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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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44138855 No.44138855 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>44117749

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels. Discussion of translated visual novels (including MTL) belongs in >>>/vg//vn/

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished?

>> No.44138870
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Sharing the link for 雪花 here in case anybody else wants it, thanks to the anon who shared last thread

>> No.44138979


>> No.44139229
File: 530 KB, 2419x1361, RED-Cherish-PS4-Switch_07-26-23_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only look forward to console ports to see the new limited edition artworks.

>> No.44139296


>> No.44139302
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I hate how console ports get to have scenes and CGs that aren't in the future "definitive" version.

>> No.44139327

I haven't read that yet but I love the artstyle so much. The style in itself is nothing original but something about the rendering feels so smooth.

>> No.44139375

Is this the original game and the fandisc?

>> No.44139584
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Spaceships are cool.

>> No.44139988

This looks familiar. This isn't from Favorite is it?

>> No.44140145

R.I.P. Key.

>> No.44140230

>Mostly the Chinks crying judging from the Tweets.

>> No.44140277


>> No.44140307

I don't think Entergram is that generous so 98% chance it is only the regular game, no Eternity Blood.

>> No.44140727

Sold out to Chinese kek

>> No.44140754 [DELETED] 
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>bin update
>more than 50% is NTR

>> No.44140755

Imagine reading porn without the porn

>> No.44140852

lmao holy fuck chinks bought key

>> No.44140990

It's not just key you retards. It's all of this:
A.S.S., Akubi, Anigema, B Team, B Works, Bonbee!, CONCEPT, CRAFTWORK, Curott, Dress, E.G.O., Elysion, Enfini, FLADY, Frill, GLOVETY, Garden, Giant Panda, H.I. design office, HAMHAM-SOFT, Hadashi Shoujo, Hayashigumi, Hervest, IMAGE CRAFT, Iris, JADE, Kamen Shoukai, Key, Kur-Mar-Ter, Lapis Lazuli, Liaison, LimeLight, M-O, Mischief, Miyabi, Moe., Nord, PLAYM, PROTOTYPE, RAM, Radi, Rex, Rio, SAGA PLANETS, Sirius, Softhouse Bonbee Bonbon, Spray, Studio Mebius, Studio Momoka, Studio Orca, Studio Ring, WhitePowder, WithDrop, Words, ZERO, ZION, catwalk, g-clef, issue, mana, ocelot, otherwise, pekoe, riffraff, tone work's

>> No.44141005

Isn't Saga planets on their own now?

>> No.44141008

not a big loss from me since i cant recall a single game from them in the past 5 years that i liked. 90% of those brands dont even make eroge anymore.

>> No.44141018

You're right, vndb is also retarded then.

>> No.44141027

why is gachashit so popular? theres no respect in a medium designed to run for as long as possible to squeeze as much money as possible from its users. i guess its the logical endpoint for those never-ending LN series.

>> No.44141034

I hope it won't change shit for Hadashi shoujo.

>> No.44141058

The Saga Planets, Frill, and tone work's pages all say "left Visual Arts".

>> No.44141066

So what does this mean regarding Maeda's mental well being?

>> No.44141068 [DELETED] 

So are we still getting English Geminism?

>> No.44141104

So what does this mean for say a publisher like Zion? Does Tencent let them keep making porn without caring, do they spin them off and sell them off to someone like dmm, or just shut them down?

>> No.44141169

Zoomers like slot machines and their phones

>> No.44141204
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>> No.44141229

Is it over? Or is this a new beginning?

>> No.44141232

it's fucking nothing

>> No.44141235

>no games since 2020
So much for that, might as well be dead

>> No.44141246

I'll take china taking over eroge rather than america, it can't be worse right?

>> No.44141318

China has a ban on porn. I would prefer both just leave eroge alone.

>> No.44141362
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key aids finally got them.

>> No.44141395

China only censor stuff for them and don't demand a change at the source, unlike the later one, both options are bad but at this point it seems inevitable

>> No.44141432

Big L for flatfags

>> No.44141615

Neither of them are good. There is no lesser evil here.

>> No.44141712

They also censor anything that hurts their feelings. Burgerstan doesn't have that level of butthurt yet.

>> No.44141957

I hardly finish any VN that I start.

>> No.44141981

Thanks anon for the link!

>> No.44142061

this but with suicide instead of VNs

>> No.44142091

I usually do routes that I like and skip the rest. So I have lots of unfinished VNs.

>> No.44142114

That counts as finished. You're not supposed to read every route in a moege

>> No.44142130

>That counts as finished

>> No.44142132

You can't tell me what to do.

>> No.44142160

>You're not supposed

>> No.44142237

how do i fix this?

>> No.44142301

I always do route I like the least with the mentality of saving the best for last and end up putting it on hold forever.

>> No.44142313

started reading tomefure and holy fuck this feels like it was written for truly awful human beings by truly awful human beings
am i supposed to feel the bile rising in my throat at everything the MC does because god damn

does it get better? this first girl feels like she was made shit on purpose in some horrible attempt to "balance out" the MC's vileness

>> No.44142466

China demands changes to the source all the time. Just look at Hollywood, they contantly have to change stuff to be able to enter China.

>> No.44142569

>this feels like it was written for truly awful human beings by truly awful human beings
So it was made with 4channers in mind. I don't see the issue.

>> No.44142593

Hazuki is also a very cute name.

>> No.44142615

reminds me of toushin toshi 2, good times

>> No.44142643

>Burgerstan doesn't have that level of butthurt yet.
i want to live in your reality man

>> No.44142652

oh no not the kissing men

>> No.44142709

If you need to force yourself to finish something it isn't worth your time in the first place
Just keep trying different games until something ticks for you and then try the other games of that writer, not like you are paying for anything anyway

>> No.44142772

Yeah, it's pretty gross but it's self-aware about that and is aimed at people who will enjoy that sort of thing, so you might not like it. The dynamic does change when all the girls are there but you might still be annoyed by it. An example: one girl has a sort of slave mentality where she lets other people use her like a doormat and they spend a lot of time discussing how this is because of her lack of self-esteem and how she should stick up for herself more, but she can't do that so MC orders her to only ever listen to his orders from now on as a "solution", which she enjoys, but the core problem was never resolved. There's this undertone of "haha this is such a dumb convenient porn thing and I thought I'd never do it but now here I am" to all the girls' behavior.

