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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44506151 No.44506151 [Reply] [Original]

You're Here Forever Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>44375043
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10590337
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Watching Videos
Previous Photo Challenge: Books

For sex dolls, go to /ona/:
>>44470111 (Cross-thread)
(Dollhos have been discontinued for years. Try one of the 60cm dolls from Six House Dolls instead.)

Addendum: Some anons wants to meet up at the anime convention known as Tsubasacon, held in Charleston, West Virginia on October 6-8. First /jp/ meetup incoming?

>> No.44506186
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>You're here forever
Oh, but I never want to leave

>> No.44506764
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What is she painting /bjd/?

>> No.44506776
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Here, I'll go first

>> No.44506818
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>> No.44506837
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>> No.44506906
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>> No.44506915
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>> No.44506966
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>> No.44506990
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>> No.44507030
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>> No.44507099
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>> No.44507193


>> No.44507245
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Has anyone got the new MDD body yet? What are the opinions on it? I've heard some JP grumbling about aesthetics, but praise on the posing.

>> No.44507576
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>> No.44507642


>> No.44507963

Is it actually taller? That's really disappointing. Honestly after waiting for it for so long...I'm underwhelmed. I had hoped for a mochi version and it doesnt seem like that is going to happen either.

>> No.44508427

Rozen Maiden lewds

>> No.44508594

No, the height is the same so far as I know, the vinyl's just been re-cut. I'm also hoping for a mochi-ashi body... On that note, I am considering seeing if I can use an MDD frame for Imomodoll parts. Will report back whenever shipping is kind enough to deliver my stuff.

>> No.44509656
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I've been distracted lately and these weren't my best effort. But hey, it's September. I tried for a duality type of thing with a last flash of summer and the coming of fall between my two outfits this month.

>> No.44509668
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>> No.44509679
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>> No.44509686
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Last one

>> No.44510592

>ywn a tradwife doll
ahh I suffer

>> No.44510988
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>> No.44512053

How did they make the wig do that?

>> No.44512136

I think they use something like hair wax.

>> No.44512641

Curious noob here: I’ve seen doll clothes range from $45-ish for an outfit to hundreds for a single dress. Besides the obvious things like design, what makes people want to choose more expensive clothes for their doll?

>> No.44512658

Probably the level of finish. The exact same clothes can look like cheap garbage or amazing depending on how well they're sewn.

>> No.44512729

Level of craftsmanship and quality of materials are a good start, but exclusivity is where the price starts soaring. Getting a one of a kind dress that's well made and from fine materials is what's going to drive a high price, and some collectors value that a lot. Whom is making the clothes matters too, just like human clothes certain designers command higher prices because they can.

>> No.44513176

Oh, it's those two this time!
There are a few artifacts you can clean up, along the arm with the umbrella, under the binder, etc. You kinda have to zoom in to see most of them though.
I believe you put the seam of the uniform skirt on the front. It would probably be slightly better if you hid it behind or on a side.
The last picture is quite relaxing, the uniform, the bench and the school background go well together. Lovely pics overall!

>> No.44513604

>monthly expenses hit me like a bulldozer again
I'll never be able to afford her

>> No.44513846

also wow you did a really good job on the backgrounds this time
on a side note, since photos are a regular monthly thing, what do your girls do the rest of the month?

>> No.44514122

What other expenses come with a BJD? Do you need a basic kit of stuff? Are they easy to break if you're not experienced? Is it more difficult to buy clothes for dolls that aren't DD et cetera?

>> No.44514157

Thank you for the feedback, that skirt tricked me! I could've sworn it was a side zip when I put it on her. Dang, I didn't notice. I'm usually better about cleaning up artifacts, I'll have to redouble efforts.
thank you! As for what they do for the rest of the month; if it's a stain safe outfit (or I've taken precautions with bodysuits/body tape) I pose them on top of my shelves in my office so I can enjoy them all month in the outfit. If it's not stain safe, I change them to something white and then again pose them on the shelf. I like having them where I can see them.
Occasionally I'll get a wild hair and take a picture for a random idea or for one of the photo game threads on DollDreaming.

>> No.44514247

>basic kit of stuff
Yeah, there's some general quality of life things to get:
a flat bristle children's toothbrush, it's one of the best doll hair brushes and should only cost a few dollars.
A stand is a must.
Dream Rescue from volks or any acne medication that has benzoyl peroxide in it. Stains are eventual and you'll need it.
white tak is fantastic for keeping eyes in, or stubborn props that won't stay in a hand.
They aren't easy to break, and they're pretty intuitive in how they move. They are modular, and option parts are easy to get to replace anything you do break or stain too badly to salvage. Clothes are easy for most dolls, and incredibly easy for DDs. Etsy is overflowing with people making their own, and resellers from overseas storefronts like Taobao and Booth.

>> No.44514408

How do you pose the eyes? I thought they were locked in with some sort of mechanism but I saw they're held with putty instead. Do you use a tool to shift the line of sight?
These are probably dumb questions that are answered on videos etc. but there's no comprehensive starter guide.
Clothes especially worry me because I'll buy a Doll Chateau (hopefully) and they have weird proportions.

>> No.44514431
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>> No.44514477

You can pose them manually with the white tak or use can use a posing kit. Volks makes a kit called the dream fitter I think. It's nice but a little hard to use in my experience.

>> No.44514530

If you're getting a Doll Chateau, you won't have to worry about staining since they're resin. Maintenance for them is going to be a very different set of rules from vinyl girls, as they don't have an internal skeleton, but are 'traditional' strung ball joint dolls. This means that there are multiple elastic strings inside the doll that give tension to the pieces for structure. I still recommend the toothbrush and stand, but you'll need some other tools for restringing as the elastic will eventually loosen and need to be replaced.

>> No.44514631
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finally got something better than my phone to take photos.

>> No.44514736

Those are super blue eyes! Are they glass?

>> No.44514798

About restringing: how long before this is needed on a 70cm doll? Roughly of course

>> No.44514984

yes they are glass, it's a myou doll.

>> No.44515019

Once a year on average is what I was always told, your mileage may vary. But you'll know when it's time as the joints get floppy and they won't stand on their own as well.

>> No.44515194

>Once a year on average
Seems reasonable.
Can dolls this size actually stand without support? Another anon mentioned a centaur that had special locks on his joints so that he could stand, but he's particularly heavy.

>> No.44515223
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Yes, but not well. We do it everyday without thinking but balancing on two legs is actually quite difficult.

>> No.44515234

A lot of them have various tips and tricks to be able to stand, if they're engineered well. It can take some balancing and fiddling, but most dolls should be able to stand unaided if properly strung and balanced. There are exceptions- fantasy bodies with weird weight distribution or something- but as a general rule they should be able to stand. If not, stands help- and either way, stands help tremendously for peace of mind. My centaur boy can stand but oh it's scary trusting him under his own weight! But he's absolutely the exception due to him just being fucking large. Do not know how people with Doll Chateau Snowborn do it.

