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44152082 No.44152082 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.44152128

thanks for the headsup
Another wonderful chapter. In two years we will all be singing the praise of LS

>> No.44152130

So this is literally just a retread of FS chapters 2 and 3? Is ZUN going senile?

>> No.44152183

I miss when we were seeing the UM cast.

>> No.44152187
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Wingless Aya bros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.44152198
File: 917 KB, 1114x1600, Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei - Vol.6 Ch.43 - Better a Burning Bar than a Burning Glare (Part 1) - 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya was just TOO CUTE this chapter

>> No.44152228
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Why does she get so many alt outfits?

>> No.44152243
File: 23 KB, 512x384, ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, another month of literally NOTHING HAPPENING at all. What a waste of a perfectly good artist.

>> No.44152260

Lotus Eaters has been the weekly SoL manga from the very start. If you want to complain about plot, wait for CDS to drop.

>> No.44152286

She even wears a shirt with a huge back cut. It's really over for wingless Aya phonies.

>> No.44152528

I enjoy it when the 2hus get into heated arguments with each other and insult each other.

>> No.44153102
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Look how fucking flat she is, goddam that's hot.

>> No.44153835

Why is Mamizou bullying poor Ayayayaya?

>> No.44153913
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aya gets more sexo every time she appears

>> No.44154239
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I'm not normally into (flat) Aya, but that outfit awoke something in me.

>> No.44154279

why are wingless aya bros even a thing, just as retarded as no ears momiji

>> No.44154291
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this is really bare bones even for a SoL manga why are you even trying to defend this dispurpouse of a manga?

>> No.44154301

because in both of those cases, they've been depicted as both
which really just means it's more likely to be shapeshifting and she doesn't use the wings when it's a real incident but does on her off-time, but still

>> No.44154309
File: 1.13 MB, 1114x1600, woosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking cool.

>> No.44154316

All characters should get alternate outfits more often.

>> No.44154326

Which Tengu are capable of in mythology, so the whole argument's always been moot, but-
To be completely fair to them, it did use to be the case that Aya would never be depicted with wings outside of dubiously canon illustrations. ZUN has also never depicted her with wings, which, as you may imagine, is fuel for the fire.

Not so much the case these days, but I remember fondly the days of triggering 100+ posts of uncontrolled anger by posting manga panels with winged Aya. All in all, I'd categorise it as a soft retcon.

>> No.44154341

its Zun, i dont think he gives that much thougth into small details like this

>> No.44154344
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it's just plain cool, as well
it wouldn't look so cool in ZUN's in-game sprites where it's just a character facing forward, but something like pic related? it wouldn't look anywhere near as cool without the wings

>> No.44154368
File: 1.39 MB, 1680x1270, aya wings3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're fold-away wings.

>> No.44154381

its ZUN so yes, 2ho is full of small details.

>> No.44154781
File: 122 KB, 677x428, ayeyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of, anyone else notice how Aya's eyes are "normal" when in human disguise but turn into slits when she gets annoyed/is no longer incognito?

>> No.44154798


>> No.44154803

quite the opposite, he's actually really obsessive about minor details

What we don't tend to get is "big" details like full backstories for characters

>> No.44154830

>I don't think he gives that much thought into small details like this
the entirety of LoLK disagres with you

A bit of fun trivia about Sagume's origin.

In the single one myth Amenosagume is featured in most have mentioned that they got freaked out by a divine messenger bird sent by Amaterasu on the advice of Omoikane and urged Amewakahiko to shoot it. However being a divine messenger bird and the arrow being of the same it instead turned back on Amewakahiko killing him. Along with being the originator of all Amanojaku it is easy to see how it inspired her design and gimmick of the world turning against her words.

Now the slight fun bit of trivia is more of a linguistic one that birds & rabbits share the same numeric counter suffixes and japanese even tends to refer to groups of rabbits as 'flocks' instead of 'colony'.

Evidently this linguistic tick has many origins but in one story from the same origin as the Amenosagume story about Emperor Temmu. It was said that he issued a Imperial edict that forbade the consumption of meat & fish due to Buddhist teachings. However due to the wording of this ban it basically overlooked birds.

Now people who really liked their meat through some impressive mental gymnastics figured that since cormorants and herons are okay, rabbits are also birds and good to eat. The significance of this is when you say comorant & heron together quickly it becomes a pun spelling out 'u + sagi'.

When you put it into the context of LoLK, and you realize Sagume's wing is pretty unmistakeably a Heron's wing. Sagume (sagi) ends up facing Reisen (usagi) who is the messenger bird sent by Omoikane/Eirin resulting in Sagume's attack getting turned against her.

>> No.44154899

So Tengu were a bunch of immature children 150 years ago? What is odd is this weird fire dance thing was done when Gensokyo was firmly established, so this isn't some weird outside world shenanigans.

>> No.44155058

>immature children
No more nor less mature than any other youkai. You've got to remember most classic youkai were fairly straightforward creatures, often simply devices for the particular story's aesops. It is only in modern times (i.e. Gensokyo's timeframe) that they've had to mature and change their ways for continued survival.

>> No.44155223

They're still immature children now, look at Aya

>> No.44155408
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Mamizou is a menace, one of the sage should've gave her a visit

>> No.44155472
File: 1.15 MB, 1114x1600, 79ea717c-138e-4c28-baa4-5cbaa33ef706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megumubros, we are so back

>> No.44158943

hey guys, cool with the anti-tenguism.
aya did nothing wrong (this century), and m*mizou using this situation to look cooler is really disgusting.

>> No.44163211

Speaking about CDS, it's not delayed again right?

>> No.44163752
File: 1.21 MB, 1600x1325, Time for Preening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zub be damned, but Aya should have wings. The bigger and more detailed, the better. Wings are sexy they should be shown off more.

>> No.44167911

Didn't we already did this in FS?
