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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44192445 No.44192445 [Reply] [Original]

Anon's Doll Edition VI

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>44012695
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead Again (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/10541404
FAQs and Links
New Guide: anime-dolls.moe
Old Guide: dollfaq.buyfags.moe
Booru: bjd.booru.org
Telegram: https://t.me/BallJointDolls
Sewing pattern books:
Doll Calendar Project: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1abqGwCjvHI0DalA13tDVTwtgYyXPgG1UXJ98AcNCeQk/edit?usp=sharing
/jp/ BJD QnA Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJPKqCd8YX5_JcB7NWjRS5Zy4dKeKMg5l-YmoHZgFZk/edit?usp=sharing

Current Photo Challenge: Harvest Season
Previous Photo Challenge: Primary Colors

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:
(Dollhos have been discontinued for years. Try one of the 60cm dolls from Six House Dolls instead.)

>> No.44192774
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>> No.44192881
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The Dollfie Icons are back for lottery order until the 10th. They have matching joints now.

>> No.44196436
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>> No.44196485

I love this guy’s dolls.

>> No.44196490

I wish I knew where to find a doll-scale bike that looks that good.

>> No.44197814

Am I the only one picturing anon's MDD bullying Elle once she sees the OP? Maybe I'm just overinterpreting her blank face as a mischievous one...
Have you defined personalities for them anon?

>> No.44199491

Any of you guys buy doll clothes off aliexpress and if so what's your experience been like in terms of item quality?

>> No.44199896

dude the site is absolutely fucked. nothing loads and just gives me 404s for everything.

>> No.44199927

It's working for me, anon, maybe it's regional server issues?

>> No.44200835
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i would say the bullying goes the other way if anything
i'll try to think up something though and take pics this weekend
you're not far off on Yuzu's face
but sorry haven't had time to retake ref pics to start sketching it out
when i tried taking some before i didn't notice her eyes had fallen inwards a bit

>> No.44202150

I changed out the eyes with some old putty that came with it, but they refuse to stay in place. What else can I use instead?

>> No.44202191

Blu-Tac or UHU White Tac work. a strip of tape, failing that, until you get something more secure.

>> No.44204563

Is the putty dried out? You can try rehydrating it in a one or two tsp of water for a few hours (or overnight if its really dry) then work the putty with your hands to incorporate the water into it to soften it back to its original state.

Otherwise just get some new stuff.

>> No.44206508

I was really confused about why all the JP dollfags on twitter were flooding my feed with pantyshots (not that I'm complaining) and I guess it's panty day in japan or something. They're using the tag #パンツの日
or maybe it was yesterday? timezones are confusing

>> No.44206582

if you're seeing the posts today then it's today for you
get to posting

>> No.44207143
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>> No.44207665

I'll try those out thanks.

>Is the putty dried out?
The opposite apparently. The eyes slide down after an hour or so.

>> No.44209142

Anon is it really hot where you are? If so try something that sets firmly like a hot glue gun.

>> No.44210599

Of course I dumped my monthly pics at the bump limit. Oh well.
If we're still posting suggestions for shops for the OP:
DD high heel feet:

>> No.44211119
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My heart bros… she’s so beautiful.

>> No.44211275

She's beautiful anon, congratulations!

They were good photos as always, I love the beach theme and the campfire theme both. And thank you for the recommendations -- I always appreciate them and will add them at my earliest convenience.

>> No.44212204
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>> No.44212661

its not working for me either

>> No.44217739

The anon who was interested in this doll is probably not here anymore since I think they asked about her years ago but in case they are, here's the Princess Crown Galadrial pureneemo: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1234952172&lang=en

>> No.44217771
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>> No.44217818

Know where to get these sanpaku eyes? I haven't had luck finding them.

>> No.44217861 [SPOILER] 


>> No.44220147
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>> No.44221271

Hey bros. Where does the doll community hang out online these days? I used to like seeing the doll community on Twitter.

>> No.44221345
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I'm honestly unsure. Some have migrated back to tumblr, instagram and facebook seem popular, and there are discords. For vinyl collectors, I think the Doll Dreaming forum might be the most popular, now. For resin collectors, Den of Angels has always been the biggest doll forum. For me personally... I just come here. (An anon also made a Telegram for this thread, though I haven't personally used it.) Some have suggested making a discord for this, others have spoken against it in concern that their insular nature will cause drama, or that it will inadvertently supersede this thread. As a result, I haven't made one -- I am ambivalent on the matter, personally. I also believe the BJD subreddit has some activity -- I have not used it much, but many consider it a resource in the identification of dolls from untagged photos and bootleg listings. Overall, things have always been spread out, and the current twitter situation has not helped matters.

>> No.44221525
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I have been winding down in adopting new dolls but I had to make an exception for this head. She really captivated me.

>> No.44223317
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>> No.44223720
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>> No.44224826

Thanks, good to know I’m not alone in that odd ‘where is everyone?’ thought. That makes sense though, especially in the west. I keep hoping the hobby will get more popular here. I’ll check out those forums and sites, thanks for the info.

>> No.44224847

this cute doll is rich

>> No.44225535

I couldn't find anything, sorry.

>> No.44226075

Thanks for looking with me anon.

>> No.44228169
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>anon dont stare, it's embarrassing

>> No.44228392
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they're probably custom, here's the same doll I think

>> No.44229116
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Doll lust

>> No.44229306
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>> No.44229650
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>> No.44230591
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>> No.44231291
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I like how this thread goes through phases between "sincerely considerate," "charmingly enthusiastic," "genuinely informative," and "overtly horny." It is a fun mix. (Anyone know what would work for doll-scale kinbaku rope?)

>> No.44232578
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>> No.44233267

That's some amazing sag

>> No.44234808

Where do you get articulated hands like that?

>> No.44235274

I just started buying bits and pieces for my first bjd. I’m so excited! I got couple of wigs and some fabric to make clothes.

>> No.44235328

How exciting, the first one is always such a fun journey. I hope you love it.
those exact hands: gensoushop.cart.fc2.com/ca4/7/
alternative soft internal frame hands: tooo-mini.com/en/product?no=90
I have those exact hands, and while I use them occasionally, the posts don't fit tight (you can thicken them up to make them work), and the articulation isn't very sturdy. I'm looking at trying the internal frame ones, but it'll be a while before I do, I have other priorities.