>> No.44515271

Wait a second is that Suigintou actually yours?

>> No.44515497

I guess in my head I imagine that with 4 legs it'd be more stable than on two but then remembering how heavy he must be it's not hard to see how the knees might just buckle if the string tension isn't good or if the joints aren't engineered well...

>> No.44515532

Has anyone played around with dyeing wigs? I'd like to dye the tips of a blond wig pink for that gyaru look. Easy as mixing up some RIT, dipping the very tips, letting it run up the ends, and washing out after?

>> No.44515657

So Doll Chateau has been recently dismissing a ton of models. So much stuff seems to have a 2-3 years lifespan. I'm starting to worry that Gladys will get discontinued within next year. How popular is she? The face sculpt is quite conventionally pretty.

>> No.44515730
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>> No.44515759

Looks amazing. That's one of my favorite dolls I've seen so far. She's a custom, right?

>> No.44516046
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Yeah. Shortly before Dolk announced their Shinku, I ordered a Ringdoll and set her up as my own Suigintou. I'd like to get a higher quality outfit for her, since the one I got is a little cheap and bulky. For now I have some alternate outfits for her.

>> No.44516169

For clothes, there's a specific size of 1/6 that match for several brands. Clothes made for Blythe and Pure Neemo (other than specifically S sizes that don't fit M and above) fit each other and also Obitsu 24. Blythe is insanely popular and Azone is constantly releasing Pure Neemo clothes so if you want something more budget than a Dollfie consider this size, you won't be starved for clothes (hats and accesories however...).

>> No.44516399
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Trying to work on my doll photography and editing skills. Any thoughts on how I can improve?

>> No.44516521

This is pretty anon! I really like your soft shadows and her eye contact with the camera. Honestly, the best thing you can do is keep experimenting. Maybe pick up some books on posing -- a lot of the technical skills in this book doesn't apply to dolls versus humans (because so much of a doll's appearance is fixed, whereas people have much more varied and dynamic appearances at any angle,) but a lot of the fundamentals absolutely do transfer over. It's a good place to start!

>> No.44516531

I'm no expert but I think throwing another light to remove the harsh shadows would be an easy first step.

>> No.44516559

This book looks super helpful. I will be picking it up at my earliest convenience. Thanks!

>> No.44516566

Alas, I only have but the one flash. I'll be picking up a proper studio light at some point, but I'll have to make do with reflectors for now.

>> No.44516741
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at least two of us here use an Eye Mover (TM) by this guy
I haven't gotten mine 100% working yet because my Elle's eyes have rough edges and I've been too lazy to properly sand them down
there's the Dream Fitter like >>44514477 mentioned, but I've also see an third one around that has two sprung pegs that attach to the neck peg
(that one wouldn't work for Obitsu bodies like my Elle)

I've heard that resin both stains worse and stains less than vinyl
not having any resin dolls, I can only recommend being careful with both
not that I'm particularly careful myself, I just deal with stains when they pop up

>> No.44516768
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eyo bought some props
full set of takara tomy pentax keychains came up on ebay for a good price I couldn't resist
so now my girls have six meme cameras

on the other hand, I haven't figured out what I'm going to do with my Nanase's eyes (picrel)
the AP type H head has these really long tubes that the eyes sit in
that combined with their much smaller size makes me thing the Eye Movers won't work without extensive modification to both
eventually I'll chat up the fella for advice (we've chatted before), but for now I just have poster putty packed in behind her eyes

>> No.44516944
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>Thanks for the tip, anons. How about you give me another?

>> No.44516990

If you wanna part with any of them I'll gladly buy one off of you for my girls also because I shoot Pentax.

>> No.44517012

Anyone have a "disabled" doll?

>> No.44517312

Normally I'm ambivalent towards Candy as a sculpt but man she looks so cute and playful in your pictures

>> No.44517320 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.44517352

Very Nice. I'll have to get a photo of my kit at some point.

>> No.44517385
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Updated the QnA with some assorted links and a new section on how to shop for doll furniture, because there are few easy answers on that front. As always, if you have tips, links, or suggestions, please feel free to submit them.

>> No.44517486

I'm waiting on a Bigma right now and was going to wait to post idk Yuzu sitting on the absolute tower
I found the keychains looking to see if anyone had made a mini K-1 (of course not no one cares about Pentax anymore)
would be nice to have the girls match
did find someone on etsy reselling a white K-r like mine for like $12+$16 shipping (haha yeah no?)

>> No.44517497

Thank you for taking the time to look! Shipping is a bit steep unfortunately -- I'll keep an eye out. Also I can't wait to see that photo!

>> No.44517550

Thanks, anon! I felt the same way before I got her and was going to get Karin instead but she was already sold out. Now I couldn't be happier that I got the one I did! Candy is a lame name though so her name is now Akari.

>> No.44517688

Anons I want to start selling doll clothing and accessories. Any tips?

>> No.44520357

Gladys would make a great Plain Doll from Bloodborne...

>> No.44522725
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>> No.44523033

Resin doesn't stain as readily as vinyl, and even if dye leaves marks on resin its easily wiped away with a cloth or magic eraser. Vinyl is a porous material, which is why it stains so easily (and why the stains are a pain to remove and require benzoyl peroxide).

High quality doll clothing that comes in dark colors will often be lined with a lighter cloth material. I know Volks used to do this with black colored accessories - I have no clue if they still due since I haven't purchased any of their black outfits recently. I think Volks may also treat dark fabrics with some kind of color fastener since I've had fullset dolls with black stockings that shockingly never stained (Estel Freesia).

If you're worried about staining you can always soak the clothing in water with a small amount of detergent, and with a color fastening sheet.

>> No.44523116

I'm dumb. I was thinking how it's possible to worry so much about stains (like what the hell are you doing to have that happen) before realizing that stains come from clothes. That all makes sense.

>> No.44523306

How do I stop getting horny for my dolls?

>> No.44523560

You don't. I've tried. Just give in and be happy.

>> No.44523655

It's tough. I even got an SDM and she was so cute I treated her as my daughter for about a month. Went on a solo trip to an anime convention and dressed her up lovingly in my hotel room. We had so much fun hanging out. Eventually as I was cradling her after a shower, I noticed my dick started to get hard. Starting singing her a lullaby and my dick got even harder. Well, I think y'all know what happens next. Immediately felt super guilty after, had to apologize to her so many times and even changed her wig and outfit and tried to convince myself she was a different soul in her doll body now. Ugh. My Dollfie icon came in the other day and I fucked her and hot glued right out the box.

>> No.44523880

How long does it take for Volks jp to ship? I've only bought from Volks US.

How good is your craftsmanship?

>> No.44523921
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Damn I was thinking the same thing
>Make cute things
>Get paid
Sounds like heaven

>> No.44523931
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Flesh of my flesh. Blood of my blood.