>> No.44142809
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>> No.44142904

>Studio Mebius
RIP lolige already dead

>> No.44142910

So it's truly made with 4channers in mind. What's the problem?

>> No.44142942

yeah pink showed up and is definitely doing her utmost to steer things right into dumb doujin logic territory
unfortunately for me blondie's キモイ shtick is really activating my almonds, partly because of how correct she is, so i guess i'm stuck bathing in this filth for a while longer until her inevitable 即オチ to a stray offhand k-kawaii or whatever

>> No.44143114

That's actually pretty funny. I think I prefer these sort of things over a melodramatic moege alternative where you have some insert song play on auto text.

>> No.44143251

Oh, you'll be reading for quite a while then since that comes toward the end.

It's trash that knows that it's trash and revels in it, so if that kind of humor works for you it's great.

>> No.44143298

>try the other games of that writer
I'm a superficial man. I only read a VN based on its artists!
But yeah, jokes asides, I keep forgetting that VNs have writers. Maybe I should change my criteria.

>> No.44143361

What happened with Tanuki Soft? Their website claims it's in maintenance mode for several months now. Are they dead?

>> No.44143461

Tomefure is definitely not a cathartic read. Everyone is engaging in unhealthy coping habits and it never gets better. That's the point. 十全 does a damn good job depicting how terrible it is to be lonely.

>> No.44143465

Tanuki Soft has been dead for years. They made a new company Kaeru Soft. They're also most likely also dead. Do you need a patch?

>> No.44143467

I used to be like this >>44142091, but now I'm this >>44142114 and I live more happily.

>> No.44143476

Both are the same, you didn't change and all your VNs are left unfinished.

>> No.44143497

No, just curious. That's really sad. Mebae will always be one of my favorite nukige. I hope Nonohara Miki will find a new company.

>> No.44143535

If you haven't already you should play Nonohara Miki's pre-Tanuki Soft eroge.

>> No.44143558

They are unfinished indeed, the only difference is that I enjoy a lot more what I read and I'm actually fine at leaving them unfinished.

>> No.44143582

But you can't know a route is bad if you don't read it.

>> No.44143674

Musume Shimai was pretty good. Haven't really tried the others games. Maybe I should.

>> No.44143710

Wait what? Key is dead too?

>> No.44143778

They are dead since rewrite

>> No.44143786

everything Visual Arts is

>> No.44143930

i wasn't expecting cartharsis, i was more hoping the guy would put up a decent enough show that the common route would be loaded with sexual tension as everyone's thinking really hard about breaking that silly little taboo about not banging your tomefure
but instead everyone's so scummy it feels like the only way any sex is happening is via either retarded porn logic or sheer desperation after which everyone involved takes a long cold shower that never quite washes the metaphorical dirt off

just so we're clear i know there's an audience for that and i'm not really knocking it if you are, it's simply very much not my thing

>> No.44143947

>Highest earnings for a fiscal year in Visual Arts history due to Heaven Burns Red
They will up his menhera levels so he can keep writing

>> No.44144006

I'm not sure it'll change much honestly.

>> No.44144109

They were bought out, there's no way to know if this actually means anything or not quite yet. Could be completely fine and nothing changes, could be awful, could be completely fine and nothing changes until Tencent owns half the industry and then they start doing bad shit. Wait two years and we'll know.

>> No.44144139

Chinese involvement in Japanese media is catastrophic. Who cares if they're just buying up dead/shit studios/IPs. Everything the Chinese touch turns to gacha shit.

>> No.44144153

but key already turned to gacha shit

>> No.44144160

I'll have you know their genocide camps work just fine without any gacha

>> No.44144162

If they manage to find even a modicum of success with whatever it is they're trying to do they'll keep expanding into stuff that isn't

>> No.44144200
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I for one look forward to the Niizuma series gacha - roll for a new wife every month!

>> No.44144268
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Will Frontwing ever stop milking Grisaia, holy shit.

>> No.44144312

Isn't that just the dead gacha's story made into a VN?

>> No.44144315

Has anyone actually played these all age grisayas here?

>> No.44144328

Speaking of Key, just yesterday I found out that they released new songs for girls dead monster. That's the most random fact I've seen in a while

>> No.44144329

I have no clue. All I know is the series has no business shitting out so many sequels. It's not a story line which lends itself into an expended franchise. Even age with their Muv Luv milking makes more sense than this.
Not me.

>> No.44144343

But you can know a heroine is bad without reading her route. And if a heroine is bad, her route will be bad too since it's about her.

>> No.44144357

>But you can know a heroine is bad without reading her route.
What about cases where her route and the common route were written by two different people

>> No.44144375

I've been pleasantly surprised by routes before. I tend to read all routes personally, except if the game is just too boring. In most cases, if I don't like a heroine and the route seems bad as well I just start speed-reading.

>> No.44144383

The heroine's appearance and personality aren't going to fundamentally change no matter who's writting her.

>> No.44144412

but if that's true then riddle me this, how can good heroines have bad routes?
and don't even try and pretend this doesn't happen

>> No.44144425

But the same personality can be written well or written poorly

>> No.44144450

This is just a moebuta mindset, cannot separate moe-factor of the girls from a story.

>> No.44144469

How many shitty routes do I have to push through before getting "pleasantly surprised"?
Good heroines can have bad routes, however they get mostly carried by said heroine.

Remember that at the end of the day a "good heroine" is just a heroine I like, and if I like her, then the route has to be really abysmal to end up with a overall bad experience (has happened and will keep happening).

>> No.44144476

Some of my most favorite heroines are the ones who i hated in the common route but got to like in actual route

>> No.44144479

Same, there are plenty of characters I don't care for who had surprisingly good routes.

