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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 607 KB, 640x481, バイバイ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44477182 No.44477182 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44437744

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels. Discussion of translated visual novels and MTL belong in >>>/vg//vn/

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44477228
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, シルヴァリオ_ヴェンデッタmalie (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Silverio, and the second heroine being so much better than everyone else makes me think - with an enforced route order, should they try to ramp up with heroine quality each time?

>> No.44477239

I strongly lean towards yes. Or if not the heroine, the successive routes should be better overall. Nothing is worse to me than routes getting worse as you go along.

>> No.44477310

Good taste

>> No.44477318
File: 414 KB, 2560x1440, UBBR8GU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44477333


>> No.44477335


>> No.44477348


>> No.44477360

I need actual evil heroines.

>> No.44477364


>> No.44477382

Since no one is picking it...

>> No.44477405

what upscaler was used for this? my game felt 10x more pixelated when I tried to resize it

>> No.44477424

Leaving aside the 1 extra pixel because I didn't screenshot properly, this is native res, so I'm not sure what you mean.
Could it be that your 4chan-x is upscaling images?

>> No.44477450
File: 613 KB, 1018x739, air.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk maybe

>> No.44477461


>> No.44477465

always 4

>> No.44477479

If you expand the window of a 2d game that wasn't designed to be scaled, Windows will use some sort of low quality nearest neighbor to scale the window.

>> No.44477483

Yeah that looks awful. You should use magpie if you're trying to upscale VNs.

DL: https://github.com/Blinue/Magpie
And some anon had shared settings for older games here:
Give it a try.

>> No.44477490

Reading VNs in any resolution other than the one the developers intended is like using godmode cheats to beat souls games.

>> No.44477492

Thanks. Wish I knew this earlier but it should come in handy since pretty much every pre 2015 game has terrible dimensions.

>> No.44477578

I just want a visual novel where a heroine somehow rapes/coerces the protagonist into sex, loses her virginity in the process, gets pregnant, and makes him take responsibility.

>> No.44477768

how's Soushuu Senshinkan Gakuen

>> No.44477802

im between 3 and 5

>> No.44477821

1-3-5 for me.
But 2 is fine too.

>> No.44477874

Anyone's got サクラノ刻 OST and Vocal CD? I'll eventually buy it if no one does, but if there are already lossless rips out there then it would be pointless.

>> No.44477900

This looks familiar? This isn't the sharkge is it?

>> No.44477902

It's Summer Pockets.

>> No.44478104


>> No.44478247

I fucking hate it when the backlog function just replaces the text in the textbox with the previous line one by one as you scroll up, instead of pulling a screen and shows a bunch of lines

>> No.44478267

Liarsoft's engine does this and it bugs me a lot

>> No.44478272

all 5 at once or bust

>> No.44478950

>no おじさん option
Can't self-insert

>> No.44479272
File: 38 KB, 590x127, soonchuunibros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the only one who should have been announced in august and didn't

>> No.44479939

is there an error here? why is the chink patch listed as 18+ but the jap version is all ages?

>> No.44479997

there are no H CGs so it looks like it was just a mistake

>> No.44480080

well i guess it does happen for obscure vns like this

>> No.44480099

fun and better than DI

>> No.44480265
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, 124345416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to reread Sukebe elf because of the real lack of witches in eroge.
Especially the evil type of witch like Nine.

>> No.44480515

Seigi no henshin heroine

>> No.44480555

Too bad nukige artists suck

>> No.44480759

Thanks >>44476394 from the last thread for the recommendation of Motoyalmarum for KKK, it worked like a charm.

>> No.44480950

password is sonixgvn

>> No.44480967

Does anyone have the cracked Lossless Scaling?
I need the magpie alternative where you can just stretch the window on half of the screen instead of fullscreen because I have only 1 monitor rn

>> No.44481077

thought the same thing
whats the last option?

>> No.44481117

Nvm it was on rin

>> No.44481196

Real life since that's the modus operandi of modern women

>> No.44481235

You're wrong, real women wouldn't do that to people like us.

>> No.44481334

You'd think with the popularity of Spy x Family we'd get a lot more spy eroge, but nope.

>> No.44481404

NTA who requested it, but thanks a lot. I'd been looking for this, too.

>> No.44481434

I too want more eroge about spy housewives getting captured and sexually tortured by the evil organization's they're investigating

>> No.44481580

You're right because i wouldn't let them, fuck whores, i rather get my ichaicha from vns
Trends from anime diverge from vn trends, there is a reason why we aren't getting flooded by isekai.

>> No.44481595

Same thing with kitsune heroines.
Why are they so rare?

>> No.44481633

Do eroge ever even had a trend? Last one I remember was back when fate released and we had a flood of battleroyal shit

>> No.44481713

Vtuber heroine right now.

>> No.44481877

What battle royale stuff came out shortly after Fate?

>> No.44481925

豚野郎 because I only read moege

>> No.44481933

>there is a reason why we aren't getting flooded by isekai.
We get a lot of those here. It's just of higher quality.

>> No.44481966

Everyone wanted to make nakige ever since Clannad made it popular.

>> No.44482110

harem moeslop

>> No.44482212
File: 338 KB, 1536x897, yes to all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the common route was kinda weak and the conclusion to it was equally lackluster, they leaned way harder on the tear fetish than they should have, and any time the drama shit was treated even remotely seriously i considered dropping this thing
yua route was literally everything i have ever wanted from a vn
i'm so happy i could die

>> No.44482261

For all the alcoholics itt, what's the best VN that autistically delves into the intricacies of liquor?

>> No.44482295

drugs are bad for you

>> No.44482311
File: 367 KB, 1920x1080, ゆびさきコネクション.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink alcohol tho

>> No.44482321
File: 729 KB, 724x1023, 106_388780_a675d244e095737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482333

Disco Elysium
its a gameplay evn (not fitting for this thread)

>> No.44482372

Virgin heroines
Romance everywhere
Now we are having the vtumors heroines and the pure gyaru bullshit

>> No.44482652

Then don't mention it, you fuckface.

>> No.44482851

Yukionna for me.

>> No.44482927
File: 1.90 MB, 1876x2408, 1670665337584805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2, 3, 5

>> No.44483016

what writeup are you referring to?

>> No.44483166

will it actually be complete this time

>> No.44483199
File: 335 KB, 640x480, 1672616955385403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44483236

Is it ONE?

>> No.44483249

I don't know what the context is but I couldn't help laughing.

>> No.44483257

what the hell based?

>> No.44483260

But it's truth though. And it hurts.

