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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 1280x200, 1689072770264735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43993772 No.43993772 [Reply] [Original]

Janestyle, a popular application for browsing 5ch, dropped support for 5ch.net on the 10th of July. The API key that it used got revoked. And get this, every other 3rd party application that relied on the "Jane API key" is now broken as well (which, to my knowledge, is all of them). Japs are now in complete panic mode.

>> No.43993800

is it related to reddit doing a similar move, these website owners are trying to exert more control or something?

>> No.43993803

realistically 4chan killed 3rd party apps long ago with the impossible captcha system for posting, at least I haven't found any that work with mobile anymore

>> No.43993835

Could be, Twitter definitely started a chain reaction of API stupidity.

>> No.43993879

Any alternative?

>> No.43994284

I was wondering wtf happened when my chmate stopped working
I guess jim watkins is really going full shekelgrabber now

This is true, I don't think you can post from any of the apps anymore. Blue clover is great for lurking though

>> No.43994316

Currently, no, as the API server was solely in Jane's hands, and it doesn't look like there will be any other API-like means of access for a while.

>> No.43994498
File: 92 KB, 582x433, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the threads I browse are ghost towns. One of the most active threads I frequent, which gets 1000'd once and sometimes twice, in some special occasions thrice a day, has been up for nearly 2 days. Is it over?

>> No.43994914

Might be delusional but feels like this could cause long-term user dropoff if this keeps up a bit more. 5ch users already call it a site for old people, I think a lot of the kids are close to ditching it for twitter

>> No.43995072

Apparently changing the "ch" in the URL to "Ch" will let you load threads through mate

>> No.43995959

>for twitter
Twitter is dying, and you can't post anonymously there.

>> No.43996006

Wtf I thought Musk was our guy???

>> No.43996598

>Might be delusional
You're right, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. API changes mean nothing to the end user, even if an end user is a 5ch posters, and 5ch especially has been in a constant state of "the site is dying guys we gotta go" with basically no one ever actually going. There's something you know better than anyone; when you pick a site, you stick with it. That's why you're still unironically looking at /jp/ in 2023. That's why am I!
Everythings anonymous if you disconnect it from your "main account" nowadays. You could be ななし with an @ like s765Hdaf3547lkjwrftw and many people are. Granted the people who try to be anonymous on bigger websites like that are usually just the kind to get pissy about whatever rather than ever actually talk about anything but that's a different conversation.

>> No.43997346

Twitter is doing ok. It will be fine.

>> No.43997498
File: 422 KB, 1862x1080, siki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved to Siki. It was uncomfortable at first but actually it's better than Jane Style once you get used to.

>> No.43997828

Maybe it is because you are watching Talk(talk.jp) not 5ch. JaneStyle still works (both mobile and PC) but it is now a browser for Talk which is basically a 5ch copy site. It is hardly noticeable from 3rd party browser, other than Talk has less people. I don't know about the details but apparently someone wanted to take 5ch users and bring them to Talk. But it was failed because their move was too sudden and forced.

>> No.44000778

This is what I use as well, it has support for browsing 4chan/futaba and many other bbs.

>> No.44001329

what with people shutting down API lately? I don't understand why they keep making everything worse and worse.

>> No.44001352

The web has consolidated to such an insane degree that each of the 10 or so sites people regularly use now has a monopoly over its domain

When that whole reddit drama was happening I lol'd at anyone who suggested another exodus was possible, like the whole Digg thing was gonna repeat itself. That's just about as likely as Texas seceding from the union or something. The internet is just like the Wild West, both a vast, endless frontier that was mapped out, settled & sold to the highest bidder. Everything is consolidated. Fuck the end user, you can do whatever you want to 'em. Not to say the reddit blackout wasn't very pathetic but even if they did everything right it's not like it would have done anything. 5ch is twitter is reddit is the same

>> No.44001393

The end of history was suppose to happened. We were supposed to live in eternal Y2K era forever with limit government/media consolidation of the net and infinite website domains that could stretch on forever like a garden of eden of happiness. I don't understand how these bad things could happening afterward why?

>> No.44001577

Even ignoring the consolidation part, people don't like to leave "their" websites to begin with unless it literally shuts down, which was way more common back in the day with forum-hopping.
Capitalism. Standards of all kinds of things go up, it costs more and more to run things which make it harder and harder for everyone else to start their own thing.

>> No.44001623

is it a pc app?

>> No.44001633

This, and the average intelligence of people is average... before the internet started to suck, it was populated mostly by above average people

>> No.44001788

That's just how life is. What goes up, must come down.

"It's a bad sign when things are going too well"

>> No.44002021

4chan is delightfully open, I've written my own clients for command line and monitoring. I don't use them to post though, just browse. If you can handle json and takes its a breeze.
I have been meaning to tru doing something for 5ch because the web interface is so horrible I hardly ever use it.

>> No.44002035

surely hiro would never jew us on the API r-right?

>> No.44002072

why are none of the 3rd party apps able to do posting at all?

>> No.44002094

I thought at least one of them had the slider captcha integrated
90%+ 4chan users are lurkers anyway so it's not like it matters much

>> No.44002184

if you know which one it is let me know, preferably for iphone but I also have an android too

>> No.44002371

>what with people shutting down API lately?
There’s a lot of buzz now about using social media site’s and their archives as training data for AI and the site owners want to be compensated for that.

>> No.44002421

yeah, Twitter is suing Meta for scraping their data to use for training their AI, pretty big lawsuit I think and they do have a valid point

>> No.44002474

That's really just the cover. API's are something you have to work hard to properly maintain and only gets worse as more and more developers want to use it, while also providing you basically no direct income outside of the now-hefty licensing fees. Course, that's not to say AI isn't the problem because in most cases it is, but the real problem has always been "we don't give a fuck about anyone using our site to make money or make things easier for anyone". If you don't believe me I'll direct you to the whole fuss about people getting shadowbanned for, and I shit you not;

Posting fucking links.