>> No.44144536

Probably because they made a crossover with AB and their newest gachashit if I had to guess:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2v6TVKMaQc (first link I could find)

>> No.44144537

>How many shitty routes do I have to push through before getting "pleasantly surprised"?
I was kind of underselling it, it happens a lot in my experience. You do you though.

>> No.44144538
File: 509 KB, 1271x712, 2023-03-14 19_51_50-凍京NECRO ver1.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can attest to this happening. my beloved mitsumi was done so wrong having the shitty introductory route only to then be treated like a tossed away cum rag in Ilya's, it was hot though.

>> No.44144551

More than a hundred posts in and the old thread is still up. /jp/ is really fucking dying.

>> No.44144637

It just means our thread is active. /jp/ has always been slow. It just died anyway.

>> No.44144662

Here is your second beat bros, hope you like it.

>> No.44144663

Combination of both, the threads definitely are more active than even a few months ago.

>> No.44144664

these faces look horrible

>> No.44144691

Yuzusoft brought this general back to life

>> No.44144709

Keep me posted on how the new Lump of Sugar game is. It looks cute.

>> No.44144715

I remember reading a VN where a relevation happened twice. Once in the common route, and again in the heroine's. Made me realize maybe VNs aren't as coherent as I imagined.

>> No.44144718

It really did, even though the game was kinda meh.

>> No.44144743

>Aokana Rika: good heroine bad route
>Aokana Misaki: bad heroine good route

>> No.44144774

>>Aokana Misaki: bad heroine good route
Misaki was not a bad heroine, I'd be more tempted to say this about Mashiro. Also who are you quoting?

>> No.44144812

Mashiro is best heroine and her route is okay

>> No.44144814

>Also who are you quoting?
Anon was just using greentext as a way to list elements which are not sentences. It's not a crime to do so.

>> No.44144829

I like how there are animal girls underwater because why not.

>> No.44144835

Her obsession with Misaki was a bit over the top for me, but she grew on me in her own route. (from what I remember)
Border case, I'll concede that this one was okay.

>> No.44144855

I didn't like any of the heroines in Aokana.
Misaki has a good design as a kurokami long with big boobs, but I didn't like her lazy, whinny quiter personality.
I liked Asuka's go-getter attitude, but I don't like pinks and deredere airheads.
Rika and Mashiro were just meh in general.
I wish Satouin and Saki had routes.

>> No.44144878

Just read Ursule's route in Tsuriotsu. The seiyuu does the exact same voice.

>> No.44144897

>I liked Asuka's go-getter attitude, but I don't like pinks and deredere airheads.
I have the exact opposite view, I thought she had the cutest personality and design but she was too much of a Mary-Sue which made her route a bit too boring for me.

>> No.44144967
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>> No.44144998

Phantom Trigger yeah, they are fun. Chronos Rebellion not yet.

>> No.44145002
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Look how they massacred my boy

>> No.44145086

Wall hallucination-chan sure has cute pits

>> No.44145092
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forgot image

>> No.44145133

alright you know what i read a bit more and it's improved a lot now that it's sunk in that they're all not right in the head (pink especially, she should not be outside alone without a chaperone, two bodyguards, and a priest)
i still think the mc's the worst combination of spineless and creeper but he's much better now that initial burst of
has passed

>> No.44145168

I dropped Grisaia when teenagers turned into cannibals because they got lost in a japanese forest

>> No.44145218

Are we a dying breed?
Watching myself relating less and less with what the internet and people are becoming like, I come to wonder if a community with likeminded people who like to consume otaku media in Japanese will even perdure into the future. Maybe I'm being too negative though.

>> No.44145225

I only watched anime but that arc was the only good part from the whole thing

>> No.44145231

Yeah that arc was fun in a ridiculous kind of way.

>> No.44145239

welcome to getting older. Soon you will realize that all those old farts you mocked that talked about how things were better in their day were actually correct.

>> No.44145241

For me it was the whole "oh no, they ate human meat to survive, that means they are not human anymore".

>> No.44145265

Just be glad that you avoided the brain damage from being raised on tiktoks and social media

>> No.44145267

People have done that shit irl following a crash mate

>> No.44145289

you fell off a fucking road, and it's japan, just start walking in one direction without stopping.

>> No.44145311

>it's japan, just start walking in one direction without stopping.
Umi da!

>> No.44145312

didn't they even get out by just walking in the end? it's been forever, i don't remember

>> No.44145350

yes, after literally everyone except the route heroine has turned into slasher villains and offed each other.

>> No.44145362

Yeah cannibalism and murder is pretty unrealistic, I would've just turned into a rapist

>> No.44145371

The teacher did, didn't he?

>> No.44145373

man cannot live on manko alone

>> No.44145442

thoughts of pussy are the only thing that keeps this hollow husk that is my body alive

>> No.44145443

>be overworked, underpaid Japanese school teacher
>vice principal and other teachers are assholes because seniority
>sexy kusogakis everywhere that don't respect you
>have to go on the same dumb trip for the umpteenth time
>bus crashes
>*switch flips*
>get killed by angry kids
more realistic than cannibalism

>> No.44145446

Plenty of people learning Japanese for vtubers and gacha games these days so there will still be JOPs, just of a different kind.

>> No.44145452

>gacha games
Can't you play those 'games' without even knowing Japanese though?

>> No.44145458

retard should have just started walking with his favourite girl and enjoy his free GF

>> No.44145465

Wasn't he just fucking the brown-haired girl? And that was implied to have started before the trip.

>> No.44145482

Probably, but people like reading the stories too.

>> No.44145498

I don't understand why they didn't make it a plane crash. I read a wikipedia article where a 14 year old girl made her way out of a crash like that as the only survivor and found help after 11 days of wandering through the rainforest

>> No.44145511

I liked Angelic Howl, but it really stretched my suspension of disbelief because of that.

>> No.44145513
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They needed to put in Mary Sue and show how smart she was. Plus set up some lesbian undertones.

