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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 213 KB, 1313x2048, __makaino_ririmu_nijisanji_drawn_by_sabamen__27e994bf5ff9142c146f1766da137405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44203697 No.44203697 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread >>44182465

>> No.44203705

loser thread, loser guide

>> No.44203716

why didnt you stay dead

>> No.44203746


>> No.44203861

people who take japanese classes are wasting their time, i never went to school and learned japanese probably much quicker than they do

>> No.44203865
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>> No.44203885

sup lrd nice taste though, non 3dpd shit

>> No.44204124


>> No.44204130


>> No.44204333

we really are dead

>> No.44204338

yea im thinkin based

>> No.44204404


>> No.44204407

And? What works for you doesn't need to work for everyone. Some people need guidance, I'm glad it worked for you this way but you surely must realize that some people take different approaches to gain knowledge.
This being said, tell us about your approach, I'm all ears

>> No.44204423

>i never went to school

>> No.44204455
File: 35 KB, 1001x220, 2023-08-02_12-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh finished my reps

>> No.44204464

i can speak into my mic 5 times faster

>> No.44204593
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>> No.44204637

finna have tons of surprise sex with some reluctant /djt/ers

>> No.44204650

ur gonna die from stds

>> No.44204657

footfags will defend this

>> No.44204693

Is watching raw anime as a beginner going to turn me into a dekinai?

>> No.44204735

i'm about a month or so in. I pick up words every time I watch a raw anime, but also when I have subs on. I cycle between things. I find watching the NHK news pretty good as it has a lot of text and clearly spoken Japanese. Just do it bro.

>> No.44204778


>> No.44204969

White noise bros, we’re gonna make it

>> No.44205026

read nigga READ

>> No.44205100


>> No.44205141

transitive verb

>> No.44205209

Stop making up words.

>> No.44205262

university japanese course lecture rooms...
imagine the smell...

>> No.44205302

i can understand audio books but not conversation

>> No.44205651
File: 10 KB, 157x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any easy way to play 2 vns at the same time? like advance text on both at the same time?

t. wincuck

>> No.44205713

another crippled vigger

>> No.44205721

This is dangerous.

>> No.44205726

wish i told all those girls i crushed on high school how i really felt about them

>> No.44205727


>> No.44205832

i want to go to japan and get a rental sister and we would have to be pretend that our parents are a race mixing couple because why else would a white guy have an asian sister?

>> No.44205849

i want to get a rental sister and pretend she is my neesan

>> No.44205894

Are you actively listening anon? Well, my experience trying to learn from raw anime as a beginner wasn't good, it was annoying to transcribe unknown words at the time to look them up. If you can make it work then more power to you though.

Besides what the other anon mentioned you could also try checking out song lyrics of music you like, they were a good gateway to me starting out.

>> No.44205897
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goood afternoon



>> No.44205922

>studying eng
bro thats really cool, what kind of engineering is he interested in? electrical? mechanical?

>> No.44205970

Skin tone panties are yabai

>> No.44205977
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>> No.44206088


>> No.44206097
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>> No.44206142

Make an ahk script that swaps windows and presses the button for each.

>> No.44206178
File: 209 KB, 1380x1109, F2dBO0JbUAAEeLa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood morning

>> No.44206313
File: 645 KB, 809x537, jlpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white noise vtubers and you'll be 100% dekiru in no time

>> No.44206584

make an ahk script that uninstalls windows

>> No.44206706

non FOS software is slavery

>> No.44206726

Love how djt manages to combine three of my least favorite groups of people into one thread, weebs, opensores cultists, and eceleb worshipers.

>> No.44206729

it's called FOSS software

>> No.44206735
File: 940 KB, 703x803, alexa, play unravel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weebs, opensores cultists, and eceleb worshipers
aka hiki neet loners

>> No.44206767

free and open source software software

>> No.44206788


>> No.44206796
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>> No.44206803
File: 87 KB, 694x402, Screen_Shot_2021-02-17_at_2.52.46_PM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44206843

it doesn't have to be open source, the only requirement is literally be less shit than windows

>> No.44206866

TempleOS>Red Star OS>other linux>Windows>Mac

>> No.44206899

temple OS has no networking capabilities so you wouldnt be able to post on 4chan from it

>> No.44206942

except it does, uriel and a bunch of other projects
christians 1 glowniggers 0

>> No.44206996

even better

>> No.44207008
File: 329 KB, 1451x2048, 1690061038884316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated the sub-transition add-on for mpv

Added an option to immediately skip to the next subtitle. This is handy when you don't want to wait for transitions to end.

Run git pull to update.


>> No.44207021
File: 847 KB, 1244x561, japanese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yooo new guide just dropped

>> No.44207029

god, vtuber character design is disgusting

>> No.44207044

KEK are you nuts? Don't you know? Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary!

visual novels are a lot like nofap when you think about it:
•"self-improvement" faggots play them
•cult-like following
•redditors love them
•obsession with number of words read
•does not actually help you with anything
•the language in them is as removed from japanese as korean or chinese
•no success stories
•prevent you from reading real books
•propreitary software
•they make you more miserable in the end

>> No.44207052

it's actually ok to play proprietary games if you play them on an isolated machine to make sure that they can't infest or interfere with the rest of your computer. something like a "video game console" for example. just make sure not to give any personal information when you buy this piece of game machinery

>> No.44207055

interesting take

>> No.44207056

its ok to play proprietary games, its not ok to pay for them

>> No.44207068

too late the internet knows all your info

>> No.44207076

who is this internet guy? i better silence him

>> No.44207159
File: 273 KB, 561x404, orz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44207166

if only there were also people interested in learning japanese and not in offtopic bullshit....

