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44559238 No.44559238 [Reply] [Original]

Will Hatsunr Miku and Vocaloid in general ever comeback to mainstream again, or will it wither and die?

>> No.44560777

As long as there is an appreciable skill in personally tuning vocoders compared to human vocalists or AI vocalists, the concept of Vocaloid will carry on in some form.
The particular trademark and characters are inherently secondary to that, however, and it shows in how much of Vocaloid's character is a reflection of those who used that vocoding in a song.

>> No.44565030
File: 296 KB, 1731x369, あ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 5 months ago. Just search for vocaloid on youtube and there's gonna be lots of recent songs with millions of views...
I understand it's not 2007, but Vocaloid is far from dying. I don't get the obsession with calling things 'dead' anyway, isn't this board about niche stuff?

>> No.44566356

Vocaloid is arguably more popular than ever before. Why does /jp/ always get the notion that it isn't the case?

>> No.44566994

it's actually getting even more mainstream bc of project sekai and new jp producers! hatsune miku will NEVER die!!! yippeee

>> No.44567130

this is a board about vtubers

>> No.44567260

the last thing that we need is more mainstream attention

>> No.44572839

Project sekai made it more mainstream than ever.
There is more songs being made and more songs getting high view counts than ever before.

Get with times grandpa, it's Vocaloid renaissance now.

>> No.44573744
File: 166 KB, 560x373, 1671158471026992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're retarded if you think vocaloid isn't "mainstream" right now. please get your head out your ass and focus on the real world rather than your nostalgia

>> No.44580201
File: 328 KB, 600x783, [DBR](2298162)[gogatsu_no_renkyuu][vocaloid][hatsune_miku]cover,thigh_boots,aqua_hair,aqua_eyes,character_name,detached_sleeves,boots,very_long_hair,twintails,thighhighs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna let this thread die, OP you need to be reminded of how ignorant of a take your thread is.

>> No.44582183
File: 725 KB, 1051x1531, [DBR](5499457)[paya_(alunair)][vocaloid][hatsune_miku]heart_wand,mini_wings,waist_bow,striped_ribbon,blue_gemstone,halter_dress,white_rose,layered_dress,ribbon_choker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44583117

Their brains are stuck in 2017

>> No.44587557


>> No.44587707

My guess is that it's because nobody knows about it in the west unlike before. And faggots only care about the ones with millions of views (even now there are enough of those, like anything by deco or pinochio), vocaloid has always been about the small producers either way.

>> No.44588535

>I understand it's not 2007, but Vocaloid is far from dying. I don't get the obsession with calling things 'dead' anyway, isn't this board about niche stuff?
Anons can never find a reason for this because they'll end up grasping desperately to find a metric, without realizing that trying to grab those metrics and use it to define Vocaloid are what causes them to become retarded. If OP was dedicated enough to his craft of retardation, he'd start screaming about the Minecraft Miku memes.

>> No.44588645


>> No.44591550
File: 382 KB, 886x640, 1691922125494796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to be a nostalgiafag to unironically believe this. listen to better music and repent

>> No.44592998

Vampire > Whatever shit slop you put on replay.

>> No.44593204

DROP A LINK faggot

>> No.44593307

this is my favourite song and this is how I listen to it

>> No.44594878

Miku is not the only vocaloid
Teto is a SynthV now

>> No.44594889

go back

>> No.44594994

you can look at all the producers making songs with human vocalists now (yorushika, yoasobi as big examples)
it's hard to say that music that come from vocaloid doesn't have an impact on the japanese music scene, maybe now more than ever

>> No.44595004

Current Deco*27 is the definition of slop. He has been mass producing same creatively bankrupt songs that appeal to the lowest common denominator.
At least pick PinnochioP if you want to brag about listening to the modern mainstream vocaloid.

>> No.44595466

Stop being such a faggot hipster. What Deco makes is what the kids call "banger."

>> No.44595500

>Minecraft Miku memes.
Thankfully we didn't see those in years

>> No.44595503

Vocaloid being more popular in Japan is a good thing. I hope it will keep dying down in the West though

>> No.44595679

Deco, ayase, all the popular producers today are megaslop

>> No.44596298

>Stop being such a faggot hipster
Where do you think you are?

