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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4432237 No.4432237 [Reply] [Original]

Just found out I'm going to a con this summer. Never been to one, no clue what to expect.

What do I need to know?

>> No.4432247

>found out I'm going to a con
How can you "find out"? Do you have multiple personality disorder or something?

>> No.4432244

Don't reply, Anons. Let this troll thread die quickly.

>> No.4432270

Cons are fun if you have money to spend and can ignore the annoying people there (so take a MP3 player and some noise-cancelling headphones with you)

>> No.4432285

I have a weaboo waif whos making me go. Don't get me wrong I want to go somewhat, but shes forcing me.

>> No.4432288


Shannon posts on 4chan for the first time.

>> No.4432289

We'll have to sage once in a while when the OP bumps it.

>> No.4432293


>I have a weaboo waif

a god among men

>> No.4432298


You need to know this shit goes in /a/ first off.

>> No.4432303
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>implying that cons are not otaku related

>> No.4432306

What? Why would you let a waif tell you what to do? Why did you even take in a waif? I'm pretty sure that's illegal, take the fucking thing to an orphanage.

>> No.4432320

Well, cons are /jp/ related really and I see no reason to mind discussion about them unless it is bad quality (even then you should just ignore the thread)

>> No.4432321

Holy shit, that dog.
Also, this is all you need to know: >>4432270

I suggest getting some opinions from /a/, though, since they may be better used to these things.

>> No.4432323

Cons belong here more then /a/

OP, take money and ignore idiots.

And if you're going to cosplay, please do it right

>> No.4432328

hahahaha thank you.

thats where it went, they told me
"go look at /jp/s new board title"

all in the name of occasional rape-age good sir.

>> No.4432333

See what I was referring to when I was talking about new sorts of undesirable individuals suddenly flocking in? See?

>> No.4432342

>'part of otaku culture' argument
More like /a/ and /cgl/, right?

>> No.4432343

You're an idiot

>> No.4432353

This thread is why I love /jp/.

Never change.

>> No.4432346


>if you're going to cosplay do it right

I know, but I doubt I'm going to right away. If con-going becomes a habit then I might do phoenix wright one day. But yeah, cosplay is definitely not something that should be done unless you have a lot of time/money/effort to put into it and an overbearing sense of perfection.

>> No.4432356
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Thats pretty much it, take some money and an MP3 player.

Cons are usualy over 2 or 3 days so no need to rush anything, even if you are going for one day you can still usualy witness all the con has to offer.

A rusksack/ satchel is also a great help for storing merchandise instead of having it in your hands for the entire day.

>> No.4432359

Hang around the shops. And only the shops. Events are usually boring to shit tier.

The last day of the con yields the lowest prices, but also the lowest selection. Go on the first day to get the rarer, must-have goodies, and then the last day to sweep up the remaining deals.

>> No.4432361

Probably will stop after a while, though.
And cons have always been discussed in /jp/..

>> No.4432363

"Otaku culture, not weeaboo culture."

We'll have to say that a lot, I'm afraid.

>> No.4432375
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>he doesn't understand the true meaning of weeaboo and otaku, while he may think of himself as an otaku he is actualy a dirty gaijin japanophile weeaboo

>> No.4432383

>Thats pretty much it, take some money and an MP3 player.
Yep, and I think taking a water bottle with you might be good too. Even though western cons are nothing like comiket, its still pretty hell-ish if its hot and you dont have any water with you.

>> No.4432385

>"Otaku culture, not weeaboo culture."
I commend you for this. Now the line between 'otaku culture' and 'weeaboo culture' will be finally drawn.

>> No.4432441

OP here.

Who dares acknowledge this line?

>> No.4432450

I do, but I think cons are ''otaku culture'' as long as the discussion isnt about alfa-males having sex with the cosplayer girls

>> No.4432457

This. Plus fapping to female cosplayers.

>> No.4432458


that happens?
god damn, wish I would have gone before Ms. Weaboo was in the picture.

>> No.4432476

I laughed, thanks anon.

>> No.4432552

Also take a camera

You never know what you'll see

>> No.4432654

About 85% of the people are /a/ or lower level retard. Laugh at them or ignore them, your choice. The remaining 15% are either the staff, the normalfags who came because of their girfriends or the few intelligent visitors.
I mainly visit cons because of the programmes and the cosplay. Last time there were origami and go which I really enjoyed. Also, sometimes there are interesting interviews.
Buying shit is secondary for me, because I'm poor, but there are a lot of interesting stuff there. Most of them are overpriced and obnoxious though. The only worthwhile thing is probably manga.
Next time I'm going to a con I'm going to buy some english Excel manga and scan it or edit the RAW. Fuck the whole licensing shit. When something gets licensed in the US everybody stops translating it and the european audience gets fucked over. It's pissing me off.

>> No.4432675

Importing manga from America isnt too hard, though (bookdepository is one good place to order from).
True that its a bit annoying the local manga shops charge like 10€/book, though.

>> No.4432743

Try doing that from backwards Eastern European countries, where the "local manga shop" means one of the 3 big comicshops at the capital. Also, people here have less money for things like that.

>> No.4433310

Oh yeah, I managed to forget how Europe has such countries as well..