>> No.44207171

you know, maybe someone should make a standardized format for visual novels since they're all structurally so similar so you don't need to install hundreds of useless programs to deliver the content
then again good old HTML would probably do just fine for that purpose, who the fuck knows why since the early days of the industry they decided to make separate programs for each fucking release

>> No.44207174

that's a lot of cope for somebody who got filtered by kanji

>> No.44207187

kanji are impossible for gaijin to learn simple as

>> No.44207195

>learning japanese

>> No.44207216

not giving views to vcancer

>> No.44207224

>it's actually okay to eat poisonous frogs, you just need to do 9,000 steps to neutralize the poison.
idk if i wanna do it, seems like too much work when i can just open a epub file and read it.

>> No.44207248 [DELETED] 

and here it goes
cat bounce over
more red more pink wojaks
more pissing into your own mouth

>> No.44207250

you can also download a game and play it

>> No.44207270

foot up ass

>> No.44207286

not letting fosstards take my freedom to run any software i want to on my machines from me

>> No.44207357

a proprietary game is malicious.

>> No.44207375

lol nigga u serious?
This moeway guy doesn't know English or Japanese. He's an ESL who spends all day spamming his poorly written "guide" on 4chan so that people give him money on Patreon. Pretty pathetic.
If you want to learn Japanese, follow people who actually know jack shit when it comes to learning a foreign language. Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese is among them.

>> No.44207402
File: 67 KB, 680x383, F2fkwWHasAAQNrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine using guides
couldnt be me

>> No.44207433


>> No.44207600

thoughts on imabi?

>> No.44207624

waste of time

>> No.44207708

how many of u guys actually know any japanese

>> No.44207721

I can attest to that. reading Tatsumoto's guide was eye opening

>> No.44207733

i know any japanese

>> No.44207741

total methodologist death

>> No.44207753

when you switch to using japanese dictionaries and putting japanese definitions on anki cards should you go back through all your existing cards and make them japanese? how would someone feasibly do that?

>> No.44207762

you should completely drop anki at that point

>> No.44207763

noone here knows japanese

>> No.44207768

if you know japanese you dont need anki.

>> No.44207770
File: 300 KB, 2048x1182, F2d0piXbEAAxmyG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know japanese twice

>> No.44207773

i play koikatsu in japanese, so i guess i'm pretty fluent

>> No.44207775

define any
does n1 count?

>> No.44207790

jlpt doesn't count at all

>> No.44207801

any japanese what

>> No.44207804

i finished my first vinnies and now my japanese is worse than it was before....

>> No.44207806

growing pengs

>> No.44207816

how do i reset my brain software into nihongo mode

>> No.44207818

but what about my rtk superpowers?

>> No.44207859

well anons its official im giving up. yep, no more japanese for me. smell ya later

>> No.44207868

>giving up
but its so easy


>> No.44207880

wtf i understood everything they said??? has my japanese spirit finally awoken within me in my darkest moment???

>> No.44207915

suddenly this bgm starts playing

>> No.44208027
File: 542 KB, 680x562, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, it's gaming time

>> No.44208062

japanese is a romantic language. listening to a woman saying sweet nothings in japanese is the best thing ever

>> No.44208195

how do you feel about the fact that moeway just completely crushed you in your own game with that OP image

>> No.44208230

who cares if no one reads their trash guide

>> No.44208233

more reading less guide autism

>> No.44208284

I suspect methodology fags are also the ones advocating against vinnies

>> No.44208314

our girl made 炊き込みご飯

>> No.44208324

half /djt/ unironically can't read and they think they'll become fluent by listening to vtubers

>> No.44208338

whore with saggy tits

>> No.44208339

vtuber anons are the ones who read, dummy

>> No.44208342

how is she our girl?

>> No.44208380

she belongs to everyone

>> No.44208399


>> No.44208460
File: 352 KB, 1421x2000, 225n0rfjzofb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt duel wield reading and listening

>> No.44208467

reading is the easiest part of the language, especially with dekinai krugers reducing it to mere kanji recognition and reading recall with the help of idiot cards. it's not real reading because you can't even read out loud fluently or explain the nuances in the text.

active listening and transcription on the other hand require actual japanese comprehension, which is why the noobs in djt cower away from it. it's why you never see "listen more" posted as advice even though real gains are only made through your ear.

almost none of you faggots can transcribe jidaigeki, or anything that isn't sol dialogue for that matter. you suck, so shut the fuck up and stop giving advice

>> No.44208473

vnchads do both at the same time

>> No.44208484

look at mister dunning kruger over here thinking he understands anything about language

>> No.44208499

does this mr kruger speak japanese? didnt think so wise guy

>> No.44208513
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>> No.44208548

yeah gtfo if you cant transcribe jidaigeki fucking noobs

>> No.44208551

emphasizing reading as opposed to listening is the pragmatic choice, since there are a lot of media that have text but no audio (linnies, vinnies mainly)
this goes doubly since as you say it's easier than listening
why should I develop my listening skills if it doesn't make any more of the culture accessible to me and I have no delusions about moving to Japan?

