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4406210 No.4406210 [Reply] [Original]

God damn it! I just found out that you could add action fan. On turn fucking 51.

>> No.4406211

And 40 satisfaction late.

>> No.4406218

lol faggot

>> No.4406224

Lol, u suck bro

>> No.4406223

Go back to /v/ you dirty casual

>> No.4406234

spent all night all morning playing it. now I want to start over.

>> No.4406238

This is normal. You haven't played Rance until your 4rth time through.

>> No.4406244

Wow. It's like I'm really on /b/v/.

Take it easy guys.

>> No.4406257
File: 27 KB, 279x321, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restart! Restart again! No one shall finish on their first run, gahahaha!

>> No.4406270

Why are Takeda commanders such a bitch to recruit?

>> No.4406275

Too glorious for your foreigner army

>> No.4406280

I sure didn't finish my first run. I hit a wall past 100 and just restarted.

>> No.4406289

My first run last summer ended with the demon army stomping my shit in way after turn 100. Boy that was fun.

>> No.4406297
File: 135 KB, 800x600, 1st game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first game was relatively easy.

>> No.4406309

>knew how footmen and unit caps worked
>knew how reinforcement system worked

The only reason I might believe you is you used Uzra instead of Naoe Ai.

>> No.4406308

I did.
With 37 points.

>> No.4406313

Hehe, when you think about it, Shingen could fit in Umineko.

>> No.4406318

I always thought it was a homage to Pokemon.

>> No.4406343
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>knew how footmen and unit caps worked

Incorrect. Senhime was my one and only 'tank'. Kouhime is only there because she was forced into my list for story progression. My top 6 commanders were pretty much all I used for the entire game, which explains why they have a decent troop count.

>knew how reinforcement system worked

What? What exactly should I have spent my SAT bonus on? Pointless bonuses like the old men? The recruit option was the only worthwhile choice after buffing up Rance and grabbing the action fan.

>> No.4406421

Stupid shit, like really awesome old guys, or kuboto actors, or getting Shibata the mental help he needs.

>> No.4406508


I saved that for my subsequent playthroughs. I just wanted to get the first true history run out of the way so I could focus on getting some points from a quick Ran run and then start capturing some house bonuses.

>> No.4406589

You saved them, as in you knew they weren't going to help you?

I bet you used the wiki first time through then. How lame.

>> No.4406601

no one gets a score higher than 0 without help unless they'd have an insane amount of dumb luck. You are SUPPOSED to get 0 on your first play, that has nothing to do with being good or bad at the game.

>> No.4406615 [DELETED] 

Good Lord. Thank God you're not at AɳoɳTalk.com.

>> No.4407042

Thanks guys, I never would have thought /jp/ would be this helpful, I'll go to /v/ and spread this awesome game.

>> No.4407082

i heard this all the time on /jp/ so on my first run through i got tons of "+2 score if character is alive at end of game" for my commanders

>> No.4407153
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>No one shall finish on their first run, gahahaha!

Maybe not. But I got what I came for.

>> No.4407212

Fucking dammit. I managed to defend myself from 3 of the Takeda blitz attacks using my secondary teams, when the last one came, my primary team was untouched. Lost for a very small difference in the battle rating.

>> No.4407235


"deep in mountain" never ceases to amuse me

>> No.4407279
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I see what you did there and sincerely applaud your performance.

>> No.4407298

So whats the best way to get get points on your second run?

>> No.4407349

And you ended up still only getting the 5 pity points.

>> No.4407356

Do a different route for 5 more pity points.

>> No.4407377

i had like 20+ (possibly 30+) actually

>> No.4407407

I'm on my first run, have 4 points, 3 chars with "endgame points", and I'm about to finish the game. And you get 10 points for finishing the game.

>> No.4407424


>> No.4407431

>And you get 10 points for finishing the game.
Are we still talking about Sengoku Rance?

>> No.4407445

>no one gets a score higher than 0 without help
But...but... I ended my first play with 37 points without using guides or anything!
Seriously people, it's not that hard!