>> No.44523937

depends on how busy they are, 1-2 weeks is the norm, but I've had it take 3 during a busy release.

>> No.44523983

This post reminds me of that video about adults with toys where the speaker hypothesizes that some people were never taught to recognize their interests and feelings of affection in a non-sexual manner, so they would think that enjoying having cute toys around had be because the toys turned them on, not because they just liked having them around and playing with them.

>> No.44524004

I'm wondering how the female collectors of the thread feel when they have to read shit like this, but they probably make a face and keep scrolling like I do.

>> No.44524022

Yeah, welcome to the club. It isn't for everyone but you're not alone in it. Personally, it didn't take long after I received my DD for her to be the subject of my desires. The way I see it, and at risk of sounding somewhat schizo, there's nothing wrong with it so long as you treat your doll with the love and respect of a sexual partner in these situations. They're not human, but they are human analogue, so act according to that. But the nice thing about dolls is they can be whoever you want them to be, and that can change from situation to situation.

Word of advice, also clean her up as soon as possible with a soft, damp cloth or damp paper towel, and don't be afraid to scrub a little bit. Body fluids can stain the doll easier than most things. Avoid the faceup. That can be hard to clean and easily damaged if you're not careful. Wigs can be washed with a damp cloth as well. Most clothing items can either be machine washed or, if they're delicate, rinsed in cool water and air dried. Don't use heat do dry the doll after cleaning, but make sure she's completely dry, especially in joints and internals.

>> No.44524037

I wish they'd take it to /ona/ because these dolls aren't designed for it and it's kinda gross but I guess they're technically on topic so it's pretty much just grimace and ignore, yeah.

>> No.44524065

>Still searching for 1/3 scale furniture that isn't the same price as a doll.

Is there a market for this? If an industrious young fellow such as myself were to make reasonably priced 1/3 scale furniture, would more than like 3 people be interested? What would people what to see?

>> No.44524069

You're overthinking it. Men are just biologically driven to be sexually deviant (so that no matter how women's looks change we can still find them attractive and continue the species) and evolution didn't account for the lives we live in current year. It's why we have more degenerate fetishes overall, we're biologically incentivized to find a lot of things attractive or warm up to them easily. It's easier for men to feel attracted to anything that's female looking (or gets us off if it's not) and that's why femboys have blown up recently. I have a theory that it's why so many religions are sexually restrictive, to keep guys from fucking donkeys and shit and giving their wives super STDs like they do in 3rd world countries.

I keep myself in line by being so autistic I don't have much attraction to anything, so even if I understand being attracted to your dolls because of their female analogue, I can't imagine any sexual feelings towards them. Much less actually ejaculating on them. That's disgusting, you'll ruin their porous material even if you clean them off after.

>> No.44524111

Yes, there used to be tons of available furniture on etsy at reasonable prices and it sold like crazy. Unfortunately, most of the shops were from Russia and Ukraine. They were just simple CNC pieces and they sold like crazy.
Chairs, tables, bookcases, etc are all popular. Bedroom sets and living room furniture basically.

>> No.44524144

That's good to know and probably wouldn't be too difficult. If more people show interest I'll consider putting my engineering degree to use and design some simple CNC and handmade stuff to sell.

>> No.44524260

I too get a boner from my doll every once in a while, but I know to identify it for what it is and ignore it.
I'm looking at something very cute, and part of that cuteness has been achieved thanks to my actions, that's exciting! But it's the same as getting hard from riding a rollercoaster or from winning a prize you really wanted or from being outright scared. Your brain and body are seeing that overwhelming excitement, that thrill, and likening it to your most usual source of excitement. And that might happen more easily when both sources happen to be human-shaped.

If it's happening too often, you might need to lay off the frequent porn consumption.

>> No.44525289
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>Starting singing her a lullaby and my dick got even harder.
>tried to convince myself she was a different soul in her doll body now.
>My Dollfie icon came in the other day and I fucked her and hot glued right out the box.
top kek there's no hope for you anon

>> No.44525593

I'm looking for some recommendations for BJD related video channels (youtube or others). When searching on my own I mostly just find unboxing videos and I'm tired of that sort of content

>> No.44525632

Pretty normal for /jp, I wouldn't have it any other way.

@tsutomuch has a ton of diy craft tutorials

>> No.44527233
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>> No.44527255

that's so cute

>> No.44527542

I put up with it because I find these threads pleasant otherwise esp given that there is no resin threat and denofangels is dead

>> No.44527580

Thank you anon this is exactly the sort of thing I was after

>> No.44527586
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I just chalk it up to 4chan being 4chan and scroll on. Different strokes for different folks and I do not understand the appeal, but there are far worse things to be into. It's still talk more suited to /ona/ than here, but what can you do?

>> No.44527598
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I want a doll but if I get one it will sever my last strand connecting me to normal society

>> No.44527613
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>> No.44527633
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I've been building a section on that in the guide, but overall yes -- there's a hole in the market for affordable large-scale shit right now. You can absolutely find tailor-made pieces, but they cost a small fortune. You can find old vintage pieces that work, but collectors these days tend to know what they have, so prices are stiff unless you get lucky, pic very rel. (But it's solid wood and shipping was almost as bad as lockdown-era mandarake.) 18" doll stuff is hit-or-miss with scale and can often look too childish to be workable. If someone has a laser cutter and wants to get into shipping basics to people, there's room to grow there -- market to the Smart Doll crowd, they have very good word of mouth and keyword recognition because of how much their fanbase dovetails in the west with the American Girl community. This is contingent on someone's work being good, of course, but if someone out there wants to try their hand at it, I think there's room to succeed.

Normalcy is subjective and overrated. The world would be a better place if we all chose to get silly with it now and then.

>> No.44527727

>denofangels is dead
I registered there a few days ago
>please use the search
>you don't have permission to use the search
I guess I'll just let my account sit for 60 days when I'll have permission to see the marketplace (?) even if I am not looking there

>> No.44528065

This was my problem too. I am not even against socializing, but I can't post anywhere. I'm not too young to use forums, I've been around since we measured internet speeds in baud. DoA is just... particularly restrictive.

>> No.44528081

I've found that to be the case with the doll community in general. It's been particularly hard to break into as a newcomer and it's difficult to find the community in general, at least in my experience. It's sad that the most central and accepting place for the doll hobby is 4chan of all places.

>> No.44528203
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It didn't used to be that bad, but people scattered to the winds after flickr started charging for hosting and people got it into their heads that twitter and instagram are a functional replacement for an actual forum. This is part of why I'm making the guide -- information is so disparate, I would like to gather it all in one place.

>> No.44528230

I'd like to know what people here believe would be a fair price for a basic but decent looking dining chair? There's one on Etsy priced normally at $30. I have pretty decent CAD skills, creative motivation, and the drive to take on this endeavor, but don't own a laser cutter so I'd have to outsource manufacturing for now. I found a company that will do runs of 50 or more for $17 a piece, so as a business venture, unless I'm turning over all 50 at a time, $30 may be pushing it on the low side, but still within the realm of possibility, once parts shipping and assembly are accounted for. And that's not including shipping to the customer. What's you anon's thoughts?