>> No.44208562

>why should I develop my listening skills

>> No.44208574

ah so no reason then

>> No.44208575

>real gains are only made through your ear

>> No.44208586

everyone knows japanese gains are made through the cock

>> No.44208588

if you cant hear it you dont know it simple as

>> No.44208604

>a lot of media that have text but no audio
>vinnies mainly

>> No.44208612

i couldn't bother trying to transcribe dirty pair due to all the technobabble and complex plots
still enjoying WITH SUBTITLES

>> No.44208613

only 10k hours raw anime moe immersion chads are gonna make it

>> No.44208623

hello /jp/ i just passed the n5 (what a doozie!) and now i want to deepen my understanding of the language by learning japanese sign language. i feel that this will help me learn the kanjos and also after consulting my shaman i feel that im not ready for native content until i master this

>> No.44208649

readers be like

>> No.44208666

do listeners bust out the TTS when confronted with text?

>> No.44208673

no, they simple don't read at all and then cope on /djt/

>> No.44208675

>why should I develop my listening skills

>> No.44208727
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>> No.44208730

if you haven't transcribed by hand 50 notebooks worth of japanese transcriptions you're ngmi

>> No.44208751

seems more like EFL problems than anything

>> No.44208752

theyre gonna be like how do i write sunao lmao

>> No.44208768

that's not how you acronymize Doesn't Know Japanese

>> No.44208785

吸う now on dn

>> No.44208797

jamal clips will never not make me laugh

>> No.44208844

each time you post here you reduce your chances of making it

>> No.44208845
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>> No.44208879

How long did it take you to learn the kana?

>> No.44208885

i like the easy gains that come with hearing words and matching them to compounds that you already know part of

>> No.44208893

about a week back in 2015

>> No.44208922
File: 16 KB, 176x176, saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy made it but he's rarely talked about because he doesn't he doesn't do the dumb guru act

>> No.44208942

how many of you actually got to a decent level of japanese by just consuming japanese media?

>> No.44208955

about six months

>> No.44208968

noone here has ever gotten to a decent level of japanese

>> No.44208975

what is kana?

>> No.44208977

your moms gotten to a decent level of my dick

>> No.44208982

i did

>> No.44208996

hey guys i have a really unique question that's never been asked before: how many of you guys here know japanese?

>> No.44209014


>> No.44209018

remember guys off topic discussions only, im starting to see too many people say things that kinda sorta relate to japanese learning

>> No.44209021


>> No.44209023
File: 30 KB, 286x86, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't find this on jisho

owari da

>> No.44209028

my apologies

>> No.44209036

Agono is the person's name

>> No.44209039
File: 2.39 MB, 1273x1057, 1691009091220733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would nadenadesimasu their agos

>> No.44209041

no, i'm pretty sure it's an expression

>> No.44209049
File: 14 KB, 474x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok nvm, it's just softcore yuri

>> No.44209287

He's just said he played VNs and did anki.

>> No.44209597
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tatsusisters not like this....................................

>> No.44209642

By microsoft.

>> No.44210137

is the n1 worth taking

>> No.44210165

do any vpns work on 5chan

>> No.44210313
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>> No.44210401

yep big w for my queen shoui

>> No.44210490

You have to start some time. Watch shit repeatedly. Each time you rewatch something, you will understand more of it. Accept ambiguity.


>> No.44210500

>You have to start some time.
And the sooner, the better.

>> No.44210578

tatsumoto is a hidden gem and I think it should stay that way

>> No.44210641

I 射精'ed

>> No.44210999

Hello, Tatsu. The point of Linux isn't to use completely free software, the point is to have the freedom to choose what you want to use. Besides, I doubt Japs would insert any malicious code into their VNs; they're just too tight and docile.

>> No.44211111

If you cannot freely modify, and redistribute those modificiations, the code is malicious.

>> No.44211148

Is the wordplay/kanji puns really that hard?

>> No.44211174

not a problem for 130+ iqs

>> No.44211300
File: 138 KB, 300x300, Tumblr_l_2348519342907971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What even is considered intermediate? I've seen people say n3 is intermediate but I've also seen people say n1 is still beginner

>> No.44211366

n5-n2 prebeginner
n1 beginner
n0 intermediate
simple as

>> No.44211410

why do people often fail to learn a second language after japanese using the ajatt method? Like matt vs japan failing to learn Chinese. Is it an interest thing, or do you think there's something in the method that actually hinders people somehow?

