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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4411757 No.4411757 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I propose that we have one last good Rance thread before we get overrun by threads like >>4411374
Who's with me!?

>> No.4411762
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>> No.4411769

I doubt we'll get overrun by that shit. /v/ tends to stay away from us because we freak them out a little.

>> No.4411782
File: 684 KB, 1000x925, cc2b7885e206fb9c274ba059697d05bc4951e937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'll post some of Sakuya's twin.

>> No.4411788

Take it easy OP. It is the same jealous KS devs making Rance looks bad.

>> No.4411790
File: 44 KB, 800x600, 1266381264393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you, Kenshin!
You will never be with Kenshin ;__;

>> No.4411792
File: 84 KB, 1020x587, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ has known about Rance for about nine months now

>> No.4411799

You know this is exactly the kind of reaction those assholes want to see, right?
You are playing right into their hand.

>> No.4411804
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>> No.4411811

Why didn't he keep that coat on? It was fucking awesome.

>> No.4411818

96% of 4chan is unaware that /jp/ even exists. I think we'll be safe.

>> No.4411828
File: 465 KB, 1024x768, 5814380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will not be the last good Rance thread. But I'll contribute a little.

>> No.4411830
File: 102 KB, 800x600, AHAHAHA YOU SUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4411831

That is a hideous picture.

>> No.4411843 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming AɳoɳTalk.com with your stupid shit.

>> No.4411845


I must agree.

>> No.4411852

Boards aren't mutually exclusive. A good chunk of /jp/ posts on /v/. And aside from Touhou, they love the same garbage you do.

>> No.4411902

Uh oh. They found our secret clubhouse, guys!

>> No.4411910
File: 31 KB, 250x375, e37f87f15a107b4e88f3b4709ef347b6a41d666f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenshin? Why are you speaking? You should be in the kitchen stuffing your face.

>> No.4411918
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>> No.4411926
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Or, my personal favorite translation, Child of Greasy

>> No.4411945
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You'd think she would have a lot more pimples.

>> No.4411950
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inb4 ghey
oh wait

>> No.4411970
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>> No.4412000
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>> No.4412005
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>> No.4412007
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>> No.4412008
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Ooooooooh~~ This looks like my kind of party~

>> No.4412015
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>> No.4412020
File: 28 KB, 300x300, Sengoku_Rance_-_Tanegashima_Shigehiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fucking badass character in the game.

>> No.4412028

got to move these refrigerators

got to move these colour tvs!

>> No.4412042


I wish to be really oily with her

>> No.4412079
File: 221 KB, 420x563, Pooh_Sticks-783061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it You play the guitar on the MTV That ain't workin' that's the way you do it Money for nothin' and your chicks for free Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb Maybe get a blister on your little finger Maybe get a blister on your thumb We gotta install microwave ovens Custom kitchen deliveries We gotta move these refrigerators We gotta move these color TV's

>> No.4412095

Ah, nostalgy...

>> No.4412096

I was going to try to finish the game but I spent the whole day being depressed I didn't get into starcraft 2 beta instead.

>> No.4412116
File: 99 KB, 644x452, ranceouch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't lose your heads now, guys.

>> No.4412130


>> No.4412161


yup. That's totally not Sill.

>> No.4412179

Of course not. Sill doesn't wear a mask.

>> No.4413430 [SPOILER] 
File: 318 KB, 800x600, dafgawergfwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4413465

Someone should really translate the Rance manga

>> No.4413503


>> No.4413526 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 800x600, rance + shimazu bros OTP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4413550
File: 1.83 MB, 2424x1600, 戦国ランス_000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


which one, the one about Sengoku? Just look at the pictures, you won't miss anything.

>> No.4413569
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>> No.4413668

Yep, and Batman isn't Bruce Wayne

>> No.4413690
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Of Course.

>> No.4413791
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>Better than Rance

>> No.4413806
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>implying I said Clannad is good either

>> No.4413824
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My mistake.

>> No.4413842


>> No.4414163
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>> No.4414168
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>> No.4414173
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>> No.4414179

Sengoku Rance would've been better if you could trade your army for Kenshin's female army once you conquer them.

I'm surprised Rance didn't consider it.

>> No.4414505

This twelve times over.

She healed good and I still lack Natori.

>> No.4414594 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 800x600, ALCG0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sengoku Rance is an extremely deep Strategy RPG with important moral choices that affect every aspect of the game.