>> No.44483266
File: 431 KB, 640x480, 1683067286105077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashita no Yukinojou

>> No.44483291

Assuming this is about imperial Japan, that's quite an understatement.

>> No.44483403

It didn't happen.
But if it did, it wasn't the bad.
And if it was, they deserved it.

>> No.44483488

>And how to forget that time Jeong park wrote a vn

>> No.44483495

Which war are they talking about?

>> No.44483536

Is there any one other than the Pacific War?
Japan was mostly isolated before that period in its history anyway.

>> No.44483540
File: 76 KB, 640x480, ev01362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened to the good people at apricot anyway? The last game credited seems to be a 2018 mind control romp

>> No.44483561

There were several wars before the big WW2 loss, but that's the most likely one they're talking about.

>> No.44483588

They were comparatively smaller and they were also part of the same expansionist story so explicitly separating them from that bloodbath doesn't make much sense.

>> No.44483608

You can't just lump together 50+ years of Japan fucking shit up in Asia under one war. Well I guess the writers did too. Funny isn't it.

>> No.44483648

I think we all need to be a little bit like Japan. I'm going to take initiative and never apologize to any of you fuckers.

>> No.44483694

But let's face it, not many in Japan or even in Asia perceive those things as being as bad as what came next.
And honestly if Japan got satisfied with Manchukuo and warped up active expansion at that point, we most probably would be looking at very different map of the world today.
That writer most probably perceives it this way too.

>> No.44483742

Why should modern Japanese people apologize for the crimes of their predecessors? It's not like they were involved in the matter. You hag

>> No.44483847

Governments and nations are multi-generational institutions. It's unfortunate but inescapable reality that as a citizen of a particular nation or a subject of a particular government you become a part of its history and both receive its blessing but also has to carry its crosses with at least some feeling of responsibility for its historic sins.
We currently live in a world defined by histories of nations, not a world under one government where only individual histories matter.

>> No.44483880

I thought it had to be something else because I didn't think that they even gave a shit about what they did during that period? Or is the writer's viewpoint an exception?

>> No.44483898

No random citizen has anything to do with the actions of their government which are basically completely out of their control. This is some seriously demented thinking. No wonder the world is so screwed up.

>> No.44483930

The average citizen has zero (0) political power whatsoever and takes no responsibility for what governments, corps, their masters, and their dogs do

>> No.44483942

Eroge thread - politics about porn edition

>> No.44483967

Sure. If you reply to every single mtl & hookcuck post with this same exact message, I will stop.

>> No.44484039

Any recs from here?

>> No.44484063

Man this is terrible bait, think of something better for the next one. 3/10 is the best I can give you and I'm being generous.

>> No.44484068

Read Hasshaku

>> No.44484078

I'm being serious, why the long face?
boobs too big

>> No.44484105

I remember being disappoint with Shouko route because it was short and Shouko herself didnt appear a lot. Also only one h-scene, FUCK elf.

>> No.44484126

Every single route in a short and boring dramafest that forgoes what makes the common route good.
Masaru handled this A LOT better.

>> No.44484130

elf stopped making VNs, right? Did they go bankrupt or something?

>> No.44484149

Is there some easily comprehensible guide for the Musumaker that allows you to get all the scenes?
Shits way too confusing for my small brain

>> No.44484171

It wasn't that long ago
People that fought in the war are still alive even.

>> No.44484203

If inre would make a VN explaining what happened in that war I might be able to contribute something to the discussion, but since they haven't I am still ignorant. Come on inre is easy money, I know you are reading this.

>> No.44484212

Your barometer for "wasn't that long ago" seems pretty strange considering that barely anyone from that time period is even alive anymore.

>> No.44484240

They would go bankrupt the next day, no one will pay money to read about their own war crimes

>> No.44484255

I used this

Should be enough. I'll warn you there are some scenes that they moved around so, this is just a couple example but the common route scenes where they get drunk and the scene where they play kings game is ONLY in the true route so don't worried when it doesn't happen when the game when the guide says it's supposed to happen, like I did.
Also when you go for the true route you MUST start from a new game. Not from a previous save. Another mistake I made that cost a lot of time and stress.
Still takes a lot of replaying and stuff to get all the endings and routes. It's a real chore.

>> No.44484262

Was that even worth it? Or just getting the endings good enough?

>> No.44484305

Shit, I guess those jp voice synthesizer youtube videos are going to be the closest thing to cute girls explaining history to me...

>> No.44484351

The routes are all worth it, all the little individual princess maker-esque endings that you get based on how high/low a specific parameter is aren't really. I stopped bothering with them after getting maybe a third or a bit under half or so. The effort-payoff ratio of micromanaging the stats is just really way too high. You are guaranteed to get some of them when you do the secondary character routes anyway though.
Oh yeah, I also never did the trap's route

>> No.44484372

There is no full save available where you could check all those side endings and stuff?

>> No.44484448
File: 449 KB, 1280x960, ED_MIK_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really checked, but there must be I guess. It's not even worth it imo. They're each like 5 lines long. And the CG is just the girl in an occupation in this style. Some are kind of amusing though.
The marriage endings have them in the normal artstyle in a wedding dress, those are the ones I aimed for.

btw earlier I meant they moved around scenes between the original version, which is what those walkthroughs are for and the HD version which is what I assume you're playing.

>> No.44484466

There are no other major differences in the hd version?

>> No.44484720
File: 139 KB, 1525x234, 1666464778773208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Choose a girl and enter her route
>Later on MC wonders what would have happened if he picked one of the other heroines
Nice route shilling, im still not reading it.

>> No.44484779

Well, the whole interface and engine is different. A pretty ambitious engine at that. So actually playing the game is a different experience, much more dynamic. The portraits move and kind of like run around and stuff, and they're laid out in a more natural way. For example when youre walking down the street the camera moves up and down a bit and the portraits too, and also I'm thinking this is because it's widescreen rather than 4:3, but it allows for more portraits on screen.

There are full standing portraits, whereas in the old version their lower body just didnt even exist in the game apparently (i went through the game files). So they can show when someone is out in the distance. They unfortunately don't use gimmick that much and as a result, you are really never going to see the full standing portrait for a lot of outfits. But they are there in the HD files.
There are scenes where they are given facial expression where they would have had default in the old version, and scenes where they should have been wearing their uniform or some other special clothing but they weren't in the old version for example.

Most importantly, there are whole training sequences that weren't in the old version. As far as I can tell, they were two or three Ichigo training sequences, but there might be more.