>> No.44236746

> articulation isn't very sturdy
I've been planning to get a pair myself but what do you mean by this? Are they strong enough to hold up props/guns?

>> No.44236773
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I've also seen these hands around, but I have no idea who makes them

>> No.44236804
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Wish I knew where to get props like this.

>> No.44237376
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Updated the /bjd/ QnA, feel free to continue submitting information and creators you admire or have purchased from.

>> No.44238178

Complete noob here. Are there loli BJDs that are around 80cm tall?

>> No.44238265


>> No.44238855
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>> No.44241119
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Yes, kinda. They'll hold them up if the palm is doing most of the supporting or it's very, very light. The fingers have very little resistance, so any weight they try to support won't really work. Here's a zoomed in old picture when I first got them. If you look at her right hand, I had to curl the pinkie under the camera body and bring in the other hand to support the camera as the fingers and thumb wouldn't hold it. I have another pic.

>> No.44241139

Not that anon, but any chance of wiring them, or are they too thin and fiddly? they look good in the photo, you did well anon.

>> No.44241151
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I do use them in gloves a lot, as the gloves kinda help with a lot of the shortcomings. So here you can see while they'll hold pose and pinch something, I still had to use the arm of the sunglasses to support them on the wrist of the doll. One more pic;

>> No.44241201
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If you balance things in the hands they'll stay there. The soda can still has to be balanced on one of the fingers, but since that's doing the "lifting" the other fingers will hold it. I hope this all makes sense. I'm not trying to discourage you, just let you know what you're getting and how it'll perform.
They are wired, because the wire is so thin it just isn't very strong.

>> No.44241260
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follow up picture
Here's a picture I just took, this is the wire that all of the fingers have.
They are nice to have, I don't regret buying them, and like you said, they can look good in photos (thank you for saying so). They're just not what I was expecting, and I just like to caution people so they're not surprised.

>> No.44243810
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>> No.44245426
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>> No.44247220

What shopping services are recommended for buying bjd heads from YJA? I tried Buyee before but their fees are KILLER.

>> No.44247877

Haven't bought a head off YJA in a couple of months but I've gotten them all using FromJapan. Don't really remember how much the fees were, it was the shipping that was killer. Never really used Buyee so hopefully some other Anons can chime in.

>> No.44248292

I use J-subculture personally. They'll work just fine for YJA. I believe From Japan has the highest limit you can spend before getting banks involved, as I used them once to import a Volks release I missed. For in-person service such as Dream Choice, as well, I believe White Rabbit Japan offers this.

>> No.44250181

I found Buyee and FJ equal in costs. Buyee's higher fees balance out with FJ because Buyee offers a "Buyee Air Delivery" shipping option where they choose the cheapest between DHL and FedEx. With FJ, unless I wanted to wait for weeks, my only option was EMS which is always the priciest of the expedited shipping options.

I'm in the US so I know my experience with shipping costs will differ from those in EU.

>> No.44252444
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>> No.44254704
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>> No.44255390
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>> No.44255845
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Goodnight, anons.

>> No.44255861

usually I like flat chests but this doll's big chest is so aesthetically pleasing. I love the way the fabric folds over her chest and it creates a cute silhouette.

>> No.44256500
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>> No.44256851
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>> No.44257836
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>> No.44258030
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>> No.44260291
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>> No.44260977
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I've spent some time with my new Imomodoll, and she has some strengths and some weaknesses I'd like to share.

Imomodoll Rating
build quality:

Imomodoll offer an incredibly affordable gateway into the hobby, with dolls on their taobao retailing for a fraction of the cost of a similarly-sized Dollfie Dream or Obitsu. In spite of those strengths, however, they suffer from poor engineering and an ability to attract stains which boggles the mind. They seem to combine the design flaws in every older Obitsu body with the frustrating hips of a DD-f3 frame, with a vinyl shell that spins around the frame freely and an internal skeleton that all but requires some form of tape, glue, or other treatment to hold together during even delicate redressing. A silicone washer is used to hold the head on the neck peg: this does not work worth a damn, and it's very easy for the heads to do their best Exorcist routine as it works its way loose again. The body is also prone to stains to a degree which sincerely confuses me: I do not even know where these smudges have come from, as I haven't even attempted to dress the doll yet. And yet the stains remain all along the arm joints and chest, for reasons I cannot comprehend. For those concerned about staining, a body-suit is an absolute must! But in spite of these shortcomings, Imomodoll offer a variety of body types and skintones that just can't be found from any other company, with the bonus of charming anime styling and even molded hair, which I know some here have expressed an interest in. As well, I have heard that there is a V2 of their 40cm body which addresses and improves many of these issues, which is a heartening fact worth investigating! Overall, I tentatively recommend Imomodoll to experienced doll owners unafraid to break out the hot glue gun. Newcomers can certainly pick one up, so long as they understand, and are okay with, the knowledge that these dolls need extra TLC to really shine.

I will get a V2 body at my earliest convenience- and as well, I have several of their male bodies on preorder, and will report back about them as soon as I am able. I hope the anons here find this overview helpful!

>> No.44260999

It didn't post my asterisks. In lieu of that,

Imomodoll Rating
aesthetics: *****
build quality: **
value: ***
overall: ***

Sorry about that.

>> No.44261422
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I'm looking for a doll head for a 1/6 Obitsu body. Are there any common recommended sites other than YAJ and Parabox?

>> No.44261592

Beautiful doll, and I really like the shoes.

>> No.44262540
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>> No.44263505
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I want to fuck a doll.

>> No.44263540
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>> No.44263623
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Can anyone tell me sculpt this is?

>> No.44263877

It looks like an 07 to me, but it's hard to tell from just one picture.

>> No.44265122
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I don't follow the scene very much, but I am always impressed by how beautiful Japanese bisqué dolls are.

>> No.44266187

thank you for the review
I had been wondering how Imomos held up
personally I'd probably find the general build quality manageable
but I already suck at keeping my girls stain-free, I can't imagine the trouble I'd have with an Imomo

>> No.44266347

I usually don't mind stains -- I have a lot of janky older bodies I like to try and fix up -- but I don't even know what I DID with this one! I am baffled beyond belief where the stains even came from.

>> No.44267247

Oh wow, what's the name of these dolls?