>> No.4414613
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>> No.4414648

ah yes


>> No.4414679
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>> No.4414703


>> No.4414813

"Oh...she's being raped...how moe"

Also, how do I upgraded shopping districts in free for all mode? This is my first time playing it so I have no clue what I'm doing other than BABA DO EVERYTHING.

>> No.4414848
File: 194 KB, 1380x517, IHAVENOIDEAWHATIAMDOING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my commander list/map

>> No.4414862
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Died like a true barbarian commando maid.

Her sisters shall honour her in song... if they ever realise she's actually dead and not just hiding in some shrubbery with her latest catch.

>> No.4414887

how did you change your team o.o

>> No.4414898

>hiding in some shrubbery with her latest catch.
One of the reasons why she is so awesome ;_;

>> No.4414905
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>> No.4414911
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>> No.4414936
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That is true.
But does she have THOSE EYES?

>> No.4414969

No, but DAT EXPRESSION is scary enough.
Lunatic smile all the way.

>> No.4414976

Holy shit. I was just thinking I should go on /jp/ if I'm lucky I can find rance thread. And there it is.

Just Finished a monkey run yesterday conquering the whole of Japan. Shit felt good.

>> No.4415028


But the eyes are what makes her work! Fucking crazy eyes moe!

>> No.4415056
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You don't say. Imagine the glowing eyes of doom and the grin of the cheshire cat an inch from your face, and you'll see her late husband was nowhere near as much of a coward as she makes him out to have been.
Just everyone has a limit.

>> No.4415092

So the guys who protested against rapelay. Don't tell them about this.

>> No.4415154
File: 97 KB, 800x600, ryomamine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Plenty of true love in the ranceverse.
If you know how to find it.

>> No.4415193


plenty of rape too.

>> No.4415209

I'd be all over either of them. Even Chinu, even though she's kind of a slut. At least she's a happy slut.

>> No.4415297
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Rape is SICK and WRONG and all, but so is killing. Both do occur regularly in war, but only killing shows up in war games. Because somehow killing is considered more "okay".
Rance does not discriminate. All horrifying crimes against human health and dignity are equally welcome. War of aggression for the purpose of conquest? That's fine. Rape, torture and murder? Be my guest. Child soldiers and ethnic cleansing? Of course.
Surely it's ironic that a colourful anime styled game would present war in a much less sugarcoated way then most "serious" war games do. But it does, and I respect it immensively for it.

... but as apology for the wall of text nobody in their right mind should read, have a screencap of a one-armed cook killing a grown man with her toes.

>> No.4415327
File: 352 KB, 533x723, rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientific fact that rape is natures tool for breeding strong children. I read it in a doujin it has to be true.

>> No.4415330
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 1258395659735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And responsible.

>> No.4415335

Child soldiers raping and torturing to commit genocide?

>> No.4415343

Everybody needs a hobby.

>> No.4415364
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Science has no say in a world where god is a flying whale.


Sounds like fun.

>> No.4415388


I'm curious about the source.

>> No.4415396
File: 786 KB, 806x644, RanceWithdrawal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex addiction is serious business.

>> No.4415417


Man Yukihime is so sad.

>> No.4415459

Oh, yeah... I downloaded this game cuz of you guys. Haven't bothered to install it yet.

>> No.4415492


come for the tits, stay for the rape

>> No.4415504

I have the ISO extracted, I think I need an update and translation patch...

>> No.4415506


Really don't understand her.
I mean, she wants to save the clan and everything, but... is that really the only thing she can think of? Offering herself to a hermit talented in panda hypnotism?
She really can't think of anything better?

>> No.4415515


she gets even crazier later. bitches are scary

>> No.4415523

Can YOU think of anything?

>> No.4415544
File: 72 KB, 550x513, 1258583111490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, so she's a sheltered princess raised to have zero self esteem and to be utterly unthinking and obedient... but really. That's the best thing she can think of? That's pretty weak.

You don't exactly need to be the most brilliant tactical genius in JAPAN to think up a more efficient and less undignified way to face the threat.

>> No.4415550

Again, within the parameters of the game, can YOU think of anything?

>> No.4415551

Women are stupid
Women are whores

Her options are ... limited.

>> No.4415559
File: 80 KB, 800x600, uesugi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fake retreat after a small skirmish during the day and take back the lost land with your fresh troops in a night raid.

>> No.4415563

Rape women

Get stats and abilities


>> No.4415564

Yukihime has a Miko unit.
So, no.