Comes with downsides though, the UI is more minimalistic and cleaner, whereas the old had more design for the interface, like you'd expect from a 2008 VN. I don't think it's a big deal. It's a standard that changed across the board for VNs.
And because it's 4:3 images and backgrounds on a widescreen display now, they "cut off" the top and the bottom. It's not really so bad, they do make an attempt to adjust it so that whatever needs to be focused on is in focus. So if the girl is getting fucked at the bottom of the screen, and there's empty space at the top, it will cut off the empty space at the top and shift the camera to see all of the bottom, instead of cutting off half the top and half the bottom where the action is.
Cut off is in quotes, because it's still there, but you need to turn off the window and then move the mouse around to see it. Not a big deal but it is a bit annoying for CGs that have information such as a facial expression at the top and sex at the bottom of the screen.
Also the background is zoomed in, but like the CGs you can turn off the sprite and move it around to see the full background if you want.

I played them side by side for a little while, while I was looking to see what i was doing wrong to trigger that scene I mentioned earlier that they moved, so I got a good handle on the differences.

>> No.44484792

I'm not one of those gullible clowns.

>> No.44484804

The shot that blew the fuck out of the resident Chinkoids here.

>> No.44484810

I don't care about things that happened before I was born thoughever.

>> No.44484813

Nigger, beating the Russkies is what got them on the map.

>> No.44484818

Yes, and China and Korea encourage this. They are truly sick nations.

>> No.44484830

Thanks bro. Now to wait for someone to upload the scans of the Vocal CD.

>> No.44484831

They can easily depict Russo-Japanese war no problem. Come on, I want a cute Russian girl getting railed by the Chad Jap more.

>> No.44484885

Was in Sakura Taisen a bit.

>> No.44484933

Still don't get how there is no updated guide for the hd version anywhere
Like it's one of the most known lolige over there and yet there is nothing but some obscure blogs from 2008

>> No.44484953

Im pretty sure russian heroines are outlawed after russia invaded ukraine, at least that's what i heard from that LN about the white haired russian girl

>> No.44484967

Still going to get their share in ntrge.

>> No.44484988

>LN about the white haired russian girl
Ariya-chan is still ongoing, getting an anime even.

>> No.44485023
File: 33 KB, 250x280, 花梨><.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you guys mind if some non-VN untranslated games started being discussed here?

>> No.44485065

Neptunia IS a VN no matter what the retards at vndb try to tell you

>> No.44485104

Which release should I get for AIR?

>> No.44485120 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.15 MB, 3840x2160, NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44485159

If they are really untranslated games I wouldn't mind, but in this case also try to bring up a good topic for discussion instead of just posting the image.

>> No.44485303
File: 244 KB, 1368x1076, Screenshot_20230526_203742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who said anything about that?
I for one been playing mostly jp games as of lately
and of course its on the interest of discussing it

>> No.44485310

Better be doujin games with H. If not, fuck off.

>> No.44485314
File: 219 KB, 1454x884, Screenshot_20230629_234044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the few I've been playing

>> No.44485325
File: 174 KB, 1282x752, my favorite kunoichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, what else do you think these are

>> No.44485328

Is there a database for all these games? I'm trying to search for titles that I've long since forgotten.

>> No.44485343

I never talked about this with anyone since /v/ is full of retards but i liked the VNs segments from replicant, i found the use of the dynamic bgms during said segments to be really unique.

>> No.44485348
File: 148 KB, 1288x756, RJ333022_20230423_201308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one had some real hot scenes

>> No.44485354
File: 182 KB, 1112x772, PrayGame_20230325_000741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was a blast, still haven't finished tho

>> No.44485361

Yeah, they were pretty good. Great game overall, never played the new ending after erasing your save though.

>> No.44485380
File: 277 KB, 1600x900, おとなりの奥様は今日も独り2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this one if you like netori

>> No.44485397

Correct me if I'm wrong, but we already have a whole general dedicated to H games unless it's just translated crap.

>> No.44485409
File: 117 KB, 332x273, wedidit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you mean >>>/vg/hgg2d/
then yeah, that's the point, its being overrun by newfag and /v/ tourists
and its mostly translated only, so oldfags and JOPs are seeking refuge

>> No.44485416

Not to be mean, but what is wrong with /hgg2d/?
I only come here because /hgg/ died and as a result this place became the only place you can talk about VN eroge on this site since then. Actual games have
a general on /vg/
a general on /h/
and usually have a thread up on /v/ like right now, so...

>> No.44485430
File: 552 KB, 496x665, ApplicationFrameHost_bWda2HY70u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor you guys

>> No.44485437

Anon, you have to explain a bit more what's going on in the image if you want people to respond to you, or at least say your more detailed thoughts about said game. You can't just say "play this if...", "this one is good", etc. Write a little more, give us something to discuss.

>> No.44485459
File: 267 KB, 1112x772, PrayGame_20230325_000612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the image is somewhat self explanatory, isn't it?

>and usually have a thread up on /v/ like right now, so...
that's exactly the point innit?
I mean, there is also a /vn/ thread on /vg/, and there is reason you guys post here instead
also, its not like I'm going to stop lurking there, just want some place where I can escape the shitpost and actually talk about the games

>> No.44485470

my shirokami wife...

>> No.44485485

only one I'm aware of is https://nepchan.org/ which is basically a more niche less active vndb but for rpg maker games

>> No.44485502

>I mean the image is somewhat self explanatory, isn't it?
Retard, I'm talking about you explaining the game mechanics, the context of the situation or your thoughts. If I wanted to see only the CGs I would google them.

>> No.44485528
File: 301 KB, 1112x772, PrayGame_20230324_194918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an hrpg anon, give it a try, this one is one of the best I've ever seen
you play a story as a female MC that goes through lewd scenarios,
this one has pretty good battle rape system, and overall most of the lewd makes sense in the story
the girl is part of a girls only magical academy and gets cast off into a unknown land when someone raids the academy
she happens to have a special essence that gets people horny on contact

>> No.44485533

Any gameplay more complicated than mouse clicks to select choices is automatically kuso

>> No.44485540


>> No.44485559

Besides the Dai series, what else are worth playing?

>> No.44485569

Oh dang. I didn't expect to see a fellow /hgg/ refugee here.

>> No.44485597
File: 2.23 MB, 1328x723, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through Possessioner recently on a whim. To be honest, I had no idea what the game was about and had basically only seen the semi-famous GIF floating around every retro art gallery, so it was pretty amusing to find out that it's about what amounts to a squad of lesbians scissoring the evil out of girls.