Alternatively, I've been working on designs and prototypes for easily repeatable, hand made furniture. This would have a much lower upfront cost to myself, but would necessitate lower production runs and a higher cost. Plus, my craftsmanship is not yet up to snuff for a product. Is this something that would interest y'all?

>> No.44528246

You have to make a certain number of posts to get access to the marketplace.

>> No.44528548

I wanna get a doll just so I can make custom faces like these
Just going to go from HGs to GKs to Dolls

>> No.44528557
File: 357 KB, 2048x2048, r_e_n_a_owo-1698758702252368205-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an idiot

>> No.44529220
File: 43 KB, 564x846, ronshuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought my first ever doll! Gonna try my hand at customizing her even though she's my first.

>> No.44529406

Anyone know if it's safe to put an MDD in the freezer for a few days? I need to make sure there are no bedbugs on her... Some people have put heads in the freezer for less than an hour to help removing the eyes but mine would stay quite longer.
Extreme heat is also an option but I thought it would be more likely to damage her.

>> No.44529505

My compliments to whoever is making this guide. I actually looked for this thread never I stumbled upon tinyfox and fell in love and the guide was a great overview.

Congrats! I hope you enjoy her!

This hobby seems great for that kind of thing. I'm coming from gunpla/girlpla myself, and a few fashion doll face ups and that's what seems most interesting about bjds for me. Love the level of customization you can get into.

>> No.44529514

oh no, i’m sorry anon, i have no idea…maybe test with an easily replaced part first to see what happens to the vinyl? though that of course won’t tell you how the faceup would do…i guess worst case scenario, you can keep your doll in a plastic bag for a year??

>> No.44529564

Bed bugs will die if exposed to temperatures above 120F/50C for a consistent period of time. To that end, you want all the pieces and frame parts heated to a consistent temperature for at least 20 minutes... but the metal screws give me a moment of concern on heating them for an extended period of time, especially concerning the head and what will happen if you heat the sealant. Cooling her should be okay, but be very careful handling her once she's out of the freezer, as her parts will be cold-brittle and more like to damage until the material returns to room temperature. As for the head... the contraction of the vinyl from cold temps might cause the sealant to flake off in the worst case, but it's certainly safer than baking a head covered in MSC. For clothes and other accessories, deadass tumble-dry low on a delicate setting and it should kill them off, but be mindful of certain materials- for the love of god do not put wool in a dryer, and I don't know what will happen to pleather, either. Accessories can be frozen as well; particularly sturdy accessories (metal furniture from the garden store) can probably be shunted in the dishwasher, but it's too abrasive for most things. In all cases, make sure you treat the root cause of the issue or this will just come back to haunt you down the line. wishing you all the best anon, good luck!

>> No.44529865

nta but 50°C seems pretty low? It's barely above what I've had to suffer this last heat wave. What was the temperature vinyl started deforming at? 80°C?

>> No.44530245

118F will actually merc them after 90 minutes, they are heat sensitive! It's why commercial exterminators use heat and fans to convection current a room and kill their eggs and adults by heat and desiccation. Also that's a good thing to know, thank you -- I'll keep it in mind if I'm fucking around with vinyl modding. (Also be safe anon! I hope you can catch a break from the temps soon.)

>> No.44530525

A quick search shows that vinyl records start warping at 60ºC. I don't know how that maps to the vinyl used for dolls so it might be smarter to go for freezing like the other anon suggested, specially considering the other materials that go into making the doll and face up.

>> No.44530907

>It's barely above what I've had to suffer this last heat wave.
Californian or fellow Southern European? Felt like being slow cooked in an oven sometimes
>I've found that to be the case with the doll community in general.
Sorry for being that guy - I'm all for freedom - but I think that's a good thing. The internet has taught me that the second you stop being restrictive you're opening the floodgates to degeneates who'll make the environment unpleasant.
I strongly dislike the /toy/ environment for this; you look for any female figure and you'll see pictures where she's put in rapey situations, "ironically" of course. I'm not against sex or sexuality but since this is stuff where sex may be involved, you gotta be restritctive or you can't draw much of a line at all. Then there's recasters and other shit you don't wanna have in your community. Democracy only works if you're among like-minded people; doesn't work on the Internet.

>> No.44533566

I just ordered my first resin doll. I’m pretty excited to check out the other side of things. It was on Mandarake, hopefully she doesn’t get sold before they check for her.

>> No.44534032

It's pretty uncommon for that to happen, while the physical stores do have stock that people can walk in and buy, the automated system appears to also be tied to their in-store catalog so once an item sells it's automatically flagged as out of stock on the site. I can only assume they would also be able to check that an item is marked as checking stock if someone brought it to the register, I've always just assumed the system was like that to cover their asses in case someone accidentally checked out a reserved item or if they're selling items they have in bulk

>> No.44534737

same here! just waiting on it to arrive. it’s in fairly questionable condition, and i have only the slightest idea what i’m getting into with resin, but figured something that’s not perfect to begin with would make for a good learning experience…

>> No.44534973

How nice is the articulation on BJDs on average?

>> No.44535031

That's hard to say as some will give higher priority to some articulations over others, and there's stuff like articulation vs shape (for instance this one has identations on the back of her thighs to make room for the calves so she can sit perfectly on her knees).
At the very least, they articulate better than action figures, if only because clothes bend better than plastic.
Mine (OB24) can do splits. And the torso can be bent so much in several directions that I'm sure it could break the soft vinyl covering.

>> No.44535035
File: 117 KB, 1000x750, IMG_20230625_130728-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the photo

>> No.44535406
File: 250 KB, 1200x1800, 20230725_125631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To lead the wild into the ways of the man, follow me.

>> No.44535964

This is varied as BJD itself. It depends on the doll. Some pose like a fish standing on it's tail and others are products of da vinci. It would be easier to answer which company you are looking at, and maybe which sculpts if they are an unusual one.

>> No.44535966

Testing with some spare parts is a good idea, I don't know why I didn't thought about it. As for the faceup I'm not sure what I'll do... Not playing with my doll for a year sounds horrible, I love her too much.

Yup, cold temperatures seem safer. I'll make sure to let her slowly warm up afterwards. I've planned to dump all her clothes in the freezer too but I'm less concerned about them.

Thanks for the support anons!

>> No.44536044

So pretty

>> No.44536250

Im still learning about dolls
is this resin or vinyl and how can I tell? (assuming its possible)

>> No.44536396
File: 384 KB, 1080x1080, 1666527398725295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Volk's new vinyl see through bag...what are the chances they will release a different color version of this bag? I really want this bag, but the navy blue is keeping me from pulling the trigger. If it was all beige I would have bought it already.