>> No.4415565

OK I have the .iso and the v104 patch

where to get english?

>> No.4415573
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>> No.4415587


Some of the action texts during the enemy turns are fucking awesome.

also, what are some favourite units? Kenshin is obvious for her early high level dungeon character and warrior units.

>> No.4415589


>> No.4415597

>Send Rance into battle alone
>Conquer entire province in three turns

>> No.4415600

Ranmaru was one of my best troops at the very start.

>> No.4415607

The Takeda quad

>> No.4415613

Thank you, sir. <3

>> No.4415622
File: 95 KB, 800x610, 1262232666960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Death comes from the cold North, with nine tails and four eyebrows.

>> No.4415634

Okay, so I just got the event where Kentarou has a duel with that acolyte chick I never can remember the name of, and I'm getting my ass kicked. She survives with like 60 health left.

Should I just reload way back and level him more, or is there anything else I can do?

>> No.4415637


who else can keep her shirt up with her nipples?

>> No.4415641

You're tsun tsun now, but you're dere dere after the eyeball dies.

>> No.4415642


Are you using the medication?

>> No.4415644

Use the item.

>> No.4415651


Kentaro has an ability that recharges all action points and his health.

>> No.4415670
File: 87 KB, 800x600, omachimasamune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aw... but they seem so happy together.
I just can't feel any envy towards Bontenmaru.

>> No.4415696

Omachi Tier: Omachi, Suzaku Ran, that Shimazu musketeer guy. Ikkyou
Top Tier: Uruza, Natori, Kenshin, SHoun, Maria, Takeda Generals, Yamamoto Isoroku, Shimazu Yoshihisa, Abourako Dousan, Senhime, Nogiku, Mouri Teru, Gekkou, Chinu, DEMON Kentarou, Yuzuhara Yuzumi
Can be Suddenly Awesome Tier, but not top:Rance
High Tier:Rest of OneEye, Kikawa Kikku, Leila, Gon, Naoe Aoi, Himiko, Goemon, Bonus Diviner, Bonus Monk, Bonus Tactician, Kazemaru(potentially), Maeda(potentially), Shibata Katsuie, rest of Shimazu
Decent Tier: Most footsoldiers with average stats, Cavalry Units, rest of the Reinforcements, Hara, Ranmaru(due to being a starter), most Bonus characters, Ran, Takuga guys, certain Generic Units with high stats and levels.

Incomplete, but should give you an idea.

>> No.4415719

If you're going to include Suzaku Ran in Omachi tier, you should also have Demon King Miki

>> No.4415726

I would like to know the source of this as well.

>> No.4415731

Kind of a spoiler(hence why I do not put Xavier and some of the DM people.
Plus, I JUST made it from memory and have not played the game in months.
If you think you can adjust it or add shit,do so by all means.

>> No.4415766

>Can be Suddenly Awesome Tier, but not top:Rance

So true. Bumping his stats to nines with skill books and SAT bonus, actions to five with SAT bonuses and one action book 2. 6-9-9-9-9 Monster.

>> No.4415769
File: 123 KB, 800x600, argh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is there any way to make cleared Mori Motonari any good? When in battle with Mori his health grew when defeated, but Im stuck at 458.
Also, trying to get the Takeda bonus. Still waiting for someone to recruit Shouen...

>> No.4415772

more like:
Omachi tier: Omachi
Almost Omachi tier: Chinu, Souun
"PROBLEM, JAPAN?" tier: demon kentarou, mouri teru, that shimazu footsman, Baba and yamagata, Ikkyou
"PROBLEM, OMACHI?" tier: Rizna

>> No.4415773

/jp/ posters are all Hannys

>> No.4415776

>High Tier
haha oh wow

>> No.4415787

I chortled.

Also, why is Leila not top tier? Her royal knights charge destroys enemies with more troops than her, which is great against units late in the game

>> No.4415844

Oh my, they did such a lovely job with this installer! so easy

>> No.4415851
File: 94 KB, 374x600, 1248386734362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Got to love her.
A character of surprising integrity.

>> No.4415902

Maria is nuke tier, get her atk to 9 and with 1000 troops she 1 shots anything

>> No.4415948

>surprising integrity

What's surprising about it? She used to be the youkai king, and she'll beat anyone's ass who doesn't treat her like it.

That being said, her having no h-scene is a crime against god. I swear Alicesoft did it just to troll us.

>> No.4415980

Starting a new game, all options are routes are open which should I go for?

