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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1261115843791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4461611 No.4461611 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to think my sister is actually Kaguya.

She plays vidya and MMOs all day, never eats, never talks to anybody, never leaves her room, apparently hates everyone, rarely showers, has hair down to her thighs because she's afraid to go outside and get a haircut, always wears pajamas, and she's generally just an angry and hateful person. She also posts on /jp/.

What should I do about her, /jp/?

>> No.4461618


>> No.4461619


>> No.4461620


>> No.4461623


>> No.4461625

stab her heart and see if she comes back. when she does exploit her eternity powers.

>> No.4461626

Enjoy your lies

>> No.4461627

How is your relationship with her ?

>> No.4461628

Sounds like my type. Give her to me.

>> No.4461630

Post pics of her feet or GTFO.

>> No.4461632

She's not kaguya you fool.

>> No.4461644

Eat her liver.

>> No.4461647

Call her himesama and lick her feet

>> No.4461649

>she's generally just an angry and hateful person

Take a guess. I haven't talked to her in months, mostly because I'm afraid she'll get pissed off at me and throw a rubix cube at my forehead like last time.

>> No.4461650

wtf kind of little brother are you? stop bothering me even on /jp/!!

>> No.4461651


>> No.4461656

Nice try, she's taking a shower right now fags.

>> No.4461658

Hime-sama is beautiful and not 300lbs. and she as the grace and tactfulness of a great sovereign.
Don't compare the two or we may come to blows.

>> No.4461665

How fat is she?

>> No.4461669

You should spend time with her, play vidya with her and compliment her.

Straight to the point no bullshit version? Make her yours.

>> No.4461674

>taking a shower

>> No.4461677

Wow, sorry man.

I was just about to freak out at my brother.

How would he know? ;_;

>> No.4461678
File: 55 KB, 600x702, 857398-kaguya_20_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4461683 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 309x400, 1266740947251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape her

>> No.4461684

Is she fat? If not strike at full force.

>> No.4461685

Shes thinner than me, and I'm 135lb and 6'2". I think she might be dying, she looks like a ghost.

Like I said, she rarely eats.

>> No.4461690

Wait a second....

Girls don't go on /jp/!

>> No.4461695

to make a long story short, just rape her

>> No.4461696

barge into her room, tell her your taking her out shopping, drag her off to the mall, pay for clothing, food and the likes, bring her home, tell her to get ready next week.
make her realize she now has plans for the weekend.

>> No.4461700

Does she have big tits?

>> No.4461701

Try cooking for her or something if you're that worried.

>> No.4461702

Rape her, post pics on /jp/

>> No.4461705

hime-sama hime-sama hime-same hime-sama

>> No.4461707

>barge into her room
Your brilliant plan is already over, she keeps her door locked all day.

>> No.4461709

Be her advice bro and then just go "ITS RAPE TIME".

>> No.4461711


Then kick down the door

>> No.4461712

>Like I said, she rarely eats.
You need to help her somehow. I mean, I don't think you want your sister to starve to death. Why is she so angry all the time? Never ending period?

>> No.4461714


>> No.4461718

Feed her your semen.

>> No.4461721

shes probably just fappin to touhou porn

>> No.4461722

Periods don't work that way. If she's not eating, she's not bleeding.

>> No.4461724

I really have no idea how big they are outside of average size, she never wears shirts tight enough to really make anything out and there's no way in hell I'm going through her laundry to find a bra size.

>> No.4461727


>> No.4461729

Oh well.

>> No.4461731


If she's a good NEET she doesn't wear a bra at all.

>> No.4461732

I can't even bench my keyboard, I'm not knocking down any doors.
I've tried knocking, original pic related.

>> No.4461733

OP is a loon.

>> No.4461734

Pics now.

Judging by the pic, we shall decide your next course of action.

>> No.4461735
File: 150 KB, 640x480, narutooo 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she look like this?

>> No.4461738

what does she think of me

>> No.4461739

I think these two sound like a good thing.

To get into her room is there any bobby pins or something? if there's a little hole on the outside of the door you can pick the lock easily.

>> No.4461741

ah! whoahshit...

>> No.4461746

Have you played oblivion before? Just pick her lock.

