where is she.. where is she..

>> No.44756120

I couldn't make her go away. It was like being haunted. Murder was the only solution.

>> No.44756186

I live in a dream at this point.
I can't focus on my real life at all, every moment of my life I am in physical pain and I cope with it by dreaming of my next life that I pray will be in Gensokyo.
Any fantasy-like world would make me happy but I just want to see my wife, I want to meet her friends, I want to have fun.

>> No.44756223

No, my imagination has been obliterated by years of media overuse. As a kid I had an imaginary friend that was a floating robotic sphere that I think I read about in a book, but looking it up now I can't find any matches.

The closest thing I do to daydreaming now is imagine myself in absurd power fantasy situations where I have godlike power and just use it to be cryptic and fuck with people for fun, which is how I relax to fall asleep. Sometimes when I wake up my half-awake brain continues the fun story I had while most of my brain was asleep and I'm convinced it's super entertaining, but then the rest of my brain wakes up and I pick holes in the concept until it's swiss cheese and decide it was stupid to begin with.

By far the hardest thing in life for me is just attempting to be creative. I don't know how people do it.

>> No.44756267
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Imagination and creativity are two distinct skills, and much like any skill you kind of need to practice them. Look into image streaming, it can help with both. It takes effort, mind you. Media overuse isn't a big deal, of course if you ONLY consume you will never create, so that's probably what you're seeing.

>> No.44756268
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I had a similar experience. For many years I had my own fantasy world that kept evolving and morphing. In the end it ended up around some strange power fantasy where I caught this evil assassin girl that *totally deserved it* and tortured her endlessly until she broke and fell in love with me. She became a mind-broken, totally obedient, slave type. It was a pretty nice fantasy because, well, she deserved it.
But anyway, to cut a long story short, at some point I had some sort of karmic epiphany where I freaked out about mistreating this being, who - although originally deserving her fate - was actually just another pure soul. And that, in turn, I was proving to be no better than she had originally been. Now if I so much as try to re-live that fantasy I get stricken with a piercing feeling of dread.

I will fantasize about nobler things.

>> No.44756308

To further clarify >>44756268
>I get stricken with a piercing feeling of dread
I mean I get physically ill. Like, it makes me want to puke as if I swallowed poison.
