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4469988 No.4469988 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously why hasn't this been translated by someone like Mirror Moon yet?

It's the sequel to what is probably the best/most popular visual novel of all time, you'd think someone would have jumped on this shit long ago, it's basically guaranteed to be popular.

But here we are five years after release and the translation is still up in the air.

Can someone explain this to me?

>> No.4469993

MM is dead, Jim.

>> No.4469995

we've already had hundred of threads on this
please go away

>> No.4470009

Because the only people who need it translated are people who can't translate it.

>> No.4470002


>> No.4470016

>It's the sequel to what is probably the best/most popular visual novel of all time
204 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4470020

>the best visual novel of all time

>> No.4470034

>>It's the sequel to what is probably the best/most popular visual novel of all time,


>> No.4470040

>someone like Mirror Moon
I don't know what to say about this.

>> No.4470050

>>Seriously why hasn't this been translated by someone like Mirror Moon yet?

Mirrormoon said it's shit and they're not interested in it.

>> No.4470051

The Mirror Moon translator didn't like Hollow.

>> No.4470078

1. It's a fandisc, not a sequel.
2. F/SN isn't the best/most popular VN of all time.

There you go.

>> No.4470086

How about Fate/Zero? Whats MM take on it?

>> No.4470088

After reading this thread I must ask: What is the best/most popular VN of all time /jp/?

And please don't start a opinion war here guys.

>> No.4470094

Well, it's not like MM even has a translator at this point.

>> No.4470104

I was under the impression that F/SN was considered the best/most popular VN in Japan

>> No.4470107


>> No.4470113


Beast's Lair has been doing that.

They've slowed down recently, and skipped a chapter for whatever reason, but they're nearly done with the third volume.


>> No.4470120

Reika Bitch Training.

>> No.4470128

Best or most popular. Pick one. Not saying they're mutually exclusive by nature, but most popular can be confirmed with objectively just by how well-known it is. "Best" is entirely subjective.

>> No.4470135

The most popular is CLANNAD.
The best is hard to say, but I would say Muv Luv Alternative.

>> No.4470154

OK, so name the best then name the most popular.

>> No.4470159


Best= Muv Luv Alternative ALL AGES

>> No.4470160

OP just play the partial patch and see why it isn't translated. It isn't as entertaining as the main game.

>> No.4470164

Everyone knows the best are the ones not translated and the moment they are translated they became shit.

>> No.4470165

More like it's boring as fuck.

>> No.4470166

>name the best
In whose opinion? Mine? Okay then, Lets Meow Meow.

>> No.4470198

People who hate Ataraxia are trolls.

>> No.4470202
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It can't be anywhere near as bad as Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.4470229
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>> No.4470233

Actually no, I'm not trying to troll, I was speaking from experience.

>> No.4470238

>Kagetsu Tohya


I don't think those two things can go together.

>> No.4470282

I confirm this. The only bad thing about this game - it doesn't work properly under Wine and has too few heroines. And it's short.
And not translated. But in such kind of games, you'll skip text most of the times anyway.

>> No.4470285
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1238622113815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Play Kagetsu Tohya without a flowchart or walkthrough
>grow increasingly impatient hunting for /h/ and getting /e/ instead
>find out you permanently missed an /h/ scene, reinstall

>Look for flowchart
>Oh God, the horror

>Use walkthrough
>Haven't fapped in forever
>fall asleep

>Go to /jp/
>anything worth seeing has already been screencapped and posted multiple times on 4chan

>> No.4470289


I'm going to have to continue playing this.

>> No.4470304

You literally have to reinstall KT if you miss a scene? what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.4470302

Best/most popular is without a doubt


>> No.4470315


>> No.4470318

You don't have to reinstall, you just have to reset the flags. It requires overwriting one file if I recall correctly, but some people may need to completely reinstall to do this horribly complicated maneuver.

>> No.4470329

ONScripter, fuck yeah

>> No.4470330

Cool story /v/. A VN is too hard for you?