>> No.4461755

question what do you want out of this? to fix her into a normal girl, to exploit her? just telling us you think she's kaguya doesn't do anything you want us to help you find a way to confirm?
if you want to find out she's kaguya then yes go ahead and kill her.
if you want to fix her just generally develop being a good onii-chan and slowly led her into society.
if you want to exploit either befriend and love or just rape and fuck the door if you really want to fuck your kaguya dying sister go ahead but post pics since we're helping.

>> No.4461768

The problem isn't that he wants to get into her room per se, it's that he wants to connect with her.

Knocking down doors isn't the best thing in the world to do. He should focus on how to get her out, and how to keep her out.

He said she's taking a shower. Just grab her then, or while she's getting food or something and just rape her already damn.

>> No.4461771
File: 12 KB, 200x292, 1265593950207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd "pick her lock" if you know what I mean.

>> No.4461774

How do you know she posts on /jp/? Why would she? What does she do involved with /jp/?

>> No.4461780



>> No.4461784
File: 49 KB, 240x220, 12622519662505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

masturbate to currybutt.

>> No.4461785

She's a known tripfag.

>> No.4461787

She sounds disgusting.

>> No.4461789

That's funny, I was just in the shower.
I also recall this.

If this is you Trevor I'm going to kick your ass. Leave me the hell alone. The fact that you would post about me on /jp/ is pretty pathetic.

>> No.4461797

>and she's generally just an angry and hateful person.
Tell her to stop raging in my threads when she needs to vent.

>> No.4461800

>Implying BOOF is your sister

>> No.4461802
File: 25 KB, 256x258, Dlanorclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fool me. Get out, OP.

>> No.4461803

>falling in love over the internet about a description about a girl.
Don't worry anon we're still here for you, even if no girl will.

>> No.4461806

because there are a lot of sisters would throw rubix cubes at their brother's heads and then go


>> No.4461812

Dear OP's sister: you sound cute. Post your e-mail/IM so we can discuss touhous in private.

>> No.4461813

Shocking, but, which one?

>> No.4461814

>implying he's not

>> No.4461817
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>> No.4461818



>> No.4461819

airhead-chan is no tripfag.

>> No.4461821

OP's sister is Currybutt.

>> No.4461824
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>> No.4461830

He just wants your love~

>> No.4461832

yay anonymous drama i wonder how this will play out?
hey you know your onii-chan is worrying about you right?
since you clicked on this thread im guessing you care slightly.
we just want to know our fellow anons can be happy with their imoutous and that little girls everywhere can be happy too.

>> No.4461836

>implying that there aren't

>> No.4461838

Look at these people getting trolled

>> No.4461840
File: 207 KB, 307x371, idontknowwhattocallthisface14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4461844

Haha, kick my ass? I'd like to see you try.

It's pretty ironic that you're calling ME pathetic, at least I've left the house in the last month and got an education while you sat on your ass playing WoW for 5 years. Dad thinks you're a parasite and wishes you would move out, at least I help around the house unlike a certain someone.

>> No.4461845


There was always something off about Jones.

>> No.4461851

Please, get out of /jp/ if you dont know what trolling means.

>> No.4461857

Is she every spiteful tripfag, because there are plenty of them.
Seeing as she has tons of free time it wouldn't be out of her reach either.

>> No.4461858

Sure is lots of people roleplaying here.
Reported for samefaggotry.
It is time for the mod to do something.

>> No.4461859


>> No.4461860

RP? in my /jp/??

>> No.4461861

just because your sister is a NEET/hikikomori doesn't mean she's a goddamn lunar princess

>> No.4461863

Sounds like a great girl, maybe we have a lot in commo-
>rarely showers
Nah, forget it.
Why are NEETs so disgusting?

>> No.4461864
File: 36 KB, 717x430, Samefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4461866

My "onii-chan" is a faggot NEET.

>> No.4461868

so are we just creating delicious drama for these two so they can have mad sex or what?
anyways im bored with this and it will go no where so enjoy your dying sister OP.

>> No.4461872

You actually see a lot of girls like this in MMOs. Particularly, I remember when I played RO I ran into a lot of them. Normally when people think of MMOs they think of a sausage fest, but iRO actually had a surprising amount of girls that played it for some reason... Maybe because of the cute sprites or something. Yes, a lot of those were men lying about their gender (a friend of mine did that actually, managed to get a good amount of rl cash from desperate horny guys through paypal, on a fairly regular basis) but still.