>> No.44145522

I have a hard time believing this current generation would be able to learn japanese considering their brain is fried from social media, sure the exception will always exist but in way less quantity than before.
ot to mention since MTL doesn't give the same gibberish it did 15 years ago during the ATLAS days they would have more excuses to not learn it.

>> No.44145536

I gave up on understand vtubers when youtube recommended me a video of some girl with 10k subs having a chatting stream where she casually brings up how she bought diapers for streaming horror games because she's too pussy to play with without being drunk and leaks piss when she gets scared while drunk (whatever) but then she stopped streaming horror games and still had like over 20 diapers left and one day decides she really needs to get rid of them already so she does the only logical thing, which is to wear them to bed each night for an entire month while intentionally pissing herself and how doing so has made her grow as a person. It was at this point, several minutes into the rant, that I noticed that not one person of what must have been several hundred viewers ever typed either
>A. That's gross
>B. I want to fuck her so bad

>> No.44145560

VNs are definitely in a tight spot right now and I don't have high hopes the industry will recover. I feel most eroge these days are doujin RPG Maker games.
That term never made any sense and reeks of pure copium.

>> No.44145562

You can still have all of that with a plane crash

>> No.44145571

>I don't understand why they didn't make it a plane crash.
Because it's a miracle if even one person survives a plane crash.

>> No.44145592

>gacha games
I started getting into a certain fandom so I got to see what the community was like and people who actually have the discipline to learn the language are a huge minority. Most of them are OK just getting flimsy basics and just rely on English guides and translated story segments to go by. It doesn't help that gachashits are not forgiving at all and info dump a lot of technical terms which you cannot graps unless you can read Japanese fluently. It's just not a good medium to learn unless you're wired to grind through.
I still get what you're saying though.

>> No.44145598

>I feel most eroge these days are doujin RPG Maker games.
I agree. I used to play those sometimes but now there's just too many. My VN backlog is big enough as is and now RPG Maker shit fills it up more. I also hate how often they get updates or dlcs. I can't keep up.

>> No.44145609

rpg maker is kino because it really makes me FEEL like a little girl.

>> No.44145623


>> No.44145636

You don't want to be a little girl. Constantly living in fear with 1 finger on the anti-pedo buzzer. Lolis need good trigger discipline and nerves of steel.

>> No.44145638

pregnancy buzzer

>> No.44145653
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>> No.44145661

>doujin rpg maker
pre-baked asset crap will never replace VNs. They are ok for cheap, effortless entertainment, thats it. Like-wise, gacha trash and light novel shit will never replace VNs.

>> No.44145663

The crash I was talking about had the plane disintegrate in mid-air but initially 14 people still survived. I would call bullshit if it didn't actually happen

>> No.44145693

>VNs are definitely in a tight spot right now
Are you a EOP? No one who knows what is going on in japan gives a fuck that key got bought, they have not been relevant in the last decade, summer pockets is an insult to his classic works like clannad or planetarian and Angel beats, while it had potential, it crashed down in two different times and never did anything with it.

>> No.44145710

Replacing them would mean going down in sales, so yeah

>> No.44145715

The only RPG Maker games worth playing are the non-H ones with original artworks, typically horror or with a peculiar atmosphere.
I don't think I could ever get myself to play these HRPG games with VN-like sprites. These tend to have terrible art direction with nothing cohesive going on.

>> No.44145716

Wasn't even mentioned in my post. Are you seriously denying that VNs are in decline on a big scale? Just compare the number of big releases in the last 3 years to those from 10 years ago. Key folding is just another symptom.

>> No.44145727

I really doubt that.

>> No.44145732

>light novel shit will never replace VNs
LN's have already pushed eroge aside in the last decade. Anime adapting eroge were common until ~2013. Suddenly it stopped and became all LNshit. LNs blew up and eroge keep dying a slow death. Many eroge fans who played scenarioge switched to LNs.

>> No.44145734

Going to Japan for the first time next year. Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and Nara at least. Maybe more. Any shops you guys recommend visiting?

>> No.44145764
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the future is now oldman. VNs are dead like ska music

>> No.44145772

Animeshit as a whole is largely irrelevant, so what gets adapted or not means jackshit.

>eroge fans who played scenarioge switched to LNs.
So they switched to an inferior medium? Too bad for them. Must suck having such shit taste.

>> No.44145775

>his classic works like clannad or planetarian and Angel beats
Who is 'his', Maeda? He didn't work on planetarian which is nothing like their other "classics." Angel Beats is unfinished and Maeda's bastard baby, not a classic. Their last classic was Little Busters. Summer Pockets sucked but it's the closest to a classic key game since LB.
>they have not been relevant in the last decade
Maeda's gacha brought them back into relevance and Summer Pockets is getting an anime. Cope seethe dialate.

>> No.44145778

Really funny you think LNs "blowing up" is something good, i really hope you reflect on your thinking

>> No.44145803

What about Rewrite?

>> No.44145814

NTA but Maeda supervised Rewrite and made some of the best tracks in it.

>> No.44145940

>Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka
boring. visit kyuushuu and hokkaido

>> No.44146103

>Animeshit as a whole is largely irrelevant, so what gets adapted or not means jackshit.
It shows that eroge are now less relevant. Eroge getting an anime was a big deal even when the adaptations sucked. The only recent adaptation I can think of is MLA and it was a joke. Compare that to Grisaia which also sucked but made it more popular. Summer Pockets will get an anime but no one cares anymore. There are no anime for moege like back with Yosuga no Sora, Amagami or Mashifoni. Those all brought newfags into eroge. My point was merely to say that LNs replaced eroge as the go-to for adaptations. No one looks to eroge anymore as trendsetters or to find interesting stories or shit like Saimoe waifu of the year. LNs took the place of eroge for all that.
>muh Western scene doesn't matter
JP is the same. Soshage and LNs replaced eroge. Eroge are dying, LNs are thriving.
>So they switched to an inferior medium? Too bad for them. Must suck having such shit taste.
Yeah they suck but scenariofags seem happy with their new shit. They can read them while watching their vtumors.