>> No.44536725

Resin. The hand joints are one of the dead giveaways. See the long groove in the ball joint? That's too accommodate an 'S' hook to join it to the torso string. Vinyl dolls are rarely strung anymore. I think the original DD bodies were the only ones, too my knowledge.

>> No.44537187

Is the idea to put your doll inside so she can stare at people in public? Like a safari bus for dolls to go people staring

>> No.44537214

I think the idea is to let people see her, not the other way around, but I really like the line of thinking that it's for the doll's benefit and not her display

>> No.44537265

Bit of both, its a bag menagerie, people can look, but can't touch easily
too many people have grabby hands

>> No.44537290

Somebody tries to touch my doll, they're gonna get a load of my grabby hands.

>> No.44537305

Imma poke your doll

>> No.44537311
File: 384 KB, 1080x1080, 1673074691313303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back photo is an A3 sheet, so you can print out what you want and customize the bag, or put something else back there, a collage or more; there are also straps for keychains, its very well thought out. I just cannot stand the navy color. It's possible Volks will do a different color but they have a bad history of doing that sort of thing

>> No.44537337

thanks. I'm not sure if 'style' is the right word but is there a particular term/name for these >>44535406 >>44514431 styles of dolls? the face is more detailed and beautiful compared to say, the anime-like ones I see a lot.

>> No.44537549

I don't know if there's an exact term, but I've found that faces tend to come in three flavors: realistic, anime, or stylistic. Those two would fall under the realistic style, and you'll find no shortage of them if you look into any given resin makers catalogues. From there, it's all a matter of finding a sculpt you like and doing the faceup (face painting), an artist to do the faceup or having the factory one painted on (they DO NOT come painted by default, you either need to pay for the faceup or buy a 'fullset')

>> No.44538115

I've seen a lot of clear tote bags (especially with how many concert venues no longer allow anything but clear bags), even larger ones that have that rectangle piece so your doll can sit nicely. Maybe of those can work for you instead.

>> No.44538277

thanks. they are seriously beautiful, I hope to be able to afford one in the future

>> No.44538793
File: 287 KB, 1200x1428, C is for COOKIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do your girls do the rest of the month?
to elaborate on >>44514157
shit like this is what happens from time to time.

>> No.44540089

that's a really sexy doll...

>> No.44542315

tupac lyrics? in my doll thread?

>> No.44542536
File: 306 KB, 802x1600, 0201846306647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My resin doll from manda is shipping, I can't wait!

>> No.44542899

Congrats! I just got my first SD girl a few months ago and I love her to bits.

If she has Volks' default eyes and you want to change them, please invest in a spatula and the Tamiya enamel thinner. Remove the glue exactly the way Volks recommends on their youtube channel. I struggled immensely until I just followed their step-by-step guide and it was so easy.

>> No.44543475

Oh, is this one of those "SD" or "YOSD" I keep seeing around when browsing for clothes?

>> No.44543567

Is this still in stock because boy I could use it.

>> No.44543795

I picked a 5"~6" wig for a 5" head but as expected it is a tad too big. I've tried sewing together a bit of the excess but the edge cap still peeks from the bottom.
I can't really cut it since there's an elastic band going all around the perimeter of the wig cap. It also slides around a lot but some tape or a silicone cap (whenever I order one in the right size) will probably take care of that.
Are there any good guides for this kind of problem?

>> No.44543909

if the edges are showing the hair is probably too fluffed up around it, if it's a heat-resistant fibre wig you can try using a bit of hot water to flatten it closer to cover the edges maybe?
congrats, she's a beautiful girl!
Yeah, she's specifically a SDGr (super dollfie graffiti), SD is a name for the volks 60cm line in general but it's also used for the 60 size category in general because the brand is so old it codified size categories. YoSD is for chubby 1/6 dolls (not the same as thin 1/6 which is closer to the pureneemo/licca size)

>> No.44543954

Ah, it's not so much the hair beig too "raised as the edge of the elastic haging past the head, there's just too much material.
I think I can hide it with my planned hairstyle but I just want my wigs to be a tighter fit.
I'll take the hot water advice anyway though bcause there's just too much volume and that might help.

>> No.44545291

One more question about wigs: is it okay to use hair was or spritz or do they need their hair products? I'm not blindly trusting organic chemicals not to react with/dissolve the polymers or wax not to become too sticky.

>> No.44545329

Most hair products for humans are doll safe. The only things to avoid are dyes and fragrances. Google wig safe hair products for more info. Human and doll wigs are basically the same.

>> No.44545492
File: 138 KB, 562x1000, IMG_20211207_142654-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YoSD is for chubby 1/6 dolls (not the same as thin 1/6
Didn't I learn the hard way.

>> No.44545959

Aw she's super cute!

>> No.44546895

I think they still complement her, she's adorable!

>> No.44547119

I think she's cute in it, big clothes are better than too small clothes, which you can't use at all (I keep trying to sew and ending up needing like a cm more of seam allowance because my fabric sucks ass and frays away on small seams)

>> No.44547604

yeah I've had to gamble on DD items to clothe AP girls
sometimes they work, sometimes they don't

>> No.44547668
File: 220 KB, 950x1280, idea_2525tamara-1698629667497107959-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day...

>> No.44548791

Next time always comes anon, I have faith for you.

>> No.44550928
File: 181 KB, 750x1000, IMG_20230907_002300-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of floof is something I wanted to avoid... I'll try with some more warm water but I suspect short of remaking the wig there's not much I can do with this one.
Turns out the 5" head was more like 4.7" so the 5~6" wig is way oversized.

>> No.44551530

I avoid wigs without bangs for that very reason - so easy for the wig cap to show (even on correctly sized wigs).

My advice: Try trimming some long bangs for the wig to cover the headcap. Watch Youtube videos on bang trimming. You'll want to hold the scissors vertically - avoid blunt cutting straight across. Work slowly, in small amounts

Also try getting a wig wax meant for synthetic doll wigs. You can use this wax to shape a curve to the hair in the front to over the wig cap.

The velcro wig tape will definitely help with staying power. You may need to double-layer the tap but that stuff works really well.

>> No.44552378
File: 188 KB, 562x1000, IMG_20211207_141757-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't help posting a photo that favored her. The material, angle and pose do a lot. Here's another dress of the same size and maker.

Honestly I'm not too concerned about a bit of the cap showing, I've come to love tiny imperfections. It's the big helmet of hair that I'm not fond of.
Couldn't even do what I wanted with it (medium length twintails) because it looked even wider. At least with this hairdo it seems intentional.

I've ordered a new wig that is supposed to fit this head (still not very sure the 4.5" one wouldn't be a better fit but it's what Parabox told me), hopefully I might be able to use that one. I have another colorful one of the same size that I want to use some day, so I'll try to find out how to salvage it.

