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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 437 KB, 1123x1600, CORONATUS 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
443693 No.443693 [Reply] [Original]

So, I was wondering, after reading someone asking how many were browsing /jp/, how many of us are there ?
Could you each post once?

>> No.443704

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443707


Sometimes I like to reply to my own posts, pretending I'm a different person.

>> No.443709

Sometimes I use a trip.

>> No.443712


Sometimes I like to pretend I'm the original poster when I reply to someone.

>> No.443716

I am Anonymous!

>> No.443720


For no reason particular ofcourse.

>> No.443721

Doubt this is going to work.

>> No.443728

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443731

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443733

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443730

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443741

I'd Rin's Coronatus

>> No.443744

this shit will never work

>> No.443747

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443761

What kind of god awful idea is this.

>> No.443765

I'm here, I'm /jp/'s "cool guy" character.

>> No.443769

Just ask moot for the stats.

>> No.443780

I post porn and Meiling.

>> No.443784

I'm the guy who rarely posts due to internet problems.

>> No.443805

How disappointing, it once worked.
I post crap.

>> No.443820

I often post multiple times and pretend I'm not a samefag if someone points that out.

>> No.443821

No Trips or names, yet.
Assists in some floods if I'm around and generally enjoys the board's treasures.

>> No.443826

I am the only schizophrenic person on 4Chan.

>> No.443831

I'm also the guy that asks for sauce.


>> No.443833

You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

>> No.443840

/jp/ has somehow turned me into a tripfag

>> No.443847

I'm the sensible guy, I try to see the other persons opinion and respond politely.

>> No.443856


>> No.443857

Coronatus fanbook by Fomalhaut.

>> No.443860

Apparently "Coronatus"

>> No.443869


>> No.443873

ok, just one post

but why this thread?
it's not like you'll meet more than one or two of us outside except for at a con or something.

And I've never been to a con.

>> No.443878

plus not all anons are from the same place/country like you OP

>> No.443879

Not to meet anyone, to count the number of people on /jp/, for fun.
that fucked up though.

>> No.443880

Namefag reporting.

>> No.443886

I only post in threads declaring my love for Alice. I'm her number #1 fan!

>> No.443888


>> No.443894

I like pie.

>> No.443895

Yeah, whatever this plan of yours is, I don't see it working.

>> No.443896

you failed.

>> No.443901

I failed, this is now a Misc thread.

>> No.443902

The trip/namefags are about to be more than anons. /jp/ is starting to look like a forum.

>> No.443907

I live as anonymous and I shall die as anonymous.

>> No.443909

You are the cure of the cancer that killed /a/ and infested /jp/

>> No.443910

ok, but this will be an impossible task, mind you.

I think the rate of posters:lurkers is rather high here, because it's always better to post than just browse through the pages.

This is my second post, btw. (>>443873)
Also; timezones is an important factor when doing this.
I'm a Eurofag myself, but there should be some Americans too considering it's Sunday and all that.

>> No.443916

Sometimes I flame myself (as anon), hoping to start a shitstorm.

>> No.443926


>> No.443927


Nicely played, anon.

>> No.443921

Yet I fail miserably

>> No.443933

glad to serve

>> No.443934

I'll play even though this is clearly not working.

>> No.443936

It worked once, I was to know the number of people at one time, now the total userbase though.
come to think of it, I don't actually give a shit.
This is fun anyway.

>> No.443943

Indeed. Also half of the posts in this thread are mine.

>> No.443944

I see what you're trying to do there.

>> No.443953


Wow, you`ve just discovered an America.

>> No.443954

I always wonder if some mod is laughing at how much a faggot I am for posting as anonymous and with my trip in different threads.

>> No.443958

4chan has plenty of tumors, trip and namefags aren't among them. I'd rather take a board filled with tripfags over another /b/ and all the associated "ANONYMOUS IS LEGION ANONYMOUS DOES NOT FORGIVE EPIC LULZ" shit.