I knew to expect a lot from the artwork, and it didn't disappoint. Some of the little animations were very nice, as well--like the character's portraits having a small animation whenever they attack in battle. The music was nice, too, the theme for the final dungeon reminded me a lot of Contra Hard Corps.

As far as H-scenes go, the one where the MC runs into the operators (pic related) lezzing out and joins in was pretty hot. Others were pretty good too. I dunno if it's because I wasn't playing on real hardware, but late in the game the choices in H-scenes didn't line up with the text. I.e., さわる ー> むね would give back text about the MC stroking their backs or some shit like that. Not a big deal though.

The story is really simple and not particularly interesting, but the characters are nice enough to make it worth the 6 or so hours. If I could change one thing about it it would be giving the bare minimum of information for your abilities in battle. 99% of them are self explanatory or easy enough to figure out their effect by using them, but I have no idea what the MC's Psycho Sphere ability does even after beating the game. All in all, not bad--way better than I was expecting. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.44485695

I was going to say that the art alone is reason enough to play that game until I saw that
>"The game contains scenes with nudity and explicit, EXCLUSIVELY lesbian sex scenes".
Now that I think about it, there is more than one reason to play it. I mean, it's only 6 hours of gameplay so I'm just going to schedule it to play it on my next vacation.

>> No.44485697

"Play this one if you like netori" really sold it to me tho.

>> No.44485784

wtf, I wanted to see if our guy had done a review of this game but it looks like he has not. Now you should play luv wave on my behalf and tell me your opinion on it since I haven't had time to play it myself.
our guy:

>> No.44485799
File: 210 KB, 1600x900, おとなりの奥様は今日も独り2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that anon but I will share my thoughts about >>44485380

This game revolves around a protagonist who moves into an apartment and becomes neighbors with the heroine. The heroine feels lonely due to her husband working late into the night.

The gameplay in this game involves earning money to purchase gifts, costumes, and other items. You can also go out, meet the heroine, and engage in conversations about various topics. Through these interactions, you'll learn about her schedule, allowing you to visit her, such as at the grocery store every Tuesday morning.

The game includes a bit of grinding as you work on increasing the affection/relationship meter. To progress to the next episode and deepen your relationship with the heroine, you need to talk to her and reach a certain threshold of affection. There are a total of 6 episodes in the game, with the final episode offering 5 different endings.

What I like about this game is the evolving interaction and relationship between the MC and the heroine. Each episode showcases a distinct phase in their relationship.

>> No.44485815

soulful website

>> No.44485929
File: 250 KB, 1368x770, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original standard edition with voices is available here:

I don't know what the Switch version is like (pic related). You can probably find a rom out there and emulate it to see what it's like.

>> No.44485982

That's pretty much exactly what I did. You probably won't regret it, although I do recommend saving often. The game is nice enough that it has a pseudo-checkpoint system where if you lose a battle it'll return you to a prior point rather than spitting you back to the main menu, but later on it doesn't work very well. One of the later bosses is like, 15 area transitions away from where it sticks you after you game over because it put 3/4 of your characters to sleep and there's nothing you can do about it.

I'll check it out and see if I can get it working / finally get around to making a JP Windows XP VM when I've got some time.

>> No.44485988

Why not make a thread on /jp/? "Untranslated Games General" or something?
I get you might be thinking that not many people will be there at first but there's always at start at everything, and you could shill it over /vg/ to gather "JOPs". Besides it's not like one less braindead 2hu thread on the board will be missed.
In any case I encourage you guys to do so and I'd be visiting as well.

>> No.44486274

/hgg/ dying still hurts so much bros

>> No.44486400

you could've posted in it

>> No.44486406

What happened?

>> No.44486573

There's really not much to say, posting slowed down and nobody posted because nobody was posting and it just got slower and slower until one day it fell off the board and nobody cared enough to revive it.

>> No.44486752

Sounds good, bro.

Which emu did you use? The newest one by what Windows guy?

>> No.44487014

Requester here, seriously thanks a lot, anon! I'll eventually buy the CDs anyway, because I want FLAC but this'll do for now.

>> No.44487937

>devs forgot to mosaic a CG
oh my God so that's what a pussy looks like?
I've been corrupted, everyone that played this and got their purity ruined by uncensored genital should have filed a class action lawsuit

I've never seen this happen before by the way.

>> No.44488063


>> No.44488222


>> No.44488950

I used Neko Project II Kai. It took some messing with settings to get it to run at the correct speed (otherwise the music would get messed up) but it wasn't too difficult.

>> No.44489300

I'm trying to crack 結婚主義国家 using DenchiUnwrap but it doesn't create a new exe for me to use, does anyone have a more updated version of DenchiUnwrap or some other way to crack it?

>> No.44489401

Use the python script instead.

>> No.44489413
File: 288 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230822_004249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's fine too, I just wanted to check here first, considering they are all technically eroge

but for example, I've been playing pic related for at least of the past month, its a old KISS eroge, the last 2d game they made, and probably my favorite
the sole reason why its taking so long are the very lengthy vn style scenes and dialog

>> No.44489428

Anyone have and can upload
airy[F]airy ~Easter of Sant' Ariccia~
Vanitas no Hitsuji (with the addon disc)

>> No.44489470
File: 453 KB, 1368x855, Screenshot_20230804_213559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the core of the game itself is building up a village and defending against waves attacks
there is also dungeon hunting and alchemy to get more OP equipment

and I'm really hoping it catches on because I've been wanting to talk about it without much success for most of this month too
also it be good to take advantage as I have all the ins and outs of this game still fresh on my memory

>> No.44489592
File: 270 KB, 1368x855, Screenshot_20230803_004856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like to just a give summary of what its like, KISS was famous for making custom heroine paperdoll type game, but in this game it goes full out in a way to explain why she always take out the form the protagonist wishes for (meaning you can change her appearance whenever, also chosse between S or M body, and sometimes L) this is also were you change class that she will act for int he battle field, the whole reminded sort of the Chobits series, and it was adorable in a similar way

The game itself splits between 白 and 黒 routes, now KISS being KISS you really wouldn't expect a lot of vanilla content, but the vanilla route was really fucking good, specially the character development, the only downside is that you can pursue a relationship with three of the side girls, but doing so will lock you out of the route with any of the other girls, including the main heroine

but definitely the gusto of the content comes on the black route, which happens when you lose to specific attack from the demon people, they fuck shit up and rape everyone to their hearts content, and then capture the main heroine
so while they're training her as mega slut or a 変態奴隷娼婦 (sentence acquired in this game)
Mc is back in his village figuring out how to get strong and get her back, and that's how he turns dark, so in this route all of the side characters end up serving in the brothel and becoming massive sluts

>> No.44489596

Is there a PS2 voice acting patch for the Japanese Duel Savior?