>> No.44002489

well if they are posting links to spam, it makes sense

>> No.44002537

Posting ANY links anon. Ranging from youtube to pixiv to a dead geocities page and everything inbetween has a chance of getting you shadowbanned. And having some in your profile only puts a bigger target on your back.

>> No.44002814

Makes sense from a product management perspective. Don't want your cattle to leave.

>> No.44003004

we had a decade and a half of fake economy propped up by cheap credit after the 2008 crash, now interest rates are rising again and suddenly everyone built on loans and VC capital needs to start showing a profit

>> No.44003489

Readchan works for android.

>> No.44003658

I use kurobaEX for Android.

>> No.44003765


>> No.44005379

any of you gaijins go there before? what it feels like? need for research purpose

>> No.44006155


>> No.44007204

I don't know, i haven't tried any of them and never tried to implement posting. So you're right in that sense, it's not so open. But when I am writing code I usually just want to browse/ analyze data, and in that sense it's very easy - you can basically just append '.json' to any 4ch URL and you're done.
Look up biblioteca anonyma if you want more on how the internals work.

>> No.44009673


>> No.44009689


>> No.44009755

The only real reason is that it is a bitch to implement 4chan's custom captcha compared to the read-only API .

>I don't use them to post though, just browse.
A little known fact - if you have a 4chan pass and the proper cookies you can still post from the straight HTML form without loading the captcha or any javascript, so I assume you could integrate POST replies if your had a pass..

>> No.44009769

I exclusively browse jfoods every so often just to see the deals and the shitposting.
It's like Japanese /ck/

>> No.44010824

link please?

>> No.44010844


>> No.44015436


I look up info on announcers.

I use this userscript to embed the images that are linked to in posts.

>> No.44018717


>> No.44018752
File: 1 KB, 155x123, chairAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

なんg is the best anon board on the internet

>> No.44018829

What's the difference between なんg and なんj ?

g - https://nova.5ch.net/livegalileo/
j - https://eagle.5ch.net/livejupiter/

>> No.44018877

j used to be the best board but something happened to the servers i think and all the fun people migrated to g
now j is 過疎ってる and g is 最強

>> No.44020260

There's one place that I know of where non-Japanese are allowed to post.

>> No.44020373

Use 2ch.sc instead.

>> No.44020410

hiro simp

>> No.44020488

is there a Japanese language board that posts a lot of gravure like every day?

>> No.44020540


Sample threads:

Kikuchi Hina #19

Fubuki Kei #2


Use this userscript to make images viewable.

>> No.44020614


>> No.44020642

KurobaEx+autocaptcha is da way

>> No.44025256

Go to find.5ch.net and search for グラビア or anything else you're curious about. It seems to do a thread title search.

>> No.44027941


>> No.44031369

slim pickins for that search term unfortunately

>> No.44031406

To be fair, most sites aren't shutting down the API, they're putting a price or free limits on it.
In this case it looks like the API key that one group was using was also being used by a number of other groups for their apps, which is a dumb situation to be in. If you have API keys then they should be given either to specific users or to specific applications so that if the user/application is misbehaving you can invalidate that key.
If the key is shared around then the misbehavior of one actor affects all the others.

>> No.44033650 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 447x1369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their equivalent of the catalog is behind a link that reads : スレッド全一覧はこちら

In it's default state, it's an unreadable wall of text. Click on the green link at the top that says 表示スタイル切替 to put each thread on its own line.

>> No.44033701
File: 273 KB, 447x1369, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their equivalent of the catalog is behind a link that reads : スレッド全一覧はこちら

In its default state, it's an unreadable wall of text. Click on the green link at the top that says 表示スタイル切替 to put each thread on its own line.

>> No.44034846
File: 468 KB, 1378x1375, 1661271988820583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chance is what I use on mobile now. It has a built-in capcha solver.

>> No.44037239
File: 509 KB, 864x1652, i.imgur.com_kX9FEZJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The talk.jp guys are using bots to fake traffic, making up fake baseball games and filling them with bot posts saying UOOOOOHHHH and LET'S GOOOOOOOOO lol

>> No.44037365
File: 399 KB, 1242x2208, i.imgur.com_hxaHWj9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you write "Does anyone else?", like 5 bots will reply "I do!" no matter what

>> No.44037755

is that a phone app?

>> No.44038096

This is more validation for the dead internet theory.

>> No.44048274

It's honestly not all that hard to achieve if you want to do it.
Hell, I made a fake procedurally generated 4chan for fun many many years ago.
The basic version was a simple sentence generator, but the 2nd version that I never bothered to complete would have been a way more substantial system that generated a virtual person with likes/dislikes and behaviours. (I used that system for something else entirely though)

Websites killing off APIs will only make it harder for bots, but not impossible.
I mean, let's face it, what is cheaper for a website operator -
1) a controlled API that gives only the required data that is requested
2) a bot loading the page directly, requesting unnecessary crap, wasting even more bandwidth
I'd rather have the API, even if people never paid for it. Simply have API limits for abusers, problem solved.
This whole "either or" approach is retarded. It only causes a cat and mouse game where they inevitably lose.
Someone wanting to scrape your site(s) without permission WILL scrape it whether you want it or not.
Only massive websites can afford to create complex obfuscation and DRM to stop people scraping data, and they inevitably fall as all have previously. (DRM especially)

Current captchas are flawed.
The shitty one on here was beaten in 7 hours by someone on /g/ for shits and giggles.
It has since been taken advantage of by spammers and botters for malicious reasons. (usually spamming threads to shut them down directly or indirectly via frustration)

>> No.44048343

It's almost as if, with enough permutations, someone can build a neural net to recognise letters and numbers with accuracy approaching that of a human.

Honestly, these days anti-bot stuff is just a bare minimum skill barrier.