>> No.4470333

>but some people may need to completely reinstall to do this horribly complicated maneuver


>> No.4470354

A tip: Don't throw meat to Len, she doesn't like it

>> No.4470356


You had to be told how before you knew how to do it and condescend those who don't. If at that time you were told you missed something permanently, you'd wind up reinstalling too.

But at the end of the day, in the context of the game itself, it's just bad design that forces players to do that kind of thing and resort to guides just so they can get to all the content.

>> No.4470357
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>Play Kagetsu Tohya .... hunting for /h/
You are doing it wrong.

>> No.4470360


Oh, don't be silly. All cats like meat!

>> No.4470364

It tells you how to delete the save file and reset the game if you get the non-h end. IT TELLS YOU HOW TO.

>> No.4470380


Pfft, like I was gonna get to the end before getting bored and jumping back on 4chan.

>> No.4470398

Then don't complain about not knowing how to reset it when it tells you how to do it in the game itself.

>> No.4470409

This gets posted a lot. I'd just like to point out it's incorrect.

>> No.4470416


At the end. After you fail.

I have spare time on my hands, sure, but not THAT kind of spare time.

>> No.4470422

Welcome to the world of visual novels without a guide.

>> No.4470429

The only way you could miss the fact that you didn't get the h-scene is: a) if it's spoiled for you; or, b) if it tells you at the end of the game that you missed it and OH HERE'S HOW YOU CAN RESET THE GAME TO TRY AGAIN.

If it's the first one, then stop letting yourself be spoiled, you lazy bastard.

>> No.4470432


Kagetsu Tohya is the only VN I used a guide for. Hell, that includes Rance.

>> No.4470479

Apples and oranges when comparing Rance vs KT guides.

Rance guides are mainly THIS HOW YOU PLAY GAEM. I doubt you need help with the choices.

KT guides are a clusterfuck of IF YOU PICK THIS GO HERE, OTHERWISE GO THERE, OR X Y Z.
The flowchart scared me the first time I saw it.

>> No.4471345


That's on Baka-Tsuki. Sadly, they have, at least for now, stopped work on KnK. ;_;

>> No.4471360

I don't care if it's boring, I just want to know who the fuck Bazzett and Luvia are.

>> No.4471361


In b4 200 replies

>> No.4471420


Ironically, both are in the middle of being translated.

I just checked the translation wiki, and found that it's still active. As long as it isn't dead, I'm happy. I can wait.

I can play Unlimited Codes or read Fate/Zero if I need my Fate fix.

>> No.4471468

Bazett is unimportant.

Luvia, though, is Rin's classmate at London. In a parallel universe she falls off the 28th story of a building and is saved by Shirou. Then they team up and investigate a suspicious casino run by a vampire.

>> No.4471589

Kagetsu Tohya was better than Tsukihime.

Fact: The Len scenes are the only H-scenes in a Type-Moon game worth caring about.

>> No.4471721


>you'd think someone would have jumped on this shit long ago

They did (amukunau.blogspot.com)... they just weren't fast/motivated enough, and didn't want external help until recently.

Hopefully, the current project will see it completed....

>> No.4471798


I thought the Tohno Con Game was the best out of those little short stories, although Akiha's continuation was nice if not just for her fixation on violating Akira. Interestingly enough, it wasn't even written by Nasu. But fuck that other fan made story about the Nero girl inheritor. If anything were to link Tsukihime and Twilight, it'd be that story.

>> No.4471818


>Last update Friday, December 11, 2009

Haha oh wow

>> No.4471824




>> No.4471840
File: 395 KB, 646x508, kagetsutohya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually made it through Kagetsu Tohya's guide the first time I played it, got both h scenes, and then didn't play many of the sides stories... I need to go back and do that before replaying FSN now that I have Realta Nua, and that has to happen before FHA comes out.

Also Arihiko is awesome. I will never get tired of saying this.

>> No.4471872

Arihiko had a worse life than Tohno and gets constantly shafted.