>> No.44211414

Just learned I've been misreading Orz my whole life

>> No.44211458

ajatt itself is a sucky method. RTK, Sentence Cards, all whitenoise listening, avoiding reading before you've listened... all lead to failure. Matt, Aussieman, Garyben, all learned Japanese through sentence cards autism. none of them really read or did true immersion learning. Combine that, with a lack of motivation, and suddenly other languages become impossible

>> No.44211492

Beginner: trying to consume native content is just a painful grind, no matter the crutches you use.
Intermediate: consuming native content is enjoyable even without the ezmode settings like japanese subtitles and instant lookups. but you're still using reference regularly.
Advanced: can produce something not entirely unlike japanese and only need reference for uncommon things.

>> No.44211549

can you explain what you mean by whitenoise listening? do you just mean not paying attention while listening to content?

>> No.44211566


>> No.44211580

So what doesn't lead to failure? Cause all that stuff you mentioned is the common consensous these "big names" preach for how to learn.

>> No.44211632

Some people like to pretend they can not pay attention to something and still absorb it, like those chinese kids opening 10 youtube videos at once

>> No.44211710

constant reading. Read 100 novels and mine every word you don't know.

>> No.44211751

The qualification to be a big name is ability to self promote, and their consensus means nothing.

>> No.44211835

Woah, bros. Japanese is getting really hard now. WHERE'S THE WA

>> No.44211881
File: 390 KB, 872x1200, 20230802_205551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I import manga to the states? I need a copy of 異世界サムライ right this instant
I have to learn Japanese for her

>> No.44211976
File: 36 KB, 336x716, Screenshot 2023-08-02 231917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does ドーテー mean in this context? Having a hard time figuring that out specifically

>> No.44211997

It's an abbreviation for department of transportation, he's trying to get them involved to protect some horses and dear.

>> No.44212005

japanese are small so women often ride deer

>> No.44212030


>> No.44212032


>> No.44212053

anime taught me doutei = virgin

>> No.44212063

djt taught me 童貞 = u

>> No.44212096

Isn't that only for males? Also, what animu?

>> No.44212109
File: 2.55 MB, 1490x2328, def176c7f488a207f5b1fb7c6611b50f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44212115

Hmm, that's a tough one, anon.

>> No.44212142

For girls it's 処女. Also not him but I learned it before I started learning Japanese because the extras in Ishuzoku Reviewers are credited as Mob A Mob B and Mob DT.

>> No.44212152

girls calling mcs doutei is common in a lot of anime

>> No.44212176

it's common irl too :(

>> No.44212183
File: 14 KB, 427x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone translate

>> No.44212244

Another successful 5 hour reading day bros now it’s time to clonk out

>> No.44212271

got banned from a local manga competition for submitting an incest doujin

>> No.44212404

An isekai from one fantasy setting to another fantasy setting.
For what fucking purpose?

>> No.44212543

thank God the world still has values. Get fucked

>> No.44212550


>> No.44212791
File: 385 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia - 09 (1080p) [7A0507C5]-[00.26.317-00.32.824].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44212807

Not him but Ever 17

>> No.44212886


>> No.44213110
File: 815 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kimi wa Houkago Insomnia - 10 (1080p) [91E765A2]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44213280

what android j<>e dictionary app is good?

>> No.44213560

hell yes i love that shit. i've been translating and subbing this 45 minute erovoice asmr i got for practice and the amount of times she calls me a pathetic virgin gets my dick rock hard

>> No.44213624


>> No.44213673

>What's this white powder?
>What do you mean? You can't have a party with it.
It's true. Flour is essential for baking stuff at a party.

>> No.44213680

>You can't have a party with it.

>> No.44213698

Please understand, anon. I made a typo. It was a little mistake, honest. I know what パーティーには必要なものよ means! I'm not a dekinai, I swear! I meant withOUT it, WITHOUT OUT. Oh no, no, no, this can't be happening to me.

>> No.44213751
File: 125 KB, 772x525, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44213757

damn brat....grr wear pants!

>> No.44213905
File: 155 KB, 559x783, 969710956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.44214042

I was using the JED Japanese English Dictionary app for years and years, but my phone broke and I got a new one. Apparently that app isn't even on google play anymore, and the site says it was last updated in 2011.

Googling for recs people recommend yomiwa and takoboto. Yomiwa is a clusterfuck and takoboto has a gay logo. Wish there was a good japanese english dictionary app that isnt gay or bloated

>> No.44214213
File: 194 KB, 732x486, 1575033265905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Aedict

>> No.44214351





>> No.44215473
File: 338 KB, 960x1080, ☘️The🦋fairyy✴️princess💚.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44215558
File: 33 KB, 994x197, 2023-08-03_13-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh finally catching up to my speed from before i started fixing my typing

>> No.44215623


>> No.44215783

what do dekirus listen to while studying

>> No.44215820
File: 106 KB, 461x791, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my spotify playlist

>> No.44215896

he said dekiru

>> No.44215969


>> No.44216112

yup, that's me
he also said studying but i let that one pass

>> No.44216255
File: 13 KB, 319x342, 0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does the whole saying mean? When I went to the english TL I found that it's written
'' ''good guy'' my ass'' but from the translation I made I got ''Ally of justice, where are you?''. Is there even a saying for ''something'' my ass in japanese? I'm kind of new to it so don't be too harsh on me being a retard.