>> No.44048912

I even called it the day they added it that it was going to get cracked open so fucking easily.
I expected it would take maybe a day or 2, but when I woke up the next day it was done in 7 hours.
The fact this piece of shit captcha is still in place is mindboggling.
They're either being paid to keep it there or they don't give a fuck. So many boards are filled with obvious and not-so-obvious spam and bot posts.

>> No.44052523


>> No.44053372

>The shitty one on here was beaten in 7 hours by someone on /g/ for shits and giggles.
I didn't know that, did someone make an app that can beat it?

>> No.44053687

None public that I know of.
There's one that was used by some Discord shitters, and some by some other imageboard to spam /b/ with.
The guy on /g/ never released his because he knew it would be abused, but he did show his overall progress and got thread-deleted several times in the process. Probably banned too. lol

>> No.44054074

I never understood what the point of IB apps was. I mean, on PC things like 4chanX are obviously better but the phone apps just dumb down the whole experience considerably further.
And why do phonefags complain about the captcha? Is it because they are iToddlers who can't figure out how to install a proper, full-sized keyboard on their shit phones?
For me browsing image boards on my phones is almost no different than on my PC.

>> No.44054099

>Everythings anonymous if you disconnect it from your "main account" nowadays. You could be ななし with an @ like s765Hdaf3547lkjwrftw and many people are.
No, you can't.
That's called namefagging, or personalityfagging, or avatarfagging, or tripfagging, or whatever you wanna call it. The fact remains that you assume a persona to which all posts made are tied to. This is completely against everything anon stands for - where each post is judged by its value alone, untethered to any pre-conceived personality.
Lurk ten more years.

>> No.44054648

For 4chan it is just phone addiction
The 5ch app meanwhile is pretty much necessary since the site is designed so badly

>And why do phonefags complain about the captcha?
The most recent captcha update broke all 4chan apps but one in terms of posting
It is interesting though. If the goal was not to make it bot-proof then what was the goal of the new captcha?

>> No.44054795

I use the PC all the time when I am home, but when I am out and about I would like a quick easy way to check in here and make posts on the fly that isn't a complete pain like using the phone browser and trying to zoom in to read the captcha then zoom back out, etc

>> No.44054916

not to mention it would be really nice to have a single all in one easy to use app to read and post multiple sites and easily see all the images, etc.

>> No.44056083


>> No.44058843

Which gets more traffic: 2ch or 5ch?

>> No.44062630

is there a 3rd contender too?

>> No.44062690

3ch isn't real

>> No.44062753

I prefer 1v1 over battle royale.

>> No.44062855

is 8ch gone forever?

>> No.44064640

it does seem to help though

>> No.44064769

>If the goal was not to make it bot-proof then what was the goal of the new captcha?
It's probably more effective than using Google's captcha simply because that's a service where there is a constant massive incentive to compromise it from more popular services. So while the 4chan captcha may be less sophisticated, it is more resilient against script-kiddies.

Also Google can't fuck over 4chan by pulling the carpet out from under them as easily now (Cloudflare still could).

>> No.44065009

I thought the issue with google's captcha was that it wasn't intended to be used as often as you would use it for posting, so it'd end up making it harder and harder to solve.

>> No.44069183

Why would they do this? Site itself is shit to use and navigate. Using janestyle was simply mandatory to have a good experience there.

>> No.44069255

Works on my phone

>> No.44069579

Where'd you hear that from *besides* the people complaining it takes forever to solve? That was an issue if you had a suspect (privacy-sensitive) setup, because Google's captcha uses your personalized browser info to distinguish from bots. I don't think that specifically would be a big deal to the admins if the captcha was still effective at keeping bots out in the long term.

>> No.44070027

>impossible captcha system
Git gud

>> No.44072736

in this day and age, everyone should be privacy sensitive

>> No.44074251


>> No.44074264

Jim Watkins is to blame

>JaneStyle expressed her feelings about the 5ch coup turmoil "Advertising space was stripped from 5ch management"


>> No.44079402


>> No.44082141

Am I wrong to think that one could build an interface to 5ch without an official API. Its web front end is ancient and doesn't change that much, so it seems like a stable target for scraping.

>> No.44082424

I wonder this too, preferably one that would auto load all the pics too

>> No.44082502

Thank you, I would really like to find some Japanese people to talk with.

>> No.44082639

I speak to Japanese people every day in person, must suck to be somewhere where this isn't what you can do too

>> No.44082668

Yes, I am learning two languages I can only barely speak locally and it's painful. I tried coping by making a new way to write the local language, nope didn't work, now I feel alienated in three ways.

>> No.44082688

that is brutal, I'm going for a walk right now and will get to speak Japanese to someone in about 15 minutes

>> No.44082787

Still not sure how it happened. I'm going to go back into kobudo and see if that helps, there must be a way to migrate, or at least to meet more people in meatspace.
A good day to you.

>> No.44083335

>preferably one that would auto load all the pics too
My userscript does that, and it also lazy loads the images so that the images don't start loading until you scroll near enough to them. That way, image heavy threads won't crush your bandwidth as hard.

>5ch.net image inserter

>Lazy Loading img tags

>> No.44083458

you will never be japanese

>> No.44083536


>> No.44086333

>DAT file description

>DAT file url template


>Corresponding Thread

>> No.44086428

For a read-only system, you need this plus
+ a way to get a list of threads and
+ a way to get a list of forums.

That's all public info. It's spread across a lot of domains which makes it a bit more confusing than it had to be, but it's not insurmountable. I haven't investigated posting yet, but there are probably predictable endpoints for that too.

I'm left wondering, what the fuck do you need an API for? What did it even provide that wasn't already public data? I'm a 5ch noob so I sincerely don't know, but I'm curious.

>> No.44088289

how many hours of programming work would it take to make a mobile multi chan app that can read posts and auto load pics, and maybe to make it easier to add posting just give you a button to get the link to the post so you could just open it in your browser to do any posting?

>> No.44088363

[Sad news] All the proxies I used to post on 5ch with are blocked now

>> No.44088801

Look in to residential proxies.

