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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 866 KB, 1749x1079, 1693330650809187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44542203 No.44542203 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous: >>44461800

>> No.44542237

>Only 1 Nanoha collab this year
I am dreading the 20th anniversary

>> No.44542240

Good, less EoS baits this year

>> No.44542353

That was quick

captcha: J08RN

>> No.44542488

It looks like a 2013 kusoge so yeah.

>> No.44543427

Does it?

>> No.44543487

Atelier Resleriana when ?

>> No.44544929

after 404 eos

>> No.44545043

Certified kusoge

>> No.44545165

>those models

Would actually be a kamige if it had fanservice.

>> No.44545249

I am already kneeling to this kusoge

>> No.44545323

if ryza is in it i'm sure there will be some coom

>> No.44545450

is there a big collection of BRS panties yet?

>> No.44545457

>on rails atelier that is mobage only

what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.44545724

>doing reruns already
It's literally over

>> No.44545731


>> No.44545750

dmm still bans gaijin ips and i'm too lazy to use a vpn to play.

>> No.44546233

What do you mean by on rails? Is this a shooting game?

>> No.44546238

>spends 500 yen for a ticket
>eos announcement the next day

>> No.44546245

Actually surprising they managed to have a new event every week without relying on reruns for six months.

>> No.44546246

when you select a zone you only go straight on one set path, it's the same as nelke. the only difference was that nelke was primarily a town sim while this new atelier isnt.

>> No.44546634

Had the reruns started sooner it would have been even deader?

>> No.44547441

why is brown dust 2 flopping?

>> No.44547694

Not enough ballet book girls

>> No.44547742

The new Ayesha model looks great

Went a bit too hard with the coomer pandering, even fanservice needs to be done in a tasteful way and BR2 is the opposite

>> No.44547757

dailies are a chore. you can't auto the game. no point in whaling when low rarities are better. gameplay is too complex for the average nip gachabrain. the ui is really too annoying for someone playing on a small screen mobile device. packs are expensive. not enough marketing.

>> No.44547794

should I feel bad for liking it?

>> No.44547805

Post their ballet girls

>> No.44547809

You should feel bad for asking random people opinions about your choice of kusoge.

>> No.44547952

just b urself

>> No.44548054

>random people
but you guys are my friends

>> No.44548296
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>> No.44548433

No, I still have it installed but only do dailies now. The new character costumes make me cringe, the rip off one from Nikke was shameless. Chinese copy others and gooks copy themselves.

>> No.44548776
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we can still be friends even if the kusoge you like sucks

>> No.44548812
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>> No.44548858

Tautology. There isn't a kusoge that doesn't suck.

>> No.44549118

This looks like they spent all the budget on the models and just phoned in the rest.

>> No.44550540

Mobage is like 75% character graphics

>> No.44551439

Our yuri slayer game........

>> No.44551486

Their resident yurifag must have sabotaged it.

>> No.44552920


>> No.44556743
File: 80 KB, 1229x565, 1678792345200999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue Reflecion will never die, unlike the other BRS.

>> No.44558032

Will EK make it to year 1?

>> No.44558182

What's stopping EK from being the next PTD?

>> No.44558692

a rightful death for this truly dogshit game

>> No.44558763

Was it really that bad?

>> No.44559078

honestly i didn't play beyond the first day or two but it just seemed extremely mediocre at best, just nothing seemed to be special or exciting about it at all. really it's more of a shame to see the ip wasted on this kusoge.

>> No.44559605

Koei Tecmo already made an "ethics department for global audiences" anon...

>> No.44560655

But Blue Reflection Sun is owned by Koei Tecmo and it has lots of fanservice...

>> No.44563154

Anon moves goalpoasts

>> No.44564864
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muv luv bros what happened

>> No.44565342

It will unlike wds

>> No.44565566

Still doing good

>> No.44565655


>> No.44566015
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Wizardry will save the gacha industry.

>> No.44566563

No Sumika

>> No.44566681

Not with QTEs like that.