>> No.44216277


>> No.44216343

my foot up your ass

>> No.44216429

anyone know where i can find scans of japanese cereal boxes? i need to tape them over my capn crunch (all berries of course) so i can immerse as much as possible in the mornings

>> No.44216543

havent been able to immerse since coming home for the summer

>> No.44216592

(お前の)どこ(のところ)が正義の味方(のところ)= what part of you is a hero? = you're not a hero

>> No.44216602


>> No.44216605

曲 of the day

what happened?

>> No.44216635

what's funny? what do you think 「私のどこが好き?」means

>> No.44216638

dno maybe my body rejects europe

>> No.44216671

my waifu says ive gone past my 30 minutes of daily computer time so i have to log off bye guys

>> No.44216788

>going to the 800 place you want anything
lmao fuck this language

>> No.44216813
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>> No.44216832
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oh hi!

>> No.44216936
File: 461 KB, 833x630, 1596244387939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so tired of arguing with dekinai

>> No.44217016




>> No.44217023

>> No.44217042

That’s an interesting question. The phrase “どこが正義の味方よ” literally means “where is the ally of justice?” but it is used as a rhetorical question to express disbelief or contempt for someone who claims to be a good person or to act for a noble cause. It implies that the speaker thinks the other person is hypocritical, dishonest or self-righteous.

The phrase “‘good guy’ my ass” is an informal and vulgar way of saying the same thing in English. It conveys the speaker’s anger or frustration with someone who pretends to be virtuous or moral, but is actually not. It also uses a rhetorical question, but with a different word order and tone.

The thought process behind translating “どこが正義の味方よ” as “‘good guy’ my ass” is to preserve the meaning and the emotion of the original phrase, while adapting it to the target language and culture. The translator might have considered other possible translations, such as “Who are you kidding?” or “You call yourself a good guy?” but decided that “‘good guy’ my ass” was more suitable for the context and the audience.

According to goo国語辞書, 正義の味方 means “a person who saves the weak and punishes the wicked”. It is often used to refer to heroes in fictional stories. There is no clear definition, but it is said that it became popular from the theme song of the TV show “Moonlight Mask” (1958) by Kawachi Yasunori1. Wikipedia also mentions that there are many examples of using this phrase before “Moonlight Mask”, dating back to the 19th century.

I hope this helps you understand the translation better. :)

>> No.44217063

dear god is this the type of anon ive accidentally been posting in the same thread with

>> No.44217078


>> No.44217079

thats an ai bro

>> No.44217083

oh fuck its happening, the androids are coming after djt... everyone prove you arent an ai

>> No.44217095


>> No.44217102


>> No.44217110

that settles it. who the fuck would give an android a micropenis on purpose

>> No.44217113


>> No.44217117
File: 89 KB, 600x326, EpclfvrU8AA6qM6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me @ ai

>> No.44217128

dicks out for android 18

>> No.44217132


>> No.44217133

nvm netori androids will probably be a thing

>> No.44217143



>> No.44217146

your o key is broken

>> No.44217148
File: 527 KB, 1920x1536, thumb-1920-246742-1484665629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on maybe ai isnt so bad...

>> No.44217155

>“どこが正義の味方よ” literally means “where is the ally of justice?”

>> No.44217159

i am the ally of justice....

>> No.44217161


>> No.44217179
File: 364 KB, 1200x1200, 73731fa41c919c781bada28f343d0e6a858be7bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading konosuba (on volume 2)

>> No.44217184


>> No.44217247

Megumin sex in a jurisdiction where it's permitted

>> No.44217249

not gonna merse
gonna play battlebit instead

>> No.44217278

gonna merse

>> No.44217287

uh, anon, I feel kind of awkward having to be the one to tell you this, but that is what it means quite literally

>> No.44217296

seriously, why does Japanese orthography still use kanji? how in the name of god did kanji survive the typewriter era?
what's even the point of developing a phonetic script if you're just gonna use it for inflections and some other marginal bullshit?
what value does it add to the written language that justifies teaching it to students?

>> No.44217300

nice try but that would be 正義の味方はどこだ?

>> No.44217304

lmao I hope you’re not trolling

>> No.44217343

どこが正義の味方 means what part (of your being/of your actions) is an ally of justice

>> No.44217356

Yes, as in where (here / in you) is an ally of justice.

>> No.44217395

only <120 iq and >140 iq are dekiru

>> No.44217406

im gonna be real i still dont know how iq points work, seems like a psychology meme

>> No.44217423

its easy bro, the number is a brain power ranking https://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/iqtable.aspx

>> No.44217462

if i show someone a map with 3 buildings on it and say 1 of these buildings is the hospital, and they say
what does that mean

>> No.44217468

i mean those are scores for the test but how do we know the test scores matter? like how are those points related to your brain at all? idk man you have to understand that im kind of a dumbass

>> No.44217476

imagine if queef used an iq test for the entry quiz and ranks were based on your iq

>> No.44217500


>> No.44217505


>> No.44217511

he would be too embarrassed by his score of 120

>> No.44217514

kek that one anon completely mind broke djt with his question lmao

>> No.44217542
File: 112 KB, 1440x812, mabinogion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah but of course, g factor....

