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44321121 No.44321121 [Reply] [Original]

I remember them being funnier and more iconic, with the 2hus constantly taking jabs at each other with witty and clever comebacks (picrel), but since TD, i feel like it's mostly shonen protagonists and villains saying shit like
>"Mwahaha! So you've come, hero! [explains why she's caused an incident] Now, you'll die thanks to the Cucksocking Magic i've acquired!"
>"Stop doing bad things, villain! I will defeat you and your Cucksocking Magic!'

Did ZUN also lose his touch when it comes to dialogues or is it just my old retard ass? If it's the latter, feel free to point it out and provide examples.

>> No.44321145

its hard to say really, DDC has good dialogue specially Kagerou vs Sakuya, I honest to god cant remenber much from other games.

>> No.44321162
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not really, it's mostly just eosd compensating their western theme with nips idiom, wordplay, and pun

>> No.44321242
File: 47 KB, 519x373, basedalice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pcb and in (to name a few) had great dialogues too, though

>> No.44321309

>Am I just a schizo blinded by nostalgia
Yes. A game just released chock full of soulful lines.

>> No.44321321

Why do you suck ZUN's cock like this anon?

Just admit that they are bad, anon. Nobody is pressuring you to tell lies here

>> No.44321386

Why are you so desperate to hate the dialogue of a game you haven't played?

>> No.44321484

why are you posting the english dialogues

>> No.44321522
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>> No.44321526

ZUN would NEVER do this in a game nowadays

>> No.44321527
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this one was the english translation taking liberties
it didn't say that in japanese and the current translations are more accurate

>> No.44321531

I know but it's still funny

>> No.44321541

and more boring, consequently

>> No.44321544
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yeah, but it's not exactly good for your argument if you're not even using the actual dialogue to say that the old games were better, since you're saying it's on ZUN that they're weaker
he still writes the characters talking shit to each other

>> No.44321550

Im not the OP

>> No.44321560

That only proves OP's point, that's lazy as hell and not funny.

>> No.44321610

The translation quality also has changed over the years, and there's still problems with fitting text to this day requiring changes. A lot of "the dialogue ZUN wrote" isn't actually a translation of the dialogue ZUN wrote.

>> No.44321612

Why are you asking this as if the screenshots preceding your post featured unfaithful translations? Weeaboo idiot.

>> No.44321669

Because translators either push their left winging ideals, or they are retarded and always think the dialogue has multiple meanings. Zun hiring people to officially translate the game is not a bad idea.

>> No.44321675

Is >>44321522 the left wing ideals you're so afraid of?

>> No.44321684
File: 54 KB, 128x445, Th07Chen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really can't top sakuya telling chen to go get put to sleep at an animal shelter.

>> No.44321692

Although the new game does have some good Chen content.

>> No.44321693

No those are the good translators.

>> No.44321701

Or Letty freaking out at Sakuya lol, man I need to replay PCB

>> No.44321708

So you like it when the dialogue is changed for the English version?

>> No.44321733

I like it when its not boring or ass and it actually reflects the series, dont care if this isnt 100% accurate its still kino, cry me a river canon fags but Touhou is a doujin series, big suprise.

>> No.44321763

it was very cute watching ran thank orin for always playing with chen, and orin laughing about teaching chen to find corpses. it's nice to see the cats get along.

>> No.44321769

What is being reflected when a translator makes Alice say bitch?

>> No.44321771
File: 289 KB, 530x324, yachie tail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're a schizo. The dialogue being more whacky is a quirk of old translators being the same as old whacky fansubbers.
Also they still say retarded shit, like pic related

>> No.44321782

You're right but that's also a mistranslation. It's actually a Mario 64 reference.

>> No.44321815

I can't believe this is canon now. So long lady Yachie!

>> No.44321872

I think you're a schizo because I have no idea who you're quoting

>> No.44321883

*So long, gay tortoise

>> No.44321916

Thank-a you so much for a to playing my game!

>> No.44321927

>I like it when its not boring or ass and it actually reflects the series
What do you mean "reflects the series"? The line anon is quoting is funny specifically because it doesn't reflect shit, it's way out of character. You can like lines like that all you want but they're not good translations at all so don't claim they are just because you like them, especially because then that means you acknowledge the ones you don't like are in the exact same position as the ones you do like.

>> No.44321970
File: 173 KB, 623x900, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae watching DB and playing DQ is also canon

>> No.44322145

The older games were more obscure with what they were talking about, using a lot of nip wordplay and such as >>44321162. Newer games are more direct with what's going on, but I do wish that text boxes returned; the speech bubbles from TD onwards don't leave as much room as text boxes, so conversations aren't as long as they were in, say, SA for example.

>> No.44322453

Attitude, juxtaposition. The translation is right in spirit.

>> No.44322541

How can you get "bitch get out of the way!" from 邪魔だ、そこをどけ!
Even Marisa follows up by saying it's a stupid idea to just try and blitz their way through and cause a meaningless fight.

>> No.44322563

It makes the situation ludicrous

>> No.44322590

ZUN is aging and alcohol is taking its toll on him

>> No.44322616

shut up, stop trying to justify being a sad cunt.