>> No.44567402
File: 98 KB, 524x295, xxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone recognize the game in the image?
I've been watching a japanese youtuber who reviews soshages, and this image appears when he was implying something like "there's no ideal game everyone likes".

>> No.44567501
File: 67 KB, 400x526, 1101anko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That hair first makes me think of Anko, but that seems unlikely.
Also, I don't think she had a card quite like that, anyway.
Also Alice Gear's Ayaka. Which I guess would be more likely, but I don't think it's quite right for her either.

>> No.44567504
File: 154 KB, 637x360, SZYhZNWFa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oshi no Ko, it's not even a game.

>> No.44567518

Post her irl enbi actor

>> No.44567549


I didn't watch Oshi no Ko, does it have to do something with anime's plot?
Or is it more about the anime itself being very popular?

>> No.44567609

It spawned a bunch of meme because of the OP lyric about something being ultimate perfect unrivaled, so I guess that was the intention of that reviewer, ie no game would ever fit that bill,

>> No.44573071
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Her game is actually doing well

>> No.44574788

Dead game SEA players not allowed

>> No.44575281

>be square enix
>only release your latest installment in JP and NA app stores
>98% of Asia excluded
but why though?

>> No.44577862
File: 3.02 MB, 1928x1080, 1675829625599450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how ESG has ruined Atelier...

>> No.44579340

Who knows. FFXIV is also still not legally available in SEA unlike their offline games

>> No.44581125

She's presenting her ass to (you), the viewer.

>> No.44581164

sasuga /ourgirl/

>> No.44581475


Are you going?

>> No.44584837
File: 374 KB, 1177x600, 6Z4CT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone gets a shitty black short now.

>> No.44584883

Engage Kill?

>> No.44584976
File: 167 KB, 1280x720, 00255f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Atelier kusoge. They go back and censor all the old designs.

>> No.44585048

Koei/Gust is a lost cause.
Samurai Maiden is the future.

>> No.44586039

all these new relatively high production gachas just fall off the cliff post launch month, has the gacha bubble burst with players having enough games on their plates?

>> No.44586148
File: 215 KB, 1200x675, 1694346095295301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, I don't have time for more games when I have this:

>> No.44586191
File: 78 KB, 1237x557, Your average new kusoge graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been talking about this, the market is saturated and most people already have a main gacha they play. If your game doesn't have something outstanding to differentiate it from others, then people just go back to their old games and stop playing. It doesn't help that many of these new gachas are also shit, launching censored (Atelier, Aster), bad balancing (Muv Luv), bad graphics (Takt Flop.), or simply an inferior version of another game (WDS, Dragon Quest Champions, Engage Killed, Yuri Camp).

>> No.44589152

why would you name an ssr cute and funny as HUANG?

>> No.44591208

flopped maiden is just a discount Senran Kagura, it has no legs no become a franchise because yurishit is faggot trash

>> No.44591323

BR had become a franchise and then killed itself.

>> No.44591333

It bothers me so much that blue reflection has a general in /vmg/

>> No.44591480

Blue reflection rests among the dead now

>> No.44591562

Still doing better than WDS

>> No.44594379

Do these flops seriously generate enough profits to make back their development cost or are game companies in full denial just throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks and they can go back to riding the gravy train?

>> No.44595027

Why do you think life expectancy for kusoge is getting shorter and shorter, and nonsensical shit like 100 days, half anniversary etc became a thing? Flops got nuked the moment they realize they can't get back their development cost.

>> No.44595213

its literal scams. Japanese companies have decided they can't compete with koreans and chinks anymore, so they're just pumping out low budget games in hopes of making a quick buck.

>> No.44595469

Money laundering.

>> No.44595496

sadly kinda agree with this point of view. a lot of jp mobages nowadays look like they could have been good 5-7 years ago lol. also is it just me or is taking an ip and trying to milk it with a dogshit kusoge way more common now?