>> No.4461873

why do anything if you've stopped trying

>> No.4461876
File: 17 KB, 200x150, 1223401395592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes "girls" in mmos are really female

>> No.4461878


>> No.4461884

I am a NEET and I shower.

>> No.4461887

Weren't you trying to help her out before?
Stop being so hostile and do something nice for her

>> No.4461893

GTFO you're from pRO gb2 ragnaboards faggot

>> No.4461895
File: 55 KB, 299x365, 1218064310528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k, and fagers is really a girl because he looks good in women's clothing right?

>> No.4461900
File: 48 KB, 670x480, beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She also posts on /jp/

OP and his sister are the same person.

Enjoy pretending being the little girl

>> No.4461902

Oh please, why don't you get a job instead of criticizing your sister ON GODDAMN 4CHAN?

Why don't you delete this shitty thread while you're at it?

>> No.4461905

Just because you never go outside doesn't mean you can't have a sense of personal hygiene you filthy piece of shit!

>> No.4461907

why single it to RO if you mentioned all mmos

>> No.4461910



>> No.4461913

This change from "lollol sister raep time" to "sagesagesage".

>> No.4461916
File: 164 KB, 640x480, 1247329614052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.4461927

Because he specified RO

>> No.4461928

Then how you entered her room last time?

>> No.4461930

Hey, she's the one who said she was going to kick my ass.

>> No.4461939

you do realize OP was just trolling himself and you fags join being trolled

>> No.4461940

so there are no girls at all in mmos then

>> No.4461947

Funny, I don't see you denying anything that I said.

>> No.4461948


When I played RO, we used Teamspeak.

>> No.4461949

stop having DID

>> No.4461954

>implying all threads discussed had any seriousness and that we don't just roll with it

>> No.4461955

The magic of skirts, apparently. But Dollfagers is ugly and manfaced, and no amount of skirt magic can cure that.

>> No.4461957
File: 164 KB, 900x1600, 1257809980230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanon = Shannon

>> No.4461962

OP's sister makes a real appearance

now the thread begins

>> No.4461967
File: 52 KB, 249x238, 1241148790102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat, sure if that's how you read what i said and think it's what I meant. I don't really care, my brothers knocking on my door still and i'm getting really pissed. Like I need dinner right now why can't he go away that fucking brat.

>> No.4461977

sup imouto

>> No.4461987

Where doth you hail from, OP?

>> No.4462004

I'm your sister. Apparently. It fits perfectly. The description I mean.

Stop knocking on my door.

>> No.4462012

You're not a well known tripfag though.

>> No.4462014

You aren't a tripfag, let alone one anyone knows.

It's jones.

>> No.4462025

Are you guys implying that RO is not one of the best MMO out there ?
Not that that is saying much though, shitty genre.

>> No.4462028

Denying anything is a waste of my time. I don't even know why I'm posting in this retarded thread.

It's your goddamn fault I never got into college because they spent all the savings to send you to shitty FSU because you were too dumb to get a 100% scholarship there, AND THEN YOU DROPPED OUT. How the hell am I supposed to get a job with a HS education and no car, which is completely your fault?

I don't even like WoW, the only reason I play this shitty game is because I have nothing better to do. You're hardly one to talk anyways, all you do is F5 4chan all day which is even more pathetic.

The most pathetic part is you make a thread on /jp/ instead of walking across the hall and actually talking to me. No wonder you have no friends.

>> No.4462030


RO was awful.

Mabinogi #1

>> No.4462040

The best MMO is /jp/.
Although the grind is bad and the graphics are outdated, the userbase filled with underage boys and the GMs a bunch of incompetent fools, it's a classic all the same.

>> No.4462050


>> No.4462052


herp derp wat r loanz????? how 2 get??

God, women really are fucking stupid.

>> No.4462055

Wat? I had a lot of fun with RO, especially before everyone and their mother got dual megingjards, gtb, ghostring, and any other game breaking shit that seemed to be justified only by its exorbitant price. Even so, I don't think it was ever really the "best MMO", and the only reason I stuck around so long (around 6 years, though I didn't play terribly actively the entire time) was because I knew a lot of the community.

>> No.4462059

Oh wow.