>> No.4416003
File: 159 KB, 850x680, IMG_0190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mmhm. Yep. Yep.


>> No.4416011

Can I get a dl link with english translations and stuff?

>> No.4416018

Good troop types? And what abilities do you use?

Personally I love tacticians when taking over castles. Their Battlefield rating down ability makes it such a breeze.

>> No.4416021


>She used to be the youkai king,

>Masculine term

Wait, WHAT?

>> No.4416034



>> No.4416067

/jp/ is mean :(

>> No.4416068

Is http://yandere.gray7.com/?page_id=90 not working for you?

>> No.4416082
File: 710 KB, 1125x1500, 1248386681353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The supreme ruler of ranceverse youkai is always the youkai king, regardless of gender.

Although you never know with them shapeshifters. Fairly sure Omachi could just as well take the shape of a man if she wanted to.

>> No.4416126

what are you, stupid? buy the game or get an iso from a torrent or something and go to yandere and get their 1.0 translation

and take off that idiotic trip -_-

you sound like "hurr durr please use google for me guys" so it's not that surprising nobody is eager to help you...

>> No.4416137

He has good defence stat's, Troops revenge is good and is a footsoldier. Likely to get good numbers from recruiting too, plus High-Level in dungeons.
IIRC,she factors in scaling and her stats are NOT that high. I kinda threw a coin for that.
Chinu, being affected by guard, current troop number and being very slow is not THAT good to put her above the other guys you listed.
Natori is easily more useful.

>> No.4416145
File: 110 KB, 600x589, IMG_0190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All sorts of things could pop out from under that kimono then, I suppose...

>> No.4416166

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Alicesoft already cheated me out of my futa ryouma, they're not getting away this time!

>> No.4416175

You did get to see Ryouma raped by fucking ogres.
Though I wanted more Ryouma scenes myself.

>> No.4417238

So uh, is there any way to get a positive score on normal modo? I've finished all of the routes, and I've unlocked all but the Takeda family bonuses.

>> No.4417247

nice bump /v/-san! ^_^

>> No.4417261

I wish Sanada was my father ;_;

>> No.4417262


>> No.4417269

Of course. I got 37 on my first playthrough, if you have the 20 extra points from finishing all four official routes you should be able to get 50 points very very very easily.

If you want points though I'd try a 1-Star Ran route. You'll get at least 100, then you can do a 2-Star run for even more points.

>> No.4417274

So... Anyone would like to share some Rance VI tips? It's kinda hard ;_;

>> No.4417280
File: 135 KB, 806x644, rance10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you do that? I'm worried I'm not even going to get 1 point.

>> No.4417281

Which route should I do to finish the quickest?

>> No.4417283

Well, what is your problem?
Dungeons themselves?
Managing roster?
Certain bosses/events?

>> No.4417288


>> No.4417289

Ran is the fastest.
Monkey route allows a combo of quite fast+getting most bonuses.

>> No.4417291

Rance 6, not Sengoku, you fucktard.

>> No.4417299

Take it easy bro, just hide this thread and go back to reading through the cirno spam threads

I can't do kill the monkey and use a family bonus at the same time, so I guess I'll try Ran's route again.

>> No.4417302

Why is it that Asai Asakura, Imagawa and Akashi always declare war on me at the same time? Sure, they are weak as hell but having to deal with 3 attacks (4 when I am attacking someone worthwhile) can be a hassle.

>> No.4417313

I finished in 91 turns, gave Endgame Points to 15 characters, cleared 8, visited the Carnival 3 times, got 30k troops... had to weaken the last boss one time so I lost a few points there.

Ran route is typically the easiest. There's no demon army, you just casually do your thing while events go by. The only big drawback is that the beginning-of-turn events might delay some things happening (like a character joining) and "steals" the usual free purple event triggers.

>> No.4417318

What exactly changes with the number of stars?
Enemy troop size? Stats? Smaller success chance of Assassinate so I can't abuse it anymore?

>> No.4417321

You must be doing something specific. Imagawa doesn't declare war on you unless you conquer the tanuki or stop their little trip to Kyo.

You might want to change the order in which you conquer stuff.

>> No.4417325

Enemy scaling mostly.
Yes, it matters a lot.

>> No.4417329

>got 30k troops
how u do dis

>> No.4417335

>Yes, it matters a lot.
So one star is 2x harder?
I guess I'll stick to normal until I suck less.