>> No.44595533

JP companies have been operating using 2 methods, milking an existing IP since it would secure them a fanbase from that IP, cheaper and less risky, or the multi media bullshit when they waste money trying to build a new IP overnight with anime, manga, mobage, figures and whatnot.
Obviously the less risky with minimal investment method is more popular now.

>> No.44597610

>or the multi media bullshit when they waste money trying to build a new IP overnight with anime, manga, mobage, figures and whatnot.
When's the last time this actually succeeded? Uma?

>> No.44597696

More like Granblue Fantasy

>> No.44597802

>JP companies have been operating using 2 methods
They also still release new IP games without multi-media bullshit.

>> No.44597948


>> No.44597976

Gbf was a gacha game first which spun off into various ventures

>> No.44598136

Why do people pretend the Japanese market isn't dominated by Japanese games?

>> No.44598374

Most of them have short lives

>> No.44598721

>why do shitposters not care about truth
hmmm good question buddy

>> No.44598973
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Gacha game when?

>> No.44599141

After shine post

>> No.44599193

Before anyone asks, all the women wear shorts.

>> No.44603027

There is nothing to play

>> No.44603766

play old games

>> No.44604360


>> No.44604861

>play old game
Tried that with pokemon masters but
>multiple login bonuses
>dozens of gacha banners
>countless modes, missions and whatnot
Mobage is tiring

>> No.44604867
File: 650 KB, 1920x1080, 1680348149215585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every new game coming out is having censored pantsu
>this game is our last hope

pantsu bros, it's actually over...

>> No.44605065

>another IP kusoge
worked so well for yurucamp and muv luv

>> No.44605463

The censored pantsu games are all dying anyway

>> No.44605548

Yeah but the uncensored pantsu games are also all dying

>> No.44605952

Such as?

>> No.44606090

Engage Kiss

>> No.44606400
File: 96 KB, 1080x587, 1694491045190153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gust won

>> No.44606683

Censored trash

>> No.44606697

Subtract out the games that are more than 6 years old like PAD, Monster Strike, FGO, and the remaining pie is pretty much entirely dominated by Chinese/Korean games.
The point is that it's pretty much impossible for NEW Japanese games to enter the market. Companies that lucked out and have an industry behemoth on their hands can pretty much milk that cow until it becomes a shambling undead bovine but any newcomers are fucked. Even those companies that have a hit on their hand pretty much caught lightning in a bottle and can't release a new title worth shit. Look at Gungho's track record since PAD. Look at Delight Work crashing and burning. Look at Aniplex being unable to find a big hitter since FGO. Bamco and Squeenix can enter the top 10 with a new title once in a while but they're the type to bank off of an existing IP and shamelessly milk it before EoSing it within a year and releasing something new. Cygames is pretty much the only Japanese company that's managed to consistently have more than one top performing game running at a time and all their titles are dropping out of relevance now too.

>> No.44607345
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A family friendly game can have uncensored pantsu but coomer trash can't.

>> No.44607487

uncensor patch when?

>> No.44607999

I know people here keep blaming pantsu censorship on the West but my guess is that it's actually China and Korea that are the real reason. For how vocal moms and prudes are in the West, they aren't the target audience of these things anyway and thus their stuff usually wasn't taken seriously. However, China and Korea both have regulations regarding possible content in games and I imagine that it is what actually drives these games to be the way they are. Sure it doesn't fully explain things given that not all the censored games are released there anyway, but notice how in the past the West complained about ecchi but Japan didn't budge, but Japan started to budge when it was China (and Korea) that complained about it.

>> No.44608032

Eh what about Apple. Feels like the platform holder is the biggest problem.

>> No.44608153

I was speaking in general including even the downturn in pantyshots in anime. This came to mind because I know the Azur Lane anime, which was pantyshots galore, was censored in China to remove those, and after that I noticed pantyshots started to become less common in anime. I really don't think it's the West's fault since Japan had ignored Western criticisms about it for decades and from what I heard most Western fans actually don't care or even like fanservice. It's the reason why I think it's probably China that's the bigger reason.