>> No.4407465

Don't you have to finish the game in 59 turns to get anything more than 0 points in the first playthrough? That without shit like feeding the monkey and loosing either Kenshin or Houjjou?

>> No.4407498

You get bonus points from other shit you can do, like character clears and point bonuses.

>> No.4407512

My first playthrough:
-Declare war on both Hojou and Uesugi at the same time.
-Get all the reinforcements.
-Explore as many dungeons as possible.
-Before final battle use all of your affection objects to get end game points (and clear some characters).
-Travelling carnivals.
-Before final battle use all of your remaining satisfaction bonuses to add 50 troops to all units until you have 30000 troos and get additional points.

Feels good man

>> No.4407519

I know. Still, clearing characters takes turns to be accomplished, even when you are using items.

>> No.4407548
File: 19 KB, 205x194, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my first runthrough I didn't use satisfaction bonuses. I think I looked at the list once early on but when the Maeda bonus didn't do anything I reloaded and continued without looking at the command again. I seem to remember thinking "Oh, they must all be cosmetic bonuses."

... Of course, immediately after looking at the walkthrough to see how to enter IF routes I banged my head on the wall a few times. For that and other reasons. I still wonder how I beat it.

Pic related, it's my face while playing through the first time.

>> No.4407572

You finished it using a Rance that had 3 action points? Congrats...

>> No.4407684

Ok, just... how the fuck am I supposed to win the final battle?
My Rance is 47, Kentaro 40. Even If I hide both of them in the back, and switch them so only one of them gets hit by Xavier's magical hit-all bullshit I barely manage to get him down to 500 hp before both of them are out.
Am I missing something? I thought about that golden mask, but durr, can't unequip Chaos.

>> No.4407694

Guard shikigamis.

>> No.4407700

I have no diviners, nor mikos in my army.

>> No.4407719


if you won't score more than 0 points anyway just lose and let Alice weaken Xavier until you win.

You don't have Natori though? She's really useful all game and pretty helpful for healing Rance in the last battle.

>> No.4407721


Nope. I didn't even know about the wiki back then.

>> No.4407716

Did you use Kentarou's medicine against Shikibu?

>> No.4407724


>> No.4407751

Then I recommend spamming foot soldiers protection and a great amount of luck.

>> No.4407755

I'll score 16 If I win like I am right now, and I want 15 points for the Monkey route.
Xavier took over Uesugi and Miko Institute before I could declare war against them.
I've had Fuuka, but I let her die against Suzaku, since she was the weakest in my army.

>> No.4407766

But you know, can you still recruit mikos or diviners?
If there are some left to recruit, do it.

>> No.4407774

I've already put them in the back to protect them from Xavier. As I said, it's his bullshit "hit everyone for 200 damage" bullshit attack that's the problem.
Eh. I guess I'll just load a very old save and get some mikos/diviners.

>> No.4407782

You mean, you didn't tave over Uesugi nor Houjou?
Holy crap, man.

>> No.4407787

My army is full, I've got 117/114 cost/national power, and I'd lose my 10 points for 30k army If I fired anyone.

>> No.4407800

The game becomes amusingly easy once you unlock a lot of points or download someone's save. Starting out with extra high level characters is really a great help. as well as the additional action fan. It can be a bit annoying to stare at your 5 pity points after your first playthrough.

Of course I won on turn 300 or something so I didn't deserve any more.

>> No.4407802

You only need 10 points for the monkey.

>> No.4407831

How did you a get that score if you apparently didn't recruit anyone worthwhile? Did you take over Takeda and Mouri?

>> No.4407842

I HAVE taken houjou. Xavier "conquered" Uesugi, Miko institute, Mouri and Takuga before I could do it. I only managed to take over Texas and Houjou after first Xavier battle because I was clearing chars.

>> No.4407857

Turn 87
+60 basic
+2 chars with endpoints (those are +1 each, right?)
+18 for chars cleared.
+10 for 30 k army
+3 for festivals
+10 for finishing game (IF I finish it)

>> No.4407858

>I HAVE taken houjou
And you don't have any diviners?