>> No.44091271

how do those work?

>> No.44092206

API's are way simpler to use and predictable

>> No.44097441

Currently posting from KurobaEx

>> No.44097982

Anything for iPhone?

>> No.44097987

There are companies that rent IP addresses and bandwidth from people who have internet service subscriptions to their home, and this bandwidth is resold to whomever wants to appear as if they were a residential user. A lot of VPNs use IPs from big data centers, and those can be identified now, so this is the next step in the arms race between those who want to restrict access by country and those who want to have access.

>> No.44099460

That's funny

>> No.44099869

can you access those through a proxy? in other words, use say protonvpn to access the residential proxy to get the benefits of proton and be able to access sites that block the big data center vpns?

>> No.44100019

I've never tried, but I'm sure someone could figure out a way to configure that kind of proxy chaining.

>> No.44101086

I need to look into it, as it stands, normal vpns are kind of useless because almost all the sites one would want to use as a daily casual thing make it impossible to do with any of the big vpn companies. For example, even trying to sign up for instagram while on a vpn like mullvad or proton and you get banned for no reason.

>> No.44101179

VPN detection is very common now.

>> No.44102557

what do you recommend?

>> No.44107392

i thought everyone moved to shitaraba already. except for couple of long running generals

>> No.44107602

That's just a 避難所

>> No.44109181

Pretty sure that AI model is public. KurobaEX and a firefox addon uses it.

>> No.44112396
File: 14 KB, 1207x353, 5chded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they seriously block foreign IPs on the find subdomain or what?

>> No.44113560

Nah works for me in the US

>> No.44113598

Ah it works again now. Must've been maintenance. I see they also fixed the user interface, it's actually fucking usable now. Guess the whole JaneStyle thing shook 'em up a bit.

>> No.44113644

This. I don't get the point of using apps for websites anyway. Why would I want yet another abstraction or some shit web-wrapper when i could just go in my browser that does everything the app does anyway?

>> No.44113653

I only use 4chan apps for the nsfw board when I'm having a toss. The gallery function is vital

>> No.44114422

judeo-capitalism, you mean. When exploited by bad actors, it becomes satanic and against the people, sucking off their wealth to the last penny. No one wins except the parasites at the very top.

>> No.44114454

I get why there are apps for 5ch. The UI on its web site is bad even by Web 1.0 standards.

>> No.44114463

The website was so broken for the past few years until literally today that it was pretty much unusable.
Like, you would have to scroll all the way near the bottom of the page just to see the actual posts.

>> No.44117923

on the phone the browser is extremely painful to use

>> No.44119029

especially vital for any of the other chans I think

>> No.44120820

any solutions for iPhone?

>> No.44126231

>on the phone the browser is extremely painful to use
I don't find this to be the case for 4chan. On Android, I install the Kiwi Browser which lets me install Violentmonkey extension. Then I can install 4chan X. That's been good enough for when I'm browsing on my phone.

5ch, on the other hand, is begging for a better UI. It's better on mobile than it is for desktop, but there's room for improvement.

>> No.44126438

my eyes have difficulty with small print so I have to try to magnify and move the screen around to enter a post and work the captcha, it is quite painful

>> No.44126494

That's legitimate.

>> No.44128303

I wonder how hard it would be for Koruba to port to iphone

>> No.44131729

Have any of you Linuxfags tried this?

>> No.44135200

The scriptfag is destroying both nanj and nang now...

>> No.44135476

What's going on?

>> No.44135516
File: 641 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230726-152131_ChMate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls made some autistic guy mad so he developed a script to spam 2 of the fastest boards

>> No.44135992

been exploring with kuroba, any boards you can recommend?

>> No.44137844

lol, probably not trolls that made him mad though, probably jannies

>> No.44144756

What's moderation like on 5ch? Not being able to post due to being outside of Japan, I've never got to test for myself what gets through and what doesn't.

>> No.44145738

The 4chan style timeouts are not a thing, instead of temp bans you get IP blocked but 5ch/2channel has a notorious history of randomly cycling bans on IPs with little rhyme or reason. So to get IP blocked on purpose in 5ch you have to make a big amount of people angry several times until somehow the site mods catch wind. Which means guro spammers and trolls have a lot more freedom there and get away for days or even weeks.

It is really weird, like a portal back in time to 2008 era 4chan when spam was everywhere, & the site often went down so people hopped to different chans some of which had their own community. Even in 2023 you still have lots of refugee sites like おんj, 防弾g, shitaraba boards, etc. And they get used really often. This is kinda weird but I wonder if 4chan's entire approach to moderation is what killed off this site's fun-ness. I want an alternate history version of 4chan where moot never got taken to court, where doxxing/spamming was never cracked down on, captcha was never implemented, and off-topic/NSFW was allowed on every board. You can barely do anything in here without the mods breathing down your neck, just check 4bans if you want an idea of what deserves a 3-day vacation nowadays

>> No.44146460

>This is kinda weird but I wonder if 4chan's entire approach to moderation is what killed off this site's fun-ness
there is no doubt this is what ruined 4chan

>> No.44146762

What killed 4chan was its users, the more time passes the more we reach a new low of low quality posters, and its all the fault of phones.

>> No.44148225

By the standards of what you think anon is, this is a kuso post.

>> No.44148255

4chan would be unusable with the level of current bots and old-style moderation. What made really old 4chan good was ruthlessly cracking down on bad posting etiquette and having a tight-knit community.

Truly laissez-faire moderation is only "fun" for malicious actors who don't want to face consequences.

>> No.44148391

One thing 5ch and other Japanese sites do right is to IP ban the rest of the world. It makes it harder for foreign entities to wage info war on them.

