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4462869 No.4462869 [Reply] [Original]

is Japan in the right place?

>> No.4462888

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

take it to /int/
or /b/

>> No.4462882

>America Good

>Canada not Good


>> No.4462889

>USA not evil

>> No.4462892

merifags are evil!

>> No.4462899

>nazi germany

I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.4462901

Canada can't make up its mind, doesn't have much of a prescence.

>> No.4462904

>China evil
>Iran Lawful
>Nazi Germany Chaotic
>USA good

>> No.4462905

What the. There is one for EUROPE and one for Germany? Germany is not Europe?

>> No.4462909

Nazi Germany was anything but chaotic. It was disturbingly organized. Iraq, on the other hand, is chaos incarnate.

Bad chart is bad.

>> No.4462918

Shouldn't Switzerland be true neutral?

>> No.4462939

Whoops, I mean Iraq.

>> No.4462977

>Swiss not true neutral


>> No.4462983

Everyone goes in evil.

>> No.4462989

>herp derp hurpa durp

Also Germany is far from chaotic.

>> No.4462993

Why is Nazi evil exactly? Just because you disagree with what they did does not make them evil.

>> No.4462997

You're all idiots.

>> No.4463011


>> No.4463015

How is Iran not Chaotic Evil?

Their president wants to bring about the apocalypse to hasten the return of the Antichrist.

>> No.4463023

That why it is lawful evil you dumbfuck.

>> No.4463033

Japan is an isolationist country, it should be neutral.

>> No.4463041

How the hell is bringing about the APOCALYPSE not chaotic you dipshit?

There's nothing lawful about it, they're all religious nutjobs.

>> No.4463052

Basically all I see is, people who are against the US = evil.

>> No.4463058

wtf? what do you mean by lawful and by chaotic? you seriously arent thinking what i think you are thinking, dont you?

>> No.4463063

Go back to /co/ you fagwad.

>> No.4463067
File: 401 KB, 1998x1500, 1265938695279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that image is such trollbait.

japan should be in the evil-tier.

>> No.4463069

You seem to not understand the meaning of alignments very well.

>> No.4463073

Nice rebutal.

>> No.4463076

Man, what a shitty country Corea is.

>> No.4463087

Why do they insist on being Corea instead of Korea?

>> No.4463091

Jew alert

>> No.4463097


from wiki take of it how u will:

"Because of the coexistence of the spellings "Corea" and "Korea" in the 19th century English publications,[8] some Koreans believe Japan, around the time of the Japanese occupation, intentionally standardised the spelling on "Korea", so that "Japan" would appear first alphabetically."

>> No.4463099

Reported, this is an /int/ topic.

>> No.4463102

I'd say USA is more true neutral than anything. We literally only invest in things that are relevant to our interests.

>> No.4463116

These alignment threads are stupid.

>> No.4463118

Wow. Coreans are really crazy.

>> No.4463493

Nobody can really take Switzerland's spot of True Neutral. They managed to dodge both World Wars.

>> No.4463522

>USA good
>Iraq, Germany evil

This was so obviously made by an american
Also take this to /int/, thanks

>> No.4463529

If we're crossing space and time by putting in Nazi Germany, then put them in Lawful evil and America in Chaotic evil.

Wait, no I forgot noone gives a shit about Cambodians.

>> No.4463539

>Chaotic anything
Yeah I don't think so, Jim

>> No.4463552

USA is Chaotic Neutral.

They do good things, bad things, and generally can't decide good or bad even amongst themselves.

>> No.4463555


>> No.4463573

You gotta be shitting me. If there was one thing Nixon done right, it was that.

>> No.4463581

Because instigating the murder of 28% of a country is God's work.

>> No.4463582

Idk is Europe a country?

>> No.4463623

The hell are you fag smoking?

USA is Lawful Good. It's based on law, we have 18 million trials every year.

>> No.4463643

Doesn't make them good. Current America, sure, I won't argue. But we're dealing with time-travel here, unless by Nazi Germany you mean that edgy kid from 7th grade.

>> No.4463657

>USA is Lawful Good. It's based on law, we have 18 million trials every year.

Every country has courts, you retard. Even dictatorships.

>> No.4463675

>18 million trials
What kind of lawful place has that much crime?

>> No.4463677

Lol usa is fukken EVIl man whadda fukk xD

>> No.4463690
File: 21 KB, 564x504, favorable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans’ Favorite Foreign Countries.


>> No.4463700

The US is always evil.

>> No.4463726

Japan as Neutral? maybe.

Japan as good? HAHAHAH OH WOW.

>> No.4463741

Any country as Good is bullshit, if you're going to bitch about America.

>> No.4463761


Depends what you define as good. Countries like Canada and Australia that never start wars, but fight in them for the sake of their allies are really just neutral if you think about it. But then again, the only missions those countries do on their own are peacekeeping missions to third world shitholes.

>> No.4463793

Lol Mexico

>> No.4463802

America belongs somewhere in neutral. Nazi Germany is lawful evil since they had an effective command structure and were generally very efficient and organized.

>> No.4463826

>Not-So-Great Britain higher than Japan
>Israel higher than fucking France and India

Fuck this country.
Fuck this country.

>> No.4463882

Yeah, that's pretty sad. But what can we expect, there's no education...

>> No.4463901

Most American's really do not know shit about Israel, they just rate it highly because they think some dude name Jesus lived there.

Canada gets the top spot because it's probably honestly the only country most people have ever visited.

And GB cuz it was the home of our forefathers.

What I don't get is why Germany is so high up there though lol... they have a bad history and that country is dirt fucking poor now, it's like the Mexico of Europe.

I do like Indian food, and if I had to pick a religion Hinduism would be in my top 3, but my understanding is it's another place you really wouldn't want to visit *shrug*

>> No.4463910

The french are fags and india is filled with muslim and disease.

>> No.4463913

>Israel higher than fucking France and India
What's so suprising about this? Especial France, geez, no one likes friggin France.

>> No.4463935

That's the cutest racial slander I've ever seen, dawwwwww.

>> No.4463939


The only reason we're indebted this much is because you fucking raped us after WW2. But we still managed to climb back at the top of the world, so fuck you.

>> No.4463947

Why don't they like it though? France is awesome. It's one of the two top countries I'd like to live in.

Plus, check out their stats this year.


In comparison... Israel? What the fuck is so great about it?

>> No.4463945

What? American was pretty lenient about reparations and all that shit, if you want to bitch at someone, look to Britain and France.

And even then, you cunts started it.

>> No.4463956

I've heard in France they have free medical care and college and it does sound like a great place to live.

Americans only hate France because they were vocal about how us invading Iraq was bullshit, which it was, and how war in general sucks, which it does.

>> No.4463972

I believe the vast majority of developed countries have free health care and university education nowadays... even Canada, though our health care sucks.

But yeah, few people like wars and I think if you want to start one you should have to provide one hell of a good reason.

>> No.4464006

says some kid under 25.

>> No.4464030


Why would you think I'm under 25 and why would my age be relevant anyway?

>> No.4464032

EU and Sweeden are in the right place, but Sweden isnt more pro EU.

Only one country is true neutral and thats Switzerland.

>> No.4464040

>dirt fucking poor
You've lost me...

>> No.4464045

Knowing your ass from a hole in the ground for starters.

>> No.4464075

This reply doesn't make any sense either... maybe someone with a psychological disability?

I'm 30 and I don't see anything wrong with my post in >>4463972 so I'm just going to leave it at that.
