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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44351549 No.44351549 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you enjoyed Comiket weekend, /jp/! It's just about a week before the hiso fightan tournament, so we're going to have another practice session this Friday, Aug. 18th, starting around ~10PM EST. It will go on for maybe an hour or too again just like last time.

Unfortunately, my efforts have failed in trying to get some port forwarding going, so we'll likely be going for the replays route for the stream. In any case, the practice matches will also be streamed so if you just want to take it easy and watch some games, feel free to drop in too.

I will probably also be getting the profile names for those who want to participate, so I can figure out two things:
- How many peope are participating
- What format the tournament should take to best accommodate the participants
More people will lean closer to single elimination or even more extreme measures, while fewer people will lean toward double elimination, or at the extreme, (like 4 or so participants) just round robin.

Then I'll just have to draw out the tournament chart over the next week.

>> No.44352928

so do I just host a game on soku if I want to practice?

>> No.44353011
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I just read my clock wrong, I won't be able to practice with anons tonight, probably tomorrow though if anyone is on.

>> No.44354533

>More people will lean closer to single elimination or even more extreme measures, while fewer people will lean toward double elimination
i'd say it's better to keep it as double elimination, unless the entry count is too low of course. not only is it the standard format for fighting games, but it's also less stressful for the players knowing that they aren't immediately eliminated if they lose one game. everyone gets to play more, the results become more consistent, it's just better all around. i get it that it may be more work to stream more matches but you could also just skip the first couple rounds of the losers bracket if time is an issue
>Unfortunately, my efforts have failed in trying to get some port forwarding going
the newer versions of autopunch let you spectate hosts that are also using autopunch and cannot portforward so that shouldn't be an issue

looking forward to the practice stream so i can take it easy and watch for a bit

>> No.44354747

I'd be up for it. Can't host though.

>More people will lean closer to single elimination or even more extreme measures, while fewer people will lean toward double elimination, or at the extreme, (like 4 or so participants) just round robin.
Always go double elimination for tournaments unless there are less than 8 people, then do round robin. If time is an issue then you don't have to put every match on stream.
>Then I'll just have to draw out the tournament chart over the next week.
Hope you're using challonge and not literally drawing it.

>> No.44355961

where dat game at tho

>> No.44356215

Ah, I forgot to add a URL for the game. Here it is:

>> No.44356955
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Practice games will now be hosted at this cytube room: /jp-summer-fightan

The fights will also be streamed, so come on in if you would like to play or watch!

>> No.44357089
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>> No.44357467
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if any of you play Suwako I will personally castrate you

>> No.44357482

Suwako was pretty popular on the practice runs so good luck with that.

>> No.44357486

I'll join for sure next week.
Profile: RVMT

>> No.44357785
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Practice matches are now over! Thanks for playing, and I hope it was fun watching.

The real tournament will be precisely next week, Friday, Aug. 25th, 10PM EST!

No worries, I've noted down the names of everyone who played. I think there was one more anon from last time who will join, but it's looking like it'll be a 5 man tournament so far. Not too bad! We'll probably go with double elimination as suggested.

If you missed the run, but still want to participate, just post your profile name in this thread and I'll add you to the list. Just some caution though - during the practice matches, we did come up with connection issues. For that reason, anyone who wants to join but hasn't participated in practice matches, maybe try to do a match with some of the random people in the hiso lobby to make sure you can at least join a match.

>> No.44361290

by profile do you mean online username or is there something else used to host

>> No.44362618

I guess profile means the in-game thing so people the participants don't get mixed up with random people.

>> No.44363802

alright my in game name is FUDGELOL

>> No.44373042 [DELETED] 


>> No.44375500
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I'm going to be swamped next week so I can't make it to the tourno. Maybe next year if we make this a yearly thing like /japan/.

>> No.44383462
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death to all frogs