>> No.443959

See? that's what I'm talking about. Watching two tripfags trolling each other is nothing like two anons having an internet fight.

>> No.443962

Try something like this when it's not the weekend.

>> No.443972

Oh, and I already posted in this thread. Not that anyone is counting anymore, anyway.

>> No.443973

I don't think they're trolling each other or anything.
on the other hand, you sound like that yandere guy

>> No.443975


Yeah, and since tripfags aren`t really anonymous, you can remember that "this tripfag is a fag" and, for instance, sage his threads when he next posts. You can`t do that with anonymous posters, since you don`t really know who they are unless they`re obvious trolls. Which means they`re trolls and therefore you should sage their threads. Yeah.

>> No.443977

Well yeah me too, but I had many good serious discussions with anons the past years and at least if you post as anon you have to defend your point with the post you make the exact moment, while a tripfag must come out to defend himself against trolling leading the discussion to offtopic matters.

>> No.443980


>> No.443981

I'll actually have to follow you on that one.

>> No.443987

this is true
but also these are too
also cocks

>> No.443990

I have to tell you something. Actually, 80% of anonymous posts in this thread were made by me.

I'm sorry I had to tell you this. Will you forgive me?

>> No.443994

And I am the other 20% anon

>> No.443995

Well, watching 2 slobbering, foaming rabid angry trolls go insane at each other is the best shit ever.

>> No.444002

I've posted a few times too


>> No.444004

The trolling is lesser here to what is used to be in other places though.

>> No.444005


It`s even better if you`re one of them.

>> No.444007

There's really no difference, even as Anonymous, it's easy to spot same persons in a debate. Actually, debating as a tripfag makes you easier to attack, since people tend to do ad hominem attacks a lot more often.

I debate as Anonymous all the time. Actually, I only used my trip often right before the split, when /a/ was Cirno's Happy Fun Club House.

>> No.444009

oh hay I'm once okay

>> No.444015

Fuck you,
was me.

>> No.444016

I may have Alzheimer's but at least I don't have Alzheimer's.

>> No.444018

Indeed, this place is more peaceful and there is a "acceptance" of tripfags/namefags. Mostly cause most of them are nice.
On the other hand there are some obvious trolls and some faggots here and there which aren't left ignored that makes me think that /jp/ is slowly infected with newfags.

>> No.444025

>On the other hand there are some obvious trolls and some faggots here and there which aren't left ignored that makes me think that /jp/ is slowly infected with newfags

y thank you

>> No.444026

it's not.

>> No.444027

The problem are the Anons that feel like they must sage and troll tripfags for no good reason and derail the thread.

I'm not defending tripfaggotry, but if you look at the general picture of things, the best imageboards tend to be boards that have most of their posters Anonymous (say, 80%), but don't cause a shitstorm when people use trips. /a/ has been going downhill ever since they started hating on tripfags again.

>> No.444028


same person

>> No.444032
File: 110 KB, 1280x800, 1208107762018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this makes me remember the beginning of the board.
damn, that was funny.

>> No.444035

I'm glad I don't have to worry about that mad cow disease. I'm a rabbit.

>> No.444036

Protip: Namefags and tripfags aren't the problem. The problem is idiots. The only difference is when a namefag or tripfag is an idiot it's obvious.

>> No.444038

To be fair, tripfag acceptance peaked when Cirno came up with his tripfriends troll on /a/, before the split.

>> No.444039

Well /jp/ is like /tg/ in that matter. We co-exist at least for now. Also most of those anons are trolls so if the tripfag starts to defend himself against the sage he is the one who derails the thread.

>> No.444040

I was actually fooling around with you in that touhou thread.

>> No.444044


>> No.444047

Posting for the sake of posting in a thread I have yet to post in.

>> No.444050

Maybe like 50~100.

>> No.444052


Of course, it doesn't help that the idiot anons insist on pointing out the idiot name/tripfags and calling them idiots thus inciting idiot wars and ruining threads, without realizing that they're both cancer.

>> No.444057

I have to tell you something.