>> No.44148517

this is true about the entire internet, I miss the good old days when the average intelligence on the internet was about 30 points higher

>> No.44149032

wish they didn't use Twitter or instagram either

>> No.44150035

>What made really old 4chan good was ruthlessly cracking down on bad posting etiquette and having a tight-knit community.
We are not talking about what made it good though, but what made it fun. 5ch is filled with tards and there is no posting etiquette, but it's still fun. Anyway I digress

>> No.44153046

Truer words, etc.
I MISS the nazi moderation of yesterdecade. It kept out absolute shit-tier people and the site was still loads of fun.
Needless sagebombs and other undesirables got shitslapped the fuck out of here.
But then moot had his little pubescent shitfit and kicked out one of the few mods that actively hunted down dumb gaiafags, weebs and raid kiddies and told them to fuck off back to wherever they came from.
"No", that's not for little mooytkins. Nope, no sir, he wants the drama, he wants the hassle, he wants to be welcoming to dumb FYAD fucks and shitty forum children stinking of the place.
Snacks is a cunt now, but I still would rather have current-Snacks over anyone here. Just clone the fucker. He can DJ and mod. Problem solved.

>> No.44153059

overmoderation is never a good thing

>> No.44153310

I dunno man. I had way more fond memories of 2004 than I do now.
And that's not romanticization of the past. There was a lot of shit. But it was a lot of fun shit too because most of the userbase of this site were generally intelligent and tech literate.
Now there's just a lot of shit and very little fun shit, with a site now filled with iPhone and Android users.
That's arguably a numbers thing though. There's way too many people versus mods / jannies. Way too many. The tools are also shitty, based on most of the leaks we've had over the years.
It's funny how, over the years, there's been loads of requests to ban phoneposting. Won't happen. If any group of people were to be banned, it would actually be desktop users. because they ARE more tech literate and can block the ads! Most people browse via the mobile site despite the apps.

>> No.44153352

overmoderation is what we have now, 2004 was way more free and way more of a wild west attitude, I agree with you things were way better back then (and even better in the 90s)

>> No.44156675

what boards?

>> No.44157609

>what boards?


>> No.44164636


>> No.44165659
File: 50 KB, 998x621, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else seeing this?
nova.5ch.net won't send a response to an IP in Los Angeles, but if I use my proxy in Japan, I get content back.

>> No.44165669
File: 55 KB, 1058x336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

via Japanese proxy

>> No.44166376

itest.5ch.net/subback/livegalileo seems to be working
for some reason it only seems to affect the desktop version of the site? sasuga JIM

>> No.44166564

They do this dumb bs all the time

>> No.44169961

this whole thread is a good read, some real quality posters contributing

>> No.44170421

One thing to keep in mind is that moderation is not necessarily curation, but the two are often conflated.
When people want a open space independent of (a certain) quality, moderation sets the level ground from which a subset of discussion can occurs.
When people want a good space of a certain quality, curation promotes the discussion of that quality from the ground level.

4chan these days seems to have varied moderation per board and virtually no curation (though plenty bogeymanned), while in the past it would actively discriminate the quality of discussion to the point of curation, depending on the time and board. /b/ was so exceptional for it's lack of that precedence, really.

>> No.44175176

I've done some mod work before (not here). What you quickly realize is banning people/deleting posts does close to nothing. When a community is good, it's not because the mods are doing their job -- it's because bad users just don't go to that community. Good communities are self-sustaining, a couple bad eggs show up now and then & it's very easy to get rid of them. But say you have a place like /v/, how on earth would you even curate that? This is one of those things that can't possibly scale up.

4chan moderation barely effects the quality of a board, for better or worse. Obviously mods themselves can do a lot to change the quality of the site, like changing rules, giving us new features, opening up new boards, removing ads, etc. But deleting and banning people does almost nothing. People who have never modded before would be surprised at how little it changes things.

>> No.44175715 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 499x388, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44176194
File: 274 KB, 1534x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to see how slow the download was, but to my pleasant surprise, the linux appimage was downloaded quickly. Now, I can read 4chan and 5ch from the same app. That's kinda cool.

>> No.44176995 [DELETED] 

overmoderation ruins a board though, for sure

>> No.44177018

does it also work for Kohlchan?

>> No.44177112

what's the graph on the scrollbar supposed to mean? Chmate has it too

>> No.44177184

has anyone tried JaneXeno?

>> No.44177382
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20201014-203552_JaneStyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I'd even say the only rules that truly matter are rules 1 and 10 (no illegal stuff and no spamming). You could remove all the other rules and the site would be 90% the same, maybe even better. There's been only a few times where I was glad mods were around, but way more times where I was angry mods deleted a perfectly good thread just because it was "off topic". Meanwhile 5ch has no topicality rules and it works great.

And if you give rulesfags everything they ask for, you get a site like Futaba. A boring, dying site where people barely even make jokes or have a sense of humor, and no one writes dissenting opinions because they'll get DEL spammed until their post is gone.

You wanna hear my solution for 4chan? Split boards like /v/ or /tv/ into two, and you govern one of them like 5ch, and the other like Futaba. All jannies will be moved to the Futaba-style version with stricter moderation than usual, while the 5ch versions will have no rules except global rules 1 and 10 (and maybe the doxxing rule, can't remember if it's required). Most people will use the 5ch-style version, while everyone who complains about board quality will move to the much more moderated futaba-style one. You give both sides what they want, both sides are happy.

People will say 4chan already tried this with red/blue boards. But the entire idea of that is retarded. When a guy makes a shitpost thread on /tv/, it's because he wants to discuss it with /tv/ users -- that's why he makes it there. I'm pretty much certain this would fix 4chan's moderation problems in one fell swoop, but of course I'm some rando, so who cares.

>> No.44177473

It seems to show where in the thread images are, but there might be more to it than that.

>> No.44177794
File: 13 KB, 703x176, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does it also work for Kohlchan?
>.... は解析できませんでした

>> No.44181340

that's a shame, that is a great board

>> No.44183016

what happened?

>> No.44184547
File: 121 KB, 1024x576, tiktok-12182022-elon-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44186429

Musk is doing a lot of good things desu

>> No.44188459

any other boards that have a similar board like /gif/ here?preferably more Japanese content?