>Really funny you think LNs "blowing up" is something good
I never called it good. LNs ruined anime and story telling in general with isekai and episodic trash. I miss anime loosely adaptating eroge, showing off heroines and their routes then settling on a heroine. It was complete and made me want to play the eroge. LN adaptations are almost the opposite, they're so bad and rushed that I don't even want to read the full version because it's fluff on top of a hollow framework.

>> No.44146208

I also learned about eroge back in the day from anime adaptations (and liking artists who worked on eroge), so sad that it's completely off the radar now. The only people I've met outside of otaku spaces who've learned/are learning Japanese are doing it because of LNs.

>> No.44146227

>Animeshit as a whole is largely irrelevant
Not really.

>> No.44146235
File: 51 KB, 804x604, edelweiss (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to a guy on vndb uploading Femme Fatale I was finally able to install Edelweiss. Fucking Hsuki instruction said to use XP compatibility mode which crashed. Installing worked in Windows 98 compat. like Femme Fatale.

>> No.44146264

Speaking of inspire, I was looking for a copy of days innocent and along the way found this cute little site: https://refuge.tokyo/windows/00095.html
Takes me back

>> No.44146363
File: 1.79 MB, 1149x2048, 1676055267349031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I miss anime loosely adaptating eroge, showing off heroines and their routes then settling on a heroine
This is your mind on populism , every single vn adaptation was worse than the source material, yes, including clannad, no matter how long or how short the work is, they are incompatible. Anime becoming an advertising machine for LNs and manga and leaving VNs to a side and thus unaffected by whatever garbage trend they are chasing right now was a blessing for the medium.
But considering you think that money equals to quality i don't think there is any point in trying to convince you otherwise because by this measure mobage gacha are flourishing.
Also you may want to recheck your data on your thriving LNs.

>> No.44146456

Yesterday's post also drew my attention to the game and I ran into exactly the same problems as you, but in my case the windows xp compatibility mode did help me install Femme Fatale. Installing old shitty games is always a pain in the ass but I hope this one will be worth it, anyway I think I'm going to start playing it next week so I'll probably post some pictures here.

>> No.44146491

Not that anon, but I'm genuinely surprised it's declining in sales. It sure doesn't feel like it anyway. Since this is oricon, are you sure they aren't just counting only physical sales and not ebooks?

>> No.44146531

Weird, I was able to run this in Windows 10 without doing anything special.

>> No.44146560

I imagine Narou being free has reduced the number of sales. And people putting their money into gacha.

>> No.44146592

Maybe it has to do with the fact society grows in stupidity every year thanks to social media, less people want to read in general, more people want to stream and watch tiktok

>> No.44146609

Oh I was looking at that game recently.

>> No.44146646

Wow this website is honestly great, it even has a small review for each game. You just found a gem of a site.

>> No.44146709

I'm not surprised personally. Like others said I also think it's due to trendhoppers now changing their focus to vtubers and gacha.
I am curious what will be the next big trend after those though. Maybe something related to AI?

>> No.44146722

AI-made chuubas for maximum soulless, brainless, algorithm-generated "content creation"
and millions will love it because wow look at all this content i'll never run out of things to watch

>> No.44146732

I enjoy all heroines. Therefore, I enjoy all their routes. Simple as.

>> No.44146733

By 2030 all entries in comiket will be AI doujinshi focusing on vtubers

>> No.44146758
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, Lunaris Filia~キスと契約と深紅の瞳~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44146796

AI will be better for the masses than regular vtubers because they can stream endlessly and can't get involved in scandals or be menhera, so they can be the perfect girlfriend for the parasocial types. And then they'll hopefully leave the rest of us and other media alone so there'll be less pandering there.

>> No.44146835


>> No.44146851

Having shit taste isn't something to be proud of anon

>> No.44146857

This isn't gonna work out as you described because the people you're referring to rely a lot on some kind of social acceptance and engagement.
This is why vtubers work well, you have 1) the target itself which you are into and 2) the community around it which validates this feeling and with whom you can further exchange and gossip with. They do love scandals even if they pretend to have uproars over it. It gives them the stimulation their love life is lacking. The idea of being locked into an AI box won't have any of this and won't be appealing to the most extroverted, validation starved individuals.

>> No.44146879

i can absolutely see them simply making AI-generated scandals, you could even argue this is better since it's not actually some menhera vomiting her guts up and crying on screen
let's not pretend people don't still get fully invested in shitstorms even if they know they're fake

>> No.44146951

This has become a slur on this site.

>> No.44146989

>mfw I like both those things
It's more of a struggle to find new Ska music I like than VN's.

>> No.44146996

I could see some sort of AI reality show getting massively popular yeah, since here we're talking about something that can be talked about and shared as opposed to something strictly enjoyed on your own. This could become massive.

>> No.44147015

What passes as "taste" here is utterly abysmal so I don't care.

>> No.44147022

Anon give me some really aggressive hardcore / ska bands if you know any. The closest thing I know is that one Choking Victim album which is OK.

>> No.44147026

Post your VNDB/EGS

>> No.44147038

ITT Luddites who are going to eventually be replaced by another batch who will say Vtubers used to be good.

>> No.44147055

It's been forever and even then when it comes to music I'm the type to just listen without looking into name and discography. Go for the tried and true Youtube and search "old school ska."