>> No.4462060


>> No.4462063

We have pretty shitty mobs though.

And the PVP is subpar.

>> No.4462073


>> No.4462077

I've been playing /jp/ for a little, but I'm thinking of going back to /a/. It seems a little more balanced, and there's way more end-game content.

>> No.4462078

It's Pygma-chan! Please post again, my sweet Pygma-chan, I really really really miss you.

>> No.4462081

Is it just me, or did Curry get a lot more retarded recently? Well, it could just be I never really paid attention to his posts before, I dunno.

>> No.4462087

But the userbase is even more retarded and the servers are always jammed.

>> No.4462092
File: 158 KB, 400x300, 6797895_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you fags are lame.

>> No.4462095
File: 25 KB, 512x384, 1260072307236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.4462100
File: 163 KB, 1152x864, Animals_Dogs_Wearing_glasses_Dog_005508_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4462102


He was always retarded, but at least he isn't bragging about his waifu again.

>> No.4462106

Not really. I mean it doesn't bother me or anything. I was just making an observation, is all.

>> No.4462108

She's a whore.

>> No.4462110

Were you on iRO, if so what server?

>> No.4462111

He's gotten a lot more varied lately, I think.

550 : 2 ratio of horrible to great posts.

>> No.4462117

He's no more or less retarded, but people fall for the trolling more often.

I-it's not like I'm mad at YOU or anything, I just happen to be angry right now.

>> No.4462124

Haha, I have no friends? Who the hell do you think you are? Your retarded internet friends on WoW don't count, and those fags are the only ones I ever hear you talk to. You talk to them more than your own family.

Also, dad said he would help you get loans for college but you just yelled that it's all my fault and that it was pointless. You could've easily got into a decent college with Bright Futures but your lazy ass decided WoW was more important.

And like I said, the last time I "walked across the hall to talk" I got a damn rubix cube thrown at me. Why don't you leave you own room for a change?

>> No.4462125

Chaos. Never really ventured into any of the other servers at all, though I did have a friend on Sakray who tried to get me to move over there from time to time. Didn't really touch Valk either, partially because I was losing interest around the time it came out.

>> No.4462126

Can this end with raunchy photos of the sister?
And everyone is happy?

>> No.4462128

He always switches back and forth between absolutely retarded and almost bearable.

>> No.4462131

YOU'RE a whore!!

>> No.4462135

get the fuck outta there before your sister see's this thread and go genocidal on you

>> No.4462136

>Troll thread
>143 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4462138

Why is this thread so fast ?

>> No.4462140

No, pygmalion is.

>> No.4462143

A girl might be in it.

>> No.4462146

Because it is a NEET thread, and /jp/ is almost all NEETs. (The only real distinction is the TRUENEETS who are proud of their accomplishments in the world of NEETdom, and the delusional fags who try to deny it.)

>> No.4462149
File: 196 KB, 649x744, 542623753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't matter how I act, I'm still the most loved of all.

>> No.4462154

"NEETs" aka people who are in college and pretend to be neets to fit in at jp.

>> No.4462157

Do you even have to ask?

It's a NEETDRAMA thread.

>> No.4462164

But she's anorexic, not to mention 3D.

>> No.4462166
File: 67 KB, 864x569, you're fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are up to three conversations going on right now.

>> No.4462169

Is that what your psychiatrist told you?

>> No.4462171

No, that would be Boof.

Also, >>memegenerator

>> No.4462173



>> No.4462176

Which amount to a very, very small percentage of the population. It's like how people assume because a few people use waifus to troll, the vast majority aren't serious about it at least in some capacity.

>> No.4462177

I like how the OP comes to /jp/ for help with his sister and it results in an e-peen battle between two NEET siblings.

Reminds me why I hate my sister.

>> No.4462183

You're a towel.

>> No.4462184


>> No.4462185

Boof is one of the worst, come on. Unless you like /b/ tier posters.

>> No.4462186

suck it curry

>> No.4462190
File: 151 KB, 640x480, narutooo 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask your sister if she thinks I'm hot.

>> No.4462195

So... are OP and his sister having wincest yet?

>> No.4462197

Personally, I love BOOF-kun and think he is a model tripfag. If I was a girl, I would want to be impregnated by BOOF-kun.

>> No.4462199

Why so much sister hate?