I am >>444025

>> No.444062

you all love tripfags and you know it ^________________________^

>> No.444063

meh, an idiot's an idiot, we shouldn't discriminate.

>> No.444064

Yes. Noone cares if the namefag/tripfag/anon will defend himself or not. When have of the threads are about people defending themselves into topics that have nothing to do with the OP's subject you know that they're part of the cancer.

>> No.444069

Post faster dammit.

>> No.444070
File: 22 KB, 478x357, 1208108210925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait what the fuck

>> No.444072

Most of the times, tripfags only act like idiots for the sake of trolling. Look at people like YandereAliceFag, Meru, etc.

>> No.444073

I have to confess, I'm >>443933

>> No.444074

Nice name.

>> No.444078


Are you the same anon that was impersonating AoC yesterday?

>> No.444080

I for once miss both Conan and AoG. That's all.

>> No.444075

Meru is in /a/?

>> No.444081

It's not a tripcode, it's a name. I just copy pasted the name field of >>444057, I'm not him.

>> No.444085


>> No.444086
File: 33 KB, 800x400, 1208108451557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now, really. What the FUCK is going on in this thread? I don`t get it anymore.

>> No.444088

Good. He stayed with the rest shit then.
...oh wait /jp/ = /a/

>> No.444094

you need more training

>> No.444095

>Most of the times, tripfags only act like idiots for the sake of trolling. Look at people like YandereAliceFag, Meru, etc

Fuck, I was discovered! I`m going to post only as anon from now on.

>> No.444102

Anonymous of Russian Federation start the spoil trend of Ever17 so he can suck a cock.
Some things are so divine not even Anon should interfere.

>> No.444103

What`s this!
This is not how you post in 4chan!

No names!
No trips!
No sages!
Final destination!

>> No.444104

Thanks, we appreciate it.

>> No.444106
File: 77 KB, 1223x538, 1208108651540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh great.

>> No.444113
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>> No.444119

Well /jp/ has a lot of the old Anons who have natural resistance to trolling. /a/ has a lots of AS posters, most of them who came during the SaiGar.

>> No.444123
File: 297 KB, 1364x2000, 1208108883438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.444124




>> No.444126

Me and another Anon are the only ones who post here. Most of the tripfags are also me.

>> No.444137


Uh, no. I am the only one that posts in this thread.

>> No.444139

DEATH DUE TO AIDS. Mostly because of the proxyguy but it was still shit anyway.

>> No.444143


>> No.444144

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

>> No.444146

I miss Anime_Expert

>> No.444147

Yes and I am the other guy.

>> No.444150
File: 32 KB, 300x474, 1208109099733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in during sakakiha

>> No.444152

>>444119 /a/ has a lots of AS posters, most of them who came during Gurren Lagann

>> No.444154

good times.

>> No.444156


Ah, so it was you all along. It was nice talking to you. Really.

>> No.444162

Why "sak" isn't it more "tsu"?

>> No.444165


>> No.444167

I have to agree on that.
Also did AoG got arrested or what? Fuck and he was the most respected pedo I'd ever met.

>> No.444174

thanks but this is starting to get painful. I can only type THAT fast.

>> No.444175

Currently trying to crack "nmVOHsTRd", because it's fun.

>> No.444178


Indeed. Probably the best troll the boards have ever seen. I remember fondly coming on to /a/ and finding various threads being bombarded with "sage for anime expert" because he had made just one post in it.

>> No.444189

Now that you mentioned it, I also remember of Food Anime also.

>> No.444191

Is OP still here?

>> No.444196

yes, op was a tripfag who posted in the thread not so long ago.

>> No.444197


don't forget me

>> No.444198

guriin was also pretty decent.

>> No.444201

sup im from Peru.

>> No.444203



>> No.444205

oh fuck

>> No.444206

oh god the color brigade shit and haruhi existentialism.

>> No.444211

This thread makes me feel like I am 70 years old.
Well I'm half way there.

>> No.444219

Nostalgia: The Thread


a bunch of old fags

>> No.444224

You lie.

