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File: 76 KB, 783x400, thescariest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
442508 No.442508 [Reply] [Original]

You both are the scariest.

>> No.442510

In before CHO MARISA

>> No.442514

Cho Marisa isn't scary. She's downright sexy.

In b4 abs

>> No.442526

I'd think Yuka would be more scary than Flandre. Flandre is just a little girl.

>> No.442532
File: 133 KB, 902x640, 1208087898659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youkai moe~

>> No.442541

Main difference between these two is that Yuka knows she is scary.

>> No.442538
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But Yuka is weaker than Komachi so yeah

>> No.442545
File: 335 KB, 850x1284, 1208088077288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the fuck'n scariest when she actually does her job.

>> No.442549
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>> No.442560

You do realize that her job is to row a fucking boat down a river, right?

>> No.442567
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>> No.442574

What's the matter? Too TRUTH for you?

Komachi's job is to ferry souls to Higan in order to be judged by Sikieiki. Nothing more, nothing less. She's basically Charon of Gensokyo.

>> No.442583


And I'd pay that ferryman anyday.

>> No.442586

If I know what you mean?

>> No.442621

Is that the case of Remilia vs the yama?

>> No.442628

Red Sky of Japonesia and yes.

>> No.442644

call me a newfag, but why is Yuka infamously known as being batshit? In PoFV, I recall she was pretty polite (albeit violent-prone, but everyone's that.)

>> No.442648

Because of doujin. She's not really insane in canon. As opposed to Flandre who is.

The stronger the youkai, the more polite they normally are.

>> No.442657
File: 386 KB, 984x1000, 1208090317128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to remind Anonymous that officially, Flandre has destroyed a shooting star. While it was still in the process of entering Earth's atmosphere. From SDM.

>> No.442683

oh god i wish this is a dickchick doujin and komachi ravages patchu's pooper skinless

>> No.442689

Fortunately, it's not even an h-doujin. It's basically Sikieiki placing Remilia on trial and judging her for keeping Flandre locked in the basement all the time.

>> No.442716

too bad she dies by fucking sunlight

>> No.442718

How exactly does one fuck sunlight?

>> No.442721

Send a mongol to punch the sun.

>> No.442723

You see those crystals she has on her wings?

>> No.442726

Vampires in Touhou don't die because of exposure of sunlight. It just weakens them.

I mean, Remilia goes outside during the day with nothing more than a fucking parasol.

>> No.442732


Canon-wise, you only see them outside when the sun is blocked or it's nighttime

>> No.442748

Uh. Canonically Remilia goes outside during the day with nothing but a parasol.

From IaMP: Master of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She looks young, but she's actually a vampire who's over 500 years old. Weak against sunlight, she has to take a parasol if she wants to go out in the daytime.

From IN Manual: It goes without saying that she is weak against sunlight, can't cross flowing water, hates garlic, and despises sardine heads. Crosses have no effect on her. It puzzles her to hear that her kind are supposed to be weak against such a thing.

From PMiSS:

"I saw her watching flowers. She was using a parasol. Even though she's weak to sunlight, she didn't choose to see the night sakura instead." (Anonymous)

She is a vampire who is often spotted in the daytime as well.

It is believed that parasols are ideal for her to block UV rays.

>> No.442759

well, fuck

I've been outnerded

We still don't know what happens if the sunlight hits her

>> No.442765

Only newfag vampires die of sunlight. Real vampires are only weakened by it.


>> No.442768

I'm going with that it weakens her? Presumably prolonged exposure will eventually kill her.

>> No.442770

While it is true that all Remilia takes outside with her is a parasol, doesn't she explicitly say in EoSD end that if the sun hits her skin too much it'll kill her?

>> No.442777
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>> No.442779

Remilia has developed some kind of resistance to sunlight since she goes out with her parasol

But Flandre, being in a basement all his life, is probably much more vulnerable to it

>> No.442781

See what I typed here: >>442768

>> No.442784

>>But Flandre, being in a basement all his life, is probably much more vulnerable to it
>>being in a basement all his life
>>his life


>> No.442792

Flandre Scarlet (PMiSS)
Threat level: Critically High
Human friendship level: Critically Low

Yuka Kazami (PMiSS)
Threat level: Extremely high
Human friendship level: Very poor

Flandre is scariest.
Akyu agreed. Don't bother her about it.

>> No.442812

What are some good touhou dojin to read?

>> No.442823

Comment to long etc.

www.gensokyo.org - Gallery ---> Read everything.

>> No.442824

Comment too long etc.

www.gensokyo.org - Gallery ---> Read everything.

>> No.442829






>> No.442847

I read something by MaullarMaullar, Ray!

>> No.442864


MM used to post in gameFAQs and have his own personal shrine to dizzy from GGXX. Tru story.

>> No.442867

There really needs to be a better catalogued place to read touhou doujins. As in organized by content like at World of Gensokyo.

Too bad that place is only good for porn.

>> No.442873
File: 74 KB, 500x500, 1208094872596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his own personal shrine to dizzy from GGXX

>> No.442914


He also posts shitloads of touhou crap on danbooru, and managed to get someone to invite him.

>> No.442925

Organizing non h-doujin by content is time consuming and difficult. It is much easier to organize by circle or release date. However, pooshlmer does organize by context to a certain extent if you scroll down to the bottom of the Comics page.

H-doujin is easy to organize by content because all you need to identify is if it is futa, yuri, straight, tentacles, guro, etc.