>> No.4417338

what is the carnival? can I still nail 80 more women or is it too late now that the demon army is out.

>> No.4417341
File: 14 KB, 277x240, Suzu_disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I already finished Sengoku... Don't be so angry... I just want some help with Rance VI, the wikia is great but not complete...

>> No.4417342

Game is not hard, unless you're stuck because of moonlanguage.
Grind as much as you can, even shitty monsters makes you earn good XP and it's very easy to abuse the points system too.
If you've got trouble with combats, paralysis is god tier (even you don't get Karolia early in the game). You should be alright if you grind anyway.
If you're stuck in a dungeon, explore everything, try every doors that used to be closed, and for some puzzle you'll have to change your lineup (only magicians, only Rance and one girl,...). Explore first the dungeon fully, go back to town, and then breeze to the boss to save Action points.
Don't forget the Alice wikia.

>> No.4417345

Enemies have more troops and they attack more often. In 5-Star some dungeons are longer.

There's also an upside, though (aside from the higher starting Score, I mean). Your potential max troop count is much, much higher on harder difficulties, so you can get better Ashigaru and also reach 1000 troops for your battle permit users much sooner.

>> No.4417349

do you mean attack more than one a turn?

>> No.4417350

>beat and capture an unit with 4000+ troops
>recruit it from your prison, now with 700 troops
Feels bad man...

>> No.4417377

I waited until the later parts, made sure I hired lots of troops and then popped a bunch of +50 troops Sat bonuses. Troops are cheap when there's not many of them and you have the Discount Ticket so you can get an average of 500 troops per unit quite easily. Then if you use 10 Sat bonuses you get 15k troops for free. It costs quite a few turns, but it's 10 points.

The Carnival occasionally appears in Owari in the later parts of the game. You can visit it if you have one of the relevant characters (Suzume, 3G, Kou, Shouen, Ran, some others) and it's 3 points every time. If you do it four times that's 12 points right there.

>> No.4417393

Yes. Opponents can attack you multiple times per turn.

It's pretty nasty, especially considering that they have so many troops.

>> No.4417402

Any specific questions? I'll try to help to the best of my ability.

>> No.4417430
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Thanks! Yeah grinding is pretty much the only thing I do anyways, I have been stuck in the prison for a long time...

Is there a way to "run away" from battles? I know there is an item to lower the frequency of fighting, but does the game have an option to run duing one?
Also where I can get the items to improve atk/def/etc.? I only get the ones to improve armor and weapon...

>> No.4417444

You should abuse characters that can do buffs actually, more efficient.

>> No.4417449

Rance, and later Rocky, both have an ability to run away. It's 戦術的撤退.

Atk/def/etc upgrades are generally food items. But usually, they'll subtract a level or two from the character they upgrade (you can tell these items by the skull attached to them). There are some rarer food items that increase stats without the level drain.

>> No.4417453

Oh, and there some equipable items that raise your Atk/def/whatever at the start of the battle. Check out the alicesoft wiki for a list of these.

>> No.4417495

Thanks, I don't have those items, but I have the ice and electrical items, they are great.
Do you know where I can find more blue orbs? I feel like I get them randomly and just 1 at the time, or they are supposed to be like that?

>> No.4417516

You get more orbs depending on how many points you accumulate in a dungeon before you leave. You can also buy orbs in Italia by using vouchers (it's the store with the naked lady who is actually a cardboard cutout, and the first three items under gold are the orbs, in order of red, yellow and blue).

>> No.4417541

So, somehow I just beat Ashikaga without Yamamoto even getting mentioned and without Ikkyu fighting at all.

... Ikkyu's going to come back later with 5000 troops at the worst possible moment, isn't he?

>> No.4417547

Ikkyou is very hard to get him to reappear.
You auto-capture Isoroku no matter what.

>> No.4417558

That happened to me in a 5-Star.

I made sure I was winning by a millimeter when his turn came up, and he charged his ability. Then I just stood there and let my battle rating gauge fall as much as possible, and when Ikkyu acted again, he put me well into the winning side.

AI stands for Artificial Incompetence.

>> No.4417560

I just released him. The only countries left besides myself are Iga and the One-eyed, though.

>> No.4417582

You need to get battle points, they'll increase while fighting and when you find a yellow cross.
It's very important to grind for them if you want more money and to level up your characters.
It's very easy to get battle points since most of the crosses appears at the same place. If you have a large enough roster, try this: go to Italia, find all the crosses, and fight until you've got enough points (or until a new yellow cross appears randomly). It's boring, but very simple.

