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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44529693 No.44529693 [Reply] [Original]

last night I had a dream where I called myself a youkai exterminator and walked around at my city fair with a shotgun because i read a touhou doujin taking place at a festival

>> No.44531975
File: 234 KB, 442x442, Maristaatsicherheit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated, but nice image.
That a real Luger or a toy?

>> No.44532171

I daydream about Kanako often.

>> No.44532600

not my image, i wish i had a luger
i had a roach k98 at some point but traded it because i couldnt afford to fix or shoot it

>> No.44532649
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The overlap between /k/ and /jp/ is astounding. It never fails to surprise me.
I wish I had a G43, or an SVT, but alas I was born a eurofaggot.

Gunhu thread?

>> No.44532755

I still haven't managed to get a good daydream about reincarnation in Gensokyo. It's frustrating because I used to have extra long daydreaming sessions when I was younger, yet now I get bored quickly. I can't dream at all so daydreaming is the only option for me

>> No.44532869
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I used to walk an hour every day because I was/am too retarded to take the bus, and in that time I used to daydream about falling in through a gap and starting a western-style farm in Gensokyo outside the human village making money from selling distilled booze and small metal objects that japanese manufacturing wasn't really capable of manufacturing at the time Gensokyo was created, stuff like metal cups, door hinges, nails etc.
SSiB has a copy of nature fall in, and the whole reason they propel the "rocket" with magic is just because Patchy couldn't figure out what the hell the fuel was, so with a little outsider knowledge I bet I could have a competetive edge over anyone but the kappa, and they're too spergy to put together a normal tool/object.

And then I use the money to make my dream arsenal. I have thought too long about this.

>> No.44532889

Very respectable day dream

>> No.44532894

I can't really daydream about going myself to Gensokyo. I don't think I'd be able to interact with the girls.

>> No.44533185

Dream? Not at all.
Daydream? Of course. My daydreams are extremely vivid and I can easily get into multi-hour long sessions of me just pacing around with my eyes unfocused and some kind of staff in my hand (I like to swing stuff around). Can't say I actually want to get into Gensokyo though, since getting back out would be very difficult and there really isn't a lot inside of it for me, but who knows. Maybe with my luck I'll end up taking it over in record time or something.

I'm sure something out there exists similar to Gensokyo IRL. Its not worth going into details, but there's an unimaginable amount of "existence" invisible to 99.999% of people.

>> No.44535007

all the time
sometimes i get lost deep in my dreams and need an hour or so to return to reality

>> No.44535104
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I sometimes imagine cuddling with my waifu, that's about it.

Every thread is a gunhu thread if you believe in yourself

>> No.44535591
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I've only ever had two Touhou dreams, the first was that Yukari was snuggling up to me in a bed. Some force was preventing me from looking at her face but I could look elsewhere and her hair and outfit were hers. Once I started holding her she giggled and then the dream ended right after. The second dream was the next night and was almost the same as the first. The difference was she was holding a smartphone within my view, it showed a picture of her smug fucking face on it. The dream went and ended the same way otherwise. What a bizarre prank. Fuck you Gappy.

>> No.44535675

I had a dream were I was just walking randomly on a city I've never been in. Yorihime, Sagume and Junko were there but I don't remember why nor how they were involved with the dream.

>> No.44537042
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whenever i get pissed off about how much a reproduction FAL costs over here i realize that the US is one of the few first world countries where you can actually own an FAL to begin with
that said, i've always had dreams of eventually buying a milling machine and making illegal guns somewhere off in the middle of nowhere for fun
i really want a suomi smg but you cant even get those here in the US without making one yourself from a kit and jumping through a bunch of hoops to try and make it legal, so if i'm making it i'd rather just hide it from the government and build an automatic one
an automatic sten would also be cool

>> No.44537547
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getting my degree soon
functioning member of society

however since like 2012 i've spent more time in my head than in the real world daydreaming about a ton of shit

so yes i do daydream about 2hu either imagining a comfy take it easy life with one or more 2hus (usually at mayohiga) or some fag shonen self insert shit

>> No.44537609

I only have the Koishi dream that I had years ago. I have shared it in similar threads before. I still think she was an odd one to have such an accurate dream about since I didn't really think about her at all then.

>> No.44537913
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I think I had one where Yuuka was hugging me in bed while naked (as I sleep)
Not particularly sexually, just warm and loving.
I want to go back...

>> No.44538761

I daydream about pretty much every single media i am consuming at moment. When i visit this board i draydream about 2hu, when listening to music i make up scenarios and when play video games i daydream about the game's world, even horror ones.

>> No.44539800

I had one a long while ago.

I had recently broken a mouse, and Raiko, Benben and Yatsuhashi apparently found this to be a grave insult. I was to be punished for treating my tools poorly, and this punishment meant I had to be chopped into bits, stuffed into a tool (a tuba that they picked up somewhere), and live like this for some time (100 years?) until I earned back my human rights.

Anyway, I winded up as a disembodied viewpoint inside the tuba, and watched Seiga try to convince the tsukumogami to sell my leftover bits to her. It was very cramped, and I wanted to vomit all the while.

>> No.44539832

Can't remember any cases of dreaming about Touhou, but I definitely daydream about it semi-frequently. Usually it is just the same old banal "comfy waifufag daydreaming" you'd expect from most /jp/ Anons though.
>or some fag shonen self insert shit
Own it. Nothing wrong with shonen-style self-insert daydreaming. It sounds like a good indicator of strong self-direction to me, if nothing else.

>> No.44539845

Is Gensokyo something you'd actually like to exist or is it incompatible with the world in its current state?

>> No.44539880

I'd like it to exist because it would open the door to other paranormal things to exist too.

>> No.44539892

I'd rather it not exist because you have no idea how many fatherless children I would leave behind there. It'd be like if Zeus and Genghis Khan fused into a singular entity defined by its ability to evade parental obligations.

>> No.44539893

Then let it be!

>> No.44539981

only if i could actually live there, it'd be an absolute dream to live in a tax free world where no one will find it weird if i do strange shit, and i could just get some cheap labor by bribing a bunch of fairies and oni to work for me by making candy and alcohol for them, i'd be unstoppable

>> No.44540149

Not anymore but I used to daydream about my favorite characters from another series teleporting to Gensokyo through non-Yukari means, becoming half-youkais in the process and interacting with Touhou characters in middle school. I would also imagine my teachers as Touhou characters during that time.

>> No.44540206

You'd get eaten and killed by a yokai within five minutes of entering gensokyo.

>> No.44542541

We are simply built different anon.
No you-kee will dare eat someone with divine guidance.

>> No.44542546 [SPOILER] 
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Don't project your skill issues onto me. There's only one fate that awaits a youkai that crosses my path.

>> No.44549841
File: 445 KB, 878x851, takeiteasymarisa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see Marisa Kirisame handle a 40mm automatic grenade launcher while under supressing fire from the SDM's fairy slaves armed with SKS's.

>> No.44549854

Dreams ain't dreams
