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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 87 KB, 430x425, 1671978689829743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44300434 No.44300434 [Reply] [Original]

why SHOULDNT you go move to japan?

>> No.44300443

Japs hate gaijins and have a really retarded culture about respect.

>> No.44300457

>have a really retarded culture about respect.
Explain pls

>> No.44300468

I can't speak Japanese.

>> No.44300516
File: 66 KB, 270x274, 1690145324052166.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-whoa... i drew that picture... what's it doing here...

>> No.44300571


>> No.44300609
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Is ok.

>> No.44300646

I don't see how my quality of life would improve in Japan in any way.

>> No.44300694


>> No.44300698

I've lived in Japan
it is a deeply racist society, you can say "based" all you want but if you are not 100% Japanese you will be a 3rd class citizen, and will be treated as such
so if you are a weeb masochist go ahead, but behind the tatemae civility know that there is a burning honne hatred for you in nearly everyone you encounter

>> No.44300701

If I don't care about racism and being seen as livestock name 1 reason I shouldn't live in Japan

>> No.44300708

Are Rui Hachimura and Naomi Osaka treated like that?

>> No.44300716
File: 21 KB, 279x350, 1691695066011699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP rn.

>> No.44300805

Arent they Hāfu?

>> No.44300995
File: 226 KB, 1110x1500, b52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs might hate white gaijin and niggers, but personally, as a Mexichad, they've been so fun and kind to me I can't help but love them back.
I learned from Japanese friends that there is some sort of fascination and love of Japan for Mexico, since they consume our telenovelas and really like the whole macho tequila drinking culture. And also lucha libre and boxing, so our cultures just naturally merge.

>> No.44301020
File: 1.64 MB, 1200x900, 1685491618887179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I'm from Argentina
I know that Nagoya has plenty of brazilians

>> No.44301051

Why would you move to Japan if all they will do is spread their oversocialized tendencies to you?

>> No.44301226

Hell yeah fellow mexicanon.

>> No.44301310

why would i move to a country filled with 3DPD?

>> No.44301332

so every country ever

>> No.44301978

I'm dirt fucking poor and I can't land a job there
Plus I am old and I am super old in Japanese standards

>> No.44302151
File: 709 KB, 1200x1600, Rua_Galvão_Bueno,_Liberdade,_São_Paulo_(2009).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not surprising since Brazil has a lot of japanese people too, especially in São Paulo (one of the biggest cities there)

>> No.44302162

Because I'm only half Japanese

>> No.44302161

Is this where big booty Japanese girls are found?

>> No.44302176

Do you know Chavo del Ocho and Chapolin?
It's pretty popular in Brazil

>> No.44302183

i’m a woman

>> No.44302199

Not anymore. The pic related is from a neighborhood called liberdade that was like a Japantown from 50' to 80's.
Now it's just a regular Chinatown.

>> No.44302225

They love Germans too

>> No.44305200

But some Japs are Westaboos. Explain.

>> No.44305263

You can like a foreign culture, but still not want the foreigners where you are
if you just like the culture, you can cherry pick what you get, while if you open the floodgates you get their undesirables too
Most everyone enjoys chinese food, but virtually nobody likes mainland chinese

>> No.44306242
File: 133 KB, 1025x1054, Yuka burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who lived in Japan for a year remote working, so I had 4x3 months chunks. This was technically illegal but not like anyone can tell.

I have a house in my home country and I'd have to start from 0.
I'd have to take a reduced lifestyle for 5 years to probably get a better lifestyle later. I am IT so earning 6~10 million yen a year eventually is possible but will take time. I'd probably have to start with 5~6 mil if I'm very lucky 7~8 mil.

So what are the pros?

Well we all know the pros, konbini, transport, events out the ass,聖地巡礼, easy access to most "hobby" stuff like cameras, cars, trains, models, etc... Housing is actually affordable to most people and building a 100-150 m^2 house is a 30 year loan that won't kill you but will cost you about as much as rent so 150k~200k. This obviously depends on location these are Tokyo Prices.

https://collabo-cafe.com/ Theres something going on at all times for something.

So what are the cons?

>You will forever be a foreigner.
Some people especially Americans can't take this they're not used to living in another country and not being part of the "main" class. I personally don't find this much of an issue. As I have lived as foreigner in 2 countries as a kid.

>Morning Rush hours in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya are a real pain in the butt.
I lived 2 months in both Osaka and Nagoya and it's a chore. You're espeically fucked if your commute is 2~3 connection stops. You really want it to be direct line but that costs a shitload of money.

>You really need to learn N3 Japanese at a minimum, people won't take you seriously otherwise as friends or anything. Obviously N1 is ideal.

>Making Japanese friends is a high hurdle in cities depends a lot on location.
I have 1 guy I know in Tokyo we communicate at an acquaintance level. Meanwhile while going around fucking Yamanashi I found 3 guys into Yurucamp I communicate with daily on Discord and we played games and shit over weekends. People in cities have way to little free time and they just work and then do their hobby stuff. Leaving them no time for socializing. Osakans are by far the best when it comes to first meet friendliness but they're just as closed off as the rest of the Japanese long term.