>> No.4417584
File: 7 KB, 149x189, Rance_Disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who is actually a cardboard cutout
She is hot and I thought Rance would get a chance to tap that ass! Dang it.

Oh well, another question. What some members of Rance's team have their name red? They lost stats when they leveled? MegaDeath has been like that for a while ;__;

>> No.4417599

That means they've hit their level cap. To raise the cap, you need to fuck them. Men have their level cap raised through other events.

>> No.4417607

>>4417584 What some members of Rance's team have their name red? They lost stats when they leveled? MegaDeath has been like that for a while ;__;
In red? I don't remember... Did you get to their level cap?

>> No.4417609

They reached their level cap (Sengoku has that too).
Females can get the cap raised with H-EVents,. Both females and males can increase their level by one by meeting a special character in a dungeon IIRC, though you cannot repeat this forever

>> No.4417687
File: 407 KB, 640x480, CG0506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raping Emi sure was satisfying. What a slut, she even liked it.

>> No.4418035

How difficult is the Japanese in Rance IV? And in Rance 02?

I'm gonna need to play some games to learn once my classes are finished and it's kinda hard to choose.

>> No.4418043

Typed too quickly, I meant VI. Bah.

>> No.4418054

If you know the word for rape and can understand standard h-scene onomatopoeia...

>> No.4418076

The text is mostly sex-related? Not that sex is bad, but I was hoping for more. Sengoku Rance has a fuckton of text about a lot of stuff, I thought maybe VI had a lot of story too... oh well, I'll keep looking. There's plenty of Japanese games I want to play, even if I pick a slightly harder one to begin with it's not the end of the world.

>> No.4418218

I wasn't being serious bro

>> No.4418401

02 is very easy to read, VI is fairly easy also.

>> No.4418698

Whyyyyyyy. ;_;

Alright, thanks. I might just start with 02. It's gonna be tedious at first, but reading a lot is how you learn a language.

>> No.4419647

Okay, I've been trying to get on to Ran route for the past fucking hour. I cannot seem to capture her, and it's beginning to frustrate me.
Do defeated warrior hunt characters stack? I don't have anyone with light attack at the moment.

>> No.4419822

I don't think it stacks, but I'm not certain.

Either way it doesn't matter, the chance to capture Ran is probably 100%. I've never *not* captured her.

Potential problems:
1. You have lots of people in your prison. With 20 or more your chance to capture is nil.
2. You haven't viewed all her events. She can't be captured until you've seen the event where she becomes truly scared of using Suzaku.

>> No.4419869

>With 20 or more your chance to capture is nil.

That is news to me, fuck

>> No.4419904

It isn't 100%, but it's probably high.

>> No.4419911

Most people skip or do not pay attention, but teh FIRST time you get over 20 and every few turns, the prison guard and 3g tell you 'RELEASE SOME'./

>> No.4421316
File: 804 KB, 800x600, Fuuka cum phew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys, just got done releasing the excess imperial juice from my hyper weapon.

Fuka's scenario was so pleasant sounding I couldn't resist.

>> No.4421410

can you not get her on your first game or did I screw up?

>> No.4421465

You can if you match the requirements.

If I remember correctly all you need for her is to have talked to Kou to unlock hireables, and have enough free NP to hire her.

>> No.4421473

i'm really sorry for this, guys, but is this game any good? i'm thinking of downloading it from the links at >>4411792, and I don't want to get virus or shit gameplay. plus, is the fapping any good.

>> No.4421491

hah! as if we'd help you, shitdick.

>> No.4421498

you're being trolled, dumbass.

>> No.4421503

me again. please, I am quite serious, if anyone can give me an indication that would be great.

>> No.4421504

well I got natori and a kenshin and a bunch of other characters so I must have messed up. I already accidentally dismissed hara shoji because I thought he was a generic.

>> No.4421513

I'm not sure what could have gone wrong, maybe she stops being available after a while.

Dismissing ol' Hara isn't a problem unless you were planning to clear him. He's not so good. The only good Archer is Isoroku.

>> No.4421516

Well, it's pretty good. It's just a turn based strategy game like Risk or something with a lot of story to it. I've only fapped once but yeah it helps if you need more mental stimulation instead of visual to have a good fap, because you feel like you develop a relationship with the girls.