>> No.44489718
File: 7 KB, 796x94, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you copy & paste your own post from 3 years ago?

>> No.44489746
File: 332 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230826_191021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now would all be fine on its except there is also a DLC called Darkness, were you start to playing from the perspective of the demon family instead, this happens storywise after they take over the city, but you can skip it entirely

this changes some of the core game, for one you don't have as many unique heroes on the battlefield, but instead can summon a lot of generic monster, and instead of exploring for items, you have to keep on conquering territories so you can gather mana to summon more monsters, which makes for a very different game dynamic (and also quite hard)

this route also features slave training the main custom heroine, its similar but its a whole different tone to it, where as dark route was more simple and had long debauched scenes, darkness is more detailed, a lot more grinding but at the same time shorter to the point scenes
all of the side girls still end up whoring in the brothel, but to my surprise it had very little repetitive scenes in it, more scenes to the other side characters too were pretty great,

And this is were I find myself nearing the end of the game, and one of the reasons it took so long, besides being really big game with several routes, is also because scenes are so goddamn good that I need to take a breather to replenish my ballsack from time to time
and in this sense the odd pacing of how scenes delivered actually works in favor of the player, because you reach a climax in a series of events it gives you sort of a natural breather before the next one

all in all, thanks of reading my TEDtalk, and seriously hope someone else picks this up

>> No.44489759

picked up....

>> No.44490132

How did they get away with this? There was a massive shitstorm when Age fucked and forgot a mosaic in the KimiIta remake.

>> No.44490211

insanely hot cgs
picked up

>> No.44490250

H-suki has them, though I'm not sure about the add-on.

>> No.44490265

I did register, but they didn't sent me the confirmation mail yet.

>> No.44490345

Oh right. I forgot about the account requirement.
I'm just gonna leave these here. Use a downloader for them.
1fichier com/?rxesilqocjqv8ynpcm1y
1fichier com/?omvxme3g79fbod7wgx2y

>> No.44490348

I recognize this. It's the Tsurumiku guys.

>> No.44490360

Thanks, buddy.

>> No.44490389

Thank you for sharing.

>> No.44492122
File: 2.23 MB, 826x400, 3k hgg2d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this webm its the single best piece of OC that came from /hgg2d/ in the last years, and it pretty much summarizes what goes on

>> No.44492127

So I finally finished Summer Pockets. A lot of it was confusing near the end so I'm just going to write down what I thought was going on to organize my thoughts.

The island they live on is some magic place that warps time and space to grant its resident's wishes, but there's a price. The Naruse family has a special bloodline that lets them use this power to have a fun filled summer, and in return they become cursed to bring misfortune to themselves and those around them. This causes a cycle where they use their power -> have a kid -> either them or the spouse dies -> kid uses their power. Shiroha's mother knew the same thing was going to repeat, so she conducted some ritual, turned into a butterfly, and left to go be with her husband. The first time loop around Shiroha uses her power, but then becomes cursed, and the events of the main story play out, ending with Umi's birth and Shiroha's death. However, Umi wasn't satisfied with how things ended up and kept reusing her power. She realized the only way to prevent it from happening is to stop Shiroha from using her power in the first place. A bunch of butterflies (either the Naruse ancestors or Shiroha's mother) help her accomplish this. This also means that everything that happened in the story will disappear. However, Shiroha's mother (using Kyouko's help) at least made sure that the MC and Shiroha will meet so that Umi is born again. Cue the happy ending.

The parallels with Clannad were a little heavy, but it was still a good nakige with amazing OSTs. If I had to make one change, it would probably be to include more Shiroha SoL scenes in the other routes.

>> No.44492213

I don't want to be mean but that has nothing to do with this general.

>> No.44493033
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x1080, 1681674851754880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished aokana, at least one route
The story had some serious pacing issues, sometimes they would take too much time during certain scenes and somethings they would go way too fast and skip too much, also H-scenes were lacking and it feels they add it just to add the eroge label and didn't give a fuck about them.
The made-up sport was somewhat cool but some times it was kinda hard to follow, they did a great job with the high amount of CGs to make up for that though.

>> No.44493638
File: 28 KB, 759x248, wsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why

>> No.44493716

hgg2d must be a sad piece of shit if this is considered good OC

>> No.44493750

>Think I'm ready to try a VN after doing some of the grammar and anki stuff
>the moment a sentence is longer than 1 line all I see is spaghetti

>> No.44493841
File: 322 KB, 1024x768, 1675844528978656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44493861
File: 466 KB, 642x527, crusade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, enjoy :)
>Touchy/assemblage collection
Man, 2018... I could have sworn I uploaded this in 2020 or so. Where is the time going.
I need to add Demon's Gate and Noise to this. I don't have that much free space on my mega account though.

That it is.

Seems to have happened a handful of times in eroge history. Do the companies get in trouble or anything? Because it seems they just recall and that's that

>> No.44493964

Any good niisama-type imoutos?
But not as a joke but serious one

>> No.44493968


>> No.44494047

he said niisama not niisan

>> No.44494076

Cute newfag
The first thing you read will be the hardest, so keep going

>> No.44494165
File: 261 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230901_202709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here we go again boys, tonight for sure I'm gonna finish
also, funny how I get a tingly, nervous feeling just in anticipation

>> No.44494406


>> No.44494422


>> No.44494433

disgustingly hot

>> No.44494508
File: 359 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230901_212134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making progress toward conquest
still can't figure out how to get her to join the battle, and fricking wiki seems to be shitting the bed just now

>> No.44494633

So Darkness is a DLC? Is there a torrent with the complete pack?

>> No.44494806
File: 335 KB, 1288x775, Screenshot_20230901_212251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, its a dlc but can be installed standalone
that being said I strongly recommend white route first,
also this beware when installing, you gotta pick the right option when installing, otherwise darkness can just fully replace original game


>> No.44494825

>otherwise darkness can just fully replace original game
Like you lose the option of playing vanilla or it overwrites your previous saves?

>> No.44494931

OP is memorizing old posts and rewriting them then feeding them into a bot. Sage, report, hide.

>> No.44495097

>Like you lose the option of playing vanilla
this, its a bit hard to tell, because there is a option to install and there is a option to add it as a patch,
you need to do the patch one, and then it asks when beginning a new game

>> No.44495354

So better get the patch before starting the game huh? Okay, thanks.