>> No.44147060

>This is your mind on populism
You don't know what populism is.
>every single vn adaptation was worse than the source material, yes, including clannad
Many, including Clannad and Steins;Gate, not all of them. Even the worse ones were still good enough to get us interested in the medium and pick up the games and language. Shitty anime adaptations were what brought people into it when the anime director chose a heroine you didn't want to win. You got the game and read the route of your favorite heroine and while at it read everyone else too.
>was a blessing for the medium.
Yeah right. Almost no one makes scenarioge anymore (yay Sakutoki and Henpri and soon the new Sayooshi woooo so thriving). Charage are mostly dead. Even long moege are dying out, just wait a day and the new Hulotte will turn out to be another 12 hour moenukige. Gone are the 30-50 hour moege and charage with more depth to characters. The only genre that hasn't changed much are nukige but even those are fewer in numbers on an even lower budget. Again, eroge are fucking dying you nob.
>But considering you think that money equals to quality
Again, I did not say that. Why are you pretending I'm talking about quality or popularity making something good? I'm only talking about eroge's life force, their impact or lack of on otaku trends, their relevance. Popularity is generally bad for a medium, like anime becoming infested by normalfag Westerners who then influence anime. LNs also didn't always use to totally suck before everyone copied SAO, ReZero and shit like that. Popularity decreases quality, but that has nothing to do with eroge. Eroge were never at the top and remained niche. But they had enough say and staying power to influence trends, get adaptations etc. Fading into obscurity would be a net positive if companies weren't falling one by one, turned into gacha or now getting bought by chinks. Everything is hanging by a thin thread. What more do you need to see reality? It's a meme that eroge have been dying for 10, 20 years but that was more about "quality" releases AKA scenarioge being replaced by moege. The dying we're seeing now is everyone including moege dying. It's so bad that the last hope of revitalization are Tencent and chinks on Steam. Face it, Japanese otaku largely gave up on eroge. The old spenders are dead and the new generation whales on gacha. There's no money to sustain eroge devs thus they die.

I'll semi-concede on this, current eroge have no need for anime adaptations. They're too short and lackluster to warrant even 1 season and definitely not 2 seasons. But if eroge still got adaptations and that lead to eroge getting more budget and creating new buyfags to replace the dead ones. Then longer and better eroge could be made again that deserve adaptations. Not that I'd want them due to all the CGI.
>Also you may want to recheck your data on your thriving LNs.
I don't give a shit about LN sales or LNs at all. They suck. If LNs are dropping that much then they're being replaced by soshage or otaku spend it all on vtubers. All the same to me, I don't care and it doesn't matter. If LNs fall off the writers will write for soshage and those get anime that boost soshage sales. And yes I know that gacha aren't exactly "flourishing." They close all the time. There are just too many and none of them have anything to stand out so very few make it. No different from every other medium just that the turnover with gachas is quicker. Some don't even live a month.

You don't have to reply. Discussing this gets no one anywhere. I wish I could believe that eroge are in a good place like you do.

>> No.44147109

Nah, I was looking more for like skacore type stuff. But I want it to be more like ska mixed with old-style hardcore (like Black Flag) and not like modern-sounding. I'm more of a metal guy, so I barely know any punk and thought I might as well ask.

>> No.44147129

Bold of you to assume I use those.

>> No.44147135

Oh, can't help you there. Don't dive into that side of music. Good luck on your search.

>> No.44147156

I like both VN's and LN's. Suck a dick, paragraph poster.

>> No.44147172

If my beloved industries all die out that just means I have time to clear my backlog.

>> No.44147223
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x615, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This beautiful site is amazing. I didn't know Lamune had a release like that. exhentai doesn't have the uncensored CGs.

>> No.44147237

Is there an easy way to back it all up just in case?

>> No.44147241

Based never let anyone talk shit about your favorite heroines

>> No.44147338
File: 169 KB, 800x600, dotfuck1_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.fuck vol.1
Really cute and good lucking CGs on that site. Found a .fuck collection on H-suki. The screenshots there make it look like a boring nukige I wouldn't look twice at. Having more data and pics can make a difference.

Internet Archive probably. Never used it to archive an entire site.

>> No.44147447

Why is her hand melting into tiny monkeys

>> No.44147511

Side effect of Data Drain.

>> No.44147547


>> No.44147835

Don't know much about this series but I like this song https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12931539

>> No.44147926

Nice songs.

>> No.44148163

Is the new lump of sugar game triggering anyone else's antivirus like crazy?

>> No.44148169

I haven't used an antivirus for years

>> No.44148276

Could you download one and let me know?

>> No.44148287

NTA but that's a dumb ask. Upload the exe to virustotal.com and tell us how many flag it.

>> No.44148383
File: 79 KB, 1627x755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44148402

Should be fine.

>> No.44148430

No issues here.

>> No.44148442

What's the worst a cracked .exe can do? Steal your fetishes?

>> No.44148461
File: 124 KB, 320x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cross Days pirated version had a trojan that took a screenshot of your desktop and posted it to a section of 0verflow's website. One guy was caught with plant sex porn open on his PC. So,
yeah, steal your fetishes. It also got a lot of people's real names and addresses.

>> No.44148495

heard about this one years and years ago and it has made me incredibly paranoid ever since

>> No.44148506
File: 325 KB, 598x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44148513

Is the page still up? I want to know the freaky things pirates are into.

>> No.44148519

>When run, the installer pretends to be the game but using personal information gathered from the victim’s computer (including IP address), it presents a survey which asks for more personal information – including their email address and password.
were people retarded enough to fill that out? what if you just quit at that moment?

>> No.44148522

>>44148506 I should've mentioned just in case: it's from Illusion.

>> No.44148528

Looks like they're working on "Koikatsu 2."

>> No.44148547

I'd be so happy honestly. It's the only thing I ever want from them.

>> No.44148578

for me it's AA3
but while i'm wishing i'd also like a billion dollars and an e-cup gf with drillhair and a 120 decibel ohoho

>> No.44148586

>Japanese company dies
>immediately makes new game
many such cases

>> No.44148627

What makes it more baffling is that it took a middling game for them to abandon the brand. RIP Illusion, you survived through more treacherous waters.

>> No.44148854

Is there any sort of Otome end in Cross Days?

>> No.44149351

Hulotte has a real flattie this time

>> No.44149398

The nipples are disgusting

>> No.44149622

Hasshaku bro.... (singular)

>> No.44149689

Poor flatfags basically accept any scraps they throw at them

>> No.44150101

The flat revolution is coming. Prepare your anuses cowtitfags.

>> No.44150153 [DELETED] 

DC just won't die. Honestly I'm just pissed that 4 only gets one FD while they're still making rereleases of 3

>> No.44150155

>Didn't say mantits.
One job.