>Long Term Prospects
While living in Japan seems perfect now it's only going to get worse. It's still going to beat most of the world but the US, EU and China have better prospects for a wealthy lifestyle.

>Raising kids
My friend who moves to Japan 10 years ago from my country now has a 4 year old girl with a coworker thats not Japanese. Raising non Japanese kids is a pain in the ass even if you understand Japanese.

It's not just Nagoya most blue collar places have a lot of them. Kofu for example has a lot of them near factories. The entire part from Tokyo to Osaka has them so Mie, Gifu, Shizuoka, Nagano, Gunma, Aichi
. Hamamatsu has the most. The retards only speak Brazilian aka Portuguese so you have kids in school that are like 10 years old speaking 0 Japanese. It's so weird.

>> No.44306317

Yes and no. This totally depends on what you are doing and you they perceive you.
If you're non European they're gonna hate you, if you're SEA they're going to think you're inferior. If you're Indian you're exotic but inferior.
"Whites" get the best treatment but they're still fucked when ti comes to renting. No Zairyu no renting, and even with one 2/3rd will reject you.
Like I said this isn't a problem for me, I don't expect to be treated like a Japanese.

The issue with /jp/ here is most of the people here are autists, you won't fit in with greater society just like you don't in your home country. You will fit in with the otaku crowd perfectly and you will be a honorary member, but remember, you won't be Japanese and you will be "guy form X". You also need to learn Japanese because Japanese autistic don't care for anything Englush if they're not specifically focused on that. And most people here want to do Japanese hobbies not western ones. So unsurprisingly nobody speaks English if they like Vtubers, Tohuou, Mobage, Trains and so on...

Actually the Train/Plane otaku are you best change since they show interest for other places.

>> No.44306417
File: 747 KB, 576x634, 1523473-shaheerniazi-1507190819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're autstically specifically focused on say Castles or Industry in Germany. Or English Victorian society.
If you come to Japan as a 2d generation Paki living in London that speaks perfectly fluent British English and went to Yale but you look like picture.
You're going to be treated exactly like a Paki from Pakistan in daily life.

They want people like Yabatan

Pale, tall, blue eyed, naturally blond, good looking men. He pretends to be French for even more impact and is amazed by Japanese culture.

This is what they want the stereotypical imaginary perfect Gaijin.

>> No.44306829
File: 3.14 MB, 5756x2156, Stuff In Japan in Anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering a lot of us here a very old. Like 3x I've been on and off here even before /jp/ was made and even before that I was on Wakaba and iichan for Touhou art.

How many of us actually made it to Japan?
Or learned Japanese?
Or at least traveled to Japan?

>> No.44307086

I do not like foreigners, and i would not like to be one invading other countries too.

>> No.44307096

Will I do well in Japan as a Mexican half breed?

>> No.44307142
File: 147 KB, 1300x956, mexican-teens-use-cell-phone-cameras-at-the-national-museum-of-anthropology-ANP8WH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how brown of a mexican you are?

If you look as stereotypical as this kid.You're fucked. If you look like a Spainard you're fine.

>> No.44307158

Lightly tanned. Some people can tell I'm Mexican but there have been a lot that were clueless as to what exactly I am. I'm reasonably handsome so its not due to that or anything.

>> No.44307183
File: 95 KB, 400x330, 1691909412224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want to move to Japan? I thought that after spending years learning Japanese and consuming their media, you would come to hate Japanese culture

>> No.44311632

I've seriously thought about moving to Japan recently, I mean I can deal with being treated as a third class citizen but how bad is it really.

>> No.44311887
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1667635926835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn Japanese.

>> No.44312131

Which one do I believe

>> No.44312176

Well renting will be 2/3 will say no because you're a foreigner and thats basically a guarantee for an unstable job and you can just fuck off and they literally can't do anything to you. This is worse the lower your paygrade goes. So not only are you competing in an already very saturated market you're doing so at an disadvantage. If possible find a job before going to Japan and let the company figure out the renting stuff while you say at an airbnb or fontana or something.

Then it goes deep. The more you know Japanese the more they'll open up and be friends with you but you need to find people who will be friends with you because of your hobbies not because you're a foreigner.

If you get a Japanese wife be prepared to be judged harshly by her family and relatives.
If you get a Japanese company be prepared to be held to Japanese standards, you will usually outclass Japanese if you're decently intelligent and hardworking and then they will get buttmad aobut it, how come that forigner fag does a better job then you Japanese will the boss say. Because unlike the US or Germany where people try to maxout their productivity at work. Japanese people will maxout their time at work while their productivity tanks.

>> No.44312459

Both. Nipponjins do get annoyed with whites, and avoid negroes altogether, but they do have a soft spot for Mexicans.

>> No.44312504

You don't contribute to their society
At least SEA and South Asian worker helping old nips wiping their butt or something
