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File: 682 KB, 2732x2048, __son_biten_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_rddumpling__54885e9709aa94208830083dd1a8df3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44318949 No.44318949 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on the new songs?

>> No.44318972

Zanmu and monkey themes are good

>> No.44318982
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all of the remasters are unquestionably great, I think they're the best part of the OST, including the more modern songs

out of the new ones, from best to worst, Biten, Zanmu and Enoko's themes are good

I did not like Chiyari's, Suika's or Hisami's

>> No.44319020

I had to go to the music room to listen to some like Ran's
Story Mode shoving Reimu & Marisa's themes for Fight 1-2 and 3-4 is so garbage, doesnt help that these are maybe the worst songs of the whole pack, in my opinion
Zanmu's theme is the best. I like Chiyari's for its shady vibes. Charming Domination got a nice mix to push it as a more battle-y theme.

>> No.44319022

I like where ZUN is going with Zanmu's theme, it blew my mind that it was even playing in the game. I'm hoping he continues to experiment a little like this, but not too much obviously.

>> No.44319030
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Replying to my own OP, I'm hoping it'll grow on me but right now I'm a bit mixed. Zanmu's theme feels disappointing off the heels of Keiki's/Chimata's. I love the vocals(?), but the melody itself, while powerful at the climax, feels lacking. Maybe once we know more about her I'll appreciate it more but it's on the lower end of final boss themes. Hisami's theme is beautiful at the climax and feels very Artcore, but again, nothing takes my fancy too much right now. Chiyari's theme is so grimy, and I love the chorus, but it's literally just Plain Asia/Enigmatic Doll. Enoko's theme is there, I have nothing to say other than hoping it'll grow on me. Biten's theme is very pretty, especially at the climax but it just reminds me of Beast Metropolis/Fantastic Tales from Tono. Suika's new theme does nothing for me at the guitar part but the chorus is amazing, so nostalgic.

As for the remasters, I love Yachie's and Sanae's.The rest are all nice/a minor improvement over the originals. Pre-battle themes are great for setting the stage. Title theme is great as is Reimu's theme, Marisa's is alright. Overall, not my favourite but there's still so much time for it to grow.

>> No.44319126

Adding onto my autistic rambling, Tsukasa should've gotten her own theme; Oumagatoki is one of my favourite songs from UM, but something more personalised would've been nice, especially if she's going to be a prominent shit-stirrer moving forward. Would've been nice to see remasters of Nazrin's theme, Onigashima in the Fairyland, and Necro-Fantasy with something new added in place of the Necrofantasia melody to distinct Ran from Yukari, but I like what we got. The choir in Saki's theme feels like it's in the wrong key (it's not) and obscures the melody for me, probably the only remaster I'd put below the original. My biggest gripe otherwise would be the instrumentation being a little grating, specifically the crappy guitar ZUN uses and the plastic-y drums, but that's all. It's a decent soundtrack, above quite a few games in the series.

>> No.44323580

Tsukasa getting no theme of her own was just retarded, ZUN was lazy.
Outside of that some arranges are really good and others are really meh, and new music is fine imo, Hisami's theme is probably my favorite

>> No.44323640

Honestly I like UM stage 5 as being Tsukasa's theme, it fits her really well I think.

>> No.44323654

Zanmu and Biten's themes are the standouts of the new songs but the rest have grown on me.
I'm glad Ran got an arrange of the stage theme. I love that song.
Yeah one of the cool things about PoFV was Tewi getting her own theme. UM stage 5 is one of my favourite songs from that game but I was still disappointed.

>> No.44323686

>all of the remasters are unquestionably great,
Aunn's is awful.

>> No.44323689
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It really feels like Tsukasa is the character who is getting the most gloss over both in this game and with the fanbase, which sucks because I really liked her role in this game.

>> No.44329867

It definitely fits her (mainly the flute chorus), but it feels weird having her be such a prominent character in two mainlines now but without her own theme.

>> No.44334682

I think Yuuma's remix is best, the added drums were all it needed

>> No.44334737

Does anyone else hear EoSD's extra stage theme in Enoko's theme?

>> No.44337053


>> No.44337173

ZUN now using vocal samples in Zanmu's theme makes me very excited for future music in the series
I just hope he continues to use better drums because he used to be using the most basic ass drums available (like, they were the kind soundcloud rappers use)

>> No.44341555

Zanmu and monkey themes are good

>> No.44345835

Has anyone ripped the music yet?