You're going to make them cry, /jp/. RAPE RAPE ETC.

>> No.4462202

Oh look it's boof.

In before suigin and kordox start posting anonymously as well.

>> No.4462206


>> No.4462207

He's not very self important, he's helpful, and he's not a fag.
Thank god I don't have any in my age range.

>> No.4462213

>implying I didn't save that image off of /jp/, which was originally posted by a typical shit anonymous

>> No.4462221

Click thread, no responses

Go get gas for work tomorrow

Come back

178 replies and 21 image replies omitted

What the hell?

>> No.4462223

IN elite - opinion invalid.

>> No.4462224

Not yet.. yet.

>> No.4462231

Kordox isn't that bad, he at least used to post dolls.

>> No.4462232

Is anyone else fapping to OP's sister's replies?

>> No.4462233

That's just how /jp/ works, newfriend.

>> No.4462234
File: 15 KB, 653x355, AE8603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not self important
>look at my paren-i mean my cars even though this isn't /o/

>> No.4462246

Looks like they stopped posting.

They must be having intercourse.

>> No.4462248

*posts ugly netbook and pictures of myself that no one cares about* look I'm BOOF, a model tripfag.

>> No.4462249

Yeah guys, don't be mean to your sisters
It's okay if they're sluts, but that obviously isn't the case here, so have a heart guys

>> No.4462251

Haha, oh wow, I was starting to think this was me until the hates everyone part. (Never eats is debatable.)

...and that both my siblings are out of the house, so meh.

>> No.4462252

Fuck off and get some sleep, faggot.

>> No.4462259

Anorexic /jp/ users are all my wives.

>> No.4462263

My older sister is awesome, also, she is a lesbian.

>> No.4462264

My sister is a successful businesswoman and I'm a highschool dropout and soon to be university dropout. We get along very well even though I see her only a few times a year. Does this interest you /jp/?

>> No.4462267

He's just being fun, something you shouldn't try to do.

>> No.4462278

I wish I had an onii-chan.


>> No.4462280




>> No.4462285
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>> No.4462289

why did i loled so much? because its true?

>> No.4462300


>> No.4462304

Wanna go out with me, Arisa-chan?

>> No.4462305
File: 57 KB, 550x550, 1239359237580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another successful 200+ reply thread.

How do I do it?

>> No.4462313


If you were to ask my little sister, it's probably not that great. She doesn't really like hanging out with me ::C

>> No.4462316
File: 19 KB, 300x385, funny_cat_pictures_351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arisa !tLnaMPPfC.

>> No.4462317

we should roll together

>> No.4462318

Nah, I'm not anorexic, I stuff myself at the times I do eat. My weight is average for my height, I think. Maybe a little below.

>> No.4462322

I think I saw a girl posting in the Ar Tonelico thread the other day. Crazy stuff indeed, bro.

>> No.4462329

Hmm well luckily you're saved from being "one of" (read: my only) jp anorexic wife. Lucky you!

>> No.4462331

>204 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view
successful troll is successful or is this legit? im not reading this rp faggotry.

>> No.4462332


>> No.4462342

o you anon thats not how you ask a girl out.

>> No.4462343

Well someone mentioned a girl posting in /jp/ so that's a free 130 posts.

>> No.4462346

High rolls, I assume.

>> No.4462348
File: 46 KB, 500x375, op02_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday I hope we can. Bros 4 lyf

>> No.4462354

I don't think the thread went in the direction OP expected.
Actually, he might have intended for it to be a Touhou thread.

>> No.4462355

Sorry, I like girls.

>> No.4462361
File: 63 KB, 427x342, 1264695470876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's legit.

I'm OP's sister. We just had sex.

>> No.4462364
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>> No.4462365

>bawww ;_;

>> No.4462366

My girlfriend trolls Umineko threads.

How does it make you feel anon?

>> No.4462371

Shemale detected

>> No.4462374

Your girlfriend "trolls" 4chan threads so she is a fat ugly annoying cosplayer. Confirmed.

>> No.4462379

I am your girlfriend.

>> No.4462388
File: 33 KB, 445x479, 1238453690916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4462389


Any man would be lucky to have you.

>> No.4462392

Nothing but beaches and shores.

>> No.4462394

I am a gay male and I am a NEET. Does anyone want to go out with me?