>> No.44554562

Oh wow, resin dolls are much more expensive than I expected. Are the materials more expensive than the vinyl ones? Or is ot harder to work with

>> No.44554632
File: 991 KB, 1900x2850, 20230907_160515_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think being mute and deaf like a doll would make life a lot easier. The blind part not so much, then again I'm already halfway there so why not?

>> No.44554959

Binder clips that you can get at stationary stores are great for improving the fit of oversized clothes. I e done that with a few outfits. As long as it's out of the frame it's good in the end

>> No.44555260

yup i got mine this afternoon and used a voucher save on costs

>> No.44556584
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>> No.44558347
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>> No.44558885
File: 829 KB, 1080x1519, F5eKs6sbAAA_VkL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a new one, isn't it?

>> No.44560653

I mean, how else were they going to do Anya

>> No.44561561
File: 77 KB, 1100x733, iretaro-1699972812310733254-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day...

>> No.44561623

I suppose that does count as matching clothes.

>> No.44562863
File: 1.24 MB, 4096x3072, 20230907_155631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44563032

I guess I just assumed she'd be a MDD but this is cool, new body options are always good

>> No.44563725

I thought they were waiting for the new MDD to release, what's this?

>> No.44565017
File: 554 KB, 2730x4096, 20230907_155520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44565791

What coin is that?

>> No.44566082

This is the least uncanny face I've seen on an official DD.

>> No.44566148

will dolls.approve of mmy alcoholism?

>> No.44566667

yeah honestly I'm not a fan of most Volk faceups but this one looks good

I feel this post deeply
just wait to play with them until you're sober anon
the number of expensive toys I've damaged while drunk…

>> No.44566870

>mdd hands
is this the new mochi body, or is this Yo scale?

>> No.44566878

No idea, people in Japan seem to think it's a vinyl YoSD.

>> No.44567700

They won't scold you at the very least.

>> No.44572878

As a fan of DDPs I just hope that whatever this body is, it gets properly supported on the clothing side of things.

>> No.44575276

Bro/sis, your sewing machine?!

>> No.44575472

Are big dolls weird? I don't see them posted that much here (big as a 6yo kid)

>> No.44575622

They're not common, it's hard to engineer dolls at that size that don't crumple under their own weight in resin or vinyl, and even with the ones that do exist, most people don't have the space to accommodate them. I think a lot of people do think they're more weird than like 1/3 dolls but I'm sure they'd be welcome here, they're just impractical in a lot of ways

>> No.44575835

I guess that if you're gonna buy something of that size then it's better to just buy an /ona/ doll like

>> No.44576056
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>> No.44576070
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>> No.44576079
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>> No.44576086

I love these photos but why does the doll's face look so miserable?

>> No.44576091
File: 102 KB, 1366x979, iretaro-1700357760259621227-img3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44576096
File: 83 KB, 1000x667, iretaro-1700532852381901182-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's an alcoholic

>> No.44576107
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>> No.44576178

>got banned from instagram for scraping
it's over

>> No.44576197

scrape smarter

>> No.44576208

The hell is that? Using a bot to download a bunch of images?

>> No.44576214

I want the doll photos and I want them now...

>> No.44576299

are japanese doll posters mentally ill like japanese twitter artists, where they'll post something then delete it within 5 minutes? like tkmiz

>> No.44576319
File: 52 KB, 500x314, 1689820117793381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that why 90% of their content is photos of food? it drives me crazy

>> No.44576353

I want this in my life so bad

>> No.44576383

you know what… that makes sense

>> No.44576452
File: 163 KB, 1090x711, dump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody is dumping their junk on the market.
is it the dolk version that caused this?

>> No.44576524

wow and it's still out of my budget

>> No.44577238

Makes me kinda sad, for some reason.

>> No.44577292

It looks like they're in coffins... Someone save them

>> No.44577689

>where they'll post something then delete it within 5 minutes?
I did this. Nuked my account like 500 times.
They have crippling depression

>> No.44577712

I still want Gladys. Can't get her out of my mind despite telling me she'll be impossible to afford.

>> No.44578060
File: 204 KB, 900x1200, chiidoll3.jpg.7cf726f4109c96413052d49f15f7c1a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sure, but sometimes I just want to pick up something cute, not have to DIY it, you know? And frequently other people will make things way above my skill level, at any rate.

I think they're really cool, but their physical impracticalities make them a rarity even in hobby spaces. The cost, the space, and even the weight of them can be a problem for a lot of people to overcome. Anyone who can, though, more power to them. They can be lovely and charming as any other doll.

If their account is public, I can try.

>> No.44578089
File: 383 KB, 1440x1920, F5mEJtvaIAA4vL6.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're so cute doll-chan, we're going to have to send this video to anon

>> No.44578252

>You're so cute MotherInLaw-san, I'm gonna have to send this image to your daughter

>> No.44578283

Has anyone done a life-size doll from Bloodborne? Seems to easy a project to not exist.

>> No.44578298
File: 404 KB, 1296x1920, F5mEJvkbQAApN5l.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon-san I'm sorry, but his hands are just so big

>> No.44578326

kill youself ntr fag

>> No.44578327

I thought this was a Christian thread

>> No.44578405
File: 37 KB, 276x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44578589
File: 818 KB, 3840x2160, plain doll is tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Doll is significantly taller than the hunter, so likely near 7 feet tall. Depending on the material, she's going to be really heavy, to say nothing of supporting that weight. She looks like the strung style dolls, so I guess you'd use bungee cords? It all sounds easy on paper but it would be a major project, if for no other reason just because of how large she is.

>> No.44578643
File: 273 KB, 1365x2048, F1ttMekakAE6WBX.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta spice things up sometimes

>> No.44578716

I think big dolls are really cool, but an 80cm resin doll can easily cost 2k dollars. I've also seen some 130cm ones that cost 4k, and not everyone has that kind of money lying around. I imagine properly taking care of them would be a nightmare, too.

>> No.44578762


>> No.44578801

>Those prices
With that you can get a pretty nice sex doll, I guess that people that wants big dolls just buy a sex one

>> No.44578930

Imagine giving her a hug tho

>> No.44579100

If I had the space I'd consider it. I wish I was the guy doing Aotume's photography setups, they look tremendously fun.

>> No.44579210

how do you avoid the banhammer?

>> No.44579289
File: 878 KB, 4096x2731, 1626683679496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but a VPN helps. What are you using to scrape?

>> No.44579654

I don't consider myself an expert scraper or anything so the fact that instagram A) requires a login cookie and B) seem to have very aggressive anti-scraping policies to ban me within hours of account creation caught me off guard

>> No.44579709

I have never used an account to scrape from Instagram, I just use gallery-dl from a terminal and whenever they blocked the address I'd reset the router. I normally download small galleries so it works for me.
How long ago have they changed their policies? I downloaded a whole gallery with no account a few months ago.