>> No.44495490

Thank you!

>> No.44495650
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, cum.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you misunderstand, when installing Darkness it ask if you want to: 'insutaru' or patch or something,
you need to pick the patch to install it side by side, otherwise, the install option just overrides the vanilla
everything you need is in the download
I just wasn't able to get the L body dlc working
but I think it also has the latest patch for darkness included

anyway, not finishing it today it seems

>> No.44495698

Why did you feel the need to post this terrible webm?

>> No.44495787
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x720, Neighbor_Madam2_UlrhsgwIVQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this one up and I'm really liking it so far, thanks anon.

>> No.44495969

You really need to lurk more if you intend to become a regular poster here. That you feel the need to be around other people playing stuff in Japanese is something I understand, but the way you come around completely disregards the thread culture in favor of what you're personally interested in.
Put a bit more crudely, we don't want some /vg/ retard posting 3DPD shit around. So don't do that ever again.

>> No.44496080
File: 4 KB, 272x80, size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck does this work
Do they just give you full game for the trial lmao

>> No.44496228

How homosexual do you have to be to save and post webms like this

>> No.44496324
File: 978 KB, 652x619, ApplicationFrameHost_LLcBzP8woa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your welcome

>> No.44496343

>multiple people who haven't seen the good scary movies
i would like to chalk this up to a generational difference but still
the passage of time is a bitch

>> No.44496372

Just because we've seen some shitty movie two decades ago doesn't mean we want to see stupid .webm of it posted in a thread about visual novels.
How about you lower yourself for once and accept the fact that you're shitting up this thread? Damn vermins I swear.

>> No.44496414

So not only you're a tourist but you want to impose your way on others? >>>/vg/ is that way anon.

>> No.44496422

brace yourself for a terrible fact but i'm not the guy who posted that
>how about you lower yourself for once
how about no
the guy's talking about eroge in an eroge thread and all you can do is flinch at the sight of a real person instead of interacting with the post's content
i can't wait for this to devolve into a 50 post chain about totally unrelated bullshit because no one wants to engage with the actual game-related posts here

>> No.44496423

Are August VN's a good read or are they your standard moege experience?

>> No.44496454

Not really.

>> No.44496468

a mild step above the average moege experience but if you go in expecting a "step above the moege experience" you'll be disappointed
it's moege+, if that makes any sense

>> No.44496469

If you want to mingle with /v/ermins then you're free to go back anon. If you want to stay then don't stick out. It's pretty easy isn't it?

>> No.44496476

meh, there we have it at least so you can hold the month

>> No.44496527

> retards itt acting as if they finished everything from backlog already

>> No.44496550

holy mother of projection KEK!

>> No.44497761
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, 9-nine-そらいろそらうたそらのおと.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44497868

Noa is the best.

>> No.44498127
File: 1.29 MB, 1280x720, nine_yukiiro_2020-04-26_15-02-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is the best and it's not even close

>> No.44499032

Searching for a good AI heroine after playing a certain game.

>> No.44499273

I like Sora a lot too but there just wasn't enough ichaicha and romance with her to truly click with me.

>> No.44499387
File: 2.73 MB, 1280x720, cavejap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to mingle with /v/ermins
its a reaction image in a image forum
what if I post more board related ones, would that satisfy you?

>> No.44499418

Is that...JAV?

>> No.44499431
File: 693 KB, 795x594, TSGTGxTaIq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post the 2d one

>> No.44499450

If you want to post reaction images then please use screenshots out of various eroge. There are a lot of options and emotions in eroge usually are vivid enough to satisfy all reaction needs.
People in this thread usually dislike real life images or videos. Only images of seiyū might be an exception but even that is tolerable only to some regulars in this thread.

>> No.44499455

NTA but you are either not acting in good faith or you are a newfag. Don't post 3DPD in 2D threads that's all.

>> No.44499481

It struck me today that I really enjoy streaming, gacha, vtubers, online singers drama in eroge so they should do them more at least in moege/nukige

>> No.44499582

>Here you go, enjoy :)
Thank you so much anon!
>I need to add Demon's Gate and Noise to this. I don't have that much free space on my mega account though.
Either make a second mega account or use another host/service.

>> No.44500015

>Only images of seiyū might be an exception
3dpdfag detected

>> No.44500178
File: 142 KB, 928x1390, 1682593403239186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll pick it up but I already have KanoTsuku2 in the backlog.
Lord, give me time to play more eroge. That's all I want...

>> No.44500646

>I really enjoy streaming, gacha, vtubers, online singers drama in eroge
why. I like drama but I don't want this kind of shit. I'm too out of touch to relate.

>> No.44500703

Eroge isn't going to get itself stuck to 00's sensibilities, luddite. It has to move on.

>> No.44500730
File: 1.75 MB, 500x625, 1691005302904731.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, I'm just gauging what the limits are, eitherway I find weird what trigger some people
I'll play nice, also protip, the best way to deal with shitposting is just to ignore them

>> No.44500795

You're probably the worst poster we've had in a long while. Don't try to lecture others it's just embarrassing.

>> No.44500872

The best way to deal with someone breaking into your home and taking a shit on the floor is to just ignore them

>> No.44500977

No, it's killing them on sight.

>> No.44501131

But if you kill someone you hate, you need to kill someone you love.

>> No.44501178

fuck off kageaki

>> No.44501186

Anyone know some aho protagonists who randomly do some stupid shit?

>> No.44501218

>thinking reacting does anything to prevent people shitting up the place
You guys sure love getting upset over stupid fucking shit. Are you sure you aren't women on their period? No wonder people love to troll this place a lot recently. It's pathetic lmao

>> No.44501249

anon, anon's life

>> No.44501280

Ignoring is best if there's someone just trolling for a reaction and nothing else, yes. But if someone is new to the thread and pulling some shit that doesn't fit the thread at all, if no one tells them anything they'll think it's fine and keep doing it.

>> No.44501344

>Are you sure you aren't women on their period?
is your brain not able to come up with anything else? i've lost count of how many times you've been shitting up this thread with your /pol/ shit damn

>> No.44501465
File: 268 KB, 1024x576, jia4oiph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread should listen to some KOTOKO and chill out.

>> No.44501503

How is this game's philosophy in comparison to Scadi?

>> No.44501520

It's both dead and alive in a box at the same time.

>> No.44501737

So we get fucked whatever we do, got it, where the fuck are the mods?