>> No.444229


>a single old fag

>> No.444232

I think I still have his picture, or someone's.

>> No.444233
File: 27 KB, 200x228, 1208110027585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.444235


Thats probably tonberryking

>> No.444244

oh yes that it, thanks for correcting me, I should tag it.
damned faggot I am.

>> No.444250

and i want to say i miss AoG and i hate the Cirno tripfag

yeah im also a lurker im only posting here, today.

>> No.444251

Nah, I was looking at tonberryking, faggot I am.
I do remember those posts though, they were DEEP.

>> No.444253


Oh man they were. Reading that shit at 3 am followed by the enraged responses.

>> No.444257

Funny thing, I loved Cirno.

>> No.444269


You could`ve just asked, but if you want to do it the hard way...

>> No.444277

the reason im here is because Cirno stayed in /a/. i seriously raged by just looking at his tripcode, instafail at a yuu rage you lose threads.

back to not posting now.

>> No.444282

I remember one night when anonymous frantically confessed his love to JamesCID and then the boards got spammed with guro for some reason.

Good times.

>> No.444284


Besides, it really is an easy one.

>> No.444287

I'm that kind of idiot, I feel better after.
I'm not even gonna post using it, probably.
(also, already 4k + trips)

>> No.444294


lol, is he still there? Didn't see em last time I glimpsed at /a/.

>> No.444301

>not even gonna post using it, probably.
>gonna post using it, probably.
>using it, probably.


>> No.444309


He said he got permabanned.

>> No.444317


ah i see

>> No.444316

I liked Cirno a bunch I imagine his stuff like that great big plan to found an artist circle or country or whatever would have inspired hate. Whether it was trolling or not, I'm still unsure.

>> No.444323

Having a trip isn't fun anymore, so I don't use it.

People stop responding to bait if you have a name.

>> No.444327


>> No.444334

He seemed like a nice guy, saying he'd host Anon and all.
I liked his humor, too.

>> No.444336

>Anonymous of Alabama !.p44NyTsCo

I still remember that thread about retard buses. Good times.

>> No.444350


From what i've heard, he was just a giant troll/faggot. I wouldn't know since I hardly ever look at /a/.

>> No.444361

I have a hangover and can't remember what you're referring to.

Hopefully I was at my finest.

>> No.444369


He was a huge troll during the day but during nightshift everything relaxed and he opened up more like everyone else. I remember talking with him a bunch of times when there was some silly thread on /a/ about making terrible puns about bread and bears.

>> No.444378


I bet that was a loaf of fun right?

>> No.444399
File: 96 KB, 421x550, 1208111901292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, it was sort of half-baked.

>> No.444405


aw man, that sounds pretty stale

>> No.444406
File: 31 KB, 452x340, 1208111976880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.444412

as I pray
"Unlimited Bread Works"

>> No.444416

"You want this tripcode?"
"That's not like you. Sure, I'll have it."

>> No.444429
File: 674 B, 217x18, 1208112361586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolwut? 4k trips?

>> No.444465


>> No.444488
File: 91 KB, 554x600, 1208113190370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, I`d sure like to have a trip like that.

>> No.444502

I'm only a lurker..

>> No.444514
File: 126 KB, 800x1140, 1208113446799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.445103

There's only 6 or 7 people on 4chan, believe it

>> No.445129

I love Rin

>> No.445169

Probably 90% of /jp/ are going to ignore this thread.

>> No.445175

To me, 1 worths 100,000 and the crowd, nothing.

>> No.445875

Ah, there is but one: Anonymous.

>> No.445887


>> No.445888
File: 283 KB, 1600x900, 1208128317355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I use a trip.

>> No.445889
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hay thar

>> No.445891
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>> No.445896
File: 141 KB, 441x614, 1208128491716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit, you too?

>> No.445910

Whaddaya mean you too? YOU ARE ME AND I AM YOU

>> No.445929


>> No.445931

Here's my one post. I often post links to

