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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4473610 No.4473610 [Reply] [Original]

My Aikido dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Aikido being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Karate was no match for my Aikido. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and knocked him down with a kick. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too tired.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4473617

You should have used Aikido on that cyclist.

>> No.4473620
File: 26 KB, 120x89, 1266618240221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> !IMMad/K6Ho
Stop that.

>> No.4473627

Karate and Aikido are for weaklings, fly fishing is where it's at.

>> No.4473625

My Wing Chun dojo is across from a Aikido dojo. We usually get a lot of rude remarks from them, such as Wing Chun being for weaklings.
Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Aikido was no match for my Wing Chun. He tried to grab and reverse my great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily knocked him down with it. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too beat up.

He got frustrated and left, he tried to cross the street and ended up getting hit by a speeding truck. He didn't survive but it still felt good to see an idiot die.

>> No.4473630

Bitches don't know about my Command Sambo.

>> No.4473631

NO MODS ON /jp/.

>> No.4473636

hi me

>> No.4473640


Since this thread isn't being used for anything important.

Anyone with a time warner service provider having the 4chan front page fail to resolve for no apparent reason?

>> No.4473645

You made someone angry because you exerted your style on them in real life

>> No.4473646

My fishing pond is across from a Wing Chun dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as fishing being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Wing Chun was no match for my fishing. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily knocked it out of the way by showing how large the fish I had caught earlier but not taken a photo of was then threw bait in his eyes. This went on for about 10 minutes until he couldn't see properly because of all the bait in his eyes.

He got frustrated and left, he stumbled blindly across the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist by hauling him in with my heavy rod. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4473647


>> No.4473653

Suigin meetup?

>> No.4473676


>> No.4473682


Must just be a local thing then. To the hosts file it is.

>> No.4473683

My Catholic School is across from a Public High School. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as religion is for moralfags.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good ethics, but his inferior set of morals was no match for my christ-driven values. He delivered a metaphor but it was nothing for me, I easily shot it down by reciting several bible passages in rapid succession. This went on for about 10 minutes until he couldn't see think properly because of the revelations he experienced.

He got frustrated and left, he stumbled blindly across the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding rickshaw by yelling the lord's prayer loud enough to knock him out of the way. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4473687

lololol religion is for idiots amirite

>> No.4473693

>yelling loud enough to knock people around

Fuck yes. I'm fairly sure David could do that.

>> No.4473696

My Hokuto Shinken dojo is across from an Aikido dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Hokuto Shinken being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Aikido was no match for my Hokuto Shinken. He tried to parry my hundred punch parry but it was nothing for me, I easily touched him and knocked him down with a finger. This went on for about 10 seconds until I had full control of his body.

I made him leave, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding horse. He couldn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4473711

My Danmaku dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Danmaku being for weaklings and little girls.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Karate was no match for my Danmaku. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grazed it and knocked him down with high-speed bullets. This went on for about 10 minutes until my spell card ended.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist with a bomb. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4473722

yeah, go bastardize a real life situation turning it into copy pasta, won't ya

>> No.4473725
File: 144 KB, 491x557, owned and buttangery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4473723 [DELETED] 

We are tired of your spam and bullshit at www. anon eraseThisOK talk .com. Stop fucking with us. You owe Sysop over $10,000 USD due to your harassments. Pay up by donating.

>> No.4473730 [DELETED] 

We are tired of your spam and bullshit at www. anon eraseThisOK talk .com. Stop fucking with us. You owe Sysop over $10,000 USD due to your harassments. Pay up by donating.

>> No.4473737

i had lost that macro thank you for posting it

>> No.4473793

♪ Butthurr, so butthurr ♫

>> No.4473811


>> No.4473824

It's true, Suigin does listen to a lot of emo Touhou music.

>> No.4473838

yes, i love demetori remixes of Septette for the dead queen

>> No.4473842
File: 84 KB, 1152x864, suigin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey if you want to be suigin here's a list of tripcodes.

>> No.4473912


>> No.4473963
File: 146 KB, 800x600, cg02551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Rance dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as rape being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, she was a white girl on in the first blossom of her womanhood. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

She had really good form, but her Karate was no match for my Rape. She delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily GWAHAHAHA'd it and knocked her down with my hyper weapon. This went on for about 10 minutes until her pussy was overflowing with my imperial juice.

She got impregnated and left, she was about to cross the street but I stopped her from not being raped by a speeding cyclist by raping her. She didn't say thanks but it still felt good to rape someone.