>What Deco makes is what the kids call "banger."
Same applies to anything popular in mainstream, that's literally how things become mainstream. At least have some standards if you are going to brag about liking the most popular things.

>> No.44596325

>Where do you think you are?
A place where anything goes, mainstream or not. Deal with it.

>Same applies to anything popular in mainstream, that's literally how things become mainstream. At least have some standards if you are going to brag about liking the most popular things.
What I like > What you like. Simple as.

>> No.44596397

Oh, you not only have no taste but also no reading comprehension.

>> No.44596413

You're so hung up over what you expect of other people. Get over it, authoritarian.

>> No.44596481

>You're so hung up over what you expect of other people. Get over it, authoritarian.
You not only have no taste and no reading comprehension, but also no self awareness...

This entire discussion started because you or someone else in >>44592998 criticized others for listening to whatever they like instead of Deco*27. I just made fun of the guy who called others' music slop while listening to most sloppy vocaloid music out there.
I do not care what others like, I like Deco*27 too(not as much his modern stuff but some are fine) and also wide range of other popular and obscure producers. Reread this conversation because you seem to lose track of what you are even talking about.

>> No.44596626


>> No.44596646

Most modern vocaloid (jpop) songs are bad because the genre has moved away from melodic tunes towards more minimal and electronic builds. And this is a bad thing.

Watch this https://youtu.be/zjlK3IwHgWM

>> No.44597695
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miku NT IS bad but most producers just stick with her older voicebanks lol

>> No.44599922

then they tune her voice TERRIBLY. to the point many old V2 songs sound better, more natural and clear

>> No.44600790

i feel like the majority of songs made are still j-pop/pop rock, even if the most popular songs are more electronic

>> No.44613591

some small producers are nice. I follow some gumi ones that are very nice

>> No.44616698

New vocaloid music just sucks now.
Talented producers like kz just moved to greener pasture

>> No.44616723

Still banger after all those years

>> No.44616740


>> No.44617691

any producers you recommend? don't really follow any specific producers these days

>> No.44617811

yeah... :(

>> No.44618260
File: 2.00 MB, 856x1250, 1672133037939195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku is dead.
Loliloids are the future.

>> No.44618643

There are new talented producers that entered the scene. You just do not bother to look for them.

>> No.44618648

example ?

>> No.44618694


Just to name a few. Of course whenever you will like them heavily depends on your personal preferences, as Vocaloid music is more diverse than ever. That's why it's important to just look out for new producers yourself. If you do not do so and the producers you've listened to 10 years ago slowly retire it's very easy to get wrong impression that there is no more good music being made.

>> No.44620377 [DELETED] 

You're right, people seem to forget that famous producers became so because they made songs that were either really good, really funny, or really unique... usually around if not over a decade ago. They've only got so much in the bank so to speak, so anons screaming about how they're all turning to shit now/recently is retarded to me. GigaP might be creatively bankrupt, but the dude also had a pretty good run of [insert number of years that (you) agree with]. He did his work and now there's plenty of other producers and voicebanks to pick up the slack. Anon's just don't want to look because, and I say this with only the most bitter of spite:

They're normalfags. 100% the same as people complaining about the yearly Call of Duty being dooty.

I'm serious. Not a damn thing in this world is more normalfag than going "I will only engage with this piece of media because it's the one I know, and when they suck I won't search for other options and instead complain because I'm mindless and have forgotten how I found out about said media in the first place". It's disgusting.

>> No.44620404

You're right, people seem to forget that famous producers became so because they made songs that were either really good, really funny, or really unique... usually around if not over a decade ago. They've only got so much in the bank so to speak, so anons screaming about how they're all turning to shit now/recently is retarded to me. GigaP might be creatively bankrupt, but the dude also had a pretty good run of [insert number of years that (you) agree with]. He did his work and now there's plenty of other producers and voicebanks to pick up the slack. Anon's just don't want to look because, and I say this with only the most bitter of spite:

They're normalfags. 100% the same as people complaining about the yearly Call of Duty being dooty.

