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4472847 No.4472847 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4472852

>You will never forget. ;_;

>> No.4472851

Your origin is worthlessness.

>> No.4472855 [DELETED] 
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this is flamoot. it's 2010 and i have a brain implant because i use drugs. i know how this sounds. but stories of going schizo from hallucinogens are only myths

lsd and shrooms etc are as mind opening as the rumours say, but it is a big secret because the government is performing crowd-control on the people who know about them. on the number of psychedelic users in society... they can only handle so many of those kinds of people. but psychedelic users are mostly young and hip and feel things deeply and are thus perfect victims for the very evil.


>> No.4472886

I never got that movie, i couldn't be bothered watching it again.

what the fuck was going on? something about the building being the body? wat.

>> No.4472892

Watch it again.

>> No.4472941

Watch it again and pay attention.

It's confusing till about the halfway point and then you start to get it.

>> No.4472946

check some info on wikipedia or on type moon wikia
then re-watch

>> No.4472984

It's really not that hard to understand.
In fact, I was looking for more shit than was actually there because of people claiming the film to be so good (PROTIP: It's not).

>> No.4472989

It's deep.

>> No.4472997

It's just Nasu going off on ridiculously pointless specific, no need to rewatch just to get that.

>> No.4473004

I haven't watched the last movie yet, should I?

>> No.4473005

It's a clusterfuck of Nasuverse retconning and TM fanwanking.
The later makes the former acceptable for said TM fans.
For the impartial viewer it's just a poor man's GitS: a fairly nicely animated film with a lot of inconsequential psychobabel and randomly inserted action scenes.

>> No.4473013

yes, you should, it's beautiful

>> No.4473063

It's really not hard to get or follow to compare so.
The film at least.
The pseudo-philosophical exposition just sets up motives/reasoning and the conflicts and is quite condensed .The novel is indeed full of psedo-intellectual walls of text that go on for a while.

>> No.4473144

Philosophy major weighing in ->

KnK is not 'deep' in the sense that it doesn't really have anything meaningful to say about the real world, but people too often mistake that for a flaw.

The 'psychobabel' is nonsense if you try to think of it as a real life ideology, but it makes perfect sense if you think of it as mythology. All the talk about the 'spiral of origins' isn't an attempt to push commentary on the human condition , it's an origin story and metaphysical model for a fantasy world.

It is, in fact, quite similar to The Lord of the Rings, and (more so) the Simarillion. J.R.R. Tolkein loved to write endless pages about the cultures, languages and myths of his completely imaginary world. Nasu is the same way.

A lot of people find J.R.R. Tolein's work boring, and likewise for Nasu, so people try to read too deeply into Nasu's writing and end up getting irritated because his fantasy philosophy doesn't stand up in the real world.

If you like reading BLOCK-TEXT about fantasy metaphysics, then you'll really enjoy KnK. If not, just watch it for the pretty pictures.

>> No.4473156

I never claimed that the film was hard to follow.
I claimed that it's full of inconsequential psychobabel and randomly inserted action scenes. Which it is.

>> No.4473160
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>lib arts major

>> No.4473191

Hey, at least I got my degree.

>> No.4473200

knk is deep in a same sense EoE is deep
nothing wrong with that

>> No.4473202 [DELETED] 


>>implying anyone of /jp/ goes to university

>> No.4473209


>>implying anyone on /jp/ goes to university

>> No.4473216

And what I say is that it's not really random, if you follow along (which is not hard).
Good or bad, entirely different matter.

>> No.4473230

Oh, that degree? I just used it to wipe my ass. If you need me I'll be off building something.

>> No.4473231

Only Eva explored actual, individual characters in 'real time' throughout, while KnK tries to use abstract concepts to get its point across.

>> No.4473300

I'm not even the biggest Tolkein fan out there (I found a lot of his work to be contrived), but comparing his writing to Nasu is a pretty large act of weeaboo-ism.

>> No.4473331

>but comparing his writing to Nasu is a pretty large act of weeaboo-ism
You're a moron who can't read. He said that the two love to spend time building the world in which their fantasy tales take place, not that they are of equal value as writers. Reading comprehension, try it next time.

>> No.4473362

He drew clear comparisons, retard.

>> No.4473382

Alright, he also commented on how certain people find their writing boring. I fail to see how that constitutes weeaboo, but then again I don't think you do either. Shut up.