>> No.44608235

China and Korea have the coomerest games there are. Some people's obsession with panties is the only strange thing.

>> No.44609852

Why did Tiara have to leave us behind?

>> No.44611074

90% of Japanese games aren't even allowed to release in China because the CCP blocks them for being japanese

>> No.44611204

>being foreign

>> No.44611885

If you seriously think china isn't more biased against american and japanese products you're probably on their payroll

>> No.44611903

post all the Korean games we allowed then

>> No.44612133

What's the eurojank equivalent of mobage?

>> No.44612459

When are they going to put Lapis Re:LiGHTs songs into D4DJ Groovy Mix?

>> No.44612929

Can I ask what's the significance of 700 sextillion by the way
I assume that's something like the number of stars in the entire world but I don't see any scientific estimates that pinpoint the sextillion scale, let alone 700 of them

>> No.44612969

>I don't see any scientific estimates that pinpoint the sextillion scale, let alone 700 of them
It's literally a figure from that though (estimated number of stars in observable universe)

>> No.44613048

I see quite a bit of 200 sextillion figures now that I'm looking for them
Still no 700 though

>> No.44613120

use google

>> No.44613252

I hope your favorite kusoge has enough revenue to pay off the Unity fees.

>> No.44613266

>We fill finally get less unity assets flip clones.
Maybe it's an actual good news.

>> No.44613308

How do I tell if my kusoge used Unity?

>> No.44613371

My rule of thumb, if the kusoge isn't being advertised as being an Unreal engine game, then 99% it's Unity.

>> No.44613424

I don't think Groovy Mix uses Unreal engine...

>> No.44613426

I hope a male self insert doesn't kill your favorite kusoge like it killed lapis

>> No.44613470

Why did it work out so well for Blue Reflection then?

>> No.44613622

Which games that came out this year even have a male self-insert, besides Blue Reflection and Snowbreak?

>> No.44614366

Are you sure.

>> No.44615282


>> No.44616124

Blue Archive/Nigge/Azur Lane aren't japanese

>> No.44616161

Aster self-insert isn't Noir...

>> No.44616462
File: 452 KB, 723x923, 1663997555258147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you forget about BRS and Apple literally requesting them to censor the game?

>> No.44616466

Why don't Japan make their own phones?

>> No.44616538

Censorship was already happening even before that, and it's not like they can't not censor for Android.

>> No.44616677

>Censorship was already happening even before that
Censorship of feet and cleavage in BRS wasn't happening before that.

>and it's not like they can't not censor for Android.
this is a pointless statement that applies to pretty much any argument
>it's not like they can't not censor for regions outside of korea
>it's not like they can't not censor for regions outside of china
>it's not like they can't not censor for regions outside of japan
>it's not like they can't not censor for people who don't like censorship

>> No.44616726

You're moving the goalposts. The discussion was talking about pantsu censorship and you're making it about feet and cleavage.

>> No.44616981

Well ok then, maybe Apple does or does not censor pantsu.
But Apple is definitely a major cause of the decline of ecchi content overall in mobile games.

>> No.44617073
File: 262 KB, 1280x1440, 1691095169626330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the devs of Twinkle Starknights apparently tried to get their game on the app store with a censored version but they got rejected anyway lol. so it's only PC and Android (dmm store).

>> No.44617090

>literally a spinoff of eroge with a porn version already
>getting it on official store
I mean I've heard of censored FANZA games getting on Google Play before but what did they expect really

>> No.44617091

back to your containment thread dmmfag

>> No.44617688

I want Tiara to come back

>> No.44618189

Tiara and 3 others from Lapis Re:LiGHTs are being added to D4DJ as the reverse isekai unit. Who are the 3 members and who will be the DJ?

>> No.44618359

>/ourgirl/ in D4DJ
Wouldn't that just kill it faster?

>> No.44618369

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.44618375

Of course not.

>> No.44621289
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>> No.44621339

That's a bloomer, pantsufreak.

>> No.44621424

I tried to find that game but it 404 on me.