So, I dunno what to say. It's a lot better than your average hentai game but way below your average regular game. There's no 3D graphics or anything... basically it's something that could be played as a flash game in a browser almost. But... it's a lot of fun and very relaxing.

Get the game from the hongfire and the installer from yandere and you won't get a virus. :3

>> No.4421519

I think Yamamoto doesn't appear if you capture Kyo before Mamushi oil field. That's what I did in my last game since I wanted to delay Takeda attack (at war with them since I had the family bonus). Makes conquering Ashikaga easier when you can use Rance.

>> No.4421521

thankyou, you are very kind. i want to posts tits in return, but this board is worksafe, right? also, not sure what kind of tits /jp/ would like best. I have a pretty good selection, so feel free to be specific.

>> No.4421522

Oh and to answer the other question, Fuuka was one of the first people I recruited... you just talk to her after Kou introduces you to her at the very beginning.

>> No.4421541
File: 111 KB, 800x600, ALCG0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I just finished Yamamoto route for the first time(I always thought she was a boring character). I didn't expect that ending. Hands down the best.

Also the humor was pretty good in it too.

>> No.4421558

Oh, no need for tits. this isn't /b/ we all have plenty of our own porn :3

Also I don't mean to over simplify by saying it's "like Risk," it's a lot more in depth than that, there is many types of units, and they level up as you get them experience and depending on your relationship with them they get extra abilities. And there are other things to do like explore dungeons to get special items and such.

Overall I'd say it's definitely worth it. I was looking for something with a hentai theme that was more interactive than a visual novel, and this turned out to be just perfect.

>> No.4421563

oh, there must be *something* you value! i just want to do a good turn, since I got one. ^^

>> No.4421570

It's a pretty kickass ending, and the best part is that it might be mostly canon.

In the canon epilogue for Sengoku Rance, Isoroku is pregnant so Rengi is probably going to be canon too.

Facts: he's already impregnated an Akuma and a Japanese. He's going to visit the Kalar soon and that's where his daughter comes from in non-canon material. Rance IX will be the Helman arc and Rance X will be the final game.

It's very tempting to assume that he'll spawn Reset in Rance XIII, will impregnate someone in Helman in Rance IX and that we'll have a united world with one Rancechild from every race by the time Rance X begins.

It's going to be fucking epic.

>> No.4421619

In true ending he never took his sperm shields down though. How would he have a kid?

>> No.4421634

To make a long story short, events that happen in other routes aren't necessarily excluded from the canon ending. For example, Kenshin found the Emperor Sword and Isoroku got pregnant.

It's a bit arbitrary but that's fine, it fits well with the story.

>> No.4421698
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is now sweeping the nation.

>> No.4421704

Gahahaha, good

>> No.4421719
File: 137 KB, 800x600, HerpDerp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys like my kill Takeda in one turn strat?

It's copywrote. Do not steal.

>> No.4421760
File: 141 KB, 800x600, win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know that Mitsuhide will *somehow* fuck it all up.

<--- Here's my personal strategy.

>> No.4421772

Seriously, all she had to do was fuck Rance. Atleast he isn't a 4 eyed freak.

>> No.4421782

>turn 66
>3000 HP
okay I must be playing this game wrong or something.

>> No.4421799
File: 135 KB, 800x600, availableforces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's just easier when you don't use many units, the few units that you have are super cheap to upgrade and made even cheaper by the Discount Ticket, you bought and visit the Ashigaru camp regularly, use Affections bonuses for +100 troops often, etc etc...

It was a bit overkill, but fun.

>> No.4422322

I seem to recall reading that enemy forces are scaled based on your forces, but not counting foot soldiers. Is there truth to this?

>> No.4422385

Yeah, that's how it works.

>> No.4422390


that's right. Only boost footman units and maybe special troops like bazooka or mages, but not warriors etc.

>> No.4422427
File: 125 KB, 800x600, sayo-rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i recruit this girl?

>> No.4422505

what is this i dont even

>> No.4422561

>no character called sayo in the entire ranceverse

>> No.4422577 [DELETED] 

I always wanted to raep that since I saw here, but AliceSoft wouldn't let me ;_;

>> No.4422578

I always wanted to raep that since I saw her, but AliceSoft wouldn't let me ;_;

>> No.4422579

Stop Takeda blitz at 5star then come back.

>> No.4422582

What about knights? Do they count as footmen or not?

>> No.4422598


>> No.4422611

What? You can`t?