>> No.44346823

Came here to ask this >>44345835

>> No.44346847

Awful in which sense? It's not worse than the original, so that in itself is fine enough by me because the original song was already good.
I agree that it's the most underwhelming "remaster" out of all of the songs, though.

>> No.44346855

he used vocal samples in 18's EX stage theme

>> No.44346866

I personally really like the "climax" of Zanmu's theme. Please don't forget she's an Oni and go listen to Yuugi's themes (SA Stage 3, her SA boss theme, and her SHoSS theme), I think ZUN has deliberately made the trumpets in all of those songs sound very similar.

>> No.44346869


>> No.44346908


>> No.44346914


>> No.44346919

I wish more boss themes were chosen for the remasters, I prefer them to stage themes.

>> No.44346930

I loved MoF stage 5, so I'm pretty glad that that one came back in this game

>> No.44347082

>Songs don't play twice then fade
I'll wait a bit longer

>> No.44347113

>It's not worse than the original
imo it is. he didn't even add any new melody to it too.

>> No.44347152


>> No.44347174

Wait a bit, I'll try to upload the FLACs later
Two loops + 20 second fade-out

>> No.44347179

looks like someone beat you to what I wanted but MP3 >>44347152

thanks for the thoughts though I'm sure someone will appreciate the flac

>> No.44347180

That'd be better. This upload was one I found right after the game came out, so I think the uploader was probably just rushing to be first

>> No.44347197

>all of the remasters are unquestionably great
who done it! was seriously downgraded by whatever the fuck he was doing with the mixing. sounds absolutely cacophonous

>> No.44347207

it's just 125% too fast, slow it down and it's fine

>> No.44347209

That's my favourite arrange.

>> No.44352204


>> No.44352281

>8-bit remix
>constantly does shit impossible for 8-bit machines to play
these always bug me

>> No.44354558

If it was made in LSDJ like the title says then nothing in that track is impossible for real gameboy hardware.

>> No.44355362
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Is the play twice and fade out an unspoken standard?

>> No.44355391

It lets you get a taste of the loop, allow you to hear the best parts of a song at least twice, and then end in a non-abrupt way. For looping in-game BGM it's the best way outside having an album version of a track made.

>> No.44355585

Sorry for the delay
Here it is, two loops + fadeout

>> No.44363566

Thank you.

>> No.44364328
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For the new character themes I'd rate them in this order: Reimu's theme > Biten's theme > Zanmu's theme > Chiyari's theme > Hisami's theme > Enoko's theme > Suika's theme > Marisa's theme. I really like Reimu. Biten and Zanmu's themes, I'm alright with Chiyari and Hisami's themes but Enoko, Suika and Marisa's do nothing for me.
I've listened to the arranged versions of the other characters' themes and I'd put these into 3 categories as well. I think Yachie and Saki's themes are straight upgrades, Rin and Yuuma's themes are about the same and with Yuuma's it's hard to hear if there's even anything different about it compared to the original and for the rest I don't quite like them as much as their originals but they're not bad. And as for the other themes I like the title and staff roll themes, the pre-battle themes and the ending aren't bad either.

>> No.44364360

For once I really like all the new themes. But what he did to some of the old themes are absolutely abysmal, namely Ran and Nazrin.

>> No.44364392

he saw how miserable it was to play as them and thought he should ruin their themes too, just to make it ALL awful instead of mostly awful

>> No.44364432

I didn't think the charming domination arrange was bad, just a bit too fast.

>> No.44370819

I don't get it.

>> No.44370871

Biten and Zanmu's really stood out to me.
Biten's sounds both calming and powerful and I didn't like the vocals in Zanmu's at first but they really grew on me.

>> No.44371061

Zanmu's theme is pretty nice

>> No.44372282

Zanmu and Biten's songs sell it. I haven't heard much of the arranges, but Yuuma's nice.