>> No.44268929

I'm gonna get one of their V2 bodies ASAP before I give a definitive answer of their quality, but I can say the V1 body I have has forced me to go buy upholstery foam. I'm going to stuff the vinyl and see if that makes it... less how it is. As it stands right now, this girl cannot SIT without actively shoving her in place. Again, I don't mind, because I've been repurposing ancient-ass Obitsu bodies for years now, and I'm used to messing around with them. But I'd hate for this to be someone's first experience with dolls, because the vinyl spinning around on the frame is frustrating.

>> No.44271085

I'm surprised to hear about stains. My Imomo still hasn't developed any stains despite me putting it into various dark clothing, but mines is in chocolate color, so perhaps the lighter toned ones stain more easily? I have a V2 frame of the 1/6 Imomodoll and it's very stable other than the right leg falling off the hip ball on an occasion due to the poor way the vinyl was cut on there.

>> No.44271188

Maybe it's another problem with the V1 bodies! Or maybe my 40cm girl is just... a special case. But that's okay, she's very cute so I'll put up with a lot.

>> No.44273966

Are they vinyl or resin? Thank you for the very good review. Its rare to have such frankness in reviews sometimes
I was kind of interested in Ruby but this will give me something to think about for sure

>> No.44274434
File: 212 KB, 1058x1980, DSC_0268 edit shop small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the new Cyberstreet dress from Volks, I guess I didn't realize the dress part was plastic when I bought it. Kinda disappointed as I thought it was just stretch fabric. Decided to try some low light rave/cyberpunk pictures, since I'm still learning low light.

>> No.44274446
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>> No.44274474
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last one

>> No.44274510
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They are vinyl. I think the V2 bodies address many of the issues I'm experiencing, and if so, I will report back on if, and how much, they've improved. I have a Ruby with a faceup from Jane's Doll Land and she's very cute, I have to admit. Despite the fact that her body is my nightmare... she's cute and that accounts for a lot! Pic related -- pardon the scuff, I took this with my phone. (The mess is an anomaly, there's work going on in the other room.)

>> No.44274550

Colors are great. For low-light, a tripod and a cable shutter release are mandatory to get images to come out crisp and to control the length of the exposure. You're doing good work! Don't be afraid to let the image be dark as hell and selectively light it with LEDs, glowsticks, or something else. Also, there's a slow-exposure photography technique known as "light painting" that's great for stationary subjects like this. Look into it, you might find some inspiration or tricks there to further develop these photos into the image you want to see. I really appreciate the passion you put into these photoshoots, and I look forward to seeing more from you.

>> No.44274663

Thank you, I'm between tripods right now as my last one was an amazon basic that gave up the ghost, but I'll definitely get one before trying again. I watched a photographer in a video using a low iso and aperture and higher shutter speed get good photos and tried to copy his style. It worked OK, but these three were the best three. I should try the light painting in the future, I didn't even think about it, but it makes total sense to do it with a doll since they don't move. lol

>> No.44275164

oh no, its that vinyl that dies in ten years? I'm sorry. I think you convinced me not to get it. I thought it was fabric too, like spandex.

>> No.44276126

Yeah, it's really a shame as I like the style a lot. Knowing it's going to be trash eventually (I've heard of it cracking and flaking earlier too) put a huge damper on it.

>> No.44276689

>cable shutter release
or a timer, I typically use 2 seconds

>amazon basic
just buy a SLIK
same price bracket as the chinesium specials

>> No.44277540
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>> No.44280092

Rattail cord is a common craft material, it has a satin finish and some have the braided look. Would mail you some, got two spools, but I'm away from home this week. Doll anons are doll anons, it's comfy.

>> No.44280518 [DELETED] 

We really need to write volks to tell them to stop using the material. This shit is awful.

>> No.44280526

We really need to write volks to tell them to stop using the material. This shit is awful.

>> No.44281104

Thank you for the tip anon. Safe travels!

Volks and every other doll company including most that make shoes, it's everywhere. (Human clothes have this problem too, unfortunately.) Pleather my beloathed.

>> No.44281141

I thought I'd take some cute pictures of my doll the other day and wound up taking two dozen lousy panty shots instead. Hope my doll never stops making me so horny

>> No.44281157

Mine was stained from the get go. In addition to the dirt, the body had a faintly greasy feeling to what I assume was a mould release agent. I completely disassembled the body and gave it a good bath in mildly soapy water.

>> No.44281791 [SPOILER] 
File: 579 KB, 1614x3242, IMG_20230810_114220884_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me: This I bust is too big. Never again.
>also me: Yes, this 2L bust is fine.
Maybe I'm lying to myself when I say I'm not a boob person.

Hibiki's boob job arrived today. No more stuffed bras. She is a little too small for the piece -- it is meant for AZO2/DDP -- so I had to trim the neck down. The fit is a bit odd in places on her frame, but overall pretty pleased.

And the squishing will never get old.

>> No.44282094


>> No.44282192

I kinda want to upgrade my dolls chest but I feel like it would be weird to do so after having her for almost a year already.

>> No.44282466

Just get her a younger sister then.

>> No.44282472

I want to downgrade my doll's chest, but she's already almost flat.

>> No.44282606
File: 92 KB, 1140x1167, il_1140xN.4975427725_iem5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking for wigs for the 1/6 I'm building and now I feel like having a MDD instead.

>> No.44283550
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>> No.44283561
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>> No.44283853

Never have I wanted to a doll until now...

>> No.44284270
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>> No.44284275
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I love touhou dolls.

>> No.44284319
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Thanks anon

>> No.44285434

Your dolls have the same DD outfit, anons, it threw me off.
Dorothy has pink hair again, how often do you change wigs?
Your MSD has nice hair, she is cute. Who's the other one? Also, the miniature house behind is quite big.

>> No.44286200

She's an Angel Philia Elle in tan skin, and you can find them for sale on Faithz.com, as well as Mandarake.

>> No.44286256

This might seem like an obvious question but how likely is a 4.5" wig to fit a 5" head?
I'm trying to get a head from Parabox and none of the recommended size wigs fit what I want.

>> No.44288100
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>> No.44288617
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>> No.44289453
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>> No.44289546
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The creator is Platinum Circus

>> No.44290969
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>> No.44290989
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>> No.44291069

That's the same "you're making me uncomfortable" face as always, isn't it? Amazing what a change in angle can do

>> No.44291127
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partly angle, partly the aftermarket movable eyes, but I've found the most important thing is hair styling

>> No.44291131

Thank you!

