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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4471215 No.4471215 [Reply] [Original]

It's nighttime.
The air is cool - there's a slight breeze coming down off the mountain.
There are no clouds in the sky. Look - all the stars are out - they look somehow even more beautiful than back home. The moon's full. Is Keine out there somewhere, scaring people in hakutaku form?
You're walking along a gravel road. Lanterns at either side illuminate your way and allow you to see the trees on both sides - you're walking through the Forest of Magic. Where are you on your way to? You don't know, but then again, you don't really care either. You're in Gensokyo. You can see that perfect sky and you can feel the cool air on your face... and you can hear voices coming from a short way down the road. There's laughter. Your heart beats a little faster as you think of who it could be. You're not afraid. You increase your pace. You'll find out who's there soon enough, you think. You're in Gensokyo now... so take it easy!

>> No.4471220

[x] Lake

>> No.4471238

[x] Genuflect

>> No.4471244

[x] Rape the maid

>> No.4471249

[X]Jump in the liver

>> No.4471253

OP here. If you want a choose your own adventure then I must state that this is not one. I am sorry. I'm not nearly skilled or knowledgeable enough to do that.

I was just listening to Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes and wrote down my feelings.

>> No.4471262

[x] Pull out Rose Nasty

>> No.4471268

Nice little story.

>> No.4471286


>> No.4471290

Not bad.

>> No.4471294

That's much better than a CYOA thread.

Thanks for sharing it nonetheless, not enough decent writefags around

>> No.4471327


Thank you. I've never written anything serious before.

>> No.4471374

This thread is a thousandfold most other thought process that goes on in this board. You should be awarded a medal.