>> No.44621967

NTA but other characters in 404 do have actual pantsu

>> No.44622038
File: 77 KB, 529x638, pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44623104

I don't know what so different about their case. There are a few FANZA games that originally have sex on the Google Play store with the sex removed. I was under the impression that removing the sex and just making them wear some skimpy undergarments during the transform scenes (my personal preference over mosaic censoring) would have been enough to get TSK on there, seeing as to what other games get away with. But I guess not. Really disappointing to hear, given how popular it is on FANZA/DMM and how much getting on to the store may have helped them take off even more.

>> No.44623301

Like I said, maybe the difference is that it's a spinoff to an existing eroge
That doesn't have a R18 version on FANZA running concurrently

>> No.44623449

Could be but Action Taimanin is also based off of an eroge series, isn't it? It's only google play, rated 12+ no less. And stuff like Imys is made by an eroge developer, and has crossover events with their eroge and its still on the store.

>> No.44624658

hate this mc

>> No.44625027

no bitches?

>> No.44625274

theres a hot evil lady

>> No.44626586
File: 111 KB, 829x675, 1675874205247198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the end for mobile games?

>> No.44626606

Only f2p ones

>> No.44626667

Doesn't most Japanese mobage use criware?

>> No.44627196

So it's actually over? All the games we play here are F2P and most use Unity.

>> No.44628225

this is just internet outrage of the month, literally nothing will happen. Big company will back down just like they always do just to announce that their license is now 3 times as expensive

>> No.44629320

Imagine this quality of 3D in Unreal Engine on your mobile devices.

>> No.44629494

its time for a dark age or renaissance

>> No.44629512

Criware is a game engine?
For some reason I thought it was some aniticheat program for all this time

>> No.44629532

It's a middldware because devs can handle simple 2D game making themselves, unlike 3Dshit game devs.

>> No.44629671

Audio/Video middleware. It works alongside a game engine.

>> No.44630206
File: 3.64 MB, 1820x2570, F55I0ZiaMAAcfDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck Nanjo's character transitioned into male-ish ballet costume. She was wearing tutus before.

>> No.44630282

Did they undergo breast reduction?

>> No.44630300

I feel like their beasts are getting bigger, especilally MC has been corrupted to show cleavage now (not shown in that poster).

>> No.44630309

Why does she look like Haruna from CUE!.

>> No.44630548


This looks just like World Dai Star. Coincidence or Bandai Namco?

>> No.44630884

Still looks like Guitar Hero

>> No.44632025

Who does?

>> No.44635966

I miss Lapis...

>> No.44637080

I miss Tiara

>> No.44637942
File: 78 KB, 1236x563, 1682329072607051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a month in
What went wrong? Is it now impossible for games not based on a popular IP to be successfull?

>> No.44637968

HBR is doing OK

>> No.44638169

Would be weirder if it doesn't flop.

>> No.44639518

game feels like a slog to get through, at least it did for me. i'd rather they just do an actual reboot of phantom of kill.

>> No.44640168

The new installation fee will affect Unity-based soshage(so all of them). They will become less f2p-friendly and more prone to eos.

>> No.44640321

It's time for the rise of paid games.

>> No.44640464

The curse of the black voids

>> No.44640516

Too much, the game just beomces more and more tedious the further you progress.
Same, after the route selection the enemies start leveling way faster than you do and getting anything for the skill tree is a pain.
And that doesn't even touch the gear issue.

>> No.44642959

Unity said they will waver the fee if you use their ad system. So it will be the rise of the ad-infested soshage instead.

>> No.44643625

Google Ads bros...

>> No.44643675

Can /g/ bros tell me if Groovy Mix uses Unity engine?

>> No.44644057

Download and unpack the apk.

>> No.44644538

PTD was kill
Engage Kill is

>> No.44646414

That doesn't sound very legal.