>> No.44291804

I know one person used to take 3D sculpt commissions for dolls, Digi_Dolls -- but it seems they aren't currently set up for orders. Do the anons here know anyone else who offers doll sculpt commissions? I'm asking for a friend. Cheers!

>> No.44292564
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>today was so nice anon
>I wish we could stay like this forever
>but I've just been diagnosed with japanese cough

>> No.44292789

You've been diagnosed with slutty dress top slipping off.

>> No.44292833

I'm sorry but I have airplanes to fly and a liver to poison. I can't stay with you.

>> No.44294144
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>It's hot!

>> No.44295414

What are the shipping times from Japan to US at the moment? Bought a doll from Japan and first time using EMS. I have been hearing about delays and its making me nervous since I need the package within a certain time period.

>> No.44295477

Not with those joints.

>> No.44296840
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>> No.44297026
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Does anyone know of a good place to get ringlet wigs like pic rel for MDD?

>> No.44297294

>waking up to your doll’s beautiful eyes looking at you
It was nice, I’ll think I’ll sleep with my dolls more often.

>> No.44297333

Perhaps this?

>> No.44298119
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>> No.44298999

looking at this is making me taste strawberry icecream.

>> No.44299588

Idk about Japan but a recent order of doll clothes from South Korea only took about 10 day to the east coast.

>> No.44299597

Not ashamed to admit I've done the same every night since I got mine. Definitely very nice.

>> No.44299791

Out of curiosity, has anyone hot glued their dolls? Don't need details, just want to know how common this is if at all.

>> No.44299951

this is like asking if someone stanced their bugatti

>> No.44300239

pretty good over the last year honestly, I've gotten stuff with EMS to the east coast within a week (after shipment)
most of the recent stuff I've ordered though has been DHL or FedEx

to be fair there is a guy on youtube who has extensively modified his veyron (himself), and continues to do so

>> No.44300557
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Not that anon but I am an idiot and very curious what this means.

>> No.44300874
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Use your imagination. It's exactly what it sounds like.

I don't think this is common, aside from the dolls built for this purpose.

>> No.44301898

It means the tires have a negative camber, or in layman's, are angled inward. A degree or two is normal and improves handling. Stancing puts them at closer to 45, which 1, lowers the car significantly and 2, makes them look fucking retarded.

>> No.44301997

First time I slept with my girl it was the best sleep I had in months. Made a small bed out of an old flat pillow and a few cases so she could be under the covers too.

>> No.44302349

Thank you, anon.

I honestly thought it was like those people who fuck tailpipes as a fetish.

>> No.44302531
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Violet's outfit is so well done. Clean, elegant, yet finely detailed

>> No.44302798

Hi there everyone. I found this thread the other day browsing /jp/ and after reading the new guide and youtube vids I have grown greatly interested in BJDs. Specifically in sewing clothes for them.
The trouble i'm having is where do I start with sewing? I basically no knowledge of it and was wondering where should I start if I want to make clothes? Any recommended books or vids for beginners or should I just look into sewing in general?

>> No.44303244

Sewing for dolls is a bit difficult since it's a scale so small that you need to be pretty precise, but it uses the same skills as sewing for people so regular sewing resources will work just fine. The OP actually has a ton of sewing patterns of various skill levels, some can be done by hand quite easily! A bonus of practicing on doll clothes though is that you use a lot less fabric so it's not as expensive and you can do multiple tries from smaller pieces of cloth.

>> No.44304633

Oh she's magnificently done, better than a licensed would be.
I've never watched the show, is it good? (also, is it done, or is there more coming?)

>> No.44304679
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Thanks anon. Yes the blonde one is a smart doll infinity

>> No.44305602
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Welcome to the hobby, anon! If you're already familiar with sewing, these patterns may be of use to you.


Sewing for dolls is similar to making human clothes, only on a much smaller scale. It's very detail-oriented as a result -- each stitch matters more, fit tolerance is much more strict, and proportions overall may be more exaggerated. But because it's a smaller scale, you can make some truly incredible works on a much more affordable budget if you so desire. Or, you can put your dolls in a tube dress made of a sock, which is an age-old tradition at this point. Whatever you do, please drop by from time to time and show us!

>> No.44307610
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Dolk released a couple new dolls based on Sugintou and Shinku, from Rozen Maiden. They're very cute, but extremely expensive.

>> No.44310766

They never released Suigintou, to my knowledge.

>> No.44311440

Not them but they've been spamming my email about it for a few days, specifically about suigintou

>> No.44311444
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They just did!

>> No.44311591

Well fuck, I'd given up. And I don't have the money for her right now.

>> No.44311777

don't worry this round of preorders is already sold out
not sure why they bother with a month-long order period if it's going to sell out within two days
just japanese things I guess

>> No.44311889

I'm sorry to hear that, anon. They ARE very expensive. They also announced Suiseiseki, but who knows how long it'll take them to release her. Maybe you'll have the money then.

>> No.44312101
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It's says it's limited to 10, which is bullshit. They're probably planning a second set of preorders like they did with Shinku, and keeping the numbers low each time on purpose to drive up demand. I think I'll just stick with the Suigintou I put together, I just need to commission a better version of her outfit because the one I bought is just so-so.
Considering Suigintou was supposed to drop like 2? 3? years ago? Yeah it could be awhile.

>> No.44312262

>They're probably planning a second set of preorders
the site says this is already the third round

>> No.44314917
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>> No.44315022

haha look at her go

>> No.44315378
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I’d pay a good chunk for her after-market. Not sure why I can’t place order on their website. Silly Japanese doll makers always being a tease to consumers, sigh

>> No.44315620

you have good taste and good photography

>> No.44316214

I know it would be such bad manners but I would be so tempted to have the doll ride the sushi go round at least one rotation

>> No.44316322

I would've paid full price had they released her when they said as I was ready to, but aftermarket is likely to pass $2k, and I ain't doing that shit when I can commission a new outfit for my own Suigintou for a few hundred.

>> No.44316596

Man... I'm usually on cute doll side but some doll owners can make ecchi/sexy doll photography so fucking tasteful and appealing that is pure art. Others are so bad and just make a dumb effortless and tasteless pantyshot that it just reminds you it's a piece of plastic (well vinyl)

>> No.44317582
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Does anyone, by chance, know where to get some doll wings?