I'm serious. Not a damn thing in this world is more normalfag than going "I will only engage with this piece of media because it's the one I know, and when they suck I won't search for other options and instead complain that 'Its dead! Its dead!' because I'm mindless and have forgotten how I found out about said media in the first place". It's disgusting.

>> No.44620860
File: 2.19 MB, 2800x1500, 1a39bf2d94d4e9a500ed8e3547e870a0f2077163ecddf7aca11a50b2ad57b89e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't call them normalfag, just confused and wrong. I was the same ~5 years ago. I had more difficult period in life and didn't really had much energy to look for new music. The idea of browsing through new stuff that probably won't live up to what I already know just to find that one or two gems was overbearing to me. I was disappointed with the old producers not making as much new stuff and not being as fresh as they used to be, and projected that onto whole scene as I knew no better.
But then I slowly started to give a listen to random new songs from new producers that get posted on vocaloid general and on main Miku channel, and then in recommendations and I realized there is still plenty of good music being made. I still love old songs, but few newer ones joined my top favs as well and I'm glad I spent some time to broaden my horizons.

>> No.44622126

not really, just specific ransom songs from random small producers. worded my thoughts wrongly, sorry. What I do is search vocaloid 6 gumi or gumi v6 on youtube and crawl though the results.

>> No.44622170


>> No.44622418


>> No.44622751
File: 72 KB, 400x400, 1b18128632d858a74057b5497eedd707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of them just sounds samey of some kind jpop or rock and uninspiring. The tuning is worst of it, the voice has that weird high pitch drag that is unnatural and unpleasant to hear. Not like i like all vocaloid from back then either and those kind of songs also exist back then that's gravitated to few producers of my liking and occasionally some nice songs by others like this.
The song sound robotic and yet still pleasant to hear, and the instrumental actually sounds nice.

>> No.44622768

>the voice sound robotic...

>> No.44622908
File: 2.35 MB, 804x434, 4897214d35f1b74090f14da42e48eeb1f44d27e2ec983467391e83501b5ddf59.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post very high pitch, jpop-y song
>wah there is no more music like this
>got recommended more music like this
>wah, why is it so high pitched and jpop-y

>> No.44622926
File: 70 KB, 735x905, bdf6fbc5b80fc4dff1d2a7a8277523cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be deaf if you can't tell there is difference between this and most of the vocaloid song by others.

>> No.44623056

And you must suffer from heavy confirmation bias if you believe this. You complain about songs being jpop while posting Redial, which is as jpop as it gets.
Hell, even the first producer on my list, r-906 is neither jpop nor rock. If anything, he is the most "inspiring" on the list.
The second, Mellowcle, one has one of the most smooth and characteristic tuning you can find.
Your response was very vague anyway and basically boils down to "I just don't like it". I'm pretty confident you didn't even bothered to actually check them out.

>difference between this and most of the vocaloid song by others.
The difference is your nostalgia googles making you disregard anything that your baby duck teen self didn't grew up listening to.

>> No.44623116

I said most, not all. I admit Mellowcle, Capchii has nice voice tuning compare to others in your list. But I also said that even back then I don't like most vocaloid songs due that same issue of weird voice pitch and overall bland instrumental.

>> No.44623146

But it can also be boil down to preference when it come to music anyway, as it has always been. And vocaloid has changed in a way that's out of of my liking.

>> No.44623166

There are songs there that aren't "some kind jpop or rock and uninspiring".
There are songs there that have smooth and interesting tuning.
You even admit that you do not like most Vocaloid songs and things that are fundamental to it like the robotic voices.

Your entire argument has no substance. At this point you are just whining for the sake of it.

>> No.44623170

anons recommend me the best ones of vocaloid music, new/old doesn't matter

>> No.44623214


>> No.44623398


>> No.44628834


>> No.44629475


>> No.44634184
File: 37 KB, 300x303, Supercell_album_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an elegant song from a more civilized age

>> No.44639226