>> No.44646634
File: 2.28 MB, 720x720, 1687631648633437.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44650186
File: 347 KB, 1528x1016, bump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44651701


>> No.44652805

Why are WDS and Aster already declining? Aster's already heading to the 200s and WDS's newest event didn't even make it reach the Top 100 and it's already going down again.

>> No.44652896

Better than D4DJ Groovy Mix is in 800s on iOS.

>> No.44652970

Groovy Mix is already years old. WDS and Aster are still new.

>> No.44653552

Niche games. Niche player population. Niche revenue.

>> No.44653744

WDS is an inferior Project Sekai
Aster is just a kusoge.

>> No.44653916

>Aster is just a kusoge.
Because of the black voids or even without that?

>> No.44655130

You now remember Shine Post at the TGS last year.

>> No.44655378

No one spends money on games to look at black voids.

>> No.44655429

Do we even have games without black void these days? Mobage or not. Nep, Atelier etc have all fallen right?

>> No.44657165

WDS, also Atelier is shorts not voids, dunno about Nep.

>> No.44659133

Samurai Maiden

>> No.44662449
File: 444 KB, 1290x1686, alt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many homos

>> No.44662461

Atelier is yuribait and hetchadcore

>> No.44662464

ff7 ever crisis? it has tifa pantsu and 404 has some pantsu but also has void

>> No.44662470

Atelier Wrestlemania?

>> No.44662655

battle royal cage match hype

>> No.44662728

Wow fast. Something to look forward to.

>> No.44663587

>ff7 ever crisis? it has tifa pantsu

How come some characters have pantsu and others have voids?

>> No.44663616

lmao i've been talking about the post gacha world for a while pay attention. also no rrefunds!
making back whatever they've spent from otaku lmao
I'd play that lol

>> No.44665244

How do we revive Lapis?

>> No.44665382

Add the songs to d4dj

>> No.44667224

That would only kill it further

>> No.44669053

Any fun English games that aren't too heavy on the gameplay side?

>> No.44669265

lol that's what I read it as at first too

>> No.44669418

Idoly Pride

>> No.44669512

Honkai star rail has auto combat

>> No.44670623

Blue Archive

>> No.44671479

How come BA recovered from DOA status but almost every other DOA game remained DOA?

>> No.44672360

Is there literally nothing upcoming other than Atelier and Idolmaster Shiny Colors?

>> No.44672497

In regards to anime I thought that tv ratings might have gotten stricter.

>> No.44673007

The devs used their PR budget to commission fanart from lolicon artists instead of doing shitty giftcard giveaways

>> No.44673156

dead or alive beach volleyball gacha when

>> No.44673357

Did that actually happen? I vaguely remember there being some astroturfing campaign about BA but I don't know if that was what actually saved it.

>> No.44673400

wizardry variants daphne

>> No.44673447

I don't want to touch a high difficulty game with macrotraction.

>> No.44673554

zatch bell kusoge but the cbt got delayed

>> No.44674186

How do we revive Compass anon?

>> No.44674442
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a mega man collab got announced some maybe he’ll post but I’m playing again for it

>> No.44674979

YuYuYui console version pricing is insane.
8,778円 for one game/volume, 41,800円 for a box set of 4 volumes, so 93,600円 for all of them.

>> No.44675032
File: 2.77 MB, 600x3380, image-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of the Compass news stream from earlier starting with the main stuff:

The next collab is with Mega Man Battle Network and will run from the 25th ~ 15th October. MegaMan.EXE will be added to the game as the latest gunner along with costumes for Atari, Justice, Novice Hero, Ignis and Bugdoll.

MegaMan's hero action charges up variable sword - the longer you charge, the more hits it deals (max 3) and the farther its range.
His hero ability reduces the cooldown on offensive cards whenever he kills an enemy
His hero skill temporarily gives him Zeta Cannon that acts as a fifth card and behaves like normal long range cards. It has a short cooldown and one-shots anyone hit, however it does not pierce shields.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3qB26YeL-k

A new map will be added after maintenance on the 19th. The map is Namara Moo Moo Park and, as the name implies, features cows.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5bdC1dVefo

New Halloween costumes for Blaze Dragon, Pororotcho, Megumegu and Nidhogg will be available for the duration of October.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBHNzosf5CM

On to other improvements, the card gacha rates will now be fixed at 80% R, 18% SR and 2% UR (modified from 90%/9%/1%) - this will not apply to free and some event gachas.