>> No.44372530
File: 1.39 MB, 3300x3300, 1692323480957183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my jaded and cynical take on the OST.
Reimu: Pretty cute, I like it. Wish it didn't play for half the game.
Marisa: It's ok. Very catchy. Not much else to say.
Sanae: Slightly disappointed it's not an arrange of her boss theme, but it being the best arrangement in this game in my opinion more than makes up for it. Absolutely heavenly.
Ran: Garbage. It's like ZUN replaced half the instruments with his modern kit and muted the other half.
Aunn: An odd sidegrade. It's the exact same as the original but with better drums and a worse chorus.
Nazrin: Same as the original but with different instruments. Disappointed it's not her boss theme.
Seiran: Sounds muffled. The woodwinds at the end are beautiful though.
Orin: Possibly the lowest effort arrangement in the game, but that's a good thing because the old drums and guitar were much better in my opinion. I like the added delay to the piano.
Tsukasa: Sad that she didn't get her own theme, but this arrange is great. I love the new drum beats.
Mamizou: I didn't actually listen to this more than the two times it played in her story route. I don't really like the original song itself so it's whatever.
Yachie: Love it. That new synth bass makes me swoon.
Saki: Hate it. It's the same as the original but with that weird new chorus.
Yuuma: Also about the same as the original, but the drums are slightly more upbeat, which I really like.
Suika: Easily my least favorite of the new songs. It's constantly building up to a high note that never arrives more than a couple times, like it's afraid to jump up and have a proper climax. It's also just generally empty-sounding and repetitive, and the saxophone is weaker than it should be.
Biten: It's very soothing and extremely catchy. It sounds a lot like Beast Metropolis. I like that weird lead instrument.
Enoko: It's good. Emptier than Suika's theme, but the catchy melody makes up for it.
Chiyari: Equal parts fun and sinister. Like the others, it's super catchy.
Hisami: I just plain don't like it. I like songs with irregular beats, but it feels like it being irregular gets in the way of a proper climax. The melody keeps stopping and starting and it's really annoying.
Zanmu: Incredible. It's my favorite of the new songs. I love the melody and the vocals. It's no Idolatrize World, but it's a massive step up from Immemorial Marketeers. It feels kind of lacking for a final boss theme, but the melody and composition are just phenomenal.

I rate the entire soundtrack 6/10.

>> No.44375774

Yeah there's something about Yachie's theme that makes it sound really cool this time. I have a new appreciation for it.
I really like Ran's arrange though, and how it actually sounds significantly different from the original. It also has those beepy sounds from Seihou.

>> No.44375987

What was that site with all the touhou music to download? I want to compare the new tracks with the old ones.
Orin's theme sounds very close to the original but somehow worst and i don't know why.

>> No.44383589


>> No.44383742

ZUN should buy a decent drum samples or just rent a professional mixer.

>> No.44383839

I'm not counting the remasters since they often just change a few instrumentals

Reimu's theme is a bit boring, feels more like a generic theme than a Reimu theme. Not bad but lackluster compared to most of her other themes aside from maybe her PoFV theme.
Marisa's theme has the same issues as Reimu's, just feels really generic and is a lot weaker than pretty much any other Marisa theme.
Suika's theme is just kind of forgettable. Similar issue as the above two, but with too much zuntar on top of it.
Biten's theme is fantastic, 10/10 Phantasmagoria theme that manages the perfect balance of serene and energetic. Probably my favorite new song in the game.
Chiyari's theme is fun. Captures her character pretty well, feels like a real boss theme. A little much for a standard Phantasmagoria theme, but still a really good song.
Enoko's theme is just a StB style game stage theme. Not bad, but just feels really generic. Not bad, just a little disappointing.
I like Hisami's theme, but it's absolutely just a scrapped stage theme that got recycled into her theme.
Zanmu's theme grew on me a bit, but it still feels disappointing compared to prior games. Granted, I guess it's hard to follow up on Eiki as a climax to a Phantasmagoria type game.

>> No.44383893

in regards to the generic comment, I do wonder how much ZUN felt pulled between making Reimu and Marisa's themes, you know, Reimu and Marisa's themes, and making them so that they could be used for every character in the story mode
using them for stages 1, 2 and 3 for EVERYONE has to be one of the worst mistakes he's made

>> No.44383916

I don't understand why he did it when everyone has a unique theme anyway.

>> No.44384781

Either ULiL and AoCF doing that probably rubbed off on him, or he prioritized story over gameplay in a gameplay-oriented entry.

>> No.44384828

They do definitely feel like Reimu and Marisa's themes respectively so I don't think he tried to make them generic, which makes it questionable why they're used as generic themes in the story, although that rule is broken sometimes and seemingly at random. I wish he'd just done it the pofv way.
It's funny how in the music room he reveals that Suika's theme was originally his attempt at making a Sanae theme but it didn't fit her at all. Makes sense how the 3 generic themes were originally going to be the themes of the 3 protagonists. It's a bit of a shame how we were robbed of a Suika arrange. I do like her theme in this game though.

>> No.44394657