>> No.44217566

people dont believe in iq until they see what high and low iq is like with their own eyes

>> No.44217575

i have fewer iq points but they are much higher quality. i roll my eyes when i see someone try to zerg me with their inferior iq hordes

>> No.44217581

shouldn't quiz performance correlate with IQ? you're guessing pronunciations of squiggles under time pressure

>> No.44217606

yooo this channel is wild.

>> No.44217702

can mary compute 876*963 in his head in under a minute?

>> No.44217718

i can draw 鬱 in my head fast

>> No.44217723

it also has physical correlations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_factor_(psychometrics)#Neuroscientific_findings

>> No.44217734

Consequences of successfully filtering by IQ in school and work is that very few get to experience what it means first hand.

>> No.44217770

haha yeah so few people get to see what DUMMIES low iq people can be... i mean we're the smart ones in this situation right??

>> No.44217794

if djters are so obsessed with iq why don't they take a real test administered by a psychologist

>> No.44217837

it's just one dude who failed at life and his only consolation is that people from his school became successful so they must be high iq so he must be high iq too, or something

>> No.44217848

IQ tests work best if you've never done one before, but i've done a bunch of online IQ tests so i know what kind of questions to expect; that will change the results.

>> No.44217853

practice effect is at most 10 points

>> No.44217863

you sound mad bro, like 120 mad

>> No.44217876
File: 83 KB, 800x450, nebel[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhj7si7.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've awakened to something new bros

>> No.44217883

asymmetrical faces?

>> No.44217904

iq measures logic and will not help learn a wacky language like japanese

>> No.44217907

it should in theory if everyone started with equal knowledge, but they dont

>> No.44217913


>> No.44217919

does anyone know the g factor between iq and penile length?

>> No.44217923

but iq has a huge impact on the rate at which your knowledge grows

>> No.44217924

Guess what influences how quickly you acquire knowledge?

>> No.44217929

u guys might have high iqs but im a genius of hard work, and that makes me the only dekiru in this thread

>> No.44217933

crazy how dolly is dead

>> No.44217938

crazy how djt is dead

>> No.44217939


>> No.44217946

is it true that you need a genius level iq to transcribe jidaigeki?

>> No.44217954

there are many high iq people who are ignorant as fuck because they dont bother learning shit. anyways i was talking about quiz grinding, although i admit people who get used to the font and words on the harder quizzes faster are higher iq

>> No.44217970

if it takes a genius iq to learn japanese, does that mean all japanese people are geniuses since they learned japanese as children?

>> No.44217973

here is a hint: they never "learned" japanese

>> No.44217983

the less known the words or kanji on the quiz are the more you have to think and reason rather than rely on exposure
a hard font you have not seen before forces you to think further
the more you have to think and adapt in a short time limit the more it stresses your g that is a no brainer

>> No.44217985

ok sorry nobody "learns" japanese, they "acquire" it or w/e, my point still stands

>> No.44217988

how do i amplify my g factor

>> No.44217992


>> No.44217995

my girlfriend likes when i rub her g factor with my fingers

>> No.44217997

there are literally dumbass african immigrants in japan who speak fluently
nothing to do with IQ, sorry copers you'll need to find a new hobby to make yourselves feel intelligent

>> No.44218006

how did they get to japan? do they have boats in africa??

>> No.44218013
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he couldnt adapt fast enough bros...

>> No.44218017

i like reverse ntr

>> No.44218018

its the smartest africans who go to japan

>> No.44218019

>ywn immerse in cure dolly's used underwear
why live?

>> No.44218021


>> No.44218025

yeah obviously. thats how they get to europe too. or did you think they walk to europe?

>> No.44218028

i could literally swim across the strait of gibraltar

>> No.44218031

it is believed that they crossed long ago in the ice ages when that path was frozen over. nobody knows for sure though because humans weren't alive back then

>> No.44218032

done it many times myself for fun

>> No.44218040

no they are criminals who work for the yakuza
also there are dumb SEAs who work manual labour jobs in japan speak fluently

>> No.44218046

fluent like og

>> No.44218055

the only thing that's fluent about og is her mucus

>> No.44218057

just shows that talking isnt a good measure of language proficiency

>> No.44218064

huge L for unko "tougimiti" bon

>> No.44218085

how fast you get exhausted while reading should correlate to iq too. quiz managed to read for 9 hours before making mistakes like kachite. 120 iq isn't as low as djt thinks

>> No.44218106

>how fast you get exhausted while reading
it's what intelligent people call "endurance" and this can be trained

>> No.44218111

...with how easily and how much it can be trained being correlated to iq...

>> No.44218128

bunko has always been more shit at kanji than quiz and we all know low iq people prefer flapping their gums over reading which explains his busutube input too

>> No.44218158

this is cap, his streams were much better than quiz

>> No.44218170


>> No.44218179

such a punchable voice

>> No.44218182


>> No.44218207
File: 1014 KB, 800x600, 1660362231810579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows my japanese bros

>> No.44218211

Have you never seen the iq by country chart?

