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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44253138 No.44253138 [Reply] [Original]

lets discuss something about touhou bring up a topic quick i have to go soon

>> No.44253187
File: 131 KB, 399x361, gengestare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in Christ, your last thread isn't even cold yet.
Just lurk more, and participate in an existing thread.

>> No.44253191

its pretty cold cause it got jannied

>> No.44253195

hurry up and talk about something retard

>> No.44253342

You are a faggot without the ability to create good bait.

>> No.44253357

yes im baiting people to talk about something with me

>> No.44253358

dont bait

>> No.44253407

im not please

>> No.44253417


>> No.44253426

Answer this

>> No.44253434

just go to /2hug/ my guy

>> No.44253502
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i mean yuuka is probably the obvious answer
though that is if she can get her hands on any human boys
maybe yukari cause she has much easier access to them, but idk if she would be the type to need the foreskin
ill think more about it when i finish what im doing

>> No.44253514
File: 21 KB, 1200x1290, __houjuu_nue_touhou_drawn_by_4qw5__bf484c71cae8de170c27f089bf8e8e9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like Nue

>> No.44254671

actually i guess yuuka wouldnt really circumcise them but just cut the dicks off altogether so nah
i guess it couldnt be anyone other than yukari cause circumcision has never been much of a thing in japan afaik so i dont think anyone in gensokyo would even know of it, just her because she still dabbles around in the outside and all
even so idk if shed be interested in circumcision still. but if it had to be anyone itd be her

>> No.44254755
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me too she was my first major exposure to thighhighs as a kid

>> No.44254824

Nemuno duh
What do you think her huge clever is for?

>> No.44255755


>> No.44256690

sumata 2hu

>> No.44256920
File: 60 KB, 460x255, mamizou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish this were a Mamizou thread

>> No.44256927

make one?

>> No.44256936
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It can be turned into one. We're only 20 posts in and it's not like OP had anything specific to talk about.

>> No.44259304
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>> No.44259479

I've noticed in the last week and a half that every time someone brings up the theory of actually considering how to get to Gensokyo if it were real, or discussing anything of actual depth about the characters background or lore, the thread almost instantly gets deleted or "archived" into oblivion.

There's something to talk about right there.

>> No.44261005
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Mamizou a cute!

>> No.44262279
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i dont get character circlejerk threads never got a good image from them that i wouldnt have found otherwise by looking at a booru for 5 minutes
ya not uncommon for jannies to randomly get mad at a certain thing that nobody else in their right mind would ever care about
though anything in-depth about touhou lore is a joke so not much of a loss
but anyway
>actually considering how to get to Gensokyo
afaik its implied that boundaries are connected to shrines so your best bet is traveling here youtube.com/watch?v=kXD0RZUTwOo (assuming its accurate for fun) since the hakurei shrine is the most directly connected one to gensokyo
after that i think its literally just a matter of wandering around the vicinity until you hit one. i dont think itd be hard at all considering the number of people that go through boundaries without even realizing it
so the hard part is more so knowing that gensokyo exists after that its about having the money to go to japan
or you can just be born with super powers and see boundaries automatically lol

>> No.44263033

I've seen that video and think it holds some truth to it, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not. There's a small shrine right up at the base of mt. Reizan they I cannot find any info on its name other than Shibusangongen. The reason I think this one has some merit is the fact that it's "Rei" in the mountain name, tied with the pond/lake nearby-Shirakomaike, with "shira" being read as "haku" as well. At least from what I can find. The small shrine I'm referring to is in the location of where the Gensokyo version is supposed to be, just not near the top. I don't fully understand Japanese, and I've been studying it for years so I have some base line to go off of, but the shrine at the base doesn't have a name for the deity, and I've even asked the locals when I was there. Nobody remembers or cares enough to remember.

>> No.44263196
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dont have shit to add but thats pretty cool. too many coincidences for it to not be intentional imo so ill just assume that to be fact from now on
wouldnt be far-fetched to think zun or someone from his circle back in the day was traveling around there and got the idea

>> No.44264338
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>> No.44267834
File: 1.10 MB, 964x1200, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_touhou_drawn_by_gengoroumaru_ambidextrous__eb550113e2ae471e98621a27aec29d5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons don't like her but she always appear as prominent figure in Touhou stories
Why does ZUN like her so much?
What is the purpose behind her constant appearences?