>> No.44579757

I dunno when they changed things. I can download without a login too but it'll usually start getting blocked after about 200 posts whereas with a login it'd keep going as long as I wasn't banned. using a vpn didn't always work for me to get around it (ie, itd takes several days to be able to scrape again despite vpn or resetting router. idk how it works)

>> No.44579786

Just reset your router / airplane mode and keep downloading with a new IP

>> No.44579791

>itd takes several days to be able to scrape again despite vpn or resetting router.
Oh shit, maybe you don't have a dynamic IP
maybe the VPN is giving you the same IP or something. have you tried just going without?

>> No.44579834

resetting wouldn't work, I might have a static IP like >>44579791 mentioned. I can't ban evade when the meido gets fed up with me either, so that's probably the case

>> No.44581666
File: 187 KB, 1080x1620, 1637437048358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, 4chan blocks most vpn addresses, but given the kinds of things that get posted in certain boards I can understand why they do this, from a purely legal standpoint.

>> No.44583911
File: 334 KB, 2048x1366, 20230909_113616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44584771
File: 60 KB, 743x968, thigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if this is the right place to ask but does anyone know what kind of thigh joints on picrel?
im kinda familiar with the usual volks style doll with inner frames etc, but not super familiar with general bjd, and this kind of joint intrigues me

>> No.44587128
File: 717 KB, 2250x2000, IMG_20230910_111116-4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having more than one doll will be fun.

>> No.44587332
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[Good News] 100A PVC pipe is recommended as it is the perfect size for MDD.

>> No.44587349
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>> No.44587361
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>> No.44587378
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>> No.44587444


>> No.44587805

Anon you sincerely brightened my mood, thanks so much.

>> No.44587911

This is now the best day of my life.

>> No.44588054
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It's a double ball joint, so the legs can be brought up to the chest. You can see the knees and elbows have similar joints; it just allows for a greater range of motion. My doll here has a double-elbow joint, and you can see how her arm can bend back without the upper arm getting in the way. The concept is similar with that hip joint, where the legs can come up all the way to the chest.

>> No.44588260

Finally, an alternate to a tube sock dress.

>> No.44588410
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Diatomaceous earth
that is your answer. sprinkle that, leave it and wait. kills anything with an exoskeleton. perfectly safe.

>> No.44589085

> perfectly safe
I wouldn't go that far. It is non toxic but its crystalline abrasive structure makes it unwise to breathe in. Same can probably be said for a mdds internal skeleton and joints.

If it were me, I'd remove the head, freeze only the body, take out the eyes and simply give it a good wipe down. Bedbugs and their eggs should be visible.

>> No.44591250
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not to be argumentative but i have used it on pets, in homes and on items. it is abrasive but i would be taking my doll apart before application so that i would be able to rinse it off afterwards. it's used as a food product and many other things. if want to wear a mask while use that is up to you but inhalation would open possibly be a problem if you are doing lines of it like cocaine. to be blunt, you should avoid inhaling anything that isnt oxygen anyways. i advise everyone to be cautious, but this is what i would use myself. i have used it for fleas and my friends and family have used it for bed bugs problems.
you are correct the bed bugs and their eggs should be visible and if i were not going to use diatomaceous earth, i would probably use your recommendation.

>> No.44591254

omg, my grammar and spelling mistakes make me want to drive my car off of a bridge right now. no i did not phone post.

>> No.44591528

it's fine, you are overthinking, it has flaws yes but it reads fine when you're reading it for what you wrote and not overthinking the writing to be critical. we're only on 4ch

>> No.44593163
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>> No.44593249
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Chimikko DD page up:

>> No.44593261

PVC pipe compatibility status?

>> No.44593262
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Chimikko DD (CDD?) Anya too: https://dollfie.volks.co.jp/dd/special/spy-family/chimikkodd_anya.html

>> No.44593780
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need an alt head

>> No.44594029

Reminds me more of DSD version of DD, but it is officially "Yo" size it seems.

"dresses, wigs, and shoes are compatible."

>> No.44594078
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My first doll is arriving tomorrow I'm so excited!!

>> No.44594110

She's beautiful, congrats.

>> No.44594133

I've been admiring that girl since the first time I saw her! Make sure to post pics!

>> No.44594135

Omg she's so cute

>> No.44594233
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>> No.44594767
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i see, that's really interesting to use it on there
i wonder why this configuration not used more on anime dolls?
is it because it looks less aesthetically pleasing?
picrel is angelphilia attempt at increasing articulation, but leaving a fairly huge gap in neutral position

>> No.44599014

Love those steel colored eyes, a gaze both icy and inviting at the same time. It's really intense

>> No.44599738

The more I look at it the more I like the normal MDD
CDD is basically MDD but without the legs, and I like legs

>> No.44599892

Anime style(vinyl) dolls usually have an internal skeleton, while resin dolls are strung with elastic, so they can do some things vinyl dolls can't.

>> No.44600435

AP uses the Obitsu skeleton and can't really change it so they're working around the hip joint on an existing skeleton rather than engineering a joint for extra movement from scratch! You can actually see similar double ball joints (peanut joints) on the elbows and knees of the same skeleton but the hip joint is designed to seat inside the vinyl on the ob48/50 skeleton instead of being exposed

>> No.44602050
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>> No.44602803

I got a couple little, but visible stains on my dollfie. I've already ordered Dream Rescue but it'll be a few days before it's here. Is there anything I can do while I wait to make sure the stains come out easily?

Also, whoever said in the last thread that rat tail cord is okay to use on dolls, you deserve to be shot. Not fatally. I just want you to suffer a bit.

>> No.44602815

never mess with a man's daughter

>> No.44602930

So this means Obitsu heads fit on AP bodies? I love the bodies but am not enamored with any of the AP heads. Do other brand heads fit on them?

>> No.44603051

I feel that, there's exactly one AP face I like and I already relate it to our resident photographer.

>> No.44603097

As far as I know the head connector is the same as the default OB50 one, yeah

>> No.44603448

wash it with warm water to make sure there's no more dye left. If you can get a hold of a 60w incandescent bulb before the dream rescue arrives, do so, warming the vinyl helps with stain removal treatment. The active ingredient in Dream Rescue is benzoyl peroxide. You can find it over the counter in acne medication. I used Neutrogena instead of Dream Rescue personally. You'll also need some cling wrap for the stain removal process, it keeps the cream (dream rescue or acne med) from drying out, so make sure you have that on hand.
If you decide to start with the acne cream, apply it using a cotton swab to the stains, don't use your finger as oils can cause problems. Once applied, wrap in cling wrap and put under the light bulb or other mild heat source, don't let it get too warm, and don't put the bulb too close. Leave it for around 4-5 hours, then wash off the cream and repeat. It'll take several days to remove the stain, but it will work.

>> No.44604118

I humbly request resin doll twitter accounts to follow. I need more resin and less vinyl in my feed, not that vinyl is bad ot anything.

>> No.44604186
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I’m awful at tying stuff (I still use the bunny ears method to tie my shoes) so the bonnet and stuff doesn’t look too nice but OMG I love her.