>> No.44218219


>> No.44218223

you sound like shit

>> No.44218229

>Fantasy setting
I mean ignoring the aspects that are clearly fiction, samurai were real you know. It's historical fiction set in the sengoku period for all of one chapter
Either way it is what it is because it's fun lol

>> No.44218250

wheres your vocaroo?

>> No.44218262

Iirc there used to be a way to redownload apps you had. Granted this was after flappy bird was deleted, but supposedly you could go to the "manage apps" list, filter by not installed, and reinstall it from there
No idea if google got rid of the feature though

>> No.44218280

would making his shit japanese make you feel better about your own shit japanese? would it make you feel that it's ok to have shit japanese?

>> No.44218344

Yeah, if we ignore the fantasy elements it becomes not fantasy. Great fucking work.

>> No.44218377


>> No.44218390

seigi no mikata tte boku no oshiri desu

>> No.44218393

Fiction doesn't imply fantasy. The fiction part is "the lead ran onto a battlefield with a sword and no spear" because swords were generally a last resort weapon. Also, the lead isn't a real person. I know you didn't read it but are you actually retarded lmao

>> No.44218404

is there a comprehensive list of all the derivational morphology bullshit like -rashii and -tachi and all that?

>> No.44218424
File: 1.36 MB, 807x6511, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best taste in all of holo

>> No.44218428

the dictionary

>> No.44218456

HOLY SHIT you're so clever anon here's your medal

>> No.44218554
File: 707 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 16 (1080p) [B44DCDAC]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44218594

watch anime every day

>> No.44218610

why dont weeaboos care about learning japanese as much these days?

>> No.44218659

to what extent is the english subbed anime thing a meme

>> No.44218660


>> No.44218675

how do you know if they do or not

>> No.44218705
File: 685 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Spy Kyoushitsu - 16 (1080p) [B44DCDAC]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44218812

how can you tell they don't?

>> No.44218890
File: 356 KB, 1115x1600, proxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can someone explain the grammar?

>> No.44218908

slang for 終わりにするか

>> No.44218941

thanks babe

>> No.44218967


>> No.44219001

Brother, the MC is a little girl super soldier with inhuman strength who lives a life of street fights to the death. Her weapon choice is the least of our realism concerns here.
What even qualifies as fantasy if a loosely historic setting with over the top superheroes walking around doesn't count? That's literally the most basic formula for putting one together.

>> No.44219019

It's hard to care about learning Japanese when we're legitimately about 2 years away from live speech human-level AI translations

>> No.44219021
File: 74 KB, 1080x510, Screenshot_20230803_121929_AnkiDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

٩(ε )۶

>> No.44219030

On the more modest end when it comes to puffy bump size

>> No.44219060

english isn't and will never be japanese

>> No.44219076

how is it so far? I'm just on chapter 2 of vol 1 so far.

>> No.44219080

even if that happens we're at least 10 years from N1 being removed from immigration and job application process

>> No.44219085

Don't tell me you're planning to move to the cursed isles? I though everyone here was learning just to enjoy the fine art of エロゲ ...

>> No.44219169

>over the top superheroes
There's exactly one and I mean, she is the MC. If you wanna call it fantasy then I guess whatever gets your rocks off? She lives in a normal world and is just really good at cutting people in half but that's about it until she arrives in the actual fantasy world. This is almost like saying that Rurouni Kenshin is a fantasy story only on the basis that all the characters and villains are crazy strong and do wack shit like putting oil bags in their stomach, blocking bullets, or punching rocks into dust. I really just don't think that a single, strong little girl is a fantasy indicator

>> No.44219189

found 4 new kanji

>> No.44219234

1 in 40 people in my country entered in the past year. I want backup options to get the fuck out. JP reqs are really easy and to get PR I need to work for at most 2 years

>> No.44219273


>> No.44219359

The best way to learn Japanese is to follow Tatsumoto's guide to Japanese. Seriously, this guide is a hidden gem! It's got everything you need – grammar, vocabulary, tools. Tatsumoto breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand, and the anki reps help reinforce what you've learned. Trust me, I achieved fluency thanks to this guide. So, fellow anons, give Tatsumoto's guide a shot and unlock the wonders of the Japanese language! Ganbatte, minna-san!

>> No.44219374
File: 10 KB, 836x69, image (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 76: Skip yesterday because I went on an 11 hour session of talking with my friends.

>> No.44219423

Did Matt vs. Japan get a hair transplant? He was nearly bald in 2017

>> No.44219437

Matt vs. China

>> No.44219483
File: 121 KB, 367x406, 1691097787242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'll bite.

since m*way is just a scam site, it can't have many views, obviously. so if you think rationally, tatsumoto should have more views. but because it doesn't have google analytics (spying) on the website, the real numbers are unknown. though we can try to find them.
>total views
1,276,360 views as of now
tatsumoto has two domains (two identical mirrors of the same site). these stats cover just one of them. the other one probably has a similar number of total views.

>> No.44219538

he used a derma roller like crazy all day
according to his patreon Q&A

>> No.44219559

is this ntr?

>> No.44219603

There's no point to using Linux. It's just a kernel. In theory it can be substituted with any other kernel.
Software freedom is about having control, be able to execute, study, modify and share software without any restrictions. Proprietary software doesn't give us these freedoms.