>> No.44188874

>>You wanna hear my solution for 4chan? Split boards like /v/ or /tv/ into two, and you govern one of them like 5ch, and the other like Futaba. All jannies will be moved to the Futaba-style version with stricter moderation than usual, while the 5ch versions will have no rules except global rules 1 and 10 (and maybe the doxxing rule, can't remember if it's required). Most people will use the 5ch-style version, while everyone who complains about board quality will move to the much more moderated futaba-style one. You give both sides what they want, both sides are happy.
The /v/ splits introduced a few years ago seem to serve that in an alternate way. And it does fuck-all to the dude looking to shitpost on /v/, for better or worse.

>> No.44188963

All the good stuff is posted on nip twitter now, you gotta follow them
But futaba does have gif/mp4 threads on may a lot, might even find some accounts to follow there

>> No.44189028

>The web has consolidated to such an insane degree that each of the 10 or so sites people regularly use now has a monopoly over its domain
The founders of Google accidentally turned the internet into a monopoly of 10 or so websites that everyone uses. Had they went with a different algorithm for their search engine then maybe the internet would look like a very different place.

>> No.44189031

True. Great for people who like RPGs, but you can't just split /v/ into a million more boards

4chan wants to cater both to shitposters and serious-discussion-havers, but the shitposters make serious discussion very hard to maintain, while the rule-heavy moderation also makes shitposting not as fun as it should be. So you end up with a bland compromise where neither side is really satisfied.

>> No.44191028

>4chan wants to cater both to shitposters and serious-discussion-havers, but the shitposters make serious discussion very hard to maintain, while the rule-heavy moderation also makes shitposting not as fun as it should be. So you end up with a bland compromise where neither side is really satisfied.
In practice this leads to islands of discussion on boards, which can coalesce into a general board (or just general) culture. Nothing of permanence or long-term consistency, but worthwhile in the moment.
The problem is trying to find these islands as someone who is not already in that context. Being a true /jp/sie wouldn't give you insight to some great series discussion on /co/, for example.

>> No.44191160

Don't care, all the threads I use moved to either jbbs or jpnkn

>> No.44191251

sadly google is still adding to that, I remember 20 years ago you could google any topic and lots of random small forums and blogs would pop up in your search, now google search just gives you garbage and google never supports small forums anymore, I hate google for this

>> No.44191457

Similar thing happened to youtube
Remember when you could go down a youtube rabbit hole of progressively lesser known videos? Now it's just the same handful of vids everyone else is watching, but it randomly suggests a video with 2 views now to compensate

>> No.44191851

>but it randomly suggests a video with 2 views now to compensate
I've had a fairly-informed acquaintance about those "weird no-view" videos from people I've known about that without prompting while they were browsing - they WANT to be hooked in with what's been popularized over what hasn't.
Unfortunate, but hard to say they're "wrong" when they are clearly looking for something I'm not.

>> No.44192632

I read your post 3 times and I still can't quite figure out what you are saying

>> No.44192770

Forgot a verb:
I've had a fairly-informed acquaintance *complain* about
Basically they got a niche video, noticed, and complained about it as if it were a fluke to be ignored.

>> No.44197304

Kinda makes sense when most of them are just crap
From my memory old youtube used to have clusters of related videos and they would recommend based on that instead of how many views. So if you watched a video with 100K views you would get a bunch of vids on the same topic that are like 20 or 30K views, then click on those and you see new recs with like 5K views, etc.
Maybe I remember wrong though

>> No.44198824

I notice how youtube is really making it hard for new producers to actually get a chance at views, I see a lot of quality channels with lots of quality production videos and every one has less than 125 views

>> No.44199226

If you follow the YouTube meta and have good thumbnails that stuff does tend to get picked up by the audience in the end.

The problem is that smaller, niche creators are kinda getting choked out because the system is not as good at finding their audience. Like if you make a 20-30 minute video essay about a game or show, the algorithm is great at promoting this shit which is why these videos are so popular. But if you make animations or music or blogposts, YT is much worse at promoting these so they never get popular.

But yeah if they're doing the video essay thing with a good thumbnail, they'll get big eventually

>> No.44199758

You know as much as people are shitting on the format, once you find a few people who do OC or at least original research you've got the kind of documentary content I would've dreamed about as a kid.
Though more than anything they actually got me back into reading - since again, those who take it seriously do original reading and list their citations.
...and then you have lazy LLM-generated or manually generated linguistic vomit around a topic with little care given to presentation beyond a template. I just ignore them, but I imagine it's pretty easy to get pulled into those by accident and feel basically scammed out of your time.

>> No.44200808

Yeah I can't complain because what we're getting now on youtube is just straight up better than TV was for the vast majority of its history.

>> No.44202789

They've quarantined all their adult boards under another domain. I think you need a Japanese IP to read and post.

>> No.44206704


>> No.44208356

Is there any place we can talk to the devs to ask them to fix this?

>> No.44208573

I've been moderating and tard wrangling in big communities in the past, can confirm. Nothing beats a tightly neat community that's focused on one task. If there's nothing to do and no goals to achieve, it starts degrading real fast.

>> No.44208591

>Nothing beats a tightly neat community that's focused on one task.
I concur. This is key.

>> No.44212073

wish more forums on the net existed like this instead of lame reddit

>> No.44213328

why do boards like that have such a lame way to show photos? it feels like work even trying to read a single thread

>> No.44218593

The terrible state of their web site led to the creation of a lot of reader apps over the years, and my guess is that most of the hard core users interact with the site through those instead.

>> No.44220873

I wish this were the case on iphone, I can't seem to find any that work well for viewing, seeing pics, and posting

>> No.44222908

they would ignore I'm sure

>> No.44228296

any non-english non-japanese language imageboards that are super active you might recommend? I'm interested in getting exposure to some other cultures that are maybe not so politically correct and crazy as the western ones

>> No.44229559

Is Finnish OK? Their imageboard software is nice.

