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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4472590 No.4472590 [Reply] [Original]

Your headphones will never love you back.

>> No.4472595

What's with /jp/ lately? It's just shitty thread after shitty thread. Even night time /jp/ is really bad now.

>> No.4472594

Headphone thread?

>> No.4472596

I'm a necrophiliac, I'm used to it.

>> No.4472605


You must be new here.

>> No.4472610

There used to be at least some good threads.

>> No.4472620

You must be confusing /jp/ with /dg/.

/jp/ was always shitty.

>> No.4472625

Well the flood of /a/ users when moot visited us definitely made this place worse, but it feels like its getting better (and at least slower) again.

>> No.4472630

/jp/ is always shit unless there is comiket going on or some new VN translation got released. VN discussion for said VN usually completely die out after a week unless it is Type-moon or 07th expansion.
Outside of it the only thread that are worth anything are the fightan and mahjong threads.

>> No.4472631

ever since moot changed /jp/ - japan&general to /jp/ otaku culture, and for some reason he doesn't delete his sticky on /a/ that mentions /jp/.

well if you want an honest answer it's been going downhill ever since christmas, and 5 months before that.

>> No.4472641

/a/ happened. But if you call this a shitty thread, know that headphone threads have always been around here. It seems a large portion of /jp/ enjoys high-end headphones and equipment.

>> No.4472650

I know headphone threads have always been around. But that doesn't change the fact that they are off topic, and generally shit.

>> No.4472667

>/jp/ thinks it's less shitty than /a/


>> No.4472668


>> No.4472670

I have a fine pair of headphones so I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.4472674

>/a/ thinks it's less shitty than /jp/

>> No.4472688

There's not really a whole bunch that can come out of them, but atleast they're interesting (to me).

>> No.4472701

Yeah, they are offtopic. But the quality is usually surprisingly good..

>> No.4472702

>/jp/ is delusional

This board is all shit all the time. Even /a/ has a decent thread once in a blue moon. Sometimes I even get a chuckle out of it.

P.S. Rifyu isn't funny.

>> No.4472707

I cannot wait until I become rich, so that I may be able to afford a pair of those audio technicas.

>> No.4472708

That's because with all the anime and manga out there, /a/ should have a decent thread at the very least once in a while. How many times is the small userbase of /jp/ going to talk about the same VN?

>> No.4472711

It's nice and easy now at nights. But it's basically at weekend speeds during the day now.

/jp/ will only get faster and faster thanks to the name change. But everyone should have saw this coming, right?

>> No.4472713

ZUN, you are part of the problem. You make a high number of the shittiest posts.

>> No.4472714

I just blew $30 on new ear cushions for my Sennheiser HD 280, and they won't even be here for another 2 weeks because Sennheiser has shitty shipping.


>> No.4472717


>> No.4472721

Yea, they aren't bad. It's just annoying that some of the best threads are off topic ones.

>> No.4472723
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hey, just give it a week! /jp/ will go back to it used to be by then.

>> No.4472726

There's always /bun/.

>> No.4472732

please don't mention /bun/ here, i don't want shitty /a/ and /v/ users shitting up that already extremely slow but decent board.

>> No.4472742
File: 1.78 MB, 350x156, bill cosby's death.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4472746

>P.S. Rifyu isn't funny.
Only truth in your post.

>> No.4472741

I want to believe in >>4472723

>> No.4472748

>Eroge protagonist holding a cat.
>What are your thoughts on idolm@ster?
>Winter Season General
>Steppin', scratchin', button pushin', drum hittin', you know the drill.
>General vidyagaems XL
>MMORPG 【Part 4】

Explain to me what part of /bun/ is "decent".

>> No.4472755

It doesn't seem that bad. Atleast compared to the current /jp/.

>> No.4472756

I'm pretty sure he was kidding. Everyone knows /bun/ is anything but decent.

>> No.4472762

You must be one of the BunBunMaru Elites I hear so much about.

Get out.

>> No.4472765

It was actually my first time visiting it. I saw an iM@S thread and a figure thread and figured it wasn't that bad. Only time will tell though.

>> No.4472773

i was being sarcastic, see my roll'd up eyes reaction image(yes reaction image, i''m used it since /jp/ turned to /a/)

/jp/ is so much better right?

>> No.4472777

What does the quality of /jp/ have to do with /bun/ being shit? At least things move faster here.

>> No.4472780


Post history looks fine to me. 90% of my posts are about games.

Compare that to bros who are constantly buttmad and call everything "shit". None of that nonsense in my posts.

>> No.4472783

Maybe the video game, MMORPG and winter season animu threads have decent content?

>> No.4472787

>implying faster is better

>> No.4472791


Really? Seems like your same shitty posts to me. Posting your same Bleach/FSN shit too, how great.

>> No.4472798

>implying no content is better than fast content

>> No.4472799

I'm sorry, but if the front page has threads from October, that is too slow for me. Sure, I don't like boards as fast as /v/ or /a/, but it shouldn't be that slow.

>> No.4472801

Up to some degree, yes it is. Being too slow is no good.
The speed /jp/ used to have was just perfect (´;ω;`) How fast things are at the moment isnt that bad either, but the quality worries me a bit

>> No.4472804

Faster is always worse.

>> No.4472805

Sure is headphones in here.

>> No.4472809

I thought it was more of a metathread personally.

>> No.4472811

Well, I'm sorry I make fun of your favorite series, Anon. I didn't know it bothered you that much.

>> No.4472814
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1082, 1266964563044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys can it be dbz tiem nao?

>> No.4472823

Don't get me wrong. I don't even like FSN. I couldn't even be bothered to read it all. But I don't go around posting the same old shitty picture and making the comparison every opportunity I get. If you don't like FSN, then ignore it. That's what I do.

>> No.4472824


I liked it better when it was called Naruto.

>> No.4472833

If you don't like ZUN!bar, ignore him. That's what I do.

>> No.4472837

I never said I don't like ZUN!bar, I think he is an ok guy. I just wish he wouldn't be so immature at times.

>> No.4473001

I'm about as serious with it as reported.jpg; I don't hate any series here. Most people get this, but I really don't concern myself with the few people who seriously take offense from things like that. Not talking about you, of course.

Because let's face it: there are people out there who will always be eternally angry. These are the same people who say everything is "shit" day in and day out. They're lost causes, and I couldn't care less if someone like that gets frustrated from a little joke I post (or even one that someone else posts).

If only everyone could take it easy, then the internet would be a much better place.