>> No.44219611


>> No.44219645

Just use your smartphone

>> No.44219745


>> No.44219747


>> No.44219820

Do you guys go for pronunciation+meaning when doing reps or just pronunciation?

>> No.44219873


>> No.44219920

Is there some vocabulary reviewer like Anki, but not SRS? Or at least I don't want to review the words that I guessed correctly X times already (probably possible to set up in Anki)
I had been using KotobaWeb for a bit and it's really useful for reading kanji, but the progress tracking is horrible and also it's uncomfortable to review

>> No.44219932
File: 923 KB, 1270x713, whatshisdeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any live action kino recommendations?

>> No.44220000

pronunciation+meaning for most cards, just the meaning for the rest, until I'm ready to acquire the pronunciation

>> No.44220045

Holy checked
And interesting. I always thought maybe pronunciation first so I could read it in context and just look up the meaning until it sticks. Granted for the cards that are just kana I still need to get the meaning lol

>> No.44220091

my goal is to read quickly so that I can chug lns and vns (and manga), so I'd rather focus on learning the basic meaning enough to understand it in context in the text and for pronunciations just wait until they start sticking from exposure in anki and in vns

>> No.44220221

Why don't you watch the movie he directed? It's called They Say Nothing Stays the Same. It's excellent.

>> No.44220244

>''good guy'' my ass''
American localization nonsense. They always try to ad "personality" by making everything more aggressive.

>> No.44220248
File: 503 KB, 1920x1080, 1688589858934208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he unlocked secret cope techniques but now has to live in fear of sudden gusts of wind

>> No.44220277

I'll check it out, thanks

>> No.44220301

Ahh that makes sense

>> No.44220346

my ass is a pretty good way to translate that but it 正義の味方 translates to super hero

>> No.44220368

damn this guy always brings a smile to my face when i most need it

>> No.44220393

no one cares how many times you looked at your own website

>> No.44220398

Yes, of course kenshin is fantasy. What is wrong with you?

>> No.44220404

i'm so glad i didn't fall for tatsumotos guide when I was a noob

>> No.44220410
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1667635926835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so glad i fell for tatsumotos guide when I was a noob
best decision ever

>> No.44220489

>He's an ESL
Isn't Tatsumoto a Turkish ESL?
I think the difference is due to Tatsumoto's guide being catered to Linux users and freetards. I appreciate this fact, but the guy can come off as too much of a schizo sometimes. The average weeb/normie isn't willing to go through the trouble of getting used to a Linux system, which is totally understandable.

>> No.44220507
File: 566 KB, 1920x1080, 1667633145447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mehmet (the m*eway guy) is a turk

>> No.44220523

i never posted my website here

>> No.44220550

>Chinese girl
Shieeeeet, niggaaaaaaa. I'll take my chances.

Could've sworn these exact talking points were used to describe Tatsu. Jokes aside, I guess I'll just read through all the guides and make not of useful software/resources.

>> No.44220574

tatsucuckold stfu there aren't even any new cuties asking for a guide most of us haven't read or cared about "guides" in at least a year

>> No.44220591

>tatsucuckold stfu
he stopped visiting these threads 2 years ago

>> No.44220602

Man I am lacking in grammar and reading kanji is still hard.
I wish I had more time for japanese

>> No.44220605

whenever tatsucuck posts i just remember this video and laugh https://streamable.com/6nlhff

>> No.44220642

That video is so obnoxiously unfunny that I’m inclined to side with tatsumoto.

>> No.44220643

>make not of useful software/resources
*make use of useful software/resources
I think iI'm habing a strok

>> No.44220654

I'm a completely different anon (you can tell by my change of writing style) and I agree!

>> No.44220752

Man I think you just don't know what fantasy is lmfao
Also (You)

>> No.44220802

shoui is a respected pillar of the japanese learning community
t*tsum*oto has negative reputation as a scammer and malware spreader
i know whose guide ill be using!

>> No.44220965

By all means, feel free to point out any malicious chode

>> No.44221323

Everything is subbed these days except children's shows and obscure shit from the 1970s and earlier.

>> No.44221576

>anyone who dislikes my poorly edited e-drama video is the guy I made it against

>> No.44221591

holy cope, I remember when people said this about stuff like google translate and they were wrong, but surely it will work this time.

>> No.44221609

human translators suck, i don't want human level translators

>> No.44221707
File: 1.41 MB, 1200x1703, 1687964580988429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cute store clerk tries to cheer you up (でも彼氏がある)

>> No.44221944
File: 370 KB, 1412x1345, malware-ads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoui is a respected pillar of the japanese learning community
fucking KEK'd

>> No.44222208


>> No.44222229

she's gonna have to try a lot harder than that to cheer me up

>> No.44222403

I owe everything I know in japanese to tatsumoto. do NOT disrespect his name

>> No.44222502

she's Jazzy's sensei, so no matter what slander you post about her, I'm still gonna follower her guide

>> No.44222572

Post vocaroo

>> No.44222684




>> No.44228553

You can see he's nearly bald there, look how far back his hair has receded