>> No.44231177

Does 5ch have anything like /biz/?

>> No.44235255

Most of those guys are on kenmo I believe

>> No.44236230

This thread came in very handy to me while 4chan was down, thanks for posting good info

>> No.44237332

why do I keep getting errors when I try to load dvach with kuroba... "if a browser check gets stuck..."

I can't read the rest of the message of what to do

>> No.44242631


>> No.44245343

is it impossible to use dvach with a vpn on mobile?

>> No.44247406

I'm using mullvad on my phone

>> No.44247962

>Their imageboard software is nice.
>basically requires an account to post due to cookie fuckery
>unironic gold accounts
>literal reddit badges

>> No.44249693

They didn't use to have any of that.
In my defense, I hadn't visited that place in over a year.
It changed a lot.

>> No.44250366

He came up under Barry Soetoro so I never trusted him.ar4xpd

>> No.44250571

I found another board where non-Japanese are allowed to post.

>> No.44250579

Don't forget upvotes. Then again, I forget whether Futaba or Ylilauta came up with them first.

>> No.44252886

upvoting and downvoting isn’t good for mental health

>> No.44255071

are the boards on 5ch that are Japanese only good to go with vpn?

>> No.44255134

On bbspink.com where they have all their adult content, I was able to read and post with a VPN.
However, they employ VPN detection on most of their other boards, so you may be able to read, but you will not be allowed to post.

>> No.44256240

bump to survive the spammer

>> No.44256962

and again

>> No.44261317

I put my userscripts in a git repo.

>> No.44263236

cool, thanks for that

>> No.44265127

what board would be just as busy as 4chan? any?

>> No.44266772


>> No.44267451

How do they detect vpns?

>> No.44267683

The point is that you can make a thread and have discussions in it without having to bump it all the fucking time like a schizo because if you don't post in it for 3 minutes it gets purged.

>> No.44267703

Indeed, but to answer his question the closest would probably be the NanJ and the news4vip boards.
Jannies (the few they have) do sometimes lock threads there, but that's a rarity. It's usually hitting the 1000 post limit that ends threads, so it's not uncommon to see barely active threads from like... 2014 still get new posts from time to time.

>> No.44269113

A lot of commercial VPNs use big data centers, and there are people who maintain lists of what IP ranges are allocated to those big data centers. That's probably combined with some investigative work by companies who sell VPN detection as a service. Here's one example of such a company.

>> No.44271757

well that sucks

>> No.44272018

Visit while an NPB baseball game is live. They fill up multiple thousand post generals per game.

>> No.44272086

Shitposters discover threads that are 20+ years old and spam them to death fairly often

>> No.44272254

accidentally? is that what their PR says?
do people actually trust VPNs?
I always figured only the shadiest people would use them
thus there must be a crazy amount of money to be made from storing the activity of its users

>> No.44272367

There are already laws in place to fix stuff like this.
The only problem is that people don't realize they apply. Ironically the more these companies push their agenda that "information is property" the more they're just making the case for those laws to come crashing down on them.
Not just monopoly laws, but also stuff like "public forums" which those sites clearly have become.

>> No.44274381

stick with the trustable ones like proton

>> No.44277099

What makes them trustable?

>> No.44277123

*Subs to blue and hides checkmark*

>> No.44279411

EU privacy laws and audits, mullvad is good too I think

>> No.44281800

I didn't know you could hide checkmark

>> No.44283797

would be nice if a more grassroots feel could come back, where a dedicated otaku could make a simple site and get traffic and not be a spammer just trying to scam money

>> No.44285171

need more boards to follow

>> No.44285356

>need more boards to follow
Board discovery is a pain in the ass, isn't it. Are you in to dramas? They have general threads for ongoing dramas here:

>> No.44286739

What are some "western" Japanese imageboards? I know /librejp/ and heyuris /jp/

>> No.44287012

IMHO it's actually a good system as long as you actually put a name to it and there are consequences. Otherwise it is just expressing a community's preference for something as an aggregate, which on a site dedicated to content aggregation creates a powerful positive feedback loop.
If you don't go to communities where people feel obligated to lie, bullshit, or you know - just be an unproductive, useless bother to others - voting is a great way to explore and appreciate the differences in taste in yourself versus the more normalized masses, and perhaps glean something from that you can use to improve your own self.
So with that in mind, anons on 4chan having an opinion on upvotes/downvotes is like listening to a cannibal make valid arguments on the folly of vegetarians.
I actually don't use any voting sites for content/posting, but I do make boring paragraphed posts in email-style on imageboards that people cannot believe has fuck-all to do with reddit or digg or whatever. If you think I need to "go back" I guess it's going back to some PHPBB forum in the early 00s.

>> No.44287027

You can still do that, just look at imageboard directories and you can find plenty still kickin' .
It's just an actual chore where thanklessness is normalized - if you're not doing it for yourself you'll probably get bored fast.

>> No.44287104

Well, at least to my knowledge the upvotes on Futaba and Ylilauta actually do nothing with regards to content aggregation. It's just a glorified "this" counter.

>> No.44289026

>It's just a glorified "this" counter.

>> No.44290159

I’m still shell shocked from previous addictions to Reddit in the past.

>> No.44291908

I didn't know about imageboard directories, will look into it, thanks

>> No.44292923

Are you using PC only?

>> No.44293714

I've only tested these scripts in ViolentMonkey and various Chromium-derivative browsers for desktop Linux.

>> No.44295431

I guess I should fire up Linux on my desktop again, I gave up on it while I was in school last term because I didn't have time to dick around when some of the software I needed in my courses only ran properly in windows

>> No.44297613

It should work on Windows too. The OS isn't really relevant here. If you're using ViolentMonkey on either Chromium or Firefox, it should work. I forgot I tested it on Firefox too.

