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4414946 No.4414946 [Reply] [Original]

No reason only FSN and Cross Channel get this thread.
So how would you rate Umineko no Naku Koro ni?

Story: 7/10
Characters: 6/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 4/10
Narration: 9/10,
Overall, 8/10.

>> No.4414959 [DELETED] 

Story: 2/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 4/10
Narration: 1/10,
Overall, 8/10.

>> No.4414961

Mediocre with a few flash of brilliances here and there, get overall far too dragged out for its own good.
Ryuukishi should start writing self-contained stories, he obviously doesn't know how to edit his script making the whole thing far longer than it should be.

>> No.4414965

Story: 8/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 11/10
Narration: 7/10,
Overall, 8/10.

>> No.4414963

Story: 2/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 4/10
Narration: 1/10,
Overall, 5/10.

>> No.4414972

>Artworks, etc: 11/10

Stopped reading there.

>> No.4414974

inb4 every VN ever made gets a thread

>> No.4414980

Story: 7
Characters: 6
Music: 8
Art: 3
Narration: 4

Overall: 6

>> No.4414994


>> No.4415017

Story: 8/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 11/10
Artworks, etc: 3/10
Narration: 9/10,
FUN: 10/10
Overall, 9/10.

>> No.4415020


Story: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc:7/10
Narration: 9/10
Overall, 9/10


Story: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 7/10
Artworks, etc: 9/10
Narration: 6/10
Overall, 8/10


Story: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 5/10
Artworks, etc: 7/10
Narration: 7/10
Overall, 7/10


Story: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 9/10
Artworks, etc: 9/10
Narration: 10/10
Overall, 10/10

>> No.4415043

Inconsistent plot.

>> No.4415044

story: unfinished/10
characters: 7/10
music: 8/10
artwork: 3/10
Narration: 8/10
overall: depends on how story turns out.

>> No.4415048

Overall I'd give it an 07

>> No.4415050


True. Umineko's story is doing absolutely brilliantly so far--but the ending will really be what determines its final rating. If R07 can't find a way out of this without a Higurashi ending, the story rating will go from "brilliant" to "shit".

>> No.4415066


Doesn't matter how it ends. People will still think the ending is shit.

>> No.4415062

Story: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Artworks, etc: 5/10
Narration: 8/10,
Overall, 8/10.

>> No.4415087
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>> No.4415089


There will always be some people, but if the ending doesn't resort to deus ex machinae and actually finds an in-universe solution for all the mysteries, I'll be satisfied.

>> No.4415097


Story: 9/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc 4/10
Narration: 9/10
Overall, 8/10


Story: 8/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 6/10
Artworks, etc: 7/10
Narration: 8/10
Overall, 7/10


Story: 7/10
Characters: 6/10
Music: 6/10
Artworks, etc: 6/10
Narration: 8/10
Overall, 6/10

>> No.4415100

>Everything I don't like is shit! I have perfect taste!

>> No.4415107

I don't know if Umineko's art should be rated so lowly. It certainly isn't the prettiest thing to look at, but it serves its purpose quite well in displaying the emotions of the characters involved. I wouldn't put it that high, but I think it deserves a 6.

>> No.4415165

>I don't know if Umineko's art should be rated so lowly.
It should be. Battler's alleged dad has tits.

>> No.4415175

It's not an eroge. The point of the art is to better explain the story to the reader.

>> No.4415185

Yeah, it doesn't need to look good at all, or believable, or even accurate to the scene.

>> No.4415191
File: 62 KB, 600x383, worse than GL fans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story: 3/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 9/10
Artwork: 5/10
Narration: 0/10
Over all: 4/10

>> No.4415211

Story: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 8/10
Narration: 8/10,
Overall, 9/10.

>> No.4415222

Story: 7/10 (I enjoyed it a lot before, but in my opinion nowadays it isn't about explaining story, but the whole thing is how R07 can troll you, and how this whole thing stays together in a way which tries to make some sense. Also I fear that many questions won't get answered in the end, but we'll see that).
Characters 6/10 (Honestly, I really liked some characters, but I find it really bad how we get like 5 new characters introduced every episodes, then later forget about them completely. This doesn't feel right to me)
Music 10/10
Art 3/10
Narration 8/10
Overall I won't rate it until see its end.