>> No.44319109
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I dont speak any japanese but this cool doll dude is live

>> No.44319484
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Welp there go my plans to get a new doll this month. I've briefly tried looking for wigs on YAJ, Hobby Search, etsy and aliexpress but I've had little luck finding something remotely close to what I want.

>> No.44319978

This is why we need specific twitter vendor list, so many good vendors on there.

>> No.44320098

What are you looking for?

Please recommend some anon, I'll add them to the FAQ. I don't use twitter, so I miss out on whatever's going on over there.

>> No.44320152
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A pink wig for the head I ended up choosing, which is a 5" one. Either with twintails or that I can style into medium length twintails so anything that you could call "long" would suffice.
I'm not picky with the hue either, I'm okay with anything from bubblegum pink to this kind of tone.
I found one matching that on etsy but it's mohair and I'm not sure that will fit with the very clearly synthetic hair my other doll has.

>> No.44320238

Dollmore has some but they're very stiff and not very pose-able(each wing only has a single axis of movement) - I can't recommend them. The wings on that doll are cool as hell, I would also like to know where to get wings like that.

>> No.44320332

Size 14-15", Color #17-18, tails are clip-ins.

Same as above, long straight hair you can style.

Size 5-6, color grey-pink or light pink. Long hair for styling.

Wigs for Lati / Atelier Momoni dolls seem to be the size you're looking for? I'm not sure if 4-5" or 5-6" is a better fit, but larger is usually better.

I hope some of these help, anon.

>> No.44321249

Thank you, that does seem to fit what I want perfectly.
I remember passing by the Miku one thinking that would be the only color, but the other ones are new to me. My google-fu is weakening.

>> No.44321397

It's not you, finding anything is impossible anymore. Google sucks even with advanced search operators, etsy no longer respects advanced search operators, half the reason I can find anything is having already bought from them, or made a note of them. This is partially why I've started QnA google doc -- with the internet going sideways and search engines becoming useless because of overly aggressive SEO, it's more useful to just create a directory ourselves.

>> No.44321574
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Does anyone happen to know of a place I could get a 6-7inch wig in this color range? Doesn't have to be exact but this blueish tinged medium green color has been really hard for me to find especially in that size range.

>> No.44323342

Long straight.

Med straight.

Med straight.

Extra long wavy.

>> No.44323709

Thank you for looking, that last one is pretty close to what I was looking for in color but I don't think I could style it the way I want because it doesn't have bangs and I have no idea if I could cut some without ruining it

>> No.44325590

>go buy 2k face
>end up with a 12k order
Clothes are a financial threat.

>> No.44329729

son how can you play with fucking dolls

>> No.44329865
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The future is now old man

>> No.44329916

Well, fucking dolls aren't the theme for this specific thread.

>> No.44329971

I used to sling crack and extort drifters but after being introduced to manga during my 9 year prison sentence I started liking cute things and dolls are cute. Children are also cute but I don't want kids because I don't want to deal with the intimacy requirements to a) have sex and have a child & b) raise a child.

>> No.44330535
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I need dolls in lingerie
I have a medical condition

>> No.44330553
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>> No.44330639

I wonder why that japanese guy with the android 18 doll who had pubes and tattoos stopped posting

>> No.44330665
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>> No.44330822

by plowing them, but thats /ona/
These guys here specialize in photography, make up and crafting which are cool hobby's in and of themselves

>> No.44330824
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Anyone know where I could get an insane prosthetic arm like this one? These props are gorgeous.

>> No.44331323

/ona/ here
Where can I get a little chair for my 1/3 dolly to sit as I shitpost and gaze at how pretty she is?

>> No.44331800

Volks sells some, and Dollmore sells some, but 1/3 furniture tends to be quite expensive! A good alternative is to go to the store and look at what's available for 18" dolls -- the scale is hit or miss, but seating tends to be good enough. Brands include American Girl, My Life As, and Journey Girl. Vintage AG stuff is worth its weight in gold, and collectors know it. For mass-market modern stuff, I personally hold the opinion that Journey Girl props tend to be a bit better than the others, but it really varies between sets. As well, vintage wooden furniture "salesman samples" can sometimes be found for a good price at thrift stores, goodwill, and online. Gardening centers also sometimes have miniature furniture meant to be used as stands for planters, but a tiny chair is a tiny chair. Look around -- I'm sure there's something that will work for you in your area.

>> No.44331831

I'm happy you found something that made you happy. This is something I love about dolls. It doesn't matter your background. We all can appreciate the cute

>> No.44331991
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doll bros, how do you do their make up?
It seems to be the key to making a doll go from uncanny to "WOW"

>> No.44332096

I don't personally do faceups, but like any other form of art, practice is key. Research what tools you will need, get a head to practice on, watch videos of how others do them, and start trying. Your first faceups will suck! That's okay. That's normal. Keep going until you get something you can be satisfied with, and if that takes a while don't beat yourself up over it. This is a skill that takes time to develop and to understand what works and what doesn't, both for the style you want and for you, personally, as the creator. With time, you will figure out what you're doing. And when that day comes, come back and show the thread. It doesn't have to be perfect, either. There's a sense of satisfaction that surely comes from having helped personally bring your doll to life.

I don't have any faceup tutorials handy at the moment, as I'm away from my home PC -- if another anon does, I think I will add a section for them to the QnA, because I feel it would be a good topic to cover. I believe Jadepixel may have a tutorial on them? All the best, anon!

>> No.44332177

The process is usually like sealant coat, sketch base in something light, usually watercolor pencils in light brown, blushing, sealant layer, going over the sketch in something darker, usually acrylic in dark brown/black, additional details, sealant layer. You're supposed to seal after every step that might interfere with the layer underneath (like the watercolor layer can't be painted over unsealed or it will wash off or smear) so you might need to seal more times. I really like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haly8bklmEg for their process, their dolls are super cute too

>> No.44332205
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This came with my order, is it a sign? Is it time for me to cross the line into dollfaggotry?

>> No.44332671
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>> No.44332749

That's weird, what store?

>> No.44332758
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They saw I ordered FSS so they assumed I'd love dolls

>> No.44332774
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Well.. are they wrong??
Just look how pretty they are

>> No.44334936
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>> No.44336807

Imagine if we had tiny dolls like this just walking around living their best life.