>> No.44268420

she is based on her wife duh

>> No.44268476

Is her wife from Sado?

>> No.44268532
File: 30 KB, 149x135, 1652161352022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people seethed about her even in FS
>What is the purpose behind her constant appearences?
she's just easy to use since she's the type to hang around everywhere and likes to get involved

>> No.44268557

She came across as really annoying still.

>> No.44268610

What did she do that made her annoying?
I don't remember her caused a ruckus or incident. She only talk most of the time.

>> No.44268694

I cant remenber which is the worst part, I just rolled my eyes every time she came on screen, and idk why because I dont actually hate her.

>> No.44268730
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Idk both in the manga and the side games I never found her to be that bad, even her mischievous behaviors felt more tame compared to some of the other Youkai

>> No.44269657
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She's in my top 3 2hu's

>> No.44272135


>> No.44276270
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>> No.44278108

my brain is perfectly fine, besides really ironic how she didnt even reach the top 20 in the popularity poll with all those appearances, maybe having her hamfisted into everything doesnt make her instantly likeable.
Hope Zun takes notes.

>> No.44278157

I don't think ZUN cares whether people like certain 2hus or not
He only just realized how popular Flandre is while he keep pushing Mamizou in Touhou manga for long enough already

>> No.44278204 [DELETED] 

Not even a Tanuki fan but do you really think ZUN gives a shit about
"Fan" polls? Flan has always been in the top 10 when she never had a screentime until recently, in fact when he saw her recent win he unironically said "pick someone better"

>> No.44278209
File: 576 KB, 950x1000, 1679001403094582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polymorphus like Mommyzou or Ran are the best! Imagine asking one of them to make their tits as fat as possible because you're in the mood for it! They can make their tits as perky as they want, no matter the size! The ultimate boobhus!

>> No.44278224

Not even a Tanuki fan but do you really think ZUN gives a shit about "Fan" polls? Flan has always been in the top 10 when she never had a screentime until recently, in fact when he saw her recent win he unironically said "pick someone better"

>> No.44278244

Would mamizou suck you off if you got her a bottle of sake?

>> No.44278360

She probably would but it would never be that simple. You might get your blowie but it'll be so mind bendingly good that you'll become an addict for her hot wet mouth. Or maybe she'll groom you into eating her out. Interacting with youkai milfs is a dangerous game and your dick might come out broken (as in it cant cum without her).

>> No.44278394

>Hope ZUN takes notes of retarded popularity notes that nobody cares about and changes up his work because of it
>my brain is perfectly fine

>> No.44278398

I was mostly just throwing shit, I know Zun does whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.44278399

i want her to suck my dick while holding it like a pipe

>> No.44278404

>my brain is perfectly fine

>> No.44278411

Learn to quote newfags.

>> No.44278426

go back
maybe if she figures its a way to manipulate you into other shit

>> No.44278434

You go back to the back of the bus Rosa Parks, your kind isnt welcomed here.

>> No.44278437

Quote to learn newfriends

>> No.44278463
File: 84 KB, 500x375, niggerchouli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the thread?

>> No.44278468

shh, (You)

>> No.44278490

(You) are not even allowed to speak. >>44278463

>> No.44278563
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good discussion friends i need to sleep

>> No.44279731
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>> No.44280068

Yeah I would hope so. How do I win her heart and hand in marriage? And also make a fuckton of little tanukis together?

>> No.44280183
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>Or maybe she'll groom you into eating her out. Interacting with youkai milfs is a dangerous game and your dick might come out broken (as in it cant cum without her)

>> No.44280193

i was about to have sex with her last night but then she suddenly turned into my mom

>> No.44283136
File: 1.01 MB, 950x1200, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_touhou_drawn_by_gengoroumaru_ambidextrous__68e09fb8f46a0546a9fcfe44bcc4868a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your mom again
Maybe she'll turn into Mamizou

>> No.44287838
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Dommy Mommyzou

>> No.44289150
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Yes please