>> No.4415214

The best compliment I can come up with for the artwork is "adequate". I don't see how anyone could give it above a 4/10.

>> No.4415392

Story: 8
Characters: 7
Music: 9
Art: 7
Narration: 5

Overall: 7.5

>> No.4415453

Artwork is shitty, but no one can really deny those awesome facial expressions.

>> No.4415463

After a certain point, they are like they are out from 'It's a ME, MARIO' screen abominations, and he relies too much on lazy eyes

>> No.4415465
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>Artwork is shitty, but no one can really deny those awesome facial expressions.

>> No.4415466

Every characters share the same facial expressions, from the crying faces to the BAWWWING faces.
So the novelty wears off quickly.

>> No.4415491
File: 28 KB, 411x376, 1252494083100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every characters share the same facial expressions, from the crying faces to the BAWWWING faces.
So the novelty wears off quickly.


>> No.4415493

Story 9/10 (This may go to shit, but there's not a single proof that any thing that hapened wasn't planned beforeharnd by the author)
Characters 8/10 They're all dicks.
Music 10/10
Artworks 3/10
Narration 8/10
Overall 9/10

>> No.4416529

Story: 8/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 9/10
Narration: 8/10,
Overall, 10/10.

>> No.4416565

story about 7.5
music about 9
character 8
narration 6
artwork 7
overall ~8

>> No.4417160

story: 10/10
characters: 9/10
music: 11/10
artwork: 5/10
narration: 8/10

>> No.4417173 [DELETED] 

Fuck your ratings:

Umineko EP 1-6
Trolling: 10/10
-By content: 5/5
-By author: 15/5

>> No.4417181

Fuck your ratings:

Umineko EP 1-6
Trolling: 20/10
-By content: 5/5
-By author: 15/5

>> No.4417187

Story: It's not even over yet
Characters: 4/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 6/10
Narration: 7/10,
Overall: 8/10, might be lower depending on how things go.

>> No.4417199 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming AɳoɳTalk.com with your stupid shit.

>> No.4417556

Story: 6/10
Characters: 1/10 (Sure is fuck load of imaginary characters added)
Music: 10/10
Artworks: 0/10
Narration: 0/10 (Lets all laugh at the imaginary scenes guys)

Oerall: 5/10. Enjoyable but not something you should wet your pant over.

>> No.4417563


I know its bullshit, but I just want to see the ending.

>> No.4417571

what is this survey faggotry? why are you guys all playing along with this shit?

>> No.4417578

Ratings for Umineko: There's 4 threads about in on the front-page.

>> No.4417579

Same as the 4 Naruto threads on /a/ frontpage, right?

>> No.4417598


>> No.4417625

Well, I was just pointing out how ridiculous it is to ask what /jp/ thinks of Umineko when Umineko is so popular.... on /jp/.

That's like walking into a KFC and asking if the people there like chicken.

>> No.4417639

There is the matter whether they consider chicken their favorite food and how it compares to other shit they eat.
FOr example, they may eat cause of lack of Taco Bells.
They may love duck 20 times more, but stick for shitty chicken cause it's cheap.
Addicted to it even if there are other things you could eat.

>> No.4417648

Not really. There are as much haters as fans, it's just they pretty much prefer to troll on the theories threads rather than in the rating ones.

>> No.4417654

Popularity =/= quality.
I for one participate in the theory shitstorm threads, mainly because I'm bored, but I have no illusion about the inherent quality of Umineko.
I mean, in these threads we seriously discuss how the maid with DID did it, and the other retarded theories aren't better.
Do you realize how STUPID the whole thing is?

I'm sure lots of people think the same as me, shitstorming over Umineko is fine but I wouldn't take it over some of my favorite VNs that are rarely discussed here.

>> No.4417657
File: 1.18 MB, 388x272, Battler air guitar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Music: 11/10
Artwork: 10/10
Narration: 10/10
Overall: 11/10

>> No.4417669

I am of the belief that iff you spend enough time hating on the fandom by creating trolling theories, it more or less is the same as contributing to the fandom.

For example, I'm almost positive that the Shkanontrice and Moon-chan theories were created by trolls, and yet, that lingo is now extremely popular with the fandom now.