>> No.44604601

she's downright beautiful, have lots of fun anon
I just stopped using the bunny ears method like two days ago because it kept coming loose on a pair of work boots, I'd say other methods aren't really necessary for her ribbon so don't sweat it

>> No.44605056

I need to look up more ways to tie shoelaces. Doing it the "normal" way at a 1/6 scale the knost is always awkward, no way to make it pretty so both loops sit above and the ends below.

>> No.44605462

look up a video on how to tie a wedding dres sash. Now all the bows on my dolls are perfect and it took like a 30 second video to be able to do it.

>> No.44605649
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I don't follow many resin doll accounts but I recommend those two:

She does very artsy, minimalistic doll photos (pic related). I love her fashion sense.

I also recommend:


>> No.44606086

tfw no doll anon gf

>> No.44606829

This sounds great, thanks for the advice.
I pretty much had the same plan as >>44589085 in order to remove the eggs from the body. If the freezer turns out unsafe then I will use some diatomaceous earth.

>> No.44608042

when was that new body announced?

They remind me of those Azone fairy

>> No.44608179

make sure its food grade, not pool grade.

>> No.44608249

What do you mean
There's ton of dollfags on Insta/Twitter you can interact with

>> No.44609401

there are no girls in this thread, we're just pretending

>> No.44609461
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Shino realized it's unfair Yui is the only one that got publicly exposed.

>> No.44610362

This is probably a joke but why are men so homoerotically obsessed with each other to the point where they deny the existence of the other half of the species? Especially in *doll* collecting of all things, it's really weird.

>> No.44610558

because I have gynophobia and I'd like to believe there are no girls around me

>> No.44611259

Recommend gloves for handling dolls and all things delicate

>> No.44611271

I think it helps keep the focus on the subject instead of each other. In real life, mixed sex groups tend towards the latter.

>> No.44611375

Without going TLDR it has less to do with homoeroticism and more to do with the history of the internet, especially multiplayer video games. Once upon a time, these things were male majority thus the majority of female avatars running around were dudes. All of the "no girls on internet" memes are like 20-30+ years old gamer memes that have stuck around from a bygone era

>> No.44611702
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this is a good take. let's post dolls

>> No.44611975

We're on 4chan, and everyone knows there are no girls on 4chan. More realistically, vinyl anime dolls tend to have a larger male audience, and resin dolls tend to have a larger female audience, so it's not terribly off base to assume most posters in this thread are men.

>> No.44612054
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>> No.44612066
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>> No.44612102

I have never worn gloves and my dolls are perfectly fine.

>> No.44612257
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>> No.44612298

mother of God, source?

>> No.44612343


>> No.44612358

I do but Twitter and Instagram are poor excuses for community.

>> No.44612372
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Art is independent of and often in contention with community

>> No.44612477
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>> No.44612490
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>> No.44612500

very beautiful. thanks.

>> No.44612514
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>> No.44612530

What doll?

>> No.44612534
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>> No.44612541
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Which is why I spam post my own photos here. More likely to get any sort of feedback at all.

>> No.44612762

This is a super cute sculpt, I love her short bangs too. I like seeing some forehead on some dolls but I'm too scared to trim them too much...
I love her intense gaze, what is she? Everything about her and the picture are gorgeous
I really like that wig on her, it gives her a very "girl next door" feeling

>> No.44612791

Thanks for giving me an answer. I tried to hide my autism, cause I figured it was a joke but was unaware of how. I get the meme now, I appreciate it. Carry on, sorry for the off topic question.

>> No.44613141
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I really like this wig, too. It's better than the one that came with her. I might try some other wigs at some point.

>> No.44613333

I feel like I'm slowly being converted to the resin side of things. They're so beautiful.

>> No.44613359

I think I'm going to end up owning a few of both, when I'm making my OCs they have to be anime/vinyl styled to match the vision of them I have in my head but I also can't help being drawn to how delicate and beautiful some resin dolls are...

>> No.44613756
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Unironically have better discussions about dolls here than basically anywhere else on the internet. I don't know how that happened but I'll take it.

Since it's resin hours, I'll share one of my favorite dolls I'll never own, Story of Seventh Day's Horus. I follow the artist and I watched them slowly sculpt this giant motherfucker, his accessories, bead his clothing and everything else over time... it's really, really amazing to watch someone make a whole entire sculpture that can move and hold that position out of nothing but clay and time. The whole entire doll with accessories cost a small fortune, but it's honestly fair in my opinion, looking at the work that went into his creation. I'll never have one, but I really admire the artist all the same. Dolls are really cool.

>> No.44614266

that thing is rad

>> No.44614537
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Pictures from unboxing my chelses!
I'm excited and now.....I need a better camera.
There's so much detail not getting properly captured and she is absolutely gorgeous

>> No.44614598
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>> No.44614602
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>> No.44614612
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>> No.44614622
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I couldn't figure out how to get her boots on without fucking something up so she's shoeless.
And this concludes the spam

>> No.44614635


Congratulations anon! I can feel your enthusiasm, and that matters most of all. Do you plan to keep her name, or change it to something else? Her outfit is very complex, I understand your concern, but I know you will figure it out.

>> No.44614716

Wow what a cutie, that's a great face up. Her gaze is very heart warming

>> No.44614851

I agree, and the discords have become insular/cliquey but that isn't uncommon when people get to know each other, (so I'm not upset at the, its natural); but there are also a subset of people I am looking for, and they are not easy to find either, due to the climate of things
tl;dr the chans is the best

>> No.44614883

She's very pretty! Looking forward to seeing more pics of her. Looking at pics of her fullset I would suggest loosening the laces wide and pulling the boot tongue forward and holding it while you put the foot in. Don't worry about loosening the laces, you can tighten them again, they're just like real shoes! The different eye color from the product pictures changes her vibe, she looks very innocent

>> No.44614955

Wonderful, congrats! She's wonderful!

>> No.44615049

Wow she's beautiful, Anon! Congrats!

>> No.44615251

>Do you plan to keep her name, or change it to something else?
I decided to name her Seren
Than you! I'm so happy lol
>Looking at pics of her fullset I would suggest loosening the laces wide and pulling the boot tongue forward and holding it while you put the foot in. Don't worry about loosening the laces, you can tighten them again, they're just like real shoes!
Aa thanks!
I'm also definitely going to get her some casual clothes because the fullset outfit while beautiful is a bit much..
>The different eye color from the product pictures changes her vibe, she looks very innocent
I agree, it came with random eyes. I'm thinking something like a pinkish red or a silver/white like in the photos.
I do like the vibe of the promo pics

>> No.44616008

yeah same I still find most resin uncanny but now there's a couple that are so gorgeous I feel I'm slowly accepting them

>> No.44616076

New Thread
(a little early, I'm going to bed.)

>> No.44617218


I just buy Ensure N500 gloves off Amazon

>> No.44617673

thank you

>> No.44624025
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