>> No.44301183

I'll give it a try

>> No.44305148

would be nice to integrate some kind of on-the-fly translator

>> No.44311658

You know exactly what the answer is but you don't want to hear it because you'd lash out out of hopelessness

>> No.44313124
File: 7 KB, 80x80, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44314860

spell it out for us confused people please

>> No.44317626

Lots of good info

>> No.44317745

Gimme a J!

>> No.44321193

Now I’m even more confused

>> No.44321850
File: 40 KB, 300x300, J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gimme a J!

>> No.44324027

anyone else here follow schizolab?

>> No.44331216

he hangs out on /x/ and /wsg/

>> No.44332573

That's ok, 2ch is better anyway.

>> No.44332633

It looks like a ghost town over there. Are there any boards that managed to stay alive?

>> No.44335774

What's he known for?

>> No.44336954

>virgin API user

>> No.44339190

He has a tiktok that he posts stuff about that TempleOS programmer guy and also stuff about 4chan and he seems to be a neet

>> No.44339389

If you're just reading, you don't even have to scrape. They have data files for threads in predictable locations.


>> No.44339444

This file isn't there anymore. Maybe it gets moved after the thread hits 1000 posts.

Here is a dat file for a currently active thread:

Corresponding thread:

>> No.44340009


>> No.44344472


>> No.44347161
File: 49 KB, 496x227, barbie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems like a good guy.

>> No.44348198

Yeah, he seems really cool, I like his tiktok videos

>> No.44348430

I wish people would stop bugging him by calling him a girl.

>> No.44348838
File: 37 KB, 528x362, x-g-combo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like /x/ and /g/. I've probably interacted with him without knowing it.

>> No.44353640

I'm curious what orange boards lol

>> No.44354364

What site is that screenshot from?

>> No.44354487

click on the link I provided.
search for the string "Dez" on the page.
You'll find it.

>> No.44354517

Nice! Are you Dez?

>> No.44354552

I'm not. That person just asked a question I was curious about, so I took a screenshot.

>> No.44354668 [DELETED] 

What does this have to do with 5ch?

>> No.44354692

I think the conversation is about chans in general

>> No.44355212

Where are the dat files for older threads that hit the post limit on 5ch?

>> No.44357303

like an archive?

>> No.44358667


>> No.44363645

thanks, looking at that now, is there any issues with language in figuring it all out?

>> No.44363830
File: 50 KB, 967x600, no-livegalileo-for-gaijin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is useful. It can get around 5ch's region blocking.

From Los Angeles, I can't hit:
However, I *can* see:
...and get a response formatted as a DAT file.

>> No.44363884

If you want to deploy it yourself, the little bits of English in the README are enough to get it up and running. He has a deployment on 2ch.lain.im, but if I were to want to read a lot of 5ch content, I'd deploy it myself on my own Cloudflare Workers account.
Their free tier is plenty for casual reading with 100k free requests per day.

Even though the DAT is missing from 5ch, 2ch.lain.im can reconstruct it.

>> No.44365216

wow, super cool info, thanks for sharing your knowledge

>> No.44365225

this statement is aging like milk on August though

>> No.44367381

Twitter is doing fine, busier than ever, one of the last places to get news on the social media internet in Canada since most of the other sites have pulled all news in Canada due to Trudeau's bill that passed

I go on Twitter (X) many times a day

>> No.44373696

probably /gif/ and does /b/ count as "orange"?

>> No.44381793

>does /b/ count as "orange"?

>> No.44382039

I notice Kohlchan is a relatively active board, anyone have any other suggestions that they enjoy visiting multiple times per day?

>> No.44386272

is it possible to whitelist an entire country just by IP?

>> No.44386381

based hiroshimoot fucking over phonefag underageb&s

>> No.44388315

I think so.

>> No.44392168


>> No.44395993


>> No.44401542

someone on Lainchan was linking to a post that said that due to continuing server issues that Kohlchan was shutting down, but so far it still seems to be working fine, I hope it is just a false alarm and they got their server issues worked out

>> No.44404095

>why are none of the 3rd party apps able to do posting at all?
Captcha solving on 4chan is apparently a bitch, but I don't know all the details. With that said, the latest JKCS does a very good job. It's theoretically possible to slay this dragon.

>> No.44404594

Is it possible to deploy this to something other than CloudFlare Workers?

>> No.44404616

the biggest problem with 4chan is that vpn's are blocked, other imageboards are better because of this

>> No.44405292

make new when hits page 10

>> No.44405366

We started out talking about JaneStyle dropping 5ch support, but the conversation took a lot of interesting tangents since then. I feel like the discussion should remain mostly 5ch-related but allow discussion of other anonymous imageboards and textboards. Back in the day, there used to be a lot of little low traffic imageboards on the Japanese side of the internet. There might still be some little gems that survived into the social media era. Oldfags may remember.

>> No.44405370
File: 141 KB, 320x426, enako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reason; just because.

>> No.44405602

I would call it a problem if 4chan weren't a "main" imageboard. For smaller boards VPN use doesn't really change anything but in our case not banning them would cause nothing but problems. Not to say shitposters can't get past it, they can, but putting a hurdle down is way better than not.

>> No.44406476

Pretty much all of them are dead due to one of the following: the sites being taken down, lack of maintenance of the CGI scripts, or straight up abandonment in favor of SNS sites.
It's actually really sad what the centralization of the net has done to internet comms and the process of forming communities. All we can do now is examine what little is left through IA's web archives and preserved BBS logs.

>> No.44407400


>> No.44407462

4chan itself sometimes feels like an unexplored wilderness. There are a few boards I like, and there are many boards I've barely ever visited if at all.
For example, I didn't know >>>/gd/ existed.

>> No.44409583

I like this thread, it is a very useful discussion of 5ch and other boards, I learned a lot, thanks

>> No.44409603
File: 1.66 MB, 1152x1536, enako.hq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higher quality

>> No.44409649


>> No.44410232

I'd start new but I don't have a good 5ch logo

>> No.44410250

How about this one?

>> No.44411026


>> No.44411272