>> No.4473415

>I'm wrong, so I want to end this discussion.

>> No.4473437

You have no argument so that's what you're going to resort to? Seriously, there's nothing weeaboo in his statement, you don't have a leg to stand on. Thanks for wasting my time.

>> No.4473466

Fine then, seeing as how you apparently lack the ability to understand arguments presented to you:
He is a weeaboo for drawing comparisons between arguably one of the greatest known writers and the hack known as Nasu.

>> No.4473487

Er, no. It's not weeaboo because it's a simple comparison between the writer being discussed at hand, and a very well known author, in order to highlight the distinct characteristics of the former. It's not saying that Nasu is on par, or even better, than Tolkien. But of course you already knew this, and I've just been trolled. Also:
>greatest known writers
I don't care if you are a troll, you're still an incurable faggot.

>> No.4473536

>But of course you already knew this, and I've just been trolled.

( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \

I still think that KnK and TM/Nasu in general is pretty boring, though.

>> No.4473559

>KnK and TM/Nasu in general is pretty boring, though.
If you don't care for the characters and the setting, there's not much chance of you enjoying it. It relies on that an awful lot. Anyway, it's been fun, but I need to go to lectures now. 'Til then.

>> No.4473633

>He is a weeaboo for drawing comparisons between arguably one of the greatest known writers and the hack known as Nasu.

I agree that I was drawing a comparison, but see:

Though I wouldn't call him a hack, I don't think Nasu is as good a writer as Tolkein, but this doesn't mean that their writing can't share some qualities. It's nonsense to say that making a comparison between two things to emphasize a particular quality is the same as equating them.

I generally agree, but I find it a pleasant sort of boring. Fantasy philosophy is kind of a break from real philosophy, where Araya can just dramatically proclaim some nonsense about the "Origin" and have everyone act as though he made perfect sense.

It's analogous to fantasy vs real morality. We all know that the "good vs evil" morality portrayed in fiction is nonsense, but it is still fun to watch heroes make dramatic speeches about justice and honor.

>> No.4473649

Tolkien really wasn't that great of a writer anyway. He is the father of modern fantasy, of course, but his writing was never that great.

>> No.4473656

Again, depends.
He could spend three pages talking about rocks. If you're a detail man, Tolkien is your author.

>> No.4473657

I know a few people with swords with Elven writing engraved on them that would hunt you down and kill you for that statement.

>> No.4473674

And people worry that Nasu's fans are zealous...

Seriously, the debates on /jp/ are like mystery fans and action fans bitching to each other about how the other genre sucks.

There are genuine differences in quality, but there is also difference in preference. I can (and do) prefer the work of some authors even though I know they're objectively not good at writing.

>> No.4473677

I agree about Tolkien writing not being that great.

>> No.4473689


>> No.4473695

Writing ability is not always an issue, it's mostly the direction the writer chooses.
Even if he is not so good, by sticking to his strengths and keeping a clear direction, the result may be better than a good writer who tries too hard on how it is written and forgets what is written.

>> No.4473700 [DELETED] 

We are tired of your spam and bullshit at www. anon eraseThisOK talk .com. Stop fucking with us. You owe Sysop over $10,000 USD due to your harassments. Pay up by donating.

>> No.4473717

It's not like Nasu wrote anything recently.
Why do you guy care so much about this guy?

>> No.4473741

I don't, particularly, but most people who play visual novels have read a lot of Nasu's (albeit, translated) writing, and many of them feel the need to express exaggerated opinions about it.

I figure: The man knows how to build an interesting modern fantasy setting, creates compelling (if not exactly Shakespearean) characters, and can't write sex-scenes to save his own life.

>> No.4473742

He is writing DDD right now and is whoring out the rest of verse to other writers.(e.g. Fate/Zero and EXTRA)

lol @ Nasu "The Fate Series is finished."

>> No.4473747

I thought Fate/ZERO generally had a very good reputation?

>> No.4473757

Is it out? If so torrent?

>> No.4473759

Nasu supervised, Nitro+ wrote

>> No.4473761

Is KnK 5 out? What?

>> No.4473763

>He could spend three pages talking about rocks.
This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock. This rock!

>> No.4473783

That was for dramatic effect, and you know it.

No, I know that doesn't make it much less dumb, but at least it's dumb with a purpose.

>> No.4473992

Actually, that worked pretty well IMO.
It's one of the things that drive home 'He is fucking slipping'.
