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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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446519 No.446519 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ is the place for Japanese Music right?

If so:

ITT: The Black Mages

>> No.446523

Nobuo Uematsu's group, right? How are they?

>> No.446526

They do nice remixes
2nd album had some vocals, that were all shit though

>> No.446534

Well lets just say they are the TRUE HARDEST METAL KNOWN TO FUCKING MAN

Even better than Dragonforce.

>> No.446538

I was about to Dragonforce hijack this, but the black mages are just too awesome.

>> No.446543
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The only decent thing they did was the AC soundtrack.

>> No.446549

How exactly are they shit, please explain?

>> No.446550

I'm listening to DARKNESS AND STARLIGHT right now and it's FUCKING AWESOME.

>> No.446557

Fucking fail and overrated group

>> No.446585

Yeah keep on listening to your shitty j-pop, faggot.

>> No.446596


i think drogonforge is a pretty cool guy. eh doesn't know how the fuck to play live and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.446613

Can you explain what exactly makes them shit though? I'm not trolling, I just honestly want to know. I personally think they're pretty good.

>> No.446607

If I listen to it, and I think it sucks, then it's shit.
I can name 5 doujin artists who make better music.

>> No.446608

Oh god that was horrible. Softest latex known to man.

>> No.446643

Differing music opinions.
Anything they don't like, they will call shit.

>> No.446686

>>446613 Can you explain what exactly makes them shit though?
No. I honestly can't, I don't sit over my music and wonder what parts of it make me like it.

One time I found a torrent with 2 or 3 of their albums so I downlaoded it because I heard here and there "OMG they are so awesome"
15 minutes of listening and I'm like "Well this pretty much sucks" and I promptly deleted them.

>> No.446704
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>> No.446710

Well then that just means you don't personally like it, that doesn't make it shit whatsoever.

>> No.446755

ZUN makes awesome music. Also,IOSYS and Crow's Claw.

>> No.447086

>ZUN makes awesome music. Also,IOSYS and Crow's Claw.

You mean Touhou, newfag?

>> No.447105


>> No.447115

I think Touhou is a pretty cool guy eh, makes music and doesnt afraid of anything

>> No.447121


>> No.447129
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>> No.447138

Diamond is the hardest metal.

>> No.447152

3rd Album sucks.