>> No.44322669

>"How can you get "bitch get out of the way!" from 邪魔だ、そこをどけ"
nta but you make it like the english translation largely differs from the original text when it's actually accurate, it's just that the "bitch" is a bit uncalled for; and yet, it makes the dialogue way more interesting

some of you also argue that alice wouldn't say "bitch" because it's out of character, but that's not even the point because she's speaking on behalf of marisa here, who on the other hand would ABSOLUTELY say "bitch"; it perfectly fits her attitude.

bottom of the line is, you would make an awful translator if you think everything should be translated literally. you shouldn't go too far from the original text, sure, but there's nothing wrong with giving more flavor to it like they did with the "bitch, get out of the way": the original meaning is still here, and once again, that's exactly the kind of shit talk marisa would do

>> No.44322671

>He doesn't playfully insult his friends
It's fun

>> No.44322882

When did ZUN get married? You can tell TD is the downfall when you realize everyone but Youmu has a copy paste character portrait

>> No.44322914

No, Marisa would say, "Bitch get out of ze way"

>> No.44322923
File: 378 KB, 640x480, zun-art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old scanned portraits were so much better.
ZUN's art doesn't translate well to digital.

>> No.44322925

>who on the other hand would ABSOLUTELY say "bitch
Actually go fuck yourself.

>> No.44322929

Pretty sure that's digital.

>> No.44323019

The argument isn't everything should be translated literally, it's that it's taking a statement and making it something it doesn't actually say. There's a difference between "get outta the way!" and "get outta the way, bitch!".

>> No.44323023

his son is 9. so probably around 10 or so years.

>> No.44323161

I thought I couldn't love Sanae even more

>> No.44323465

this one is much better, the ''bitch'' one always felt out of character

>> No.44323478

Second one is still more memetic and funny, Touhou characters fuck around and banter in their dialogue it really isnt that out of line.
do I really have to spell it out? Its never that serious when it comes to dialogue.

>> No.44323798

>Second one is still more memetic and funny
see >>44321927

>> No.44323807

Don't care.

>> No.44323821

It's pretty funny to see people defending meme translations. I guess it's like people defending 4kids because it's all they know.

>> No.44323830

>Niggers acting like Marisa calling Reimu a bitch wasnt a high ligth of the series
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffft you retards need some coochie pronto.

>> No.44324515
File: 50 KB, 162x153, cant_read_the_vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I can't read it

>> No.44324905

is that all you wanted to say, or did you actually have something meaningful to add, you stupid cunt?

there practically isn't. both the original text and the translation are meant to sound harsh, with the translation just being more vulgar/rude. does the idea of swear words in your christian video game about magical girls shooting each other just makes you all lose your mind, or something?

>> No.44324926

>the translation just being more vulgar/rude
If she swears, she swears
If she's not swears, she's not swears
Simple as

>> No.44324947

>both the original text and the translation are meant to sound harsh
Yes, and there are different degrees of these things. If you see an anime girl rushing down on her bike screaming どけどけどけぇぇぇぇぇ!!! it gives off a vastly different impression than 邪魔だどけぇぇぇぇぇぇ!!! Marisa is headstrong and will blast past a buncha shit, and she'll even act cunty sometimes like any other protag, but that doesn't change the fact that the meaning of the line changes from the idea of her blasting past because she doesn't care versus blasting through because fuck 'em specifically. It's a very minor thing but it absolutely matters. We can have fun with the translation and to a degree I kind of fucking adore it, but it's incorrect no matter how much you wanna spin it. Not much else to say unless you're going to keep going down the angle you're already going down.

>> No.44324950

Actually there is one more thing I have to say in that yeah, the onus is on Alice's impression of Marisa. Which you could argue about how it's worse than who Marisa actually is but that's got nothing to do with the lines given, much like this entire argument about the translation.

>> No.44324985

90s/Early 00s ZUN was creating Touhou as small project for fun to sell on anime conventions. Nowadays that small project evolved into massive, profit-generating machine and ZUN is pushing it to feed his family.

Women and money ruins soul. Never get married.

>> No.44325106

Maybe the sovl was the friends we made along the way

>> No.44325348

The dude would come to comiket with hundreds and hundreds of CD's and leave with none, meanwhile most circles making doujins would be stupid to bring 200 books and most circles making doujin games would be fucking retarded to bring more than whatever they can fit in a cardboard box or two. He's reprinted games plenty of times and was still selling EoSD CD's until at least 10 years ago, and has put them on plenty of digital storefronts or physical storefronts over the years.

tl;dr He's been making bank since before you knew what an imageboard was.

>> No.44327853

She truly stopped in the 2000's media knowledge, what a blessing

>> No.44328195

You have no idea what you're talking about retard.

>> No.44328314

It still seems pretty flippant but not as "insane/random" as often as before.

The main thing, the smugness and the dismissiveness, is a constant throughout the whole series.

>> No.44328328
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>Never get married

>> No.44328338
File: 49 KB, 2155x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then why do you play Touhou...

>> No.44328345

>marisa here, who on the other hand would ABSOLUTELY say "bitch"; it perfectly fits her attitude.

>> No.44328353
File: 2.71 MB, 848x3496, mean youmu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure OP has no idea what he's talking about. WBaWC exists.

>> No.44328360

Marisa is fun and lighthearted, not an asshole. Her style of speech is a little boyish, but that's about it. She's not even mean--like Reimu is the brutish, mean one and I wouldn't expect her to swear either (she's perfectly satisfied plainly telling people that she'll kill them dead instead)

>> No.44328533

Eika is made for bullying