A series of new tutorial missions will be made available for players below S1 - these will replace the current ones and will give players a set of 4 SR cards along with the ability to gain some solid UR cards from what looks like a tutorial points shop.

A new collab UR card currency will be added - every 40 rolls on a collab gacha will give you 1 collab UR ticket. You can then exchange 20 of these tickets for a specific collab UR card. Tickets are unique to each collab, so you cannot spend tickets gained during the MegaMan collab on cards from e.g. a Steins;Gate rerun.

An invite campaign will be active for the duration of the MegaMan collab - newly invited (not sure if returning players count) players can get a MegaMan gacha ticket and inviters can get UR tickets in return.

As a general gift, 2525BM and a free UR gacha will be available to everyone at a later date.

Finally, the 7th anniversary event will be on the 23rd December.

That's all for now! Please excuse the minuscule images

>> No.44675514

that's about the price of a spark in GBF lmao. enjoy the post gacha world everyone

>> No.44675698

You get free gems in GBF but not in fiat

>> No.44675740

Price doesn't matter when most will pirate the game now.

>> No.44675858

What if it comes with Denuvo on Switch, and never comes out on PC?

>> No.44676054

*bell ring* Thank you for your patronage.

>> No.44680834
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new game from Donuts

>> No.44682860

Pantsu status?

>> No.44684381
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>> No.44685651

I want to bang her dream if you see what I mean.

>> No.44685787

BA managed to foster a really strong art community and had a bunch of characters/alts that took twitter by storm. I think it really started getting big around the 1.5 anniversary and exploded with the final chapter/anniversary 2
But yeah post launch things felt pretty dire even though looking back on it, it wasn't that bad

>> No.44687138
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It's up.
2525BM has been sent via mail and the free UR gacha is available until the 15th

>> No.44688358

never been confirmed but there have been so many different incidents implying it that at this point it might as well be

>> No.44688513

It happened for sure. I still know nothing about the game beyond it having biracial booba bunny girls after that content was spammed across twitter and pixiv.

>> No.44688895

Is BA even doing well financially? It sounds like another GFL.

>> No.44689043

In a year from its bunny marketing, BA moved from top 200 grossing to firmly holding top 10 to 20 last month.
It's likely well.

>> No.44689760

It's doing better financially than any other kusoge discussed in this thread.

>> No.44690033

New WDS event looks super mid for a Cheerleader event. Is it even made for men players?

>> No.44690208


>> No.44691627
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How come Love Live girls don't wear towels in bath? I thought Towels are required by NATO or whatever alphabets anons keep talking about.

>> No.44691636

Check the /vmg/ thread for WDS.

>> No.44693152

so since aster was a thorough disappointment what's next on the chopping block?

>> No.44693256
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Atelier if they can’t get the last pre register goal

>> No.44693295

Very necessary feet fanservice

>> No.44693328

Should've not region locked the Steam version. With the power of china (assuming it's locked there as well), this could've been easy.
I'm sure they'll "just happen to meet it" anyways though.

>> No.44693385

don't a lot of mobages do this nowadays anyway? i feel like prereg means nothing anymore because it can easily be fabricated to magically hit the last goal and if you don't meet all of them it's just looks awful

>> No.44693653

I feel like the rate of kusoge releases slowed down a lot
Is everyone trying to make proper games now or what's the deal

>> No.44695210
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Why didn't Sarasa get her own game to challenge Atelier?

>> No.44695268

This is fucking bizarre. What are they smoking?

>> No.44696023

there was one recent? kusoge that didn’t but they gave out anyway. don’t know if that one is still alive or not

>> No.44699785

Will censorship kill Atelier Resleriana?