>> No.4407870

>(those are +1 each, right?)
Those are +2 each.
>+3 for festivals
+3 for each festival.
>+10 for finishing game (IF I finish it)
+5 actually.

>> No.4407888

You are ruining my calibrations. In a good way.
I'll have 20 points total then (forgot that one of the festivals was from a different save), meaning I can replay once.
I'll try my luck.

>> No.4407902

Can you post a screen of your commander list? I just want to see how you did it.

>> No.4407931
File: 147 KB, 800x600, SR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.
Some of them have just been recruited. And some had their numbers just risen to x99, in order to barely achieve 30k.
Yes, my Yuzuhara has 4 moves. Meaning she can perfor 4 assasinations. And her assasinations are not affected by enemy troop size.

>> No.4407944

I've had ran... for 3 turns. Then suzaku comes kablooie, she's all over the floor..
I was only using her for Diviner's Permit anyway.

>> No.4407959

You should have used her to get Souun.
That guy is just a fucking house of power.

>> No.4407961
File: 123 KB, 800x600, SR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is world map if you're interested. One turn before Japan dies from too much old youkai babymen on its bridges.

>> No.4407969

Furthermore, if you had Souun you wouldn't have to sacrifice anyone against Suzaku.

>> No.4407973

Couldn't. No "search for dungeon" on Mamushi oil field. Figured I had to wait until she finds it by herself. And she was too busy being torn apart by a gay demon nigger with white hair.

>> No.4407976


>> No.4407977

After conquering all of the Houjou territory, a purple event with Ran appears.
Ran has sex with Rance so he goes to the dungeon to save Souun.
Did you use this purple event?

>> No.4407990

Nope. Didn't know that.
And look, I even have a save where she's still in in one piece.
But it's from 20 turns ago, so I don't really feel like it. How large is Syooun's army? If it's above 1000, I'll consider playing from there. Game's pretty straightforward from now on, and I could propably make some better choices too.

>> No.4408005

Wait, miko institute is working back then too. Does Oda take over countries that are at war with you?

>> No.4408012

Its retarded how anon shows off his godly "first" playthrough, but anon is even more retarded for using a guide that early on. Sorry, I don't know how it feels like looking for cheats/faqs on games before you even try finishing the game once. You might as well be those people that download only the HCGs.

>> No.4408021

Souun comes with 500 units or so.
When you go to the dungeon, Ran dies but you save Souun. However he doesn't instantly join you. He joins you automatically at the beginning of your turn 2 or 3 turns later.
If you give him around 1000 troops he will conquer fucking anything just by having time to cast a shikigami (equiping him with a protection paper might be a good idea). In individual battles he's also very powerful, but I mainly used him for guard shikigamis.
He is very easy to clear, when Suzaku appears, choose Souun to fight against him. He will kill Suzaku, and talking to him after that will clear him.
He's also very easy for getting upgrades and end-game points without wasting affection objects, since his affection increases every time you make him fight together with Rance.

>> No.4408025

Yes he does.

>> No.4408030


>> No.4408037

37 points.
Without using a guide.
Of course you won't probably believe me, but it's the truth. Yeah I admit I had a lot of luck, because I decided to fight Houjou and Uesugi at the same time, and that's very useful later.

>> No.4408042

Yes, I'm sorry for looking at the wiki of the game I am interested in. And I'm sorry for trying to milk as much points from my first playthrough as possible. I am truly a terrible creature.

>> No.4408099


yeah seriously, how dare you play a game in the way you'd enjoy it the most? You should be ashamed.

>> No.4408112

>Its retarded how anon shows off his godly "first" playthrough, but anon is even more retarded for using a guide that early on
Why is it so fucking unbelievable that you can get points in your first playthrough without using walkthrough?

>> No.4408137

So I just went "Hades dungeon"? What's this then? 18 levels saving mah actions. Suddenly 7777 hp what the fuck is this shit?!

>> No.4409146

You went to hell of your own will so they put you through hell.

>> No.4409337

To paraphrase /tg/... LOL 2FAN

(I'm sorry, that was bad.)