>> No.44336960

I'd understand why hill giants tend to just pick animals and people and stuff them into their bags

>> No.44337373

I will be going to japan in a couple months. Can you recommend me stores i could buy a new doll and some clothes maybe? I found Volks doll point and there are some hobby shops it seems but it's unclear what kind of items they sell for now

>> No.44337388

once again pulling out this lovely, if slightly questionably out of date, guide from the dd forums https://www.dolldreaming.com/topic/17145-extremely-long-rambling-guide-for-buying-60cm-dolls-and-accesories-in-japan/
Some of these may not still be there but it should be a good starting point to look into, have a fun trip anon!

>> No.44337401

Thanks a lot!

>> No.44337679

Better start saving up for suiseiseki

>> No.44337851
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Nah, if I was gonna save up for another it would be Souseiseki, the superior twin

>> No.44338491

I can at least confirm that all of the ones in the Tokyo area are still there.

Also a lot of doll shops will hold your doll for you until closing hour after you pay for it. So if you wanted to grab lunch/dinner after buying your doll, you don't have to worry about carrying a giant box with you.

>> No.44339023

What months? I'm going from late October - mid November

>> No.44340640
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>> No.44340858

Have they officially announced her? I'd say sui was partly responsible for getting me into this hobby

>> No.44340941
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Finished packing and getting my girls ready for the yearly road trip. Thisll be Rin's first big putting so I'm excited to get some photos along the way. Hopefully the BC weather isn't vinyl melting.

>> No.44341153
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On the 2023 DOLK page, special C. It might take a long while before it actually happens though

>> No.44341160

Early october - late november

>> No.44341224

Good luck anon! Summer has been hot but they should be okay, I hope you have a fun trip

>> No.44343391

Sounds like fun anon, I hope you all have a good time!

>> No.44344191
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>> No.44344934

My kitchen would be the busou shinki cooking scene. Adorable dolls working long hours with their small cute hands to make cute little loaves of bread. They can only watch in frustration as I eat twenty loaves at once with my gnashing giant ogre teeth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X85s8wRGIYs

>> No.44346244
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>> No.44348057

I should have gotten a cute bjd instead of a sex doll.

>> No.44348167

What's troubling you about the doll you have, anon? I know it's the purview of /ona/, but I am curious why you feel that way.

>> No.44348339

It wasn't what I was expecting at all. The things I was looking forward to the most was doing her hair/outfits, falling asleep cuddling with her, and using her as sex doll.
Styling the wig is frustrating and I can never get it to do what I want it to do or stay in place. Changing her clothes usually messes the wig too.
I don't really get much from cuddling a cold doll.
I don't like the amount of effort it takes to clean her after using her. I usually just masturbate normally or do something easy to clean like a thighjob or buttjob.
I do enjoy shopping for cute outfits for her though.

>> No.44348343
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i wish i had doll friends irl u_u or even online. i know thsi hobby has a pretty sizeable online community but it would be fun to get together with a friend and show each other our dolls, shop for clothes/wigs online together, take pics of our dolls, etc. i sound like a total loner but that seems so fun. the few friends i have that know about my bjd/doll hobby think its silly, especially when i tell them the cost and exclusivity of bjds. i just think dolls and the joy, beauty and creativity they bring into peoples lives should be shared

>> No.44348407

You went for a full sized doll?
I'm looking at shady amazon vendors selling 2ft doll (1/3 scale) dolls that seem to be in the sweet spot of both
Also bjd take skill and a LOT of money for something you cant plow. Love both but I'll leave the vinyl girls to the pros

>> No.44348477

Have you considered one of those fabric dolls anon? I've heard they're better for cuddling with, and they can have inserts to hold onas. For styling her hair, definitely do that once the outfit's done, and look into some products specifically for wigs. Gel, mousse, low-temp curling irons (for heat-resistant fiber only!), combs and brushes... look into cosplay wig tutorials and see what they do, and if you can apply it to your doll's routine, maybe? Dealing with hair can be annoying, I get you anon. You can try looking for pre-styled wigs as well if she's big enough for cosplay supplies, they tend to be set with glue... it's not as nice and soft, but for specific styles it's a life-saver.

For clothes, look for tie-ons/button-downs and other things you can put on without having to mess around with the head, it will help cut down on the amount of mishaps as well. Bikinis, zippered clothing, bodysuits, robes, anything you can slide on from the bottom is your friend here.

As for her being cold, one thing I read about some anons doing is keeping their doll under an electric blanket before cuddle-time so she warms up to something similar to body temp. That might help make you more comfortable in bed together. Or during other activities, I would imagine.

And for cleanup, maybe a handheld shower wand might help flush things out? I've heard of using an aquarium pump to help dry after the fact, as well as those drying sticks and microfiber cloth+chopsticks. I can't imagine it's an easy process at any case, they seem quite heavy. i suggest... there's something called a shower chair, they are a mobility/assisted living aid, quite sturdy and easy to find at any walmart. Investing in one might help with leverage and cleaning after the fact. I hope you can make things work, I know how expensive they are and even if I do not personally have an interest in these dolls, I do admire how photogenic some of them can be. All the best, anon.

>> No.44348705

Kinda. I didn't want a life sized one, so I went for one that's 100cm/3.3ft tall. And like I said, I don't really use it for its intended purpose, so I probably would have gotten more joy out of a BJD even if she just sat on my desk looking cute.

Nah, sex dolls just aren't for me. I wouldn't buy another one.
I did get a pre-styled wing as a 4th wig, and that's pretty much what I use 99% of the time.
There's a doll discord I joined and I've seen pictures of anons having their doll's skin melt under a heated blanket so I wouldn't try that.
I do use a shower head and aquarium pump, but still the effort to clean it isn't worth it to me. Having to carry her to the shower, getting her all flushed out, drying her off, letting the pump dry her insides, then having to reapply powder to keep her from being sticky and collecting dirt and staining... It's just way easier using my hand and calling it a night.

I have a decent job so it's not the end of the world but she's definitely my biggest case of buyers remorse.