>> No.4417690

Hey, Umineko was popular before episode 6. There has been way too much shit produced by the fandom for me to accept that it's just has a ton of TWEEEEEEEESTS in it and that's why it is liked.

And with ANY visual novel you are going to get random ass plot devices, but Umineko is at the very least, entertaining.

>> No.4417710

Story: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 3840928405/10
Artwork: 7/10, because trollfaces are awesome.
Narration: 8/10
Overall, fuck your numbers, I rate it my favourite.

>> No.4417712

Most good VNs are also entertaining, that's not a incredible feat you know.

>> No.4417722

Well, like it or not, Umineko stands out from the rest. You can see this in it's popularity, and don't give me the whole stick about how NARUTO IS POPULAR TOO, because Umineko manages to be popular with fugly art and trolling. Massive amounts of trolling.

>> No.4417729

Story: 5/10
Characters: 6/10
Music: 7/10
Artwork: 3/10
Narration: 4/10
Over all: 5/10

>> No.4417740

While it more famous then common drivel, it is not SUPER popular and not that critically acclaimed.
Ryukishi's clusterfuck of a presentation is a novelty factor that carries the series quite far.

>> No.4417750

Stand out of the rest?
In /jp/? Most people here have no illusion about it.
In other sites? Most people there only played this and FSN, it's a question of boarding the hype train.
In Japan? Rated as average, sell around 10000 by volumes which is pretty good for a doujin but nowhere the level of Higurashi and nowhere the level of the most popular VNs, the anime bombed hard as well.

>> No.4417759

Story: 10/10 - so far, not including EP6
Characters: 8/10 - great characterization, all characters are memorable, if not lovable
Music: 10/10 - do you need to ask?
Artworks, etc: 8/10 - great facial expressions, hair, designs, style, etc. Only thing off is proportions.
Narration: 9/10 - love it, though I took off a whole point due to being mostly dialogue and inner monologue, plus Ange's story taking 1000 years
Overall: 10/10 so far. Looking good.

Then again, Ryukishi's a troll.

>> No.4417764

Higurashi was Ryukishi's breakout work and has been around for way longer.

>> No.4417766

There may be a vocal minority against it on /jp/, but the fact of the matter is that actions speak louder than words, and I'd say the majority of threads made on /jp/ that aren't Touhou threads are Umineko threads.

And it did sell rather well in Japan, and for the anime, I don't blame the series, I blame DEEN and, quite frankly, the distinct lack of KILLER LOLIS.

>> No.4417780

The manga sells fairly well

>> No.4417786

Vocal fanbase=!majority.
'Rather well' is vague and nowhere near 'great', and the anime is a different subject all together.

>> No.4417787
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Story: 8/10 for 1-4, 6/10 thus far for the Core arcs
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Artwork: 7/10
Narration: 7/10
Overall: 7/10

>> No.4417797

Like it or not Umineko isn't even close to Higurashi level of popularity or sales.
It's not even on the level of sales of the really popular VNs.
Even the anime or average merchandising stuffs like the drama CD don't sell that well.

So where does it stand out? In shit sites like gamefaqs or something?

>>There may be a vocal minority against it on /jp/, but the fact of the matter is that actions speak louder than words, and I'd say the majority of threads made on /jp/ that aren't Touhou threads are Umineko threads.
Which once again doesn't mean shit.
Discussing it =/= loving it.

>> No.4417801

The mango is hilarious.
Shannon is depicted(rightfully so) and Jessica(not quite rightfully so) as fucking craaaaaaaaazy, Ange has an obsession with Battler, and Beatrice has her troll cranked up to eleven.

>> No.4417803

Most of the posters are too lenient on the artwork.

>> No.4417805

Ah, I see. So everyone here hates it, or dislikes it, but it still gets discussed more than things we do like. Nice logic there buddy. I suppose we just post all those doujins, fanarts, and Rifyu comments because we don't like the series as well, right?

>> No.4417812

A lot of people who hate Touhou just post fan-made shit.
And with Umineko, 4 people alone can max a thread.

>> No.4417813


It's very expressive and DOES NOT fall into the generic moe trap that 99% of VNs fall into. This alone is enough of a reason to highly rate it.