>> No.44150166
File: 333 KB, 1000x350, 1662453805171004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DC just won't die. Honestly I'm just annoyed that 4 only gets one FD while they're still making rereleases of 3

>> No.44150174

It's a series that's stable and safe. I can't think of any entry that's irredeemably bad or mind blowingly amazing from it.

>> No.44150251
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, 1680706667511593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

>> No.44150947

Does anyone have a download link for this? https://vndb.org/v5757

>> No.44151159

Nevermind, I somehow got it

>> No.44151187

Where and can you share?

>> No.44151194

>leave gays and niggers in
>ban harmless fun content
why do they do this

>> No.44151407

long story

>> No.44151435

I like both flat chests and cowtits.

>> No.44151483

Inverted nipples

>> No.44151538


>> No.44151563

Nice 胸板 bro, what's your PR?

>> No.44151579

Good taste.

>> No.44151670

forever at 99.9%

>> No.44151710
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, ev_gra05em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those of you who begged for ensemble to try something new have got their wish granted. One of the people in this image is a boy. It's the one who It's both of them

>> No.44151724

wtf are they both boys

>> No.44151878


>> No.44151951

what site is this?

>> No.44152002

girls shouldnt be boys

>> No.44152028

Does the armor just make it seem like males have breasts? Looking through the CGs, his chest is flat.

>> No.44152265

>to try something new have got their wish granted
Their last game using taisho dresses was also trapshit

>> No.44152292

>new HamHamSoft imoutoge
>it's shit, again
>who are you quoting?
>every disappointed oniichan in the world

>> No.44152475
File: 1.23 MB, 1288x718, スクリーンショット_2023-07-28_09-27-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always find it amusing when VN companies advertise themselves. Don't know why.

>> No.44152502

All my vns run in wine so it really doesn’t matter to me.

>> No.44152533

I hope you run wine in a sandbox

>> No.44152562

You could just run wine as different user if you really care. Maybe I should, but I honestly don't give a shit.

>> No.44152621
File: 1016 KB, 1088x608, based shilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the opening scene when you start https://vndb.org/v22308

>> No.44152684

>You can't fuck the hags in the new ensemble trapge
Uninstalled and rated 10/100

>> No.44152687

That's a filtered photo, right?

>> No.44152692

Thank you.

>> No.44152712

They probably did something like this: http://www.mclelun.com/2015/10/anime-background-tutorial.html

>> No.44152765
File: 88 KB, 555x500, 7u1r1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44152782
File: 2.26 MB, 2754x2000, 1686444012810750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what i thought

>> No.44152790

If the end result looks that good who cares?

>> No.44152839

That's very obviously a 3D render and it doesn't even look good, unlike >>44152782

>> No.44152841
File: 71 KB, 256x349, 68843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros, does anyone know if there are any differences between the new ましろ色 fhd remake and the sana edition?

as far as I can tell, sana edition should contain only the common and the sana route

and the fhd remake has the common + rest of the girls

>> No.44152843

It should also be cheaper than drawing one from scratch.
I get the feeling that AI generated backgrounds are just around the corner tho.

>> No.44152851

There's nothing disgusting about this. Drawing involves references, especially moreso when it comes to urban settings, it's just how it is. Did you want the background artist to do everything from memory?

>> No.44152857

Sana edition has new scenes plus an afterstory scenario. Mashiro FHD doesn't have any new content iirc

>> No.44152862
File: 419 KB, 1440x810, 1620638624068561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the bedroom from Sharkness Life. This was most definitely drawn before contemporary image models were popular, but look at those movie titles. I think 9 out of 10 people who didn't read Sharkness Life would claim it was drawn by an image model.

>> No.44152876

Go wash your eyes, it looks like 3D which would make the actual 2D sprites feel uncanny

>> No.44152878
File: 926 KB, 1280x720, BG069_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 3D too. Are you all blind?
So that's how Favorite made their backgrounds. Including the stock lens flare

>> No.44152885

ah, I see, thanks anon

btw have you played it or do you plan on playing it?

>> No.44152887

>That's 3D too. Are you all blind?
Whether it is or isn't, the walls would be drawn the same either way. That's what's important to my point, not the desk or whatever.

>> No.44152892
File: 2.03 MB, 1200x858, 1673198677503055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VNs are going to become even worse yeeei

>> No.44152911

I've already read Mashiro FHD and was right where Sana's route is supposed to actually begin in Sana edition, can confirm at least 3 new scenes not in the psp version so far. For now though I've put it on hold to read the new Hulottege

>> No.44152924

It doesn't look uncanny. I'd bet that the vast majority of hand drawn BGs are made like this

>> No.44152955
File: 137 KB, 804x604, 夏空カナタ BG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure? I don't think so. It looks more anime and natural to VNs than >>44152621 which looks almost like 3D.

What about this old Yuzusoft BG? I like the tiny details everywhere. If this BG was made with that technique I'd high-five whoever made the decision to use it.

>> No.44152980
File: 1.23 MB, 804x604, 1667649665684109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They definitely used traced photos

>> No.44153030

i dont mind what they use for the background so long as they end result looks like this >>44152878
that's beautiful.

>> No.44153051
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x675, 1674398228981423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but they don't do that, at least not in VNs. Anime seems to take that part more seriously

>> No.44153084

Yuzusoft backgrounds line up perfectly with the real locations so they've definitely used photos to generate the backgrounds. And I think Favorite too. Basically any VN based on real locations.

>> No.44153106
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, stock BG 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is preferable to seeing this one for the thousandth time.

>> No.44153118

I don't really care how they do it. As long as it looks fine it doesn't matter to me.

>> No.44153332

Total Mindfuck - the sequel.

>> No.44153693

New Lump of Sugar too. FlatCHADS...we are back.

>> No.44153955

On fat ojisans.

>> No.44154034
File: 306 KB, 822x1120, Azato-Kawaii-Ayase-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone's reading this, how msgk is she?

>> No.44154122

Haven't read it but also curious. EGS implies she becomes a camwhore in one route?