>> No.44348734

Off yeah that litterally the hardest size to get clothes for
I am thinking of getting one to plow but that is the one thing keeping me from getting one. Cosplaying is kinda a big kink but I cant get a full sized girl and sex with a mini probably won't be like sex with a 1/2 size

>> No.44348746

A lot of these problems seem to stem from the size and material, I've never heard anything good about silicone dolls.... they're sticky and need a lot of maintenance and they deteriorate faster... they deteriorate if you pose them, and the size you got isn't a standard doll size so it's hard to clothe her (even then, silicon dolls are hard to dress because of the friction)

>> No.44348778

Clothing hasn't really been an issue for me. I prefer cute over sexy, and have managed to find a ton of $1-2 outfits at goodwill. But yeah I didn't expect the amount of maintenance/effort it took to keep a doll in good shape until after I bought it. Takes more effort to clean than it does my dog.

>> No.44348795
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>POV I introduce myself to a qt3.14 anime doll before putting her in my bag

>> No.44348833

For what it's worth there's very little maintenance on my vinyl dolls other than occasionally combing their hair

>> No.44348852

Not that anon but while I love BJD and the incredible work you guys do with them, I want a girl I can fondle, smootch and bonestorm

>> No.44348916

Is it okay if I give my doll small kisses? Are there any negative side effects of doing this?

>> No.44348930

no cuz then she'll ask you to meet her parents and it will be akward

>> No.44348953

Check out six house dolls in the future. Best of both worlds, and the maintenance is no different than a normal sized ona

>> No.44349842
File: 46 KB, 480x720, 2hu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have suggestions for cheap heads to practice faceups on? I'm worried I'll ruin the head so I don't want to jump straight to a DD head.

>> No.44350312

Anyone ever done a Flandre and Remillia doll before?

>> No.44350577

See if you can trade for an old, faded/stained vinyl doll head secondhand somewhere, use that as a cheap base for faceup practice. If you're on a tight budget, just use a ping pong ball or toy egg for practice.

>> No.44350947

I believe it's not so great for the faceup. As for other places, some saliva will probably get on her but it's okay, especially if you give her small kisses. I kiss mine mostly on her hair or clothes, and sometimes on her face, she's been doing fine.

>no negative side effects cuz then she'll ask you to meet her parents
Fixed that for you.

>> No.44352410
File: 65 KB, 600x399, IMG_8514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I have some pics of them saved on my phone. I was actually considering posting this one instead of Patchouli.

Oh duh why didn’t that cross my mind sooner. Also
>toy egg
Topkek but I could see this working as a practice tool.

>> No.44352419
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>> No.44352427
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Different Flandre

>> No.44352432
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>> No.44352435
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I like the styling of this Remilia’s wig.

>> No.44352682

you can buy imomodoll heads for quite cheap, especially if you get them directly

>> No.44352704
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>> No.44352752

They are wonderful anon, thank you for posting them!

>> No.44353563

Is Elsa Babe pretty much my only choice if I want catgirls/doggirls or anthro animalish cute features?

>> No.44353637

Wrong thread friendo. This is /bjd/ not /ona/
Doll bros tolerate us and are nice but we need to keep it clean here

>> No.44353959

Dunno what bjd is but what you are saying is this thread is only for little toy dolls not big ones? Not sure why the size would make a difference.

>> No.44353983

material and function both factor into the differance
Go to /ona/ and stop pretending to be a newfag

>> No.44354226
File: 818 KB, 4096x3072, 1627424815047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming you've asked in good faith, hello anon and welcome to the thread for ball-jointed dolls. Unlike the dolls of /ona/, these dolls are not able to be penetrated without irreversible damage taking place (and were one to do so anyway, it would undoubtedly be unpleasant if not actively harmful to the person performing the act.) Most who collect them simply enjoy their aesthetic appeal, or include them as part of their other hobbies. Thus, /ona/ is a better fit for your question -- good luck in finding the information you seek!

>> No.44354483

Aren't Obitsu heads cheap?

>> No.44354493

Don't worry anon, I feel exactly the same and it hurts a lot because Japanese dollfags on twitter do this all the time :(

>> No.44354562

>don't like the amount of effort it takes to clean her after using her
This is why I don't even use hip onaholes anymore. I remember using it like 20 times and never again, it's such a chore I can't even imagine with a big ass doll

>> No.44354737

Do they make ball jointed lovedolls as well? One of the issues that full sized lovedolls have is they can't be posed for any long length of time which supposedly would result in damage. The more amount of time you can keep them in the default position the better. If they made lovedolls with ball joints, that may be much better but I suppose the bane of ball jointed dolls is the distracting unrealistic look.

>> No.44354761

Some people are into the joints, so I've been told. There are 60cm lovedolls, but I believe they, as well, have silicone/tpe bodies with the same strengths and weaknesses that larger dolls have. Some people have modified onaholes to make a hybrid torso ona with doll parts, but it requires a lot of work and isn't very durable even if you do so. There are near-to and life-size ball-jointed dolls, but they would require modification for your purposes similar to the aforementioned onahole mods- and posing them is its own challenge for similar weight-related reasons. There is no easy answer to your question, unfortunately.

>> No.44354869

How does Mandarake react to cancelling orders? One of my dream dolls came in stock and I jumped the gun on it because they hid the fact that it was yellowing in the small description text instead of listing it under the item condition like they usually do. It’s my fault for reacting too quickly I know. It’s this btw

>> No.44354931

If it assuages your fears, the body and head are probably yellowing at the same pace and you likely won't notice the difference in person, if that is your concern. I have never cancelled a Mandy order, so I wish you all the best, Anon.

>> No.44354974

anyone have any experience with the guard love 1/6 body? got one in near mint condition but i can't tell if the arms are meant to be so tightly strung?

>> No.44355261

this isn't a sex doll thread ffs fuck off

>> No.44355350
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>> No.44355569

I can assure you, right now, that there is no way you will find the same doll in better condition. They were all produced at the same time, and aging/yellowing in storage at the same rate. Looking at those photos, I think you're over reacting and in person you'll hardly notice unless you purposely focus on it.

>> No.44355621

there are bjd and DD discords that would allow you to meet people.

>> No.44355652

All dolls yellow over time. There is nothing you can do about it. If she's been sitting unopened in the box for the entire time the yellowing will be pretty even at least, like the other anon said.

>> No.44355903

>bid on head
>scroll down more on yja
>see head I like more
Oops. I still like the head I bid on but I'm still kicking myself for being so impulsive when I could've spent an extra minute and found the one I liked more first.

>> No.44355950

Man Resin dolls can be so beautiful. I need to get one someday.