>> No.4462401

And how was it?

>> No.4462412

Bad, he's horrible in bed

>> No.4462415

I'm not kidding when I say that OP's sister would be the most perfect woman for me

even the angry part I would try my hardest to melt the ice around her frozen heart

>> No.4462417

Oh you! ;_;

>> No.4462420

Are you me?

I NEVER go outside anyways...

>> No.4462425
File: 15 KB, 639x348, TakumivsBunta03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and Boof on weekends.

Me in the wrx

>> No.4462429

This is what you want to believe anon?
There are beautifull girls(and traps) posting in /jp/ everyday....most of them are lesbians tought.

>> No.4462432

Are you the one fagging up /jp/?

>> No.4462442

There will never be another femanon like my sweet Pygma-chan... That makes me very sad.

>> No.4462443

would help if you confirm with an image of you two with a time stamp.

>> No.4462453

It's a shame meeting a girl like that is impossible because she never leaves her room and hates everybody.

>> No.4462458
File: 515 KB, 342x270, bigbird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write a story detailing your experience.

I need this for... research purposes. Yes.

>> No.4462476

>plays mmos all day

There is one way to meet them, but usually they aren't something good.

>> No.4462478

I'd be alright with a girl like this, besides the "rarely showers" part. A girl that smells horrible is a real turn-off, you know?

>> No.4462488

Way too high standards there bro. I'd take her even if she never showered.

>> No.4462489

I've actually known quite a few girls that played WoW, but the problem is that they're hard to find among all the men, and men pretending to be girls...

And of course since the male to female ratio is so skewed, chances are they've already been hit on so much by other desperate horny guys that your advances would just annoy the shit out of them, unless you proceed carefully.

>> No.4462496

She wouldn't just smell, she'd be gross and greasy and acne-covered and have a really gross vagina beyond something I ever want to see or imagine.

>> No.4462497

Well actually, I guess you may be right in a way. I mean, even if she rarely showers when we first meet, I suppose I could coax her into doing so more after a while. Then all would be good. As far as faults go, it's a pretty easy one to rectify.

>> No.4462498

I'll just leave this( >>4461630) here because female neet feet on /jp/ will never happen

>> No.4462505

For once, I agree with this tripfag.

>> No.4462512
File: 43 KB, 732x402, rav_feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously you weren't here the other day, bro.

>> No.4462513
File: 7 KB, 184x184, grabbansumpeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen how 4chan acts when trying to communicate with girls and they are pretty horribly retarded about it. If you guys smartened up it's not really that difficult to get a girl to like you - or a guy if you're into that i guess.

>> No.4462517

Well, that sort of behavior is just what's expected here. I'm sure most of these people would not act the same in a real life situation.

>> No.4462520

asdasda -1 for bump limit.

>> No.4462523

You think the bump limit really matters here?

>> No.4462528

I'm pretty sure we just passed the bump limit, and this thread will now begin its leisurely journey to page ten.

>> No.4462531
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 1240535624588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I don't mean in this thread only or something, I mean I see people on various sites and MMOs and how they are about it - be them people from 4chan or just retarded little kids in general.

So if you just don't act like those fags do you typically can get whatever you want, be it tits or a waifu.

>> No.4462545


>> No.4462556 [SPOILER] 
File: 320 KB, 960x1280, 1237870648565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a pic of my sister.

>> No.4462582


>> No.4462585

That basement has character. Hell, I wouldn't mind living in a place like that.

>> No.4462590

She's ugly, man. If you didn't say it was your sister, I'd have thought it was a fucking dude.

>> No.4462632

Wow she is scary.

>> No.4462643

Mmmm, Mountain Holler.

>> No.4462648

I thought the bump limit was 200.

>> No.4462651 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 1280x960, 1237872902578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a pic of me and her back when we didn't fight.

>> No.4462662

which one is the girl?

>> No.4462709

They're all girls.

>> No.4462716

are all tripfags girls? makes sense i guess

>> No.4462740

Surprise rape

>> No.4462743

Only a female would bother with all that jazz.

>> No.4462746

Wait... Girls don't grow beards!

>> No.4462782

You sure?

>> No.4462792

they do when they dont shower

>> No.4462792,1 [INTERNAL] 

The beginning of a legend.