>> No.44701450

It is already killing it.

>> No.44702528

NetEase won

>> No.44702745

It looks good. Now I'm more curious about its plans for monetization and how it will affect user experience.

>> No.44703478

>looking back on it, it wasn't that bad
It was still doing better than Lapis, D4DJ, or WDS?

>> No.44703490

This is not how a mobile game should look like.

>> No.44704031

Atelier available to download but like other kusoge doesn’t allow you to pre download data

>> No.44704323

Why did Engage Kill fail?

>> No.44704581

star rail got released

>> No.44704620

Wabi Sabi

>> No.44704657

Why did world dai star fail despite the incesant yurifag shilling?

>> No.44704692
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Lack of Real Yuri (capital letter yuri) due to the need of plausible deniability for the no homo waifu/haremChads.

>> No.44704949

Neither failed

>> No.44705609

takt op might be the most disappointed with a gacha i've ever been
has beautiful characters by LAM and nice arrangements
the game is a drag and the gacha is shit

>> No.44706025

It should have been a porn game.

>> No.44706506
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>> No.44706552

Now kiss (I mean its story is written by Teren Mikami)

>> No.44707405

>no emulator allowed supposedly
I wonder if there will be region lock when downloading the data

>> No.44707710

looking for a mobage that is region locked, will never have a global version, and resonates with my trad values
what mobage to play?

>> No.44707812

Blue Reflection Sun

>> No.44710463

black rock shooter

>> No.44711798
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>> No.44712527

They cheated

>> No.44715507
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Wizardry Variants Daphne is going to be having a closed beta next month. Not too long until it comes out.

>> No.44715576

Why couldn't they make it more anime?

>> No.44718371

I can do the 2 GB predownload without needing a VPN at least

>> No.44720040

what's the next gook archive?

>> No.44720191
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Why is Koei pandering to Yuri now? Will this make people play their game?

>> No.44720316

name 1 yuri game that has shut down in the last 20 years

>> No.44720855

Girl's Frontline 2.

>> No.44720884

Lapis Re:Lights
>inb4 sensei
Sensei existing and being the self-insert does not preclude the girls being yuri.

There's also Kirara Fantasia.

>> No.44720893

Did they kiss?

>> No.44722576
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it’s up. tutorial pull that you have to do guaranteed one of these four characters. you get enough gems/whatever for a multi pull after you collect the freebies

>> No.44722653

>game hangs on tap to start

>> No.44722902
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Check the roulette thingy in the gem shop, you get Honkai Star Rail ads lmao

>> No.44723390

apparently, Mihoyo is planning to reboot Honkai Impact 3rd into what looks like another Genshin clone. It's so over

>> No.44723429

It's draining my phone battery so you don't really lose much

>> No.44723445

Ange Vierge

>> No.44723611

Makes sense, original 3rd already had it's own little mini-openworld bit.
Started to get pretty samey, though. At least, as of when I dropped it. Think I heard they've added more since.
Combat demo being in a big arena also gives me a worse first impression than >>44702528.
Probably not really a fair comparison off just one first preview, but my mind goes there anyway since they both seem to be aiming for the "urban open-world RPG" space.

>> No.44723801

They are already done with the main story in HI3, now they can do whatever they want with its corpse, it really doesn't matter anymore.

>> No.44723813

I rerolled a little on my phone but yeah it's hotter than I like it. I'll wait and see if an app update rolls out by tonight or tomorrow for fix for my other device before I keep going.

>> No.44723884


>> No.44724378
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I only wish they'd at least dedicate a bit of time to flesh out part 2 like what they're doing with ZZZ. They are planning to release this half-baked Genshin/HSR asset swap "game" in 2024. The new characters all look same-y. There are little to no variations in them. The outfit designs look too cluttered and they completely gave up on giving them plugsuits, mech, or tokusatsu attire. They're turning the game into another Genshin clone and honestly, it's rather insulting.

>> No.44724448

You may not like it but this is what nu-Mihoyo fans want.