>> No.44154215

>Sazanami Suzu
No thanks

>> No.44154223

Why do you not like the new Sawasawa Sawa?

>> No.44154338

Picked up.

>> No.44154621

It shows up under loli heroine because it has mesugaki heroine vndb is, so retarded.

>> No.44154735

mods will fix it

>> No.44155064

Fabled that

>> No.44155109


>> No.44155116

If you get this >>44151407 you have to
1. make a "SAVE" folder in the game folder or you'll get an error nag
2. reset the settings to default. retard muted sound and changed other settings
Thanks for sharing.

>> No.44155208

Thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.44155244

loli sex

>> No.44155280
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44155296

Maybe I should check this game out after all... How bad is it?

>> No.44155357

I was expecting to drop it but the girls have been cuter than I initially thought so it's not horrible. Too bad there's a route lock.

>> No.44155376

anyone gonna check out the new tinkerbell nukige?

>> No.44155584

Misread that as Tinklebell and thought 太陽のオルゴオル had came out and I had somehow missed the announcement.

>> No.44155695 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1440x810, yzkCHMsfUyXmMdqVefln.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(minor spoiler for new Hulotte)

>> No.44155775

Fine I'll give it a go.

>> No.44155974
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, 4156546456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tsundere girl is quite cute I must say

>> No.44156041

Halloween uniform

>> No.44156150

Has ensemble finally gone all the way and made a straight out trapge with gay sex?

>> No.44156257

I know I'm going to forget about this and ask here why I can't save and why the sound is fucked because I hold this off for too long.

>> No.44156297

Anyone getting a false positive with Hulotte crack?

>> No.44156323

Copy paste his post into a .txt and put it inside the folder. That's what I did.

>> No.44156433

It set my antivirus off too but virustotal shows nothing

>> No.44156469

there's firejail but i have yet to test it

>> No.44156482

>long mostly straight hair
>almost small breasts
Nice. What's with the blue back hair though? How does that even work.

>> No.44156518

Yeah it's not rare to see this for illustration works, and it works fine since most illustrations have the freedom to be more abstract, but here in a VN with a school setting it is a bit odd.
Though here it's not a big deal either and you surely quickly get used to it I imagine.

>> No.44156579

The other characters have worse multicolored hair. Blue on black is common and not really multicolored since it's usually a reflection of light (like from the blue sky) so its kind of weird indoors but whatever. Anyway, she is very cute.

>> No.44156610

A main heroine who feels like a main heroine

>> No.44156614

Blue strands would look normal but these are at the back side. I haven't seen back sprites but it looks like one side of her hair is black and the other side is blue. Coloring doesn't work that way. I agree though the others look worse. The grey hair with pink ends looks the most normal. The flattie with white and black front is the worst. It looks like she dipped her hair into black shoe polish. I want to wash it out or cut it off.

>> No.44156620

I forget the name but "inner hair one color, outer hair another color" is a real hairstyle that's getting very popular in fashionable circles in Japan. Apparently it caught on like wildfire because only dying the inside of your hair got around Japanese highschool hair color regulations.

>> No.44156654

Closest thing I could find.

>> No.44156660

Oh, it was really that easy? I thought it was more complicated than that.

>> No.44156673

>Coloring doesn't work that way.
It's a trend these days to color the inner back part of the hair a different color and it's usually supposed to be light reflections, even if light wouldn't actually reach there. There are other illogical art trends these days like putting highlights above the nose which have shadows at the top from the bangs above, which isn't actually what happens on anyone's face, but enough people have decided these things look good even if they're unrealistic so you see them a lot. Take a look at Koichoco for an older example of random colors in hair. Someone described the green in pink's hair as mold and I've never been able to unsee that.

>> No.44156710

they should ban it

>> No.44156713

I think the loophole was closed pretty quickly at most schools but it's too late and it's a trend now.

>> No.44156736
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So her route is about "how do we have sex"

>> No.44156745

is there actually anal?

>> No.44156761

I don't like the design of the other girls which would make it hard to justify playing it, but this one is indeed cute.

>> No.44156771

Seems like it thanks to >>44155695

>> No.44156775

How does she pee?

>> No.44156779

Pee and other fluids come through by magic somehow.

>> No.44156782

Is that an actual line?
Couldn't you reverse it by shoving your cock through?

>> No.44156795

Yeah, she doesn't know how it works. And she tried breaking it by herself and with MC but it didn't work.

>> No.44156816

I for one don't have an issue with this hair dye trend.

>> No.44156827

it reminds me of gradient hair and that is a dying trend i quite liked

>> No.44156935

Just pray they don't make nose rings trendy like what Westoid women were doing a decade ago.

>> No.44156977

>trap protagonist
>uses 'ore'

>> No.44156991

he's a power bottom

>> No.44157134

Surely you break it eventually right? I'm not interested if I can't creampie her.

>> No.44157147

There's no point in nakadashi-ing a heroine if she doesn't get pregnant and have a pregnancy cg and h-scene. If she doesn't get pregnant she might as well be anal-only.

>> No.44157154

Yeah you do and it happened sooner than I expected.

>> No.44157159

This plus birth h-scene

>> No.44157169

Does this even exist?

>> No.44157181

Yes, while the baby tries to get out you push it head to head to make it stronger. It's a kind of baptism.

>> No.44157684


>> No.44157695

stop making threads before the old one dies just so you can have a shitty image in the op and remove the fucking retarded link to /vg/ you absolute newfaggot djt users.

>> No.44157713

I don't mind the change so I just copied it

>> No.44158766 [DELETED] 
File: 1.93 MB, 1024x1024, waifu 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VN are a dead man walking, soon to be replaced with AI-generated hentai. Notice how they are putting up laws to restrict AI art? This is a sign that they gave up on existing. They know AI is better than them, but instead of weaponising that frustration and using it as a fuel to grow and improve they try underhanded ways to get rid of the competition and that's a losing move. Because when you refuse to grow you wither away and the AI-generated flowers will bloom on your grave.