>> No.4473980

>She got impregnated and left


>> No.4474106

Not all members of the Rance school of rape have pink haired slaves to cast magical birth control on them.

>> No.4474112


Internet Tough Guy describes why Aikido sucks.

>> No.4474283

Karate is overrated.

>> No.4474603

>Not all members of the Rance school of rape have pink haired slaves to cast magical birth control on them.

>> No.4474607

When you start at the dojo, there are shared slaves for a group of students, and they lack magical abilities.
Only by advancing do you get proper slaves that assist you.

>> No.4474665

My Hakurei Shrine is across from the Moriya Shrine. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as our Danmaku being for weaklings and little girls.

Well, one of them challenged me, she was a shrine maiden clad in blue and white. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

She had really good form, but her Spellcards were no match for my Danmaku. She delivered a great curtain of danmaku but it was nothing for me, I easily grazed it and knocked her down with high-speed bullets. This went on for about 10 minutes until my bombs had depleted.

She got frustrated and left, she was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist with my danmaku. She didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4474672
File: 13 KB, 247x248, 1265273724134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she was about to cross the street but I stopped him
>stopped him

>> No.4474691

Play Cross Channel and learn karade. That'll teach 'em.

>> No.4474703

>She got frustrated and left, she was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist with my danmaku.
>implying that reimu would stop someone from being run over

>> No.4474708

My /jp/ board is across from a /v/ board. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Touhou being for weeaboos.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had a really good neckbeard, but his BlazBlue was no match for my IaMP. He delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and knocked him down with a kick. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too tired.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the street but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding cyclist. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4474722

My mansion is across from the Hakurei Shrine. We usually get a lot of rude remarks from them, such as having a weak librarian and sleeping dumb door guard.

Well, one of them challenged me, she was a shrine maiden clad in red and white. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

She had really good form, but her amulets and fantasy seals were no match for my misdirection and perfect square. She delivered a great curtain of danmaku but it was nothing for me, I easily grazed it and knocked her down with high-speed knifes. This went on for about 10 minutes until my bombs had depleted.

She got frustrated and left, she was about to cross the street but I stopped her from getting hit by a speeding cyclist with The World. She didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4474735

My Karade dojo is across from a Karate dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Karade being for weaklings and perverts.

Well, one of them challenged me, she was a Japanese female in her teens. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

She had really good form, but her Karate was no match for my Karade. She delivered a great kick but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and used the momentum to flip her skirt. This went on for about 10 minutes until she got too angry.

She got frustrated and left, she was about to cross the street but I stopped her from getting hit by a speeding arrow. She didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4474742

> skirt
I don't think so.

>> No.4474743

>speeding cyclist with The World.

Holy fuck, a bicycle-riding Dio was trying to kill Reimu.

>> No.4474771

My /prog/ board is across from the /jp/ board. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as lambda abstractions being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, he was a white male in his 20's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

He had really good form, but his Are you frustrated?ing was no match for my SICP image macro spam. He delivered a great image of a Japanese bird cooking spaghetti but it was nothing for me, I easily reported it and GIMPed it into a Jewish wizard conjuring SICP. This went on for about 10 minutes until he got too tired.

He got frustrated and left, he was about to cross the board line but I stopped him from getting hit by a speeding progsnake aimed for his anus. He didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4474804

My Yuka dojo is across from a Yukari dojo. We usually get alot of rude remarks from them, such as Yuka being for weaklings.

Well, one of them challenged me, she was a little girl in her 10's. I accepted of course, I never back down from a challenge.

She had really good form, but her Yukari was no match for my Yuka. She delivered a great Boundary Manipulation but it was nothing for me, I easily grabbed it and countered her using the Ultimate Magic. This went on for about 20 minutes until she got too tired.

She got frustrated and left, she was about to cross the street but I stopped her from getting hit by a giant Suika. She didn't say thanks but it still felt good to save someone.

>> No.4475182 [DELETED] 


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>READ THIS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<READ THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>READ THIS<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<READ THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>>> http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4457604

>>> http://pooshlmer.com/wakaba/res/404851.html

[!] littleshrimp !XO2bS2oW2g Tue Feb 23 09:38:37 2010 No.4465337
[!] littleshrimp!DQVaR4v1zg 10/02/23(Tue)16:29 No.433250
>>> http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/4464975#p4465337


>> No.4475667
File: 159 KB, 1033x781, 1259168510567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4475766

my Octagon dvd back text says only Chuck Norris knows ninja