>> No.44355959

Just shoot a normal bike with the shrinking ray gun.

>> No.44356093

Don't worry, you'll be outbid.

>> No.44356205
File: 98 KB, 564x846, 3a8b03068b4abdc2525bf076e8cbe1ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw this reply
>immediately gets email saying I was outbid
Kek thanks anon.

>> No.44356221

They really are artful, I admire a ton of resin sculptors even if I own comparatively fewer resin dolls compared to vinyl.

It's possible to win, even to get deals, but in most cases you will be outbid... I've made peace with it over the years, even if there are a few dolls I regret allowing to 'slip away'.

>> No.44356246

Honestly, I'm not that mad about being outbid. The other head has way fewer bids so fingers crossed on that one.

>> No.44356647

How do you anons keep your wigs nice while doing shit with them? Mine keeps getting all tangled up unless I'm constantly brushing it out.

>> No.44357538
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My first time taking her out of the house. I should do this more often.

>> No.44357669
File: 770 KB, 1350x1800, 1688573859541262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody know where the head of this doll is from? seen it a couple of times, but I couldn't find it

>> No.44357703

I could be wrong but I think that's an Obitsu 50-01, the eye shape is pretty distinct but the nose is much sharper on that head so maybe it was sanded down?

>> No.44357791

So... what's the trick? Bidding last 10 seconds like Ebay?

>> No.44357811

Nah, they have snipe guards in place specifically to prevent that from happening on YJA. If you bid in the last few minutes, +5 minutes is added to the timer, ad infinitum until bidding stops. The strat is to bid around the last ten minutes and hope no one else wants that head. Also, bid in unusual increments! People tend to use round numbers like 00, 50, (also 99) -- don't do that. Instead of bidding $50, bid something like 51.68 or something -- those extra few cents seriously make a difference. Finally, have a target price in mind, an expanded budget, and a hard limit + 1. That is, have the amount you'd like to pay (less is better,) the amount you can comfortably go up to, and a limit you refuse to go over, +1 more hail-mary bid if it's +/- a certain figure (say, $5.) Auctions are fun, but if you aren't strict with yourself, those bids add up quickly. Shop carefully, anons, and may your competition have bad connections. (This happened to me once. Still not over it.)

>> No.44357892

>Bought first doll not too long ago
>Already have ideas of what I want for my next doll
It's a slippery slope isn't it anons

>> No.44357900

It absolutely is. Take time, refine your idea, and remember that you will need more shoes, eyes, clothes, and wigs every time you get a doll. Helps keep things in perspective. (Won't stop you from getting more, though.)

>> No.44358086

cute eyebrows

>> No.44358114

are these in dolldreaming?

>> No.44358896

I'll be your doll friend anon !

>> No.44359017

Cute pic, and nice pose!

>> No.44361533

Like other anons said the yellowing probably is not a big deal. Vinyl in particular is pretty resistant to yellowing. In addition, I find that most Japanese sellers (especially mandarake) tend to overstate damages on items, and I wouldn't be surprised if they listed yellowing purely because of her age and not because any discoloring is noticeable.

I think she's going to be gorgeous and you won't notice anything wrong with her.

Hell I've bought expensive accessories from second hand stores in Japan that were listed 80% off retail as "badly damaged" and all I had to do was spend 5 minutes with some leather balm to make them look brand new.

>> No.44361547

By constantly brushing them. Most of my time spent changing my dolls clothing/eyes/pose involves wig brushing.

>> No.44361930

Needs more girls with bushy eyebrows.

>> No.44363175

Is it. Only wanted two at the beginning, then I ended up with five. Swore I wouldn't go over five and now I've got a sixth one coming it. On top of all the accessoires you want.
But every active hobby is kind of a slippery slope I guess. If you feel like your collection really gets out of hand you can always start selling things.

>> No.44364055
File: 447 KB, 2000x1330, 1663647542835485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to get one more and bring my total up to three, after that I want to invest in clothes and when I get a house, furniture and props. I'd like to build something like this, I think it's super cool.

>> No.44364214

Scale room boxes (or whatever this insane thing is) are so incredible, I also hope I can have a setup like this one day... or at least a nice place for them to sit. I don't even know how you begin to craft something like that!

>> No.44365994
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>> No.44366987

>building a to-scale dollhouse for your dolls to live in
Next level shit, absolutely insane.
I want to do this.

>> No.44369906

I was just pondering the other day how this particular Miku is probably the worlds most famous individual bjd. Her pics turn up on other boards and there's a few short videos of her with over a million views

>> No.44372147

What's the story on this Miku? Why does she look so adorably autistic?

>> No.44372362

something about this miku BJD being a custom doll and the creator just happened to make it look uncanny, yet endearing to some people. I used to be freaked out about it but it's been growing on me.
That's a very basic and hazy information so someone else can expand more.

>> No.44374687

BJDmigu in the cum bag...

>> No.44374728
File: 286 KB, 2000x1333, iretaro-1693226478740382202-img4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want a doll, I want a doll owning gf

>> No.44374732
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>> No.44374737
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>> No.44374746
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>> No.44374901

The miku is a minimally customized default miku DD yeah, the owner said she really just likes the creepy-cute look, and that she's happy people like her Miku. She takes her around when she goes to restaurants sometimes

>> No.44374983

still haven't gotten the time for a shoot, even have a new camera…

>> No.44375031
File: 125 KB, 1152x2048, 20230722_153051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how strange it would be to be have a dakimakura of one of my dolls

>> No.44375049

New Thread

>> No.44375823

Girls can't cum you silly.

>> No.44375832

sounds like peak satisfaction
you should do it and then post pics

>> No.44376720
File: 1.76 MB, 1806x2518, IMGP1047.darktable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow that's a really nice doll

the what now

i'm not big into mecha but I've always dug the FSS aesthetic

>I find that most Japanese sellers (especially mandarake) tend to overstate damages on items
ironically just had kind of the opposite happen to me (ebay, camera lens)
after I bought it, seller messaged me saying it didn't come with all the accessories in the pictures and asking if that was okay (hell no that's specifically why I bought it)

yeah… picrel

>> No.44376727
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>> No.44376775

Yeah, she's a bit older and seems really sweet. Doll owners who love their dolls always dress the dolls cuter than they do themselves, anon.

>> No.44382539

I want to fuck a doll anon.

>> No.44382877

Buy me a doll then :)