>> No.4422623

You can seriously take over castles using only footmen? What miracle do you use to increase the battle ratting?

>> No.4422756

Teru alone will rape them.

>> No.4422797

Counterattack 2 + Dragonfly = OMG ;_;

>> No.4422802

You have 1) a footman with high defense and attack, and preferably high counter attack

And 2) enemies with melee attacks.

If you do more damage than you take, you gain battle rating.

This is especially useful to know early on, if you can start with Guts Armor (-100 damage taken per attack, give it to Katsuie and watch him take no damage from anything ever for the first 20 turns or so). On the other hand, Dragonfly Cutter on Mouri Teru will guarantee she does more damage than she takes when attacked.

>> No.4422815

Apparently the total sum of all the bonuses is 315. I tried calculating how you'd get that many points.

20(?) for completing all the different ways to win
60 for 30 captains with end game points
58 for 29 cleared characters
50 for the remaining objectives

315 - 188 = 127. Starting with 200 points for five stars, that gives you only 73 turns to complete everything and win. Is that actually possible?

>> No.4423044

All this time and no source?

>> No.4423077

Rance has no end-game points for starters.
Secondly, there are the festival events (appear in turns 60 and 70 IIRC, so that is 6 points)

>> No.4423102
File: 156 KB, 800x600, ALCG0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rance does get endgame points

>> No.4423243

You have to be pretty new to /jp/ if you don't know the source for that one. Even looking at the thumbnail I can tell it's Victim Girls.

>> No.4423274

You can do festival four times total, so that's 12 points. Bumping to 85 turns total.

>> No.4423334

Is there a way to get Rance to level 99? I know you can do with Kentaro,what about Rance?

>> No.4423354
File: 988 KB, 816x658, rance 99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Affection points -> level + 2.

It takes a while but you can do it.

>> No.4423361

If you disregard combat potential, you can just give him the +2 Level up each time (Rance's affection should increase quite a bit during the game).
Also, save 'Level Up' items for Rance only.
Most characters will reach their caps(or get close) after a few dungeons.
If you have been aggressive, giving 10 worth of levels to Rance that way is easy.
Finally, a couple dungeons IIRC give Rance +2 levels on completion.
Of course, going higher than 70 or so takes a bit too much time (do most dungeons and just keep fucking Sill).

>> No.4423690

Oh by the way, what does INT even do? I never figured it out.

>> No.4423696

Magic resistance and footman defense ratio.

>> No.4423706 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming AɳoɳTalk.com with your stupid shit.

>> No.4423814

>Yukihime leads the rest of her life as a slave sex for bandits
Fuck. Is there any way of saving that crazy slut?

>> No.4423970

I've got 32 points. Someone give me a strat for a point run through.

>> No.4424106

Takeda bonus+kill the monkey = feels good man.

>> No.4424128

Hire Yoshikage, get up to normal, search for yukihime in Asai-Asakura territory.

>> No.4424138

You need the "additional characters" perk and Asakura at normal. You can't find her while she is in a different country, only before she joins and right after you conquer them.

>> No.4424157

Don't have takeda bonus yet. Capturing all of them is a bitch. I guess I'll do that on a kill the monkey route.

>> No.4424170

Does winning a free for all give any points?

>> No.4424209


>> No.4424296

I think the real question is, why would you bother getting Rance to 99? I can't think of much reason besides beating Orochi, and 10 points isn't worth it if it takes you more than 10 additional turns...

>> No.4425695

Battle Rating manipulation is good but completely unnecessary. Damaging opponents gives you Battle Rating and killing them gives you a substantial boost as well.

I did use Ikkyu's ability once during my first 5-Star run (was fighting Natori plus 3 Ashigaru with 6k troops each), but otherwise, brute force was sufficient.

Finishing in 73 turns on 5-Star while only using characters that start with a free Passive slot, can all be cleared in the same playthrough and completing all secondary objectives... it's unrealistic.

But the thing is, with limited NP, taking all house bonuses generally isn't a good idea. You'll be at war with all of them, you'll receive very little gold and you won't be able to hire anyone for a while. At best you could buy all the bonuses and then dismiss extra units after you fire all their troops for money, but you'd still be at war with all those houses.

I only have 201 points and I can buy the standard bonuses (permits, NP), Dokugaryuu and Takeda, as well as get almost all items and the Additional Characters bonus. With just those two house bonuses I barely get enough NP to hire Gekkou in time.

I can't imagine needing more than maybe 240 points.