>> No.44501785

I can't wait to read about that fucking cat AGAIN. I'm no Aristotle but there must be another topic to discuss in philosophical VNs, right? right???

>> No.44501862

Idk but the last time i made a joke about birth rates they banned me for 2 days for offtopic so they are definitely looking

>> No.44501879

I bet someone reported it. It was in a thread after a bumplimit. I got smacked for engaging in that discussion too.

>> No.44501915

Nekonade focuses a lot on it but it also goes through other topics like the observer effect, the Maxwell's demon, and pretty much all other things like that.
Philosophical eroge writers really love their physics, and especially quantum physics.

>> No.44501929

>Maxwell's demon
There's a reference to that in onigyu, so it's not just tryhard stuff.

>> No.44502031

It's ironic because I haven't seen anyone who throws bigger tantrums than /pol/tards, as much as like they to pretend otherwise.

>> No.44502143

i blame ryuukisi even though no one used it better than him to this date

>> No.44502170

Pretty sure Nietzsche gets mentioned a lot, especially when it comes to utsuge.

>> No.44502199

according to nietzsche pretty women with nothing but fancy in their heads have always been the delight of intense and profound male souls, so he probably would have been a 2D lover had he lived today, moege and slice of life

>> No.44502304

Is the anon who was going to do the Hasshaku video essay still with us? I really wanted to see that video.

>> No.44502321
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, 1689889081527859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New cat reference just dropped

>> No.44502338

What game?

>> No.44502350

so does studyxsteady have a phone route or am i just wasting my time on these inferior heroines of flesh and blood

>> No.44502437

At this point I think Schrödinger should be regarded as the father of eroge imo.

>> No.44502459


>> No.44502470

Think about it, you can read it and play it simultaneously...

>> No.44502570

Did you just do what I think you just did? You're lucky you're not in an unobserved closed room with me in it, anon.

>> No.44502660

This is completely wrong come on.

>> No.44502791


>> No.44502833

is it still gay if no one's observing it?

>> No.44502877

it's not gay until you open the box

>> No.44502905

could be simultaneously both straight and gay, who knows.

>> No.44502962

I don't understand, why can't the kids come up with something that is new AND good?

>> No.44503140
File: 549 KB, 728x720, 1683577757770065.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty women with nothing but fancy in their heads have always been the delight of intense and profound male souls
the perfect sluts, maybe nietzsche was right?

>> No.44503387
File: 1.49 MB, 1282x717, ミズリィダイスキ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame that i cannot find Misery's theme online, it's a weird song,like a mix of Clannad and Rpgmaker's bgm,but i like it.
"Evil" women are so hot too.

>> No.44503409

When Nietzsche said that women were cows he didn't mean this...

>> No.44503666

Both Nietzsche and Freud would be cowfags today.

>> No.44505188
File: 618 KB, 2127x3656, 1679801290024437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44505526

man i forgot how "man angrily fisting a jar of mayonnaise" marmalade sound effects are
maybe that's where the name comes from

>> No.44505529
File: 2.37 MB, 1680x1259, 03-09-2023 02-40-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 2006 crowdfunded game has better tech than any modern ones
I legit never saw something like this used before, it even automatically gets blurred if you don't move the mouse for some time

>> No.44505546

Do you have to wipe the condensation off the screen? That's awesome

>> No.44505587

>black cyk
Does it reveal something grotesque when you wipe away the fog?

>> No.44505626

I would say least 1/4 of the scenes are pretty wholesome

>> No.44505644

women yes

>> No.44505656

Does this mean that the MC is seeing them through a mirror and that's why he has to wipe off the condensation? Or is it just the cameraman cleaning the lens?

>> No.44505680

Yumemi is the mc so i guess she has to wipe the mirror

>> No.44505748

I don't know man, she seems to have her hands too full to do that. I'm kinda retarded so stuff like this breaks my immersion, I won't deny that it's cool though.

>> No.44505803

Well here at least you can always assume there is some 蟲 with camera around and it will unironically make sense

>> No.44505821

But my yuzusoft technology of opening image mails...

>> No.44505943

Why should they pander to you, grandpa?

>> No.44506103

>KOTOKO and chill out.
How am I supposed to chill to this?

>> No.44506964

I didn't know anyone but me used refuge.tokyo.
I found them off of a google image search once and I've been using it on a daily basis since. Great place for finding cool obscure PSX games.

>> No.44507226
File: 441 KB, 1280x720, 9-nine-そらいろそらうたそらのおと.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44507233
File: 1.69 MB, 952x952, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I only check their PC games section, inside they not only have reviews of lesser known games, but also various patches, a 2ch archive and, what I find most interesting, an unreleased games section, which is a compilation of magazines that shows all the games we could have gotten.
I'd like to use it daily too but their last update in this section was in 2018 which is really a shame, although they seem to be more active in the consoles part of the site. But, man, what a fucking great site.

>> No.44509048
File: 311 KB, 3840x2160, 2023_06_20_425_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're small-time

>> No.44509057

That's the best part though. Who needs CGs?

>> No.44509073

Wow, funky premise.

>> No.44509422

Not unheard of in current year.

>> No.44510164

Oh wow, I got a month of VIP access on H-Suki for this >>44474616
Which is basically nothing except they show links to stuff which was everyone could access for free before they started jewing up the site several months ago.
I have no use for it. Anyone interested in anything from behind their paywall?

>> No.44510394

check all the request unfulfilled in these threads, there are probably many.

>> No.44511148
File: 490 KB, 1107x1280, 9ec28451d9eaed3841917424645eee67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked the animation, but is the VN any good?

>> No.44511285

Yes, it's Gyarucore.
There's also an append patch.

>> No.44511761
File: 464 KB, 881x661, ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got it thanks

>> No.44511770

What in the world did you do? Did you just add the crack to to software extras section on the game page or did you message someone directly?

Anyway I'd like
Wagaya ni Majo ga Yattekita!
Huh it seems they don't even let you see the page for stuff behind paywall anymore. That's stupid. Now no one is going to even know if what they want exists.

>> No.44512078

I don't think there is a single documented case of a hentai ova being better than the VN it adapted

>> No.44512158

the sukebe elf ova is super good though

>> No.44512171

what about the shoujo ramune one? i think ive seen some people that didnt like the VN

>> No.44512192

Does anyone have the patch for V.G. Neo? I have the game but it doesn't start without a NoCD patch and there don't seem to be uploads outside of baidu https://galge.fun/downloads/14229

>> No.44512221

I saw these a long time ago and they were pretty good, but looking at the VN I can't say I'd like to read that.

