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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44536621 No.44536621 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the jannie deleting on-topic Touhou threads? This has been happening quite a lot recently, but just tonight


Neither of these threads are even noteworthy, /jp/ has had cosplay threads for ages. They didn't derail into porn dumps or anything, in fact they barely started. Why go after these threads when there's garbage like >>44534977 and >>44532732 on the board?

Is there some new rule change? If the jannie saying that because cosplay has its own board it should be posted there instead of here (lmao)? Or do they just have some personal vendetta against it?

>> No.44536698

>Or do they just have some personal vendetta against it?
Probably this one.

>> No.44536715
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>there's garbage like...
Those are pretty much under /jp/ standard, just as much as Touhou threads.
Remember what /jp/ is.

>> No.44536747

Gotta make room for the half dozen failed hololive generals

>> No.44536755

Maybe if you literal faggots did not use it as a excuse to erp and jerk each other off the jannies would not have any problem with them.

>> No.44536787

Can you show us the ERP in either of those threads? Also if that complaint was valid many other threads on /jp/ would be removed (kig, vtuber, etc)

>> No.44536798
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/jp/ is dying, keep posting to kill it faster

>> No.44536819

I'm extremely lonely and I use ERP to cope and to keep myself sane

>> No.44537225

I believe you're a /vt/ falseflagger, posting obviously low quality threads to kill old v-whore threads so they can spam.
/jp/ threads are, per se, quite shitty, but don't think it isn't discernible from genuine shitty, funposting threads. creating copypaste threads from archived ones, vague one phrase threads where it is obvious OP never stays in it; all of those are very, very suspicious.

>> No.44537327

Why the fuck would a /vt/umor be complaining about vtubers even in a falseflag? And regardless the first thread was having genuine discussion so your theory is null. Hell there are even examples in the OP of threads that WOULD meet the criteria of trash made obviously to bump the vtumor threads.

>> No.44537458

Lol you're so funny porn spammer. Trying to play the victim. Do you know why your first thread was deleted?
Fag. We had a normal Touhou crossdressing thread a few months ago. The only reason your fag threads were all deleted were because they were all lame bait, made by a loser spammer. You'll never fit in, you /v/ermin.

>> No.44537482

You seem really unwell, can you show the porn you're complaining about? This should be easy, the threads are posted right there for everyone to see, just link the post.

>> No.44537510

Here's your porn spam thread, fag.

>> No.44537522

Anon that is a different thread completely unrelated to either thread in the OP.

>> No.44537555

It's a thread made by the same person. When that porn thread was deleted, the crossdress thread was deleted at the same time. This is not a coincidence!

>> No.44537591

Or the jannie was on a deleting spree. Regardless the thread shouldn't have been deleted, especially the second thread.

>> No.44537680

That's a good thread though. Vtuberfags like you hate it I can tell.

>> No.44537701

Remember that a normal Touhou crossdressing thread hit bump limit on /jp/ this year.
Now ask yourself why that thread wasn't deleted and why both of these threads were
tl dr fuck off /v/ spammer. Fuck off with your catbox links. You will never fit in.

>> No.44537766
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What the hell is going on

>> No.44537773

You're cute when you deny stuff like that

>> No.44538832

The OP of the first one
>why do boys cosplay as touhou girls
Is pretty obviously a gay dog whistle, i doubt it would stay on topic. If the op had any interest in cosplay it would say "cosplay thread general" or whatver, like the kig thread for example. The second one was posted im response to the deletion of the first one and jannies do not like that so it was taken out.

>> No.44539212

>cosplay thread general
People bitch all the time about new generals being made here

>> No.44539322

I do believe he's referring to the fact that most cosplay threads devolve into fags posting gay cosplay porn. Though I can't be sure

>> No.44539791

There's an entire board for this crossplaying stuff, the threads are filled with attention whores - which has another board purely for that, and it's inviting offtopic discussion. Just go to /cgl/. Or /trash/ if you want to roleplay.
This isn't even a meta thread, this is just a guy crying over mods removing his ERP thread.

>> No.44539801

There's multiple guys behind it, not just one.

>> No.44540008

The ERP so prevalent it wasn't in either deleted thread and no one can link it but just trust me bro it was there and NO DON'T LOOK AT THE VTUBER THREAD WHERE I FANTASIZED PUBLICLY ABOUT A TWITCH STREAMER GIRL'S FEET AND OTHERS GOAD ME ON