>> No.4417824

It's a reason to not give it a 1 or 0, only.
SHITTY art in deviantart is different and expressive for the wrong reasons.
This is just of the more fortunate cases of awful art.

>> No.4417826

I never said they hated it though.
Personally I think that Umineko is one title that was made for discussion, it's not about its inherent quality at all, it's just that its genre is like this.

So yeah it gets more discussion than something like Sharin no Kuni that is very self-contained story.

But it doesn't make it "stand-out" or make it better in any way.
Mysteries, especially when they are in current serialization, or story that involves a huge setting full of powerlevel will always have more discussion than other genres, no matter what the quality of these titles are.

>> No.4417838

The issue here, is that Umineko threads are never image spammed to death by fan-made stuff. When they are spammed, it's usually by Cirno pictures and the like.

Hell, on the front page now, I believe there is a thread devoted to an offhand comment Battler makes in a side chapter, about 3 of the mothers wearing skimpy clothing.

You are blind if you really doubt that Umineko is popular and liked on /jp/.

>> No.4417850

I said it has a vocal fanbase on /jp/.
Whether most of the actual posters like it, hard to determine and kinda doubtful.
And it's definitely not super popular or regarded that highly in GENERAL.

>> No.4417874
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>> No.4417877

I'm one of the main poster in the Umineko theory threads.
I'm the one who started ShKanontrice here and fought alone for days to impose it.
I also alternatively fight for the fiction theory.
A few hours ago I, and another smart guy, had a debate with a retard who wanted to prove that Erika didn't exist or some shit like this.

I also think that Umineko is pretty mediocre, I basically fastforwarded episode 4 and 5 because I got sick of the shit writing.

I post in these threads and argue with retards because it's entertaining to do so, it has nothing to do with the quality of Umineko in itself.

>> No.4417907

I think Umineko's plot and storytelling are awful. It's still fun to read, though. I don't think R07 ever intended it to be a masterpiece or even an example of good craftsmanship.

>> No.4417933
File: 143 KB, 400x605, DEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, we know, you with your cunning machiavellian plan to impose upon us a theory you thought up all by yourself on Umineko, which by the way you don't like and you've only actually read three episodes of. You sly dog, you.

To which I say, are you fucking serious?

Looking at it logically here, for you to be correct about your assertions, it would have to mean the following three things.

One, that you spent all your time pushing Shkanontrice, and I do mean ALL YOUR TIME, because you insist that you alone pushed it.

Two, that NO ONE ELSE here can speak or understand Japanese, because this theory hit Japan almost as soon as the episode came out.

And three, that you drew this picture, because this picture too was drawn hours after episode 6 came out, and it's in english, as you can see.

All this effort, to cause people slight discomfort on the internet? I don't buy it for a second.

>> No.4417934

Well, people keep trying to laud it as some kind of exposé on mystery, and now fiction in general. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he has a high opinion of himself.

>> No.4418002

You are clearly wrong.
/jp/ only has a boom in umineko threads after the airing of the anime so clearly the people discussing them aren't the majority of the /jp/.
Go check the archive and looks at the amount of thread before and after it.

>> No.4418045



Please go back to /a/ and stay there.

>> No.4418078

where is the beloved hometown referred to in the epitaph?

>> No.4418082


Google it. Japan used to colonize it and there is a gold mine there.

>> No.4418400

Troll thread~

>> No.4419322

Umineko is rated 10 on my vndb list. Mostly cause it just reinforces everything I love about visual novels.

Looks like almost all of us can at least agree that the music is fucking wonderful

>> No.4419396

So, uh. I see people talking about how MEDIOCRE Umineko's sales are, but no matter how much I ask, I have yet to see a source.

>> No.4421527

I would like to see a source as well.

>> No.4421669


I'm pretty sure I was the first one to use word ShKanontrice.

>> No.4421681

Story: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 7/10
Narration: 7/10,
Overall, 8/10.

>> No.4421694

Story: 8/10
Characters: 9/10
Music: 10/10
Artworks, etc: 6/10
Narration: 7/10,
Overall: 9/10.

>> No.4422497
File: 33 KB, 141x151, 1264232599252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know people, that is a troll.

>> No.4422511

You...idiots...it's not like i like Umineko or anything....i just want to see it end!

Talk only about yourself...anon no baka!