>> No.44512251

the animation let out some good scenes and cowardly aged up the heroines so that they looked more like teens
not a huge fan of the VN either, though.

>> No.44512267

Tentacles & Witches hentai was so much better by just having the anime only orgy scene alone.

>> No.44512280

Indeed but the game is still superior.
I remember Baku ane having some very good ova too.

Actually found Misery's theme.
It's the 7th track, It really reminds me of Something you could hear in Clannad.

>> No.44512376


>> No.44512460

baka dakedo chinchin and aibeya 2

>> No.44512697

1fichier dot com slash ?kt70s9mw[8]kraeoritud7
Restore the . and /, remove the brackets, enjoy.
If the hoster is blocked in your country (it is in mine), GoodbyeDPI works around it for me, but it depends on how exactly your ISP blocks the site.

>What in the world did you do?
Both. Made a new account, the confirmation email never arrived, wrote a complaint about it on the confirmation page with the blatantly temporary mail address, acc got instantly approved. Pretty sure no human has ever looked at it.

>> No.44512746

>baka dakedo chinchin
I almost didn't believe you

>> No.44512859

Can someone tell me what I should read in this list? I'm still a beginner...

>> No.44512866

Battle Royal predates Fateshit thoughever

>> No.44512884

The last real trend was mystery/horror thrillers around the time chaos head, steins gate, etc were popular and most of those companies stopped making them or died

>> No.44512897

Clover Days was one of the first things I read, it's pretty approachable outside the kansai-ben. Anything yuzusoft should also work. Primal Hearts I read recently, that one could probably work. But it's kind of boring. Only play the girls you like if you end up doing that.

>> No.44512899

Read what you found the most interesting

>> No.44512909

As always this is the best answer >>44512899

>> No.44512950

at first glance the easiest novels you have in your wishlist are: YUNO, monkeys, Kimi to Kanojo to Kanojo no Ko and maybe Flowers and Kara no Shoujo. But if you are only interested in the difficulty of reading them maybe you could take a look at this site: https://jpdb.io/visual-novel-difficulty-list
but as the other anon said, this is always going to be the best answer. >>44512899

>> No.44513012

new thread:

>> No.44513027 [SPOILER] 
File: 849 KB, 590x650, vn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just follow your dick like me, or at least avoid vns that has magic or high tech for now

>> No.44513087

>page 8
Kill yourself

>> No.44513095

What the fuck is that image

>> No.44513104

>charmareians dev/asaschizo is at it again

>> No.44513140

It's from Charmareians.

>> No.44513144

back to your containment board

>> No.44513165 [DELETED] 

>nooo you can't just post english VNs in the untranslated japanese VN thread

>> No.44513192 [DELETED] 

You improved the quality of your baits a bit but they are still terrible, find a hobby retard.

>> No.44513213

A chadmareians OP?
Fucking finally.

>> No.44513298

Can you post links to these please? In order of priority.

>> No.44513330
File: 76 KB, 397x515, thumbs up loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these would be swell

>> No.44513411

it's unbelievably disgusting
it was my go to site since a lot of the time torrents would be dead or much slower to download
it'd be somewhat understandable if they were hosting downloads but they're fucking not

>> No.44513496

Thank you very much.
Will go into the touchy collection... eventually

>> No.44513588

Hopefully mods delete it.

>> No.44513602

Ignore and report and wait for the real thread when we hit page 10

>> No.44513762

how butthurt this guy must have been to do something like this kek

>> No.44513766

September line up looks so much better than last month

>> No.44513773

You mean samefagging the new OP to repeatedly express his anger? Pretty butthurt, I'm sure.

>> No.44513800

yeah kek

>> No.44513824

Mods here don't really care about any thread unless is the vtuber one

>> No.44513836

Oh so you're that MTLfag? Color me surprised.

>> No.44513901

It's funny how new posts appear in that thread but IP count is not going up.

>> No.44513914

>8 posts
>6 IPs
you're right, someone is samefagging hard.
You should never make more than one post per thread.

>> No.44513924

he's samefagging ITT too

>> No.44514221

That entire thread is riddled with fake posts kek.

>> No.44514251

Isn't Geminism coming out this month? Fuuuck, I'm really going to have to stall what I'm reading now? If only I had as much time to waste as these EOPs retards do, lmao

>> No.44514457

I take it you haven't read the VN.

>> No.44514804

Now that you mention it, I don't remember the last mystery/horror thrillers released recently, even without filtering only denpage

>> No.44515461

>Mods deleted the pic of the troll thread as if to tell us to use that thread anyways
Im surprised despite VNs being absolutely niche and untranslated VNs being even more niche between all the scope of japanese culture we still somehow get the worse cancer out of it

>> No.44515476

It's a half-assed compromise but so long as no vandalism was done to the OP, it'll have to do for now I suppose.

>> No.44515488
File: 32 KB, 256x384, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that comes to mind is Ame ni Shite Hito or Hazure, sadly it is an extremely short game.

>> No.44515493

pw: /jp/

>> No.44515551

Can you get this game?

>> No.44515574

That one only needs a basic account, sure
1fichier dot com slash ?0jyo445h[2]jo6a9x0d7nn
(add . and /, remove [ and ])

>> No.44515585

Mods won't do anything because it's too much work for them to make up who is an ironic troll or who is a normal poster since they don't really have an idea of what the culture of the thread is like.

>> No.44515604

Thanks a lot! You're a hero.

If there's anything behind VIP you might want in the future you should save the links now while you have free VIP. I did that last year during a period with recent releases being unlocked. Bookmarked and added the ddl links as comments.

>> No.44515991

SUPPOSEDLY one is releasing in July, but
>【ひよこソフト】「死と彼女と廻る世界」発売延期 2023年7月28日2024年3月29日

>> No.44516004

dude it's already september

>> No.44516105

Bro, it clearly says there that it was postponed until next year...

>> No.44516132

I hope enough people raise enough of a stink to revert their dumbshit decisions, but I doubt it. These power tripping fucks get off on angry bitching.

>> No.44516175

>paying for download links
literally who ever do this. Couldn't be me

>> No.44516587

yes, everything should be free, artists are your slaves, of course

>> No.44516600

you are trying way too hard kek

>> No.44516607

this but unironically

>> No.44518681

praise be communism

>> No.44518736

amen brother
inshallah even

>> No.44519526

I just gave makura money
I earn 200 a month

>> No.44520376

200 what

>> No.44522405


>> No.44522508

Thank you for financing the industry

>> No.44522720

literally not paying the artists
